From 5e21bcab93dbf724b64cd049df3a6a2410382d95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:18:44 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 01/14] MF-API Server update and integration (#1)

Updates related to database and Provider

* Modify database schema file

* Create a new provider file

* Create a new test file to test the provider file
 .../provider/mf-api-sql/  |   55 +
 pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql       |   45 +
 pygeoapi/provider/    | 1301 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/           |  837 +++++++++++
 4 files changed, 2238 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/
 create mode 100644 pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql
 create mode 100644 pygeoapi/provider/
 create mode 100644 tests/

diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/ b/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63d44c468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+echo "shared_preload_libraries = ''" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
+set -e
+# Create the 'mobilitydb' extension in the mobilitydb database
+echo "Loading MobilityDB extension into mobilitydb"
+psql --user="$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname="mobilitydb" <<- 'EOSQL'
+    -- Table collection
+  CREATE TABLE public.collection (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+    collection_property jsonb NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id)
+  );
+    -- Table MovingFeature
+  CREATE TABLE public.mfeature (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+    mf_geometry geometry NULL,
+    mf_property jsonb NULL,
+    lifespan tstzspan NULL,
+      PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id),
+      FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(collection_id)
+  );
+    -- Table TemporalGeometry
+  CREATE TABLE public.tgeometry (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    tgeometry_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+    tgeometry_property tgeompoint NULL,
+    tgeog_property tgeompoint NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id),
+    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+  );
+    -- Table TemporalProperty
+  CREATE TABLE public.tproperties (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
+    datetime_group int4 NOT NULL,
+    tproperty jsonb NULL,
+    pvalue_float tfloat NULL,
+    pvalue_text ttext NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name, datetime_group),
+    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+  );
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql b/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70cb140e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+  -- Table collection
+CREATE TABLE public.collection (
+	collection_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+	collection_property jsonb NULL,
+	PRIMARY KEY (collection_id)
+  -- Table MovingFeature
+CREATE TABLE public.mfeature (
+	collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+	mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+	mf_geometry geometry NULL,
+	mf_property jsonb NULL,
+	lifespan tstzspan NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id),
+    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(collection_id)
+  -- Table TemporalGeometry
+CREATE TABLE public.tgeometry (
+	collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+	mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+	tgeometry_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+	tgeometry_property tgeompoint NULL,
+	tgeog_property tgeompoint NULL,
+	PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id),
+	FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+  -- Table TemporalProperty
+CREATE TABLE public.tproperties (
+	collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+	mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+	tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
+	datetime_group int4 NOT NULL,
+	tproperty jsonb NULL,
+	pvalue_float tfloat NULL,
+	pvalue_text ttext NULL,
+	PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name, datetime_group),
+	FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/ b/pygeoapi/provider/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d763febb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/
@@ -0,0 +1,1301 @@
+import json
+import datetime
+import psycopg2
+from functools import partial
+from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
+import pytz
+from pymeos import (Temporal, TFloatSeq, TFloatSeqSet, pymeos_initialize)
+from pygeoapi.util import format_datetime
+from pymeos_cffi import (tfloat_from_mfjson, ttext_from_mfjson,
+                         tgeompoint_from_mfjson)
+# from mobilitydb.psycopg import register
+class PostgresMobilityDB:
+    host = ''
+    port = 5432
+    db = 'mobilitydb'
+    user = 'docker'
+    password = 'docker'
+    connection = None
+    # Local WSL environment test
+    # host = ''
+    # port = 5432
+    # db = 'mobility'
+    # user = 'postgres'
+    # password = 'postgres'
+    # connection = None
+    def __init__(self, datasource=None):
+        """
+        PostgresMobilityDB Class constructor
+        :param datasource: datasource definition (default None)
+            host - database host address
+            port - connection port number
+            db - table name
+            user - user name used to authenticate
+            password - password used to authenticate
+        """
+        self.connection = None
+        if datasource is not None:
+   = datasource['host']
+            self.port = int(datasource['port'])
+            self.db = datasource['dbname']
+            self.user = datasource['user']
+            self.password = datasource['password']
+    def connect(self):
+        """
+        Connection of database
+        """
+        # Set the connection parameters to PostgreSQL
+        self.connection = psycopg2.connect(,
+                                           database=self.db,
+                                           user=self.user,
+                                           password=self.password,
+                                           port=self.port)
+        self.connection.autocommit = True
+        # Register MobilityDB data types (old library 'python-mobilitydb')
+        # register(self.connection)
+    def disconnect(self):
+        """
+        Close the connection
+        """
+        if self.connection:
+            self.connection.close()
+    def get_collections_list(self):
+        """
+        Query moving features collection list
+        GET /collections
+        :returns: JSON FeatureCollection
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            select_query = "SELECT collection_id FROM collection"
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result
+    def get_collections(self):
+        """
+        Query moving features collections
+        :returns: JSON FeatureCollections
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            select_query = """select collection.collection_id,
+            collection.collection_property, extentLifespan,
+            extentTGeometry from (select collection.collection_id,
+            collection.collection_property,
+            extent(mfeature.lifespan) as extentLifespan,
+            extent(tgeometry.tgeometry_property) as extentTGeometry
+            from collection
+            left outer join mfeature
+            on collection.collection_id = mfeature.collection_id
+            left outer join tgeometry
+            on mfeature.collection_id = tgeometry.collection_id
+            and mfeature.mfeature_id = tgeometry.mfeature_id
+            group by collection.collection_id, collection.collection_property)
+            collection """
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result
+    def get_collection(self, collection_id):
+        """
+        Query specific moving features collection
+        GET /collections/{collectionId}
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :returns: JSON FeatureCollection
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            select_query = ("""select collection.collection_id,
+                collection.collection_property, extentLifespan,
+                extentTGeometry from (select collection.collection_id,
+                collection.collection_property,
+                extent(mfeature.lifespan) as extentLifespan,
+                extent(tgeometry.tgeometry_property) as extentTGeometry
+                from collection
+                left outer join mfeature
+                on collection.collection_id = mfeature.collection_id
+                left outer join tgeometry
+                on mfeature.collection_id = tgeometry.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tgeometry.mfeature_id
+                where collection.collection_id ='{0}'
+                group by collection.collection_id,
+                collection.collection_property)
+                collection """
+                            .format(collection_id))
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result
+    def get_features_list(self):
+        """
+        Query all moving features
+        :returns: JSON MovingFeatures
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            select_query = "SELECT collection_id, mfeature_id FROM mfeature"
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result
+    def get_features(
+            self, collection_id, bbox='', datetime='', limit=10, offset=0,
+            sub_trajectory=False):
+        """
+        Retrieve the moving feature collection to access
+        the static information of the moving feature
+        /collections/{collectionId}/items
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param bbox: bounding box [lowleft1,lowleft2,min(optional),
+                                   upright1,upright2,max(optional)]
+        :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
+        :param limit: number of items (default 10) [optional]
+        :param offset: starting record to return (default 0)
+        :param sub_trajectory: If specified true, This operation returns only a
+                              subsequence of temporal geometry within a time
+                              interval contained in the
+                              datetime parameter (default False)[optional]
+        :returns: JSON MovingFeatures
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            bbox_restriction = ""
+            if bbox != '' and bbox is not None:
+                s_bbox = ','.join(str(x) for x in bbox)
+                if len(bbox) == 4:
+                    bbox_restriction = " and box2d(stboxx(" + \
+                        s_bbox + ")) &&& box2d(extentTGeometry) "
+                elif len(bbox) == 6:
+                    bbox_restriction = " and box3d(stboxz(" + \
+                        s_bbox + ")) &&& box3d(extentTGeometry) "
+            datetime_restriction = ""
+            if datetime != '' and datetime is not None:
+                if sub_trajectory is False or sub_trajectory == "false":
+                    datetime_restriction = (
+                        """ and((lifespan && tstzspan('[{0}]'))
+                        or (extentTPropertiesValueFloat::tstzspan &&
+                        tstzspan('[{0}]')) or
+                        (extentTPropertiesValueText::tstzspan &&
+                        tstzspan('[{0}]')) or
+                        (extentTGeometry::tstzspan && tstzspan('[{0}]')))"""
+                        .format(datetime))
+            limit_restriction = " LIMIT " + \
+                str(limit) + " OFFSET " + str(offset)
+            # sub_trajectory is false
+            select_query = (
+                """select mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                st_asgeojson(mfeature.mf_geometry) as mf_geometry,
+                mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan, extentTGeometry,
+                extentTPropertiesValueFloat, extentTPropertiesValueText
+                from (select mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                mfeature.mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan,
+                extent(tgeometry.tgeometry_property) as extentTGeometry
+                from mfeature left outer join tgeometry
+                on mfeature.collection_id = tgeometry.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tgeometry.mfeature_id
+                where mfeature.collection_id ='{0}'
+                group by mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                mfeature.mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan)
+                mfeature left outer join
+                (select mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                extent(tproperties.pvalue_float)
+                as extentTPropertiesValueFloat,
+                extent(tproperties.pvalue_text) as extentTPropertiesValueText
+                from mfeature left outer join tproperties
+                on mfeature.collection_id = tproperties.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tproperties.mfeature_id
+                where mfeature.collection_id ='{0}'
+                group by mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id)
+                tproperties ON
+                mfeature.collection_id = tproperties.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tproperties.mfeature_id
+                where 1=1 {1} {2}""" .format(
+                    collection_id, bbox_restriction, datetime_restriction))
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+            number_matched = len(result)
+            select_query += limit_restriction
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+            number_returned = len(result)
+            if sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == "true":
+                sub_trajectory_field = ("""atTime(tgeometry.tgeometry_property,
+                                    tstzspan('[{0}]'))"""
+                                        .format(datetime))
+                # sub_trajectory is true
+                select_geometry_query = (
+                    """select mfeature.collection_id,
+                mfeature.mfeature_id, mfeature.mf_geometry,
+                mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan,
+                extentTGeometry, tgeometry.tgeometry_id,
+                tgeometry_property from (select mfeature.collection_id,
+                mfeature.mfeature_id, st_asgeojson(mfeature.mf_geometry)
+                as mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan,
+                extentTGeometry from (select mfeature.collection_id,
+                mfeature.mfeature_id, mfeature.mf_geometry,
+                mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan,
+                extent(tgeometry.tgeometry_property)
+                as extentTGeometry from mfeature left outer join tgeometry
+                on mfeature.collection_id = tgeometry.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tgeometry.mfeature_id
+                where mfeature.collection_id ='{0}'
+                group by mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                mfeature.mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan)
+                mfeature where 1=1 {1} {2}) mfeature
+                left outer join (select tgeometry.collection_id,
+                tgeometry.mfeature_id, tgeometry.tgeometry_id, {3}
+                as tgeometry_property from tgeometry
+                where tgeometry.collection_id ='{0}' and {3} is not null)
+                tgeometry ON mfeature.collection_id = tgeometry.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tgeometry.mfeature_id where 1=1 """.
+                    format(
+                        collection_id, bbox_restriction,
+                        limit_restriction,
+                        sub_trajectory_field))
+                cur.execute(select_geometry_query)
+                result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result, number_matched, number_returned
+    def get_feature(self, collection_id, mfeature_id):
+        """
+        Access the static data of the moving feature
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :returns: JSON MovingFeature
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur = self.connection.cursor()
+            select_query = (
+                """select mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                st_asgeojson(mfeature.mf_geometry) as mf_geometry,
+                mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan, extentTGeometry
+                from (select mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                mfeature.mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan,
+                extent(tgeometry.tgeometry_property) as extentTGeometry
+                from mfeature left outer join tgeometry
+                on mfeature.collection_id = tgeometry.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tgeometry.mfeature_id
+                where mfeature.collection_id ='{0}'
+                AND mfeature.mfeature_id='{1}'
+                group by mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
+                mfeature.mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property,
+                mfeature.lifespan) mfeature """ .format(
+                    collection_id, mfeature_id))
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result
+    def get_temporalgeometries(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, bbox='', leaf='', datetime='',
+            limit=10, offset=0, sub_trajectory=False):
+        """
+        Retrieve only the movement data of a moving feature
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param bbox: bounding box [lowleft1,lowleft2,min(optional),
+                                   upright1,upright2,max(optional)]
+        :param leaf: only features that have a temporal geometry and
+                     property that intersects the given
+                     date-time are selected [optional]
+        :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
+        :param limit: number of items (default 10) [optional]
+        :param offset: starting record to return (default 0)
+        :param sub_trajectory: If specified true, This operation returns only a
+                              subsequence of temporal geometry within a time
+                              interval contained in the
+                              datetime parameter (default False) [optional]
+        :returns: JSON TemporalGeometry
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            tgeometry_property = 'null'
+            bbox_restriction = ""
+            if bbox != '' and bbox is not None:
+                s_bbox = ','.join(str(x) for x in bbox)
+                if len(bbox) == 4:
+                    bbox_restriction = " and box2d(stboxx(" + s_bbox + \
+                        ")) &&& box2d(stbox(tgeometry_property))"
+                elif len(bbox) == 6:
+                    bbox_restriction = " and box3d(stboxz(" + s_bbox + \
+                        ")) &&& box3d(stbox(tgeometry_property))"
+            datetime_restriction = ""
+            if datetime != '' and datetime is not None:
+                datetime_restriction = (""" and atTime(tgeometry_property,
+                    tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null """
+                                        .format(datetime))
+            if leaf != '' and leaf is not None:
+                tgeometry_property = ("""atTime(tgeometry_property,
+                    tstzset('{0}'))""".format('{' + leaf + '}'))
+            elif sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == "true":
+                tgeometry_property = ("""atTime(tgeometry_property,
+                    tstzspan('[{0}]'))""".format(datetime))
+            select_query = (
+                """SELECT collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id,
+                    tgeometry_property, {0}
+                    FROM tgeometry WHERE collection_id ='{1}'
+                    AND mfeature_id='{2}' {3} {4}"""
+                .format(tgeometry_property, collection_id,
+                        mfeature_id, bbox_restriction,
+                        datetime_restriction))
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+            number_matched = len(result)
+            select_query += " LIMIT " + str(limit) + " OFFSET " + str(offset)
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+            number_returned = len(result)
+        return result, number_matched, number_returned
+    def get_tProperties_name_list(self):
+        """
+        Query all tProperties name list
+        :returns: MF-JSON tProperties
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            select_query = """SELECT collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                    tproperties_name FROM tproperties"""
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result
+    def get_temporalproperties(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, datetime='', limit=10,
+            offset=0, subTemporalValue=False):
+        """
+        Retrieve the static information of the temporal property data
+        that included a single moving feature
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
+        :param limit: number of items (default 10) [optional]
+        :param offset: starting record to return (default 0)
+        :param subTemporalValue: only features with a temporal property
+                                 intersecting the given time interval
+                                 will return (default False) [optional]
+        :returns: MF-JSON TemporalProperties or temporalProperty
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            datetime_restriction = ''
+            if datetime != '' and datetime is not None:
+                if subTemporalValue is False or subTemporalValue == "false":
+                    datetime_restriction = (""" and (atTime(pvalue_float,
+                    tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null
+                    or atTime(pvalue_text, tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null)"""
+                                            .format(datetime))
+            limit_restriction = " LIMIT " + \
+                str(limit) + " OFFSET " + str(offset)
+            select_query = ("""select distinct on (tproperties.collection_id,
+            tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name)
+            tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
+            tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty
+            from tproperties WHERE tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
+            AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}' {2}""". format(
+                collection_id, mfeature_id, datetime_restriction))
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+            number_matched = len(result)
+            select_query += limit_restriction
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+            number_returned = len(result)
+            if subTemporalValue or subTemporalValue == "true":
+                subTemporalValue_float_field = (
+                    """atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float,
+                    tstzspan('[{0}]'))""" .format(datetime))
+                subTemporalValue_text_field = (
+                    """atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text,
+                    tstzspan('[{0}]'))""" .format(datetime))
+                select_temporalvalue_query = (
+                    """select tproperties.collection_id,
+        tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name,
+        tproperties.tproperty, datetime_group, pvalue_float, pvalue_text
+        from (select distinct on (tproperties.collection_id,
+        tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name)
+        tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
+        tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty
+        from tproperties where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
+        AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}' {2} {3}) tproperties
+        left outer join (select tproperties.collection_id,
+        tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name,
+        tproperties.datetime_group, {4} as pvalue_float,
+        {5} as pvalue_text from tproperties
+        where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
+        AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}' and ({4} is not null
+        or {5} is not null)) tpropertiesvalue
+        on tproperties.collection_id = tpropertiesvalue.collection_id
+        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tpropertiesvalue.mfeature_id
+        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tpropertiesvalue.tproperties_name
+        where 1=1 order by datetime_group""".
+                    format(
+                        collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                        datetime_restriction,
+                        limit_restriction,
+                        subTemporalValue_float_field,
+                        subTemporalValue_text_field))
+                cur.execute(select_temporalvalue_query)
+                result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result, number_matched, number_returned
+    def get_temporalproperties_value(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperty_name, datetime='',
+            leaf='', subTemporalValue=False):
+        """
+        Retrieve temporal values with a specified name
+        {tPropertyName} of temporal property.
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param tProperty_name: local identifier of a temporal property
+        :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
+        :param leaf: only features that have a temporal geometry and
+                     property that intersects the given
+                     date-time are selected [optional]
+        :param subTemporalValue: only features with a temporal property
+                                 intersecting the given time interval
+                                 will return (default False) [optional]
+        :returns: JSON TemporalPropertyValue
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            datetime_restriction = ""
+            if datetime != '' and datetime is not None:
+                datetime_restriction = (
+                    """ and (atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float,
+                tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null
+                or atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text,
+                tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null) """ .format(datetime))
+            float_field = 'pvalue_float'
+            text_field = 'pvalue_text'
+            if leaf != '' and leaf is not None:
+                float_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float, \
+                    tstzset('{" + leaf + "}'))"
+                text_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text, \
+                    tstzset('{" + leaf + "}'))"
+            elif subTemporalValue or subTemporalValue == "true":
+                float_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float, \
+                    tstzspan('[" + datetime + "]'))"
+                text_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text, \
+                    tstzspan('[" + datetime + "]'))"
+            select_query = (
+                """select tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
+        tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty,
+        datetime_group, pvalue_float, pvalue_text
+        from (select distinct on (tproperties.collection_id,
+        tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name)
+        tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
+        tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty
+        from tproperties where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
+        AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}'
+        AND tproperties.tproperties_name='{2}') tproperties
+        left outer join (select tproperties.collection_id,
+        tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name,
+        tproperties.datetime_group, {3} as pvalue_float,
+        {4} as pvalue_text from tproperties
+        where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
+        AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}'
+        AND tproperties.tproperties_name='{2}' {5}) tpropertiesvalue
+        on tproperties.collection_id = tpropertiesvalue.collection_id
+        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tpropertiesvalue.mfeature_id
+        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tpropertiesvalue.tproperties_name
+        where 1=1 order by datetime_group"""
+                .format(collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperty_name,
+                        float_field, text_field, datetime_restriction))
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return result
+    def post_collection(self, collection_property):
+        """
+        Register metadata about a collection of moving features
+        :param collection_property: metadata about a collection
+            title - human readable title of the collection
+            updateFrequency - a time interval of sampling location
+            description - any description
+            itemType - indicator about the type of the items in the
+                       moving features collection (default "movingfeature")
+        :returns: Collection ID
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "INSERT INTO collection(collection_property) \
+                VALUES ('{0}') RETURNING collection_id".
+                format(json.dumps(collection_property)))
+            collection_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
+        return collection_id
+    def post_movingfeature(self, collection_id, movingfeature):
+        """
+        Insert a set of moving features or a moving feature into a collection
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param movingfeature: MovingFeature object or
+                              MovingFeatureCollection object
+        :returns: MovingFeature ID
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            g_movingfeature = dict(movingfeature)
+            lifespan = g_movingfeature.pop("time", None)
+            if lifespan is not None:
+                lifespan = "'[" + self.validate_lifespan(lifespan) + "]'"
+            else:
+                lifespan = "NULL"
+            temporal_geometries = g_movingfeature.pop("temporalGeometry", None)
+            temporal_properties = g_movingfeature.pop(
+                "temporalProperties", None)
+            if 'geometry' in g_movingfeature:
+                geometry = g_movingfeature.pop("geometry", None)
+                cur.execute(
+                    """INSERT INTO mfeature(collection_id, mf_geometry,
+                    mf_property, lifespan) VALUES ('{0}',
+                    ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{1}'), '{2}', {3})
+                    RETURNING mfeature_id"""
+                    .format(collection_id, json.dumps(geometry),
+                            json.dumps(g_movingfeature), lifespan))
+            else:
+                cur.execute(
+                    """INSERT INTO mfeature(collection_id,
+                    mf_property, lifespan)
+                    VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', {2}) RETURNING mfeature_id"""
+                    .format(
+                        collection_id, json.dumps(g_movingfeature), lifespan))
+            mfeature_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
+            if temporal_geometries is not None:
+                temporal_geometries = [temporal_geometries] if not isinstance(
+                    temporal_geometries, list) else temporal_geometries
+                for temporal_geometry in temporal_geometries:
+                    self.post_temporalgeometry(
+                        collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_geometry)
+            if temporal_properties is not None:
+                temporal_properties = [temporal_properties] if not isinstance(
+                    temporal_properties, list) else temporal_properties
+                for temporal_property in temporal_properties:
+                    self.post_temporalproperties(
+                        collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_property)
+        return mfeature_id
+    def post_temporalgeometry(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_geometry):
+        """
+        Add movement data into the moving feature
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param temporal_geometry: TemporalPrimitiveGeometry object
+                                 in the OGC MF-JSON
+        :returns: TemporalGeometry ID
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            # pymeos of python
+            pymeos_initialize()
+            temporal_geometry = self.convert_temporalgeometry_to_new_version(
+                temporal_geometry)
+            value = Temporal._factory(
+                tgeompoint_from_mfjson(json.dumps(temporal_geometry)))
+            cur.execute(
+                """INSERT INTO tgeometry(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                tgeometry_property, tgeog_property)
+                VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}') RETURNING tgeometry_id"""
+                .format(collection_id, mfeature_id, str(value), str(value)))
+            tgeometry_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
+        return tgeometry_id
+    def post_temporalproperties(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_property):
+        """
+        Add temporal property data into a moving feature
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param temporalProperty: TemporalProperties object in the OGC MF-JSON
+        :returns: TemporalProperty Name
+        """
+        g_temporal_property = dict(temporal_property)
+        datetimes = []
+        if 'datetimes' in g_temporal_property:
+            datetimes = g_temporal_property.pop("datetimes", None)
+        datetime_group = self.get_temporalproperties_group(
+            collection_id, mfeature_id, datetimes)
+        for tproperties_name in g_temporal_property:
+            with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+                if 'values' in g_temporal_property[tproperties_name] \
+                    and 'interpolation' in g_temporal_property[
+                        tproperties_name]:
+                    values = g_temporal_property[tproperties_name].pop(
+                        "values", None)
+                    interpolation = g_temporal_property[tproperties_name].pop(
+                        "interpolation", None)
+                    temporal_value = self.create_temporalproperty_value(
+                        datetimes, values, interpolation)
+                    dataType = temporal_value["type"]
+                    pvalue_column = ""
+                    value = None
+                    pymeos_initialize()
+                    if dataType == 'MovingFloat':
+                        pvalue_column = "pValue_float"
+                        value = Temporal._factory(
+                            tfloat_from_mfjson(json.dumps(temporal_value)))
+                    else:
+                        pvalue_column = "pValue_text"
+                        value = Temporal._factory(
+                            ttext_from_mfjson(json.dumps(temporal_value)))
+                    insert_query = (
+                        """INSERT INTO tproperties(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                            tproperties_name, datetime_group, tproperty, {0})
+                            VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', {4}, '{5}', '{6}')"""
+                        .format(
+                            pvalue_column, collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                            tproperties_name, datetime_group, json.dumps(
+                                temporal_property[tproperties_name]),
+                            str(value)))
+                    cur.execute(insert_query)
+                else:
+                    insert_query = ("""INSERT INTO tproperties(collection_id,
+                    mfeature_id, tproperties_name, datetime_group, tproperty)
+                    VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', {3}, '{4}')""".format(
+                        collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name,
+                        datetime_group, json.dumps(
+                            temporal_property[tproperties_name])))
+                    cur.execute(insert_query)
+        # TODO replace g_temporal_property
+        return tproperties_name
+    def post_temporalvalue(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name,
+            temporal_value_data):
+        """
+        Add more temporal values data into a temporal property
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param tproperties_name: local identifier of a temporal property
+        :param temporal_value_data: temporal primitive value
+            datetimes - array of strings <date-time>
+            values - number or string or boolean
+            interpolation - Enum: "Discrete" "Step" "Linear" "Regression"
+        :returns: Temporal Primitive Value
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            datetimes = temporal_value_data['datetimes']
+            values = temporal_value_data['values']
+            interpolation = temporal_value_data['interpolation']
+            temporal_value = self.create_temporalproperty_value(
+                datetimes, values, interpolation)
+            datetime_group = self.get_temporalproperties_group(
+                collection_id, mfeature_id, datetimes)
+            dataType = temporal_value["type"]
+            pvalue_column = ""
+            value = None
+            pymeos_initialize()
+            if dataType == 'MovingFloat':
+                pvalue_column = "pValue_float"
+                value = Temporal._factory(
+                    tfloat_from_mfjson(json.dumps(temporal_value)))
+            else:
+                pvalue_column = "pValue_text"
+                value = Temporal._factory(
+                    ttext_from_mfjson(json.dumps(temporal_value)))
+            insert_querry = (
+                """INSERT INTO tproperties(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                tproperties_name, datetime_group, {0})
+                VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', {4}, '{5}')"""
+                .format(
+                    pvalue_column, collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                    tproperties_name, datetime_group, str(value)))
+            cur.execute(insert_querry)
+            pValue_id = ''
+        return pValue_id
+    def put_collection(self, collection_id, collection_property):
+        """
+        Replace metadata about the collection
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param collection_property: metadata about a collection
+            title - human readable title of the collection
+            updateFrequency - a time interval of sampling location
+            description - any description
+            itemType - indicator about the type of the items in the
+                       moving features collection (default "movingfeature")
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "UPDATE collection set collection_property = '{0}' \
+                        WHERE collection_id = '{1}'" .format(
+                    json.dumps(collection_property), collection_id))
+    def delete_collection(self, restriction):
+        """
+        Delete records associated with a collection id
+        :param restriction: moving feature collection id
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tgeometry WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tproperties WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM mfeature WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM collection WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+    def delete_movingfeature(self, restriction):
+        """
+        Delete records associated with a moving feature id
+        :param restriction: moving feature id
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tproperties WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tgeometry WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM mfeature WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+    def delete_temporalgeometry(self, restriction):
+        """
+        Delete the temporal geometry record with the given restriction.
+        :param restriction: temporal geometry id
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tgeometry WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+    def delete_temporalproperties(self, restriction):
+        """
+        Delete the temporal properties record with the given restriction.
+        :param restriction: temporal properties id
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tproperties WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+    def convert_temporalgeometry_to_new_version(self, temporal_geometry):
+        """
+        Convert temporal geometory to new version
+        :param temporal_geometry: MF-JSON TemporalPrimitiveGeometry (object) or
+                                 MF-JSON TemporalComplexGeometry
+        :returns: temporalGeometry object
+        """
+        if 'datetimes' in temporal_geometry:
+            datetimes = temporal_geometry['datetimes']
+            for i in range(len(datetimes)):
+                datetimes[i] = datetimes[i].replace('Z', '')
+            temporal_geometry['datetimes'] = datetimes
+        if 'lower_inc' not in temporal_geometry:
+            temporal_geometry['lower_inc'] = True
+        if 'upper_inc' not in temporal_geometry:
+            temporal_geometry['upper_inc'] = True
+        return temporal_geometry
+    def convert_temporalgeometry_to_old_version(self, temporal_geometry):
+        """
+        Convert temporal geometory to old version
+        :param temporal_geometry: MF-JSON TemporalPrimitiveGeometry (object) or
+                                 MF-JSON TemporalComplexGeometry
+        :returns: temporalGeometry object
+        """
+        if 'datetimes' in temporal_geometry:
+            datetimes = temporal_geometry['datetimes']
+            for i in range(len(datetimes)):
+                datetimes[i] = datetimes[i].split('+')[0] + 'Z'
+            temporal_geometry['datetimes'] = datetimes
+        if 'lower_inc' in temporal_geometry:
+            del temporal_geometry['lower_inc']
+        if 'upper_inc' in temporal_geometry:
+            del temporal_geometry['upper_inc']
+        return temporal_geometry
+    def create_temporalproperty_value(self, datetimes, values, interpolation):
+        """
+        Create temporal property value
+        :param datetimes: array of strings <date-time>
+        :param values: number or string or boolean
+        :param interpolation: Enum: "Discrete" "Step" "Linear" "Regression"
+        :returns: temporalValue object
+        """
+        for i in range(len(datetimes)):
+            if isinstance(datetimes[i], int):
+                datetimes[i] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+                    datetimes[i] / 1e3).strftime("%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
+            else:
+                datetimes[i] = datetimes[i].replace('Z', '')
+        if all(
+            [isinstance(item, int) or isinstance(item, float)
+             for item in values]):
+            dataType = 'MovingFloat'
+        else:
+            dataType = 'MovingText'
+        temporal_value = {
+            "type": dataType,
+            "lower_inc": True,
+            "upper_inc": True,
+            'datetimes': datetimes,
+            'values': values,
+            'interpolation': interpolation
+        }
+        return temporal_value
+    def convert_temporalproperty_value_to_base_version(
+            self, temporal_property_value):
+        """
+        Convert temporal property value to base version
+        :param temporal_property_value: database type(tText,tFloat)
+                                        temporalPropertyValue object
+        :returns: JSON temporalPropertyValue
+        """
+        if 'type' in temporal_property_value:
+            del temporal_property_value['type']
+        if 'datetimes' in temporal_property_value:
+            datetimes = temporal_property_value['datetimes']
+            for i in range(len(datetimes)):
+                datetimes[i] = datetimes[i].split('+')[0] + 'Z'
+            temporal_property_value['datetimes'] = datetimes
+        if 'lower_inc' in temporal_property_value:
+            del temporal_property_value['lower_inc']
+        if 'upper_inc' in temporal_property_value:
+            del temporal_property_value['upper_inc']
+        return temporal_property_value
+    def validate_lifespan(self, datetime_=None) -> str:
+        """
+        Validate datetime lifespan
+        :param datetime_: either a date-time or an interval. (default None)
+        :returns: start and end datetype string
+        """
+        datetime_for_return = ''
+        if datetime_ is not None and datetime_ != []:
+            dateparse_begin = partial(dateparse, default=datetime.datetime.min)
+            dateparse_end = partial(dateparse, default=datetime.datetime.max)
+            datetime_begin = datetime_[0]
+            datetime_end = datetime_[-1]
+            datetime_begin = dateparse_begin(datetime_begin)
+            if datetime_begin.tzinfo is None:
+                datetime_begin = datetime_begin.replace(
+                    tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            datetime_end = dateparse_end(datetime_end)
+            if datetime_end.tzinfo is None:
+                datetime_end = datetime_end.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            datetime_invalid = any([
+                (datetime_begin > datetime_end)
+            ])
+            if not datetime_invalid:
+                datetime_for_return = datetime_begin.strftime(
+                    '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + ',' + \
+                    datetime_end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+        return datetime_for_return
+    def check_temporalproperty_can_post(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_properties,
+            tproperties_name=None):
+        """
+        Check temporalProperties object can be POSTed
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param temporal_properties: temporalProperties object
+        :param tproperties_name: temporal property name (default None)
+        :returns: True or False
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            for temporal_property in temporal_properties:
+                g_temporal_property = dict(temporal_property)
+                if 'datetimes' in g_temporal_property:
+                    datetimes = g_temporal_property["datetimes"]
+                    for i in range(len(datetimes)):
+                        if isinstance(datetimes[i], int):
+                            datetimes[i] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+                                datetimes[i] / 1e3)\
+                                .strftime("%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
+                        else:
+                            datetimes[i] = datetimes[i].replace('Z', '')
+                    tproperties_name_list = []
+                    if tproperties_name is not None:
+                        tproperties_name_list = [tproperties_name]
+                    else:
+                        for tproperties_name in g_temporal_property:
+                            tproperties_name_list.append(tproperties_name)
+                    select_query = (
+                        """select collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name,
+                    count(datetime_group) as intersect_count
+                    from tproperties where collection_id ='{0}'
+                    and mfeature_id='{1}' and tproperties_name in ({2})
+                    and ((pvalue_float::tstzspan && tstzset('{3}')::tstzspan)
+                    or (pvalue_text::tstzspan && tstzset('{3}')::tstzspan))
+                    group by collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name"""
+                        .format(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                                "'" + "', '".join(tproperties_name_list) + "'",
+                                "{" + ", ".join(datetimes) + "}"))
+                    cur.execute(select_query)
+                    rows = cur.fetchall()
+                    for row in rows:
+                        if int(row[3]) > 0:
+                            return False
+        return True
+    def get_temporalproperties_group(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, datetimes):
+        """
+        Get temporal properties group
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param datetimes: array of strings <date-time>
+        :returns: ID of the group that summarizes same datetime in tproperty
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            for i in range(len(datetimes)):
+                if isinstance(datetimes[i], int):
+                    datetimes[i] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+                        datetimes[i] / 1e3).strftime("%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
+                else:
+                    datetimes[i] = datetimes[i].replace('Z', '')
+            select_query = (
+                """select temp1.collection_id, temp1.mfeature_id,
+                COALESCE(temp2.datetime_group, temp3.max_datetime_group)
+                from (select collection_id, mfeature_id from tproperties
+                where collection_id ='{0}' and mfeature_id='{1}') temp1
+                left outer join (select collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                datetime_group from tproperties
+                where collection_id ='{0}' and mfeature_id='{1}'
+                and (timestamps(getTime(pvalue_float)) = tstzset('{2}')
+                or timestamps(getTime(pvalue_text)) = tstzset('{2}'))) temp2
+                on temp1.collection_id = temp2.collection_id
+                and temp1.mfeature_id = temp2.mfeature_id
+                left outer join (select collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                COALESCE(max(datetime_group), 0) + 1 as max_datetime_group
+                from tproperties where collection_id ='{0}'
+                and mfeature_id='{1}'
+                group by collection_id, mfeature_id ) temp3
+                on temp1.collection_id = temp3.collection_id
+                and temp1.mfeature_id = temp3.mfeature_id """
+                .format(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                        "{" + ", ".join(datetimes) + "}"))
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        if len(result) > 0:
+            return result[0][2]
+        return 1
+    def get_velocity(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime=None):
+        """
+        Get temporal property of velocity
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param tgeometry_id: local identifier of a geometry
+        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+        :returns: TemporalProperty of velocity
+        """
+        form = "MTS"
+        name = "velocity"
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            if datetime is None:
+                select_query = f"""SELECT speed(tgeog_property) AS speed
+                FROM tgeometry
+                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            else:
+                select_query = \
+                    f"""SELECT valueAtTimestamp(speed(tgeog_property),
+                '{datetime}') AS speed, interp(speed(tgeog_property))
+                AS interp
+                FROM tgeometry
+                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return self.to_tproperties(result, name, form, datetime)
+    def get_distance(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime=None):
+        """
+        Get temporal property of distance
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param tgeometry_id: local identifier of a geometry
+        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+        :returns: TemporalProperty of distance
+        """
+        form = "MTR"
+        name = "distance"
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            if datetime is None:
+                select_query = f"""SELECT cumulativeLength(tgeog_property)
+                AS distance FROM tgeometry
+                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            else:
+                select_query = f"""SELECT
+                valueAtTimestamp(cumulativeLength(tgeog_property),
+                                '{datetime}') AS distance,
+                interp(cumulativeLength(tgeog_property)) AS interp
+                FROM tgeometry
+                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        return self.to_tproperties(result, name, form, datetime)
+    def get_acceleration(
+            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime=None):
+        """
+       Get temporal property of acceleration
+        :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
+        :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
+        :param tgeometry_id: local identifier of a geometry
+        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+        :returns: TemporalProperty of acceleration
+        """
+        tProperty = {
+            "name": "acceleration",
+            "type": "TReal",
+            "form": "MTS",
+            "valueSequence": []
+        }
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            select_query = f"""SELECT speed(tgeog_property) AS speed
+            FROM tgeometry WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+            and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+            and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            cur.execute(select_query)
+            result = cur.fetchall()
+        pymeos_initialize()
+        for each_row in result:
+            each_row_converted = TFloatSeqSet(each_row[0])
+            interpolation = each_row_converted.interpolation().to_string()
+            each_time = [
+                each_val.time().start_timestamp().strftime(
+                    '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+                for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+            if interpolation == "Step":
+                each_values = [0 for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+            else:
+                each_values = [each_val.value()
+                               for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+            value_sequence = self.calculate_acceleration(
+                each_values, each_time, datetime)
+            if value_sequence.get("values"):
+                if datetime is not None:
+                    value_sequence["interpolation"] = "Discrete"
+                elif interpolation == "Linear":
+                    value_sequence["interpolation"] = "Step"
+                else:
+                    value_sequence["interpolation"] = interpolation
+            tProperty["valueSequence"].append(value_sequence)
+        return tProperty
+    def to_tproperties(self, results, name, form, datetime):
+        """
+        Convert Temoral properties object
+        :param results: temporal property object of query
+        :param name: temporal property name
+        :param form: a unit of measurement
+        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time>
+        :returns: TemporalProperty object
+        """
+        tProperty = {
+            "name": name,
+            "type": "TReal",
+            "form": form,
+            "valueSequence": []
+        }
+        pymeos_initialize()
+        for each_row in results:
+            if datetime is None:
+                each_row_converted = None
+                if name == "velocity":
+                    each_row_converted = TFloatSeqSet(each_row[0])
+                else:
+                    each_row_converted = TFloatSeq(each_row[0])
+                each_values = [each_val.value()
+                               for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+                each_time = [
+                    each_val.time().start_timestamp().strftime(
+                        '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+                    for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+                interpolation = each_row_converted.interpolation().to_string()
+                value_sequence = {
+                    "datetimes": each_time,
+                    "values": each_values,
+                    "interpolation": interpolation
+                }
+            else:
+                value_sequence = {
+                    "datetimes": [format_datetime(datetime)],
+                    "values": [each_row[0]],
+                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                }
+            tProperty["valueSequence"].append(value_sequence)
+        return tProperty
+    def calculate_acceleration(self, velocities, times, chk_dtime):
+        """
+        Calculate acceleration
+        :param velocities: interpolation value list
+        :param times: interpolation datetime list
+        :param chk_dtime: array of strings <date-time>
+        :returns: valueSequence object
+        """
+        value_sequence = {}
+        time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
+        time_format2 = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
+        if chk_dtime is not None:
+            chk_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(chk_dtime, time_format)
+            for i in range(1, len(velocities)):
+                time1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[i - 1], time_format2)
+                time2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[i], time_format2)
+                if chk_time <= time2 and chk_time >= time1:
+                    delta_v = velocities[i] - velocities[i - 1]
+                    delta_t = (time2 - time1).total_seconds()
+                    acceleration = delta_v / delta_t
+                    value_sequence["values"] = [acceleration]
+                    value_sequence["datetimes"] = [format_datetime(chk_dtime)]
+                    break
+        else:
+            value_sequence["values"] = []
+            value_sequence["datetimes"] = []
+            for i in range(1, len(velocities)):
+                delta_v = velocities[i] - velocities[i - 1]
+                time1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[i - 1], time_format2)
+                time2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[i], time_format2)
+                delta_t = (time2 - time1).total_seconds()
+                acceleration = delta_v / delta_t
+                value_sequence["values"].append(acceleration)
+                value_sequence["datetimes"].append(times[i])
+        return value_sequence
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3cf7bdc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+from pygeoapi.pmdb_provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
+import pytest
+def context():
+    return {}
+def collection_property():
+    return {
+        "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",
+        "updateFrequency": 1000,
+        "description": "example"
+    }
+def update_collection_property():
+    return {
+        "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",
+        "updateFrequency": 1000,
+        "description": "test_update"
+    }
+def movingfeature():
+    return {
+        "type": "Feature",
+        "crs": {
+            "type": "Name",
+            "properties": {
+                "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+            }
+        },
+        "trs": {
+            "type": "Link",
+            "properties": {
+                "type": "OGCDEF",
+                "href": ""
+            }
+        },
+        "temporalGeometry": {
+            "type": "MovingPoint",
+            "datetimes": [
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:02Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:03Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:04Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:05Z"
+            ],
+            "coordinates": [
+                [
+                    139.757083,
+                    35.627701,
+                    0.5
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757399,
+                    35.627701,
+                    2
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757555,
+                    35.627688,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757651,
+                    35.627596,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757716,
+                    35.627483,
+                    4
+                ]
+            ],
+            "interpolation": "Linear",
+            "base": {
+                "type": "glTF",
+                "href": ""  # noqa
+            },
+            "orientations": [
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        0
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        355,
+                        0
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        330
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        300
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        270
+                    ]
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        "temporalProperties": [
+            {
+                "datetimes": [
+                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
+                    "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z",
+                    "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"
+                ],
+                "length": {
+                    "type": "Measure",
+                    "form": "",  # noqa
+                    "values": [
+                        1,
+                        2.4,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Linear"
+                },
+                "discharge": {
+                    "type": "Measure",
+                    "form": "MQS",
+                    "values": [
+                        3,
+                        4,
+                        5
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Step"
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                "datetimes": [
+                    1465621816590,
+                    1465711526300
+                ],
+                "camera": {
+                    "type": "Image",
+                    "values": [
+                        "",  # noqa
+                        "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                },
+                "labels": {
+                    "type": "Text",
+                    "values": [
+                        "car",
+                        "human"
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                }
+            }
+        ],
+        "geometry": {
+            "type": "LineString",
+            "coordinates": [
+                [
+                    139.757083,
+                    35.627701,
+                    0.5
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757399,
+                    35.627701,
+                    2
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757555,
+                    35.627688,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757651,
+                    35.627596,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757716,
+                    35.627483,
+                    4
+                ]
+            ]
+        },
+        "properties": {
+            "name": "car1",
+            "state": "test1",
+            "video": ""  # noqa
+        },
+        "bbox": [
+            139.757083,
+            35.627483,
+            0,
+            139.757716,
+            35.627701,
+            4.5
+        ],
+        "time": [
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+            "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"
+        ],
+        "id": "mf-1"
+    }
+def temporalgeometry():
+    return {
+        "type": "MovingPoint",
+        "datetimes": [
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:06Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:07Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:08Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:09Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:10Z"
+        ],
+        "coordinates": [
+            [
+                139.757083,
+                35.627701,
+                0.5
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757399,
+                35.627701,
+                2
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757555,
+                35.627688,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757651,
+                35.627596,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757716,
+                35.627483,
+                4
+            ]
+        ],
+        "interpolation": "Linear",
+        "base": {
+            "type": "glTF",
+            "href": ""  # noqa
+        },
+        "orientations": [
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    0
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    355,
+                    0
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    330
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    300
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    270
+                ]
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+def temporalproperties():
+    return [
+        {
+            "datetimes": [
+                "2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-16T23:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z"
+            ],
+            "length": {
+                "type": "Measure",
+                "form": "",
+                "values": [
+                    1,
+                    2.4,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Linear"
+            },
+            "discharge": {
+                "type": "Measure",
+                "form": "MQS",
+                "values": [
+                    3,
+                    4,
+                    5
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Step"
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "datetimes": [
+                "2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-16T23:01:01.450Z"
+            ],
+            "camera": {
+                "type": "Image",
+                "values": [
+                    "",  # noqa
+                    "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Discrete"
+            },
+            "labels": {
+                "type": "Text",
+                "values": [
+                    "car",
+                    "human"
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Discrete"
+            }
+        }
+    ]
+def temporalvalue_data():
+    return {
+        "datetimes": [
+            "2011-07-18T08:00:00Z",
+            "2011-07-18T08:00:01Z",
+            "2011-07-18T08:00:02Z"
+        ],
+        "values": [
+            0,
+            20,
+            50
+        ],
+        "interpolation": "Linear"
+    }
+def test_query_post_collection(context, collection_property):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    collection_id = pmdb_provider.post_collection(collection_property)
+    context['collection_id'] = collection_id
+    assert collection_id
+def test_query_post_movingfeature(context, movingfeature):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    mfeature_id = \
+        pmdb_provider.post_movingfeature(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                         movingfeature)
+    context['mfeature_id'] = mfeature_id
+    assert mfeature_id
+def test_query_post_temporalgeometry(context, temporalgeometry):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    tgeometry_id = \
+        pmdb_provider.post_temporalgeometry(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                            context.get('mfeature_id'),
+                                            temporalgeometry)
+    context['tgeometry_id'] = tgeometry_id
+    assert tgeometry_id
+def test_query_post_temporalproperties(context, temporalproperties):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    l_temporal_properties = [temporalproperties] if not isinstance(
+        temporalproperties, list) else temporalproperties
+    canPost = pmdb_provider.check_temporalproperty_can_post(
+        context.get('collection_id'),
+        context.get('mfeature_id'),
+        l_temporal_properties)
+    if canPost:
+        for temporal_property in l_temporal_properties:
+            tProperty_name = pmdb_provider.\
+                post_temporalproperties(
+                    context.get('collection_id'),
+                    context.get('mfeature_id'),
+                    temporal_property)
+        context['tProperty_name'] = tProperty_name
+        assert tProperty_name
+def test_query_post_temporalvalue(context, temporalvalue_data):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    pmdb_provider.post_temporalvalue(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                     context.get('mfeature_id'),
+                                     context.get('tProperty_name'),
+                                     temporalvalue_data)
+    assert True
+def test_query_put_collection(context, update_collection_property):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    pmdb_provider.put_collection(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                 update_collection_property)
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_collection(context.get('collection_id'))
+    collection = result[0]
+    assert collection[1].get('description') == 'test_update'
+def test_query_get_collections_list():
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_collections_list()
+    assert result
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    collection = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = collection[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+def test_query_get_collections():
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_collections()
+    assert result
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    collection = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = collection[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    collection_property = collection[1]
+    assert collection_property is not None
+def test_query_get_collection(context):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_collection(context.get('collection_id'))
+    assert result
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    collection = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = collection[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    collection_property = collection[1]
+    assert collection_property is not None
+    extentLifespan = collection[2]
+    assert extentLifespan is not None
+    extentTGeometry = collection[3]
+    assert extentTGeometry is not None
+def test_query_get_features_list():
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_features_list()
+    assert result
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    mfeature = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = mfeature[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    l_mfeature_id = mfeature[1]
+    assert l_mfeature_id is not None
+def test_query_get_tProperties_name_list():
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_tProperties_name_list()
+    assert result
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    tPropertie = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = tPropertie[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    l_mfeature_id = tPropertie[1]
+    assert l_mfeature_id is not None
+    tproperties_name = tPropertie[2]
+    assert tproperties_name is not None
+def test_query_get_features(
+        context,
+        bbox=[
+            100,
+            30,
+            0,
+            200,
+            400,
+            10],
+        datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.000,2011-07-14 22:01:01.000',
+        limit=10, offset=0, sub_trajectory=False):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result, number_matched, number_returned = pmdb_provider.get_features(
+        context.get('collection_id'), bbox, datetime, limit, offset,
+        sub_trajectory)
+    assert result
+    assert number_matched
+    assert number_returned
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    mfeature = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = mfeature[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    l_mfeature_id = mfeature[1]
+    assert l_mfeature_id is not None
+    mf_geometry = mfeature[2]
+    assert mf_geometry is not None
+    mf_property = mfeature[3]
+    assert mf_property is not None
+    lifespan = mfeature[4]
+    assert lifespan is not None
+    extent_tGeometry = mfeature[5]
+    assert extent_tGeometry is not None
+    extent_tProperties_value_float = mfeature[6]
+    assert extent_tProperties_value_float is not None
+    extent_tProperties_value_text = mfeature[7]
+    assert extent_tProperties_value_text is not None
+def test_query_get_feature(context):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_feature(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                       context.get('mfeature_id'))
+    assert result
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    mfeature = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = mfeature[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    l_mfeature_id = mfeature[1]
+    assert l_mfeature_id is not None
+    mf_geometry = mfeature[2]
+    assert mf_geometry is not None
+    mf_property = mfeature[3]
+    assert mf_property is not None
+    lifespan = mfeature[4]
+    assert lifespan is not None
+    extent_tGeometry = mfeature[5]
+    assert extent_tGeometry is not None
+def test_query_get_temporalgeometries(
+        context,
+        bbox=[
+            100,
+            30,
+            0,
+            200,
+            400,
+            10],
+        leaf='2011-07-14 22:01:01.000',
+        datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.000,2011-07-14 22:01:01.000',
+        limit=10,
+        offset=0,
+        sub_trajectory=False):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result, number_matched, number_returned = \
+        pmdb_provider.get_temporalgeometries(
+            context.get('collection_id'), context.get('mfeature_id'), bbox,
+            leaf, datetime, limit, offset, sub_trajectory)
+    assert result
+    assert number_matched
+    assert number_returned
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    tgeometry = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = tgeometry[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    l_mfeature_id = tgeometry[1]
+    assert l_mfeature_id is not None
+    tgeometry_id = tgeometry[2]
+    assert tgeometry_id is not None
+def test_query_get_temporalproperties(
+        context,
+        datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.450,2011-07-14 22:01:01.450',
+        limit=10,
+        offset=0,
+        sub_temporal_value=True):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result, number_matched, number_returned = \
+        pmdb_provider.get_temporalproperties(
+            context.get('collection_id'), context.get('mfeature_id'),
+            datetime, limit, offset, sub_temporal_value)
+    assert result
+    assert number_matched
+    assert number_returned
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    tproperties = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = tproperties[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    l_mfeature_id = tproperties[1]
+    assert l_mfeature_id is not None
+    tgeometry_id = tproperties[2]
+    assert tgeometry_id is not None
+    tproperty = tproperties[3]
+    assert tproperty is not None
+def test_query_get_temporalproperties_value(
+        context,
+        datetime='2011-07-16 22:01:01.450,2011-07-16 22:01:01.450',
+        leaf='2011-07-16 22:01:01.450',
+        sub_temporal_value=False):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_temporalproperties_value(
+        context.get('collection_id'), context.get('mfeature_id'),
+        context.get('tProperty_name'), datetime, leaf, sub_temporal_value)
+    assert result
+    assert len(result) > 0
+    tpropertiesvalue = result[0]
+    l_collection_id = tpropertiesvalue[0]
+    assert l_collection_id is not None
+    l_mfeature_id = tpropertiesvalue[1]
+    assert l_mfeature_id is not None
+    tgeometry_id = tpropertiesvalue[2]
+    assert tgeometry_id is not None
+    tproperty = tpropertiesvalue[3]
+    assert tproperty is not None
+    datetime_group = tpropertiesvalue[4]
+    assert datetime_group is not None
+    pvalue_float = tpropertiesvalue[5]
+    pvalue_text = tpropertiesvalue[6]
+    assert pvalue_float is not None or pvalue_text is not None
+def test_query_get_velocity(context,
+                            datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.450'):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    tProperties = pmdb_provider.get_velocity(
+        context.get('collection_id'), context.get('mfeature_id'),
+        context.get('tgeometry_id'), datetime)
+    assert tProperties
+    name = tProperties.get('name')
+    assert name is not None
+    type = tProperties.get('type')
+    assert type is not None
+    form = tProperties.get('form')
+    assert form is not None
+    value_sequence = tProperties.get('valueSequence')
+    assert value_sequence is not None
+def test_query_get_distance(context,
+                            datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.450'):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    tProperties = pmdb_provider.get_distance(
+        context.get('collection_id'), context.get('mfeature_id'),
+        context.get('tgeometry_id'), datetime)
+    assert tProperties
+    name = tProperties.get('name')
+    assert name is not None
+    type = tProperties.get('type')
+    assert type is not None
+    form = tProperties.get('form')
+    assert form is not None
+    value_sequence = tProperties.get('valueSequence')
+    assert value_sequence is not None
+def test_query_get_acceleration(context,
+                                datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.450'):
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    tProperties = pmdb_provider.get_acceleration(
+        context.get('collection_id'), context.get('mfeature_id'),
+        context.get('tgeometry_id'), datetime)
+    assert tProperties
+    name = tProperties.get('name')
+    assert name is not None
+    type = tProperties.get('type')
+    assert type is not None
+    form = tProperties.get('form')
+    assert form is not None
+    value_sequence = tProperties.get('valueSequence')
+    assert value_sequence is not None
+def test_query_delete_temporalproperties(context):
+    restriction = "AND tproperties_name ='{0}'".format(
+        context.get('tProperty_name'))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    pmdb_provider.delete_temporalproperties(restriction)
+    assert True
+def test_query_delete_temporalgeometry(context):
+    restriction = "AND tgeometry_id ='{0}'".format(context.get('tgeometry_id'))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    pmdb_provider.delete_temporalgeometry(restriction)
+    assert True
+def test_query_delete_movingfeature(context):
+    restriction = "AND mfeature_id ='{0}'".format(context.get('mfeature_id'))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    pmdb_provider.delete_movingfeature(restriction)
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_feature(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                       context.get('mfeature_id'))
+    assert len(result) == 0
+def test_query_delete_collection(context):
+    restriction = "AND collection_id ='{0}'".format(
+        context.get('collection_id'))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    pmdb_provider.delete_collection(restriction)
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_collection(context.get('collection_id'))
+    assert len(result) == 0

