There are many ways to develop a Flask project and structure its directories. A very known and advised way to do it is using Factory App with Blueprints. At use these two patterns, is possible to have an easier to debug, readable and well modularized Flask project. This project aims demonstrate how is possible use them.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development, testing and studying purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system using Docker.
To use all project features, it should be in an Unix distro, preference Ubuntu (Sorry about this, but I will try solve it further ;D) and the dependecies bellow.
build-essential (to use **make** commands)
Python 3.x
git clone
make init
Inside flask-blueprint-factory-app/flask_auth/ directory:
- create .env file based on .env.example.
- .env should has two variables: APPLICATION_ENV and FLASK_APP.
- Configure APPLICATION_ENV with one of the possible values: Development, Production and Test (Exactly as described before, with first letter in upper case)
Run with Flask default server
make runserver
With the project running, access the documentation in http://localhost:5000/apidocs. The API documentation was created based on Swagger using Flasgger
To see available commands, run:
make help
check Check required principal dependencies
init Initialize the project
db-init Configure database to development and test environments
db-init-test Configure database only to test environment
test Run unit tests
html-report Generate report as html
lint Check code linting
runserver Run the application in Development mode
runserver-prod Run the application in Production mode
runserver-prod-dev Run the application in Development but emulating the Production environment
build Build the project Docker image
deploy Build the projet Docker image and deploy it in Docker Swarm
run-as-container Run the application as container
run-as-temporary-container Run the application as temporary container, which will be automatically removed if stopped.
clean Remove not in use Docker objects
logs Show service logs
The API unit tests were developed using unittest built-in Python module. Run unit tests with the command:
make test
To check code style, was used Flake8 and formatted using Black. Run style checker with the command:
make lint
If you want run the application server in Docker orchestraded by Swarm:
- Make your host as a Swarm master, if it isn't yet:
docker swarm init
- Run unit tests, linter, and deploy process:
make deploy
- Check if stack project's services are running:
docker stack services flask_auth
mitl3o76an26 flask_auth_web_service replicated 2/2 flask_auth_gabrielcarneirodeveloper:1 *:8080->5010/tcp
- Flask - Mainly framework used to develop the project
- Flake8 - Code Linter
- Black - Code formatter
- Flasgger - Used to build API documentation. It is based on Swagger
- Poetry - Python package manager
To see all packages, please take a look in pyproject.toml
- Gabriel Carneiro - Principal developer -
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
If you have some question, improvement or issues at try to install/run the project, please contact me in my e-mail and i'll be glad to help you: