diff --git a/help/wix.md b/help/wix.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e12f7501c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/wix.md
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Create WiX Setup
+If you often ship software to customers, it might be comfortable for you to install it using setups rather than manually deploying.
+FAKE provides you with support for creating MSI setups using the WiX Toolset (http://wixtoolset.org/).
+## Minimal working example
+ Target "BuildWiXSetup" (fun _ ->
+ // This defines, which files should be collected when running bulkComponentCreation
+ let fileFilter = fun (file : FileInfo) ->
+ if file.Extension = ".dll" || file.Extension = ".exe" || file.Extension = ".config" then
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ // Collect Files which should be shipped. Pass directory with your deployment output for deployDir
+ let components = bulkComponentCreation fileFilter (DirectoryInfo deployDir)
+ // Collect component references for usage in features
+ let componentRefs = components |> Seq.map(fun comp -> comp.ToComponentRef())
+ let completeFeature = generateFeatureElement (fun f ->
+ {f with
+ Id = "Complete"
+ Title = "Complete Feature"
+ Level = 1
+ Description = "Installs all features"
+ Components = componentRefs
+ Display = Expand
+ })
+ // Generates a predefined WiX template with placeholders which will be replaced in "FillInWiXScript"
+ generateWiXScript "SetupTemplate.wxs"
+ let WiXUIMondo = generateUIRef (fun f ->
+ {f with
+ Id = "WixUI_Mondo"
+ })
+ let WiXUIError = generateUIRef (fun f ->
+ {f with
+ Id = "WixUI_ErrorProgressText"
+ })
+ let MajorUpgrade = generateMajorUpgradeVersion(
+ fun f ->
+ {f with
+ Schedule = MajorUpgradeSchedule.AfterInstallExecute
+ DowngradeErrorMessage = "A later version is already installed, exiting."
+ })
+ FillInWiXTemplate "" (fun f ->
+ {f with
+ // Guid which should be generated on every build
+ ProductCode = Guid.NewGuid()
+ ProductName = "Test Setup"
+ Description = "Description of Test Setup"
+ ProductLanguage = 1033
+ ProductVersion = "1.0.0"
+ ProductPublisher = "YouOrYourCompany"
+ // Set fixed upgrade guid, this should never change for this project!
+ UpgradeGuid = WixProductUpgradeGuid
+ MajorUpgrade = [MajorUpgrade]
+ UIRefs = [WiXUIMondo; WiXUIError]
+ ProgramFilesFolder = ProgramFiles32
+ Components = components
+ BuildNumber = "Build number"
+ Features = [completeFeature]
+ })
+ // run the WiX tools
+ WiX (fun p -> {p with ToolDirectory = WiXPath})
+ setupFileName
+ @".\SetupTemplate.wxs"
+ )
+## Further possibilities
+Besides just plainly shipping those files as setup you can also use the custom action and custom action execution elements to execute various commands before or after certain events during the installation.
+This gives you the possibility to for example install, uninstall, start or stop certain services when you need to.
+If your software is for example running as a service at your customer's side, you would need to manually stop and start the services on upgrades.
+WiX knows the "ServiceControl" element for starting, stopping and removing services. You attach it to components.
+If a component's files change and it has a Service Control element, the service that is referred to will be started, stopped or uninstalled, just as you defined it.
+You can use the attachServiceToControlComponents function for attaching service controls to components. You would only have to slightly change the above example:
+### Example
+ let serviceControl = generateServiceControl(fun f -> {f with
+ Id = "PickAnId"
+ Name = "QualifiedNameOfYourService"
+ Start = InstallUninstall.Install
+ Stop = InstallUninstall.Both
+ Remove = InstallUninstall.Uninstall})
+ // This defines, that all executable files should be tagged with the service control element
+ let componentSelector = fun (comp : WiXComponent) -> comp.Files |> Seq.exists(fun file -> file.Name.EndsWith(".exe"))
+ let components = attachServiceControlToComponents
+ (bulkComponentCreation (fun file ->
+ if file.Extension = ".dll" || file.Extension = ".exe" || file.Extension = ".config" then
+ true
+ else
+ false) (DirectoryInfo deployDir))
+ componentSelector
+ [serviceControl]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/WiXHelper.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/WiXHelper.fs
index 7533e58a0ea..67a87486d4d 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/WiXHelper.fs
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/WiXHelper.fs
@@ -52,6 +52,196 @@ let getFilesAsWiXString files =
|> Seq.map (fileInfo >> wixFile)
|> toLines
+/// WiX File Element
+type WiXFile =
+ {
+ Id : string
+ Name : string
+ Source : string
+ }
+ override w.ToString() = sprintf ""
+ w.Id w.Name w.Source
+/// Defaults for WiX file
+let WiXFileDefaults =
+ {
+ Id = "fi"
+ Name = ""
+ Source = ""
+ }
+/// Specifies whether an action occur on install, uninstall or both.
