diff --git a/help/literate/templates/template-project.html b/help/literate/templates/template-project.html
index 288a133e7fc..56350b57cfb 100644
--- a/help/literate/templates/template-project.html
+++ b/help/literate/templates/template-project.html
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
WiX Setup Generation
Using Chocolatey
Using Slack
+ Using Microsoft Teams
Using SonarQube
diff --git a/help/msteamsnotification.md b/help/msteamsnotification.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d11f73768b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/msteamsnotification.md
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Sending Notifications to a Microsoft Teams channel
+In this article you will learn how to create a Office 365 webhook integration on a MS Teams channel and send a notification to it. This article assumes that you already have a Microsoft Teams team and channel setup.
+## Adding a Webhook Integration to a Channel
+Follow the [instructions](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/connectors) for setting up a webhook connector to your channel. When finished, you should have a Webhook URL that looks like "https://outlook.office.com/webhook/some-random-text/IncomingWebhook/some/random/text".
+## Sending a Notification to the Webhook
+ // The webhook URL from the integration you set up
+ let webhookUrl = "https://outlook.office.com/webhook/some-random-text/IncomingWebhook/some/random/text"
+ let imageUrl = sprintf "https://connectorsdemo.azurewebsites.net/images/%s"
+ let notification p =
+ { p with
+ Summary = Some "Max Muster ran a build"
+ Title = Some "Sample Project"
+ Sections =
+ [ { SectionDefaults with
+ ActivityTitle = Some "Max Muster"
+ ActivitySubtitle = Some "on Sample Project"
+ ActivityText = Some "Build successful!"
+ ActivityImage =
+ imageUrl "MSC12_Oscar_002.jpg"
+ |> ImageUri.FromUrl
+ |> Some
+ }
+ { SectionDefaults with
+ Title = Some "Details"
+ Facts = [ { Name = "Labels"; Value = "FOO, BAR" }
+ { Name = "Version"; Value = "1.0.0" }
+ { Name = "Trello Id"; Value = "1101" } ]
+ }
+ ]
+ PotentialActions =
+ [
+ {
+ Name = "View in Trello"
+ Target = System.Uri("https://trello.com/c/1101/")
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Office365Notification webhookUrl notification |> ignore
+The result should look something like this:
+For additional information on the parameters, check out the [Office 356 Connectors API Reference](https://dev.outlook.com/connectors/reference)
diff --git a/help/pics/msteamsnotification/msteamsnotification.png b/help/pics/msteamsnotification/msteamsnotification.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5738196356a
Binary files /dev/null and b/help/pics/msteamsnotification/msteamsnotification.png differ
diff --git a/help/templates/template.cshtml b/help/templates/template.cshtml
index 3d2d3ee50b5..a8b7679f9e5 100644
--- a/help/templates/template.cshtml
+++ b/help/templates/template.cshtml
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
WiX Setup Generation
Using Chocolatey
Using Slack
+ Using Microsoft Teams
Using SonarQube
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
index 4b291618eb8..923bba73c5d 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/Office365ConnectorHelper.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/Office365ConnectorHelper.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0a7c19cbe28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/Office365ConnectorHelper.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+/// Contains a task to send notification messages to a [Office 356 Connector](https://dev.outlook.com/connectors/reference) webhook
+/// ## Sample
+/// let imageUrl = sprintf "https://connectorsdemo.azurewebsites.net/images/%s"
+/// let notification p =
+/// { p with
+/// Summary = Some "Max Muster ran a build"
+/// Title = Some "Sample Project"
+/// Sections =
+/// [ { SectionDefaults with
+/// ActivityTitle = Some "Max Muster"
+/// ActivitySubtitle = Some "on Sample Project"
+/// ActivityImage =
+/// imageUrl "MSC12_Oscar_002.jpg"
+/// |> ImageUri.FromUrl
+/// |> Some
+/// }
+/// { SectionDefaults with
+/// Title = Some "Details"
+/// Facts = [ { Name = "Labels"; Value = "FOO, BAR" }
+/// { Name = "Version"; Value = "1.0.0" }
+/// { Name = "Trello Id"; Value = "1101" } ]
+/// }
+/// ]
+/// PotentialActions =
+/// [
+/// {
+/// Name = "View in Trello"
+/// Target = System.Uri("https://trello.com/c/1101/")
+/// }
+/// ]
+/// }
+/// let webhookURL = ""
+/// Office365Notification webhookURL notification |> ignore
+module Fake.Office365ConnectorHelper
+open System.Net
+open System
+open Newtonsoft.Json
+/// This type alias for string gives you a hint where you can use markdown
+type MarkdownString = string
+/// This type alias for string gives you a hint where you **can't** use markdown
+type SimpleString = string
+/// This type alias gives you a hint where you have to use a Hex color value (e.g. #AAFF77)
+type ColorHexValue = string
+/// [omit]
+let inline private writeJson (w: JsonWriter) (x: ^T) = (^T: (member WriteJson: JsonWriter -> JsonWriter) x, w)
+/// [omit]
+let private writePropertyName title (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer.WritePropertyName(title)
+ writer
+/// [omit]
+let private writeString (value: string) (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer.WriteValue(value)
+ writer
+/// [omit]
+let private writeNamedString title value (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer
+ |> writePropertyName title
+ |> writeString value
+/// [omit]
+let private writeNonEmptyValue title value (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ match value with
+ | Some v when v |> isNotNullOrEmpty ->
+ writer
+ |> writePropertyName title
+ |> writeString v
+ | _ -> writer
+/// [omit]
+let private asList title (writeValues: JsonWriter -> JsonWriter) (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer.WritePropertyName(title)
+ writer.WriteStartArray()
+ writer |> writeValues |> ignore
+ writer.WriteEndArray()
+ writer
+/// [omit]
+let private asObject (writeValues: JsonWriter -> JsonWriter) (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer.WriteStartObject()
+ writer |> writeValues |> ignore
+ writer.WriteEndObject()
+ writer
+/// Represents an action button
+type ViewAction =
+ {
+ /// (Required) The name of the Action (appears on the button).