From 6e1a31cdcb6517d5a7d55e942ff691469829197a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 15:41:55 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 02/14] MF-API Server update and integration (#1)

Updates related to api

* Create a new api file

* Create a new test file to test the api file
 pygeoapi/api/  | 2301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/api/ | 1459 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 3760 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 pygeoapi/api/
 create mode 100644 tests/api/

diff --git a/pygeoapi/api/ b/pygeoapi/api/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bab3d061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygeoapi/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,2301 @@
+# =================================================================
+# Authors: Tom Kralidis <>
+#          Francesco Bartoli <>
+#          Sander Schaminee <>
+#          John A Stevenson <>
+#          Colin Blackburn <>
+# Copyright (c) 2022 Tom Kralidis
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Francesco Bartoli
+# Copyright (c) 2022 John A Stevenson and Colin Blackburn
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+# conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# =================================================================
+""" Root level code of pygeoapi, parsing content provided by web framework.
+Returns content from plugins and sets responses.
+from copy import deepcopy
+from datetime import datetime
+from functools import partial
+import json
+import logging
+import re
+from typing import Any, Tuple, Union
+import urllib.parse
+from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
+import pytz
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from pygeoapi import l10n
+from pygeoapi.log import setup_logger
+from pygeoapi.linked_data import (jsonldify)
+from pygeoapi.plugin import PLUGINS
+from pygeoapi.process.manager.base import get_manager
+from pymeos import (STBox, TsTzSpan, TTextSeq, TFloatSeq,
+                    TGeomPointSeq, Temporal, pymeos_initialize)
+import psycopg2
+from pygeoapi.provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
+from pygeoapi.api import (
+    pre_process, gzip, APIRequest, SYSTEM_LOCALE, CHARSET,
+from pygeoapi.util import (
+    UrlPrefetcher, get_api_rules, get_base_url, render_j2_template,
+    to_json)
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    def __init__(self, config, openapi):
+        """
+        constructor
+        :param config: configuration dict
+        :param openapi: openapi dict
+        :returns: `pygeoapi.API` instance
+        """
+        self.config = config
+        self.openapi = openapi
+        self.api_headers = get_api_rules(self.config).response_headers
+        self.base_url = get_base_url(self.config)
+        self.prefetcher = UrlPrefetcher()
+        CHARSET[0] = config['server'].get('encoding', 'utf-8')
+        if config['server'].get('gzip'):
+            FORMAT_TYPES[F_GZIP] = 'application/gzip'
+            FORMAT_TYPES.move_to_end(F_JSON)
+        # Process language settings (first locale is default!)
+        self.locales = l10n.get_locales(config)
+        self.default_locale = self.locales[0]
+        if 'templates' not in self.config['server']:
+            self.config['server']['templates'] = {'path': TEMPLATES}
+        if 'pretty_print' not in self.config['server']:
+            self.config['server']['pretty_print'] = False
+        self.pretty_print = self.config['server']['pretty_print']
+        setup_logger(self.config['logging'])
+        # Create config clone for HTML templating with modified base URL
+        self.tpl_config = deepcopy(self.config)
+        self.tpl_config['server']['url'] = self.base_url
+        self.manager = get_manager(self.config)
+'Process manager plugin loaded')
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    @jsonldify
+    def manage_collection(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                          action, dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Adds a collection
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        collection_id = str(dataset)
+        if action in ['create', 'update']:
+            data =
+            if not data:
+                # TODO not all processes require input, e.g. time-dependent or
+                #      random value generators
+                msg = 'missing request data'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+            try:
+                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+                data = data.decode()
+                LOGGER.debug(data)
+            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+                pass
+            try:
+                data = json.loads(data)
+            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+                LOGGER.error(err)
+                msg = 'invalid request data'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        if action == 'create':
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                collection_id = pmdb_provider.post_collection(data)
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            url = '{}/{}'.format(self.get_collections_url(), collection_id)
+            headers['Location'] = url
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
+        if action == 'update':
+            LOGGER.debug('Updating item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                pmdb_provider.put_collection(collection_id, data)
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
+        if action == 'delete':
+            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                pmdb_provider.delete_collection(
+                    "AND collection_id ='{0}'".format(collection_id))
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    @jsonldify
+    def get_collection(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                       dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Queries collection
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        collection_id = str(dataset)
+        if not request.is_valid():
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers()
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            result = pmdb_provider.get_collection(collection_id)
+            if len(result) > 0:
+                row = result[0]
+            else:
+                msg = 'Collection not found'
+                LOGGER.error(msg)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                    headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        collection = {}
+        if row is not None:
+            collection_id = row[0]
+            collection = row[1]
+            collection['itemType'] = 'movingfeature'
+            collection['id'] = collection_id
+            crs = None
+            trs = None
+            if 'crs' in collection:
+                crs = collection.pop('crs', None)
+            if 'trs' in collection:
+                trs = collection.pop('trs', None)
+            extend_stbox = STBox(row[3]) if row[3] is not None else None
+            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[2]) if row[2] is not None else None
+            bbox = []
+            if extend_stbox is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+                if crs is None:
+                    if extend_stbox.srid() == 4326:
+                        if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                            crs = ''
+                        else:
+                            crs = '\
+                            OGC/1.3/CRS84'
+            if crs is None:
+                crs = ''
+            if trs is None:
+                trs = ''
+            time = []
+            if lifespan is not None:
+                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            else:
+                if extend_stbox is not None:
+                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            collection['extent'] = {
+                'spatial': {
+                    'bbox': bbox,
+                    'crs': crs
+                },
+                'temporal': {
+                    'interval': time,
+                    'trs': trs
+                }
+            }
+            collection['links'] = []
+            collection['links'].append({
+                'href': '{}/{}'.format(
+                    self.get_collections_url(), collection_id),
+                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
+            })
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(collection, self.pretty_print)
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_items(
+            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+            dataset) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Queries collection
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+        # has been determined
+        if not request.is_valid():
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        excuted, collections = get_list_of_collections_id()
+        collection_id = dataset
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(collections)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if collection_id not in collections:
+            msg = 'Collection not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+        try:
+            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+            if offset < 0:
+                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            offset = 0
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+        try:
+            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+            #       allowed by the server configuration
+            if limit <= 0:
+                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if limit > 10000:
+                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing bbox parameter')
+        bbox = request.params.get('bbox')
+        if bbox is None:
+            bbox = []
+        else:
+            try:
+                bbox = validate_bbox(bbox)
+            except ValueError as err:
+                msg = str(err)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+        try:
+            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        sub_trajectory = request.params.get('subTrajectory')
+        if sub_trajectory is None:
+            sub_trajectory = False
+        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+        LOGGER.debug('bbox: {}'.format(bbox))
+        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        content = {
+            "type": "FeatureCollection",
+            "features": [],
+            "crs": {},
+            "trs": {},
+            "links": []
+        }
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            result, number_matched, number_returned = \
+                pmdb_provider.get_features(collection_id=collection_id,
+                                           bbox=bbox, datetime=datetime_,
+                                           limit=limit, offset=offset,
+                                           sub_trajectory=sub_trajectory)
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        mfeatures = []
+        crs = None
+        trs = None
+        split_mfeature = {}
+        for i in range(len(result)):
+            mfeature_id = str(result[i][1])
+            if mfeature_id not in split_mfeature:
+                split_mfeature[mfeature_id] = []
+            split_mfeature[mfeature_id].append(i)
+        pymeos_initialize()
+        for key, mfeature_row_index in split_mfeature.items():
+            row = result[mfeature_row_index[0]]
+            mfeature_id = row[1]
+            mfeature = row[3]
+            mfeature['id'] = mfeature_id
+            mfeature['type'] = 'Feature'
+            if 'crs' in mfeature and crs is None:
+                crs = mfeature['crs']
+            if 'trs' in mfeature and trs is None:
+                trs = mfeature['trs']
+            if row[2] is not None:
+                mfeature['geometry'] = json.loads(row[2])
+            else:
+                mfeature['geometry'] = None
+            if 'properties' not in mfeature:
+                mfeature['properties'] = None
+            if sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == "true":
+                prisms = []
+                for row_index in mfeature_row_index:
+                    row_tgeometory = result[int(row_index)]
+                    if row_tgeometory[7] is not None:
+                        mfeature_check = row_tgeometory[1]
+                        if mfeature_check == mfeature_id:
+                            temporal_geometry = json.loads(
+                                Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                                    TGeomPointSeq(
+                                        str(row_tgeometory[7]).replace(
+                                            "'", "")),
+                                    False))
+                            if 'crs' in temporal_geometry and crs is None:
+                                crs = temporal_geometry['crs']
+                            if 'trs' in temporal_geometry and trs is None:
+                                trs = temporal_geometry['trs']
+                            temporal_geometry = \
+                                pmdb_provider.\
+                                convert_temporalgeometry_to_old_version(
+                                    temporal_geometry)
+                            temporal_geometry['id'] = row_tgeometory[6]
+                            prisms.append(temporal_geometry)
+                mfeature['temporalGeometry'] = prisms
+            extend_stbox = STBox(row[5]) if row[5] is not None else None
+            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[4]) if row[4] is not None else None
+            bbox = []
+            if extend_stbox is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+            mfeature['bbox'] = bbox
+            time = []
+            if lifespan is not None:
+                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            else:
+                if extend_stbox is not None:
+                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            mfeature['time'] = time
+            if 'crs' not in mfeature:
+                mfeature['crs'] = {
+                    "type": "Name",
+                    "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+                }
+            if 'trs' not in mfeature:
+                mfeature['trs'] = {
+                    "type": "Name",
+                    "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+                }
+            mfeatures.append(mfeature)
+        content['features'] = mfeatures
+        if crs is not None:
+            content['crs'] = crs
+        else:
+            content['crs'] = {
+                "type": "Name",
+                "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+            }
+        if trs is not None:
+            content['trs'] = trs
+        else:
+            content['trs'] = {
+                "type": "Name",
+                "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+            }
+        # TODO: translate titles
+        uri = '{}/{}/items'.format(self.get_collections_url(), collection_id)
+        serialized_query_params = ''
+        for k, v in request.params.items():
+            if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
+                serialized_query_params += '&'
+                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
+                serialized_query_params += '='
+                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+        content['links'] = [
+            {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
+             'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+             'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
+        if len(content['features']) == limit:
+            next_ = offset + limit
+            content['links'].append(
+                {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                    uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
+                 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next'})
+        content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
+            '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+        content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
+        content['numberReturned'] = number_returned
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def manage_collection_item(
+            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+            action, dataset, identifier=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Adds an item to a collection
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+        # has been determined
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        excuted, collections = get_list_of_collections_id()
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(collections)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if dataset not in collections:
+            msg = 'Collection not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        if action == 'create':
+            if not
+                msg = 'No data found'
+                LOGGER.error(msg)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            data =
+            try:
+                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+                data = data.decode()
+                LOGGER.debug(data)
+            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+                pass
+            try:
+                data = json.loads(data)
+            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+                LOGGER.error(err)
+                msg = 'invalid request data'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if check_required_field_feature(data) is False:
+                # TODO not all processes require input
+                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., type,temporalgeometry) \
+                    is missing from the request data.'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                if data['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
+                    for feature in data['features']:
+                        if check_required_field_feature(feature) is False:
+                            # TODO not all processes require input
+                            msg = 'The required tag \
+                                (e.g., type,temporalgeometry) \
+                                is missing from the request data.'
+                            return self.get_exception(
+                                HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                                headers, request.format,
+                                'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+                        mfeature_id = pmdb_provider.post_movingfeature(
+                            collection_id, feature)
+                else:
+                    mfeature_id = pmdb_provider.post_movingfeature(
+                        collection_id, data)
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}'.format(
+                self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id)
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
+        if action == 'delete':
+            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                pmdb_provider.delete_movingfeature(
+                    "AND mfeature_id ='{0}'".format(mfeature_id))
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_item(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                            dataset, identifier) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Get a single collection item
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :param identifier: item identifier
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        collection_id = str(dataset)
+        mfeature_id = str(identifier)
+        if not request.is_valid():
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers()
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            result = pmdb_provider.get_feature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+            if len(result) > 0:
+                row = result[0]
+            else:
+                msg = 'Feature not found'
+                LOGGER.error(msg)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                    headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        mfeature = {}
+        if row is not None:
+            mfeature_id = row[1]
+            mfeature = row[3]
+            mfeature['id'] = mfeature_id
+            mfeature['type'] = 'Feature'
+            if row[2] is not None:
+                mfeature['geometry'] = json.loads(row[2])
+            extend_stbox = STBox(row[5]) if row[5] is not None else None
+            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[4]) if row[4] is not None else None
+            bbox = []
+            if extend_stbox is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+            mfeature['bbox'] = bbox
+            print(lifespan)
+            time = []
+            if lifespan is not None:
+                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            else:
+                if extend_stbox is not None:
+                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            mfeature['time'] = time
+            if 'crs' not in mfeature:
+                mfeature['crs'] = {
+                    "type": "Name",
+                    "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+                }
+            if 'trs' not in mfeature:
+                mfeature['trs'] = {
+                    "type": "Name",
+                    "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+                }
+            mfeature['links'] = []
+            mfeature['links'].append({
+                'href': '{}/{}/items/{}'.format(
+                    self.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id),
+                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
+            })
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(mfeature, self.pretty_print)
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_items_tGeometry(self,
+                                       request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                                       dataset, identifier) \
+            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Get temporal Geometry of collection item
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :param identifier: item identifier
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        if not request.is_valid():
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(feature_list)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+            msg = 'Feature not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+        try:
+            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+            if offset < 0:
+                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            offset = 0
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+        try:
+            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+            #       allowed by the server configuration
+            if limit <= 0:
+                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if limit > 10000:
+                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing bbox parameter')
+        bbox = request.params.get('bbox')
+        if bbox is None:
+            bbox = []
+        else:
+            try:
+                bbox = validate_bbox(bbox)
+            except ValueError as err:
+                msg = str(err)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing leaf parameter')
+        try:
+            leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        sub_trajectory = request.params.get('subTrajectory')
+        if sub_trajectory is None:
+            sub_trajectory = False
+        if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) \
+                and (sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == 'true'):
+            msg = 'Cannot use both parameter `subTrajectory` \
+                and `leaf` at the same time'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+        try:
+            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+        LOGGER.debug('bbox: {}'.format(bbox))
+        LOGGER.debug('leaf: {}'.format(leaf_))
+        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        content = {
+            "type": "TemporalGeometrySequence",
+            "geometrySequence": [],
+            "crs": {},
+            "trs": {},
+            "links": [],
+        }
+        crs = None
+        trs = None
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            result, number_matched, number_returned = pmdb_provider.\
+                get_temporalgeometries(collection_id=collection_id,
+                                       mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
+                                       bbox=bbox,
+                                       leaf=leaf_,
+                                       datetime=datetime_,
+                                       limit=limit,
+                                       offset=offset,
+                                       sub_trajectory=sub_trajectory)
+            pymeos_initialize()
+            prisms = []
+            for row in result:
+                temporal_geometry = json.loads(Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                    TGeomPointSeq(str(row[3]).replace("'", "")), False))
+                if 'crs' in temporal_geometry and crs is None:
+                    crs = temporal_geometry['crs']
+                if 'trs' in temporal_geometry and trs is None:
+                    trs = temporal_geometry['trs']
+                temporal_geometry = pmdb_provider\
+                    .convert_temporalgeometry_to_old_version(
+                        temporal_geometry)
+                temporal_geometry['id'] = row[2]
+                if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) or \
+                        (sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == 'true'):
+                    if row[4] is not None:
+                        temporal_geometry_filter = json.loads(
+                            Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                                TGeomPointSeq(str(row[4]).replace("'", "")),
+                                False))
+                        temporal_geometry['datetimes'] = \
+                            temporal_geometry_filter['datetimes']
+                        temporal_geometry['coordinates'] = \
+                            temporal_geometry_filter['coordinates']
+                    else:
+                        continue
+                        # temporalGeometry['datetimes'] = []
+                        # temporalGeometry['coordinates'] = []
+                prisms.append(temporal_geometry)
+            content["geometrySequence"] = prisms
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if crs is not None:
+            content['crs'] = crs
+        else:
+            content['crs'] = {
+                "type": "Name",
+                "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+            }
+        if trs is not None:
+            content['trs'] = trs
+        else:
+            content['trs'] = {
+                "type": "Name",
+                "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+            }
+        # TODO: translate titles
+        uri = '{}/{}/items/{}/tgsequence'.format(
+            self.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id)
+        serialized_query_params = ''
+        for k, v in request.params.items():
+            if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
+                serialized_query_params += '&'
+                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
+                serialized_query_params += '='
+                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+        content['links'] = [
+            {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
+             'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+             'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
+        if len(content['geometrySequence']) == limit:
+            next_ = offset + limit
+            content['links'].append(
+                {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                    uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
+                 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next'})
+        content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
+            '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+        content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
+        content['numberReturned'] = len(content["geometrySequence"])
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+            action, dataset, identifier,
+            tGeometry=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Adds Temporal Geometry item to a moving feature
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :param identifier: moving feature's id
+        :param tGeometry: Temporal Geometry's id
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+        # has been determined
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(feature_list)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+            msg = 'Feature not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        tGeometry_id = tGeometry
+        if action == 'create':
+            if not
+                msg = 'No data found'
+                LOGGER.error(msg)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            data =
+            try:
+                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+                data = data.decode()
+                LOGGER.debug(data)
+            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+                pass
+            try:
+                data = json.loads(data)
+            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+                LOGGER.error(err)
+                msg = 'invalid request data'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if check_required_field_temporal_geometries(data) is False:
+                # TODO not all processes require input
+                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., type,prisms) \
+                    is missing from the request data.'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                if data['type'] == 'MovingGeometryCollection':
+                    for tGeometry in data['prisms']:
+                        tGeometry_id = pmdb_provider.\
+                            post_temporalgeometry(
+                                collection_id, mfeature_id, tGeometry)
+                else:
+                    tGeometry_id = pmdb_provider.post_temporalgeometry(
+                        collection_id, mfeature_id, data)
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}/tgsequence/{}'.format(
+                self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id, tGeometry_id)
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
+        if action == 'delete':
+            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                pmdb_provider.delete_temporalgeometry(
+                    "AND tgeometry_id ='{0}'".format(tGeometry_id))
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(self,
+                                                request:
+                                                Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                                                dataset, identifier,
+                                                tGeometry) \
+            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        tgeometry_id = tGeometry
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        try:
+            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            print(datetime_)
+            content = pmdb_provider.get_velocity(
+                collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+                headers, request.format, 'Server Internal Error', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(self,
+                                                request:
+                                                Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                                                dataset, identifier,
+                                                tGeometry) \
+            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
+        collection_id = str(dataset)
+        mfeature_id = str(identifier)
+        tgeometry_id = str(tGeometry)
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        try:
+            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            content = pmdb_provider.get_distance(
+                collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(self,
+                                                    request:
+                                                    Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                                                    dataset, identifier,
+                                                    tGeometry) \
+        -> Tuple[dict,
+                 int, str]:
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        tgeometry_id = tGeometry
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        try:
+            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            content = pmdb_provider.get_acceleration(
+                collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_items_tProperty(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                                       dataset,
+                                       identifier) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Get temporal Properties of collection item
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :param identifier: item identifier
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        if not request.is_valid():
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(feature_list)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+            msg = 'Feature not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+        try:
+            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+            if offset < 0:
+                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            offset = 0
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+        try:
+            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+            #       allowed by the server configuration
+            if limit <= 0:
+                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if limit > 10000:
+                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+        try:
+            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
+        if sub_temporal_value is None:
+            sub_temporal_value = False
+        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        content = {
+            "temporalProperties": [],
+            "links": []
+        }
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            result, number_matched, number_returned = pmdb_provider.\
+                get_temporalproperties(collection_id=collection_id,
+                                       mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
+                                       datetime=datetime_,
+                                       limit=limit, offset=offset,
+                                       sub_temporal_value=sub_temporal_value)
+            temporal_properties = []
+            if sub_temporal_value is False or sub_temporal_value == "false":
+                for row in result:
+                    temporal_property = row[3] if row[3] is not None else {}
+                    temporal_property['name'] = row[2]
+                    temporal_properties.append(temporal_property)
+            else:
+                split_groups = {}
+                for i in range(len(result)):
+                    group_id = str(result[i][4])
+                    if group_id not in split_groups:
+                        split_groups[group_id] = []
+                    split_groups[group_id].append(i)
+                pymeos_initialize()
+                for key, group_row_index in split_groups.items():
+                    group = {}
+                    group["datetimes"] = []
+                    for row_index in group_row_index:
+                        row = result[int(row_index)]
+                        tproperties_name = row[2]
+                        group[tproperties_name] \
+                            = row[3] if row[3] is not None else {}
+                        if row[5] is not None or row[6] is not None:
+                            temporal_property_value = Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                                TFloatSeq(str(row[5]).replace("'", "")),
+                                False) if row[5] \
+                                is not None else Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                                    TTextSeq(str(row[6]).replace("'", "")),
+                                    False)
+                            temporal_property_value = pmdb_provider.\
+                                convert_temporalproperty_value_to_base_version(
+                                    json.loads(temporal_property_value))
+                            if 'datetimes' in temporal_property_value:
+                                group["datetimes"] = \
+                                    temporal_property_value.pop(
+                                    "datetimes", None)
+                            group[tproperties_name].update(
+                                temporal_property_value)
+                    temporal_properties.append(group)
+            content["temporalProperties"] = temporal_properties
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            # TODO: translate titles
+        uri = '{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties'.format(
+            self.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id)
+        serialized_query_params = ''
+        for k, v in request.params.items():
+            if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
+                serialized_query_params += '&'
+                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
+                serialized_query_params += '='
+                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+        content['links'] = [
+            {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
+             'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+             'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
+        if len(content['temporalProperties']) == limit:
+            next_ = offset + limit
+            content['links'].append(
+                {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                    uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
+                 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next', })
+        content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
+            '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+        content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
+        content['numberReturned'] = number_returned
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+            action, dataset, identifier,
+            tProperty=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Adds Temporal Property item to a moving feature
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :param identifier: moving feature's id
+        :param tProperty: Temporal Property's id
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+        # has been determined
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(feature_list)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+            msg = 'Feature not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        tProperties_name = tProperty
+        if action == 'create':
+            if not
+                msg = 'No data found'
+                LOGGER.error(msg)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            data =
+            try:
+                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+                data = data.decode()
+                LOGGER.debug(data)
+            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+                pass
+            try:
+                if not isinstance(data, list):
+                    data = json.loads(data)
+                else:
+                    for d in data:
+                        _ = json.loads(d)
+            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+                LOGGER.error(err)
+                msg = 'invalid request data'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if check_required_field_temporal_property(data) is False:
+                # TODO not all processes require input
+                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., datetimes,interpolation) \
+                    is missing from the request data.'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                # temporalProperties = data['temporalProperties']
+                temporal_properties = data
+                temporal_properties = [temporal_properties] if not isinstance(
+                    temporal_properties, list) else temporal_properties
+                can_post = pmdb_provider.check_temporalproperty_can_post(
+                    collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_properties)
+                tProperties_name_list = []
+                if can_post:
+                    for temporalProperty in temporal_properties:
+                        tProperties_name_list.extend(
+                            pmdb_provider. post_temporalproperties(
+                                collection_id, mfeature_id, temporalProperty))
+                else:
+                    return headers, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ''
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            location_list = []
+            for tProperties_name in tProperties_name_list:
+                location_list.append('{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties/{}'.format(
+                    self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id,
+                    tProperties_name))
+            headers['Locations'] = location_list
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
+        if action == 'delete':
+            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                pmdb_provider.delete_temporalproperties(
+                    "AND tproperties_name ='{0}'".format(tProperties_name))
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def get_collection_items_tProperty_value(self,
+                                             request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+                                             dataset,
+                                             identifier,
+                                             tProperty) \
+            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Get temporal Properties of collection item
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :param identifier: item identifier
+        :param tProperty: Temporal Property
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        if not request.is_valid():
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        excuted, tproperty_list = get_list_of_tproperties_name()
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(tproperty_list)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if [dataset, identifier, tProperty] not in tproperty_list:
+            msg = 'Temporal Property not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        tProperty_name = tProperty
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+        try:
+            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+            if offset < 0:
+                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            offset = 0
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+        try:
+            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+            #       allowed by the server configuration
+            if limit <= 0:
+                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if limit > 10000:
+                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        except TypeError as err:
+            LOGGER.warning(err)
+            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
+        except ValueError:
+            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing leaf parameter')
+        leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
+        try:
+            leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
+        if sub_temporal_value is None:
+            sub_temporal_value = False
+        if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) and \
+                (sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == 'true'):
+            msg = 'Cannot use both parameter `subTemporalValue` \
+                and `leaf` at the same time'
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+        try:
+            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            msg = str(err)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+        LOGGER.debug('leaf: {}'.format(leaf_))
+        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        content = {}
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            result = pmdb_provider.get_temporalproperties_value(
+                collection_id=collection_id, mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
+                tProperty_name=tProperty_name,
+                datetime=datetime_, leaf=leaf_,
+                sub_temporal_value=sub_temporal_value)
+            pymeos_initialize()
+            value_sequence = []
+            for row in result:
+                content = row[3]
+                if row[5] is not None or row[6] is not None:
+                    temporal_property_value = Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                        TFloatSeq(str(row[5]).replace("'", "")),
+                        False) if row[5] is not None else Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                        TTextSeq(str(row[6]).replace("'", "")),
+                        False)
+                    value_sequence.append(
+                        pmdb_provider.
+                        convert_temporalproperty_value_to_base_version(
+                            json.loads(
+                                temporal_property_value)))
+            content["valueSequence"] = value_sequence
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            # TODO: translate titles
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
+    @gzip
+    @pre_process
+    def manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+            action, dataset, identifier,
+            tProperty=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Adds Temporal Property Value item to a Temporal Property
+        :param request: A request object
+        :param dataset: dataset name
+        :param identifier: moving feature's id
+        :param tProperty: Temporal Property's id
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        """
+        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+            return self.get_format_exception(request)
+        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+        # has been determined
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+        excuted, tproperty_list = get_list_of_tproperties_name()
+        if excuted is False:
+            msg = str(tproperty_list)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        if [dataset, identifier, tProperty] not in tproperty_list:
+            msg = 'Temporal Property not found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return self.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        collection_id = dataset
+        mfeature_id = identifier
+        tProperty_name = tProperty
+        if action == 'create':
+            if not
+                msg = 'No data found'
+                LOGGER.error(msg)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            data =
+            try:
+                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+                data = data.decode()
+                LOGGER.debug(data)
+            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+                pass
+            try:
+                data = json.loads(data)
+            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+                LOGGER.error(err)
+                msg = 'invalid request data'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+            if check_required_field_temporal_value(data) is False:
+                # TODO not all processes require input
+                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., datetimes,value) \
+                    is missing from the request data.'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                can_post = pmdb_provider.check_temporalproperty_can_post(
+                    collection_id, mfeature_id, [data], tProperty_name)
+                if can_post:
+                    pValue_id = pmdb_provider.post_temporalvalue(
+                        collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperty_name, data)
+                else:
+                    return headers, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ''
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+            finally:
+                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+            headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties/{}/pvalue/{}'\
+                .format(self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id,
+                        tProperty_name, pValue_id)
+            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
+    def get_exception(self, status, headers, format_, code,
+                      description) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Exception handler
+        :param status: HTTP status code
+        :param headers: dict of HTTP response headers
+        :param format_: format string
+        :param code: OGC API exception code
+        :param description: OGC API exception code
+        :returns: tuple of headers, status, and message
+        """
+        LOGGER.error(description)
+        exception = {
+            'code': code,
+            'description': description
+        }
+        if format_ == F_HTML:
+            headers['Content-Type'] = FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML]
+            content = render_j2_template(
+                self.config, 'exception.html', exception, SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        else:
+            content = to_json(exception, self.pretty_print)
+        return headers, status, content
+    def get_format_exception(self, request) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        """
+        Returns a format exception.
+        :param request: An APIRequest instance.
+        :returns: tuple of (headers, status, message)
+        """
+        # Content-Language is in the system locale (ignore language settings)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+        msg = f'Invalid format: {request.format}'
+        return self.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, headers,
+            request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    def get_collections_url(self):
