diff --git a/src/EditorFeatures/Core/EditorFeatures.csproj b/src/EditorFeatures/Core/EditorFeatures.csproj
index 87fb824c95f6d..18c7547bc584f 100644
--- a/src/EditorFeatures/Core/EditorFeatures.csproj
+++ b/src/EditorFeatures/Core/EditorFeatures.csproj
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
diff --git a/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/Suggestions/SuggestedActionsSource.cs b/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/Suggestions/SuggestedActionsSource.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8592b9ffe30ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/Suggestions/SuggestedActionsSource.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Collections.Immutable;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes.Suppression;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Options;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
+using Roslyn.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.Suggestions
+ using CodeFixGroupKey = Tuple;
+ internal partial class SuggestedActionsSourceProvider
+ {
+ private class SuggestedActionsSource : ForegroundThreadAffinitizedObject, ISuggestedActionsSource
+ {
+ // state that will be only reset when source is disposed.
+ private SuggestedActionsSourceProvider _owner;
+ private ITextView _textView;
+ private ITextBuffer _subjectBuffer;
+ private WorkspaceRegistration _registration;
+ // mutable state
+ private Workspace _workspace;
+ private int _lastSolutionVersionReported;
+ public SuggestedActionsSource(SuggestedActionsSourceProvider owner, ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer)
+ {
+ _owner = owner;
+ _textView = textView;
+ _textView.Closed += OnTextViewClosed;
+ _subjectBuffer = textBuffer;
+ _registration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(textBuffer.AsTextContainer());
+ _lastSolutionVersionReported = InvalidSolutionVersion;
+ var updateSource = (IDiagnosticUpdateSource)_owner._diagnosticService;
+ updateSource.DiagnosticsUpdated += OnDiagnosticsUpdated;
+ if (_registration.Workspace != null)
+ {
+ _workspace = _registration.Workspace;
+ _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged += OnActiveContextChanged;
+ }
+ _registration.WorkspaceChanged += OnWorkspaceChanged;
+ }
+ public event EventHandler SuggestedActionsChanged;
+ public bool TryGetTelemetryId(out Guid telemetryId)
+ {
+ telemetryId = default(Guid);
+ var workspace = _workspace;
+ if (workspace == null || _subjectBuffer == null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var documentId = workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(_subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
+ if (documentId == null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var project = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetProject(documentId.ProjectId);
+ if (project == null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (project.Language)
+ {
+ case LanguageNames.CSharp:
+ telemetryId = s_CSharpSourceGuid;
+ return true;
+ case LanguageNames.VisualBasic:
+ telemetryId = s_visualBasicSourceGuid;
+ return true;
+ case "Xaml":
+ telemetryId = s_xamlSourceGuid;
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable GetSuggestedActions(
+ ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
+ SnapshotSpan range,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ AssertIsForeground();
+ using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.SuggestedActions_GetSuggestedActions, cancellationToken))
+ {
+ var document = GetMatchingDocumentAsync(range.Snapshot, cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
+ if (document == null)
+ {
+ // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
+ Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
+ return null;
+ }
+ var workspace = document.Project.Solution.Workspace;
+ var supportsFeatureService = workspace.Services.GetService();
+ var fixes = GetCodeFixes(supportsFeatureService, requestedActionCategories, workspace, document, range, cancellationToken);
+ var refactorings = GetRefactorings(supportsFeatureService, requestedActionCategories, workspace, document, range, cancellationToken);
+ var result = fixes.Concat(refactorings);
+ if (result.IsEmpty)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var allActionSets = InlineActionSetsIfDesirable(result);
+ var orderedActionSets = OrderActionSets(allActionSets);
+ var filteredSets = FilterActionSetsByTitle(orderedActionSets);
+ return filteredSets;
+ }
+ }
+ private ImmutableArray OrderActionSets(
+ ImmutableArray actionSets)
+ {
+ var caretPoint = _textView.GetCaretPoint(_subjectBuffer);
+ return actionSets.OrderByDescending(s => s.Priority)
+ .ThenBy(s => s, new SuggestedActionSetComparer(caretPoint))
+ .ToImmutableArray();
+ }
+ private ImmutableArray FilterActionSetsByTitle(ImmutableArray allActionSets)
+ {
+ var result = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
+ var seenTitles = new HashSet();
+ foreach (var set in allActionSets)
+ {
+ var filteredSet = FilterActionSetByTitle(set, seenTitles);
+ if (filteredSet != null)
+ {
+ result.Add(filteredSet);
+ }
+ }
+ return result.ToImmutableAndFree();
+ }
+ private SuggestedActionSet FilterActionSetByTitle(SuggestedActionSet set, HashSet seenTitles)
+ {
+ var actions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
+ foreach (var action in set.Actions)
+ {
+ if (seenTitles.Add(action.DisplayText))
+ {
+ actions.Add(action);
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ return actions.Count == 0
+ ? null
+ : new SuggestedActionSet(actions.ToImmutable(), set.Title, set.Priority, set.ApplicableToSpan);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ actions.Free();
+ }
+ }
+ private ImmutableArray InlineActionSetsIfDesirable(ImmutableArray allActionSets)
+ {
+ // If we only have a single set of items, and that set only has three max suggestion
+ // offered. Then we can consider inlining any nested actions into the top level list.
+ // (but we only do this if the parent of the nested actions isn't invokable itself).
+ if (allActionSets.Sum(a => a.Actions.Count()) > 3)
+ {
+ return allActionSets;
+ }
+ return allActionSets.SelectAsArray(InlineActions);
+ }
+ private SuggestedActionSet InlineActions(SuggestedActionSet actionSet)
+ {
+ var newActions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
+ foreach (var action in actionSet.Actions)
+ {
+ var actionWithNestedActions = action as SuggestedActionWithNestedActions;
+ // Only inline if the underlying code action allows it.