+type InstallUninstall =
+ | Install
+ | Uninstall
+ | Both
+ override w.ToString() =
+ match w with
+ | Install -> "install"
+ | Uninstall -> "uninstall"
+ | Both -> "both"
+/// These are used in many methods for generating WiX nodes, regard them as booleans
+type YesOrNo =
+ | Yes
+ | No
+ override y.ToString() =
+ match y with
+ | Yes -> "yes"
+ | No -> "no"
+/// Service Control Element. Can Start, Stop and Remove services
+type WiXServiceControl =
+ {
+ Id : string
+ Name: string
+ Remove : InstallUninstall
+ Start : InstallUninstall
+ Stop : InstallUninstall
+ Wait : YesOrNo
+ }
+ override w.ToString() =
+ sprintf ""
+ w.Id w.Name (w.Remove.ToString()) (w.Start.ToString()) (w.Stop.ToString()) (w.Wait.ToString())
+/// Defaults for service control element
+let WiXServiceControlDefaults =
+ {
+ Id = "ServiceControl"
+ Name = "Service"
+ Remove = Both
+ Start = Both
+ Stop = Both
+ Wait = Yes
+ }
+/// Use this for generating service controls
+let generateServiceControl (setParams : WiXServiceControl -> WiXServiceControl) =
+ let parameters = WiXServiceControlDefaults |> setParams
+ if parameters.Id = "" then
+ failwith "No parameter passed for service control Id!"
+ parameters
+/// Reference to a component for including it in a feature
+type WiXComponentRef =
+ {
+ Id : string
+ }
+ override w.ToString() = sprintf "" w.Id
+/// Defaults for component ref
+let WiXComponentRefDefaults =
+ {
+ Id = ""
+ }
+/// Use this for generating component refs
+let generateComponentRef (setParams : WiXComponentRef -> WiXComponentRef) =
+ let parameters = WiXComponentRefDefaults |> setParams
+ if parameters.Id = "" then
+ failwith "No parameter passed for component ref Id!"
+ parameters
+/// Component which wraps files into logical components and which allows to
+type WiXComponent =
+ {
+ Id : string
+ Guid : string
+ Files : WiXFile seq
+ ServiceControls : WiXServiceControl seq
+ }
+ member w.ToComponentRef() = generateComponentRef (fun f -> { f with Id = w.Id })
+ override w.ToString() = sprintf "%s%s"
+ w.Id w.Guid (Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" w.Files) (Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" w.ServiceControls)
+/// Defaults for component
+let WiXComponentDefaults =
+ {
+ Id = ""
+ Guid = "*"
+ Files = []
+ ServiceControls = []
+ }
+/// Use this for generating single components
+let generateComponent (setParams : WiXComponent -> WiXComponent) =
+ let parameters = WiXComponentDefaults |> setParams
+ if parameters.Id = "" then
+ failwith "No parameter passed for component Id!"
+ parameters
+/// WiX Directories define a logical directory which can include components and files
+type WiXDir =
+ {
+ Id : string
+ Name : string
+ Files : WiXFile seq
+ Components : WiXComponent seq
+ }
+ override d.ToString() = sprintf "%s%s"
+ d.Id d.Name (Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" d.Files) (Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" d.Components)
+/// Defaults for directories
+let WiXDirDefaults =
+ {
+ Id = ""
+ Name = ""
+ Files = []
+ Components = []
+ }
+/// Use this for generating directories
+let generateDirectory (setParams : WiXDir -> WiXDir) =
+ let parameters = WiXDirDefaults |> setParams
+ if parameters.Id = "" then
+ failwith "No parameter passed for directory Id!"
+ parameters
+/// Creates WiX component with directories and files from the given DirectoryInfo
+/// The function will create one component for each file [best practice](https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/kb/290997/en-us)
+/// and set the GUID to "*", which will make WiX produce consistent Component Guids if the Component's target path doesn't change.
+/// This is vital for major upgrades, since windows installer needs a consistent component guid for tracking each of them.