+        return '{}/collections'.format(self.config['server']['url'])
+def validate_bbox(value=None) -> list:
+    """
+    Helper function to validate bbox parameter
+    :param value: `list` of minx, miny, maxx, maxy
+    :returns: bbox as `list` of `float` values
+    """
+    if value is None:
+        LOGGER.debug('bbox is empty')
+        return []
+    bbox = value.split(',')
+    if len(bbox) != 4 and len(bbox) != 6:
+        msg = 'bbox should be 4 values (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) or \
+            6 values (minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz)'
+        LOGGER.debug(msg)
+        raise ValueError(msg)
+    try:
+        bbox = [float(c) for c in bbox]
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = 'bbox values must be numbers'
+        err.args = (msg,)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg)
+        raise
+    if len(bbox) == 4:
+        if bbox[1] > bbox[3]:
+            msg = 'miny should be less than maxy'
+            LOGGER.debug(msg)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        if bbox[0] > bbox[2]:
+            msg = 'minx is greater than maxx (possibly antimeridian bbox)'
+            LOGGER.debug(msg)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+    if len(bbox) == 6:
+        if bbox[2] > bbox[5]:
+            msg = 'minz should be less than maxz'
+            LOGGER.debug(msg)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        if bbox[1] > bbox[4]:
+            msg = 'miny should be less than maxy'
+            LOGGER.debug(msg)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        if bbox[0] > bbox[3]:
+            msg = 'minx is greater than maxx (possibly antimeridian bbox)'
+            LOGGER.debug(msg)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+    return bbox
+def validate_leaf(leaf_=None) -> str:
+    """
+    Helper function to validate temporal parameter
+    :param resource_def: `dict` of configuration resource definition
+    :param datetime_: `str` of datetime parameter
+    :returns: `str` of datetime input, if valid
+    """
+    # TODO: pass datetime to query as a `datetime` object
+    # we would need to ensure partial dates work accordingly
+    # as well as setting '..' values to `None` so that underlying
+    # providers can just assume a `datetime.datetime` object
+    #
+    # NOTE: needs testing when passing partials from API to backend
+    unix_epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+    dateparse_ = partial(dateparse, default=unix_epoch)
+    leaf_invalid = False
+    if leaf_ is not None:
+        LOGGER.debug('detected leaf_')
+        LOGGER.debug('Validating time windows')
+        leaf_list = leaf_.split(',')
+        leaf_ = ''
+        if (len(leaf_list) > 0):
+            datetime_ = dateparse_(leaf_list[0])
+            leaf_ = datetime_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+        for i in range(1, len(leaf_list)):
+            datetime_pre = dateparse_(leaf_list[i - 1])
+            datetime_ = dateparse_(leaf_list[i])
+            if datetime_pre != '..':
+                if datetime_pre.tzinfo is None:
+                    datetime_pre = datetime_pre.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            if datetime_ != '..':
+                if datetime_.tzinfo is None:
+                    datetime_ = datetime_.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            if datetime_pre >= datetime_:
+                leaf_invalid = True
+                break
+            leaf_ += ',' + datetime_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+    if leaf_invalid:
+        msg = 'invalid leaf'
+        LOGGER.debug(msg)
+        raise ValueError(msg)
+    return leaf_
+def validate_datetime(datetime_=None, return_type=True) -> str:
+    """
+    Helper function to validate temporal parameter
+    :param resource_def: `dict` of configuration resource definition
+    :param datetime_: `str` of datetime parameter
+    :returns: `str` of datetime input, if valid
+    """
+    # TODO: pass datetime to query as a `datetime` object
+    # we would need to ensure partial dates work accordingly
+    # as well as setting '..' values to `None` so that underlying
+    # providers can just assume a `datetime.datetime` object
+    #
+    # NOTE: needs testing when passing partials from API to backend
+    datetime_invalid = False
+    if datetime_ is not None and datetime_ != '':
+        dateparse_begin = partial(dateparse, default=datetime.min)
+        dateparse_end = partial(dateparse, default=datetime.max)
+        unix_epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+        dateparse_ = partial(dateparse, default=unix_epoch)
+        if '/' in datetime_:  # envelope
+            LOGGER.debug('detected time range')
+            LOGGER.debug('Validating time windows')
+            # normalize "" to ".." (actually changes datetime_)
+            datetime_ = re.sub(r'^/', '../', datetime_)
+            datetime_ = re.sub(r'/$', '/..', datetime_)
+            datetime_begin, datetime_end = datetime_.split('/')
+            if datetime_begin != '..':
+                datetime_begin = dateparse_begin(datetime_begin)
+                if datetime_begin.tzinfo is None:
+                    datetime_begin = datetime_begin.replace(
+                        tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            else:
+                datetime_begin = datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).replace(
+                    tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            if datetime_end != '..':
+                datetime_end = dateparse_end(datetime_end)
+                if datetime_end.tzinfo is None:
+                    datetime_end = datetime_end.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            else:
+                datetime_end = datetime(9999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).replace(
+                    tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            datetime_invalid = any([
+                (datetime_begin > datetime_end)
+            ])
+            datetime_ = datetime_begin.strftime(
+                '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + ',' + \
+                datetime_end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+        else:  # time instant
+            LOGGER.debug('detected time instant')
+            datetime__ = dateparse_(datetime_)
+            if datetime__ != '..':
+                if datetime__.tzinfo is None:
+                    datetime__ = datetime__.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+            datetime_invalid = any([
+                (datetime__ == '..')
+            ])
+            if return_type:
+                datetime_ = datetime__.strftime(
+                    '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + ',' + \
+                    datetime__.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+            else:
+                datetime_ = datetime__.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+    if datetime_invalid:
+        msg = 'datetime parameter out of range'
+        LOGGER.debug(msg)
+        raise ValueError(msg)
+    return datetime_
+def get_list_of_collections_id():
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result = pmdb_provider.get_collections_list()
+        collections_id = []
+        for row in result:
+            collections_id.append(row[0])
+        return True, collections_id
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        return False, error
+    finally:
+        pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+def get_list_of_features_id():
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result = pmdb_provider.get_features_list()
+        features_list = []
+        for row in result:
+            features_list.append([row[0], row[1]])
+        return True, features_list
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        return False, error
+    finally:
+        pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+def get_list_of_tproperties_name():
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result = pmdb_provider.get_tProperties_name_list()
+        tproperties_name_list = []
+        for row in result:
+            tproperties_name_list.append([row[0], row[1], row[2]])
+        return True, tproperties_name_list
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        return False, error
+    finally:
+        pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+def check_required_field_feature(feature):
+    if 'type' in feature:
+        if feature['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
+            return True
+    if 'type' not in feature or 'temporalGeometry' not in feature:
+        return False
+    if check_required_field_temporal_geometries(
+            feature['temporalGeometry']) is False:
+        return False
+    if 'temporalProperties' in feature:
+        if check_required_field_temporal_property(
+                feature['temporalProperties']) is False:
+            return False
+    if 'geometry' in feature:
+        if check_required_field_geometries(feature['geometry']) is False:
+            return False
+    if 'crs' in feature:
+        if check_required_field_crs(feature['crs']) is False:
+            return False
+    if 'trs' in feature:
+        if check_required_field_trs(feature['trs']) is False:
+            return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_geometries(geometry):
+    if (check_required_field_geometry_array(geometry) is False
+            and check_required_field_geometry_single(geometry) is False):
+        return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_geometry_array(geometry):
+    if ('type' not in geometry
+            or 'geometries' not in geometry):
+        return False
+    geometries = geometry['geometries']
+    geometries = [geometries] if not isinstance(
+        geometries, list) else geometries
+    for l_geometry in geometries:
+        if check_required_field_geometry_single(l_geometry) is False:
+            return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_geometry_single(geometry):
+    if ('type' not in geometry
+            or 'coordinates' not in geometry):
+        return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_temporal_geometries(temporal_geometries):
+    if (check_required_field_temporal_geometry_array(
+        temporal_geometries) is False
+            and check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single
+            (temporal_geometries) is False):
+        return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_temporal_geometry_array(temporal_geometries):
+    if ('type' not in temporal_geometries
+            or 'prisms' not in temporal_geometries):
+        return False
+    prisms = temporal_geometries['prisms']
+    prisms = [prisms] if not isinstance(prisms, list) else prisms
+    for temporal_geometry in prisms:
+        if check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single(
+                temporal_geometry) is False:
+            return False
+    if 'crs' in temporal_geometries:
+        if check_required_field_crs(temporal_geometry['crs']) is False:
+            return False
+    if 'trs' in temporal_geometries:
+        if check_required_field_trs(temporal_geometry['trs']) is False:
+            return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single(temporal_geometry):
+    if ('type' not in temporal_geometry
+            or 'datetimes' not in temporal_geometry
+            or 'coordinates' not in temporal_geometry):
+        return False
+    if 'crs' in temporal_geometry:
+        if check_required_field_crs(temporal_geometry['crs']) is False:
+            return False
+    if 'trs' in temporal_geometry:
+        if check_required_field_trs(temporal_geometry['trs']) is False:
+            return False
+    return True
+# TODO Do you still have the 'temporalProperties' key?
+# def checkRequiredFieldTemporalProperties(temporalProperties):
+#     if 'temporalProperties' not in temporalProperties:
+#         return False
+#     if check_required_field_temporal_property\
+#           (temporalProperties['temporalProperties']) is False:
+#         return False
+#     return True
+def check_required_field_temporal_property(temporal_properties):
+    temporal_properties = [temporal_properties] if not isinstance(
+        temporal_properties, list) else temporal_properties
+    for temporal_property in temporal_properties:
+        if ('datetimes' not in temporal_property):
+            return False
+        for tproperties_name in temporal_property:
+            if tproperties_name != 'datetimes' and (
+                'values'
+                not
+                in
+                temporal_property
+                [tproperties_name]
+                or
+                'interpolation'
+                not
+                in
+                temporal_property
+                    [tproperties_name]):
+                return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_temporal_value(temporalValue):
+    if ('datetimes' not in temporalValue
+            or 'values' not in temporalValue
+            or 'interpolation' not in temporalValue):
+        return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_crs(crs):
+    if ('type' not in crs
+            or 'properties' not in crs):
+        return False
+    return True
+def check_required_field_trs(trs):
+    if ('type' not in trs
+            or 'properties' not in trs):
+        return False
+    return True
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acf986e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,1459 @@
+from pygeoapi.api.movingfeatures import MOVING_FEATURES
+from pygeoapi.provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
+import pytest
+import json
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from pygeoapi.util import yaml_load
+from tests.util import get_test_file_path, mock_request
+def config():
+    with open(get_test_file_path('example-config.yml')) as fh:
+        return yaml_load(fh)
+def openapi():
+    with open(get_test_file_path('example-openapi.yml')) as fh:
+        return yaml_load(fh)
+# @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
+# def context():
+#     return {
+#         'collection_id':'f81e0521-cf63-4cc5-b690-3daf1f326104',
+#         'mfeature_id':'196695e8-b79b-4655-a1e0-b90de887f205',
+#         'tgeometry_id':'1d2edbdc-717a-4fcb-94ad-19a00ee208e0',
+#         'tProperty_name':'labels'
+#     }
+def context():
+    return {}
+def collection_property():
+    return {
+        "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",
+        "updateFrequency": 1000,
+        "description": "example"
+    }
+def update_collection_property():
+    return {
+        "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",
+        "updateFrequency": 1000,
+        "description": "test_update"
+    }
+def movingfeature():
+    return {
+        "type": "Feature",
+        "crs": {
+            "type": "Name",
+            "properties": {
+                "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+            }
+        },
+        "trs": {
+            "type": "Link",
+            "properties": {
+                "type": "OGCDEF",
+                "href": ""
+            }
+        },
+        "temporalGeometry": {
+            "type": "MovingPoint",
+            "datetimes": [
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:02Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:03Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:04Z",
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:05Z"
+            ],
+            "coordinates": [
+                [
+                    139.757083,
+                    35.627701,
+                    0.5
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757399,
+                    35.627701,
+                    2
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757555,
+                    35.627688,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757651,
+                    35.627596,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757716,
+                    35.627483,
+                    4
+                ]
+            ],
+            "interpolation": "Linear",
+            "base": {
+                "type": "glTF",
+                "href": ""  # noqa
+            },
+            "orientations": [
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        0
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        355,
+                        0
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        330
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        300
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    "scales": [
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "angles": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        270
+                    ]
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        "temporalProperties": [
+            {
+                "datetimes": [
+                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
+                    "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z",
+                    "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"
+                ],
+                "length": {
+                    "type": "Measure",
+                    "form": "",  # noqa
+                    "values": [
+                        1,
+                        2.4,
+                        1
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Linear"
+                },
+                "discharge": {
+                    "type": "Measure",
+                    "form": "MQS",
+                    "values": [
+                        3,
+                        4,
+                        5
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Step"
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                "datetimes": [
+                    1465621816590,
+                    1465711526300
+                ],
+                "camera": {
+                    "type": "Image",
+                    "values": [
+                        "",  # noqa
+                        "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                },
+                "labels": {
+                    "type": "Text",
+                    "values": [
+                        "car",
+                        "human"
+                    ],
+                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                }
+            }
+        ],
+        "geometry": {
+            "type": "LineString",
+            "coordinates": [
+                [
+                    139.757083,
+                    35.627701,
+                    0.5
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757399,
+                    35.627701,
+                    2
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757555,
+                    35.627688,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757651,
+                    35.627596,
+                    4
+                ],
+                [
+                    139.757716,
+                    35.627483,
+                    4
+                ]
+            ]
+        },
+        "properties": {
+            "name": "car1",
+            "state": "test1",
+            "video": ""  # noqa
+        },
+        "bbox": [
+            139.757083,
+            35.627483,
+            0,
+            139.757716,
+            35.627701,
+            4.5
+        ],
+        "time": [
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+            "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"
+        ],
+        "id": "mf-1"
+    }
+def temporalgeometry():
+    return {
+        "type": "MovingPoint",
+        "datetimes": [
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:06Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:07Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:08Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:09Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:10Z"
+        ],
+        "coordinates": [
+            [
+                139.757083,
+                35.627701,
+                0.5
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757399,
+                35.627701,
+                2
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757555,
+                35.627688,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757651,
+                35.627596,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757716,
+                35.627483,
+                4
+            ]
+        ],
+        "interpolation": "Linear",
+        "base": {
+            "type": "glTF",
+            "href": ""  # noqa
+        },
+        "orientations": [
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    0
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    355,
+                    0
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    330
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    300
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    270
+                ]
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+def temporalproperties():
+    return [
+        {
+            "datetimes": [
+                "2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-16T23:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z"
+            ],
+            "length": {
+                "type": "Measure",
+                "form": "",
+                "values": [
+                    1,
+                    2.4,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Linear"
+            },
+            "discharge": {
+                "type": "Measure",
+                "form": "MQS",
+                "values": [
+                    3,
+                    4,
+                    5
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Step"
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "datetimes": [
+                "2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-16T23:01:01.450Z"
+            ],
+            "camera": {
+                "type": "Image",
+                "values": [
+                    "",  # noqa
+                    "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Discrete"
+            },
+            "labels": {
+                "type": "Text",
+                "values": [
+                    "car",
+                    "human"
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Discrete"
+            }
+        }
+    ]
+def temporalvalue_data():
+    return {
+        "datetimes": [
+            "2011-07-18T08:00:00Z",
+            "2011-07-18T08:00:01Z",
+            "2011-07-18T08:00:02Z"
+        ],
+        "values": [
+            0,
+            20,
+            50
+        ],
+        "interpolation": "Linear"
+    }
+def test_manage_collection_create(
+        config,
+        openapi,
+        collection_property,
+        context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # missing request data
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(req, 'create')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = 'Invalid data. Valid parameter is JSON'
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(req, 'create')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # successful request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(collection_property)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(req, 'create')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    assert 'Location' in rsp_headers
+    location = rsp_headers['Location']
+    collection_id = location.split('/')[-1]
+    assert collection_id is not None
+    context['collection_id'] = collection_id
+def test_manage_collection_item_create(
+        config, openapi, movingfeature, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # collection not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
+        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # no data found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = 'data'
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # The required tag (e.g., type,temporalgeometry)
+    # is missing from the request data.
+    missing_data = dict(movingfeature)
+    del missing_data['temporalGeometry']
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(missing_data)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
+    # successful request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(movingfeature)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    assert 'Location' in rsp_headers
+    location = rsp_headers['Location']
+    mfeature_id = location.split('/')[-1]
+    assert mfeature_id is not None
+    context['mfeature_id'] = mfeature_id
+def test_manage_collection_item_tGeometry_create(
+        config, openapi, temporalgeometry, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # feature not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # no data found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = 'data'
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # The required tag (e.g., type,prisms)
+    # is missing from the request data.
+    missing_data = dict(temporalgeometry)
+    del missing_data['type']
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(missing_data)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
+    # successful request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(temporalgeometry)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    assert 'Location' in rsp_headers
+    location = rsp_headers['Location']
+    tgeometry_id = location.split('/')[-1]
+    assert tgeometry_id is not None
+    context['tgeometry_id'] = tgeometry_id
+def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_create(
+        config, openapi, temporalproperties, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # feature not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # no data found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = 'data'
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # The required tag (e.g., datetimes,interpolation)
+    # is missing from the request data.
+    missing_data = []
+    for temporalproperty in temporalproperties:
+        missing_data.append(dict(temporalproperty))
+    del missing_data[0]['datetimes']
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(missing_data, indent=2)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
+    # successful request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(temporalproperties, indent=2)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    assert 'Locations' in rsp_headers
+    location = rsp_headers['Locations']
+    assert len(location) == 4
+    tProperty_name = location[-1].split('/')[-1]
+    assert tProperty_name is not None
+    context['tProperty_name'] = tProperty_name
+def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_value_create(
+        config, openapi, temporalvalue_data, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # temporal property not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # no data found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = 'data'
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # The required tag (e.g., datetimes,interpolation)
+    # is missing from the request data.
+    missing_data = dict(temporalvalue_data)
+    del missing_data['datetimes']
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(missing_data)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
+    # successful request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(temporalvalue_data)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    assert 'Location' in rsp_headers
+def test_manage_collection_update(
+        config,
+        openapi,
+        update_collection_property,
+        context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # missing request data
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
+        req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = 'data'
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
+        req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # successful request data
+    req = mock_request()
+ = json.dumps(update_collection_property)
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
+        req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
+    assert response == ''
+def test_get_collection_items(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # offset value should be positive or zero
+    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # offset value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be strictly positive
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # bbox values must be numbers
+    req = mock_request(
+        {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': 'one,two,three,four'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # bbox should be 4 values (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) or 6 values
+    # (minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz)
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # minx is greater than maxx (possibly antimeridian bbox)
+    req = mock_request(
+        {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '200,30,0,100,40,10'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # datetime parameter out of range
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z',  # noqa
+                        'subTrajectory': 'true'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    collection = json.loads(response)
+    # check response data
+    assert 'type' in collection
+    assert 'features' in collection
+    assert len(collection['features']) == 1
+    mfeature = collection['features'][0]
+    assert 'id' in mfeature
+    assert 'type' in mfeature
+    assert mfeature['type'] == 'Feature'
+    assert 'properties' in mfeature
+    assert 'geometry' in mfeature
+    assert 'type' in mfeature['geometry']
+    assert 'coordinates' in mfeature['geometry']
+    assert 'temporalGeometry' in mfeature
+    assert len(mfeature['temporalGeometry']) == 2
+    temporal_geometry = mfeature['temporalGeometry'][0]
+    assert 'type' in temporal_geometry
+    assert temporal_geometry['type'] == 'MovingPoint'
+    assert 'datetimes' in temporal_geometry
+    assert 'interpolation' in temporal_geometry
+    assert 'id' in temporal_geometry
+    assert 'bbox' in mfeature
+    assert mfeature['bbox'] == [
+        139.757083,
+        35.627483,
+        0.5,
+        139.757716,
+        35.627701,
+        4]
+    assert 'time' in mfeature
+    assert mfeature['time'] == ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"]
+    assert 'crs' in collection
+    assert 'trs' in collection
+    assert 'links' in collection
+    assert len(collection['links']) == 1
+    assert 'timeStamp' in collection
+    assert 'numberMatched' in collection
+    assert collection['numberMatched'] == 1
+    assert 'numberReturned' in collection
+    assert collection['numberReturned'] == 1
+def test_get_collection(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection(
+        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # successful data
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection(
+        req, context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    collection = json.loads(response)
+    assert 'id' in collection
+    assert 'itemType' in collection
+    assert collection['itemType'] == 'movingfeature'
+    assert 'title' in collection
+    assert collection['title'] == 'moving_feature_collection_sample'
+    assert 'updateFrequency' in collection
+    assert collection['updateFrequency'] == 1000
+    assert 'description' in collection
+    assert collection['description'] == 'test_update'
+    assert 'extent' in collection
+    assert collection['extent']['spatial']['bbox'] == [
+        139.757083, 35.627483, 0.5, 139.757716, 35.627701, 4]
+    assert collection['extent']['spatial']['crs'] == \
+        ''
+    assert collection['extent']['temporal']['interval'] == \
+        ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"]
+    assert collection['extent']['temporal']['trs'] == \
+        ''
+    assert 'links' in collection
+    assert len(collection['links']) == 1
+def test_get_collection_item(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_item(
+        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # successful data
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_item(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    mfeature = json.loads(response)
+    assert 'id' in mfeature
+    assert 'type' in mfeature
+    assert mfeature['type'] == 'Feature'
+    assert 'properties' in mfeature
+    assert 'geometry' in mfeature
+    assert 'type' in mfeature['geometry']
+    assert 'coordinates' in mfeature['geometry']
+    assert 'crs' in mfeature
+    assert 'trs' in mfeature
+    assert 'bbox' in mfeature
+    assert mfeature['bbox'] == [
+        139.757083,
+        35.627483,
+        0.5,
+        139.757716,
+        35.627701,
+        4]
+    assert 'time' in mfeature
+    assert mfeature['time'] == ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"]
+    assert 'links' in mfeature
+    assert len(mfeature['links']) == 1
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # offset value should be positive or zero
+    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # offset value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be strictly positive
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # bbox values must be numbers
+    req = mock_request(
+        {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': 'one,two,three,four'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # bbox should be 4 values (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) or 6 values
+    # (minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz)
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # minx is greater than maxx (possibly antimeridian bbox)
+    req = mock_request(
+        {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '200,30,0,100,40,10'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid leaf
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z,2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # cannot use both parameter `subTrajectory` and `leaf` at the same time
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
+                        'subTrajectory': True})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # datetime parameter out of range
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
+                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # successful data
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
+                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    temporal_geometries = json.loads(response)
+    assert 'geometrySequence' in temporal_geometries
+    assert len(temporal_geometries["geometrySequence"]) == 1
+    temporal_geometry = temporal_geometries['geometrySequence'][0]
+    assert 'id' in temporal_geometry
+    assert 'datetimes' in temporal_geometry
+    assert temporal_geometry['datetimes'] == ["2011-07-14T22:01:01+09"]
+    assert 'coordinates' in temporal_geometry
+    assert temporal_geometry['coordinates'] == [[139.757083, 35.627701, 0.5]]
+    assert 'type' in temporal_geometry
+    assert temporal_geometry['type'] == 'MovingPoint'
+    assert 'interpolation' in temporal_geometry
+    assert temporal_geometry['interpolation'] == 'Linear'
+    assert 'crs' in temporal_geometries
+    assert 'trs' in temporal_geometries
+    assert 'links' in temporal_geometries
+    assert len(temporal_geometries['links']) == 1
+    assert 'timeStamp' in temporal_geometries
+    assert 'numberMatched' in temporal_geometries
+    assert temporal_geometries['numberMatched'] == 2
+    assert 'numberReturned' in temporal_geometries
+    assert temporal_geometries['numberReturned'] == 1
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # successful data
+    req = mock_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tgeometry_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    temporal_properties = response
+    assert 'name' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['name'] == 'velocity'
+    assert 'type' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['type'] == 'TReal'
+    assert 'form' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['form'] == 'MTS'
+    assert 'valueSequence' in temporal_properties
+    assert len(temporal_properties['valueSequence']) == 1
+    value_sequence = temporal_properties['valueSequence'][0]
+    assert 'datetimes' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['datetimes'] == ["2011-07-14T22:01:08.000000Z"]
+    assert 'values' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['values'] == [0.00013296616111996862]
+    assert 'interpolation' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['interpolation'], 1 == "Discrete"
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # successful data
+    req = mock_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tgeometry_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    temporal_properties = response
+    assert 'name' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['name'] == 'distance'
+    assert 'type' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['type'] == 'TReal'
+    assert 'form' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['form'] == 'MTR'
+    assert 'valueSequence' in temporal_properties
+    assert len(temporal_properties['valueSequence']) == 1
+    value_sequence = temporal_properties['valueSequence'][0]
+    assert 'datetimes' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['datetimes'] == ["2011-07-14T22:01:08.000000Z"]
+    assert 'values' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['values'] == [3.5000000394115824]
+    assert 'interpolation' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['interpolation'], 1 == "Discrete"
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # successful data
+    req = mock_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = \
+        mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(
+            req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+            context['tgeometry_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    temporal_properties = response
+    assert 'name' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['name'] == 'acceleration'
+    assert 'type' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['type'] == 'TReal'
+    assert 'form' in temporal_properties
+    assert temporal_properties['form'] == 'MTS'
+    assert 'valueSequence' in temporal_properties
+    assert len(temporal_properties['valueSequence']) == 1
+    value_sequence = temporal_properties['valueSequence'][0]
+    assert 'datetimes' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['datetimes'] == ["2011-07-14T22:01:08.000000Z"]
+    assert 'values' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['values'] == [0]
+    assert 'interpolation' in value_sequence
+    assert value_sequence['interpolation'], 1 == "Discrete"
+def test_get_collection_items_tProperty(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # offset value should be positive or zero
+    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # offset value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be strictly positive
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # datetime parameter out of range
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10,
+                       'datetime': '2011-07-17T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-16T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # successful data
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'datetime': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z',  # noqa
+                        'subTemporalValue': 'true'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    result = json.loads(response)
+    assert 'temporalProperties' in result
+    temporal_properties = result['temporalProperties']
+    assert len(temporal_properties) == 2
+    temporal_property = temporal_properties[0]
+    assert 'datetimes' in temporal_property
+    assert 'discharge' in temporal_property
+    assert 'form' in temporal_property['discharge']
+    assert temporal_property['discharge']['form'] == 'MQS'
+    assert 'type' in temporal_property['discharge']
+    assert temporal_property['discharge']['type'] == 'Measure'
+    assert 'values' in temporal_property['discharge']
+    assert temporal_property['discharge']['values'] == [3, 4, 5]
+    assert 'length' in temporal_property
+    assert 'form' in temporal_property['length']
+    assert temporal_property['length']['form'] == \
+        ''
+    assert 'type' in temporal_property['length']
+    assert temporal_property['length']['type'] == 'Measure'
+    assert 'values' in temporal_property['length']
+    assert temporal_property['length']['values'] == [1, 2.4, 1]
+    assert 'links' in result
+    assert len(result['links']) == 1
+    assert 'timeStamp' in result
+    assert 'numberMatched' in result
+    assert result['numberMatched'] == 4
+    assert 'numberReturned' in result
+    assert result['numberReturned'] == 4
+def test_get_collection_items_tProperty_value(config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # offset value should be positive or zero
+    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # offset value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be strictly positive
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # limit value should be an integer
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # invalid leaf
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10,
+                       'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z,2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # cannot use both parameter `subTemporalValue`
+    # and `leaf` at the same time
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
+                        'subTemporalValue': True})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # datetime parameter out of range
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
+                        'datetime': '2011-07-17T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-16T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+    # successful data
+    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
+                        'limit': 10,
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
+                        'datetime': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    tProperty_value = json.loads(response)
+    assert 'type' in tProperty_value
+    assert tProperty_value['type'] == 'Text'
+    assert 'valueSequence' in tProperty_value
+    assert len(tProperty_value["valueSequence"]) == 1
+    valueSequence = tProperty_value['valueSequence'][0]
+    assert 'values' in valueSequence
+    assert valueSequence['values'] == ["car"]
+    assert 'datetimes' in valueSequence
+    assert valueSequence['datetimes'] == ["2011-07-16T22:01:01.45Z"]
+    assert 'interpolation' in valueSequence
+    assert valueSequence['interpolation'] == 'Discrete'
+def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_delete(
+        config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # feature not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # successful delete
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+def test_manage_collection_item_tGeometry_delete(
+        config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # feature not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # successful delete
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tgeometry_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+def test_manage_collection_item_delete(
+        config, openapi, context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # collection not found
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
+        req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # successful delete
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
+        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    # check feature
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_feature(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                       context.get('mfeature_id'))
+    assert len(result) == 0
+def test_manage_collection_delete(
+        config,
+        openapi,
+        context):
+    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+    # successful delete
+    req = mock_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
+        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
+    # check collection
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    result = pmdb_provider.get_collection(context.get('collection_id'))
+    assert len(result) == 0

From 303540f6dd15b4d090c11964aa877900c92a2606 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 15:46:19 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 03/14] MF-API Server update and integration (#1)

revision related to database and Provider

* Correcting of test check judgments

* Refactoring of parameter names
 pygeoapi/provider/ | 21 +++++++++-------
 tests/        | 29 ++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/ b/pygeoapi/provider/
index d763febb3..91a6d77db 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/provider/
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ def get_tProperties_name_list(self):
     def get_temporalproperties(
             self, collection_id, mfeature_id, datetime='', limit=10,
-            offset=0, subTemporalValue=False):
+            offset=0, sub_temporal_value=False):
         Retrieve the static information of the temporal property data
         that included a single moving feature
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ def get_temporalproperties(
         :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
         :param limit: number of items (default 10) [optional]
         :param offset: starting record to return (default 0)
-        :param subTemporalValue: only features with a temporal property
+        :param sub_temporal_value: only features with a temporal property
                                  intersecting the given time interval
                                  will return (default False) [optional]
@@ -415,7 +415,8 @@ def get_temporalproperties(
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
             datetime_restriction = ''
             if datetime != '' and datetime is not None:
-                if subTemporalValue is False or subTemporalValue == "false":
+                if sub_temporal_value is False \
+                        or sub_temporal_value == "false":
                     datetime_restriction = (""" and (atTime(pvalue_float,
                     tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null
                     or atTime(pvalue_text, tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null)"""
@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ def get_temporalproperties(
             result = cur.fetchall()
             number_returned = len(result)
-            if subTemporalValue or subTemporalValue == "true":
+            if sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "true":
                 subTemporalValue_float_field = (
                     tstzspan('[{0}]'))""" .format(datetime))
@@ -483,7 +484,7 @@ def get_temporalproperties(
     def get_temporalproperties_value(
             self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperty_name, datetime='',
-            leaf='', subTemporalValue=False):
+            leaf='', sub_temporal_value=False):
         Retrieve temporal values with a specified name
         {tPropertyName} of temporal property.
@@ -496,7 +497,7 @@ def get_temporalproperties_value(
                      property that intersects the given
                      date-time are selected [optional]
-        :param subTemporalValue: only features with a temporal property
+        :param sub_temporal_value: only features with a temporal property
                                  intersecting the given time interval
                                  will return (default False) [optional]
@@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ def get_temporalproperties_value(
                     tstzset('{" + leaf + "}'))"
                 text_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text, \
                     tstzset('{" + leaf + "}'))"
-            elif subTemporalValue or subTemporalValue == "true":
+            elif sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "true":
                 float_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float, \
                     tstzspan('[" + datetime + "]'))"
                 text_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text, \
@@ -674,6 +675,7 @@ def post_temporalproperties(
             datetimes = g_temporal_property.pop("datetimes", None)
         datetime_group = self.get_temporalproperties_group(
             collection_id, mfeature_id, datetimes)
+        tproperties_name_list = []
         for tproperties_name in g_temporal_property:
             with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
                 if 'values' in g_temporal_property[tproperties_name] \
@@ -720,8 +722,9 @@ def post_temporalproperties(
-        # TODO replace g_temporal_property
-        return tproperties_name
+            tproperties_name_list.append(tproperties_name)
+        return tproperties_name_list
     def post_temporalvalue(
             self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name,
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e3cf7bdc4..92126c05d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from pygeoapi.pmdb_provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
+from pygeoapi.provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
 import pytest
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ def test_query_post_collection(context, collection_property):
     collection_id = pmdb_provider.post_collection(collection_property)
+    assert collection_id is not None
     context['collection_id'] = collection_id
-    assert collection_id
 def test_query_post_movingfeature(context, movingfeature):
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ def test_query_post_movingfeature(context, movingfeature):
+    assert mfeature_id is not None
     context['mfeature_id'] = mfeature_id
-    assert mfeature_id
 def test_query_post_temporalgeometry(context, temporalgeometry):
@@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ def test_query_post_temporalgeometry(context, temporalgeometry):
+    assert tgeometry_id is not None
     context['tgeometry_id'] = tgeometry_id
-    assert tgeometry_id
 def test_query_post_temporalproperties(context, temporalproperties):
@@ -472,16 +472,19 @@ def test_query_post_temporalproperties(context, temporalproperties):
+    tProperty_name_list = []
     if canPost:
         for temporal_property in l_temporal_properties:
-            tProperty_name = pmdb_provider.\
-                post_temporalproperties(
-                    context.get('collection_id'),
-                    context.get('mfeature_id'),
-                    temporal_property)
+            tProperty_name_list.extend(pmdb_provider.
+                                       post_temporalproperties(
+                                           context.get('collection_id'),
+                                           context.get('mfeature_id'),
+                                           temporal_property))
-        context['tProperty_name'] = tProperty_name
-        assert tProperty_name
+    assert len(tProperty_name_list) == 4
+    tProperty_name = tProperty_name_list[-1]
+    assert tProperty_name is not None
+    context['tProperty_name'] = tProperty_name
 def test_query_post_temporalvalue(context, temporalvalue_data):
@@ -588,7 +591,7 @@ def test_query_get_features(
-            400,
+            40,
         datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.000,2011-07-14 22:01:01.000',
         limit=10, offset=0, sub_trajectory=False):
@@ -651,7 +654,7 @@ def test_query_get_temporalgeometries(
-            400,
+            40,
         leaf='2011-07-14 22:01:01.000',
         datetime='2011-07-14 22:01:01.000,2011-07-14 22:01:01.000',