+ if (actionWithNestedActions?.CodeAction.IsInlinable == true)
+ {
+ newActions.AddRange(actionWithNestedActions.NestedActionSet.Actions);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newActions.Add(action);
+ }
+ }
+ return new SuggestedActionSet(
+ newActions.ToImmutableAndFree(), actionSet.Title, actionSet.Priority, actionSet.ApplicableToSpan);
+ }
+ private ImmutableArray GetCodeFixes(
+ IDocumentSupportsFeatureService supportsFeatureService,
+ ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
+ Workspace workspace,
+ Document document,
+ SnapshotSpan range,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ this.AssertIsForeground();
+ if (_owner._codeFixService != null &&
+ supportsFeatureService.SupportsCodeFixes(document) &&
+ requestedActionCategories.Contains(PredefinedSuggestedActionCategoryNames.CodeFix))
+ {
+ // We only include suppressions if light bulb is asking for everything.
+ // If the light bulb is only asking for code fixes, then we don't include suppressions.
+ var includeSuppressionFixes = requestedActionCategories.Contains(PredefinedSuggestedActionCategoryNames.Any);
+ var fixes = Task.Run(
+ () => _owner._codeFixService.GetFixesAsync(
+ document, range.Span.ToTextSpan(), includeSuppressionFixes, cancellationToken),
+ cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
+ var filteredFixes = FilterOnUIThread(fixes, workspace);
+ return OrganizeFixes(workspace, filteredFixes, includeSuppressionFixes);
+ }
+ return ImmutableArray.Empty;
+ }
+ private ImmutableArray FilterOnUIThread(
+ ImmutableArray collections, Workspace workspace)
+ {
+ this.AssertIsForeground();
+ return collections.Select(c => FilterOnUIThread(c, workspace)).WhereNotNull().ToImmutableArray();
+ }
+ private CodeFixCollection FilterOnUIThread(
+ CodeFixCollection collection,
+ Workspace workspace)
+ {
+ this.AssertIsForeground();
+ var applicableFixes = collection.Fixes.WhereAsArray(f => IsApplicable(f.Action, workspace));
+ return applicableFixes.Length == 0
+ ? null
+ : applicableFixes.Length == collection.Fixes.Length
+ ? collection
+ : new CodeFixCollection(
+ collection.Provider, collection.TextSpan, applicableFixes,
+ collection.FixAllState, collection.SupportedScopes, collection.FirstDiagnostic);
+ }
+ private bool IsApplicable(CodeAction action, Workspace workspace)
+ {
+ if (!action.PerformFinalApplicabilityCheck)
+ {
+ // If we don't even need to perform the final applicability check,
+ // then the code actoin is applicable.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, defer to the action to make the decision.
+ this.AssertIsForeground();
+ return action.IsApplicable(workspace);
+ }
+ private ImmutableArray FilterOnUIThread(ImmutableArray refactorings, Workspace workspace)
+ {
+ return refactorings.Select(r => FilterOnUIThread(r, workspace)).WhereNotNull().ToImmutableArray();
+ }
+ private CodeRefactoring FilterOnUIThread(CodeRefactoring refactoring, Workspace workspace)
+ {
+ var actions = refactoring.Actions.WhereAsArray(a => IsApplicable(a, workspace));
+ return actions.Length == 0
+ ? null
+ : actions.Length == refactoring.Actions.Length
+ ? refactoring
+ : new CodeRefactoring(refactoring.Provider, actions);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Arrange fixes into groups based on the issue (diagnostic being fixed) and prioritize these groups.
+ ///
+ private ImmutableArray OrganizeFixes(
+ Workspace workspace, ImmutableArray fixCollections,
+ bool includeSuppressionFixes)
+ {
+ var map = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder>();
+ var order = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
+ // First group fixes by diagnostic and priority.
+ GroupFixes(workspace, fixCollections, map, order, includeSuppressionFixes);
+ // Then prioritize between the groups.
+ return PrioritizeFixGroups(map.ToImmutable(), order.ToImmutableAndFree());
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Groups fixes by the diagnostic being addressed by each fix.
+ ///
+ private void GroupFixes(
+ Workspace workspace,
+ ImmutableArray fixCollections,
+ IDictionary> map,
+ ArrayBuilder order,
+ bool includeSuppressionFixes)
+ {
+ foreach (var fixCollection in fixCollections)
+ {
+ ProcessFixCollection(
+ workspace, map, order, includeSuppressionFixes, fixCollection);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ProcessFixCollection(
+ Workspace workspace,
+ IDictionary> map,
+ ArrayBuilder order,
+ bool includeSuppressionFixes,
+ CodeFixCollection fixCollection)
+ {
+ var fixes = fixCollection.Fixes;
+ var fixCount = fixes.Length;
+ Func getFixAllSuggestedActionSet =
+ codeAction => GetFixAllSuggestedActionSet(
+ codeAction, fixCount, fixCollection.FixAllState,
+ fixCollection.SupportedScopes, fixCollection.FirstDiagnostic,
+ workspace);
+ var nonSupressionCodeFixes = fixes.WhereAsArray(f => !(f.Action is TopLevelSuppressionCodeAction));
+ var supressionCodeFixes = fixes.WhereAsArray(f => f.Action is TopLevelSuppressionCodeAction);
+ AddCodeActions(workspace, map, order, fixCollection,
+ getFixAllSuggestedActionSet, nonSupressionCodeFixes);
+ // Add suppression fixes to the end of a given SuggestedActionSet so that they
+ // always show up last in a group.
+ if (includeSuppressionFixes)
+ {
+ AddCodeActions(workspace, map, order, fixCollection,
+ getFixAllSuggestedActionSet, supressionCodeFixes);
+ }
+ }
+ private void AddCodeActions(
+ Workspace workspace, IDictionary> map,
+ ArrayBuilder order, CodeFixCollection fixCollection,
+ Func getFixAllSuggestedActionSet,
+ ImmutableArray codeFixes)
+ {
+ foreach (var fix in codeFixes)
+ {
+ SuggestedAction suggestedAction;
+ if (fix.Action.NestedCodeActions.Length > 0)
+ {
+ var nestedActions = fix.Action.NestedCodeActions.SelectAsArray(
+ nestedAction => new CodeFixSuggestedAction(
+ _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, fix, fixCollection.Provider,
+ nestedAction, getFixAllSuggestedActionSet(nestedAction)));
+ var set = new SuggestedActionSet(
+ nestedActions, SuggestedActionSetPriority.Medium,
+ fix.PrimaryDiagnostic.Location.SourceSpan.ToSpan());
+ suggestedAction = new SuggestedActionWithNestedActions(
+ _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer,
+ fixCollection.Provider, fix.Action, set);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ suggestedAction = new CodeFixSuggestedAction(
+ _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, fix, fixCollection.Provider,
+ fix.Action, getFixAllSuggestedActionSet(fix.Action));
+ }
+ AddFix(fix, suggestedAction, map, order);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void AddFix(
+ CodeFix fix, SuggestedAction suggestedAction,
+ IDictionary> map,
+ ArrayBuilder order)
+ {
+ var diag = fix.GetPrimaryDiagnosticData();
+ var groupKey = new CodeFixGroupKey(diag, fix.Action.Priority);
+ if (!map.ContainsKey(groupKey))
+ {
+ order.Add(groupKey);
+ map[groupKey] = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder();
+ }
+ map[groupKey].Add(suggestedAction);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// If the provided fix all context is non-null and the context's code action Id matches the given code action's Id then,
+ /// returns the set of fix all occurrences actions associated with the code action.
