diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/AzureCloudServices.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/AzureCloudServices.fs
index 188a8c685d8..b07c7dd7624 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/AzureCloudServices.fs
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/AzureCloudServices.fs
@@ -16,7 +16,32 @@ type PackageCloudServiceParams =
OutputPath : string option }
let DefaultCloudServiceParams = { CloudService = ""; WorkerRole = ""; SdkVersion = None; OutputPath = None }
+module VmSizes =
+ type VmSize = | VmSize of size:string
+ let ExtraSmall = VmSize "ExtraSmall"
+ let Small = VmSize "Small"
+ let Medium = VmSize "Medium"
+ let Large = VmSize "Large"
+ let ExtraLarge = VmSize "ExtraLarge"
+ let A5 = VmSize "A5"
+ let A6 = VmSize "A6"
+ let A7 = VmSize "A7"
+ let A8 = VmSize "A8"
+ let A9 = VmSize "A9"
+/// Modifies the size of the Worker Role in the csdef.
+let ModifyVMSize (VmSizes.VmSize vmSize) cloudService =
+ let csdefPath = sprintf @"%s\ServiceDefinition.csdef" cloudService
+ csdefPath
+ |> File.ReadAllText
+ |> XMLHelper.XMLDoc
+ |> XMLHelper.XPathReplaceNS
+ "/svchost:ServiceDefinition/svchost:WorkerRole/@vmsize"
+ vmSize
+ [ "svchost", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceDefinition" ]
+ |> fun doc -> doc.Save csdefPath
/// Packages a cloud service role into a .cspkg, ready for deployment.
let PackageRole packageCloudServiceParams =
let csPack =
@@ -27,7 +52,7 @@ let PackageRole packageCloudServiceParams =
let availableCsPacks =
|> Seq.collect(fun sdkRoot ->
- !! (sdkRoot + "**\cspack.exe")
+ !! (sdkRoot + @"**\cspack.exe")
|> Seq.filter(fun path -> path.Substring(sdkRoot.Length).StartsWith "v")
|> Seq.map(fun path -> sdkRoot, path))
|> Seq.map(fun (sdkRoot, cspackPath) ->
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
index 3414c7323aa..b3f8b79e7f9 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@