From 04d29c842fd710980f6a2a46699150be99c506f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 15:49:37 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 04/14] MF-API Server update and integration (#1)

modify service interface and entry points

* Modifying service entry point

* Modifying the MF-API service interface
 pygeoapi/api/ | 579 +++++++++++++--------------------------
 pygeoapi/    | 260 +++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 415 insertions(+), 424 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pygeoapi/api/ b/pygeoapi/api/
index b47541f23..03948ae2b 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/api/
+++ b/pygeoapi/api/
@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
 Returns content from plugins and sets responses.
+from pygeoapi.util import (CrsTransformSpec, TEMPLATES, UrlPrefetcher,
+                           get_api_rules, get_base_url, get_provider_by_type,
+                           get_typed_value, get_crs_from_uri,
+                           get_supported_crs_list, render_j2_template, to_json)
+from pymeos import STBox, TsTzSpan, pymeos_initialize
+import psycopg2
+from pygeoapi.provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
 import asyncio
 from collections import OrderedDict
 from copy import deepcopy
@@ -61,14 +68,7 @@
 from pygeoapi.plugin import load_plugin
 from pygeoapi.process.manager.base import get_manager
 from pygeoapi.provider.base import (
-    ProviderConnectionError, ProviderGenericError, ProviderTypeError)
-from pygeoapi.util import (
-    CrsTransformSpec, TEMPLATES, UrlPrefetcher, dategetter,
-    filter_dict_by_key_value, get_api_rules, get_base_url,
-    get_provider_by_type, get_provider_default, get_typed_value,
-    get_crs_from_uri, get_supported_crs_list, render_j2_template, to_json
+    ProviderGenericError, ProviderTypeError)
 LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -112,6 +112,54 @@
+    'common': [
+        '',
+        ''
+    ],
+    'feature': [
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        ''  # noqa
+    ],
+    'coverage': [
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',  # noqa
+        '',  # noqa
+        '',  # noqa
+        '',  # noqa
+        ''  # noqa
+    ],
+    'tile': [
+        ''
+    ],
+    'record': [
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        ''
+    ],
+    'process': [
+        '',  # noqa
+        '',
+        '',
+        ''
+    ],
+    'edr': [
+        ''
+    ],
+    'movingfeatures': [
+        "",
+        "",  # noqa
+        ""  # noqa
+    ]
@@ -142,7 +190,7 @@ def all_apis() -> dict:
         'map': maps,
         'process': processes,
         'tile': tiles,
-        'stac': stac
+        'stac': stac,
@@ -292,6 +340,7 @@ def example_method(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any], custom_arg):
     :param request:             The web platform specific Request instance.
     :param supported_locales:   List or set of supported Locale instances.
     def __init__(self, request, supported_locales):
         # Set default request data
         self._data = b''
@@ -454,7 +503,7 @@ def _get_format(self, headers) -> Union[str, None]:
         # Format not specified: get from Accept headers (MIME types)
         # e.g. format_ = 'text/html'
-        h = headers.get('accept', headers.get('Accept', '')).strip() # noqa
+        h = headers.get('accept', headers.get('Accept', '')).strip()  # noqa
         (fmts, mimes) = zip(*FORMAT_TYPES.items())
         # basic support for complex types (i.e. with "q=0.x")
         for type_ in (t.split(';')[0].strip() for t in h.split(',') if t):
@@ -787,18 +836,6 @@ def landing_page(self,
             fcm['stac'] = False
             fcm['collection'] = False
-            if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
-                                        'type', 'process'):
-                fcm['processes'] = True
-            if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
-                                        'type', 'stac-collection'):
-                fcm['stac'] = True
-            if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
-                                        'type', 'collection'):
-                fcm['collection'] = True
             content = render_j2_template(self.tpl_config, 'landing_page.html',
                                          fcm, request.locale)
             return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
@@ -812,7 +849,7 @@ def landing_page(self,
     def openapi_(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any]) -> Tuple[
-                 dict, int, str]:
+            dict, int, str]:
         Provide OpenAPI document
@@ -860,28 +897,12 @@ def conformance(self,
         :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        apis_dict = all_apis()
         if not request.is_valid():
             return self.get_format_exception(request)
         conformance_list = CONFORMANCE_CLASSES
-        for key, value in self.config['resources'].items():
-            if value['type'] == 'process':
-                conformance_list.extend(
-                    apis_dict['process'].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES)
-            else:
-                for provider in value['providers']:
-                    if provider['type'] in apis_dict:
-                        conformance_list.extend(
-                            apis_dict[provider['type']].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES)
-                    if provider['type'] == 'feature':
-                        conformance_list.extend(
-                            apis_dict['itemtypes'].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES_FEATURES)  # noqa
-                    if provider['type'] == 'record':
-                        conformance_list.extend(
-                            apis_dict['itemtypes'].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES_RECORDS)
+        conformance_list.extend(
+            CONFORMANCE['movingfeatures'])
         conformance = {
             'conformsTo': sorted(list(set(conformance_list)))
@@ -898,395 +919,185 @@ def conformance(self,
-    def describe_collections(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                             dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    def describe_collections(
+            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any]) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        Provide collection metadata
+        Queries collection
         :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: name of collection
         :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
         if not request.is_valid():
             return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(**self.api_headers)
+        headers = request.get_response_headers()
+        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
         fcm = {
             'collections': [],
             'links': []
-        collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
-                                               'type', 'collection')
-        if all([dataset is not None, dataset not in collections.keys()]):
-            msg = 'Collection not found'
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            result = pmdb_provider.get_collections()
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
             return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
-        if dataset is not None:
-            collections_dict = {
-                k: v for k, v in collections.items() if k == dataset
-            }
-        else:
-            collections_dict = collections
-        LOGGER.debug('Creating collections')
-        for k, v in collections_dict.items():
-            if v.get('visibility', 'default') == 'hidden':
-                LOGGER.debug(f'Skipping hidden layer: {k}')
-                continue
-            collection_data = get_provider_default(v['providers'])
-            collection_data_type = collection_data['type']
-            collection_data_format = None
-            if 'format' in collection_data:
-                collection_data_format = collection_data['format']
-            is_vector_tile = (collection_data_type == 'tile' and
-                              collection_data_format['name'] not
-                              in [F_PNG, F_JPEG])
-            collection = {
-                'id': k,
-                'title': l10n.translate(v['title'], request.locale),
-                'description': l10n.translate(v['description'], request.locale),  # noqa
-                'keywords': l10n.translate(v['keywords'], request.locale),
-                'links': []
-            }
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers,
+                request.format,
+                'ConnectingError',
+                msg)
+        pymeos_initialize()
+        collections = []
+        for row in result:
+            collection_id = row[0]
+            collection = row[1]
+            collection['itemType'] = 'movingfeature'
+            collection['id'] = collection_id
+            crs = None
+            trs = None
+            if 'crs' in collection:
+                crs = collection.pop('crs', None)
+            if 'trs' in collection:
+                trs = collection.pop('trs', None)
+            extend_stbox = STBox(row[3]) if row[3] is not None else None
+            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[2]) if row[2] is not None else None
+            bbox = []
+            if extend_stbox is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+                if crs is None:
+                    if extend_stbox.srid() == 4326:
+                        if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                            crs = ''
+                        else:
+                            crs = '\
+                                  crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84'
+            if crs is None:
+                crs = ''
+            if trs is None:
+                trs = ''
+            time = []
+            if lifespan is not None:
+                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            else:
+                if extend_stbox is not None:
+                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            bbox = v['extents']['spatial']['bbox']
-            # The output should be an array of bbox, so if the user only
-            # provided a single bbox, wrap it in a array.
-            if not isinstance(bbox[0], list):
-                bbox = [bbox]
             collection['extent'] = {
                 'spatial': {
-                    'bbox': bbox
+                    'bbox': bbox,
+                    'crs': crs
+                },
+                'temporal': {
+                    'interval': time,
+                    'trs': trs
-            if 'crs' in v['extents']['spatial']:
-                collection['extent']['spatial']['crs'] = \
-                    v['extents']['spatial']['crs']
-            t_ext = v.get('extents', {}).get('temporal', {})
-            if t_ext:
-                begins = dategetter('begin', t_ext)
-                ends = dategetter('end', t_ext)
-                collection['extent']['temporal'] = {
-                    'interval': [[begins, ends]]
-                }
-                if 'trs' in t_ext:
-                    collection['extent']['temporal']['trs'] = t_ext['trs']
-            LOGGER.debug('Processing configured collection links')
-            for link in l10n.translate(v.get('links', []), request.locale):
-                lnk = {
-                    'type': link['type'],
-                    'rel': link['rel'],
-                    'title': l10n.translate(link['title'], request.locale),
-                    'href': l10n.translate(link['href'], request.locale),
-                }
-                if 'hreflang' in link:
-                    lnk['hreflang'] = l10n.translate(
-                        link['hreflang'], request.locale)
-                content_length = link.get('length', 0)
-                if lnk['rel'] == 'enclosure' and content_length == 0:
-                    # Issue HEAD request for enclosure links without length
-                    lnk_headers = self.prefetcher.get_headers(lnk['href'])
-                    content_length = int(lnk_headers.get('content-length', 0))
-                    content_type = lnk_headers.get('content-type', lnk['type'])
-                    if content_length == 0:
-                        # Skip this (broken) link
-                        LOGGER.debug(f"Enclosure {lnk['href']} is invalid")
-                        continue
-                    if content_type != lnk['type']:
-                        # Update content type if different from specified
-                        lnk['type'] = content_type
-                        LOGGER.debug(
-                            f"Fixed media type for enclosure {lnk['href']}")
-                if content_length > 0:
-                    lnk['length'] = content_length
-                collection['links'].append(lnk)
+            collection['links'] = []
             # TODO: provide translations
             LOGGER.debug('Adding JSON and HTML link relations')
-            collection['links'].append({
-                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
-                'rel': 'root',
-                'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_JSON}"
-            })
-            collection['links'].append({
-                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                'rel': 'root',
-                'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_HTML}"
-            })
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
                 'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
                 'title': l10n.translate('This document as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}?f={F_JSON}'
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
                 'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSONLD),
                 'title': l10n.translate('This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}?f={F_JSONLD}'
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
                 'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_HTML),
                 'title': l10n.translate('This document as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}?f={F_HTML}'
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
-            if collection_data_type in ['feature', 'coverage', 'record']:
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
-                    'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/schema',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Schema of collection in JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/schema?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
-                })
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                    'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/schema',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Schema of collection in HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/schema?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
-                })
-            if is_vector_tile or collection_data_type in ['feature', 'record']:
-                # TODO: translate
-                collection['itemType'] = collection_data_type
-                LOGGER.debug('Adding feature/record based links')
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': 'application/schema+json',
-                    'rel': '',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Queryables for this collection as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/queryables?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
-                })
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                    'rel': '',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Queryables for this collection as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/queryables?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
-                })
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': 'application/geo+json',
-                    'rel': 'items',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as GeoJSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/items?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
-                })
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
-                    'rel': 'items',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/items?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
-                })
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                    'rel': 'items',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/items?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
-                })
-                # OAPIF Part 2 - list supported CRSs and StorageCRS
-                if collection_data_type == 'feature':
-                    collection['crs'] = get_supported_crs_list(collection_data, DEFAULT_CRS_LIST) # noqa
-                    collection['storageCRS'] = collection_data.get('storage_crs', DEFAULT_STORAGE_CRS) # noqa
-                    if 'storage_crs_coordinate_epoch' in collection_data:
-                        collection['storageCrsCoordinateEpoch'] = collection_data.get('storage_crs_coordinate_epoch') # noqa
-            elif collection_data_type == 'coverage':
-                # TODO: translate
-                LOGGER.debug('Adding coverage based links')
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': 'application/prs.coverage+json',
-                    'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/coverage',
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Coverage data', request.locale),
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/coverage?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
-                })
-                if collection_data_format is not None:
-                    title_ = l10n.translate('Coverage data as', request.locale)  # noqa
-                    title_ = f"{title_} {collection_data_format['name']}"
-                    collection['links'].append({
-                        'type': collection_data_format['mimetype'],
-                        'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/coverage',
-                        'title': title_,
-                        'href': f"{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/coverage?f={collection_data_format['name']}"  # noqa
-                    })
-                if dataset is not None:
-                    LOGGER.debug('Creating extended coverage metadata')
-                    try:
-                        provider_def = get_provider_by_type(
-                            self.config['resources'][k]['providers'],
-                            'coverage')
-                        p = load_plugin('provider', provider_def)
-                    except ProviderConnectionError:
-                        msg = 'connection error (check logs)'
-                        return self.get_exception(
-                            HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
-                            headers, request.format,
-                            'NoApplicableCode', msg)
-                    except ProviderTypeError:
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        collection['extent']['spatial']['grid'] = [{
-                            'cellsCount': p._coverage_properties['width'],
-                            'resolution': p._coverage_properties['resx']
-                            }, {
-                            'cellsCount': p._coverage_properties['height'],
-                            'resolution': p._coverage_properties['resy']
-                        }]
-            try:
-                tile = get_provider_by_type(v['providers'], 'tile')
-                p = load_plugin('provider', tile)
-            except ProviderConnectionError:
-                msg = 'connection error (check logs)'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
-                    headers, request.format,
-                    'NoApplicableCode', msg)
-            except ProviderTypeError:
-                tile = None
-            if tile:
-                # TODO: translate
-                LOGGER.debug('Adding tile links')
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
-                    'rel': f'{p.tile_type}',  # noqa
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Tiles as JSON', request.locale),
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/tiles?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
-                })
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                    'rel': f'{p.tile_type}',  # noqa
-                    'title': l10n.translate('Tiles as HTML', request.locale),
-                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/tiles?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
-                })
-            try:
-                map_ = get_provider_by_type(v['providers'], 'map')
-            except ProviderTypeError:
-                map_ = None
-            if map_:
-                LOGGER.debug('Adding map links')
-                map_mimetype = map_['format']['mimetype']
-                map_format = map_['format']['name']
-                title_ = l10n.translate('Map as', request.locale)
-                title_ = f"{title_} {map_format}"
-                collection['links'].append({
-                    'type': map_mimetype,
-                    'rel': '',
-                    'title': title_,
-                    'href': f"{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/map?f={map_format}"  # noqa
-                })
-            try:
-                edr = get_provider_by_type(v['providers'], 'edr')
-                p = load_plugin('provider', edr)
-            except ProviderConnectionError:
-                msg = 'connection error (check logs)'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, headers,
-                    request.format, 'NoApplicableCode', msg)
-            except ProviderTypeError:
-                edr = None
-            if edr:
-                # TODO: translate
-                LOGGER.debug('Adding EDR links')
-                collection['data_queries'] = {}
-                parameters = p.get_fields()
-                if parameters:
-                    collection['parameter_names'] = {}
-                    for key, value in parameters.items():
-                        collection['parameter_names'][key] = {
-                            'id': key,
-                            'type': 'Parameter',
-                            'name': value['title'],
-                            'unit': {
-                                'label': {
-                                    'en': value['title']
-                                },
-                                'symbol': {
-                                    'value': value['x-ogc-unit'],
-                                    'type': ''  # noqa
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                for qt in p.get_query_types():
-                    data_query = {
-                        'link': {
-                            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/{qt}',
-                            'rel': 'data'
-                         }
-                    }
-                    collection['data_queries'][qt] = data_query
-                    title1 = l10n.translate('query for this collection as JSON', request.locale)  # noqa
-                    title1 = f'{qt} {title1}'
-                    title2 = l10n.translate('query for this collection as HTML', request.locale)  # noqa
-                    title2 = f'{qt} {title2}'
-                    collection['links'].append({
-                        'type': 'application/json',
-                        'rel': 'data',
-                        'title': title1,
-                        'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/{qt}?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
-                    })
-                    collection['links'].append({
-                        'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                        'rel': 'data',
-                        'title': title2,
-                        'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/{qt}?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
-                    })
-            if dataset is not None and k == dataset:
-                fcm = collection
-                break
-            fcm['collections'].append(collection)
-        if dataset is None:
-            # TODO: translate
-            fcm['links'].append({
-                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
-                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-                'title': l10n.translate('This document as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSON}'
+            collection['links'].append({
+                'type': 'application/geo+json',
+                'rel': 'items',
+                'title': l10n.translate('Items as GeoJSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
-            fcm['links'].append({
+            collection['links'].append({
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
-                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSONLD),
-                'title': l10n.translate('This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSONLD}'
+                'rel': 'items',
+                'title': l10n.translate('Items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
-            fcm['links'].append({
+            collection['links'].append({
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_HTML),
-                'title': l10n.translate('This document as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_HTML}'
+                'rel': 'items',
+                'title': l10n.translate('Items as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+            collections.append(collection)
+        fcm['collections'] = collections
+        # fcm['links'].append({
+        #     'href': '{}'.format(
+        #         self.get_collections_url()),
+        #     'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+        #     'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
+        # })
+        fcm['links'].append({
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+            'rel': 'root',
+            'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+            'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_JSON}"
+        })
+        fcm['links'].append({
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+            'rel': 'root',
+            'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+            'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_HTML}"
+        })
+        fcm['links'].append({
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+            'title': l10n.translate('This document as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSON}'
+        })
+        fcm['links'].append({
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSONLD),
+            'title': l10n.translate('This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
+            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSONLD}'
+        })
+        fcm['links'].append({
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_HTML),
+            'title': l10n.translate('This document as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_HTML}'
+        })
         if request.format == F_HTML:  # render
             fcm['collections_path'] = self.get_collections_url()
-            if dataset is not None:
+            if len(result) > 0:
                 content = render_j2_template(self.tpl_config,
                                              fcm, request.locale)
@@ -1299,7 +1110,7 @@ def describe_collections(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
         if request.format == F_JSONLD:
             jsonld = self.fcmld.copy()
-            if dataset is not None:
+            if len(result) > 0:
                 jsonld['dataset'] = jsonldify_collection(self, fcm,
diff --git a/pygeoapi/ b/pygeoapi/
index 4e4f0097e..252334f53 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/
+++ b/pygeoapi/
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
                    send_from_directory, Response, Request)
 from pygeoapi.api import API, APIRequest, apply_gzip
+from pygeoapi.api.movingfeatures import MOVING_FEATURES
 import pygeoapi.api.coverages as coverages_api
 import pygeoapi.api.environmental_data_retrieval as edr_api
 import pygeoapi.api.itemtypes as itemtypes_api
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@
     'pretty_print', True)
 OGC_SCHEMAS_LOCATION = CONFIG['server'].get('ogc_schemas_location')
@@ -179,6 +181,16 @@ def openapi():
     OpenAPI endpoint
+    :returns: HTTP response
+    """
+    return get_response(api_.openapi_(request))
+def api():
+    """
+    OpenAPI endpoint
     :returns: HTTP response
@@ -221,8 +233,10 @@ def get_tilematrix_sets():
     return execute_from_flask(tiles_api.tilematrixsets, request)
+                 methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+                 methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
 def collections(collection_id=None):
     OGC API collections endpoint
@@ -232,7 +246,24 @@ def collections(collection_id=None):
     :returns: HTTP response
-    return get_response(api_.describe_collections(request, collection_id))
+    if collection_id is None:
+        if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+            return get_response(api_.describe_collections(request))
+        elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+            return get_response(movingFeatures.manage_collection(request,
+                                                                 'create'))
+    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.manage_collection(request, 'delete',
+                                             collection_id))
+    elif request.method == 'PUT':
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.manage_collection(request, 'update',
+                                             collection_id))
+    else:
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.get_collection(request, collection_id))
@@ -258,16 +289,14 @@ def collection_queryables(collection_id=None):
     :returns: HTTP response
-    return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.get_collection_queryables, request,
-                              collection_id)
+    return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.get_collection_queryables,
+                              request, collection_id)
-                 methods=['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS'],
-                 provide_automatic_options=False)
+                 methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-                 methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'],
-                 provide_automatic_options=False)
+                 methods=['GET', 'DELETE'],)
 def collection_items(collection_id, item_id=None):
     OGC API collections items endpoint
@@ -277,43 +306,24 @@ def collection_items(collection_id, item_id=None):
     :returns: HTTP response
     if item_id is None:
         if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-            return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.get_collection_items,
-                                      request, collection_id,
-                                      skip_valid_check=True)
+            return get_response(
+                movingFeatures.get_collection_items(request, collection_id))
         elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
-            if request.content_type is not None:
-                if request.content_type == 'application/geo+json':
-                    return execute_from_flask(
-                            itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
-                            request, 'create', collection_id,
-                            skip_valid_check=True)
-                else:
-                    return execute_from_flask(
-                            itemtypes_api.post_collection_items, request,
-                            collection_id, skip_valid_check=True)
-        elif request.method == 'OPTIONS':
-            return execute_from_flask(
-                    itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item, request, 'options',
-                    collection_id, skip_valid_check=True)
+            return get_response(
+                movingFeatures.manage_collection_item(request,
+                                                      'create', collection_id))
     elif request.method == 'DELETE':
-        return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
-                                  request, 'delete', collection_id, item_id,
-                                  skip_valid_check=True)
-    elif request.method == 'PUT':
-        return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
-                                  request, 'update', collection_id, item_id,
-                                  skip_valid_check=True)
-    elif request.method == 'OPTIONS':
-        return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
-                                  request, 'options', collection_id, item_id,
-                                  skip_valid_check=True)
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.manage_collection_item(request,
+                                                  'delete', collection_id,
+                                                  item_id))
-        return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.get_collection_item, request,
-                                  collection_id, item_id)
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.get_collection_item(request,
+                                               collection_id, item_id))
@@ -547,6 +557,176 @@ def stac_catalog_path(path):
     return execute_from_flask(stac_api.get_stac_path, request, path)
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence',
+    methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>', # noqa
+    methods=['DELETE'])
+def collection_items_tgeometries(collection_id, item_id, tGeometry_id=None):
+    """
+    OGC API collections items endpoint
+    :param collection_id: collection identifier
+    :param item_id: item identifier
+    :returns: HTTP response
+    """
+    if tGeometry_id is None:
+        if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+            return get_response(
+                movingFeatures.get_collection_items_tGeometry(request,
+                                                              collection_id,
+                                                              item_id))
+        elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+            return get_response(
+                movingFeatures.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(request,
+                                                                'create',
+                                                                collection_id,
+                                                                item_id))
+    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(request,
+                                                            'delete',
+                                                            collection_id,
+                                                            item_id,
+                                                            tGeometry_id))
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/velocity', # noqa
+    methods=['GET'])
+def collection_items_tgeometries_velocity(
+        collection_id, item_id, tGeometry_id):
+    """
+    OGC API collections items endpoint
+    :param collection_id: collection identifier
+    :param item_id: item identifier
+    :returns: HTTP response
+    """
+    if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures
+            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(request,
+                                                     collection_id,
+                                                     item_id,
+                                                     tGeometry_id))
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/distance', # noqa
+    methods=['GET'])
+def collection_items_tgeometries_distance(
+        collection_id, item_id, tGeometry_id):
+    """
+    OGC API collections items endpoint
+    :param collection_id: collection identifier
+    :param item_id: item identifier
+    :returns: HTTP response
+    """
+    if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures
+            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(request,
+                                                     collection_id,
+                                                     item_id,
+                                                     tGeometry_id))
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/acceleration', # noqa
+    methods=['GET'])
+def collection_items_tgeometries_acceleration(collection_id, item_id,
+                                              tGeometry_id):
+    """
+    OGC API collections items endpoint
+    :param collection_id: collection identifier
+    :param item_id: item identifier
+    :returns: HTTP response
+    """
+    if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures
+            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(request,
+                                                         collection_id,
+                                                         item_id,
+                                                         tGeometry_id))
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tproperties',
+    methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def collection_items_tproperties(collection_id, item_id):
+    """
+    OGC API collections items endpoint
+    :param collection_id: collection identifier
+    :param item_id: item identifier
+    :returns: HTTP response
+    """
+    if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty(request,
+                                                          collection_id,
+                                                          item_id))
+    elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.manage_collection_item_tProperty(request,
+                                                            'create',
+                                                            collection_id,
+                                                            item_id))
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tproperties/<path:tProperty_id>', # noqa
+    methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
+def collection_items_tproperties_values(collection_id, item_id, tProperty_id):
+    """
+    OGC API collections items endpoint
+    :param collection_id: collection identifier
+    :param item_id: item identifier
+    :returns: HTTP response
+    """
+    if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(request,
+                                                                collection_id,
+                                                                item_id,
+                                                                tProperty_id))
+    elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures
+            .manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(request,
+                                                    'create',
+                                                    collection_id,
+                                                    item_id,
+                                                    tProperty_id))
+    elif request.method == 'DELETE':  # filter or manage items
+        return get_response(
+            movingFeatures
+            .manage_collection_item_tProperty(request,
+                                              'delete',
+                                              collection_id,
+                                              item_id,
+                                              tProperty_id))
 @ADMIN_BLUEPRINT.route('/admin/config', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH'])
 def admin_config():

From fbfdc7306000f43cdf6c89ebeb703c7dadc05b01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 14:59:24 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 05/14] MF-API Server update and integration (#1)

modify movingfeature api

* Remove class(Same as other APIs)