+ ///
+ internal SuggestedActionSet GetFixAllSuggestedActionSet(
+ CodeAction action,
+ int actionCount,
+ FixAllState fixAllState,
+ ImmutableArray supportedScopes,
+ Diagnostic firstDiagnostic,
+ Workspace workspace)
+ {
+ if (fixAllState == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (actionCount > 1 && action.EquivalenceKey == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var fixAllSuggestedActions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
+ foreach (var scope in supportedScopes)
+ {
+ var fixAllStateForScope = fixAllState.WithScopeAndEquivalenceKey(scope, action.EquivalenceKey);
+ var fixAllSuggestedAction = new FixAllSuggestedAction(
+ _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, fixAllStateForScope,
+ firstDiagnostic, action);
+ fixAllSuggestedActions.Add(fixAllSuggestedAction);
+ }
+ return new SuggestedActionSet(
+ fixAllSuggestedActions.ToImmutableAndFree(),
+ title: EditorFeaturesResources.Fix_all_occurrences_in);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Return prioritized set of fix groups such that fix group for suppression always show up at the bottom of the list.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Fix groups are returned in priority order determined based on .
+ /// Priority for all s containing fixes is set to by default.
+ /// The only exception is the case where a only contains suppression fixes -
+ /// the priority of such s is set to so that suppression fixes
+ /// always show up last after all other fixes (and refactorings) for the selected line of code.
+ ///
+ private static ImmutableArray PrioritizeFixGroups(
+ IDictionary> map, IList order)
+ {
+ var sets = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
+ foreach (var diag in order)
+ {
+ var actions = map[diag];
+ foreach (var group in actions.GroupBy(a => a.Priority))
+ {
+ var priority = GetSuggestedActionSetPriority(group.Key);
+ // diagnostic from things like build shouldn't reach here since we don't support LB for those diagnostics
+ Contract.Requires(diag.Item1.HasTextSpan);
+ sets.Add(new SuggestedActionSet(group, priority, diag.Item1.TextSpan.ToSpan()));
+ }
+ }
+ return sets.ToImmutableAndFree();
+ }
+ private static SuggestedActionSetPriority GetSuggestedActionSetPriority(CodeActionPriority key)
+ {
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case CodeActionPriority.None: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.None;
+ case CodeActionPriority.Low: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.Low;
+ case CodeActionPriority.Medium: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.Medium;
+ case CodeActionPriority.High: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.High;
+ default:
+ throw new InvalidOperationException();
+ }
+ }
+ private ImmutableArray GetRefactorings(
+ IDocumentSupportsFeatureService supportsFeatureService,
+ ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
+ Workspace workspace,
+ Document document,
+ SnapshotSpan range,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ this.AssertIsForeground();
+ if (workspace.Options.GetOption(EditorComponentOnOffOptions.CodeRefactorings) &&
+ _owner._codeRefactoringService != null &&
+ supportsFeatureService.SupportsRefactorings(document) &&
+ requestedActionCategories.Contains(PredefinedSuggestedActionCategoryNames.Refactoring))
+ {
+ // Get the selection while on the UI thread.
+ var selection = TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(_subjectBuffer, _textView, range);
+ if (!selection.HasValue)
+ {
+ // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
+ Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
+ return ImmutableArray.Empty;
+ }
+ // It may seem strange that we kick off a task, but then immediately 'Wait' on
+ // it. However, it's deliberate. We want to make sure that the code runs on
+ // the background so that no one takes an accidentally dependency on running on
+ // the UI thread.
+ var refactorings = Task.Run(
+ () => _owner._codeRefactoringService.GetRefactoringsAsync(
+ document, selection.Value, cancellationToken),
+ cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
+ var filteredRefactorings = FilterOnUIThread(refactorings, workspace);
+ return filteredRefactorings.SelectAsArray(r => OrganizeRefactorings(workspace, r));
+ }
+ return ImmutableArray.Empty;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Arrange refactorings into groups.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Refactorings are returned in priority order determined based on .
+ /// Priority for all s containing refactorings is set to
+ /// and should show up after fixes but before suppression fixes in the light bulb menu.
+ ///
+ private SuggestedActionSet OrganizeRefactorings(Workspace workspace, CodeRefactoring refactoring)
+ {
+ var refactoringSuggestedActions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
+ foreach (var action in refactoring.Actions)
+ {
+ refactoringSuggestedActions.Add(new CodeRefactoringSuggestedAction(
+ _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, refactoring.Provider, action));
+ }
+ return new SuggestedActionSet(
+ refactoringSuggestedActions.ToImmutableAndFree(), SuggestedActionSetPriority.Low);
+ }
+ public async Task HasSuggestedActionsAsync(ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories, SnapshotSpan range, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ // Explicitly hold onto below fields in locals and use these locals throughout this code path to avoid crashes
+ // if these fields happen to be cleared by Dispose() below. This is required since this code path involves
+ // code that can run asynchronously from background thread.
