diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
index 0b58fefe9fd..d66dcf7bb2b 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/XUnit2Helper.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/XUnit2Helper.fs
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index 00000000000..45481bbb1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/XUnit2Helper.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+/// Contains tasks to run [xUnit](http://xunit.codeplex.com/) unit tests.
+module Fake.XUnit2Helper
+open System
+open System.IO
+open System.Text
+xUnit.net console test runner (64-bit .NET 4.0.30319.34209)
+Copyright (C) 2014 Outercurve Foundation.
+usage: xunit.console [configFile] [options]
+Valid options:
+ -parallel option : set parallelization based on option
+ : none - turn off all parallelization
+ : collections - only parallelize collections
+ : assemblies - only parallelize assemblies
+ : all - parallelize assemblies & collections
+ -maxthreads count : maximum thread count for collection parallelization
+ : 0 - run with unbounded thread count
+ : >0 - limit task thread pool size to 'count'
+ -silent : do not output running test count
+ -noshadow : do not shadow copy assemblies
+ -teamcity : forces TeamCity mode (normally auto-detected)
+ -appveyor : forces AppVeyor CI mode (normally auto-detected)
+ -wait : wait for input after completion
+ -trait "name=value" : only run tests with matching name/value traits
+ : if specified more than once, acts as an OR operation
+ -notrait "name=value" : do not run tests with matching name/value traits
+ : if specified more than once, acts as an AND operation
+ -xml : output results to xUnit.net v2 style XML file
+ -xmlv1 : output results to xUnit.net v1 style XML file
+ -html : output results to HTML file
+type ParallelOption =
+ | None = 0
+ | Collections = 1
+ | Assemblies = 2
+ | All = 3
+/// Option which allows to specify if an xUnit error should break the build.
+type XUnit2ErrorLevel = TestRunnerErrorLevel // a type alias to keep backwards compatibility
+/// The xUnit parameter type
+type XUnit2Params =
+ { /// The path to the xunit.console.exe - FAKE will scan all subfolders to find it automatically.
+ ToolPath : string
+ /// The file name of the config file (optional).
+ ConfigFile : string
+ /// set parallelization based on option
+ /// none - turn off all parallelization
+ /// collections - only parallelize collections
+ /// assemblies - only parallelize assemblies
+ /// all - parallelize assemblies & collections
+ Parallel : ParallelOption
+ /// maximum thread count for collection parallelization
+ /// 0 - run with unbounded thread count
+ /// >0 - limit task thread pool size to 'count'
+ MaxThreads : int
+ /// Output running test count
+ Silent : bool
+ /// Shadow copy
+ ShadowCopy : bool
+ /// forces TeamCity mode (normally auto-detected)
+ Teamcity : bool
+ /// forces AppVeyor CI mode (normally auto-detected)
+ Appveyor : bool
+ // wait for input after completion
+ Wait : bool
+ /// The working directory (optional).
+ WorkingDir : string
+ /// If the timeout is reached the xUnit task will be killed. Default is 5 minutes.
+ TimeOut : TimeSpan
+ /// Test runner error level. Option which allows to specify if an xUnit error should break the build.
+ ErrorLevel : XUnit2ErrorLevel
+ /// Include named traits with comma separated values
+ IncludeTraits : (string * string) option
+ /// Exclude named traits with comma separated values
+ ExcludeTraits : (string * string) option
+ /// output results to xUnit.net v2 style XML file
+ XmlOutput : bool
+ /// output results to xUnit.net v1 style XML file
+ XmlOutputV1 : bool
+ /// output results to HTML file
+ HtmlOutput : bool
+ /// output directory
+ OutputDir : string }
+/// The xUnit default parameters
+let empty2Trait : (string * string) option = None
+let XUnit2Defaults =
+ { ToolPath = findToolInSubPath "xunit.console.exe" (currentDirectory @@ "tools" @@ "xUnit")
+ ConfigFile = null
+ Parallel = ParallelOption.None
+ MaxThreads = 0
+ Silent = false
+ ShadowCopy = true
+ Teamcity = false
+ Appveyor = false
+ Wait = false
+ WorkingDir = null
+ TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.
+ ErrorLevel = Error
+ IncludeTraits = empty2Trait
+ ExcludeTraits = empty2Trait
+ XmlOutput = false
+ XmlOutputV1 = false
+ HtmlOutput = false
+ OutputDir = null }
+/// Builds the command line arguments from the given parameter record and the given assemblies.