* Created function 'get_oas_30' as OpenAPI for MovingFeatures (Same as other APIs)
 pygeoapi/api/  | 4401 +++++++++++++++++++------------
 tests/api/ |  671 +++--
 2 files changed, 3040 insertions(+), 2032 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pygeoapi/api/ b/pygeoapi/api/
index 9bab3d061..7aeb1eb48 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/api/
+++ b/pygeoapi/api/
@@ -36,1881 +36,1766 @@
 Returns content from plugins and sets responses.
-from copy import deepcopy
 from datetime import datetime
 from functools import partial
 import json
 import logging
 import re
-from typing import Any, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Tuple
 import urllib.parse
 from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
 import pytz
 from http import HTTPStatus
-from pygeoapi import l10n
-from pygeoapi.log import setup_logger
-from pygeoapi.linked_data import (jsonldify)
 from pygeoapi.plugin import PLUGINS
-from pygeoapi.process.manager.base import get_manager
 from pymeos import (STBox, TsTzSpan, TTextSeq, TFloatSeq,
                     TGeomPointSeq, Temporal, pymeos_initialize)
 import psycopg2
 from pygeoapi.provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
-from pygeoapi.api import (
-    pre_process, gzip, APIRequest, SYSTEM_LOCALE, CHARSET,
-from pygeoapi.util import (
-    UrlPrefetcher, get_api_rules, get_base_url, render_j2_template,
-    to_json)
+from . import (API, APIRequest, SYSTEM_LOCALE,
+               FORMAT_TYPES, F_JSON)
+from pygeoapi.util import (to_json)
 LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-    def __init__(self, config, openapi):
-        """
-        constructor
-        :param config: configuration dict
-        :param openapi: openapi dict
-        :returns: `pygeoapi.API` instance
-        """
-        self.config = config
-        self.openapi = openapi
-        self.api_headers = get_api_rules(self.config).response_headers
-        self.base_url = get_base_url(self.config)
-        self.prefetcher = UrlPrefetcher()
-        CHARSET[0] = config['server'].get('encoding', 'utf-8')
-        if config['server'].get('gzip'):
-            FORMAT_TYPES[F_GZIP] = 'application/gzip'
-            FORMAT_TYPES.move_to_end(F_JSON)
-        # Process language settings (first locale is default!)
-        self.locales = l10n.get_locales(config)
-        self.default_locale = self.locales[0]
-        if 'templates' not in self.config['server']:
-            self.config['server']['templates'] = {'path': TEMPLATES}
-        if 'pretty_print' not in self.config['server']:
-            self.config['server']['pretty_print'] = False
-        self.pretty_print = self.config['server']['pretty_print']
-        setup_logger(self.config['logging'])
-        # Create config clone for HTML templating with modified base URL
-        self.tpl_config = deepcopy(self.config)
-        self.tpl_config['server']['url'] = self.base_url
-        self.manager = get_manager(self.config)
-'Process manager plugin loaded')
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    @jsonldify
-    def manage_collection(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                          action, dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Adds a collection
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        collection_id = str(dataset)
-        if action in ['create', 'update']:
-            data =
-            if not data:
-                # TODO not all processes require input, e.g. time-dependent or
-                #      random value generators
-                msg = 'missing request data'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
-            try:
-                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
-                data = data.decode()
-                LOGGER.debug(data)
-            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
-                pass
-            try:
-                data = json.loads(data)
-            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
-                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
-                LOGGER.error(err)
-                msg = 'invalid request data'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        if action == 'create':
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                collection_id = pmdb_provider.post_collection(data)
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            url = '{}/{}'.format(self.get_collections_url(), collection_id)
-            headers['Location'] = url
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-        if action == 'update':
-            LOGGER.debug('Updating item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                pmdb_provider.put_collection(collection_id, data)
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-        if action == 'delete':
-            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                pmdb_provider.delete_collection(
-                    "AND collection_id ='{0}'".format(collection_id))
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    @jsonldify
-    def get_collection(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                       dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Queries collection
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        collection_id = str(dataset)
-        if not request.is_valid():
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers()
+    "",
+    "",  # noqa
+    ""  # noqa
+def manage_collection(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                      action, dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Adds a collection
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    collection_id = str(dataset)
+    if action in ['create', 'update']:
+        data =
+        if not data:
+            # TODO not all processes require input, e.g. time-dependent or
+            #      random value generators
+            msg = 'missing request data'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+        try:
+            # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+            data = data.decode()
+            LOGGER.debug(data)
+        except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
+        try:
+            data = json.loads(data)
+        except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+            # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+            LOGGER.error(err)
+            msg = 'invalid request data'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    if action == 'create':
-            result = pmdb_provider.get_collection(collection_id)
-            if len(result) > 0:
-                row = result[0]
-            else:
-                msg = 'Collection not found'
-                LOGGER.error(msg)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                    headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+            collection_id = pmdb_provider.post_collection(data)
         except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
             msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-        collection = {}
-        if row is not None:
-            collection_id = row[0]
-            collection = row[1]
-            collection['itemType'] = 'movingfeature'
-            collection['id'] = collection_id
+        url = '{}/{}'.format(api.get_collections_url(), collection_id)
-            crs = None
-            trs = None
-            if 'crs' in collection:
-                crs = collection.pop('crs', None)
-            if 'trs' in collection:
-                trs = collection.pop('trs', None)
+        headers['Location'] = url
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-            extend_stbox = STBox(row[3]) if row[3] is not None else None
-            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[2]) if row[2] is not None else None
+    if action == 'update':
+        LOGGER.debug('Updating item')
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            pmdb_provider.put_collection(collection_id, data)
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            bbox = []
-            if extend_stbox is not None:
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
-                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
-                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
-                if crs is None:
-                    if extend_stbox.srid() == 4326:
-                        if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
-                            crs = ''
-                        else:
-                            crs = '\
-                            OGC/1.3/CRS84'
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-            if crs is None:
-                crs = ''
-            if trs is None:
-                trs = ''
-            time = []
-            if lifespan is not None:
-                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            else:
-                if extend_stbox is not None:
-                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            collection['extent'] = {
-                'spatial': {
-                    'bbox': bbox,
-                    'crs': crs
-                },
-                'temporal': {
-                    'interval': time,
-                    'trs': trs
-                }
-            }
+    if action == 'delete':
+        LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            pmdb_provider.delete_collection(
+                "AND collection_id ='{0}'".format(collection_id))
-            collection['links'] = []
-            collection['links'].append({
-                'href': '{}/{}'.format(
-                    self.get_collections_url(), collection_id),
-                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
-            })
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(collection, self.pretty_print)
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_items(
-            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-            dataset) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Queries collection
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
-        # has been determined
-        if not request.is_valid():
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        excuted, collections = get_list_of_collections_id()
-        collection_id = dataset
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(collections)
-            return self.get_exception(
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
+def get_collection(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                   dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Queries collection
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    collection_id = str(dataset)
+    if not request.is_valid():
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    headers = request.get_response_headers()
-        if collection_id not in collections:
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result = pmdb_provider.get_collection(collection_id)
+        if len(result) > 0:
+            row = result[0]
+        else:
             msg = 'Collection not found'
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
-        try:
-            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
-            if offset < 0:
-                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            offset = 0
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    collection = {}
+    if row is not None:
+        pymeos_initialize()
+        collection_id = row[0]
+        collection = row[1]
+        collection['itemType'] = 'movingfeature'
+        collection['id'] = collection_id
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
-        try:
-            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
-            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
-            #       allowed by the server configuration
-            if limit <= 0:
-                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if limit > 10000:
-                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        crs = None
+        trs = None
+        if 'crs' in collection:
+            crs = collection.pop('crs', None)
+        if 'trs' in collection:
+            trs = collection.pop('trs', None)
+        extend_stbox = STBox(row[3]) if row[3] is not None else None
+        lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[2]) if row[2] is not None else None
+        bbox = []
+        if extend_stbox is not None:
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+            if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+            if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing bbox parameter')
+            if crs is None:
+                if extend_stbox.srid() == 4326:
+                    if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                        crs = ''
+                    else:
+                        crs = '\
+                        OGC/1.3/CRS84'
+        if crs is None:
+            crs = ''
+        if trs is None:
+            trs = ''
+        time = []
+        if lifespan is not None:
+            time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+        else:
+            if extend_stbox is not None:
+                if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                    time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                    time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+        collection['extent'] = {
+            'spatial': {
+                'bbox': bbox,
+                'crs': crs
+            },
+            'temporal': {
+                'interval': time,
+                'trs': trs
+            }
+        }
-        bbox = request.params.get('bbox')
+        collection['links'] = []
+        collection['links'].append({
+            'href': '{}/{}'.format(
+                api.get_collections_url(), collection_id),
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
+        })
-        if bbox is None:
-            bbox = []
-        else:
-            try:
-                bbox = validate_bbox(bbox)
-            except ValueError as err:
-                msg = str(err)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
-        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(collection, api.pretty_print)
+def get_collection_items(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        dataset) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Queries collection
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+    # has been determined
+    if not request.is_valid():
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    excuted, collections = get_list_of_collections_id()
+    collection_id = dataset
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(collections)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if collection_id not in collections:
+        msg = 'Collection not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+    try:
+        offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+        if offset < 0:
+            msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        offset = 0
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+    try:
+        limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+        # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+        #       allowed by the server configuration
+        if limit <= 0:
+            msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        if limit > 10000:
+            msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        limit = int(api.config['server']['limit'])
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing bbox parameter')
+    bbox = request.params.get('bbox')
+    if bbox is None:
+        bbox = []
+    else:
-            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+            bbox = validate_bbox(bbox)
         except ValueError as err:
             msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        sub_trajectory = request.params.get('subTrajectory')
-        if sub_trajectory is None:
-            sub_trajectory = False
-        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
-        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
-        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
-        LOGGER.debug('bbox: {}'.format(bbox))
-        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        content = {
-            "type": "FeatureCollection",
-            "features": [],
-            "crs": {},
-            "trs": {},
-            "links": []
-        }
-        try:
-            pmdb_provider.connect()
-            result, number_matched, number_returned = \
-                pmdb_provider.get_features(collection_id=collection_id,
-                                           bbox=bbox, datetime=datetime_,
-                                           limit=limit, offset=offset,
-                                           sub_trajectory=sub_trajectory)
-        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-            msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-        mfeatures = []
-        crs = None
-        trs = None
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+    try:
+        datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        split_mfeature = {}
-        for i in range(len(result)):
-            mfeature_id = str(result[i][1])
-            if mfeature_id not in split_mfeature:
-                split_mfeature[mfeature_id] = []
-            split_mfeature[mfeature_id].append(i)
+    sub_trajectory = request.params.get('subTrajectory')
+    if sub_trajectory is None:
+        sub_trajectory = False
-        pymeos_initialize()
-        for key, mfeature_row_index in split_mfeature.items():
-            row = result[mfeature_row_index[0]]
+    LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+    LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+    LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+    LOGGER.debug('bbox: {}'.format(bbox))
+    LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
-            mfeature_id = row[1]
-            mfeature = row[3]
-            mfeature['id'] = mfeature_id
-            mfeature['type'] = 'Feature'
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    content = {
+        "type": "FeatureCollection",
+        "features": [],
+        "crs": {},
+        "trs": {},
+        "links": []
+    }
-            if 'crs' in mfeature and crs is None:
-                crs = mfeature['crs']
-            if 'trs' in mfeature and trs is None:
-                trs = mfeature['trs']
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result, number_matched, number_returned = \
+            pmdb_provider.get_features(collection_id=collection_id,
+                                       bbox=bbox, datetime=datetime_,
+                                       limit=limit, offset=offset,
+                                       sub_trajectory=sub_trajectory)
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    mfeatures = []
+    crs = None
+    trs = None
+    split_mfeature = {}
+    for i in range(len(result)):
+        mfeature_id = str(result[i][1])
+        if mfeature_id not in split_mfeature:
+            split_mfeature[mfeature_id] = []
+        split_mfeature[mfeature_id].append(i)
+    pymeos_initialize()
+    for key, mfeature_row_index in split_mfeature.items():
+        row = result[mfeature_row_index[0]]
+        mfeature_id = row[1]
+        mfeature = row[3]
+        mfeature['id'] = mfeature_id
+        mfeature['type'] = 'Feature'
+        if 'crs' in mfeature and crs is None:
+            crs = mfeature['crs']
+        if 'trs' in mfeature and trs is None:
+            trs = mfeature['trs']
+        if row[2] is not None:
+            mfeature['geometry'] = json.loads(row[2])
+        else:
+            mfeature['geometry'] = None
-            if row[2] is not None:
-                mfeature['geometry'] = json.loads(row[2])
-            else:
-                mfeature['geometry'] = None
-            if 'properties' not in mfeature:
-                mfeature['properties'] = None
-            if sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == "true":
-                prisms = []
-                for row_index in mfeature_row_index:
-                    row_tgeometory = result[int(row_index)]
-                    if row_tgeometory[7] is not None:
-                        mfeature_check = row_tgeometory[1]
-                        if mfeature_check == mfeature_id:
-                            temporal_geometry = json.loads(
-                                Temporal.as_mfjson(
-                                    TGeomPointSeq(
-                                        str(row_tgeometory[7]).replace(
-                                            "'", "")),
-                                    False))
-                            if 'crs' in temporal_geometry and crs is None:
-                                crs = temporal_geometry['crs']
-                            if 'trs' in temporal_geometry and trs is None:
-                                trs = temporal_geometry['trs']
-                            temporal_geometry = \
-                                pmdb_provider.\
-                                convert_temporalgeometry_to_old_version(
-                                    temporal_geometry)
-                            temporal_geometry['id'] = row_tgeometory[6]
-                            prisms.append(temporal_geometry)
-                mfeature['temporalGeometry'] = prisms
-            extend_stbox = STBox(row[5]) if row[5] is not None else None
-            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[4]) if row[4] is not None else None
-            bbox = []
-            if extend_stbox is not None:
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
-                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
-                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
-            mfeature['bbox'] = bbox
-            time = []
-            if lifespan is not None:
-                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            else:
-                if extend_stbox is not None:
-                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            mfeature['time'] = time
-            if 'crs' not in mfeature:
-                mfeature['crs'] = {
-                    "type": "Name",
-                    "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
-                }
-            if 'trs' not in mfeature:
-                mfeature['trs'] = {
-                    "type": "Name",
-                    "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
-                }
-            mfeatures.append(mfeature)
+        if 'properties' not in mfeature:
+            mfeature['properties'] = None
-        content['features'] = mfeatures
-        if crs is not None:
-            content['crs'] = crs
+        if sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == "true":
+            prisms = []
+            for row_index in mfeature_row_index:
+                row_tgeometory = result[int(row_index)]
+                if row_tgeometory[7] is not None:
+                    mfeature_check = row_tgeometory[1]
+                    if mfeature_check == mfeature_id:
+                        temporal_geometry = json.loads(
+                            Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                                TGeomPointSeq(
+                                    str(row_tgeometory[7]).replace(
+                                        "'", "")),
+                                False))
+                        if 'crs' in temporal_geometry and crs is None:
+                            crs = temporal_geometry['crs']
+                        if 'trs' in temporal_geometry and trs is None:
+                            trs = temporal_geometry['trs']
+                        temporal_geometry = \
+                            pmdb_provider.\
+                            convert_temporalgeometry_to_old_version(
+                                temporal_geometry)
+                        temporal_geometry['id'] = row_tgeometory[6]
+                        prisms.append(temporal_geometry)
+            mfeature['temporalGeometry'] = prisms
+        extend_stbox = STBox(row[5]) if row[5] is not None else None
+        lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[4]) if row[4] is not None else None
+        bbox = []
+        if extend_stbox is not None:
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+            if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+            if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+        mfeature['bbox'] = bbox
+        time = []
+        if lifespan is not None:
+            time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            content['crs'] = {
+            if extend_stbox is not None:
+                if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                    time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                    time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+        mfeature['time'] = time
+        if 'crs' not in mfeature:
+            mfeature['crs'] = {
                 "type": "Name",
                 "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
-        if trs is not None:
-            content['trs'] = trs
-        else:
-            content['trs'] = {
+        if 'trs' not in mfeature:
+            mfeature['trs'] = {
                 "type": "Name",
                 "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+        mfeatures.append(mfeature)
+    content['features'] = mfeatures
+    if crs is not None:
+        content['crs'] = crs
+    else:
+        content['crs'] = {
+            "type": "Name",
+            "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+        }
-        # TODO: translate titles
-        uri = '{}/{}/items'.format(self.get_collections_url(), collection_id)
-        serialized_query_params = ''
-        for k, v in request.params.items():
-            if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
-                serialized_query_params += '&'
-                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
-                serialized_query_params += '='
-                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+    if trs is not None:
+        content['trs'] = trs
+    else:
+        content['trs'] = {
+            "type": "Name",
+            "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+        }
-        content['links'] = [
+    # TODO: translate titles
+    uri = '{}/{}/items'.format(api.get_collections_url(), collection_id)
+    serialized_query_params = ''
+    for k, v in request.params.items():
+        if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
+            serialized_query_params += '&'
+            serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
+            serialized_query_params += '='
+            serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+    content['links'] = [
+        {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+            uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
+    if len(content['features']) == limit:
+        next_ = offset + limit
+        content['links'].append(
             {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
-                uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
-             'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-             'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
-        if len(content['features']) == limit:
-            next_ = offset + limit
-            content['links'].append(
-                {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
-                    uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
-                 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next'})
-        content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
-            '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
-        content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
-        content['numberReturned'] = number_returned
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def manage_collection_item(
-            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-            action, dataset, identifier=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Adds an item to a collection
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
-        # has been determined
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        excuted, collections = get_list_of_collections_id()
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(collections)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+                uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
+                'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next'})
-        if dataset not in collections:
-            msg = 'Collection not found'
+    content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
+        '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+    content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
+    content['numberReturned'] = number_returned
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, api.pretty_print)
+def manage_collection_item(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        action, dataset, identifier=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Adds an item to a collection
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+    # has been determined
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    excuted, collections = get_list_of_collections_id()
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(collections)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if dataset not in collections:
+        msg = 'Collection not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    if action == 'create':
+        if not
+            msg = 'No data found'
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        if action == 'create':
-            if not
-                msg = 'No data found'
-                LOGGER.error(msg)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            data =
-            try:
-                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
-                data = data.decode()
-                LOGGER.debug(data)
-            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
-                pass
-            try:
-                data = json.loads(data)
-            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
-                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
-                LOGGER.error(err)
-                msg = 'invalid request data'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if check_required_field_feature(data) is False:
-                # TODO not all processes require input
-                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., type,temporalgeometry) \
-                    is missing from the request data.'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
-            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                if data['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
-                    for feature in data['features']:
-                        if check_required_field_feature(feature) is False:
-                            # TODO not all processes require input
-                            msg = 'The required tag \
-                                (e.g., type,temporalgeometry) \
-                                is missing from the request data.'
-                            return self.get_exception(
-                                HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-                                headers, request.format,
-                                'MissingParameterValue', msg)
-                        mfeature_id = pmdb_provider.post_movingfeature(
-                            collection_id, feature)
-                else:
-                    mfeature_id = pmdb_provider.post_movingfeature(
-                        collection_id, data)
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}'.format(
-                self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id)
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-        if action == 'delete':
-            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                pmdb_provider.delete_movingfeature(
-                    "AND mfeature_id ='{0}'".format(mfeature_id))
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_item(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                            dataset, identifier) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Get a single collection item
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :param identifier: item identifier
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        collection_id = str(dataset)
-        mfeature_id = str(identifier)
-        if not request.is_valid():
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers()
+        data =
+        try:
+            # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+            data = data.decode()
+            LOGGER.debug(data)
+        except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
+        try:
+            data = json.loads(data)
+        except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+            # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+            LOGGER.error(err)
+            msg = 'invalid request data'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        if check_required_field_feature(data) is False:
+            # TODO not all processes require input
+            msg = 'The required tag (e.g., type,temporalgeometry) \
+                is missing from the request data.'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            result = pmdb_provider.get_feature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
-            if len(result) > 0:
-                row = result[0]
+            if data['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
+                for feature in data['features']:
+                    if check_required_field_feature(feature) is False:
+                        # TODO not all processes require input
+                        msg = 'The required tag \
+                            (e.g., type,temporalgeometry) \
+                            is missing from the request data.'
+                        return api.get_exception(
+                            HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                            headers, request.format,
+                            'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+                    mfeature_id = pmdb_provider.post_movingfeature(
+                        collection_id, feature)
-                msg = 'Feature not found'
-                LOGGER.error(msg)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                    headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+                mfeature_id = pmdb_provider.post_movingfeature(
+                    collection_id, data)
         except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
             msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-        mfeature = {}
-        if row is not None:
-            mfeature_id = row[1]
-            mfeature = row[3]
-            mfeature['id'] = mfeature_id
-            mfeature['type'] = 'Feature'
+        headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}'.format(
+            api.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id)
-            if row[2] is not None:
-                mfeature['geometry'] = json.loads(row[2])
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-            extend_stbox = STBox(row[5]) if row[5] is not None else None
-            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[4]) if row[4] is not None else None
+    if action == 'delete':
+        LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
-            bbox = []
-            if extend_stbox is not None:
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
-                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
-                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
-            mfeature['bbox'] = bbox
-            print(lifespan)
-            time = []
-            if lifespan is not None:
-                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            else:
-                if extend_stbox is not None:
-                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            mfeature['time'] = time
-            if 'crs' not in mfeature:
-                mfeature['crs'] = {
-                    "type": "Name",
-                    "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
-                }
-            if 'trs' not in mfeature:
-                mfeature['trs'] = {
-                    "type": "Name",
-                    "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
-                }
-            mfeature['links'] = []
-            mfeature['links'].append({
-                'href': '{}/{}/items/{}'.format(
-                    self.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id),
-                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
-            })
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(mfeature, self.pretty_print)
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_items_tGeometry(self,
-                                       request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                                       dataset, identifier) \
-            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Get temporal Geometry of collection item
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :param identifier: item identifier
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        if not request.is_valid():
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(feature_list)
-            return self.get_exception(
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            pmdb_provider.delete_movingfeature(
+                "AND mfeature_id ='{0}'".format(mfeature_id))
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
+def get_collection_item(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                        dataset, identifier) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Get a single collection item
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: item identifier
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    collection_id = str(dataset)
+    mfeature_id = str(identifier)
+    if not request.is_valid():
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    headers = request.get_response_headers()
-        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result = pmdb_provider.get_feature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+        if len(result) > 0:
+            row = result[0]
+        else:
             msg = 'Feature not found'
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    mfeature = {}
+    if row is not None:
+        mfeature_id = row[1]
+        mfeature = row[3]
+        mfeature['id'] = mfeature_id
+        mfeature['type'] = 'Feature'
+        if row[2] is not None:
+            mfeature['geometry'] = json.loads(row[2])
+        extend_stbox = STBox(row[5]) if row[5] is not None else None
+        lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[4]) if row[4] is not None else None
+        bbox = []
+        if extend_stbox is not None:
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+            if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+            bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+            if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+        mfeature['bbox'] = bbox
+        time = []
+        if lifespan is not None:
+            time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+            time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+        else:
+            if extend_stbox is not None:
+                if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                    time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                    time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+        mfeature['time'] = time
+        if 'crs' not in mfeature:
+            mfeature['crs'] = {
+                "type": "Name",
+                "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+            }
+        if 'trs' not in mfeature:
+            mfeature['trs'] = {
+                "type": "Name",
+                "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+            }
+        mfeature['links'] = []
+        mfeature['links'].append({
+            'href': '{}/{}/items/{}'.format(
+                api.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id),
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
+        })
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(mfeature, api.pretty_print)
+def get_collection_items_tGeometry(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                                   dataset, identifier) \
+        -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Get temporal Geometry of collection item
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: item identifier
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
-        try:
-            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
-            if offset < 0:
-                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            offset = 0
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
-        try:
-            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
-            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
-            #       allowed by the server configuration
-            if limit <= 0:
-                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if limit > 10000:
-                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
+    if not request.is_valid():
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(feature_list)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+        msg = 'Feature not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+    try:
+        offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+        if offset < 0:
+            msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing bbox parameter')
-        bbox = request.params.get('bbox')
-        if bbox is None:
-            bbox = []
-        else:
-            try:
-                bbox = validate_bbox(bbox)
-            except ValueError as err:
-                msg = str(err)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing leaf parameter')
-        try:
-            leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
-        except ValueError as err:
-            msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        offset = 0
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+    try:
+        limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+        # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+        #       allowed by the server configuration
+        if limit <= 0:
+            msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        sub_trajectory = request.params.get('subTrajectory')
-        if sub_trajectory is None:
-            sub_trajectory = False
-        if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) \
-                and (sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == 'true'):
-            msg = 'Cannot use both parameter `subTrajectory` \
-                and `leaf` at the same time'
-            return self.get_exception(
+        if limit > 10000:
+            msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
-        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        limit = int(api.config['server']['limit'])
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing bbox parameter')
+    bbox = request.params.get('bbox')
+    if bbox is None:
+        bbox = []
+    else:
-            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+            bbox = validate_bbox(bbox)
         except ValueError as err:
             msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
-        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
-        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
-        LOGGER.debug('bbox: {}'.format(bbox))
-        LOGGER.debug('leaf: {}'.format(leaf_))
-        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        content = {
-            "type": "TemporalGeometrySequence",
-            "geometrySequence": [],
-            "crs": {},
-            "trs": {},
-            "links": [],
+    leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing leaf parameter')
+    try:
+        leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    sub_trajectory = request.params.get('subTrajectory')
+    if sub_trajectory is None:
+        sub_trajectory = False
+    if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) \
+            and (sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == 'true'):
+        msg = 'Cannot use both parameter `subTrajectory` \
+            and `leaf` at the same time'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+    try:
+        datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+    LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+    LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+    LOGGER.debug('bbox: {}'.format(bbox))
+    LOGGER.debug('leaf: {}'.format(leaf_))
+    LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    content = {
+        "type": "TemporalGeometrySequence",
+        "geometrySequence": [],
+        "crs": {},
+        "trs": {},
+        "links": [],
+    }
+    crs = None
+    trs = None
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result, number_matched, number_returned = pmdb_provider.\
+            get_temporalgeometries(collection_id=collection_id,
+                                   mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
+                                   bbox=bbox,
+                                   leaf=leaf_,
+                                   datetime=datetime_,
+                                   limit=limit,
+                                   offset=offset,
+                                   sub_trajectory=sub_trajectory)
+        pymeos_initialize()
+        prisms = []
+        for row in result:
+            temporal_geometry = json.loads(Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                TGeomPointSeq(str(row[3]).replace("'", "")), False))
+            if 'crs' in temporal_geometry and crs is None:
+                crs = temporal_geometry['crs']
+            if 'trs' in temporal_geometry and trs is None:
+                trs = temporal_geometry['trs']
+            temporal_geometry = pmdb_provider\
+                .convert_temporalgeometry_to_old_version(
+                    temporal_geometry)
+            temporal_geometry['id'] = row[2]
+            if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) or \
+                    (sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == 'true'):
+                if row[4] is not None:
+                    temporal_geometry_filter = json.loads(
+                        Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                            TGeomPointSeq(str(row[4]).replace("'", "")),
+                            False))
+                    temporal_geometry['datetimes'] = \
+                        temporal_geometry_filter['datetimes']
+                    temporal_geometry['coordinates'] = \
+                        temporal_geometry_filter['coordinates']
+                else:
+                    continue
+                    # temporalGeometry['datetimes'] = []
+                    # temporalGeometry['coordinates'] = []
+            prisms.append(temporal_geometry)
+        content["geometrySequence"] = prisms
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if crs is not None:
+        content['crs'] = crs
+    else:
+        content['crs'] = {
+            "type": "Name",
+            "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
-        crs = None
-        trs = None
-        try:
-            pmdb_provider.connect()
-            result, number_matched, number_returned = pmdb_provider.\
-                get_temporalgeometries(collection_id=collection_id,
-                                       mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
-                                       bbox=bbox,
-                                       leaf=leaf_,
-                                       datetime=datetime_,
-                                       limit=limit,
-                                       offset=offset,
-                                       sub_trajectory=sub_trajectory)
-            pymeos_initialize()
-            prisms = []
-            for row in result:
-                temporal_geometry = json.loads(Temporal.as_mfjson(
-                    TGeomPointSeq(str(row[3]).replace("'", "")), False))
-                if 'crs' in temporal_geometry and crs is None:
-                    crs = temporal_geometry['crs']
-                if 'trs' in temporal_geometry and trs is None:
-                    trs = temporal_geometry['trs']
-                temporal_geometry = pmdb_provider\
-                    .convert_temporalgeometry_to_old_version(
-                        temporal_geometry)
-                temporal_geometry['id'] = row[2]
-                if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) or \
-                        (sub_trajectory or sub_trajectory == 'true'):
-                    if row[4] is not None:
-                        temporal_geometry_filter = json.loads(
-                            Temporal.as_mfjson(
-                                TGeomPointSeq(str(row[4]).replace("'", "")),
-                                False))
-                        temporal_geometry['datetimes'] = \
-                            temporal_geometry_filter['datetimes']
-                        temporal_geometry['coordinates'] = \
-                            temporal_geometry_filter['coordinates']
-                    else:
-                        continue
-                        # temporalGeometry['datetimes'] = []
-                        # temporalGeometry['coordinates'] = []
-                prisms.append(temporal_geometry)
-            content["geometrySequence"] = prisms
-        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-            msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if trs is not None:
+        content['trs'] = trs
+    else:
+        content['trs'] = {
+            "type": "Name",
+            "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
+        }
-        if crs is not None:
-            content['crs'] = crs
-        else:
-            content['crs'] = {
-                "type": "Name",
-                "properties": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
-            }
+    # TODO: translate titles
+    uri = '{}/{}/items/{}/tgsequence'.format(
+        api.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id)
+    serialized_query_params = ''
+    for k, v in request.params.items():
+        if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
+            serialized_query_params += '&'
+            serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
+            serialized_query_params += '='
+            serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+    content['links'] = [
+        {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+            uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
+    if len(content['geometrySequence']) == limit:
+        next_ = offset + limit
+        content['links'].append(
+            {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
+                'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next'})
-        if trs is not None:
-            content['trs'] = trs
-        else:
-            content['trs'] = {
-                "type": "Name",
-                "properties": "urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601"
-            }
+    content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
+        '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
-        # TODO: translate titles
-        uri = '{}/{}/items/{}/tgsequence'.format(
-            self.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id)
-        serialized_query_params = ''
-        for k, v in request.params.items():
-            if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
-                serialized_query_params += '&'
-                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
-                serialized_query_params += '='
-                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
-        content['links'] = [
-            {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
-                uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
-             'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-             'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
-        if len(content['geometrySequence']) == limit:
-            next_ = offset + limit
-            content['links'].append(
-                {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
-                    uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
-                 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next'})
-        content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
-            '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
-        content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
-        content['numberReturned'] = len(content["geometrySequence"])
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-            action, dataset, identifier,
-            tGeometry=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Adds Temporal Geometry item to a moving feature
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :param identifier: moving feature's id
-        :param tGeometry: Temporal Geometry's id
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
-        # has been determined
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(feature_list)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
+    content['numberReturned'] = len(content["geometrySequence"])
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, api.pretty_print)
-        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
-            msg = 'Feature not found'
-            LOGGER.error(msg)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        tGeometry_id = tGeometry
-        if action == 'create':
-            if not
-                msg = 'No data found'
-                LOGGER.error(msg)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            data =
-            try:
-                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
-                data = data.decode()
-                LOGGER.debug(data)
-            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
-                pass
-            try:
-                data = json.loads(data)
-            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
-                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
-                LOGGER.error(err)
-                msg = 'invalid request data'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if check_required_field_temporal_geometries(data) is False:
-                # TODO not all processes require input
-                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., type,prisms) \
-                    is missing from the request data.'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
-            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                if data['type'] == 'MovingGeometryCollection':
-                    for tGeometry in data['prisms']:
-                        tGeometry_id = pmdb_provider.\
-                            post_temporalgeometry(
-                                collection_id, mfeature_id, tGeometry)
+def manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        action, dataset, identifier,
+        tGeometry=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Adds Temporal Geometry item to a moving feature
-                else:
-                    tGeometry_id = pmdb_provider.post_temporalgeometry(
-                        collection_id, mfeature_id, data)
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}/tgsequence/{}'.format(
-                self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id, tGeometry_id)
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-        if action == 'delete':
-            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                pmdb_provider.delete_temporalgeometry(
-                    "AND tgeometry_id ='{0}'".format(tGeometry_id))
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(self,
-                                                request:
-                                                Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                                                dataset, identifier,
-                                                tGeometry) \
-            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        tgeometry_id = tGeometry
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        try:
-            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
-        except ValueError as err:
-            msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: moving feature's id
+    :param tGeometry: Temporal Geometry's id
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+    # has been determined
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(feature_list)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+        msg = 'Feature not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    tGeometry_id = tGeometry
+    if action == 'create':
+        if not
+            msg = 'No data found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        try:
-            pmdb_provider.connect()
-            print(datetime_)
-            content = pmdb_provider.get_velocity(
-                collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
-        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-            msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
-                headers, request.format, 'Server Internal Error', msg)
-        finally:
-            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
+        data =
+        try:
+            # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+            data = data.decode()
+            LOGGER.debug(data)
+        except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(self,
-                                                request:
-                                                Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                                                dataset, identifier,
-                                                tGeometry) \
-            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
-        collection_id = str(dataset)
-        mfeature_id = str(identifier)
-        tgeometry_id = str(tGeometry)
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
-        except ValueError as err:
-            msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            data = json.loads(data)
+        except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+            # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+            LOGGER.error(err)
+            msg = 'invalid request data'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        if check_required_field_temporal_geometries(data) is False:
+            # TODO not all processes require input
+            msg = 'The required tag (e.g., type,prisms) \
+                is missing from the request data.'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            content = pmdb_provider.get_distance(
-                collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+            if data['type'] == 'MovingGeometryCollection':
+                for tGeometry in data['prisms']:
+                    tGeometry_id = pmdb_provider.\
+                        post_temporalgeometry(
+                            collection_id, mfeature_id, tGeometry)
+            else:
+                tGeometry_id = pmdb_provider.post_temporalgeometry(
+                    collection_id, mfeature_id, data)
         except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
             msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(self,
-                                                    request:
-                                                    Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                                                    dataset, identifier,
-                                                    tGeometry) \
-        -> Tuple[dict,
-                 int, str]:
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        tgeometry_id = tGeometry
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        try:
-            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
-        except ValueError as err:
-            msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}/tgsequence/{}'.format(
+            api.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id, tGeometry_id)
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
+    if action == 'delete':
+        LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
-            content = pmdb_provider.get_acceleration(
-                collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+            pmdb_provider.delete_temporalgeometry(
+                "AND tgeometry_id ='{0}'".format(tGeometry_id))
         except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
             msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_items_tProperty(self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                                       dataset,
-                                       identifier) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Get temporal Properties of collection item
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :param identifier: item identifier
+def get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                                            dataset, identifier,
+                                            tGeometry) \
+        -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    tgeometry_id = tGeometry
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    try:
+        datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        content = pmdb_provider.get_velocity(
+            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            headers, request.format, 'Server Internal Error', msg)
+    finally:
+        pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-        if not request.is_valid():
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
-        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(feature_list)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
-            msg = 'Feature not found'
-            LOGGER.error(msg)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+def get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                                            dataset, identifier,
+                                            tGeometry) \
+        -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
+    collection_id = str(dataset)
+    mfeature_id = str(identifier)
+    tgeometry_id = str(tGeometry)
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    try:
+        datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        content = pmdb_provider.get_distance(
+            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    finally:
+        pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
-        try:
-            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
-            if offset < 0:
-                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            offset = 0
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
+def get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                                                dataset, identifier,
+                                                tGeometry) \
+    -> Tuple[dict,
+             int, str]:
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    tgeometry_id = tGeometry
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    try:
+        datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        content = pmdb_provider.get_acceleration(
+            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    finally:
+        pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
+def get_collection_items_tProperty(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                                   dataset,
+                                   identifier) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Get temporal Properties of collection item
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: item identifier
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    if not request.is_valid():
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(feature_list)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+        msg = 'Feature not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+    try:
+        offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+        if offset < 0:
+            msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
-        try:
-            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
-            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
-            #       allowed by the server configuration
-            if limit <= 0:
-                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if limit > 10000:
-                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        offset = 0
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+    try:
+        limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+        # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+        #       allowed by the server configuration
+        if limit <= 0:
+            msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+        if limit > 10000:
+            msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        limit = int(api.config['server']['limit'])
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+    try:
+        datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
-        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
-        try:
-            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
-        except ValueError as err:
-            msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+    sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
+    if sub_temporal_value is None:
+        sub_temporal_value = False
+    LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+    LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+    LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+    LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    content = {
+        "temporalProperties": [],
+        "links": []
+    }
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result, number_matched, number_returned = pmdb_provider.\
+            get_temporalproperties(collection_id=collection_id,
+                                   mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
+                                   datetime=datetime_,
+                                   limit=limit, offset=offset,
+                                   sub_temporal_value=sub_temporal_value)
+        temporal_properties = []
+        if sub_temporal_value is False or sub_temporal_value == "false":
+            for row in result:
+                temporal_property = row[3] if row[3] is not None else {}
+                temporal_property['name'] = row[2]
+                temporal_properties.append(temporal_property)
+        else:
+            split_groups = {}
+            for i in range(len(result)):
+                group_id = str(result[i][4])
+                if group_id not in split_groups:
+                    split_groups[group_id] = []
+                split_groups[group_id].append(i)
+            pymeos_initialize()
+            for key, group_row_index in split_groups.items():
+                group = {}
+                group["datetimes"] = []
+                for row_index in group_row_index:
+                    row = result[int(row_index)]
+                    tproperties_name = row[2]
+                    group[tproperties_name] \
+                        = row[3] if row[3] is not None else {}
+                    if row[5] is not None or row[6] is not None:
+                        temporal_property_value = Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                            TFloatSeq(str(row[5]).replace("'", "")),
+                            False) if row[5] \
+                            is not None else Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                                TTextSeq(str(row[6]).replace("'", "")),
+                                False)
+                        temporal_property_value = pmdb_provider.\
+                            convert_temporalproperty_value_to_base_version(
+                                json.loads(temporal_property_value))
+                        if 'datetimes' in temporal_property_value:
+                            group["datetimes"] = \
+                                temporal_property_value.pop(
+                                "datetimes", None)
+                        group[tproperties_name].update(
+                            temporal_property_value)
+                temporal_properties.append(group)
+        content["temporalProperties"] = temporal_properties
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        # TODO: translate titles
+    uri = '{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties'.format(
+        api.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id)
+    serialized_query_params = ''
+    for k, v in request.params.items():
+        if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
+            serialized_query_params += '&'
+            serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
+            serialized_query_params += '='
+            serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+    content['links'] = [
+        {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+            uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
+            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
+    if len(content['temporalProperties']) == limit:
+        next_ = offset + limit
+        content['links'].append(
+            {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
+                uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
+                'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next', })
+    content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
+        '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+    content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
+    content['numberReturned'] = number_returned
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, api.pretty_print)
+def manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        action, dataset, identifier,
+        tProperty=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Adds Temporal Property item to a moving feature
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: moving feature's id
+    :param tProperty: Temporal Property's id
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+    # has been determined
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(feature_list)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
+        msg = 'Feature not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    tProperties_name = tProperty
+    if action == 'create':
+        if not
+            msg = 'No data found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
-        if sub_temporal_value is None:
-            sub_temporal_value = False
+        data =
+        try:
+            # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+            data = data.decode()
+            LOGGER.debug(data)
+        except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
-        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
-        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
-        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
-        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+        try:
+            if not isinstance(data, list):
+                data = json.loads(data)
+            else:
+                for d in data:
+                    _ = json.loads(d)
+        except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+            # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+            LOGGER.error(err)
+            msg = 'invalid request data'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        content = {
-            "temporalProperties": [],
-            "links": []
-        }
+        if check_required_field_temporal_property(data) is False:
+            # TODO not all processes require input
+            msg = 'The required tag (e.g., datetimes,interpolation) \
+                is missing from the request data.'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            result, number_matched, number_returned = pmdb_provider.\
-                get_temporalproperties(collection_id=collection_id,
-                                       mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
-                                       datetime=datetime_,
-                                       limit=limit, offset=offset,
-                                       sub_temporal_value=sub_temporal_value)
-            temporal_properties = []
-            if sub_temporal_value is False or sub_temporal_value == "false":
-                for row in result:
-                    temporal_property = row[3] if row[3] is not None else {}
-                    temporal_property['name'] = row[2]
-                    temporal_properties.append(temporal_property)
+            # temporalProperties = data['temporalProperties']
+            temporal_properties = data
+            temporal_properties = [temporal_properties] if not isinstance(
+                temporal_properties, list) else temporal_properties
+            can_post = pmdb_provider.check_temporalproperty_can_post(
+                collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_properties)
+            tProperties_name_list = []
+            if can_post:
+                for temporalProperty in temporal_properties:
+                    tProperties_name_list.extend(
+                        pmdb_provider. post_temporalproperties(
+                            collection_id, mfeature_id, temporalProperty))
-                split_groups = {}
-                for i in range(len(result)):
-                    group_id = str(result[i][4])
-                    if group_id not in split_groups:
-                        split_groups[group_id] = []
-                    split_groups[group_id].append(i)
-                pymeos_initialize()
-                for key, group_row_index in split_groups.items():
-                    group = {}
-                    group["datetimes"] = []
-                    for row_index in group_row_index:
-                        row = result[int(row_index)]
-                        tproperties_name = row[2]
-                        group[tproperties_name] \
-                            = row[3] if row[3] is not None else {}
-                        if row[5] is not None or row[6] is not None:
-                            temporal_property_value = Temporal.as_mfjson(
-                                TFloatSeq(str(row[5]).replace("'", "")),
-                                False) if row[5] \
-                                is not None else Temporal.as_mfjson(
-                                    TTextSeq(str(row[6]).replace("'", "")),
-                                    False)
-                            temporal_property_value = pmdb_provider.\
-                                convert_temporalproperty_value_to_base_version(
-                                    json.loads(temporal_property_value))
-                            if 'datetimes' in temporal_property_value:
-                                group["datetimes"] = \
-                                    temporal_property_value.pop(
-                                    "datetimes", None)
-                            group[tproperties_name].update(
-                                temporal_property_value)
-                    temporal_properties.append(group)
-            content["temporalProperties"] = temporal_properties
+                return headers, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ''
         except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
             msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            # TODO: translate titles
-        uri = '{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties'.format(
-            self.get_collections_url(), collection_id, mfeature_id)
+        location_list = []
+        for tProperties_name in tProperties_name_list:
+            location_list.append('{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties/{}'.format(
+                api.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id,
+                tProperties_name))
+        headers['Locations'] = location_list
-        serialized_query_params = ''
-        for k, v in request.params.items():
-            if k not in ('f', 'offset'):
-                serialized_query_params += '&'
-                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(k, safe='')
-                serialized_query_params += '='
-                serialized_query_params += urllib.parse.quote(str(v), safe=',')
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-        content['links'] = [
-            {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
-                uri, offset, serialized_query_params),
-             'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-             'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]}]
-        if len(content['temporalProperties']) == limit:
-            next_ = offset + limit
-            content['links'].append(
-                {'href': '{}?offset={}{}'.format(
-                    uri, next_, serialized_query_params),
-                 'type': 'application/geo+json', 'rel': 'next', })
