Discover Azure resources querying Azure Resource Graph, crawl additional info and store everything into a local JSON file, which can be used with
Support currently limited to resource type microsoft.kusto/clusters
The CLI expects you to be authenticated in Azure already. This typically achieved with running az login
curl -fsSL | sh
Usage: kalypso-cli crawl [options]
Crawl Azure Resources
-o|--output-path [string] path to output file, default is set in configuration (default: "crawled.json")
-q|--az-graph-query [string] Use Resource Graph Query to specify scope of the crawl
-k|--az-kusto-uri [string] Use Kusto Cluster URI to crawl specific Cluster only
-h, --help display help for command
Using the precompiled binaries:
az login
kalypso-cli crawl --output-path "resources.json" --az-graph-query "type == 'microsoft.kusto/clusters' and resourceGroup contains 'dev'"
Cloning the repo and using an existing node.js installation
npm install
az login
npx ts-node ./src/index.ts crawl --output-path "resources.json" --az-graph-query "type == 'microsoft.kusto/clusters' and resourceGroup contains 'dev'"
Find elements in json. This example lists the types of resources found in the cli's output:
jq '.crawl.resources[] | {type}' resources.json | sort -u
We use to ease the creation of single executable apps for all major platforms:
npm install --global xsea
sudo npm run build && sudo npm run package