+/// You can use the getComponentIdsFromWiXString function for getting all created component refs and adding them to features.
+let bulkComponentCreation fileFilter directoryInfo =
+ directoryInfo
+ |> filesInDir
+ |> Seq.filter fileFilter
+ |> Seq.map (fun file ->
+ {
+ Id = "f" + file.Name.GetHashCode().ToString().Replace("-", "")
+ Name = file.Name
+ Source = file.FullName
+ })
+ |> Seq.map(fun file->
+ {
+ Id = "c" + file.Id.Substring(1)
+ Guid = "*"
+ Files = [file]
+ ServiceControls = []
+ })
+/// Creates WiX component with directories and files from the given DirectoryInfo
+/// The function will create one component for each file [best practice](https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/kb/290997/en-us)
+/// and set the GUID to "*", which will make WiX produce consistent Component Guids if the Component's target path doesn't change.
+/// This is vital for major upgrades, since windows installer needs a consistent component guid for tracking each of them.
+/// The components are embedded into the passed in root directory.
+let bulkComponentCreationAsSubDir fileFilter (directoryInfo : DirectoryInfo) =
+ {
+ Id = (directoryInfo.FullName.GetHashCode().ToString())
+ Name = directoryInfo.Name
+ Files = []
+ Components = bulkComponentCreation fileFilter directoryInfo
+ }
+/// Use this to attach service controls to your components.
+let attachServiceControlToComponents (components : WiXComponent seq) fileFilter serviceControls =
+ components
+ |> Seq.map(fun comp ->
+ if fileFilter comp then
+ { Id = comp.Id; Guid = comp.Guid; Files = comp.Files; ServiceControls = Seq.append comp.ServiceControls serviceControls }
+ else
+ comp)
/// Creates recursive WiX directory and file tags from the given DirectoryInfo
/// The function will create one component for each file [best practice](https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/kb/290997/en-us)
/// and set the GUID to "*", which will make WiX produce consistent Component Guids if the Component's target path doesn't change.
@@ -150,15 +340,6 @@ let WiXDefaults : WiXParams =
AdditionalCandleArgs = [ "-ext WiXNetFxExtension" ]
AdditionalLightArgs = [ "-ext WiXNetFxExtension"; "-ext WixUIExtension.dll"; "-ext WixUtilExtension.dll" ] }
-/// These are used in many methods for generating WiX nodes, regard them as booleans
-type YesOrNo =
- | Yes
- | No
- override y.ToString() =
- match y with
- | Yes -> "yes"
- | No -> "no"
/// Used for determing whether the feature should be visible in the select features installer pane or not
type FeatureDisplay =
/// Initially shows the feature collapsed. This is the default value.
@@ -174,6 +355,7 @@ type FeatureDisplay =
| Hidden -> "hidden"
/// Parameters for creating WiX Feature, use ToString for creating the string xml nodes
type WiXFeature =
/// Unique identifier of the feature.
@@ -209,6 +391,7 @@ type WiXFeature =
+ f.Display.ToString() + "\" ConfigurableDirectory=\"INSTALLDIR\">" + f.InnerContent + ""
/// Default values for creating WiX Feature
let WiXFeatureDefaults =
Id = ""
@@ -219,7 +402,73 @@ let WiXFeatureDefaults =
InnerContent = ""
+/// Parameters for creating WiX Feature, use ToString for creating the string xml nodes
+type Feature =
+ {
+ /// Unique identifier of the feature.
+ Id : string
+ /// Short string of text identifying the feature.
+ /// This string is listed as an item by the SelectionTree control of the Selection Dialog.
+ Title : string
+ /// Sets the install level of this feature. A value of 0 will disable the feature.
+ /// Processing the Condition Table can modify the level value (this is set via the Condition child element).
+ /// The default value is "1".
+ Level : int
+ /// Longer string of text describing the feature. This localizable string is displayed by the Text Control of the Selection Dialog.
+ Description : string
+ ///Determines the initial display of this feature in the feature tree. This attribute's value should be one of the following:
+ ///collapse
+ /// Initially shows the feature collapsed. This is the default value.
+ ///expand
+ /// Initially shows the feature expanded.
+ ///hidden
+ /// Prevents the feature from displaying in the user interface.
+ ///
+ /// For advanced users only, it is possible to directly set the integer value of the display value that will appear in the Feature row.