-        content['timeStamp'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
-            '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
-        content['numberMatched'] = number_matched
-        content['numberReturned'] = number_returned
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-            action, dataset, identifier,
-            tProperty=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Adds Temporal Property item to a moving feature
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :param identifier: moving feature's id
-        :param tProperty: Temporal Property's id
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
-        # has been determined
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        excuted, feature_list = get_list_of_features_id()
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(feature_list)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if action == 'delete':
+        LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
-        if [dataset, identifier] not in feature_list:
-            msg = 'Feature not found'
-            LOGGER.error(msg)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            pmdb_provider.delete_temporalproperties(
+                """AND collection_id ='{0}' AND mfeature_id ='{1}'
+                AND tproperties_name ='{2}'""".format(
+                    collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperties_name))
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        tProperties_name = tProperty
-        if action == 'create':
-            if not
-                msg = 'No data found'
-                LOGGER.error(msg)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            data =
-            try:
-                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
-                data = data.decode()
-                LOGGER.debug(data)
-            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
-                pass
-            try:
-                if not isinstance(data, list):
-                    data = json.loads(data)
-                else:
-                    for d in data:
-                        _ = json.loads(d)
-            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
-                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
-                LOGGER.error(err)
-                msg = 'invalid request data'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if check_required_field_temporal_property(data) is False:
-                # TODO not all processes require input
-                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., datetimes,interpolation) \
-                    is missing from the request data.'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
-            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                # temporalProperties = data['temporalProperties']
-                temporal_properties = data
-                temporal_properties = [temporal_properties] if not isinstance(
-                    temporal_properties, list) else temporal_properties
-                can_post = pmdb_provider.check_temporalproperty_can_post(
-                    collection_id, mfeature_id, temporal_properties)
-                tProperties_name_list = []
-                if can_post:
-                    for temporalProperty in temporal_properties:
-                        tProperties_name_list.extend(
-                            pmdb_provider. post_temporalproperties(
-                                collection_id, mfeature_id, temporalProperty))
-                else:
-                    return headers, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ''
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            location_list = []
-            for tProperties_name in tProperties_name_list:
-                location_list.append('{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties/{}'.format(
-                    self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id,
-                    tProperties_name))
-            headers['Locations'] = location_list
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-        if action == 'delete':
-            LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                pmdb_provider.delete_temporalproperties(
-                    "AND tproperties_name ='{0}'".format(tProperties_name))
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def get_collection_items_tProperty_value(self,
-                                             request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-                                             dataset,
-                                             identifier,
-                                             tProperty) \
-            -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Get temporal Properties of collection item
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :param identifier: item identifier
-        :param tProperty: Temporal Property
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        if not request.is_valid():
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        excuted, tproperty_list = get_list_of_tproperties_name()
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(tproperty_list)
-            return self.get_exception(
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-        if [dataset, identifier, tProperty] not in tproperty_list:
-            msg = 'Temporal Property not found'
-            LOGGER.error(msg)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        tProperty_name = tProperty
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
-        try:
-            offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
-            if offset < 0:
-                msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            offset = 0
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
+def get_collection_items_tProperty_value(api: API, request: APIRequest,
+                                         dataset,
+                                         identifier,
+                                         tProperty) \
+        -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Get temporal Properties of collection item
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: item identifier
+    :param tProperty: Temporal Property
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
+    if not request.is_valid():
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    excuted, tproperty_list = get_list_of_tproperties_name()
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(tproperty_list)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if [dataset, identifier, tProperty] not in tproperty_list:
+        msg = 'Temporal Property not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    tProperty_name = tProperty
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing query parameters')
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing offset parameter')
+    try:
+        offset = int(request.params.get('offset'))
+        if offset < 0:
+            msg = 'offset value should be positive or zero'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
-        try:
-            limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
-            # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
-            #       allowed by the server configuration
-            if limit <= 0:
-                msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if limit > 10000:
-                msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        except TypeError as err:
-            LOGGER.warning(err)
-            limit = int(self.config['server']['limit'])
-        except ValueError:
-            msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
-            return self.get_exception(
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        offset = 0
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'offset value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing limit parameter')
+    try:
+        limit = int(request.params.get('limit'))
+        # TODO: We should do more validation, against the min and max
+        #       allowed by the server configuration
+        if limit <= 0:
+            msg = 'limit value should be strictly positive'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing leaf parameter')
-        leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
-        try:
-            leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
-        except ValueError as err:
-            msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+        if limit > 10000:
+            msg = 'limit value should be less than or equal to 10000'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    except TypeError as err:
+        LOGGER.warning(err)
+        limit = int(api.config['server']['limit'])
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = 'limit value should be an integer'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing leaf parameter')
+    leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
+    try:
+        leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
+    if sub_temporal_value is None:
+        sub_temporal_value = False
+    if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) and \
+            (sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == 'true'):
+        msg = 'Cannot use both parameter `subTemporalValue` \
+            and `leaf` at the same time'
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+    try:
+        datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
+    LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
+    LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
+    LOGGER.debug('leaf: {}'.format(leaf_))
+    LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    content = {}
+    try:
+        pmdb_provider.connect()
+        result = pmdb_provider.get_temporalproperties_value(
+            collection_id=collection_id, mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
+            tProperty_name=tProperty_name,
+            datetime=datetime_, leaf=leaf_,
+            sub_temporal_value=sub_temporal_value)
+        pymeos_initialize()
+        value_sequence = []
+        for row in result:
+            content = row[3]
+            if row[5] is not None or row[6] is not None:
+                temporal_property_value = Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                    TFloatSeq(str(row[5]).replace("'", "")),
+                    False) if row[5] is not None else Temporal.as_mfjson(
+                    TTextSeq(str(row[6]).replace("'", "")),
+                    False)
+                value_sequence.append(
+                    pmdb_provider.
+                    convert_temporalproperty_value_to_base_version(
+                        json.loads(
+                            temporal_property_value)))
+        content["valueSequence"] = value_sequence
+    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+        msg = str(error)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        # TODO: translate titles
+    return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, api.pretty_print)
+def manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        action, dataset, identifier,
+        tProperty=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Adds Temporal Property Value item to a Temporal Property
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: moving feature's id
+    :param tProperty: Temporal Property's id
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
-        sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
-        if sub_temporal_value is None:
-            sub_temporal_value = False
+    if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
+        return api.get_format_exception(request)
-        if (leaf_ != '' and leaf_ is not None) and \
-                (sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == 'true'):
-            msg = 'Cannot use both parameter `subTemporalValue` \
-                and `leaf` at the same time'
-            return self.get_exception(
+    # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
+    # has been determined
+    headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    excuted, tproperty_list = get_list_of_tproperties_name()
+    if excuted is False:
+        msg = str(tproperty_list)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+    if [dataset, identifier, tProperty] not in tproperty_list:
+        msg = 'Temporal Property not found'
+        LOGGER.error(msg)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
+            headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
+    collection_id = dataset
+    mfeature_id = identifier
+    tProperty_name = tProperty
+    if action == 'create':
+        if not
+            msg = 'No data found'
+            LOGGER.error(msg)
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Processing datetime parameter')
-        datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
+        data =
-            datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_)
-        except ValueError as err:
-            msg = str(err)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            # Parse bytes data, if applicable
+            data = data.decode()
+            LOGGER.debug(data)
+        except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
+        try:
+            data = json.loads(data)
+        except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
+            # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
+            LOGGER.error(err)
+            msg = 'invalid request data'
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-        LOGGER.debug('Querying provider')
-        LOGGER.debug('offset: {}'.format(offset))
-        LOGGER.debug('limit: {}'.format(limit))
-        LOGGER.debug('leaf: {}'.format(leaf_))
-        LOGGER.debug('datetime: {}'.format(datetime_))
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        content = {}
+        if check_required_field_temporal_value(data) is False:
+            # TODO not all processes require input
+            msg = 'The required tag (e.g., datetimes,value) \
+                is missing from the request data.'
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+                headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
+        LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            result = pmdb_provider.get_temporalproperties_value(
-                collection_id=collection_id, mfeature_id=mfeature_id,
-                tProperty_name=tProperty_name,
-                datetime=datetime_, leaf=leaf_,
-                sub_temporal_value=sub_temporal_value)
-            pymeos_initialize()
-            value_sequence = []
-            for row in result:
-                content = row[3]
-                if row[5] is not None or row[6] is not None:
-                    temporal_property_value = Temporal.as_mfjson(
-                        TFloatSeq(str(row[5]).replace("'", "")),
-                        False) if row[5] is not None else Temporal.as_mfjson(
-                        TTextSeq(str(row[6]).replace("'", "")),
-                        False)
-                    value_sequence.append(
-                        pmdb_provider.
-                        convert_temporalproperty_value_to_base_version(
-                            json.loads(
-                                temporal_property_value)))
-            content["valueSequence"] = value_sequence
+            can_post = pmdb_provider.check_temporalproperty_can_post(
+                collection_id, mfeature_id, [data], tProperty_name)
+            if can_post:
+                pValue_id = pmdb_provider.post_temporalvalue(
+                    collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperty_name, data)
+            else:
+                return headers, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ''
         except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
             msg = str(error)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            # TODO: translate titles
-        return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, to_json(content, self.pretty_print)
-    @gzip
-    @pre_process
-    def manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
-            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
-            action, dataset, identifier,
-            tProperty=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Adds Temporal Property Value item to a Temporal Property
-        :param request: A request object
-        :param dataset: dataset name
-        :param identifier: moving feature's id
-        :param tProperty: Temporal Property's id
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
-        """
-        if not request.is_valid(PLUGINS['formatter'].keys()):
-            return self.get_format_exception(request)
-        # Set Content-Language to system locale until provider locale
-        # has been determined
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-        excuted, tproperty_list = get_list_of_tproperties_name()
-        if excuted is False:
-            msg = str(tproperty_list)
-            return self.get_exception(
+            return api.get_exception(
                 headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+        headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties/{}/pvalue/{}'\
+            .format(api.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id,
+                    tProperty_name, pValue_id)
-        if [dataset, identifier, tProperty] not in tproperty_list:
-            msg = 'Temporal Property not found'
-            LOGGER.error(msg)
-            return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND,
-                headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
-        collection_id = dataset
-        mfeature_id = identifier
-        tProperty_name = tProperty
-        if action == 'create':
-            if not
-                msg = 'No data found'
-                LOGGER.error(msg)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            data =
-            try:
-                # Parse bytes data, if applicable
-                data = data.decode()
-                LOGGER.debug(data)
-            except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
-                pass
-            try:
-                data = json.loads(data)
-            except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as err:
-                # Input does not appear to be valid JSON
-                LOGGER.error(err)
-                msg = 'invalid request data'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-            if check_required_field_temporal_value(data) is False:
-                # TODO not all processes require input
-                msg = 'The required tag (e.g., datetimes,value) \
-                    is missing from the request data.'
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-                    headers, request.format, 'MissingParameterValue', msg)
-            LOGGER.debug('Creating item')
-            try:
-                pmdb_provider.connect()
-                can_post = pmdb_provider.check_temporalproperty_can_post(
-                    collection_id, mfeature_id, [data], tProperty_name)
-                if can_post:
-                    pValue_id = pmdb_provider.post_temporalvalue(
-                        collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperty_name, data)
-                else:
-                    return headers, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ''
-            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-                msg = str(error)
-                return self.get_exception(
-                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                    headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
-            finally:
-                pmdb_provider.disconnect()
-            headers['Location'] = '{}/{}/items/{}/tProperties/{}/pvalue/{}'\
-                .format(self.get_collections_url(), dataset, mfeature_id,
-                        tProperty_name, pValue_id)
-            return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
-    def get_exception(self, status, headers, format_, code,
-                      description) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Exception handler
-        :param status: HTTP status code
-        :param headers: dict of HTTP response headers
-        :param format_: format string
-        :param code: OGC API exception code
-        :param description: OGC API exception code
-        :returns: tuple of headers, status, and message
-        """
-        LOGGER.error(description)
-        exception = {
-            'code': code,
-            'description': description
-        }
-        if format_ == F_HTML:
-            headers['Content-Type'] = FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML]
-            content = render_j2_template(
-                self.config, 'exception.html', exception, SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        else:
-            content = to_json(exception, self.pretty_print)
-        return headers, status, content
-    def get_format_exception(self, request) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
-        """
-        Returns a format exception.
-        :param request: An APIRequest instance.
-        :returns: tuple of (headers, status, message)
-        """
-        # Content-Language is in the system locale (ignore language settings)
-        headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-        msg = f'Invalid format: {request.format}'
-        return self.get_exception(
-            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, headers,
-            request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
-    def get_collections_url(self):
-        return '{}/collections'.format(self.config['server']['url'])
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
 def validate_bbox(value=None) -> list:
@@ -2299,3 +2184,1157 @@ def check_required_field_trs(trs):
             or 'properties' not in trs):
         return False
     return True
+# fmt: off
+def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str, dict]]:  # noqa
+    """
+    Get OpenAPI fragments
+    :param cfg: `dict` of configuration
+    :param locale: `str` of locale
+    :returns: `tuple` of `list` of tag objects, and `dict` of path objects
+    """
+    from pygeoapi.openapi import OPENAPI_YAML
+    paths = {}
+    collections_collectionId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}'
+    paths[collections_collectionId_path] = {
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "accessMetadata",
+            "summary": "Access metadata about the collection",
+            "description": "A user can access metadata with id `collectionId`.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatureCollection"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/Collection"  # noqa
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "delete": {
+            "operationId": "deleteCollection",
+            "summary": "Delete the collection",
+            "description": "The collection catalog with id `collectionId` and including metadata and moving features SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatureCollection"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "204": {
+                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "A collection with the specified name was not found."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "put": {
+            "operationId": "replaceMetadata",
+            "summary": "Replace metadata about the collection",
+            "description": "A user SHOULD replace metadata with id `collectionId`.\n\nThe request body schema is the same the POST's one. \n\nHowever, `updateFrequency` property is NOT updated.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatureCollection"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "requestBody": {
+                "content": {
+                    "application/json": {
+                        "schema": {
+                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/collection-body"  # noqa
+                        },
+                        "example": {
+                            "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",
+                            "updateFrequency": 1000,
+                            "description": "example",
+                            "itemType": "movingfeature"
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            "responses": {
+                "204": {
+                    "description": "Successfully replaced."
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "A collection with the specified name was not found."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items'
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_path] = {
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "retrieveMovingFeatures",
+            "summary": "Retrieve moving feature collection",
+            "description": "A user can retrieve moving feature collection to access the static information of the moving feature by simple filtering and a limit.\n\nSpecifically, if the `subTrajectory` parameter is \"true\", it will return the temporal geometry within the time interval specified by `datetime` parameter.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatures"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/bbox"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtrajectory"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/MovingFeatures"  # noqa
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "post": {
+            "operationId": "insertMovingFeatures",
+            "summary": "Insert moving features",
+            "description": "A user SHOULD insert a set of moving features or a moving feature into a collection with id `collectionId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [MovingFeature object]( or \n[MovingFeatureCollection object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatures"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "requestBody": {
+                "content": {
+                    "application/json": {
+                        "schema": {
+                            "oneOf": [
+                                {
+                                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/movingFeature-mfjson"  # noqa
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/movingFeatureCollection"  # noqa
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        "example": {
+                            "type": "Feature",
+                            "crs": {
+                                "type": "Name",
+                                "properties": {
+                                    "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"  # noqa
+                                }
+                            },
+                            "trs": {
+                                "type": "Link",
+                                "properties": {
+                                    "type": "OGCDEF",
+                                    "href": ""  # noqa
+                                }
+                            },
+                            "temporalGeometry": {
+                                "type": "MovingPoint",
+                                "datetimes": [
+                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:02Z",
+                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:03Z",
+                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:04Z",
+                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:05Z"
+                                ],
+                                "coordinates": [
+                                    [
+                                        139.757083,
+                                        35.627701,
+                                        0.5
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757399,
+                                        35.627701,
+                                        2
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757555,
+                                        35.627688,
+                                        4
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757651,
+                                        35.627596,
+                                        4
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757716,
+                                        35.627483,
+                                        4
+                                    ]
+                                ],
+                                "interpolation": "Linear",
+                                "base": {
+                                    "type": "glTF",
+                                    "href": ""  # noqa
+                                },
+                                "orientations": [
+                                    {
+                                        "scales": [
+                                            1,
+                                            1,
+                                            1
+                                        ],
+                                        "angles": [
+                                            0,
+                                            0,
+                                            0
+                                        ]
+                                    },
+                                    {
+                                        "scales": [
+                                            1,
+                                            1,
+                                            1
+                                        ],
+                                        "angles": [
+                                            0,
+                                            355,
+                                            0
+                                        ]
+                                    },
+                                    {
+                                        "scales": [
+                                            1,
+                                            1,
+                                            1
+                                        ],
+                                        "angles": [
+                                            0,
+                                            0,
+                                            330
+                                        ]
+                                    },
+                                    {
+                                        "scales": [
+                                            1,
+                                            1,
+                                            1
+                                        ],
+                                        "angles": [
+                                            0,
+                                            0,
+                                            300
+                                        ]
+                                    },
+                                    {
+                                        "scales": [
+                                            1,
+                                            1,
+                                            1
+                                        ],
+                                        "angles": [
+                                            0,
+                                            0,
+                                            270
+                                        ]
+                                    }
+                                ]
+                            },
+                            "temporalProperties": [
+                                {
+                                    "datetimes": [
+                                        "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
+                                        "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z",
+                                        "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"
+                                    ],
+                                    "length": {
+                                        "type": "Measure",
+                                        "form": "",  # noqa
+                                        "values": [
+                                            1,
+                                            2.4,
+                                            1
+                                        ],
+                                        "interpolation": "Linear"
+                                    },
+                                    "discharge": {
+                                        "type": "Measure",
+                                        "form": "MQS",
+                                        "values": [
+                                            3,
+                                            4,
+                                            5
+                                        ],
+                                        "interpolation": "Step"
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "datetimes": [
+                                        1465621816590,
+                                        1465711526300
+                                    ],
+                                    "camera": {
+                                        "type": "Image",
+                                        "values": [
+                                            "",  # noqa
+                                            "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+                                        ],
+                                        "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                                    },
+                                    "labels": {
+                                        "type": "Text",
+                                        "values": [
+                                            "car",
+                                            "human"
+                                        ],
+                                        "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            ],
+                            "geometry": {
+                                "type": "LineString",
+                                "coordinates": [
+                                    [
+                                        139.757083,
+                                        35.627701,
+                                        0.5
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757399,
+                                        35.627701,
+                                        2
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757555,
+                                        35.627688,
+                                        4
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757651,
+                                        35.627596,
+                                        4
+                                    ],
+                                    [
+                                        139.757716,
+                                        35.627483,
+                                        4
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+                            },
+                            "properties": {
+                                "name": "car1",
+                                "state": "test1",
+                                "video": ""  # noqa
+                            },
+                            "bbox": [
+                                139.757083,
+                                35.627483,
+                                0,
+                                139.757716,
+                                35.627701,
+                                4.5
+                            ],
+                            "time": [
+                                "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+                                "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"
+                            ],
+                            "id": "mf-1"
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            "responses": {
+                "201": {
+                    "description": "Successful create a set of moving features or a moving feature into a specific collection.\n",  # noqa
+                    "headers": {
+                        "Locations": {
+                            "description": "A list of URI of the newly added resources",  # noqa
+                            "schema": {
+                                "type": "array",
+                                "items": {
+                                    "type": "string"
+                                },
+                                "example": [
+                                    "",  # noqa
+                                    ""  # noqa
+                                ]
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                "400": {
+                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_path] = {
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "accessMovingFeature",
+            "summary": "Access the static data of the moving feature",
+            "description": "A user can access a static data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe static data of a moving feature is not included temporal geometries and temporal properties.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatures"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/MovingFeature"  # noqa
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "delete": {
+            "operationId": "deleteMovingFeature",
+            "summary": "Delete a single moving feature",
+            "description": "The moving feature with id `mFeatureId` and including temporal geometries and properties SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatures"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "204": {
+                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_path] = {
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "retrieveTemporalGeometrySequence",
+            "summary": "Retrieve the movement data of the single moving feature",  # noqa
+            "description": "A user can retrieve only the movement data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId` by simple filtering and a limit.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalGeometry"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/bbox"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtrajectory"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalGeometrySequence"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "post": {
+            "operationId": "insertTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
+            "summary": "Add movement data into the moving feature",
+            "description": "A user SHOULD add more movement data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalPrimitiveGeometry object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalGeometry"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "requestBody": {
+                "content": {
+                    "application/json": {
+                        "schema": {
+                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveGeometry"  # noqa
+                        },
+                        "example": {
+                            "type": "MovingPoint",
+                            "datetimes": [
+                                "2011-07-14T22:01:06Z",
+                                "2011-07-14T22:01:07Z",
+                                "2011-07-14T22:01:08Z",
+                                "2011-07-14T22:01:09Z",
+                                "2011-07-14T22:01:10Z"
+                            ],
+                            "coordinates": [
+                                [
+                                    139.757083,
+                                    35.627701,
+                                    0.5
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    139.757399,
+                                    35.627701,
+                                    2
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    139.757555,
+                                    35.627688,
+                                    4
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    139.757651,
+                                    35.627596,
+                                    4
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    139.757716,
+                                    35.627483,
+                                    4
+                                ]
+                            ],
+                            "interpolation": "Linear",
+                            "base": {
+                                "type": "glTF",
+                                "href": ""  # noqa
+                            },
+                            "orientations": [
+                                {
+                                    "scales": [
+                                        1,
+                                        1,
+                                        1
+                                    ],
+                                    "angles": [
+                                        0,
+                                        0,
+                                        0
+                                    ]
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "scales": [
+                                        1,
+                                        1,
+                                        1
+                                    ],
+                                    "angles": [
+                                        0,
+                                        355,
+                                        0
+                                    ]
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "scales": [
+                                        1,
+                                        1,
+                                        1
+                                    ],
+                                    "angles": [
+                                        0,
+                                        0,
+                                        330
+                                    ]
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "scales": [
+                                        1,
+                                        1,
+                                        1
+                                    ],
+                                    "angles": [
+                                        0,
+                                        0,
+                                        300
+                                    ]
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "scales": [
+                                        1,
+                                        1,
+                                        1
+                                    ],
+                                    "angles": [
+                                        0,
+                                        0,
+                                        270
+                                    ]
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            "responses": {
+                "201": {
+                    "description": "Successful add more movement data into a specified moving feature.\n",  # noqa
+                    "headers": {
+                        "Location": {
+                            "description": "A URI of the newly added resource",  # noqa
+                            "schema": {
+                                "type": "string",
+                                "example": ""  # noqa
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                "400": {
+                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_path] = {  # noqa
+        "delete": {
+            "operationId": "deleteTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
+            "summary": "Delete a singe temporal primitive geometry",
+            "description": "The temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalGeometry"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "204": {
+                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal primitive geometry with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_distance_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/distance'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_distance_path] = {  # noqa
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "getDistanceOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
+            "summary": "Get a time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  # noqa
+            "description": "A user can get time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalGeometryQuery"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/DistanceQuery"  # noqa
+                },
+                "400": {
+                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_velocity_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/velocity'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_velocity_path] = {  # noqa
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "getVelocityOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
+            "summary": "Get a time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  # noqa
+            "description": "A user can get time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalGeometryQuery"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/VelocityQuery"  # noqa
+                },
+                "400": {
+                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_acceleration_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/acceleration'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_acceleration_path] = {  # noqa
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "getAccelerationOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
+            "summary": "Get a time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  # noqa
+            "description": "A user can get time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalGeometryQuery"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/AccelerationQuery"  # noqa
+                },
+                "400": {
+                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_path] = {  # noqa
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "retrieveTemporalProperties",
+            "summary": "Retrieve a set of the temporal property data",
+            "description": "A user can retrieve the static information of the temporal property data that included a single moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe static data of a temporal property is not included temporal values (property `valueSequence`).\n\nAlso a user can retrieve the sub sequence of the temporal information of the temporal property data for the specified time interval with `subTemporalValue` query parameter. \nIn this case, `temporalProperties` property schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalProperty"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalProperties"  # noqa
+                },
+                "400": {
+                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "post": {
+            "operationId": "insertTemporalProperty",
+            "summary": "Add temporal property data",
+            "description": "A user SHOULD add new temporal property data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalProperty"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "requestBody": {
+                "content": {
+                    "application/json": {
+                        "schema": {
+                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalProperties-mfjson"  # noqa
+                        },
+                        "example": [
+                            {
+                                "datetimes": [
+                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
+                                    "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z",
+                                    "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"
+                                ],
+                                "length": {
+                                    "type": "Measure",
+                                    "form": "",  # noqa
+                                    "values": [
+                                        1,
+                                        2.4,
+                                        1
+                                    ],
+                                    "interpolation": "Linear"
+                                },
+                                "discharge": {
+                                    "type": "Measure",
+                                    "form": "MQS",
+                                    "values": [
+                                        3,
+                                        4,
+                                        5
+                                    ],
+                                    "interpolation": "Step"
+                                }
+                            },
+                            {
+                                "datetimes": [
+                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
+                                    "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z"
+                                ],
+                                "camera": {
+                                    "type": "Image",
+                                    "values": [
+                                        "",  # noqa
+                                        "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+                                    ],
+                                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                                },
+                                "labels": {
+                                    "type": "Text",
+                                    "values": [
+                                        "car",
+                                        "human"
+                                    ],
+                                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
+                                }
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            "responses": {
+                "201": {
+                    "description": "Successful add more temporal property into a specified moving feature.\n",  # noqa
+                    "headers": {
+                        "Locations": {
+                            "description": "A list of URI of the newly added resources",  # noqa
+                            "schema": {
+                                "type": "array",
+                                "items": {
+                                    "type": "string"
+                                },
+                                "example": [
+                                    "",  # noqa
+                                    "",  # noqa
+                                    "",  # noqa
+                                    ""  # noqa
+                                ]
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_path] = {  # noqa
+        "get": {
+            "operationId": "retrieveTemporalProperty",
+            "summary": "Retrieve a temporal property",
+            "description": "A user can retrieve only the temporal values with a specified name `tPropertyName` of temporal property.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalProperty"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "200": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalProperty"  # noqa
+                },
+                "400": {
+                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "post": {
+            "operationId": "insertTemporalPrimitiveValue",
+            "summary": "Add temporal primitive value data",
+            "description": "A user SHOULD add more temporal primitive value data into a temporal property with id `tPropertyName`.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalProperty"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "requestBody": {
+                "content": {
+                    "application/json": {
+                        "schema": {
+                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveValue"  # noqa
+                        },
+                        "example": {
+                            "datetimes": [
+                                "2011-07-15T08:00:00Z",
+                                "2011-07-15T08:00:01Z",
+                                "2011-07-15T08:00:02Z"
+                            ],
+                            "values": [
+                                0,
+                                20,
+                                50
+                            ],
+                            "interpolation": "Linear"
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            "responses": {
+                "201": {
+                    "description": "Successful add more temporal primitive value data into a specified temporal property.\n",  # noqa
+                    "headers": {
+                        "Location": {
+                            "description": "A URI of the newly added resource",
+                            "schema": {
+                                "type": "string",
+                                "example": ""  # noqa
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "delete": {
+            "operationId": "deleteTemporalProperty",
+            "summary": "Delete a specified temporal property",
+            "description": "The temporal property with id `tPropertyName` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalProperty"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "204": {
+                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_tValueId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}/{tValueId}'  # noqa
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_tValueId_path] = {  # noqa
+        "delete": {
+            "operationId": "deleteTemporalPrimitiveValue",
+            "summary": "Delete a singe temporal primitive value",
+            "description": "The temporal primitive value with id `tValueId` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "TemporalProperty"
+            ],
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
+                },
+                {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tValueId"  # noqa
+                }
+            ],
+            "responses": {
+                "204": {
+                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
+                },
+                "404": {
+                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal primitive primitive with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return [{'name': 'MovingFeatureCollection'}], {'paths': paths}
+# fmt: on
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
index acf986e9e..2883a0b07 100644
--- a/tests/api/
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
-from pygeoapi.api.movingfeatures import MOVING_FEATURES
 from pygeoapi.provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
 import pytest
 import json
 from http import HTTPStatus
 from pygeoapi.util import yaml_load
-from tests.util import get_test_file_path, mock_request
+from tests.util import get_test_file_path, mock_api_request
+from pygeoapi.api.movingfeatures import (
+    manage_collection,
+    manage_collection_item,
+    manage_collection_item_tGeometry,
+    manage_collection_item_tProperty,
+    manage_collection_item_tProperty_value,
+    get_collection_items,
+    get_collection,
+    get_collection_item,
+    get_collection_items_tGeometry,
+    get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity,
+    get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance,
+    get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration,
+    get_collection_items_tProperty,
+    get_collection_items_tProperty_value)
-def config():
-    with open(get_test_file_path('example-config.yml')) as fh:
-        return yaml_load(fh)
+from pygeoapi.api import API
-def openapi():
+def api_():
+    with open(get_test_file_path('example-config.yml')) as fh:
+        config = yaml_load(fh)
     with open(get_test_file_path('example-openapi.yml')) as fh:
-        return yaml_load(fh)
-# @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
-# def context():
-#     return {
-#         'collection_id':'f81e0521-cf63-4cc5-b690-3daf1f326104',
-#         'mfeature_id':'196695e8-b79b-4655-a1e0-b90de887f205',
-#         'tgeometry_id':'1d2edbdc-717a-4fcb-94ad-19a00ee208e0',
-#         'tProperty_name':'labels'
-#     }
+        openapi = yaml_load(fh)
+    return API(config, openapi)
@@ -456,27 +461,23 @@ def temporalvalue_data():
 def test_manage_collection_create(
-        config,
-        openapi,
+        api_,
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
     # missing request data
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(req, 'create')
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection(api_, req, 'create')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = 'Invalid data. Valid parameter is JSON'
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(req, 'create')
+    req = mock_api_request(data='Invalid data. Valid data is JSON')
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection(api_, req, 'create')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # successful request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(collection_property)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(req, 'create')
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(collection_property))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection(api_, req, 'create')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
     assert response == ''
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
@@ -489,26 +490,24 @@ def test_manage_collection_create(
 def test_manage_collection_item_create(
-        config, openapi, movingfeature, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+        api_, movingfeature, context):
     # collection not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
-        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item(
+        api_, req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # no data found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = 'data'
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data='Invalid data. Valid data is JSON')
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # The required tag (e.g., type,temporalgeometry)
@@ -516,17 +515,15 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_create(
     missing_data = dict(movingfeature)
     del missing_data['temporalGeometry']
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(missing_data)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(missing_data))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
     # successful request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(movingfeature)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(movingfeature))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
     assert response == ''
@@ -540,27 +537,25 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_create(
 def test_manage_collection_item_tGeometry_create(
-        config, openapi, temporalgeometry, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+        api_, temporalgeometry, context):
     # feature not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # no data found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = 'data'
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data='Invalid data. Valid data is JSON')
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # The required tag (e.g., type,prisms)
@@ -568,17 +563,15 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tGeometry_create(
     missing_data = dict(temporalgeometry)
     del missing_data['type']
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(missing_data)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(missing_data))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
     # successful request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(temporalgeometry)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(temporalgeometry))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
     assert response == ''
@@ -592,27 +585,25 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tGeometry_create(
 def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_create(
-        config, openapi, temporalproperties, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+        api_, temporalproperties, context):
     # feature not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api_, req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # no data found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = 'data'
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data='Invalid data. Valid data is JSON')
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # The required tag (e.g., datetimes,interpolation)
@@ -622,17 +613,15 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_create(
     del missing_data[0]['datetimes']
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(missing_data, indent=2)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(missing_data, indent=2))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
     # successful request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(temporalproperties, indent=2)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(temporalproperties, indent=2))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
     assert response == ''
@@ -647,28 +636,26 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_create(
 def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_value_create(
-        config, openapi, temporalvalue_data, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+        api_, temporalvalue_data, context):
     # temporal property not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
-        req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, 'create', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
         '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # no data found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = 'data'
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request(data='Invalid data. Valid data is JSON')
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
@@ -677,18 +664,16 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_value_create(
     missing_data = dict(temporalvalue_data)
     del missing_data['datetimes']
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(missing_data)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(missing_data))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
     # successful request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(temporalvalue_data)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
-        req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(temporalvalue_data))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, 'create', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.CREATED
@@ -698,111 +683,107 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_value_create(
 def test_manage_collection_update(
-        config,
-        openapi,
+        api_,
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
     # missing request data
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
-        req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection(
+        api_, req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = 'data'
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
-        req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data='Invalid data. Valid data is JSON')
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection(
+        api_, req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # successful request data
-    req = mock_request()
- = json.dumps(update_collection_property)
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
-        req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(data=json.dumps(update_collection_property))
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection(
+        api_, req, 'update', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
     assert response == ''
-def test_get_collection_items(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_items(api_, context):
     # not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # offset value should be positive or zero
-    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # offset value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be strictly positive
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # bbox values must be numbers
-    req = mock_request(
+    req = mock_api_request(
         {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': 'one,two,three,four'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # bbox should be 4 values (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) or 6 values
     # (minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz)
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(
+        {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # minx is greater than maxx (possibly antimeridian bbox)
-    req = mock_request(
+    req = mock_api_request(
         {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '200,30,0,100,40,10'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # datetime parameter out of range
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
-                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                            'datetime': '2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
-                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z',  # noqa
-                        'subTrajectory': 'true'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                            'datetime': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z',  # noqa
+                            'subTrajectory': 'true'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
@@ -856,19 +837,18 @@ def test_get_collection_items(config, openapi, context):
     assert collection['numberReturned'] == 1
-def test_get_collection(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection(api_, context):
     # not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection(
-        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection(
+        api_, req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # successful data
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection(
-        req, context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
@@ -899,19 +879,18 @@ def test_get_collection(config, openapi, context):
     assert len(collection['links']) == 1
-def test_get_collection_item(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_item(api_, context):
     # not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_item(
-        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_item(
+        api_, req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # successful data
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_item(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_item(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
@@ -944,105 +923,105 @@ def test_get_collection_item(config, openapi, context):
     assert len(mfeature['links']) == 1
-def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry(api_, context):
     # not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # offset value should be positive or zero
-    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # offset value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be strictly positive
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # bbox values must be numbers
-    req = mock_request(
+    req = mock_api_request(
         {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': 'one,two,three,four'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # bbox should be 4 values (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) or 6 values
     # (minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz)
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request(
+        {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # minx is greater than maxx (possibly antimeridian bbox)
-    req = mock_request(
+    req = mock_api_request(
         {'offset': 0, 'limit': 10, 'bbox': '200,30,0,100,40,10'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid leaf
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
-                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z,2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                            'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z,2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # cannot use both parameter `subTrajectory` and `leaf` at the same time
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
-                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
-                        'subTrajectory': True})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                            'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
+                            'subTrajectory': True})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # datetime parameter out of range
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
-                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
-                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                            'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
+                            'datetime': '2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # successful data
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
-                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
-                        'datetime': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'bbox': '100,30,0,200,40,10',
+                            'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z',
+                            'datetime': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z/2011-07-14T23:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
@@ -1075,13 +1054,12 @@ def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry(config, openapi, context):
     assert temporal_geometries['numberReturned'] == 1
-def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(api_, context):
     # successful data
-    req = mock_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
@@ -1107,13 +1085,12 @@ def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(config, openapi, context):
     assert value_sequence['interpolation'], 1 == "Discrete"
-def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(api_, context):
     # successful data
-    req = mock_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
@@ -1139,14 +1116,13 @@ def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(config, openapi, context):
     assert value_sequence['interpolation'], 1 == "Discrete"
-def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(api_, context):
     # successful data
-    req = mock_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
+    req = mock_api_request({'date-time': '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'})
     rsp_headers, code, response = \
-        mf.get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(
-            req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(
+            api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
@@ -1172,60 +1148,59 @@ def test_get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(config, openapi, context):
     assert value_sequence['interpolation'], 1 == "Discrete"
-def test_get_collection_items_tProperty(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_items_tProperty(api_, context):
     # not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # offset value should be positive or zero
-    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # offset value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be strictly positive
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # datetime parameter out of range
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10,
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10,
                        'datetime': '2011-07-17T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-16T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # successful data
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'datetime': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z',  # noqa
-                        'subTemporalValue': 'true'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'datetime': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z',  # noqa
+                            'subTemporalValue': 'true'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
@@ -1264,87 +1239,86 @@ def test_get_collection_items_tProperty(config, openapi, context):
     assert result['numberReturned'] == 4
-def test_get_collection_items_tProperty_value(config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+def test_get_collection_items_tProperty_value(api_, context):
     # not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
         '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # offset value should be positive or zero
-    req = mock_request({'offset': -1})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': -1})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # offset value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be strictly positive
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 0})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be less than or equal to 10000
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10001})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # limit value should be an integer
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 'one'})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # invalid leaf
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10,
-                       'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z,2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0, 'limit': 10,
+                        'leaf': '2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z,2011-07-14T22:01:01.000Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # cannot use both parameter `subTemporalValue`
     # and `leaf` at the same time
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
-                        'subTemporalValue': True})
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
+                            'subTemporalValue': True})
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # datetime parameter out of range
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
-                        'datetime': '2011-07-17T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-16T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
+                            'datetime': '2011-07-17T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-16T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
     # successful data
-    req = mock_request({'offset': 0,
-                        'limit': 10,
-                        'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
-                        'datetime': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
-        req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request({'offset': 0,
+                            'limit': 10,
+                            'leaf': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z',
+                            'datetime': '2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z/2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z'})  # noqa
+    rsp_headers, code, response = get_collection_items_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.OK
@@ -1367,20 +1341,19 @@ def test_get_collection_items_tProperty_value(config, openapi, context):
 def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_delete(
-        config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+        api_, context):
     # feature not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-        req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api_, req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
         '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '')
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # successful delete
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tProperty(
-        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty(
+        api_, req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
@@ -1389,21 +1362,20 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_delete(
 def test_manage_collection_item_tGeometry_delete(
-        config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+        api_, context):
     # feature not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-        req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # successful delete
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
-        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
+        api_, req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
@@ -1412,20 +1384,19 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tGeometry_delete(
 def test_manage_collection_item_delete(
-        config, openapi, context):
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
+        api_, context):
     # collection not found
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
-        req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item(
+        api_, req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
     # successful delete
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection_item(
-        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item(
+        api_, req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
     assert response == ''
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
@@ -1439,15 +1410,13 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_delete(
 def test_manage_collection_delete(
-        config,
-        openapi,
+        api_,
-    mf = MOVING_FEATURES(config, openapi)
     # successful delete
-    req = mock_request()
-    rsp_headers, code, response = mf.manage_collection(
-        req, 'delete', context['collection_id'])
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection(
+        api_, req, 'delete', context['collection_id'])
     assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
     assert response == ''
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'

