A sampe application for Wisej.NET 3.x. Is a .NET 4.8 Framework Application.
Use the (in)famous SQLServer sample Db called Pubs. The DB Schema and data are into the file "Script Pubs.sql".
The application use BasicDAL and BasicDALWisejControls. You can find the latest version on repositories BasicDAL and BasicDALWisejControls.
For you convenience the BasicDAL and BasicDALWisejControls versione referenced are zipped in this repository.
NOTE: The app use Crystal Reports. The modules are referenced by BasicDALWisejControls as Nuget packages but is required to install the Crystal Reports to edit the report and the Crystal Report for Viewing the report on deploy machine :-)
Crystal Report for Visual Studio is free. To Obtain Crystal Report please follow this link: https://www.tektutorialshub.com/crystal-reports/crystal-reports-download-for-visual-studio/
For update and service packs follow this link: https://www.tektutorialshub.com/crystal-reports/how-to-download-and-install-crystal-report-runtime/
Visual Studio 2022 version, CR ServicePack SP33: https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000001649972022
Visual Stusio 2019 version, CR ServicePack SP33: https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000001649932022
Crystal Reports Runtimes 64 Bit: https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000001649962022 32 Bit: https://origin-az.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/file/0020000001649922022