+ var view = _textView;
+ var buffer = _subjectBuffer;
+ var provider = _owner;
+ if (view == null || buffer == null || provider == null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ using (var asyncToken = provider.OperationListener.BeginAsyncOperation("HasSuggestedActionsAsync"))
+ {
+ var document = await GetMatchingDocumentAsync(range.Snapshot, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ if (document == null)
+ {
+ // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
+ Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return
+ await HasFixesAsync(provider, document, range, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false) ||
+ await HasRefactoringsAsync(provider, document, buffer, view, range, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task HasFixesAsync(
+ SuggestedActionsSourceProvider provider,
+ Document document,
+ SnapshotSpan range,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ var workspace = document.Project.Solution.Workspace;
+ var supportsFeatureService = workspace.Services.GetService();
+ if (provider._codeFixService != null &&
+ supportsFeatureService.SupportsCodeFixes(document))
+ {
+ var result = await Task.Run(
+ () => provider._codeFixService.GetFirstDiagnosticWithFixAsync(
+ document, range.Span.ToTextSpan(), cancellationToken),
+ cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ if (result.HasFix)
+ {
+ Logger.Log(FunctionId.SuggestedActions_HasSuggestedActionsAsync);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (result.PartialResult)
+ {
+ // reset solution version number so that we can raise suggested action changed event
+ Volatile.Write(ref _lastSolutionVersionReported, InvalidSolutionVersion);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private async Task HasRefactoringsAsync(
+ SuggestedActionsSourceProvider provider,
+ Document document,
+ ITextBuffer buffer,
+ ITextView view,
+ SnapshotSpan range,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ var workspace = document.Project.Solution.Workspace;
+ var supportsFeatureService = workspace.Services.GetService();
+ if (document.Project.Solution.Options.GetOption(EditorComponentOnOffOptions.CodeRefactorings) &&
+ provider._codeRefactoringService != null &&
+ supportsFeatureService.SupportsRefactorings(document))
+ {
+ TextSpan? selection = null;
+ if (IsForeground())
+ {
+ // This operation needs to happen on UI thread because it needs to access textView.Selection.
+ selection = TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(buffer, view, range);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ await InvokeBelowInputPriority(() =>
+ {
+ // This operation needs to happen on UI thread because it needs to access textView.Selection.
+ selection = TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(buffer, view, range);
+ }).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ if (!selection.HasValue)
+ {
+ // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
+ Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return await Task.Run(
+ () => provider._codeRefactoringService.HasRefactoringsAsync(
+ document, selection.Value, cancellationToken),
+ cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static TextSpan? TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(ITextBuffer buffer, ITextView view, SnapshotSpan range)
+ {
+ var selectedSpans = view.Selection.SelectedSpans
+ .SelectMany(ss => view.BufferGraph.MapDownToBuffer(ss, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive, buffer))
+ .Where(ss => !view.IsReadOnlyOnSurfaceBuffer(ss))
+ .ToList();
+ // We only support refactorings when there is a single selection in the document.
+ if (selectedSpans.Count != 1)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var translatedSpan = selectedSpans[0].TranslateTo(range.Snapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
+ // We only support refactorings when selected span intersects with the span that the light bulb is asking for.
+ if (!translatedSpan.IntersectsWith(range))
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return translatedSpan.Span.ToTextSpan();
+ }
+ private static async Task GetMatchingDocumentAsync(ITextSnapshot givenSnapshot, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ var buffer = givenSnapshot.TextBuffer;
+ if (buffer == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var workspace = buffer.GetWorkspace();
+ if (workspace == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var documentId = workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(buffer.AsTextContainer());
+ if (documentId == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(documentId);
+ if (document == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var sourceText = await document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
+ var snapshot = sourceText.FindCorrespondingEditorTextSnapshot();
+ if (snapshot == null || snapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber != givenSnapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return document;
+ }
+ private void OnTextViewClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ private void OnWorkspaceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ // REVIEW: this event should give both old and new workspace as argument so that
+ // one doesn't need to hold onto workspace in field.
+ // remove existing event registration
+ if (_workspace != null)
+ {
+ _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged -= OnActiveContextChanged;
+ }
+ // REVIEW: why one need to get new workspace from registration? why not just pass in the new workspace?
+ // add new event registration
+ _workspace = _registration.Workspace;
+ if (_workspace != null)
+ {
+ _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged += OnActiveContextChanged;
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnActiveContextChanged(object sender, DocumentActiveContextChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // REVIEW: it would be nice for changed event to pass in both old and new document.
+ OnSuggestedActionsChanged(e.Solution.Workspace, e.NewActiveContextDocumentId, e.Solution.WorkspaceVersion);
+ }
+ private void OnDiagnosticsUpdated(object sender, DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs e)
+ {
+ // document removed case. no reason to raise event
+ if (e.Solution == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ OnSuggestedActionsChanged(e.Workspace, e.DocumentId, e.Solution.WorkspaceVersion);
+ }
+ private void OnSuggestedActionsChanged(Workspace currentWorkspace, DocumentId currentDocumentId, int solutionVersion, DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs args = null)
+ {
+ // Explicitly hold onto the _subjectBuffer field in a local and use this local in this function to avoid crashes
+ // if this field happens to be cleared by Dispose() below. This is required since this code path involves code
+ // that can run on background thread.
+ var buffer = _subjectBuffer;
+ if (buffer == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var workspace = buffer.GetWorkspace();
+ // workspace is not ready, nothing to do.