From 9a727df63edb5a83efb13ffebf64dea7c9ab2e0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 15:01:32 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 06/14] MF-API Server update and integration (#1)

modify service interface

* Modified to process MovingFeatures in the same way as other APIs

* Change YAML file references to the Web
 pygeoapi/api/ | 696 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 pygeoapi/    | 260 +++++++++------
 pygeoapi/      |  65 +++-
 3 files changed, 729 insertions(+), 292 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pygeoapi/api/ b/pygeoapi/api/
index 03948ae2b..138f87e39 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/api/
+++ b/pygeoapi/api/
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@
 from pygeoapi.util import (CrsTransformSpec, TEMPLATES, UrlPrefetcher,
                            get_api_rules, get_base_url, get_provider_by_type,
-                           get_typed_value, get_crs_from_uri,
-                           get_supported_crs_list, render_j2_template, to_json)
+                           get_typed_value, get_crs_from_uri, dategetter,
+                           get_supported_crs_list, render_j2_template, to_json,
+                           get_provider_default, filter_dict_by_key_value)
 from pymeos import STBox, TsTzSpan, pymeos_initialize
 import psycopg2
 from pygeoapi.provider.postgresql_mobilitydb import PostgresMobilityDB
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
 from pygeoapi.plugin import load_plugin
 from pygeoapi.process.manager.base import get_manager
 from pygeoapi.provider.base import (
-    ProviderGenericError, ProviderTypeError)
+    ProviderConnectionError, ProviderGenericError, ProviderTypeError)
 LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -112,54 +113,6 @@
-    'common': [
-        '',
-        ''
-    ],
-    'feature': [
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        ''  # noqa
-    ],
-    'coverage': [
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',  # noqa
-        '',  # noqa
-        '',  # noqa
-        '',  # noqa
-        ''  # noqa
-    ],
-    'tile': [
-        ''
-    ],
-    'record': [
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        ''
-    ],
-    'process': [
-        '',  # noqa
-        '',
-        '',
-        ''
-    ],
-    'edr': [
-        ''
-    ],
-    'movingfeatures': [
-        "",
-        "",  # noqa
-        ""  # noqa
-    ]
@@ -181,7 +134,7 @@ def all_apis() -> dict:
     from . import (coverages, environmental_data_retrieval, itemtypes, maps,
-                   processes, tiles, stac)
+                   processes, tiles, stac, movingfeatures)
     return {
         'coverage': coverages,
@@ -191,6 +144,7 @@ def all_apis() -> dict:
         'process': processes,
         'tile': tiles,
         'stac': stac,
+        'movingfeature': movingfeatures,
@@ -836,6 +790,18 @@ def landing_page(self,
             fcm['stac'] = False
             fcm['collection'] = False
+            if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
+                                        'type', 'process'):
+                fcm['processes'] = True
+            if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
+                                        'type', 'stac-collection'):
+                fcm['stac'] = True
+            if filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
+                                        'type', 'collection'):
+                fcm['collection'] = True
             content = render_j2_template(self.tpl_config, 'landing_page.html',
                                          fcm, request.locale)
             return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
@@ -897,12 +863,31 @@ def conformance(self,
         :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+        apis_dict = all_apis()
         if not request.is_valid():
             return self.get_format_exception(request)
         conformance_list = CONFORMANCE_CLASSES
-        conformance_list.extend(
-            CONFORMANCE['movingfeatures'])
+        for key, value in self.config['resources'].items():
+            if value['type'] == 'process':
+                conformance_list.extend(
+                    apis_dict['process'].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES)
+            else:
+                for provider in value['providers']:
+                    if provider['type'] in apis_dict:
+                        conformance_list.extend(
+                            apis_dict[provider['type']].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES)
+                    if provider['type'] == 'feature':
+                        conformance_list.extend(
+                            apis_dict['itemtypes'].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES_FEATURES)  # noqa
+                    if provider['type'] == 'record':
+                        conformance_list.extend(
+                            apis_dict['itemtypes'].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES_RECORDS)
+                    if provider['type'] == 'movingfeatures':
+                        conformance_list.extend(
+                            apis_dict['movingfeatures'].CONFORMANCE_CLASSES_RECORDS)  # noqa
         conformance = {
             'conformsTo': sorted(list(set(conformance_list)))
@@ -920,7 +905,8 @@ def conformance(self,
     def describe_collections(
-            self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any]) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        self, request: Union[APIRequest, Any],
+            dataset=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
         Queries collection
@@ -932,168 +918,514 @@ def describe_collections(
             return self.get_format_exception(request)
         headers = request.get_response_headers()
-        pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
         fcm = {
             'collections': [],
             'links': []
-        try:
-            pmdb_provider.connect()
-            result = pmdb_provider.get_collections()
-        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
-            msg = str(error)
+        collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(self.config['resources'],
+                                               'type', 'collection')
+        if all([dataset is not None, dataset not in collections.keys()]):
+            msg = 'Collection not found'
             return self.get_exception(
-                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
-                headers,
-                request.format,
-                'ConnectingError',
-                msg)
-        pymeos_initialize()
-        collections = []
-        for row in result:
-            collection_id = row[0]
-            collection = row[1]
-            collection['itemType'] = 'movingfeature'
-            collection['id'] = collection_id
-            crs = None
-            trs = None
-            if 'crs' in collection:
-                crs = collection.pop('crs', None)
-            if 'trs' in collection:
-                trs = collection.pop('trs', None)
-            extend_stbox = STBox(row[3]) if row[3] is not None else None
-            lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[2]) if row[2] is not None else None
-            bbox = []
-            if extend_stbox is not None:
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
-                if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
-                bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
-                if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
-                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+                HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, headers, request.format, 'NotFound', msg)
-                if crs is None:
-                    if extend_stbox.srid() == 4326:
-                        if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
-                            crs = ''
-                        else:
-                            crs = '\
-                                  crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84'
-            if crs is None:
-                crs = ''
-            if trs is None:
-                trs = ''
-            time = []
-            if lifespan is not None:
-                time.append(lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                time.append(lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-            else:
-                if extend_stbox is not None:
-                    if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
-                        time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
-                            "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+        if dataset is not None:
+            collections_dict = {
+                k: v for k, v in collections.items() if k == dataset
+            }
+        else:
+            collections_dict = collections
+        LOGGER.debug('Creating collections')
+        for k, v in collections_dict.items():
+            if v.get('visibility', 'default') == 'hidden':
+                LOGGER.debug(f'Skipping hidden layer: {k}')
+                continue
+            collection_data = get_provider_default(v['providers'])
+            collection_data_type = collection_data['type']
+            collection_data_format = None
+            if 'format' in collection_data:
+                collection_data_format = collection_data['format']
+            is_vector_tile = (collection_data_type == 'tile' and
+                              collection_data_format['name'] not
+                              in [F_PNG, F_JPEG])
+            collection = {
+                'id': k,
+                'title': l10n.translate(v['title'], request.locale),
+                'description': l10n.translate(v['description'], request.locale),  # noqa
+                'keywords': l10n.translate(v['keywords'], request.locale),
+                'links': []
+            }
+            bbox = v['extents']['spatial']['bbox']
+            # The output should be an array of bbox, so if the user only
+            # provided a single bbox, wrap it in a array.
+            if not isinstance(bbox[0], list):
+                bbox = [bbox]
             collection['extent'] = {
                 'spatial': {
-                    'bbox': bbox,
-                    'crs': crs
-                },
-                'temporal': {
-                    'interval': time,
-                    'trs': trs
+                    'bbox': bbox
-            collection['links'] = []
+            if 'crs' in v['extents']['spatial']:
+                collection['extent']['spatial']['crs'] = \
+                    v['extents']['spatial']['crs']
+            t_ext = v.get('extents', {}).get('temporal', {})
+            if t_ext:
+                begins = dategetter('begin', t_ext)
+                ends = dategetter('end', t_ext)
+                collection['extent']['temporal'] = {
+                    'interval': [[begins, ends]]
+                }
+                if 'trs' in t_ext:
+                    collection['extent']['temporal']['trs'] = t_ext['trs']
+            LOGGER.debug('Processing configured collection links')
+            for link in l10n.translate(v.get('links', []), request.locale):
+                lnk = {
+                    'type': link['type'],
+                    'rel': link['rel'],
+                    'title': l10n.translate(link['title'], request.locale),
+                    'href': l10n.translate(link['href'], request.locale),
+                }
+                if 'hreflang' in link:
+                    lnk['hreflang'] = l10n.translate(
+                        link['hreflang'], request.locale)
+                content_length = link.get('length', 0)
+                if lnk['rel'] == 'enclosure' and content_length == 0:
+                    # Issue HEAD request for enclosure links without length
+                    lnk_headers = self.prefetcher.get_headers(lnk['href'])
+                    content_length = int(lnk_headers.get('content-length', 0))
+                    content_type = lnk_headers.get('content-type', lnk['type'])
+                    if content_length == 0:
+                        # Skip this (broken) link
+                        LOGGER.debug(f"Enclosure {lnk['href']} is invalid")
+                        continue
+                    if content_type != lnk['type']:
+                        # Update content type if different from specified
+                        lnk['type'] = content_type
+                        LOGGER.debug(
+                            f"Fixed media type for enclosure {lnk['href']}")
+                if content_length > 0:
+                    lnk['length'] = content_length
+                collection['links'].append(lnk)
             # TODO: provide translations
             LOGGER.debug('Adding JSON and HTML link relations')
+            collection['links'].append({
+                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+                'rel': 'root',
+                'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_JSON}"
+            })
+            collection['links'].append({
+                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                'rel': 'root',
+                'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_HTML}"
+            })
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
                 'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
                 'title': l10n.translate('This document as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}?f={F_JSON}'
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
                 'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSONLD),
                 'title': l10n.translate('This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}?f={F_JSONLD}'
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
                 'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_HTML),
                 'title': l10n.translate('This document as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}?f={F_HTML}'
-            collection['links'].append({
-                'type': 'application/geo+json',
-                'rel': 'items',
-                'title': l10n.translate('Items as GeoJSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+            if collection_data_type in ['feature', 'coverage', 'record']:
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+                    'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/schema',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Schema of collection in JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/schema?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                    'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/schema',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Schema of collection in HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/schema?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                })
+            if is_vector_tile or collection_data_type in ['feature', 'record']:
+                # TODO: translate
+                collection['itemType'] = collection_data_type
+                LOGGER.debug('Adding feature/record based links')
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': 'application/schema+json',
+                    'rel': '',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Queryables for this collection as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/queryables?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                    'rel': '',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Queryables for this collection as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/queryables?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': 'application/geo+json',
+                    'rel': 'items',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as GeoJSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/items?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
+                    'rel': 'items',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/items?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                    'rel': 'items',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/items?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                })
+                # OAPIF Part 2 - list supported CRSs and StorageCRS
+                if collection_data_type == 'feature':
+                    collection['crs'] = get_supported_crs_list(collection_data, DEFAULT_CRS_LIST)  # noqa
+                    collection['storageCRS'] = collection_data.get('storage_crs', DEFAULT_STORAGE_CRS)  # noqa
+                    if 'storage_crs_coordinate_epoch' in collection_data:
+                        collection['storageCrsCoordinateEpoch'] = collection_data.get('storage_crs_coordinate_epoch')  # noqa
+            elif collection_data_type == 'coverage':
+                # TODO: translate
+                LOGGER.debug('Adding coverage based links')
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': 'application/prs.coverage+json',
+                    'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/coverage',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Coverage data', request.locale),
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/coverage?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                })
+                if collection_data_format is not None:
+                    title_ = l10n.translate('Coverage data as', request.locale)  # noqa
+                    title_ = f"{title_} {collection_data_format['name']}"
+                    collection['links'].append({
+                        'type': collection_data_format['mimetype'],
+                        'rel': f'{OGC_RELTYPES_BASE}/coverage',
+                        'title': title_,
+                        'href': f"{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/coverage?f={collection_data_format['name']}"  # noqa
+                    })
+                if dataset is not None:
+                    LOGGER.debug('Creating extended coverage metadata')
+                    try:
+                        provider_def = get_provider_by_type(
+                            self.config['resources'][k]['providers'],
+                            'coverage')
+                        p = load_plugin('provider', provider_def)
+                    except ProviderConnectionError:
+                        msg = 'connection error (check logs)'
+                        return self.get_exception(
+                            HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+                            headers, request.format,
+                            'NoApplicableCode', msg)
+                    except ProviderTypeError:
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        collection['extent']['spatial']['grid'] = [{
+                            'cellsCount': p._coverage_properties['width'],
+                            'resolution': p._coverage_properties['resx']
+                        }, {
+                            'cellsCount': p._coverage_properties['height'],
+                            'resolution': p._coverage_properties['resy']
+                        }]
+            try:
+                tile = get_provider_by_type(v['providers'], 'tile')
+                p = load_plugin('provider', tile)
+            except ProviderConnectionError:
+                msg = 'connection error (check logs)'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+                    headers, request.format,
+                    'NoApplicableCode', msg)
+            except ProviderTypeError:
+                tile = None
+            if tile:
+                # TODO: translate
+                LOGGER.debug('Adding tile links')
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+                    'rel': f'{p.tile_type}',  # noqa
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Tiles as JSON', request.locale),
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/tiles?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                    'rel': f'{p.tile_type}',  # noqa
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Tiles as HTML', request.locale),
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/tiles?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                })
+            try:
+                map_ = get_provider_by_type(v['providers'], 'map')
+            except ProviderTypeError:
+                map_ = None
+            if map_:
+                LOGGER.debug('Adding map links')
+                map_mimetype = map_['format']['mimetype']
+                map_format = map_['format']['name']
+                title_ = l10n.translate('Map as', request.locale)
+                title_ = f"{title_} {map_format}"
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': map_mimetype,
+                    'rel': '',
+                    'title': title_,
+                    'href': f"{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/map?f={map_format}"  # noqa
+                })
+            try:
+                edr = get_provider_by_type(v['providers'], 'edr')
+                p = load_plugin('provider', edr)
+            except ProviderConnectionError:
+                msg = 'connection error (check logs)'
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, headers,
+                    request.format, 'NoApplicableCode', msg)
+            except ProviderTypeError:
+                edr = None
+            if edr:
+                # TODO: translate
+                LOGGER.debug('Adding EDR links')
+                collection['data_queries'] = {}
+                parameters = p.get_fields()
+                if parameters:
+                    collection['parameter_names'] = {}
+                    for key, value in parameters.items():
+                        collection['parameter_names'][key] = {
+                            'id': key,
+                            'type': 'Parameter',
+                            'name': value['title'],
+                            'unit': {
+                                'label': {
+                                    'en': value['title']
+                                },
+                                'symbol': {
+                                    'value': value['x-ogc-unit'],
+                                    'type': ''  # noqa
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                for qt in p.get_query_types():
+                    data_query = {
+                        'link': {
+                            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/{qt}',
+                            'rel': 'data'
+                        }
+                    }
+                    collection['data_queries'][qt] = data_query
+                    title1 = l10n.translate('query for this collection as JSON', request.locale)  # noqa
+                    title1 = f'{qt} {title1}'
+                    title2 = l10n.translate('query for this collection as HTML', request.locale)  # noqa
+                    title2 = f'{qt} {title2}'
+                    collection['links'].append({
+                        'type': 'application/json',
+                        'rel': 'data',
+                        'title': title1,
+                        'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/{qt}?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                    })
+                    collection['links'].append({
+                        'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                        'rel': 'data',
+                        'title': title2,
+                        'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{k}/{qt}?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                    })
+            if dataset is not None and k == dataset:
+                fcm = collection
+                break
+            fcm['collections'].append(collection)
+        if dataset is None:
+            # get moving feature collections
+            pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+            try:
+                pmdb_provider.connect()
+                result = pmdb_provider.get_collections()
+            except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+                msg = str(error)
+                return self.get_exception(
+                    HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                    headers,
+                    request.format,
+                    'ConnectingError',
+                    msg)
+            pymeos_initialize()
+            for row in result:
+                collection_id = row[0]
+                collection = row[1]
+                collection['itemType'] = 'movingfeature'
+                collection['id'] = collection_id
+                crs = None
+                trs = None
+                if 'crs' in collection:
+                    crs = collection.pop('crs', None)
+                if 'trs' in collection:
+                    trs = collection.pop('trs', None)
+                extend_stbox = STBox(row[3]) if row[3] is not None else None
+                lifespan = TsTzSpan(row[2]) if row[2] is not None else None
+                bbox = []
+                if extend_stbox is not None:
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmin())
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymin())
+                    if extend_stbox.zmin() is not None:
+                        bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmin())
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.xmax())
+                    bbox.append(extend_stbox.ymax())
+                    if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                        bbox.append(extend_stbox.zmax())
+                    if crs is None:
+                        if extend_stbox.srid() == 4326:
+                            if extend_stbox.zmax() is not None:
+                                crs = ''  # noqa
+                            else:
+                                crs = '\
+                                    crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84'
+                if crs is None:
+                    crs = ''
+                if trs is None:
+                    trs = ''
+                time = []
+                if lifespan is not None:
+                    time.append(
+                        lifespan.lower().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                    time.append(
+                        lifespan.upper().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                else:
+                    if extend_stbox is not None:
+                        if extend_stbox.tmin() is not None:
+                            time.append(extend_stbox.tmin().strftime(
+                                "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                            time.append(extend_stbox.tmax().strftime(
+                                "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+                collection['extent'] = {
+                    'spatial': {
+                        'bbox': bbox,
+                        'crs': crs
+                    },
+                    'temporal': {
+                        'interval': time,
+                        'trs': trs
+                    }
+                }
+                collection['links'] = []
+                # TODO: provide translations
+                LOGGER.debug('Adding JSON and HTML link relations')
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+                    'rel': 'root',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_JSON}"
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                    'rel': 'root',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_HTML}"
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+                    'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+                    'title': l10n.translate('This document as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
+                    'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSONLD),
+                    'title': l10n.translate('This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                    'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_HTML),
+                    'title': l10n.translate('This document as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': 'application/geo+json',
+                    'rel': 'items',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as GeoJSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_JSON}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
+                    'rel': 'items',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
+                })
+                collection['links'].append({
+                    'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
+                    'rel': 'items',
+                    'title': l10n.translate('Items as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                    'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                })
+                fcm['collections'].append(collection)
+        if dataset is None:
+            # TODO: translate
+            fcm['links'].append({
+                'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
+                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
+                'title': l10n.translate('This document as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSON}'
-            collection['links'].append({
+            fcm['links'].append({
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
-                'rel': 'items',
-                'title': l10n.translate('Items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_JSONLD}'  # noqa
+                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSONLD),
+                'title': l10n.translate('This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSONLD}'
-            collection['links'].append({
+            fcm['links'].append({
                 'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-                'rel': 'items',
-                'title': l10n.translate('Items as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}/{collection_id}/items?f={F_HTML}'  # noqa
+                'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_HTML),
+                'title': l10n.translate('This document as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
+                'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_HTML}'
-            collections.append(collection)
-        fcm['collections'] = collections
-        # fcm['links'].append({
-        #     'href': '{}'.format(
-        #         self.get_collections_url()),
-        #     'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-        #     'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON]
-        # })
-        fcm['links'].append({
-            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
-            'rel': 'root',
-            'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-            'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_JSON}"
-        })
-        fcm['links'].append({
-            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-            'rel': 'root',
-            'title': l10n.translate('The landing page of this server as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-            'href': f"{self.base_url}?f={F_HTML}"
-        })
-        fcm['links'].append({
-            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSON],
-            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSON),
-            'title': l10n.translate('This document as JSON', request.locale),  # noqa
-            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSON}'
-        })
-        fcm['links'].append({
-            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_JSONLD],
-            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_JSONLD),
-            'title': l10n.translate('This document as RDF (JSON-LD)', request.locale),  # noqa
-            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_JSONLD}'
-        })
-        fcm['links'].append({
-            'type': FORMAT_TYPES[F_HTML],
-            'rel': request.get_linkrel(F_HTML),
-            'title': l10n.translate('This document as HTML', request.locale),  # noqa
-            'href': f'{self.get_collections_url()}?f={F_HTML}'
-        })
         if request.format == F_HTML:  # render
             fcm['collections_path'] = self.get_collections_url()
@@ -1110,7 +1442,7 @@ def describe_collections(
         if request.format == F_JSONLD:
             jsonld = self.fcmld.copy()
-            if len(result) > 0:
+            if dataset is not None:
                 jsonld['dataset'] = jsonldify_collection(self, fcm,
diff --git a/pygeoapi/ b/pygeoapi/
index 252334f53..8ab7002cb 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/
+++ b/pygeoapi/
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
                    send_from_directory, Response, Request)
 from pygeoapi.api import API, APIRequest, apply_gzip
-from pygeoapi.api.movingfeatures import MOVING_FEATURES
 import pygeoapi.api.coverages as coverages_api
 import pygeoapi.api.environmental_data_retrieval as edr_api
 import pygeoapi.api.itemtypes as itemtypes_api
@@ -46,9 +45,10 @@
 import pygeoapi.api.processes as processes_api
 import pygeoapi.api.stac as stac_api
 import pygeoapi.api.tiles as tiles_api
+import pygeoapi.api.movingfeatures as movingfeatures
 from pygeoapi.openapi import load_openapi_document
 from pygeoapi.config import get_config
-from pygeoapi.util import get_mimetype, get_api_rules
+from pygeoapi.util import get_mimetype, get_api_rules, filter_dict_by_key_value
 CONFIG = get_config()
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@
     'pretty_print', True)
 OGC_SCHEMAS_LOCATION = CONFIG['server'].get('ogc_schemas_location')
@@ -250,20 +249,29 @@ def collections(collection_id=None):
         if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
             return get_response(api_.describe_collections(request))
         elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
-            return get_response(movingFeatures.manage_collection(request,
-                                                                 'create'))
-    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.manage_collection(request, 'delete',
-                                             collection_id))
-    elif request.method == 'PUT':
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.manage_collection(request, 'update',
-                                             collection_id))
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.manage_collection, request, 'create')
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.get_collection(request, collection_id))
+        collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(api_.config['resources'],
+                                               'type', 'collection')
+        # collection in config
+        if collection_id in collections:
+            return get_response(
+                api_.describe_collections(
+                    request, collection_id))
+        # moving feature collection
+        else:
+            if request.method == 'DELETE':
+                return execute_from_flask(
+                    movingfeatures.manage_collection, request, 'delete',
+                    collection_id)
+            elif request.method == 'PUT':
+                return execute_from_flask(
+                    movingfeatures.manage_collection, request, 'update',
+                    collection_id)
+            else:
+                return execute_from_flask(
+                    movingfeatures.get_collection, request, collection_id)
@@ -306,24 +314,80 @@ def collection_items(collection_id, item_id=None):
     :returns: HTTP response
-    if item_id is None:
-        if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-            return get_response(
-                movingFeatures.get_collection_items(request, collection_id))
-        elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
-            return get_response(
-                movingFeatures.manage_collection_item(request,
-                                                      'create', collection_id))
-    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.manage_collection_item(request,
-                                                  'delete', collection_id,
-                                                  item_id))
+    collections = filter_dict_by_key_value(api_.config['resources'],
+                                           'type', 'collection')
+    # collection in config
+    if collection_id in collections:
+        if item_id is None:
+            if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+                return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.get_collection_items,
+                                          request, collection_id,
+                                          skip_valid_check=True)
+            elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+                if request.content_type is not None:
+                    if request.content_type == 'application/geo+json':
+                        return execute_from_flask(
+                            itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
+                            request, 'create', collection_id,
+                            skip_valid_check=True)
+                    else:
+                        return execute_from_flask(
+                            itemtypes_api.post_collection_items, request,
+                            collection_id, skip_valid_check=True)
+            elif request.method == 'OPTIONS':
+                return execute_from_flask(
+                    itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item, request,
+                    'options', collection_id, skip_valid_check=True)
+        elif request.method == 'DELETE':
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
+                request,
+                'delete',
+                collection_id,
+                item_id,
+                skip_valid_check=True)
+        elif request.method == 'PUT':
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
+                request,
+                'update',
+                collection_id,
+                item_id,
+                skip_valid_check=True)
+        elif request.method == 'OPTIONS':
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                itemtypes_api.manage_collection_item,
+                request,
+                'options',
+                collection_id,
+                item_id,
+                skip_valid_check=True)
+        else:
+            return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.get_collection_item,
+                                      request, collection_id, item_id)
+    # moving feature collections
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.get_collection_item(request,
-                                               collection_id, item_id))
+        if item_id is None:
+            if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+                return execute_from_flask(
+                    movingfeatures.get_collection_items, request,
+                    collection_id)
+            elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+                return execute_from_flask(
+                    movingfeatures.manage_collection_item, request,
+                    'create', collection_id)
+        elif request.method == 'DELETE':
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.manage_collection_item, request,
+                'delete', collection_id,
+                item_id)
+        else:
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.get_collection_item, request,
+                collection_id, item_id)
@@ -561,7 +625,7 @@ def stac_catalog_path(path):
     methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>', # noqa
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>',  # noqa
 def collection_items_tgeometries(collection_id, item_id, tGeometry_id=None):
@@ -575,28 +639,28 @@ def collection_items_tgeometries(collection_id, item_id, tGeometry_id=None):
     if tGeometry_id is None:
         if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-            return get_response(
-                movingFeatures.get_collection_items_tGeometry(request,
-                                                              collection_id,
-                                                              item_id))
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.get_collection_items_tGeometry, request,
+                collection_id,
+                item_id)
         elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
-            return get_response(
-                movingFeatures.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(request,
-                                                                'create',
-                                                                collection_id,
-                                                                item_id))
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.manage_collection_item_tGeometry, request,
+                'create',
+                collection_id,
+                item_id)
     elif request.method == 'DELETE':
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.manage_collection_item_tGeometry(request,
-                                                            'delete',
-                                                            collection_id,
-                                                            item_id,
-                                                            tGeometry_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures.manage_collection_item_tGeometry, request,
+            'delete',
+            collection_id,
+            item_id,
+            tGeometry_id)
-    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/velocity', # noqa
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/velocity',  # noqa
 def collection_items_tgeometries_velocity(
         collection_id, item_id, tGeometry_id):
@@ -610,16 +674,16 @@ def collection_items_tgeometries_velocity(
     if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures
-            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(request,
-                                                     collection_id,
-                                                     item_id,
-                                                     tGeometry_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures
+            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity, request,
+            collection_id,
+            item_id,
+            tGeometry_id)
-    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/distance', # noqa
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/distance',  # noqa
 def collection_items_tgeometries_distance(
         collection_id, item_id, tGeometry_id):
@@ -633,16 +697,16 @@ def collection_items_tgeometries_distance(
     if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures
-            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(request,
-                                                     collection_id,
-                                                     item_id,
-                                                     tGeometry_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures
+            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance, request,
+            collection_id,
+            item_id,
+            tGeometry_id)
-    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/acceleration', # noqa
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tgsequence/<path:tGeometry_id>/acceleration',  # noqa
 def collection_items_tgeometries_acceleration(collection_id, item_id,
@@ -656,12 +720,12 @@ def collection_items_tgeometries_acceleration(collection_id, item_id,
     if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures
-            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(request,
-                                                         collection_id,
-                                                         item_id,
-                                                         tGeometry_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures
+            .get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration, request,
+            collection_id,
+            item_id,
+            tGeometry_id)
@@ -678,20 +742,20 @@ def collection_items_tproperties(collection_id, item_id):
     if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty(request,
-                                                          collection_id,
-                                                          item_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty, request,
+            collection_id,
+            item_id)
     elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.manage_collection_item_tProperty(request,
-                                                            'create',
-                                                            collection_id,
-                                                            item_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures.manage_collection_item_tProperty, request,
+            'create',
+            collection_id,
+            item_id)
-    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tproperties/<path:tProperty_id>', # noqa
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tproperties/<path:tProperty_id>',  # noqa
     methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
 def collection_items_tproperties_values(collection_id, item_id, tProperty_id):
@@ -704,27 +768,27 @@ def collection_items_tproperties_values(collection_id, item_id, tProperty_id):
     if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty_value(request,
-                                                                collection_id,
-                                                                item_id,
-                                                                tProperty_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty_value, request,
+            collection_id,
+            item_id,
+            tProperty_id)
     elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures
-            .manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(request,
-                                                    'create',
-                                                    collection_id,
-                                                    item_id,
-                                                    tProperty_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures
+            .manage_collection_item_tProperty_value, request,
+            'create',
+            collection_id,
+            item_id,
+            tProperty_id)
     elif request.method == 'DELETE':  # filter or manage items
-        return get_response(
-            movingFeatures
-            .manage_collection_item_tProperty(request,
-                                              'delete',
-                                              collection_id,
-                                              item_id,
-                                              tProperty_id))
+        return execute_from_flask(
+            movingfeatures
+            .manage_collection_item_tProperty, request,
+            'delete',
+            collection_id,
+            item_id,
+            tProperty_id)
 @ADMIN_BLUEPRINT.route('/admin/config', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH'])
diff --git a/pygeoapi/ b/pygeoapi/
index 3cf5c0b8f..ed5d20674 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/
+++ b/pygeoapi/
@@ -53,13 +53,14 @@
     'oapif-1': '',  # noqa
-    'oapif-2': '', # noqa
+    'oapif-2': '',  # noqa
     'oapip': '',
     'oacov': '',  # noqa
     'oapir': '',  # noqa
-    'oaedr': '', # noqa
+    'oaedr': '',  # noqa
     'oapit': '',  # noqa
-    'pygeoapi': ''  # noqa
+    'pygeoapi': '',  # noqa
+    'movingfeature': ''  # noqa
 THISDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, fail_on_invalid_collection: bool = True) -> dict:
     osl = get_ogc_schemas_location(cfg['server'])
     OPENAPI_YAML['oapif-1'] = os.path.join(osl, 'ogcapi/features/part1/1.0/openapi/ogcapi-features-1.yaml')  # noqa
-    OPENAPI_YAML['oapif-2'] = os.path.join(osl, 'ogcapi/features/part2/1.0/openapi/ogcapi-features-2.yaml') # noqa
+    OPENAPI_YAML['oapif-2'] = os.path.join(osl, 'ogcapi/features/part2/1.0/openapi/ogcapi-features-2.yaml')  # noqa
     LOGGER.debug('setting up server info')
     oas = {
@@ -267,6 +268,46 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, fail_on_invalid_collection: bool = True) -> dict:
                 '400': {'$ref': f"{OPENAPI_YAML['oapif-1']}#/components/responses/InvalidParameter"},  # noqa
                 '500': {'$ref': f"{OPENAPI_YAML['oapif-1']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}  # noqa
+        },
+        "post": {
+            "operationId": "registerMetadata",
+            "summary": "Register metadata about a collection of moving features",  # noqa
+            "description": "A user SHOULD register metadata about a collection of moving features into the system.\n",  # noqa
+            "tags": [
+                "MovingFeatureCollection"
+            ],
+            "requestBody": {
+                "content": {
+                    "application/json": {
+                        "schema": {
+                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/collection-body"  # noqa
+                        },
+                        "example": {
+                            "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",  # noqa
+                            "updateFrequency": 1000,
+                            "description": "example",
+                            "itemType": "movingfeature"
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            "responses": {
+                "201": {
+                    "description": "Successful create a collection to manage moving features.",  # noqa
+                    "headers": {
+                        "Location": {
+                            "description": "A URI of the newly added resource",  # noqa
+                            "schema": {
+                                "type": "string",
+                                "example": ""  # noqa
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                "500": {
+                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
+                }
+            }
@@ -311,30 +352,30 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, fail_on_invalid_collection: bool = True) -> dict:
                 'properties': {
                     'queryable': {
-                        'description': 'the token that may be used in a CQL predicate', # noqa
+                        'description': 'the token that may be used in a CQL predicate',  # noqa
                         'type': 'string'
                     'title': {
-                        'description': 'a human readable title for the queryable', # noqa
+                        'description': 'a human readable title for the queryable',  # noqa
                         'type': 'string'
                     'description': {
-                        'description': 'a human-readable narrative describing the queryable', # noqa
+                        'description': 'a human-readable narrative describing the queryable',  # noqa
                         'type': 'string'
                     'language': {
-                        'description': 'the language used for the title and description', # noqa
+                        'description': 'the language used for the title and description',  # noqa
                         'type': 'string',
                         'default': [
                     'type': {
-                        'description': 'the data type of the queryable', # noqa
+                        'description': 'the data type of the queryable',  # noqa
                         'type': 'string'
                     'type-ref': {
-                        'description': 'a reference to the formal definition of the type', # noqa
+                        'description': 'a reference to the formal definition of the type',  # noqa
                         'type': 'string',
                         'format': 'url'
@@ -401,7 +442,7 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, fail_on_invalid_collection: bool = True) -> dict:
                 'Tiles': {
-                    'description': 'Retrieves the tiles description for this collection', # noqa
+                    'description': 'Retrieves the tiles description for this collection',  # noqa
                     'content': {
                         'application/json': {
                             'schema': {
@@ -436,7 +477,7 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, fail_on_invalid_collection: bool = True) -> dict:
                         'tileMatrixSetLinks': {
                             'type': 'array',
                             'items': {
-                                '$ref': '#/components/schemas/tilematrixsetlink' # noqa
+                                '$ref': '#/components/schemas/tilematrixsetlink'  # noqa
                         'links': {

From bb6868ac171b8b1f37ce6646240cd9f4121c62dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 13:07:18 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 07/14] About of the changing of table configuration (#3)

create new table for new api request

* DDL changed because new table was added

* Added new API requests and associated tests

* Adjusted file placement position
 pygeoapi/api/                |   23 +-
 pygeoapi/                         |   82 +-
 .../provider/mf-api-sql/  |   55 -
 pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql       |   45 -
 pygeoapi/provider/    |  211 +-
 tests/api/               |   31 +-
 tests/data/mf-api.sql                         |   51 +
 tests/pygeoapi-test-config-mfapi.yml          |   94 +
 tests/pygeoapi-test-openapi-mfapi.yml         | 2416 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/           |   29 +-
 10 files changed, 2792 insertions(+), 245 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/
 delete mode 100644 pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql
 create mode 100644 tests/data/mf-api.sql
 create mode 100644 tests/pygeoapi-test-config-mfapi.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/pygeoapi-test-openapi-mfapi.yml