+ Display : FeatureDisplay
+ /// Nest sub features
+ NestedFeatures : Feature seq
+ /// Components included in this feature
+ Components : WiXComponentRef seq
+ }
+ override f.ToString() =
+ let (|Empty|NotEmpty|) seq = if Seq.isEmpty seq then Empty else NotEmpty seq
+ let rec ConcatAll feature (node : string) =
+ match feature.NestedFeatures with
+ | Empty -> "" + Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" feature.Components + ""
+ | NotEmpty list -> "" + Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + ConcatAll elem "") "" list + Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" feature.Components + ""
+ ConcatAll f ""
+/// Default values for creating WiX Feature
+let FeatureDefaults =
+ {
+ Id = ""
+ Title = "Default Feature"
+ Level = 1
+ Description = "Default Feature"
+ Display = FeatureDisplay.Expand
+ NestedFeatures = Seq.empty
+ Components = []
+ }
+/// Type for defining, which program directory should be used for installation. ProgramFiles32 refers to 'Program Files (x86)', ProgramFiles64 refers to 'Program Files'
+type ProgramFilesFolder =
+ | ProgramFiles32
+ | ProgramFiles64
+ override p.ToString() =
+ match p with
+ | ProgramFiles32 -> "ProgramFilesFolder"
+ | ProgramFiles64 -> "ProgramFiles64Folder"
/// Parameters for WiX Script properties, use ToString for creating the string xml nodes
type WiXScript =
/// The product code GUID for the product.
@@ -228,6 +477,9 @@ type WiXScript =
/// The descriptive name of the product.
ProductName : string
+ /// The program files folder
+ ProgramFilesFolder : ProgramFilesFolder
/// Product description
Description : string
@@ -272,10 +524,12 @@ type WiXScript =
/// Default values for WiX Script properties
let WiXScriptDefaults =
ProductCode = Guid.Empty
ProductName = ""
+ ProgramFilesFolder = ProgramFilesFolder.ProgramFiles32
Description = ""
ProductLanguage = ""
ProductVersion = ""
@@ -423,27 +677,6 @@ let WiXUIRefDefaults =
Id = "WixUI_Minimal"
-/// Parameters for WiX Variable, use ToString for creating the string xml nodes
-type WiXVariable =
- {
- /// The name of the variable.
- Id : string
- /// Set this value to 'yes' in order to make the variable's value overridable either by another WixVariable entry or via the command-line option -d= for light.exe.
- /// If the same variable is declared overridable in multiple places it will cause an error (since WiX won't know which value is correct). The default value is 'no'.
- Overridable : YesOrNo
- /// The value of the variable. The value cannot be an empty string because that would make it possible to accidentally set a column to null.
- Value : string
- }
- override w.ToString() = ""
-/// Default value for WiX Variable
-let WiXVariableDefaults =
- {
- Id = ""
- Overridable = YesOrNo.No
- Value = ""
- }
/// Parameters for WiX Upgrade
type WiXUpgrade =
@@ -546,6 +779,108 @@ let WiXMajorUpgradeDefaults =
DowngradeErrorMessage = "You can't downgrade this product!"
+ /// Parameters for WiX Variable, use ToString for creating the string xml nodes
+type WiXVariable =
+ {
+ /// The name of the variable.
+ Id : string
+ /// Set this value to 'yes' in order to make the variable's value overridable either by another WixVariable entry or via the command-line option -d= for light.exe.
+ /// If the same variable is declared overridable in multiple places it will cause an error (since WiX won't know which value is correct). The default value is 'no'.
+ Overridable : YesOrNo
+ /// The value of the variable. The value cannot be an empty string because that would make it possible to accidentally set a column to null.
+ Value : string
+ }
+ override w.ToString() = ""
+/// Default value for WiX Variable
+let WiXVariableDefaults =
+ {
+ Id = ""
+ Overridable = YesOrNo.No
+ Value = ""
+ }
+/// Parameters for WiX Script properties, use ToString for creating the string xml nodes
+type Script =
+ {
+ /// The product code GUID for the product.
+ ProductCode : Guid
+ /// The descriptive name of the product.
+ ProductName : string
+ /// The program files folder
+ ProgramFilesFolder : ProgramFilesFolder
+ /// Product description
+ Description : string
+ /// The decimal language ID (LCID) for the product.
+ ProductLanguage : int
+ /// The product's version string.
+ ProductVersion : string
+ /// The manufacturer of the product.
+ ProductPublisher : string
+ /// The upgrade code GUID for the product.