+ if (workspace == null || workspace != currentWorkspace)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (currentDocumentId != workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(buffer.AsTextContainer()) ||
+ solutionVersion == Volatile.Read(ref _lastSolutionVersionReported))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.SuggestedActionsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
+ Volatile.Write(ref _lastSolutionVersionReported, solutionVersion);
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (_owner != null)
+ {
+ var updateSource = (IDiagnosticUpdateSource)_owner._diagnosticService;
+ updateSource.DiagnosticsUpdated -= OnDiagnosticsUpdated;
+ _owner = null;
+ }
+ if (_workspace != null)
+ {
+ _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged -= OnActiveContextChanged;
+ _workspace = null;
+ }
+ if (_registration != null)
+ {
+ _registration.WorkspaceChanged -= OnWorkspaceChanged;
+ _registration = null;
+ }
+ if (_textView != null)
+ {
+ _textView.Closed -= OnTextViewClosed;
+ _textView = null;
+ }
+ if (_subjectBuffer != null)
+ {
+ _subjectBuffer = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/Suggestions/SuggestedActionsSourceProvider.cs b/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/Suggestions/SuggestedActionsSourceProvider.cs
index b87eee592b944..357f649bb1576 100644
--- a/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/Suggestions/SuggestedActionsSourceProvider.cs
+++ b/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Implementation/Suggestions/SuggestedActionsSourceProvider.cs
@@ -4,26 +4,13 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes.Suppression;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Host;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Options;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Tags;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
-using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
@@ -31,15 +18,13 @@
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.Suggestions
- using CodeFixGroupKey = Tuple;
[VisualStudio.Utilities.Name("Roslyn Code Fix")]
- internal class SuggestedActionsSourceProvider : ISuggestedActionsSourceProvider
+ internal partial class SuggestedActionsSourceProvider : ISuggestedActionsSourceProvider
private static readonly Guid s_CSharpSourceGuid = new Guid("b967fea8-e2c3-4984-87d4-71a38f49e16a");
private static readonly Guid s_visualBasicSourceGuid = new Guid("4de30e93-3e0c-40c2-a4ba-1124da4539f6");
@@ -84,829 +69,5 @@ public ISuggestedActionsSource CreateSuggestedActionsSource(ITextView textView,
return new SuggestedActionsSource(this, textView, textBuffer);
- private class SuggestedActionsSource : ForegroundThreadAffinitizedObject, ISuggestedActionsSource
- {
- // state that will be only reset when source is disposed.
- private SuggestedActionsSourceProvider _owner;
- private ITextView _textView;
- private ITextBuffer _subjectBuffer;
- private WorkspaceRegistration _registration;
- // mutable state
- private Workspace _workspace;
- private int _lastSolutionVersionReported;
- public SuggestedActionsSource(SuggestedActionsSourceProvider owner, ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer)
- {
- _owner = owner;
- _textView = textView;
- _textView.Closed += OnTextViewClosed;
- _subjectBuffer = textBuffer;
- _registration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(textBuffer.AsTextContainer());
- _lastSolutionVersionReported = InvalidSolutionVersion;
- var updateSource = (IDiagnosticUpdateSource)_owner._diagnosticService;
- updateSource.DiagnosticsUpdated += OnDiagnosticsUpdated;
- if (_registration.Workspace != null)
- {
- _workspace = _registration.Workspace;
- _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged += OnActiveContextChanged;
- }
- _registration.WorkspaceChanged += OnWorkspaceChanged;
- }
- public event EventHandler SuggestedActionsChanged;
- public bool TryGetTelemetryId(out Guid telemetryId)
- {
- telemetryId = default(Guid);
- var workspace = _workspace;
- if (workspace == null || _subjectBuffer == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- var documentId = workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(_subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
- if (documentId == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- var project = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetProject(documentId.ProjectId);
- if (project == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- switch (project.Language)
- {
- case LanguageNames.CSharp:
- telemetryId = s_CSharpSourceGuid;
- return true;
- case LanguageNames.VisualBasic:
- telemetryId = s_visualBasicSourceGuid;
- return true;
- case "Xaml":
- telemetryId = s_xamlSourceGuid;
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- public IEnumerable GetSuggestedActions(
- ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
- SnapshotSpan range,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- AssertIsForeground();
- using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.SuggestedActions_GetSuggestedActions, cancellationToken))
- {
- var document = GetMatchingDocumentAsync(range.Snapshot, cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
- if (document == null)
- {
- // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
- Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
- return null;
- }
- var workspace = document.Project.Solution.Workspace;
- var supportsFeatureService = workspace.Services.GetService();
- var fixes = GetCodeFixes(supportsFeatureService, requestedActionCategories, workspace, document, range, cancellationToken);
- var refactorings = GetRefactorings(supportsFeatureService, requestedActionCategories, workspace, document, range, cancellationToken);
- var result = fixes.Concat(refactorings);
- if (result.IsEmpty)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var allActionSets = InlineActionSetsIfDesirable(result);
- var orderedActionSets = OrderActionSets(allActionSets);
- var filteredSets = FilterActionSetsByTitle(orderedActionSets);
- return filteredSets;
- }
- }
- private ImmutableArray OrderActionSets(
- ImmutableArray actionSets)
- {
- var caretPoint = _textView.GetCaretPoint(_subjectBuffer);
- return actionSets.OrderByDescending(s => s.Priority)
- .ThenBy(s => s, new SuggestedActionSetComparer(caretPoint))
- .ToImmutableArray();
- }
- private ImmutableArray FilterActionSetsByTitle(ImmutableArray allActionSets)
- {
- var result = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
- var seenTitles = new HashSet();
- foreach (var set in allActionSets)
- {
- var filteredSet = FilterActionSetByTitle(set, seenTitles);
- if (filteredSet != null)
- {
- result.Add(filteredSet);
- }
- }
- return result.ToImmutableAndFree();
- }
- private SuggestedActionSet FilterActionSetByTitle(SuggestedActionSet set, HashSet seenTitles)
- {
- var actions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
- foreach (var action in set.Actions)
- {
- if (seenTitles.Add(action.DisplayText))
- {
- actions.Add(action);
- }
- }
- try
- {
- return actions.Count == 0
- ? null
- : new SuggestedActionSet(actions.ToImmutable(), set.Title, set.Priority, set.ApplicableToSpan);
- }
- finally
- {
- actions.Free();
- }
- }
- private ImmutableArray InlineActionSetsIfDesirable(ImmutableArray allActionSets)
- {
- // If we only have a single set of items, and that set only has three max suggestion
- // offered. Then we can consider inlining any nested actions into the top level list.
- // (but we only do this if the parent of the nested actions isn't invokable itself).
- if (allActionSets.Sum(a => a.Actions.Count()) > 3)
- {
- return allActionSets;
- }
- return allActionSets.SelectAsArray(InlineActions);
- }
- private SuggestedActionSet InlineActions(SuggestedActionSet actionSet)
- {
- var newActions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
- foreach (var action in actionSet.Actions)
- {
- var actionWithNestedActions = action as SuggestedActionWithNestedActions;
- // Only inline if the underlying code action allows it.
