diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index be1b7bfa..c1b310c8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -13,9 +13,20 @@ GWEB_STATEDIR = /var/lib/ganglia-web
# Gmetad rootdir (parent location of rrd folder)
GMETAD_ROOTDIR = /var/lib/ganglia
-APACHE_USER = www-data
+#APACHE_USER = www-data
+#APACHE_GROUP = www-data
+$(info APACHE_USER is not set using www-data)
+APACHE_USER = www-data
+$(info APACHE_GROUP is not set, using $(APACHE_USER))
# Gweb version
@@ -23,56 +34,127 @@ DIST_NAME = ganglia-web
-TARGETS = conf_default.php ganglia-web.spec version.php apache.conf
+# TARGETS: Files that needs to be patched with user chosen variables
+TARGETS = conf_default.php conf_redirect.php apache.conf
+# DIST_GZIP_TARGETS targets that needs to be patched once before dist-gzip
+# basicaly version and default values.
+DIST_GZIP_TARGETS = ganglia-web.spec version.php
all: default
default: $(TARGETS)
- rm -rf $(TARGETS) $(DIST_DIR) $(DIST_TARBALL) rpmbuild
+ @echo -n "Cleaning build files ............................... "
+ @rm -rf $(TARGETS) $(DIST_DIR) $(DIST_TARBALL) rpmbuild
+ @echo "DONE."
conf_default.php: conf_default.php.in
- sed -e "s|@vargmetadir@|$(GMETAD_ROOTDIR)|" -e "s|@vargwebstatedir@|$(GWEB_STATEDIR)|g" conf_default.php.in > conf_default.php
+ @echo -n "Generating conf_default.php ........................ "
+ @sed -e "s|@vargmetadir@|$(GMETAD_ROOTDIR)|" -e "s|@vargwebdir@|$(GWEB_STATEDIR)|g" conf_default.php.in > conf_default.php
+ @echo "DONE."
+conf_redirect.php: conf_redirect.php.in
+ @echo -n "Generating conf_redirect.php ....................... "
+ @sed -e "s|@etcdir@|$(GCONFDIR)|" conf_redirect.php.in > conf_redirect.php
+ @echo "DONE."
ganglia-web.spec: ganglia-web.spec.in
- sed -e s/@GWEB_VERSION@/$(GWEB_VERSION)/ -e "s|@vargwebdir@|$(GWEB_STATEDIR)|" -e "s|@varapacheuser@|$(APACHE_USER)|g" -e "s|@etcdir@|$(GCONFDIR)|g" ganglia-web.spec.in > ganglia-web.spec
+ @echo -n "Generating ganglia-web.spec ........................ "
+ @sed -e s/@GWEB_VERSION@/$(GWEB_VERSION)/ -e "s|@vargwebdir@|$(GWEB_STATEDIR)|" -e "s|@GDESTDIR@|$(GDESTDIR)|g" -e "s|@etcdir@|$(GCONFDIR)|g" ganglia-web.spec.in > ganglia-web.spec
+ @echo "DONE."
version.php: version.php.in
- sed -e s/@GWEB_VERSION@/$(GWEB_VERSION)/ version.php.in > version.php
+ @echo -n "Generating version.php ............................. "
+ @sed -e s/@GWEB_VERSION@/$(GWEB_VERSION)/ version.php.in > version.php
+ @echo "DONE."
apache.conf: apache.conf.in
- sed -e "s|@GDESTDIR@|$(GDESTDIR)|g" apache.conf.in > apache.conf
+ @echo -n "Generating apache.conf ............................. "
+ @sed -e "s|@GDESTDIR@|$(GDESTDIR)|g" apache.conf.in > apache.conf
+ @echo "DONE."
dist-dir: default
- rsync --exclude "rpmbuild" --exclude "*.gz" --exclude "Makefile" --exclude "*debian*" --exclude "$(DIST_DIR)" --exclude ".git*" --exclude "*.in" --exclude "*~" --exclude "#*#" --exclude "ganglia-web.spec" --exclude "apache.conf" -a . $(DIST_DIR)
-install: dist-dir
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR)/dwoo/compiled && \
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR)/dwoo/cache && \
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR) && \
- rsync -a $(DIST_DIR)/conf $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR) && \
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GDESTDIR) && \
- rsync --exclude "conf" -a $(DIST_DIR)/* $(DESTDIR)/$(GDESTDIR) && \
-dist-gzip: dist-dir
- if [ -f $(DIST_TARBALL) ]; then \
- rm -rf $(DIST_TARBALL) ;\
- fi ;\
- tar -czf $(DIST_TARBALL) $(DIST_DIR)/*
+ @echo -n "Filling dist dir ................................... "
+ @rsync --exclude "rpmbuild" \
+ --exclude "debian/ganglia-webfrontend" \
+ --exclude "*.gz" \
+ --exclude "$(DIST_DIR)" \
+ --exclude ".git*" \
+ --exclude "version.php.in" \
+ --exclude "ganglia-web.spec.in" \
+ --exclude "apache.conf" \
+ --exclude "conf_default.php" \
+ --exclude "*~" \
+ --exclude "#*#" \
+ -a . $(DIST_DIR)
+ @echo "DONE."