+ UpgradeGuid : Guid
+ /// You can nest upgrade elements in here
+ Upgrade : WiXUpgrade seq
+ /// Nest major upgrade elements in here
+ MajorUpgrade : WiXMajorUpgrade seq
+ /// Nest UIRefs in here
+ UIRefs : WiXUIRef seq
+ /// Nest WiXVariables in here
+ WiXVariables : WiXVariable seq
+ /// Nest directories in here
+ Directories : WiXDir seq
+ /// Nest Components in here
+ Components : WiXComponent seq
+ /// Build Number of product
+ BuildNumber : string
+ /// You can nest feature elements in here
+ Features : Feature seq
+ /// You can nest custom actions in here
+ CustomActions : WiXCustomAction seq
+ /// You can nest InstallExecuteSequence actions in here
+ ActionSequences : WiXCustomActionExecution seq
+ }
+/// Default values for WiX Script properties
+let ScriptDefaults =
+ {
+ ProductCode = Guid.Empty
+ ProductName = ""
+ ProgramFilesFolder = ProgramFilesFolder.ProgramFiles64
+ Description = ""
+ ProductLanguage = 1033
+ ProductVersion = ""
+ ProductPublisher = ""
+ UpgradeGuid = Guid.Empty
+ Upgrade = []
+ MajorUpgrade = []
+ UIRefs = []
+ WiXVariables = []
+ Directories = []
+ Components = []
+ BuildNumber = "1.0.0"
+ Features = []
+ CustomActions = []
+ ActionSequences = []
+ }
/// Generates WiX Template with specified file name (you can prepend location too)
/// You need to run this once every build an then use FillInWiXScript to replace placeholders
/// ## Parameters
@@ -588,10 +923,11 @@ let generateWiXScript fileName =
+ @Product.Components@
@@ -635,12 +971,14 @@ let generateWiXScript fileName =
/// CustomActions = action1.ToString() + action2.ToString()
/// ActionSequences = actionExecution1.ToString() + actionExecution2.ToString()
/// })
-let FillInWixScript wiXPath setParams =
+let FillInWixScript wiXPath (setParams : WiXScript -> WiXScript) =
let parameters = WiXScriptDefaults |> setParams
let wixScript = !!("*.wxs" @@ wiXPath)
let replacements = [
"@Product.ProductCode@", parameters.ProductCode.ToString("D")
"@Product.ProductName@", parameters.ProductName
+ "@Product.ProgramFilesFolder@", parameters.ProgramFilesFolder.ToString()
"@Product.Description@", parameters.Description
"@Product.UIRefs@", parameters.UIRefs
"@Product.Language@", parameters.ProductLanguage
@@ -651,12 +989,60 @@ let FillInWixScript wiXPath setParams =
"@Product.Upgrade@", parameters.Upgrade
"@Product.MajorUpgrade@", parameters.MajorUpgrade
"@Product.Directories@", parameters.Directories
+ "@Product.Components@", ""
"@Product.Features@", parameters.Features
"@Product.CustomActions@", parameters.CustomActions
"@Product.ActionSequences@", parameters.ActionSequences
"@Build.number@", parameters.BuildNumber]
processTemplates replacements wixScript
+/// Takes path where script files reside and sets all parameters as defined
+/// ## Parameters
+/// - `wiXPath` - Pass path where your script is located at. Function will search for all Scripts in that location and fill in parameters
+/// - `setParams` - Function used to manipulate the WiX default parameters.