- if (actionWithNestedActions?.CodeAction.IsInlinable == true)
- {
- newActions.AddRange(actionWithNestedActions.NestedActionSet.Actions);
- }
- else
- {
- newActions.Add(action);
- }
- }
- return new SuggestedActionSet(
- newActions.ToImmutableAndFree(), actionSet.Title, actionSet.Priority, actionSet.ApplicableToSpan);
- }
- private ImmutableArray GetCodeFixes(
- IDocumentSupportsFeatureService supportsFeatureService,
- ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
- Workspace workspace,
- Document document,
- SnapshotSpan range,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- this.AssertIsForeground();
- if (_owner._codeFixService != null &&
- supportsFeatureService.SupportsCodeFixes(document) &&
- requestedActionCategories.Contains(PredefinedSuggestedActionCategoryNames.CodeFix))
- {
- // We only include suppressions if light bulb is asking for everything.
- // If the light bulb is only asking for code fixes, then we don't include suppressions.
- var includeSuppressionFixes = requestedActionCategories.Contains(PredefinedSuggestedActionCategoryNames.Any);
- var fixes = Task.Run(
- () => _owner._codeFixService.GetFixesAsync(
- document, range.Span.ToTextSpan(), includeSuppressionFixes, cancellationToken),
- cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
- var filteredFixes = FilterOnUIThread(fixes, workspace);
- return OrganizeFixes(workspace, filteredFixes, includeSuppressionFixes);
- }
- return ImmutableArray.Empty;
- }
- private ImmutableArray FilterOnUIThread(
- ImmutableArray collections, Workspace workspace)
- {
- this.AssertIsForeground();
- return collections.Select(c => FilterOnUIThread(c, workspace)).WhereNotNull().ToImmutableArray();
- }
- private CodeFixCollection FilterOnUIThread(
- CodeFixCollection collection,
- Workspace workspace)
- {
- this.AssertIsForeground();
- var applicableFixes = collection.Fixes.WhereAsArray(f => IsApplicable(f.Action, workspace));
- return applicableFixes.Length == 0
- ? null
- : applicableFixes.Length == collection.Fixes.Length
- ? collection
- : new CodeFixCollection(
- collection.Provider, collection.TextSpan, applicableFixes,
- collection.FixAllState, collection.SupportedScopes, collection.FirstDiagnostic);
- }
- private bool IsApplicable(CodeAction action, Workspace workspace)
- {
- if (!action.PerformFinalApplicabilityCheck)
- {
- // If we don't even need to perform the final applicability check,
- // then the code actoin is applicable.
- return true;
- }
- // Otherwise, defer to the action to make the decision.
- this.AssertIsForeground();
- return action.IsApplicable(workspace);
- }
- private ImmutableArray FilterOnUIThread(ImmutableArray refactorings, Workspace workspace)
- {
- return refactorings.Select(r => FilterOnUIThread(r, workspace)).WhereNotNull().ToImmutableArray();
- }
- private CodeRefactoring FilterOnUIThread(CodeRefactoring refactoring, Workspace workspace)
- {
- var actions = refactoring.Actions.WhereAsArray(a => IsApplicable(a, workspace));
- return actions.Length == 0
- ? null
- : actions.Length == refactoring.Actions.Length
- ? refactoring
- : new CodeRefactoring(refactoring.Provider, actions);
- }
- ///
- /// Arrange fixes into groups based on the issue (diagnostic being fixed) and prioritize these groups.
- ///
- private ImmutableArray OrganizeFixes(
- Workspace workspace, ImmutableArray fixCollections,
- bool includeSuppressionFixes)
- {
- var map = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder>();
- var order = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
- // First group fixes by diagnostic and priority.
- GroupFixes(workspace, fixCollections, map, order, includeSuppressionFixes);
- // Then prioritize between the groups.
- return PrioritizeFixGroups(map.ToImmutable(), order.ToImmutableAndFree());
- }
- ///
- /// Groups fixes by the diagnostic being addressed by each fix.
- ///
- private void GroupFixes(
- Workspace workspace,
- ImmutableArray fixCollections,
- IDictionary> map,
- ArrayBuilder order,
- bool includeSuppressionFixes)
- {
- foreach (var fixCollection in fixCollections)
- {
- ProcessFixCollection(
- workspace, map, order, includeSuppressionFixes, fixCollection);
- }
- }
- private void ProcessFixCollection(
- Workspace workspace,
- IDictionary> map,
- ArrayBuilder order,
- bool includeSuppressionFixes,
- CodeFixCollection fixCollection)
- {
- var fixes = fixCollection.Fixes;
- var fixCount = fixes.Length;
- Func getFixAllSuggestedActionSet =
- codeAction => GetFixAllSuggestedActionSet(
- codeAction, fixCount, fixCollection.FixAllState,
- fixCollection.SupportedScopes, fixCollection.FirstDiagnostic,
- workspace);
- var nonSupressionCodeFixes = fixes.WhereAsArray(f => !(f.Action is TopLevelSuppressionCodeAction));
- var supressionCodeFixes = fixes.WhereAsArray(f => f.Action is TopLevelSuppressionCodeAction);
- AddCodeActions(workspace, map, order, fixCollection,
- getFixAllSuggestedActionSet, nonSupressionCodeFixes);
- // Add suppression fixes to the end of a given SuggestedActionSet so that they
- // always show up last in a group.