+/// [omit]
+let buildXUnit2Args parameters assembly =
+ let fi = fileInfo assembly
+ let name = fi.Name
+ let dir =
+ if isNullOrEmpty parameters.OutputDir then String.Empty
+ else Path.GetFullPath parameters.OutputDir
+ let traits includeExclude (name, values : string) =
+ values.Split([| ',' |], System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+ |> Seq.collect (fun value ->
+ [| includeExclude
+ sprintf "\"%s=%s\"" name value |])
+ |> String.concat " "
+ let parallelOptionsText =
+ parameters.Parallel.ToString().ToLower()
+ new StringBuilder()
+ |> appendFileNamesIfNotNull [ assembly ]
+ |> append "-parallel"
+ |> append (sprintf "%s" parallelOptionsText)
+ |> append "-maxthreads"
+ |> append (sprintf "%i" parameters.MaxThreads)
+ |> appendIfFalse parameters.ShadowCopy "-noshadow"
+ |> appendIfTrue (buildServer = TeamCity) "-teamcity"
+ |> appendIfTrue (buildServer = AppVeyor) "-appveyor"
+ |> appendIfTrue parameters.Wait "-wait"
+ |> appendIfTrue parameters.Silent "-silent"
+ |> appendIfTrue parameters.XmlOutput (sprintf "-xml\" \"%s" (dir @@ (name + ".xml")))
+ |> appendIfTrue parameters.XmlOutputV1 (sprintf "-xmlv1\" \"%s" (dir @@ (name + ".xml")))
+ |> appendIfTrue parameters.HtmlOutput (sprintf "-html\" \"%s" (dir @@ (name + ".html")))
+ |> appendIfSome parameters.IncludeTraits (traits "-trait")
+ |> appendIfSome parameters.ExcludeTraits (traits "-notrait")
+ |> toText
+/// Runs xUnit unit tests in the given assemblies via the given xUnit runner.
+/// Will fail if the runner terminates with non-zero exit code for any of the assemblies.
+/// Offending assemblies will be listed in the error message.
+/// The xUnit runner terminates with a non-zero exit code if any of the tests
+/// in the given assembly fail.
+/// ## Parameters
+/// - `setParams` - Function used to manipulate the default XUnitParams value.
+/// - `assemblies` - Sequence of one or more assemblies containing xUnit unit tests.
+/// ## Sample usage
+/// Target "Test" (fun _ ->
+/// !! (testDir + @"\xUnit.Test.*.dll")
+/// |> xUnit (fun p -> {p with OutputDir = testDir })
+/// )
+let xUnit2 setParams assemblies =
+ let details = separated ", " assemblies
+ traceStartTask "xUnit2" details
+ let parameters = setParams XUnit2Defaults
+ let runTests assembly =
+ let args = buildXUnit2Args parameters assembly
+ 0 = ExecProcess (fun info ->
+ info.FileName <- parameters.ToolPath
+ info.WorkingDirectory <- parameters.WorkingDir
+ info.Arguments <- args) parameters.TimeOut
+ let failedTests =
+ [ for asm in List.ofSeq assemblies do
+ if runTests asm |> not then yield asm ]
+ if not (List.isEmpty failedTests) then
+ sprintf "xUnit2 failed for the following assemblies: %s" (separated ", " failedTests)
+ |> match parameters.ErrorLevel with
+ | Error | FailOnFirstError -> failwith
+ | DontFailBuild -> traceImportant
+ traceEndTask "xUnit2" details
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj
index c8b4c9add90..0c6b037695e 100644
--- a/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj
+++ b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
diff --git a/src/test/Test.FAKECore/XUnit2HelperSpecs.cs b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/XUnit2HelperSpecs.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b2040d4393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/XUnit2HelperSpecs.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using System;
+using Fake;
+using Machine.Specifications;
+using Microsoft.FSharp.Core;
+namespace Test.FAKECore
+ public class XUnit2HelperSpecs
+ {
+ It args_should_not_include_traits = () => BuildXUnit2Args(XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait, XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait).ShouldNotContain("trait");
+ It args_should_include_one_trait = () => BuildXUnit2Args(Trait("name", "value"), XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait).ShouldContain(@" -trait ""name=value""");
+ It args_should_include_two_traits = () => BuildXUnit2Args(Trait("name", "value1,value2"), XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait).ShouldContain(@" -trait ""name=value1"" -trait ""name=value2""");
+ It args_should_exclude_one_trait = () => BuildXUnit2Args(XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait, Trait("name", "value")).ShouldContain(@"-notrait ""name=value""");
+ It args_should_exclude_two_traits = () => BuildXUnit2Args(XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait, Trait("name", "value1,value2")).ShouldContain(@" -notrait ""name=value1"" -notrait ""name=value2""");
+ It args_should_contain_paraller = () => BuildXUnit2Args(XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait, XUnit2Helper.empty2Trait).ShouldContain(@"-parallel");
+ private static FSharpOption> Trait(string name, string values)
+ {
+ return new FSharpOption>(new Tuple(name,values));
+ }
+ private static string BuildXUnit2Args(FSharpOption> includeTrait, FSharpOption> excludeTrait)
+ {
+ var parameters = new XUnit2Helper.XUnit2Params("", "", XUnit2Helper.ParallelOption.None, 0, false, false,
+ true, false, false,null, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), UnitTestCommon.TestRunnerErrorLevel.Error, includeTrait, excludeTrait, false, false, true, "");
+ return XUnit2Helper.buildXUnit2Args(parameters, "test.dll");
+ }
+ }