+/// ## Sample
+/// FillInWixScript "" (fun f ->
+/// {f with
+/// ProductCode = WiXProductCode
+/// ProductName = WiXProductName
+/// Description = projectDescription
+/// ProductLanguage = WiXProductLanguage
+/// ProductVersion = WiXProductVersion
+/// ProductPublisher = WixProductPublisher
+/// UpgradeGuid = WixProductUpgradeGuid
+/// UIRefs = uiRef1.ToString() + uiRef2.ToString()
+/// WiXVariables = wiXLicense.ToString()
+/// Directories = directories
+/// BuildNumber = "1.0.0"
+/// Features = rootFeature.ToString()
+/// CustomActions = action1.ToString() + action2.ToString()
+/// ActionSequences = actionExecution1.ToString() + actionExecution2.ToString()
+/// })
+let FillInWiXTemplate wiXPath setParams =
+ let parameters = ScriptDefaults |> setParams
+ let wixScript = !!("*.wxs" @@ wiXPath)
+ let replacements = [
+ "@Product.ProductCode@", parameters.ProductCode.ToString("D")
+ "@Product.ProductName@", parameters.ProductName
+ "@Product.ProgramFilesFolder@", parameters.ProgramFilesFolder.ToString()
+ "@Product.Description@", parameters.Description
+ "@Product.UIRefs@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.UIRefs
+ "@Product.Language@", parameters.ProductLanguage.ToString()
+ "@Product.Version@", parameters.ProductVersion
+ "@Product.Variables@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.WiXVariables
+ "@Product.Publisher@", parameters.ProductPublisher
+ "@Product.UpgradeGuid@", parameters.UpgradeGuid.ToString("D")
+ "@Product.Upgrade@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.Upgrade
+ "@Product.MajorUpgrade@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.MajorUpgrade
+ "@Product.Directories@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.Directories
+ "@Product.Components@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.Components
+ "@Product.Features@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.Features
+ "@Product.CustomActions@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.CustomActions
+ "@Product.ActionSequences@", Seq.fold(fun acc elem -> acc + elem.ToString()) "" parameters.ActionSequences
+ "@Build.number@", parameters.BuildNumber]
+ processTemplates replacements wixScript
/// Generates a feature based on the given parameters, use toString on it when embedding it
/// You can pass other features into InnerContent for making a hierarchy
/// ## Parameters
@@ -672,8 +1058,30 @@ let FillInWixScript wiXPath setParams =
/// Display = "expand"
/// InnerContent = otherFeature.ToString()
/// })
-let generateFeature setParams =
- let parameters : WiXFeature = WiXFeatureDefaults |> setParams
+let generateFeature (setParams : WiXFeature -> WiXFeature) =
+ let parameters = WiXFeatureDefaults |> setParams
+ if parameters.Id = "" then
+ failwith "No parameter passed for feature Id!"
+ parameters
+/// Generates a feature based on the given parameters, use toString on it when embedding it
+/// You can pass other features into InnerContent for making a hierarchy
+/// ## Parameters
+/// - `setParams` - Function used to manipulate the WiX default parameters.
+/// ## Sample
+/// let feature = generateFeature (fun f ->
+/// {f with
+/// Id = "UniqueName"
+/// Title = "Title which is shown"
+/// Level = 1
+/// Description = "Somewhat longer description"
+/// Display = "expand"
+/// InnerContent = [otherFeature1; otherFeature2]
+/// })
+let generateFeatureElement setParams =
+ let parameters : Feature = FeatureDefaults |> setParams
if parameters.Id = "" then
failwith "No parameter passed for feature Id!"
diff --git a/src/test/Test.Fake.Deploy.Web/WixHelperTests.fs b/src/test/Test.Fake.Deploy.Web/WixHelperTests.fs
index d344f96dc90..94e7a936432 100644
--- a/src/test/Test.Fake.Deploy.Web/WixHelperTests.fs
+++ b/src/test/Test.Fake.Deploy.Web/WixHelperTests.fs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
open System
open Fake
open Xunit
+open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let ``should find correct file id`` () =
@@ -123,4 +124,47 @@ let ``should create valid major upgrade node`` () =
DowngradeErrorMessage = "A later version is already installed, exiting."
let expectedMajorUpgrade = ""
- Assert.Equal(expectedMajorUpgrade, actualMajorUpgrade.ToString())
\ No newline at end of file
+ Assert.Equal(expectedMajorUpgrade, actualMajorUpgrade.ToString())
+let ``should create nested features`` () =
+ let nestedDir = generateComponentRef(fun f -> { f with Id="Nested"})
+ let rootDir = generateComponentRef(fun f -> { f with Id="Root"})
+ let innerFeature = generateFeatureElement(fun f -> { f with
+ Id = "Inner"
+ Components = [nestedDir]
+ })
+ let nestedFeature = generateFeatureElement(fun f -> { f with
+ Id = "Fst"
+ NestedFeatures = [innerFeature]
+ })
+ let sndFeature = generateFeatureElement(fun f -> { f with
+ Id = "Snd"
+ })
+ let feature = generateFeatureElement(fun f -> { f with
+ Id = "Complete"
+ Components = [rootDir]
+ NestedFeatures = [nestedFeature; sndFeature]
+ })
+ let featureString = feature.ToString()
+ let expectedFeatureString =
+ "
+ ".Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "")
+ let cleanResult = Regex.Replace(featureString, @"\s+", "")
+ let cleanExpected = Regex.Replace(expectedFeatureString, @"\s+", "")
+ Assert.Equal(cleanExpected, cleanResult)
\ No newline at end of file