- if (includeSuppressionFixes)
- {
- AddCodeActions(workspace, map, order, fixCollection,
- getFixAllSuggestedActionSet, supressionCodeFixes);
- }
- }
- private void AddCodeActions(
- Workspace workspace, IDictionary> map,
- ArrayBuilder order, CodeFixCollection fixCollection,
- Func getFixAllSuggestedActionSet,
- ImmutableArray codeFixes)
- {
- foreach (var fix in codeFixes)
- {
- SuggestedAction suggestedAction;
- if (fix.Action.NestedCodeActions.Length > 0)
- {
- var nestedActions = fix.Action.NestedCodeActions.SelectAsArray(
- nestedAction => new CodeFixSuggestedAction(
- _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, fix, fixCollection.Provider,
- nestedAction, getFixAllSuggestedActionSet(nestedAction)));
- var set = new SuggestedActionSet(
- nestedActions, SuggestedActionSetPriority.Medium,
- fix.PrimaryDiagnostic.Location.SourceSpan.ToSpan());
- suggestedAction = new SuggestedActionWithNestedActions(
- _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer,
- fixCollection.Provider, fix.Action, set);
- }
- else
- {
- suggestedAction = new CodeFixSuggestedAction(
- _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, fix, fixCollection.Provider,
- fix.Action, getFixAllSuggestedActionSet(fix.Action));
- }
- AddFix(fix, suggestedAction, map, order);
- }
- }
- private static void AddFix(
- CodeFix fix, SuggestedAction suggestedAction,
- IDictionary> map,
- ArrayBuilder order)
- {
- var diag = fix.GetPrimaryDiagnosticData();
- var groupKey = new CodeFixGroupKey(diag, fix.Action.Priority);
- if (!map.ContainsKey(groupKey))
- {
- order.Add(groupKey);
- map[groupKey] = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder();
- }
- map[groupKey].Add(suggestedAction);
- }
- ///
- /// If the provided fix all context is non-null and the context's code action Id matches the given code action's Id then,
- /// returns the set of fix all occurrences actions associated with the code action.
- ///
- internal SuggestedActionSet GetFixAllSuggestedActionSet(
- CodeAction action,
- int actionCount,
- FixAllState fixAllState,
- ImmutableArray supportedScopes,
- Diagnostic firstDiagnostic,
- Workspace workspace)
- {
- if (fixAllState == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- if (actionCount > 1 && action.EquivalenceKey == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var fixAllSuggestedActions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
- foreach (var scope in supportedScopes)
- {
- var fixAllStateForScope = fixAllState.WithScopeAndEquivalenceKey(scope, action.EquivalenceKey);
- var fixAllSuggestedAction = new FixAllSuggestedAction(
- _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, fixAllStateForScope,
- firstDiagnostic, action);
- fixAllSuggestedActions.Add(fixAllSuggestedAction);
- }
- return new SuggestedActionSet(
- fixAllSuggestedActions.ToImmutableAndFree(),
- title: EditorFeaturesResources.Fix_all_occurrences_in);
- }
- ///
- /// Return prioritized set of fix groups such that fix group for suppression always show up at the bottom of the list.
- ///
- ///
- /// Fix groups are returned in priority order determined based on .
- /// Priority for all s containing fixes is set to by default.
- /// The only exception is the case where a only contains suppression fixes -
- /// the priority of such s is set to so that suppression fixes
- /// always show up last after all other fixes (and refactorings) for the selected line of code.
- ///
- private static ImmutableArray PrioritizeFixGroups(
- IDictionary> map, IList order)
- {
- var sets = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
- foreach (var diag in order)
- {
- var actions = map[diag];
- foreach (var group in actions.GroupBy(a => a.Priority))
- {
- var priority = GetSuggestedActionSetPriority(group.Key);
- // diagnostic from things like build shouldn't reach here since we don't support LB for those diagnostics
- Contract.Requires(diag.Item1.HasTextSpan);
- sets.Add(new SuggestedActionSet(group, priority, diag.Item1.TextSpan.ToSpan()));
- }
- }
- return sets.ToImmutableAndFree();
- }
- private static SuggestedActionSetPriority GetSuggestedActionSetPriority(CodeActionPriority key)
- {
- switch (key)
- {
- case CodeActionPriority.None: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.None;
- case CodeActionPriority.Low: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.Low;
- case CodeActionPriority.Medium: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.Medium;
- case CodeActionPriority.High: return SuggestedActionSetPriority.High;
- default:
- throw new InvalidOperationException();
- }
- }
- private ImmutableArray GetRefactorings(
- IDocumentSupportsFeatureService supportsFeatureService,
- ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
- Workspace workspace,
- Document document,
- SnapshotSpan range,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- this.AssertIsForeground();
- if (workspace.Options.GetOption(EditorComponentOnOffOptions.CodeRefactorings) &&
- _owner._codeRefactoringService != null &&
- supportsFeatureService.SupportsRefactorings(document) &&
- requestedActionCategories.Contains(PredefinedSuggestedActionCategoryNames.Refactoring))
- {
- // Get the selection while on the UI thread.
- var selection = TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(_subjectBuffer, _textView, range);
- if (!selection.HasValue)
- {
- // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
- Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
- return ImmutableArray.Empty;
- }
- // It may seem strange that we kick off a task, but then immediately 'Wait' on
- // it. However, it's deliberate. We want to make sure that the code runs on
- // the background so that no one takes an accidentally dependency on running on
- // the UI thread.
- var refactorings = Task.Run(
- () => _owner._codeRefactoringService.GetRefactoringsAsync(
- document, selection.Value, cancellationToken),
- cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
- var filteredRefactorings = FilterOnUIThread(refactorings, workspace);
- return filteredRefactorings.SelectAsArray(r => OrganizeRefactorings(workspace, r));
- }
- return ImmutableArray.Empty;
- }
- ///
- /// Arrange refactorings into groups.
- ///
- ///
- /// Refactorings are returned in priority order determined based on .
- /// Priority for all s containing refactorings is set to
- /// and should show up after fixes but before suppression fixes in the light bulb menu.
- ///
- private SuggestedActionSet OrganizeRefactorings(Workspace workspace, CodeRefactoring refactoring)
- {
- var refactoringSuggestedActions = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance();
- foreach (var action in refactoring.Actions)
- {
- refactoringSuggestedActions.Add(new CodeRefactoringSuggestedAction(
- _owner, workspace, _subjectBuffer, refactoring.Provider, action));
- }
- return new SuggestedActionSet(
- refactoringSuggestedActions.ToImmutableAndFree(), SuggestedActionSetPriority.Low);
- }
- public async Task HasSuggestedActionsAsync(ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories, SnapshotSpan range, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- // Explicitly hold onto below fields in locals and use these locals throughout this code path to avoid crashes
- // if these fields happen to be cleared by Dispose() below. This is required since this code path involves
- // code that can run asynchronously from background thread.