+ Name: SimpleString
+ /// (Required) The Url of the link for the button
+ Target: Uri
+ }
+ /// Writes the action to a JSON writer
+ member self.WriteJson (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer |> asObject (fun _ ->
+ writer
+ |> writeNamedString "@context" "http://schema.org"
+ |> writeNamedString "@type" "ViewAction"
+ |> writeNamedString "name" self.Name
+ |> asList "target" (fun _ -> writer |> writeString (self.Target.ToString())))
+/// Represents the URI to an image (either a normal URI or a DataUri)
+type ImageUri =
+ /// A simple URI of the image
+ | ImageUrl of Uri
+ /// A Data uri of the image encoded as Base64 data
+ | DataUri of string
+ /// Writes the image uri to a JSON writer
+ member self.WriteJson (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ match self with
+ | ImageUrl uri -> writer |> writeString (uri.ToString())
+ | DataUri uri -> writer |> writeString uri
+ /// Creates a new ImageUrl from a given url string
+ static member FromUrl url =
+ System.Uri(url) |> ImageUrl
+ /// Creates a new DataUri from a given file
+ /// png, gif, jpg and bmp files are supported
+ static member FromFile fileName =
+ let allowedExtensions = [ "png"; "gif"; "jpg"; "bmp" ]
+ let extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName) |> toLower
+ match extension with
+ | ext when (allowedExtensions |> List.contains ext) ->
+ let imageBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName)
+ let data = Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes, Base64FormattingOptions.None)
+ DataUri (sprintf "data:image/%s,base64,%s" ext data) |> Some
+ | _ ->
+ traceError (sprintf "Extension \"%s\" is not supported!" extension)
+ None
+/// A simple key/value pair
+type Fact =
+ {
+ /// (Required) Name of the fact
+ Name: SimpleString
+ /// (Required) Value of the fact
+ Value: MarkdownString
+ }
+ /// Writes the fact to a JSON writer
+ member self.WriteJson (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer |> asObject (fun _ ->
+ writer
+ |> writeNamedString "name" self.Name
+ |> writeNamedString "value" self.Value)
+/// Represents a described image object
+type Image =
+ {
+ /// (Optional) Alt-text for the image
+ Title: SimpleString option
+ /// (Required) A URL to the image file or a data URI with the base64-encoded image inline
+ Image: ImageUri
+ }
+ static member FromUrlWithoutTitle url =
+ { Title = None
+ Image = url |> ImageUri.FromUrl }
+ /// Writes the Image to a JSON writer
+ member self.WriteJson (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer |> asObject (fun w ->
+ w
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "title" self.Title
+ |> writePropertyName "image"
+ |> self.Image.WriteJson)
+/// A section in a ConnectorCard
+type Section =
+ {
+ /// (Optional) The title of the section
+ Title: MarkdownString option
+ /// (Optional) Title of the event or action. Often this will be the name of the "actor".
+ ActivityTitle: MarkdownString option
+ /// (Optional) A subtitle describing the event or action. Often this will be a summary of the action.
+ ActivitySubtitle: MarkdownString option
+ /// (Optional) An image representing the action. Often this is an avatar of the "actor" of the activity.
+ ActivityImage: ImageUri option
+ /// (Optional) A full description of the action.
+ ActivityText: MarkdownString option
+ /// A list of facts, displayed as key-value pairs.
+ Facts: Fact list
+ /// A list of images that will be displayed at the bottom of the section.
+ Images: Image list
+ /// (Optional) A text that will appear before the activity.
+ Text: string option
+ /// (Optional) Set this to false to disable markdown parsing on this section's content. Markdown parsing is enabled by default.