+install: install-files
+ @echo -n "Setting ownership to the sharedstattedir files ..... "
+ @echo "DONE."
+install-files: dist-dir
+ @echo -n "Creating dwoo sharedstattedir tree ................. "
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR)/dwoo/compiled
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR)/dwoo/cache
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR)/filters
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Installing ganglia-webfrontend low level conf ...... "
+ @rsync -a $(DIST_DIR)/conf $(DESTDIR)/$(GWEB_STATEDIR)
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Installing php files ............................... "
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GDESTDIR)
+ @rsync --exclude "conf" \
+ --exclude conf_redirect.php \
+ --exclude "*.in" \
+ --exclude "*.spec" \
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Intalling redirect conf.php ........................ "
+ @# so it can be seen as a config file under debian packages.
+ @# Do the same for all distro to avoid specific case for debian.
+ @cp -f conf_redirect.php $(DESTDIR)/$(GDESTDIR)/conf.php
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Installing the generated conf_default.php file ..... "
+ @cp -f conf_default.php $(DESTDIR)/$(GDESTDIR)/conf_default.php
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Creating the etc/ganglia-webfrontend directory ..... "
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(GCONFDIR)
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Installing apache.conf ............................. "
+ @cp -f apache.conf $(DESTDIR)/$(GCONFDIR)/
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Installing the editable copy of conf_default.php ... "
+ @cp -f conf_default.php $(DESTDIR)/$(GCONFDIR)/conf.php
+ @echo "DONE."
+dist-gzip: dist-dir $(DIST_GZIP_TARGETS)
+ @echo -n "Creating tarball ................................... "
+ @if [ -f $(DIST_TARBALL) ]; then \
+ rm -rf $(DIST_TARBALL) ;\
+ fi
+ @tar -czf $(DIST_TARBALL) $(DIST_DIR)/*
+ @echo "DONE."
rpm: dist-gzip ganglia-web.spec apache.conf
- rm -rf rpmbuild
- mkdir rpmbuild
- mkdir rpmbuild/SOURCES
- mkdir rpmbuild/BUILD
- mkdir rpmbuild/RPMS
- mkdir rpmbuild/SRPMS
- cp $(DIST_TARBALL) rpmbuild/SOURCES
- cp apache.conf rpmbuild/SOURCES
- rpmbuild --define '_topdir $(PWD)/rpmbuild' --define 'custom_web_prefixdir $(GDESTDIR)' -bb ganglia-web.spec
+ @echo -n "Creating binary rpm ................................ "
+ @rm -rf rpmbuild
+ @mkdir rpmbuild
+ @mkdir rpmbuild/SOURCES
+ @mkdir rpmbuild/BUILD
+ @mkdir rpmbuild/RPMS
+ @mkdir rpmbuild/SRPMS
+ @ln -s ../../$(DIST_TARBALL) rpmbuild/SOURCES/$(DIST_TARBALL)
+ @rpmbuild --define '_topdir $(PWD)/rpmbuild' --define 'web_prefixdir $(GDESTDIR)' -bb ganglia-web.spec
+ @echo "DONE."
+ @echo -n "Uninstalling ganglia-web. (conf files untouched) ... "
+ @echo "DONE."
diff --git a/conf_default.php.in b/conf_default.php.in
index f12186b7..d7baa382 100644
--- a/conf_default.php.in
+++ b/conf_default.php.in
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# Gmetad-webfrontend version. Used to check for updates.
$conf['gweb_root'] = dirname(__FILE__);
-$conf['gweb_confdir'] = "@vargwebstatedir@";
+$conf['gweb_confdir'] = "@vargwebdir@";
include_once $conf['gweb_root'] . "/version.php";
diff --git a/conf_redirect.php.in b/conf_redirect.php.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3908841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf_redirect.php.in
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/debian/apache.conf b/debian/apache.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b4c4bf..00000000
--- a/debian/apache.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Alias /ganglia /usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend
- AllowOverride All
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- Deny from none
diff --git a/debian/conf_debian.php b/debian/conf_debian.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a0fdc625..00000000
--- a/debian/conf_debian.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index b9623dc2..c6b619b1 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -26,9 +26,4 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
# Add here commands to install the package into debian/ganglia.
$(MAKE) install APACHE_USER=www-data DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/ganglia-webfrontend
- # Install webfrontend
- mkdir -p debian/ganglia-webfrontend/etc/apache2/conf.d/
- cp -f debian/apache.conf \
- debian/ganglia-webfrontend/etc/ganglia-webfrontend
- cp -f debian/conf_debian.php \
- debian/ganglia-webfrontend/usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend/conf.php
+ #mkdir -p debian/ganglia-webfrontend/etc/apache2/conf.d/
diff --git a/ganglia-web.spec.in b/ganglia-web.spec.in
index 6207ffa8..873df81c 100644
--- a/ganglia-web.spec.in
+++ b/ganglia-web.spec.in
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+# The following options are supported:
+# --define 'httpd_user ' # defaults to: apache
+# --define 'httpd_group ' # defaults to: apache
+# --define 'web_prefixdir ' # defaults to: @GDESTDIR@
+# --define 'gweb_statedir ' # defaults to: @vargwebdir@
+# --define 'gweb_confdir ' # defaults to: @etcdir@
+# example: rpmbuild -tb ganglia-web-3.5.12.tar.gz --define 'httpd_user www-data' --define 'httpd_group www-data' --define 'web_prefixdir /srv/www/ganglia'
+# Default values for Above variables.