- var view = _textView;
- var buffer = _subjectBuffer;
- var provider = _owner;
- if (view == null || buffer == null || provider == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- using (var asyncToken = provider.OperationListener.BeginAsyncOperation("HasSuggestedActionsAsync"))
- {
- var document = await GetMatchingDocumentAsync(range.Snapshot, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- if (document == null)
- {
- // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
- Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
- return false;
- }
- return
- await HasFixesAsync(provider, document, range, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false) ||
- await HasRefactoringsAsync(provider, document, buffer, view, range, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- }
- private async Task HasFixesAsync(
- SuggestedActionsSourceProvider provider,
- Document document,
- SnapshotSpan range,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var workspace = document.Project.Solution.Workspace;
- var supportsFeatureService = workspace.Services.GetService();
- if (provider._codeFixService != null &&
- supportsFeatureService.SupportsCodeFixes(document))
- {
- var result = await Task.Run(
- () => provider._codeFixService.GetFirstDiagnosticWithFixAsync(
- document, range.Span.ToTextSpan(), cancellationToken),
- cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- if (result.HasFix)
- {
- Logger.Log(FunctionId.SuggestedActions_HasSuggestedActionsAsync);
- return true;
- }
- if (result.PartialResult)
- {
- // reset solution version number so that we can raise suggested action changed event
- Volatile.Write(ref _lastSolutionVersionReported, InvalidSolutionVersion);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private async Task HasRefactoringsAsync(
- SuggestedActionsSourceProvider provider,
- Document document,
- ITextBuffer buffer,
- ITextView view,
- SnapshotSpan range,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var workspace = document.Project.Solution.Workspace;
- var supportsFeatureService = workspace.Services.GetService();
- if (document.Project.Solution.Options.GetOption(EditorComponentOnOffOptions.CodeRefactorings) &&
- provider._codeRefactoringService != null &&
- supportsFeatureService.SupportsRefactorings(document))
- {
- TextSpan? selection = null;
- if (IsForeground())
- {
- // This operation needs to happen on UI thread because it needs to access textView.Selection.
- selection = TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(buffer, view, range);
- }
- else
- {
- await InvokeBelowInputPriority(() =>
- {
- // This operation needs to happen on UI thread because it needs to access textView.Selection.
- selection = TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(buffer, view, range);
- }).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- if (!selection.HasValue)
- {
- // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
- Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
- return false;
- }
- return await Task.Run(
- () => provider._codeRefactoringService.HasRefactoringsAsync(
- document, selection.Value, cancellationToken),
- cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static TextSpan? TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(ITextBuffer buffer, ITextView view, SnapshotSpan range)
- {
- var selectedSpans = view.Selection.SelectedSpans
- .SelectMany(ss => view.BufferGraph.MapDownToBuffer(ss, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive, buffer))
- .Where(ss => !view.IsReadOnlyOnSurfaceBuffer(ss))
- .ToList();
- // We only support refactorings when there is a single selection in the document.
- if (selectedSpans.Count != 1)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var translatedSpan = selectedSpans[0].TranslateTo(range.Snapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
- // We only support refactorings when selected span intersects with the span that the light bulb is asking for.
- if (!translatedSpan.IntersectsWith(range))
- {
- return null;
- }
- return translatedSpan.Span.ToTextSpan();
- }
- private static async Task GetMatchingDocumentAsync(ITextSnapshot givenSnapshot, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var buffer = givenSnapshot.TextBuffer;
- if (buffer == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var workspace = buffer.GetWorkspace();
- if (workspace == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var documentId = workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(buffer.AsTextContainer());
- if (documentId == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(documentId);
- if (document == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var sourceText = await document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
- var snapshot = sourceText.FindCorrespondingEditorTextSnapshot();
- if (snapshot == null || snapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber != givenSnapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber)
- {
- return null;
- }
- return document;
- }
- private void OnTextViewClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Dispose();
- }
- private void OnWorkspaceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- // REVIEW: this event should give both old and new workspace as argument so that
- // one doesn't need to hold onto workspace in field.
- // remove existing event registration
- if (_workspace != null)
- {
- _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged -= OnActiveContextChanged;
- }
- // REVIEW: why one need to get new workspace from registration? why not just pass in the new workspace?
- // add new event registration
- _workspace = _registration.Workspace;
- if (_workspace != null)
- {
- _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged += OnActiveContextChanged;
- }
- }
- private void OnActiveContextChanged(object sender, DocumentActiveContextChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- // REVIEW: it would be nice for changed event to pass in both old and new document.
- OnSuggestedActionsChanged(e.Solution.Workspace, e.NewActiveContextDocumentId, e.Solution.WorkspaceVersion);
- }
- private void OnDiagnosticsUpdated(object sender, DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs e)
- {
- // document removed case. no reason to raise event
- if (e.Solution == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- OnSuggestedActionsChanged(e.Workspace, e.DocumentId, e.Solution.WorkspaceVersion);
- }
- private void OnSuggestedActionsChanged(Workspace currentWorkspace, DocumentId currentDocumentId, int solutionVersion, DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs args = null)
- {
- // Explicitly hold onto the _subjectBuffer field in a local and use this local in this function to avoid crashes
- // if this field happens to be cleared by Dispose() below. This is required since this code path involves code
- // that can run on background thread.
- var buffer = _subjectBuffer;
- if (buffer == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- var workspace = buffer.GetWorkspace();
- // workspace is not ready, nothing to do.
- if (workspace == null || workspace != currentWorkspace)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (currentDocumentId != workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(buffer.AsTextContainer()) ||
- solutionVersion == Volatile.Read(ref _lastSolutionVersionReported))
- {
- return;
- }
- this.SuggestedActionsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
- Volatile.Write(ref _lastSolutionVersionReported, solutionVersion);
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (_owner != null)
- {
- var updateSource = (IDiagnosticUpdateSource)_owner._diagnosticService;
- updateSource.DiagnosticsUpdated -= OnDiagnosticsUpdated;
- _owner = null;
- }
- if (_workspace != null)
- {
- _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged -= OnActiveContextChanged;
- _workspace = null;
- }
- if (_registration != null)
- {
- _registration.WorkspaceChanged -= OnWorkspaceChanged;
- _registration = null;
- }
- if (_textView != null)
- {
- _textView.Closed -= OnTextViewClosed;
- _textView = null;
- }
- if (_subjectBuffer != null)
- {
- _subjectBuffer = null;
- }
- }
- }
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