+ IsMarkdown: bool option
+ /// This list of ViewAction objects will power the action links found at the bottom of the section
+ PotentialActions: ViewAction list
+ }
+ /// Writes the Section to a JSON writer
+ member self.WriteJson (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer |> asObject (fun _ ->
+ writer
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "title" self.Title
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "activityTitle" self.ActivityTitle
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "activitySubtitle" self.ActivitySubtitle
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "activityText" self.ActivityText
+ |> fun _ -> match self.ActivityImage with
+ | Some i -> writer |> writePropertyName "activityImage" |> i.WriteJson
+ | _ -> writer
+ |> fun _ -> match self.Facts with
+ | [] -> writer
+ | _ -> writer |> asList "facts" (fun _ -> self.Facts |> List.fold writeJson writer)
+ |> fun _ -> match self.Images with
+ | [] -> writer
+ | _ -> writer |> asList "images" (fun _ -> self.Images |> List.fold writeJson writer)
+ |> fun _ -> match self.IsMarkdown with
+ | Some false -> writer.WritePropertyName("markdown")
+ writer.WriteValue(false)
+ writer
+ | _ -> writer
+ |> fun _ -> match self.PotentialActions with
+ | [] -> writer
+ | _ -> writer |> asList "potentialAction" (fun _ -> self.PotentialActions |> List.fold writeJson writer))
+/// This is the base data, which will be sent to the Office 365 webhook connector
+type ConnectorCard =
+ {
+ /// (Required, if the text property is not populated) A string used for summarizing card content. This will be shown as the message subject.
+ Summary: SimpleString option
+ /// (Optional) A title for the Connector message. Shown at the top of the message.
+ Title: SimpleString option
+ /// The main text of the card. This will be rendered below the sender information and optional title, and above any sections or actions present.
+ Text: MarkdownString option
+ /// (Optional) Accent color used for branding or indicating status in the card
+ ThemeColor: ColorHexValue option
+ /// Contains a list of sections to display in the card
+ Sections: Section list
+ /// This array of ViewAction objects will power the action links found at the bottom of the card
+ PotentialActions: ViewAction list
+ }
+ member self.WriteJson (writer: JsonWriter) =
+ writer |> asObject (fun _ ->
+ writer
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "summary" self.Summary
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "title" self.Title
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "text" self.Text
+ |> writeNonEmptyValue "themeColor" self.ThemeColor
+ |> fun _ -> match self.Sections with
+ | [] -> writer
+ | _ -> writer |> asList "sections" (fun _ -> self.Sections |> List.fold writeJson writer)
+ |> fun _ -> match self.PotentialActions with
+ | [] -> writer
+ | _ -> writer |> asList "potentialAction" (fun _ -> self.PotentialActions |> List.fold writeJson writer))
+ /// Converts the connector card to a JSON string
+ member self.AsJson() =
+ let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ let sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(sb)
+ use writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)
+ writer |> self.WriteJson |> ignore
+ sb.ToString ()
+/// Default values for a Section in a ConnectorCard (everything is empty here)
+let SectionDefaults =
+ {
+ Title = None
+ ActivityTitle = None
+ ActivitySubtitle = None
+ ActivityImage = None
+ ActivityText = None
+ Facts = []
+ Images = []
+ Text = None
+ IsMarkdown = None
+ PotentialActions = []
+ }
+/// Default values for a ConnectorCard (everything is empty here)
+let ConnectorCardDefaults =
+ {
+ Summary = None
+ Title = None
+ Text = None
+ ThemeColor = None
+ Sections = []
+ PotentialActions = []
+ }
+/// [omit]
+let private validateParams webhookURL (card : ConnectorCard) =
+ if webhookURL = "" then failwith "You must specify a webhook URL"
+ if card.Text.IsNone && card.Sections.Length = 0 then failwith "You must specify a message or include a section"
+ let validateAction (action: ViewAction) =
+ if action.Name |> isNullOrEmpty then
+ failwith "You must specifiy a name for a ViewAction"
+ let validateSection (section: Section) =
+ if section.Text.IsNone && section.ActivityText.IsNone && section.ActivityTitle.IsNone && section.Facts.Length = 0 && section.Images.Length = 0 then
+ failwith "You must specifiy a text or an activityText/activityTitle or some facts or some images in a section"
+ section.PotentialActions |> List.iter validateAction
+ ()
+ card.Sections |> List.iter validateSection
+ card.PotentialActions |> List.iter validateAction
+ card
+/// Sends a notification to an Office 365 Connector
+/// ## Parameters
+/// - `webhookURL` - The Office 365 webhook connector URL
+/// - `setParams` - Function used to override the default notification parameters
+let Office365Notification (webhookURL : string) (setParams: ConnectorCard -> ConnectorCard) =
+ let sendNotification (card: ConnectorCard) =
+ use client = (new WebClient())
+ client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")
+ client.UploadString(webhookURL, "POST", card.AsJson ())
+ ConnectorCardDefaults
+ |> setParams
+ |> validateParams webhookURL
+ |> sendNotification