+%if 0%{?suse_version}
+%{!?web_prefixdir: %define web_prefixdir /srv/www/htdocs/ganglia}
+%{!?web_prefixdir: %define web_prefixdir /usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend}
+%{!?httpd_user: %define httpd_user apache}
+%{!?httpd_group: %define httpd_group apache}
+%{!?gweb_statedir: %define gweb_statedir @vargwebdir@}
+%{!?gweb_confdir: %define gweb_confdir @etcdir@}
Summary: Ganglia Web Frontend
Name: ganglia-web
@@ -7,19 +29,9 @@ License: BSD
Vendor: Ganglia Development Team
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-Source1: apache.conf
Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-buildroot
Obsoletes: ganglia-webfrontend
Requires: php >= 5, php-gd
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-%define web_prefixdir /srv/www/htdocs/ganglia
-%define web_prefixdir %{custom_web_prefixdir}
-%{!?custom_web_prefixdir: %define web_prefixdir /var/www/html/ganglia}
-Prefix: %{web_prefixdir}
BuildArchitectures: noarch
@@ -28,39 +40,39 @@ ganglia, and to provide historical graphs of collected metrics. This website is
written in the PHP5 language and uses the Dwoo templating engine.
-%setup -n %{name}-%{version}
-%__cp %{SOURCE1} .
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
+# Update all needed files
+%__make GDESTDIR=%{web_prefixdir} \
+ APACHE_USER=%{httpd_user} \
+ APACHE_GROUP=%{httpd_group} \
+ GWEB_STATEDIR=%{gweb_statedir} \
+ GCONFDIR=%{gweb_confdir}
# Flush any old RPM build root
%__rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%__mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{web_prefixdir}
-%__cp -rf * $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{web_prefixdir}
-%__rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{web_prefixdir}/conf
-%__rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{web_prefixdir}/apache.conf
-%__install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@vargwebdir@/filters
-%__install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@vargwebdir@/conf
-%__cp -rf conf/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@vargwebdir@/conf
-%__install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@vargwebdir@/dwoo
-%__install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@vargwebdir@/dwoo/compiled
-%__install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@vargwebdir@/dwoo/cache
-%__install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@etcdir@
-%__cp -f apache.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT@etcdir@/
+%__make install-files GDESTDIR=%{web_prefixdir} \
+ APACHE_USER=%{httpd_user} \
+ APACHE_GROUP=%{httpd_group} \
+ GWEB_STATEDIR=%{gweb_statedir} \
+ GCONFDIR=%{gweb_confdir} \
-%dir %attr(0755,@varapacheuser@,@varapacheuser@)@vargwebdir@/conf
-%dir %attr(0755,@varapacheuser@,@varapacheuser@)@vargwebdir@/dwoo
-%config(noreplace) %{web_prefixdir}/conf_default.php
-%config(noreplace) @etcdir@/apache.conf
+%dir %attr(0755,%{httpd_user},%{httpd_group})%{gweb_statedir}
+%dir %attr(0755,%{httpd_user},%{httpd_group})%{gweb_statedir}/filters
+%dir %attr(0755,%{httpd_user},%{httpd_group})%{gweb_statedir}/conf
+%dir %attr(0755,%{httpd_user},%{httpd_group})%{gweb_statedir}/dwoo
+%config(noreplace) %{gweb_confdir}/apache.conf
+%config(noreplace) %{gweb_confdir}/conf.php
%__rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
@@ -70,18 +82,23 @@ written in the PHP5 language and uses the Dwoo templating engine.
%triggerin -- httpd
if [ $1 -eq 1 -a $2 -eq 1 ]; then
if [ ! -e /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia-web.conf ] ; then
- ln -s @etcdir@/apache.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia-web.conf
+ ln -s %{gweb_confdir}/apache.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia-web.conf
%triggerun -- httpd
if [ $2 -eq 0 ]; then
- if [ -h /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia-web -a "`readlink /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`" = "@etcdir@/apache.conf" ]; then
+ if [ -h /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia-web -a "`readlink /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`" = "%{gweb_confdir}/apache.conf" ]; then
rm /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia-web.conf
+* Fri Feb 28 2014 Olivier Lahaye
+- Added the ability to change Makefile variables using --define switch for the
+ following variables:
+ httpd_user, httpd_group, web_prefixdir, gweb_confdir, gweb_statedir
+- Also fixed a bug that prevented to fix the web_prefixdir on SuSE Linux.
* Tue Jun 04 2013 Wesley Hirsch
- Added default apache configuration
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Bernard Li