diff --git a/pygeoapi/api/ b/pygeoapi/api/
index 7aeb1eb48..32294f844 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/api/
+++ b/pygeoapi/api/
@@ -1329,7 +1329,6 @@ def get_collection_items_tProperty(api: API, request: APIRequest,
                                    limit=limit, offset=offset,
         temporal_properties = []
         if sub_temporal_value is False or sub_temporal_value == "false":
             for row in result:
@@ -1703,7 +1702,7 @@ def get_collection_items_tProperty_value(api: API, request: APIRequest,
 def manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
         api: API, request: APIRequest,
         action, dataset, identifier,
-        tProperty=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+        tProperty=None, tvalue=None) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
     Adds Temporal Property Value item to a Temporal Property
@@ -1729,7 +1728,6 @@ def manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
         return api.get_exception(
             headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
     if [dataset, identifier, tProperty] not in tproperty_list:
         msg = 'Temporal Property not found'
@@ -1740,6 +1738,7 @@ def manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
     collection_id = dataset
     mfeature_id = identifier
     tProperty_name = tProperty
+    tvalue_id = tvalue
     if action == 'create':
         if not
             msg = 'No data found'
@@ -1797,6 +1796,24 @@ def manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
         return headers, HTTPStatus.CREATED, ''
+    if action == 'delete':
+        LOGGER.debug('Deleting item')
+        try:
+            pmdb_provider.connect()
+            pmdb_provider.delete_temporalvalue(
+                "AND tvalue_id ='{0}'".format(tvalue_id))
+        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
+            msg = str(error)
+            return api.get_exception(
+                HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+                headers, request.format, 'ConnectingError', msg)
+        finally:
+            pmdb_provider.disconnect()
+        return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
 def validate_bbox(value=None) -> list:
diff --git a/pygeoapi/ b/pygeoapi/
index 8ab7002cb..6cb9e0f2b 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/
+++ b/pygeoapi/
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ def collection_items(collection_id, item_id=None):
             return execute_from_flask(itemtypes_api.get_collection_item,
                                       request, collection_id, item_id)
-    # moving feature collections
         if item_id is None:
             if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
@@ -731,7 +731,10 @@ def collection_items_tgeometries_acceleration(collection_id, item_id,
     methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def collection_items_tproperties(collection_id, item_id):
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tproperties/<path:tProperty_id>',  # noqa
+    methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
+def collection_items_tproperties(collection_id, item_id, tProperty_id=None):
     OGC API collections items endpoint
@@ -741,23 +744,48 @@ def collection_items_tproperties(collection_id, item_id):
     :returns: HTTP response
-    if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-        return execute_from_flask(
-            movingfeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty, request,
-            collection_id,
-            item_id)
-    elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
-        return execute_from_flask(
-            movingfeatures.manage_collection_item_tProperty, request,
-            'create',
-            collection_id,
-            item_id)
+    if tProperty_id is None:
+        if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty, request,
+                collection_id,
+                item_id)
+        elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.manage_collection_item_tProperty, request,
+                'create',
+                collection_id,
+                item_id)
+    else:
+        if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty_value, request,
+                collection_id,
+                item_id,
+                tProperty_id)
+        elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures
+                .manage_collection_item_tProperty_value, request,
+                'create',
+                collection_id,
+                item_id,
+                tProperty_id)
+        elif request.method == 'DELETE':  # filter or manage items
+            return execute_from_flask(
+                movingfeatures
+                .manage_collection_item_tProperty, request,
+                'delete',
+                collection_id,
+                item_id,
+                tProperty_id)
-    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tproperties/<path:tProperty_id>',  # noqa
-    methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
-def collection_items_tproperties_values(collection_id, item_id, tProperty_id):
+    '/collections/<path:collection_id>/items/<path:item_id>/tproperties/<path:tProperty_id>/<path:tValue_id>',  # noqa
+    methods=['DELETE'])
+def collection_items_tproperties_values(collection_id, item_id,
+                                        tProperty_id, tValue_id=None):
     OGC API collections items endpoint
@@ -767,28 +795,14 @@ def collection_items_tproperties_values(collection_id, item_id, tProperty_id):
     :returns: HTTP response
-    if request.method == 'GET':  # list items
-        return execute_from_flask(
-            movingfeatures.get_collection_items_tProperty_value, request,
-            collection_id,
-            item_id,
-            tProperty_id)
-    elif request.method == 'POST':  # filter or manage items
+    if request.method == 'DELETE':   # filter or manage items
         return execute_from_flask(
-            movingfeatures
-            .manage_collection_item_tProperty_value, request,
-            'create',
-            collection_id,
-            item_id,
-            tProperty_id)
-    elif request.method == 'DELETE':  # filter or manage items
-        return execute_from_flask(
-            movingfeatures
-            .manage_collection_item_tProperty, request,
+            movingfeatures.manage_collection_item_tProperty_value, request,
-            tProperty_id)
+            tProperty_id,
+            tValue_id)
 @ADMIN_BLUEPRINT.route('/admin/config', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH'])
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/ b/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d44c468..000000000
--- a/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-echo "shared_preload_libraries = ''" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
-set -e
-# Create the 'mobilitydb' extension in the mobilitydb database
-echo "Loading MobilityDB extension into mobilitydb"
-psql --user="$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname="mobilitydb" <<- 'EOSQL'
-    -- Table collection
-  CREATE TABLE public.collection (
-    collection_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
-    collection_property jsonb NULL,
-    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id)
-  );
-    -- Table MovingFeature
-  CREATE TABLE public.mfeature (
-    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
-    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
-    mf_geometry geometry NULL,
-    mf_property jsonb NULL,
-    lifespan tstzspan NULL,
-      PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id),
-      FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(collection_id)
-  );
-    -- Table TemporalGeometry
-  CREATE TABLE public.tgeometry (
-    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
-    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
-    tgeometry_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
-    tgeometry_property tgeompoint NULL,
-    tgeog_property tgeompoint NULL,
-    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id),
-    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
-  );
-    -- Table TemporalProperty
-  CREATE TABLE public.tproperties (
-    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
-    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
-    tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
-    datetime_group int4 NOT NULL,
-    tproperty jsonb NULL,
-    pvalue_float tfloat NULL,
-    pvalue_text ttext NULL,
-    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name, datetime_group),
-    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
-  );
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql b/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 70cb140e3..000000000
--- a/pygeoapi/provider/mf-api-sql/mf-api.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  -- Table collection
-CREATE TABLE public.collection (
-	collection_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
-	collection_property jsonb NULL,
-	PRIMARY KEY (collection_id)
-  -- Table MovingFeature
-CREATE TABLE public.mfeature (
-	collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
-	mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
-	mf_geometry geometry NULL,
-	mf_property jsonb NULL,
-	lifespan tstzspan NULL,
-    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id),
-    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(collection_id)
-  -- Table TemporalGeometry
-CREATE TABLE public.tgeometry (
-	collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
-	mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
-	tgeometry_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
-	tgeometry_property tgeompoint NULL,
-	tgeog_property tgeompoint NULL,
-	PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id),
-	FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
-  -- Table TemporalProperty
-CREATE TABLE public.tproperties (
-	collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
-	mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
-	tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
-	datetime_group int4 NOT NULL,
-	tproperty jsonb NULL,
-	pvalue_float tfloat NULL,
-	pvalue_text ttext NULL,
-	PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name, datetime_group),
-	FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/ b/pygeoapi/provider/
index 91a6d77db..c808613d4 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/provider/
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/
@@ -12,21 +12,20 @@
 class PostgresMobilityDB:
-    host = ''
-    port = 5432
-    db = 'mobilitydb'
-    user = 'docker'
-    password = 'docker'
-    connection = None
-    # Local WSL environment test
-    # host = ''
+    # host = ''
     # port = 5432
-    # db = 'mobility'
-    # user = 'postgres'
-    # password = 'postgres'
+    # db = 'mobilitydb'
+    # user = 'docker'
+    # password = 'docker'
     # connection = None
+    host = ''
+    port = 5432
+    db = 'mobility'
+    user = 'postgres'
+    password = 'postgres'
+    connection = None
     def __init__(self, datasource=None):
         PostgresMobilityDB Class constructor
@@ -218,17 +217,17 @@ def get_features(
                 mfeature.mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property, mfeature.lifespan)
                 mfeature left outer join
                 (select mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
-                extent(tproperties.pvalue_float)
+                extent(tvalue.pvalue_float)
                 as extentTPropertiesValueFloat,
-                extent(tproperties.pvalue_text) as extentTPropertiesValueText
-                from mfeature left outer join tproperties
-                on mfeature.collection_id = tproperties.collection_id
-                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tproperties.mfeature_id
+                extent(tvalue.pvalue_text) as extentTPropertiesValueText
+                from mfeature left outer join tvalue
+                on mfeature.collection_id = tvalue.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tvalue.mfeature_id
                 where mfeature.collection_id ='{0}'
                 group by mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id)
-                tproperties ON
-                mfeature.collection_id = tproperties.collection_id
-                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tproperties.mfeature_id
+                tvalue ON
+                mfeature.collection_id = tvalue.collection_id
+                and mfeature.mfeature_id = tvalue.mfeature_id
                 where 1=1 {1} {2}""" .format(
                     collection_id, bbox_restriction, datetime_restriction))
@@ -428,7 +427,11 @@ def get_temporalproperties(
             tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name)
             tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
             tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty
-            from tproperties WHERE tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
+            from tproperties left outer join tvalue
+            on tproperties.collection_id = tvalue.collection_id
+            and tproperties.mfeature_id = tvalue.mfeature_id
+            and tproperties.tproperties_name = tvalue.tproperties_name
+            WHERE tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
             AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}' {2}""". format(
                 collection_id, mfeature_id, datetime_restriction))
@@ -443,10 +446,10 @@ def get_temporalproperties(
             if sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "true":
                 subTemporalValue_float_field = (
-                    """atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float,
+                    """atTime(tvalue.pvalue_float,
                     tstzspan('[{0}]'))""" .format(datetime))
                 subTemporalValue_text_field = (
-                    """atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text,
+                    """atTime(tvalue.pvalue_text,
                     tstzspan('[{0}]'))""" .format(datetime))
                 select_temporalvalue_query = (
@@ -457,18 +460,22 @@ def get_temporalproperties(
         tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name)
         tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
         tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty
-        from tproperties where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
-        AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}' {2} {3}) tproperties
-        left outer join (select tproperties.collection_id,
-        tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name,
-        tproperties.datetime_group, {4} as pvalue_float,
-        {5} as pvalue_text from tproperties
+        from tproperties left outer join tvalue
+        on tproperties.collection_id = tvalue.collection_id
+        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tvalue.mfeature_id
+        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tvalue.tproperties_name
         where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
-        AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}' and ({4} is not null
-        or {5} is not null)) tpropertiesvalue
-        on tproperties.collection_id = tpropertiesvalue.collection_id
-        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tpropertiesvalue.mfeature_id
-        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tpropertiesvalue.tproperties_name
+        AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}' {2} {3}) tproperties
+        left outer join (select tvalue.collection_id,
+        tvalue.mfeature_id, tvalue.tproperties_name,
+        tvalue.datetime_group, {4} as pvalue_float,
+        {5} as pvalue_text from tvalue
+        where tvalue.collection_id ='{0}'
+        AND tvalue.mfeature_id='{1}' and ({4} is not null
+        or {5} is not null)) tvalue
+        on tproperties.collection_id = tvalue.collection_id
+        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tvalue.mfeature_id
+        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tvalue.tproperties_name
         where 1=1 order by datetime_group""".
                         collection_id, mfeature_id,
@@ -507,44 +514,45 @@ def get_temporalproperties_value(
             datetime_restriction = ""
             if datetime != '' and datetime is not None:
                 datetime_restriction = (
-                    """ and (atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float,
+                    """ and (atTime(tvalue.pvalue_float,
                 tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null
-                or atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text,
+                or atTime(tvalue.pvalue_text,
                 tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null) """ .format(datetime))
             float_field = 'pvalue_float'
             text_field = 'pvalue_text'
             if leaf != '' and leaf is not None:
-                float_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float, \
+                float_field = "atTime(tvalue.pvalue_float, \
                     tstzset('{" + leaf + "}'))"
-                text_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text, \
+                text_field = "atTime(tvalue.pvalue_text, \
                     tstzset('{" + leaf + "}'))"
             elif sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "true":
-                float_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_float, \
+                float_field = "atTime(tvalue.pvalue_float, \
                     tstzspan('[" + datetime + "]'))"
-                text_field = "atTime(tproperties.pvalue_text, \
+                text_field = "atTime(tvalue.pvalue_text, \
                     tstzspan('[" + datetime + "]'))"
             select_query = (
                 """select tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
         tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty,
         datetime_group, pvalue_float, pvalue_text
-        from (select distinct on (tproperties.collection_id,
-        tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name)
-        tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
+        from (select tproperties.collection_id, tproperties.mfeature_id,
         tproperties.tproperties_name, tproperties.tproperty
         from tproperties where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
         AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}'
         AND tproperties.tproperties_name='{2}') tproperties
         left outer join (select tproperties.collection_id,
         tproperties.mfeature_id, tproperties.tproperties_name,
-        tproperties.datetime_group, {3} as pvalue_float,
-        {4} as pvalue_text from tproperties
+        tvalue.datetime_group, {3} as pvalue_float, {4} as pvalue_text
+        from tproperties left outer join tvalue
+        on tproperties.collection_id = tvalue.collection_id
+        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tvalue.mfeature_id
+        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tvalue.tproperties_name
         where tproperties.collection_id ='{0}'
         AND tproperties.mfeature_id='{1}'
-        AND tproperties.tproperties_name='{2}' {5}) tpropertiesvalue
-        on tproperties.collection_id = tpropertiesvalue.collection_id
-        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tpropertiesvalue.mfeature_id
-        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tpropertiesvalue.tproperties_name
+        AND tproperties.tproperties_name='{2}' {5}) tvalue
+        on tproperties.collection_id = tvalue.collection_id
+        and tproperties.mfeature_id = tvalue.mfeature_id
+        and tproperties.tproperties_name = tvalue.tproperties_name
         where 1=1 order by datetime_group"""
                 .format(collection_id, mfeature_id, tProperty_name,
                         float_field, text_field, datetime_restriction))
@@ -673,11 +681,11 @@ def post_temporalproperties(
         datetimes = []
         if 'datetimes' in g_temporal_property:
             datetimes = g_temporal_property.pop("datetimes", None)
-        datetime_group = self.get_temporalproperties_group(
-            collection_id, mfeature_id, datetimes)
         tproperties_name_list = []
         for tproperties_name in g_temporal_property:
             with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+                temporal_value_data = {}
                 if 'values' in g_temporal_property[tproperties_name] \
                     and 'interpolation' in g_temporal_property[
@@ -686,44 +694,30 @@ def post_temporalproperties(
                     interpolation = g_temporal_property[tproperties_name].pop(
                         "interpolation", None)
-                    temporal_value = self.create_temporalproperty_value(
-                        datetimes, values, interpolation)
-                    dataType = temporal_value["type"]
-                    pvalue_column = ""
-                    value = None
-                    pymeos_initialize()
-                    if dataType == 'MovingFloat':
-                        pvalue_column = "pValue_float"
-                        value = Temporal._factory(
-                            tfloat_from_mfjson(json.dumps(temporal_value)))
-                    else:
-                        pvalue_column = "pValue_text"
-                        value = Temporal._factory(
-                            ttext_from_mfjson(json.dumps(temporal_value)))
-                    insert_query = (
-                        """INSERT INTO tproperties(collection_id, mfeature_id,
-                            tproperties_name, datetime_group, tproperty, {0})
-                            VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', {4}, '{5}', '{6}')"""
-                        .format(
-                            pvalue_column, collection_id, mfeature_id,
-                            tproperties_name, datetime_group, json.dumps(
-                                temporal_property[tproperties_name]),
-                            str(value)))
-                    cur.execute(insert_query)
-                else:
-                    insert_query = ("""INSERT INTO tproperties(collection_id,
-                    mfeature_id, tproperties_name, datetime_group, tproperty)
-                    VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', {3}, '{4}')""".format(
+                    temporal_value_data['datetimes'] = datetimes
+                    temporal_value_data['values'] = values
+                    temporal_value_data['interpolation'] = interpolation
+                insert_query = (
+                    """INSERT INTO tproperties(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                        tproperties_name, tproperty)
+                        VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')
+                        ON CONFLICT (collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                        tproperties_name)
+                        DO UPDATE SET tproperty = EXCLUDED.tproperty"""
+                    .format(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                            tproperties_name, json.dumps(
+                                g_temporal_property[tproperties_name])))
+                cur.execute(insert_query)
+                if temporal_value_data:
+                    self.post_temporalvalue(
                         collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name,
-                        datetime_group, json.dumps(
-                            temporal_property[tproperties_name])))
-                    cur.execute(insert_query)
+                        temporal_value_data)
+        # TODO replace g_temporal_property
         return tproperties_name_list
     def post_temporalvalue(
@@ -742,7 +736,6 @@ def post_temporalvalue(
         :returns: Temporal Primitive Value
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
             datetimes = temporal_value_data['datetimes']
@@ -751,7 +744,7 @@ def post_temporalvalue(
             temporal_value = self.create_temporalproperty_value(
                 datetimes, values, interpolation)
-            datetime_group = self.get_temporalproperties_group(
+            datetime_group = self.get_temporalvalue_group(
                 collection_id, mfeature_id, datetimes)
             dataType = temporal_value["type"]
             pvalue_column = ""
@@ -768,16 +761,18 @@ def post_temporalvalue(
             insert_querry = (
-                """INSERT INTO tproperties(collection_id, mfeature_id,
+                """INSERT INTO tvalue(collection_id, mfeature_id,
                 tproperties_name, datetime_group, {0})
-                VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', {4}, '{5}')"""
+                VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', {4}, '{5}')
+                 RETURNING tvalue_id"""
                     pvalue_column, collection_id, mfeature_id,
                     tproperties_name, datetime_group, str(value)))
-            pValue_id = ''
+            tvalue_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
-        return pValue_id
+        return tvalue_id
     def put_collection(self, collection_id, collection_property):
@@ -806,9 +801,11 @@ def delete_collection(self, restriction):
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
-                "DELETE FROM tgeometry WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+                "DELETE FROM tvalue WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
                 "DELETE FROM tproperties WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tgeometry WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
                 "DELETE FROM mfeature WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
@@ -821,6 +818,8 @@ def delete_movingfeature(self, restriction):
         :param restriction: moving feature id
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tvalue WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
                 "DELETE FROM tproperties WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
@@ -846,9 +845,22 @@ def delete_temporalproperties(self, restriction):
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tvalue WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
                 "DELETE FROM tproperties WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
+    def delete_temporalvalue(self, restriction):
+        """
+        Delete the temporal value record with the given restriction.
+        :param restriction: temporal value id
+        """
+        with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                "DELETE FROM tvalue WHERE 1=1 {0}".format(restriction))
     def convert_temporalgeometry_to_new_version(self, temporal_geometry):
         Convert temporal geometory to new version
@@ -1026,7 +1038,7 @@ def check_temporalproperty_can_post(
                     select_query = (
                         """select collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name,
                     count(datetime_group) as intersect_count
-                    from tproperties where collection_id ='{0}'
+                    from tvalue where collection_id ='{0}'
                     and mfeature_id='{1}' and tproperties_name in ({2})
                     and ((pvalue_float::tstzspan && tstzset('{3}')::tstzspan)
                     or (pvalue_text::tstzspan && tstzset('{3}')::tstzspan))
@@ -1042,7 +1054,7 @@ def check_temporalproperty_can_post(
                             return False
         return True
-    def get_temporalproperties_group(
+    def get_temporalvalue_group(
             self, collection_id, mfeature_id, datetimes):
         Get temporal properties group
@@ -1065,24 +1077,25 @@ def get_temporalproperties_group(
             select_query = (
                 """select temp1.collection_id, temp1.mfeature_id,
                 COALESCE(temp2.datetime_group, temp3.max_datetime_group)
-                from (select collection_id, mfeature_id from tproperties
+                from (select collection_id, mfeature_id from tvalue
                 where collection_id ='{0}' and mfeature_id='{1}') temp1
                 left outer join (select collection_id, mfeature_id,
-                datetime_group from tproperties
+                datetime_group from tvalue
                 where collection_id ='{0}' and mfeature_id='{1}'
-                and (timestamps(getTime(pvalue_float)) = tstzset('{2}')
-                or timestamps(getTime(pvalue_text)) = tstzset('{2}'))) temp2
+                and (set(timestamps(pvalue_float)) = tstzset('{2}')
+                or set(timestamps(pvalue_text)) = tstzset('{2}'))) temp2
                 on temp1.collection_id = temp2.collection_id
                 and temp1.mfeature_id = temp2.mfeature_id
                 left outer join (select collection_id, mfeature_id,
                 COALESCE(max(datetime_group), 0) + 1 as max_datetime_group
-                from tproperties where collection_id ='{0}'
+                from tvalue where collection_id ='{0}'
                 and mfeature_id='{1}'
                 group by collection_id, mfeature_id ) temp3
                 on temp1.collection_id = temp3.collection_id
                 and temp1.mfeature_id = temp3.mfeature_id """
                 .format(collection_id, mfeature_id,
                         "{" + ", ".join(datetimes) + "}"))
+            print(select_query)
             result = cur.fetchall()
         if len(result) > 0:
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
index 2883a0b07..1b4e0a0fc 100644
--- a/tests/api/
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 def api_():
-    with open(get_test_file_path('example-config.yml')) as fh:
+    with open(get_test_file_path('../pygeoapi-test-config-mfapi.yml')) as fh:
         config = yaml_load(fh)
-    with open(get_test_file_path('example-openapi.yml')) as fh:
+    with open(get_test_file_path('../pygeoapi-test-openapi-mfapi.yml')) as fh:
         openapi = yaml_load(fh)
     return API(config, openapi)
@@ -681,6 +681,11 @@ def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_value_create(
     assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
     assert 'Location' in rsp_headers
+    location = rsp_headers['Location']
+    tvalue_id = location.split('/')[-1]
+    assert tvalue_id is not None
+    context['tvalue_id'] = tvalue_id
 def test_manage_collection_update(
@@ -1340,6 +1345,28 @@ def test_get_collection_items_tProperty_value(api_, context):
     assert valueSequence['interpolation'] == 'Discrete'
+def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_value_delete(
+        api_, context):
+    # feature not found
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, 'delete', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '',
+        '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+    # successful delete
+    req = mock_api_request()
+    rsp_headers, code, response = manage_collection_item_tProperty_value(
+        api_, req, 'delete', context['collection_id'], context['mfeature_id'],
+        context['tProperty_name'], context['tvalue_id'])
+    assert code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
+    assert response == ''
+    assert rsp_headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
 def test_manage_collection_item_tProperty_delete(
         api_, context):
diff --git a/tests/data/mf-api.sql b/tests/data/mf-api.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ad44bac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/mf-api.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-- Table collection
+CREATE TABLE public.collection (
+collection_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+collection_property jsonb NULL,
+PRIMARY KEY (collection_id)
+-- Table MovingFeature
+CREATE TABLE public.mfeature (
+collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+mf_geometry geometry NULL,
+mf_property jsonb NULL,
+lifespan tstzspan NULL,
+PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id),
+FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(collection_id)
+-- Table TemporalGeometry
+CREATE TABLE public.tgeometry (
+collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+tgeometry_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+tgeometry_property tgeompoint NULL,
+tgeog_property tgeompoint NULL,
+PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id),
+FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+-- Table TemporalProperty
+CREATE TABLE public.tproperties (
+collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
+tproperty jsonb NULL,
+PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name),
+FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+-- Table TemporalPropertyValue
+CREATE TABLE public.tvalue (
+collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
+tvalue_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+datetime_group int4 NOT NULL,
+pvalue_float tfloat NULL,
+pvalue_text ttext NULL,
+PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name, tvalue_id),
+FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name) REFERENCES tproperties(collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name)
diff --git a/tests/pygeoapi-test-config-mfapi.yml b/tests/pygeoapi-test-config-mfapi.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..307c4ee6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pygeoapi-test-config-mfapi.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Authors: Tom Kralidis <>
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Tom Kralidis
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+# conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# =================================================================
+    bind:
+        host:
+        port: 8085
+    url: http://localhost:8085
+    mimetype: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+    encoding: utf-8
+    gzip: false
+    languages:
+        # First language is the default language
+        - en-US
+        - fr-CA
+    cors: true
+    pretty_print: true
+    limit: 10
+    # templates:
+      # path: /path/to/Jinja2/templates
+      # static: /path/to/static/folder # css/js/img
+    map:
+        url:{z}/{x}/{y}.png
+        attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>'
+#    manager:
+#        name: TinyDB
+#        connection: /tmp/pygeoapi-process-manager.db
+#        output_dir: /tmp/
+        ogc_schemas_location: /etc/pygeoapi/pygeoapi/pygeoapi/schema
+    level: ERROR
+    logfile: /etc/pygeoapi/pygeoapi/pygeoapi-mf-api/log/pygeoapi.log
+    identification:
+        title:
+            en: Movingfeatures data server
+        description:
+            en: Access to data about moving features
+        keywords:
+            en:
+                - geospatial
+                - data
+                - api
+        keywords_type: theme
+        terms_of_service:
+        url:
+    license:
+        name: CC-BY 4.0 license
+        url:
+    provider:
+        name: AIST, AIRC
+        url:
+    contact:
+        name: KIM, Taehoon
+        position: Researcher
+        address: 2-4-7, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
+        city: Tokyo
+        stateorprovince: Tokyo
+        postalcode: 135-0064
+        country: Japan
+        phone: +xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx
+        fax: +xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx
+        email:
+        url:
+        hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00
+        instructions: During hours of service. Off on weekends.
+        role: pointOfContact
\ No newline at end of file
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+openapi: 3.0.3
+  title: 'Building Blocks specified in OGC API - Moving Features - Part 1: Core'
+  version: 0.1.0
+  description: This is the OpenAPI definition of Moving Features API specification that conforms to the OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension - JSON.
+  contact:
+    name: OGC Moving Features SWG
+    email:
+  license:
+    name: OGC License
+    url:
+  x-logo:
+    url:
+    backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'
+    altText: OGC logo
+    href:
+  - name: Capabilities
+    description: Essential characteristics of the information available from the API.
+  - name: MovingFeatureCollection
+    description: Collections of moving features to be logically managed by a user.
+  - name: MovingFeatures
+    description: Moving feature data, including the temporal geometry, temporal properties, etc.
+  - name: TemporalGeometry
+    description: The spatial change over time (temporal geometry), representing the movement of the rigid or nonrigid body of a feature.
+  - name: TemporalGeometryQuery
+    description: Queryable resources for the temporal primitive geometry.
+  - name: TemporalProperty
+    description: The thematic change over time (temporal property), representing the variation of the value of any descriptive characteristic of a feature.
+  /:
+    get:
+      operationId: getLandingPage
+      summary: Landing page
+      description: The landing page provides links to the API definition, the conformance statements and to the feature collections in this dataset.
+      tags:
+        - Capabilities
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/LandingPage'
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /conformance:
+    get:
+      operationId: getConformance
+      summary: Information about specifications that this API conforms to
+      description: A list of all conformance classes specified in a standard that the server conforms to.
+      tags:
+        - Capabilities
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/Conformance'
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /api:
+    get:
+      operationId: getAPIList
+      summary: API definition
+      description: A list of all API definition
+      tags:
+        - Capabilities
+      responses:
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections:
+    get:
+      operationId: searchCatalog
+      summary: Retrieve catalogs of moving features collection
+      description: |
+        A user can retrieve catalogs to access collections by simple filtering and a limit.
+      tags:
+        - Capabilities
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/Collections'
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    post:
+      operationId: registerMetadata
+      summary: Register metadata about a collection of moving features
+      description: |
+        A user SHOULD register metadata about a collection of moving features into the system.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatureCollection
+      requestBody:
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection-2'
+            example:
+              title: moving_feature_collection_sample
+              updateFrequency: 1000
+              description: example
+      responses:
+        '201':
+          description: Successful create a collection to manage moving features.
+          headers:
+            Location:
+              description: A URI of the newly added resource
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                example:
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                required:
+                  - id
+                properties:
+                  id:
+                    type: string
+                    description: Newly added resource ID
+                example:
+                  id: mfc-1
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}:
+    get:
+      operationId: accessMetadata
+      summary: Access metadata about the collection
+      description: |
+        A user can access metadata with id `collectionId`.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatureCollection
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/Collection'
+        '404':
+          description: A collection with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    delete:
+      operationId: deleteCollection
+      summary: Delete the collection
+      description: |
+        The collection catalog with id `collectionId` and including metadata and moving features SHOULD be deleted.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatureCollection
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+      responses:
+        '204':
+          description: Successfully deleted.
+        '404':
+          description: A collection with the specified name was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    put:
+      operationId: replaceMetadata
+      summary: Replace metadata about the collection
+      description: |
+        A user SHOULD replace metadata with id `collectionId`.
+        The request body schema is the same the POST's one. 
+        However, `updateFrequency` property is NOT updated.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatureCollection
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+      requestBody:
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection-2'
+            example:
+              title: moving_feature_collection_sample
+              updateFrequency: 1000
+              description: example
+      responses:
+        '204':
+          description: Successfully replaced.
+        '404':
+          description: A collection with the specified name was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items:
+    get:
+      operationId: retrieveMovingFeatures
+      summary: Retrieve moving feature collection
+      description: |
+        A user can retrieve moving feature collection to access the static information of the moving feature by simple filtering and a limit.
+        Specifically, if the `subTrajectory` parameter is "true", it will return the temporal geometry within the time interval specified by `datetime` parameter.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatures
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/bbox'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/datetime'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/limit'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/subtrajectory-description'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/MovingFeatures'
+        '404':
+          description: A collection with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    post:
+      operationId: insertMovingFeatures
+      summary: Insert moving features
+      description: |
+        A user SHOULD insert a set of moving features or a moving feature into a collection with id `collectionId`.
+        The request body schema SHALL follows the [MovingFeature object]( or 
+        [MovingFeatureCollection object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatures
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+      requestBody:
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              oneOf:
+                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/movingFeature-2'
+                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/movingFeatureCollection'
+            example:
+              type: Feature
+              crs:
+                type: Name
+                properties:
+                  name: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
+              trs:
+                type: Link
+                properties:
+                  type: OGCDEF
+                  href:
+              temporalGeometry:
+                type: MovingPoint
+                datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:01Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:02Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:03Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:04Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:05Z'
+                coordinates:
+                  - - 139.757083
+                    - 35.627701
+                    - 0.5
+                  - - 139.757399
+                    - 35.627701
+                    - 2
+                  - - 139.757555
+                    - 35.627688
+                    - 4
+                  - - 139.757651
+                    - 35.627596
+                    - 4
+                  - - 139.757716
+                    - 35.627483
+                    - 4
+                interpolation: Linear
+                base:
+                  type: glTF
+                  href:
+                orientations:
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 0
+                      - 0
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 355
+                      - 0
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 0
+                      - 330
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 0
+                      - 300
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 0
+                      - 270
+              temporalProperties:
+                - datetimes:
+                    - '2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z'
+                    - '2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z'
+                    - '2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z'
+                  length:
+                    type: Measure
+                    form:
+                    values:
+                      - 1
+                      - 2.4
+                      - 1
+                    interpolation: Linear
+                  discharge:
+                    type: Measure
+                    form: MQS
+                    values:
+                      - 3
+                      - 4
+                      - 5
+                    interpolation: Step
+                - datetimes:
+                    - 1465621816590
+                    - 1465711526300
+                  camera:
+                    type: Image
+                    values:
+                      -
+                      - iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......
+                    interpolation: Discrete
+                  labels:
+                    type: Text
+                    values:
+                      - car
+                      - human
+                    interpolation: Discrete
+              geometry:
+                type: LineString
+                coordinates:
+                  - - 139.757083
+                    - 35.627701
+                    - 0.5
+                  - - 139.757399
+                    - 35.627701
+                    - 2
+                  - - 139.757555
+                    - 35.627688
+                    - 4
+                  - - 139.757651
+                    - 35.627596
+                    - 4
+                  - - 139.757716
+                    - 35.627483
+                    - 4
+              properties:
+                name: car1
+                state: test1
+                video:
+              bbox:
+                - 139.757083
+                - 35.627483
+                - 0
+                - 139.757716
+                - 35.627701
+                - 4.5
+              time:
+                - '2011-07-14T22:01:01Z'
+                - '2011-07-15T01:11:22Z'
+              id: mf-1
+      responses:
+        '201':
+          description: |
+            Successful create a set of moving features or a moving feature into a specific collection.
+          headers:
+            Location:
+              description: A list of URI of the newly added resources
+              schema:
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: string
+                example:
+                  -
+                  -
+        '400':
+          description: A query parameter was not validly used.
+        '404':
+          description: A collection with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}:
+    get:
+      operationId: accessMovingFeature
+      summary: Access the static data of the moving feature
+      description: |
+        A user can access a static data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.
+        The static data of a moving feature is not included temporal geometries and temporal properties.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatures
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/MovingFeature'
+        '404':
+          description: |
+            - A collection with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    delete:
+      operationId: deleteMovingFeature
+      summary: Delete a single moving feature
+      description: |
+        The moving feature with id `mFeatureId` and including temporal geometries and properties SHOULD be deleted.
+      tags:
+        - MovingFeatures
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+      responses:
+        '204':
+          description: Successfully deleted.
+        '404':
+          description: |
+            - A collection with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence:
+    get:
+      operationId: retrieveTemporalGeometrySequence
+      summary: Retrieve the movement data of the single moving feature
+      description: |
+        A user can retrieve only the movement data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId` by simple filtering and a limit.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalGeometry
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/bbox'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/datetime'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/limit'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/leaf-description'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/subtrajectory-description'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/TemporalGeometrySequence'
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    post:
+      operationId: insertTemporalPrimitiveGeometry
+      summary: Add movement data into the moving feature
+      description: |
+        A user SHOULD add more movement data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.
+        The request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalPrimitiveGeometry object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalGeometry
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+      requestBody:
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveGeometry'
+            example:
+              type: MovingPoint
+              datetimes:
+                - '2011-07-14T22:01:06Z'
+                - '2011-07-14T22:01:07Z'
+                - '2011-07-14T22:01:08Z'
+                - '2011-07-14T22:01:09Z'
+                - '2011-07-14T22:01:10Z'
+              coordinates:
+                - - 139.757083
+                  - 35.627701
+                  - 0.5
+                - - 139.757399
+                  - 35.627701
+                  - 2
+                - - 139.757555
+                  - 35.627688
+                  - 4
+                - - 139.757651
+                  - 35.627596
+                  - 4
+                - - 139.757716
+                  - 35.627483
+                  - 4
+              interpolation: Linear
+              base:
+                type: glTF
+                href:
+              orientations:
+                - scales:
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                  angles:
+                    - 0
+                    - 0
+                    - 0
+                - scales:
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                  angles:
+                    - 0
+                    - 355
+                    - 0
+                - scales:
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                  angles:
+                    - 0
+                    - 0
+                    - 330
+                - scales:
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                  angles:
+                    - 0
+                    - 0
+                    - 300
+                - scales:
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                    - 1
+                  angles:
+                    - 0
+                    - 0
+                    - 270
+      responses:
+        '201':
+          description: |
+            Successful add more movement data into a specified moving feature.
+          headers:
+            Location:
+              description: A URI of the newly added resource
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                example:
+        '400':
+          description: A query parameter was not validly used.
+        '404':
+          description: |
+            - A collection with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}:
+    delete:
+      operationId: deleteTemporalPrimitiveGeometry
+      summary: Delete a singe temporal primitive geometry
+      description: |
+        The temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId` SHOULD be deleted.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalGeometry
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tGeometryId'
+      responses:
+        '204':
+          description: Successfully deleted.
+        '404':
+          description: |
+            - A collection with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a temporal primitive geometry with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/distance:
+    get:
+      operationId: getDistanceOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry
+      summary: Get a time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry
+      description: |
+        A user can get time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.
+        When `date-time` query parameter is provided, this operation will return a single distance value according to the specified date and time in the `data-time` parameter.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalGeometryQuery
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tGeometryId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/date-time'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/DistanceQuery'
+        '400':
+          description: A query parameter was not validly used.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/velocity:
+    get:
+      operationId: getVelocityOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry
+      summary: Get a time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry
+      description: |
+        A user can get time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.
+        When `date-time` query parameter is provided, this operation will return a single velocity value according to the specified date and time in the `data-time` parameter.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalGeometryQuery
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tGeometryId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/date-time'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/VelocityQuery'
+        '400':
+          description: A query parameter was not validly used.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/acceleration:
+    get:
+      operationId: getAccelerationOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry
+      summary: Get a time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry
+      description: |
+        A user can get time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.
+        When `date-time` query parameter is provided, this operation will return a single acceleration value according to the specified date and time in the `data-time` parameter.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalGeometryQuery
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tGeometryId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/date-time'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/AccelerationQuery'
+        '400':
+          description: A query parameter was not validly used.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties:
+    get:
+      operationId: retrieveTemporalProperties
+      summary: Retrieve a set of the temporal property data
+      description: |
+        A user can retrieve the static information of the temporal property data that included a single moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.
+        The static data of a temporal property is not included temporal values (property `valueSequence`).
+        Also a user can retrieve the sub sequence of the temporal information of the temporal property data for the specified time interval with `subTemporalValue` query parameter. 
+        In this case, `temporalProperties` property schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalProperty
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/datetime'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/limit'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue-description'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/TemporalProperties'
+        '400':
+          description: A query parameter was not validly used.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    post:
+      operationId: insertTemporalProperty
+      summary: Add temporal property data
+      description: |
+        A user SHOULD add new temporal property data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.
+        The request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalProperty
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+      requestBody:
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperties'
+            example:
+              - datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z'
+                length:
+                  type: Measure
+                  form:
+                  values:
+                    - 1
+                    - 2.4
+                    - 1
+                  interpolation: Linear
+                discharge:
+                  type: Measure
+                  form: MQS
+                  values:
+                    - 3
+                    - 4
+                    - 5
+                  interpolation: Step
+              - datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z'
+                camera:
+                  type: Image
+                  values:
+                    -
+                    - iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......
+                  interpolation: Discrete
+                labels:
+                  type: Text
+                  values:
+                    - car
+                    - human
+                  interpolation: Discrete
+      responses:
+        '201':
+          description: |
+            Successful add more temporal property into a specified moving feature.
+          headers:
+            Locations:
+              description: A list of URI of the newly added resources
+              schema:
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: string
+                example:
+                  -
+                  -
+                  -
+                  -
+        '404':
+          description: |
+            - A collection with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}:
+    get:
+      operationId: retrieveTemporalProperty
+      summary: Retrieve a temporal property
+      description: |
+        A user can retrieve only the temporal values with a specified name `tPropertyName` of temporal property.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalProperty
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tPropertyName'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/datetime'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/leaf-description'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue-description'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/TemporalProperty'
+        '400':
+          description: A query parameter was not validly used.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    post:
+      operationId: insertTemporalPrimitiveValue
+      summary: Add temporal primitive value data
+      description: |
+        A user SHOULD add more temporal primitive value data into a temporal property with id `tPropertyName`.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalProperty
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tPropertyName'
+      requestBody:
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveValue'
+            example:
+              datetimes:
+                - '2011-07-15T08:00:00Z'
+                - '2011-07-15T08:00:01Z'
+                - '2011-07-15T08:00:02Z'
+              values:
+                - 0
+                - 20
+                - 50
+              interpolation: Linear
+      responses:
+        '201':
+          description: |
+            Successful add more temporal primitive value data into a specified temporal property.
+        '404':
+          description: |
+            - A collection with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+    delete:
+      operationId: deleteTemporalProperty
+      summary: Delete a specified temporal property
+      description: |
+        The temporal property with id `tPropertyName` SHOULD be deleted.
+      tags:
+        - TemporalProperty
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collectionId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/mFeatureId'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tPropertyName'
+      responses:
+        '204':
+          description: Successfully deleted.
+        '404':
+          description: |
+            - A collection with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.
+            - Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.
+        '500':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
+  schemas:
+    link:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - href
+        - rel
+      properties:
+        href:
+          type: string
+          example:
+        rel:
+          type: string
+          example: alternate
+        type:
+          type: string
+          example: application/geo+json
+        hreflang:
+          type: string
+          example: en
+        title:
+          type: string
+          example: Trierer Strasse 70, 53115 Bonn
+        length:
+          type: integer
+    landingPage:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - links
+      properties:
+        title:
+          type: string
+          example: Moving features data server
+        description:
+          type: string
+          example: Access to data about moving features
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+    exception:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - code
+      properties:
+        code:
+          type: string
+        description:
+          type: string
+    confClasses:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - conformsTo
+      properties:
+        conformsTo:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: string
+            example:
+              -
+              -
+              -
+    extent:
+      description: |-
+        The extent of the features in the collection. In the Core only spatial and temporal
+        extents are specified. Extensions may add additional members to represent other
+        extents, for example, thermal or pressure ranges.
+        An array of extents is provided for each extent type (spatial, temporal). The first item
+        in the array describes the overall extent of the data. All subsequent items describe more
+        precise extents, e.g., to identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the
+        overall extent will only need to access the first extent in the array.
+      type: object
+      properties:
+        spatial:
+          description: The spatial extent of the features in the collection.
+          type: object
+          properties:
+            bbox:
+              description: |-
+                One or more bounding boxes that describe the spatial extent of the dataset.
+                In the Core only a single bounding box is supported.
+                Extensions may support additional areas.
+                The first bounding box describes the overall spatial
+                extent of the data. All subsequent bounding boxes describe
+                more precise bounding boxes, e.g., to identify clusters of data.
+                Clients only interested in the overall spatial extent will
+                only need to access the first bounding box in the array.
+              type: array
+              minItems: 1
+              items:
+                description: |-
+                  Each bounding box is provided as four or six numbers, depending on
+                  whether the coordinate reference system includes a vertical axis
+                  (height or depth):
+                  * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 1
+                  * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 2
+                  * Minimum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional)
+                  * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 1
+                  * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 2
+                  * Maximum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional)
+                  If the value consists of four numbers, the coordinate reference system is
+                  WGS 84 longitude/latitude (
+                  unless a different coordinate reference system is specified in `crs`.
+                  If the value consists of six numbers, the coordinate reference system is WGS 84
+                  longitude/latitude/ellipsoidal height (
+                  unless a different coordinate reference system is specified in `crs`.
+                  For WGS 84 longitude/latitude the values are in most cases the sequence of
+                  minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude and maximum latitude.
+                  However, in cases where the box spans the antimeridian the first value
+                  (west-most box edge) is larger than the third value (east-most box edge).
+                  If the vertical axis is included, the third and the sixth number are
+                  the bottom and the top of the 3-dimensional bounding box.
+                  If a feature has multiple spatial geometry properties, it is the decision of the
+                  server whether only a single spatial geometry property is used to determine
+                  the extent or all relevant geometries.
+                type: array
+                oneOf:
+                  - minItems: 4
+                    maxItems: 4
+                  - minItems: 6
+                    maxItems: 6
+                items:
+                  type: number
+                example:
+                  - -180
+                  - -90
+                  - 180
+                  - 90
+            crs:
+              description: |-
+                Coordinate reference system of the coordinates in the spatial extent
+                (property `bbox`). The default reference system is WGS 84 longitude/latitude.
+                In the Core the only other supported coordinate reference system is
+                WGS 84 longitude/latitude/ellipsoidal height for coordinates with height.
+                Extensions may support additional coordinate reference systems and add
+                additional enum values.
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                -
+                -
+              default:
+        temporal:
+          description: The temporal extent of the features in the collection.
+          type: object
+          properties:
+            interval:
+              description: |-
+                One or more time intervals that describe the temporal extent of the dataset.
+                In the Core only a single time interval is supported.
+                Extensions may support multiple intervals.
+                The first time interval describes the overall
+                temporal extent of the data. All subsequent time intervals describe
+                more precise time intervals, e.g., to identify clusters of data.
+                Clients only interested in the overall temporal extent will only need
+                to access the first time interval in the array (a pair of lower and upper
+                bound instants).
+              type: array
+              minItems: 1
+              items:
+                description: |-
+                  Begin and end times of the time interval. The timestamps are in the
+                  temporal coordinate reference system specified in `trs`. By default
+                  this is the Gregorian calendar.
+                  The value `null` at start or end is supported and indicates a half-bounded interval.
+                type: array
+                minItems: 2
+                maxItems: 2
+                items:
+                  type: string
+                  format: date-time
+                  nullable: true
+                example:
+                  - '2011-11-11T12:22:11Z'
+                  - null
+            trs:
+              description: |-
+                Coordinate reference system of the coordinates in the temporal extent
+                (property `interval`). The default reference system is the Gregorian calendar.
+                In the Core this is the only supported temporal coordinate reference system.
+                Extensions may support additional temporal coordinate reference systems and add
+                additional enum values.
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                -
+              default:
+    collection:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - id
+        - links
+        - itemType
+      properties:
+        id:
+          description: identifier of the collection used, for example, in URIs
+          type: string
+          example: address
+        title:
+          description: human readable title of the collection
+          type: string
+          example: address
+        description:
+          description: a description of the features in the collection
+          type: string
+          example: An address.
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+          example:
+            - href:
+              rel: item
+            - href:
+              rel: describedby
+              type: text/html
+        extent:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/extent'
+        itemType:
+          description: indicator about the type of the items in the collection
+          type: string
+          default: movingfeature
+        crs:
+          description: the list of coordinate reference systems supported by the service
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: string
+          default:
+            -
+          example:
+            -
+            -
+        updateFrequency:
+          description: a time interval of sampling location. The unit is millisecond.
+          type: number
+    collections:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - collections
+        - links
+      properties:
+        collections:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection'
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+    collection-2:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - itemType
+      properties:
+        title:
+          description: human readable title of the collection
+          type: string
+        updateFrequency:
+          description: a time interval of sampling location. The unit is millisecond.
+          type: number
+        description:
+          description: any description
+          type: string
+        itemType:
+          description: indicator about the type of the items in the moving features collection (the default value is 'movingfeature').
+          type: string
+          default: movingfeature
+    motionCurve:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding MotionCurve Object
+      title: MF-JSON MotionCurve
+      oneOf:
+        - type: string
+          enum:
+            - Discrete
+            - Step
+            - Linear
+            - Quadratic
+            - Cubic
+          default: Linear
+        - type: string
+          format: uri
+    namedCRS:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding NamedCRS Object
+      title: MF-JSON NamedCRS
+      type: object
+      nullable: true
+      required:
+        - type
+        - properties
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - Name
+        properties:
+          type: object
+          additionalProperties: false
+          required:
+            - name
+          properties:
+            name:
+              type: string
+              default: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
+    linkedCRS:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding LinkedCRS Object
+      title: MF-JSON LinkedCRS
+      type: object
+      nullable: true
+      required:
+        - type
+        - properties
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - Link
+        properties:
+          type: object
+          required:
+            - href
+            - type
+          properties:
+            href:
+              type: string
+              format: uri
+            type:
+              type: string
+    crs:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding CoordinateReferenceSystem Object
+      title: MF-JSON CRS
+      oneOf:
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/namedCRS'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/linkedCRS'
+    trs:
+      description: The "trs" member in MovingFeature object
+      title: MF-JSON TRS
+      oneOf:
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/linkedCRS'
+        - type: object
+          nullable: true
+          required:
+            - type
+            - properties
+          properties:
+            type:
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - Name
+            properties:
+              type: object
+              additionalProperties: false
+              required:
+                - name
+              properties:
+                name:
+                  type: string
+                  default: urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601
+    temporalPrimitiveGeometry:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding TemporalPrimitiveGeometry Object
+      title: MF-JSON TemporalPrimitiveGeometry
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - coordinates
+        - datetimes
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - MovingPoint
+            - MovingLineString
+            - MovingPolygon
+            - MovingPointCloud
+        coordinates:
+          type: array
+          minItems: 2
+          items:
+            oneOf:
+              - title: pointGeoJSON coordinates
+                type: array
+                minItems: 2
+                items:
+                  type: number
+              - title: linestringGeoJSON coordinates
+                type: array
+                minItems: 2
+                items:
+                  type: array
+                  minItems: 2
+                  items:
+                    type: number
+              - title: polygonGeoJSON coordinates
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: array
+                  minItems: 4
+                  items:
+                    type: array
+                    minItems: 2
+                    items:
+                      type: number
+              - title: multipointGeoJSON coordinates
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: array
+                  minItems: 2
+                  items:
+                    type: number
+        datetimes:
+          type: array
+          uniqueItems: true
+          minItems: 2
+          items:
+            type: string
+        interpolation:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/motionCurve'
+        base:
+          type: object
+          nullable: true
+          required:
+            - href
+            - type
+          properties:
+            href:
+              type: string
+              format: uri
+            type:
+              type: string
+        orientations:
+          type: array
+          nullable: true
+          items:
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - scales
+              - angles
+            properties:
+              scales:
+                type: array
+                oneOf:
+                  - minItems: 2
+                    maxItems: 2
+                  - minItems: 3
+                    maxItems: 3
+                items:
+                  type: number
+              angles:
+                type: array
+                oneOf:
+                  - minItems: 2
+                    maxItems: 2
+                  - minItems: 3
+                    maxItems: 3
+                items:
+                  type: number
+        crs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/crs'
+        trs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/trs'
+    temporalComplexGeometry:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding TemporalComplexGeometry Object
+      title: MF-JSON TemporalComplexGeometry
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - prisms
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          default: MovingGeometryCollection
+        prisms:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveGeometry'
+        crs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/crs'
+        trs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/trs'
+    temporalGeometry:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding TemporalGeometry Object
+      title: MF-JSON TemporalGeometry
+      oneOf:
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveGeometry'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalComplexGeometry'
+    parametricValues:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding ParametricValues Object
+      title: MF-JSON ParametricValues
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - datetimes
+      properties:
+        datetimes:
+          type: array
+          uniqueItems: true
+          minItems: 2
+          items:
+            type: string
+            format: date-time
+      patternProperties:
+        ^S_:
+          oneOf:
+            - type: object
+              required:
+                - type
+                - values
+              properties:
+                type:
+                  type: string
+                  enum:
+                    - Measure
+                values:
+                  type: array
+                  nullable: true
+                  items:
+                    type: number
+                interpolation:
+                  oneOf:
+                    - type: string
+                      enum:
+                        - Discrete
+                        - Step
+                        - Linear
+                        - Regression
+                      default: Linear
+                    - type: string
+                      format: uri
+                description:
+                  type: string
+                form:
+                  oneOf:
+                    - type: string
+                      minLength: 3
+                      maxLength: 3
+                    - type: string
+                      format: uri
+            - type: object
+              required:
+                - type
+                - values
+              properties:
+                type:
+                  type: string
+                  enum:
+                    - Text
+                values:
+                  type: array
+                  nullable: true
+                  items:
+                    oneOf:
+                      - type: string
+                      - type: boolean
+                interpolation:
+                  oneOf:
+                    - type: string
+                      enum:
+                        - Discrete
+                        - Step
+                        - Linear
+                        - Regression
+                      default: Linear
+                    - type: string
+                      format: uri
+                description:
+                  type: string
+            - type: object
+              required:
+                - type
+                - values
+              properties:
+                type:
+                  type: string
+                  enum:
+                    - Image
+                values:
+                  type: array
+                  nullable: true
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                interpolation:
+                  oneOf:
+                    - type: string
+                      enum:
+                        - Discrete
+                        - Step
+                        - Linear
+                        - Regression
+                      default: Linear
+                    - type: string
+                      format: uri
+                description:
+                  type: string
+    temporalProperties:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding TemporalProperties Object
+      title: MF-JSON TemporalProperties
+      type: array
+      nullable: true
+      items:
+        $ref: '#/components/schemas/parametricValues'
+    bbox:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding BoundingBox Object
+      title: MF-JSON BoundingBox
+      type: array
+      minItems: 4
+      nullable: true
+      items:
+        type: number
+    lifeSpan:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding LifeSpan Object
+      title: MF-JSON LifeSpan
+      type: array
+      minItems: 2
+      maxItems: 2
+      uniqueItems: true
+      items:
+        type: string
+        nullable: true
+    pointGeoJSON:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - coordinates
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - Point
+        coordinates:
+          type: array
+          minItems: 2
+          items:
+            type: number
+    multipointGeoJSON:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - coordinates
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - MultiPoint
+        coordinates:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: array
+            minItems: 2
+            items:
+              type: number
+    linestringGeoJSON:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - coordinates
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - LineString
+        coordinates:
+          type: array
+          minItems: 2
+          items:
+            type: array
+            minItems: 2
+            items:
+              type: number
+    multilinestringGeoJSON:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - coordinates
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - MultiLineString
+        coordinates:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: array
+            minItems: 2
+            items:
+              type: array
+              minItems: 2
+              items:
+                type: number
+    polygonGeoJSON:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - coordinates
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - Polygon
+        coordinates:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: array
+            minItems: 4
+            items:
+              type: array
+              minItems: 2
+              items:
+                type: number
+    multipolygonGeoJSON:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - coordinates
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - MultiPolygon
+        coordinates:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: array
+              minItems: 4
+              items:
+                type: array
+                minItems: 2
+                items:
+                  type: number
+    geometryGeoJSON:
+      oneOf:
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/pointGeoJSON'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/multipointGeoJSON'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/linestringGeoJSON'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/multilinestringGeoJSON'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/polygonGeoJSON'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/multipolygonGeoJSON'
+        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/geometrycollectionGeoJSON'
+    geometrycollectionGeoJSON:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - geometries
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - GeometryCollection
+        geometries:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/geometryGeoJSON'
+    movingFeature:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - id
+        - type
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - Feature
+        temporalGeometry:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalGeometry'
+        temporalProperties:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperties'
+        crs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/crs'
+        trs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/trs'
+        bbox:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox'
+        time:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/lifeSpan'
+        geometry:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/geometryGeoJSON'
+        properties:
+          type: object
+          nullable: true
+        id:
+          description: An identifier for the feature
+          oneOf:
+            - type: string
+            - type: integer
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+    movingFeatures:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - features
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - FeatureCollection
+        features:
+          type: array
+          nullable: true
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/movingFeature'
+        crs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/crs'
+        trs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/trs'
+        bbox:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox'
+        time:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/lifeSpan'
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+        timeStamp:
+          type: string
+          format: date-time
+        numberMatched:
+          type: integer
+          minimum: 0
+        numberReturned:
+          type: integer
+          minimum: 0
+    movingFeature-2:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding MovingFeature Object
+      title: MF-JSON MovingFeature
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - temporalGeometry
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - Feature
+        temporalGeometry:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalGeometry'
+        temporalProperties:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperties'
+        crs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/crs'
+        trs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/trs'
+        bbox:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox'
+        time:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/lifeSpan'
+        geometry:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/geometryGeoJSON'
+        properties:
+          type: object
+          nullable: true
+        id:
+          description: An identifier for the feature
+          oneOf:
+            - type: string
+            - type: integer
+    movingFeatureCollection:
+      description: MF-JSON Prism encoding MovingFeatureCollection Object
+      title: MF-JSON MovingFeatureCollection
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - features
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - FeatureCollection
+        features:
+          type: array
+          minItems: 1
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/movingFeature-2'
+        crs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/crs'
+        trs:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/trs'
+        bbox:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox'
+        time:
+          $ref: '#/components/schemas/lifeSpan'
+        label:
+          type: string
+          nullable: true
+    temporalGeometrySequence:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - type
+        - geometrySequence
+      properties:
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - TemporalGeometrySequence
+        geometrySequence:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveGeometry'
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+        timeStamp:
+          type: string
+          format: date-time
+        numberMatched:
+          type: integer
+          minimum: 0
+        numberReturned:
+          type: integer
+          minimum: 0
+    temporalPrimitiveValue:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - datetimes
+        - values
+        - interpolation
+      properties:
+        datetimes:
+          type: array
+          uniqueItems: true
+          minItems: 2
+          items:
+            type: string
+            format: date-time
+        values:
+          oneOf:
+            - type: number
+            - type: string
+            - type: boolean
+        interpolation:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - Discrete
+            - Step
+            - Linear
+            - Regression
+    temporalProperty:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - name
+        - type
+      properties:
+        name:
+          type: string
+        type:
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - TBoolean
+            - TText
+            - TInteger
+            - TReal
+            - TImage
+        form:
+          oneOf:
+            - type: string
+              format: uri
+            - type: string
+              minLength: 3
+              maxLength: 3
+        valueSequence:
+          type: array
+          uniqueItems: true
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveValue'
+        description:
+          type: string
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+    temporalProperties-2:
+      type: object
+      required:
+        - temporalProperties
+      properties:
+        temporalProperties:
+          oneOf:
+            - $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperties'
+            - type: array
+              items:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperty'
+        links:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/link'
+        timeStamp:
+          type: string
+          format: date-time
+        numberMatched:
+          type: integer
+          minimum: 0
+        numberReturned:
+          type: integer
+          minimum: 0
+  responses:
+    LandingPage:
+      description: The links to the API capabilities.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/landingPage'
+    ServerError:
+      description: A server error occurred.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/exception'
+          example:
+            code: '500'
+            description: Server Internal Error
+    Conformance:
+      description: The URIs of all requirements classes supported by the server.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/confClasses'
+    Collections:
+      description: A list of catalogs about collections of moving features.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/collections'
+          example:
+            collections:
+              - id: mfc-1
+                title: MovingFeatureCollection_1
+                description: a collection of moving features to manage data in a distinct (physical or logical) space
+                itemType: movingfeature
+                updateFrequency: 1000
+                extent:
+                  spatial:
+                    bbox:
+                      - -180
+                      - -90
+                      - 190
+                      - 90
+                    crs:
+                  temporal:
+                    interval:
+                      - '2011-11-11T12:22:11Z'
+                      - '2012-11-24T12:32:43Z'
+                    trs:
+                links:
+                  - href:
+                    rel: self
+                    type: application/json
+            links:
+              - href:
+                rel: self
+                type: application/json
+    Collection:
+      description: The metadata being returned.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection'
+          example:
+            id: mfc-1
+            title: moving_feature_collection_sample
+            itemType: movingfeature
+            updateFrequency: 1000
+            extent:
+              spatial:
+                bbox:
+                  - -180
+                  - -90
+                  - 190
+                  - 90
+                crs:
+                  -
+              temporal:
+                interval:
+                  - '2011-11-11T12:22:11Z'
+                  - '2012-11-24T12:32:43Z'
+                trs:
+                  -
+            links:
+              - href:
+                rel: self
+                type: application/json
+    MovingFeatures:
+      description: A list of static data of moving feature.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/movingFeatures'
+          example:
+            type: FeatureCollection
+            features:
+              - id: mf-1
+                type: Feature
+                geometry:
+                  type: LineString
+                  coordinates:
+                    - - 139.757083
+                      - 35.627701
+                      - 0.5
+                    - - 139.757399
+                      - 35.627701
+                      - 2
+                    - - 139.757555
+                      - 35.627688
+                      - 4
+                    - - 139.757651
+                      - 35.627596
+                      - 4
+                    - - 139.757716
+                      - 35.627483
+                      - 4
+                properties:
+                  label: car
+                  state: test1
+                  video:
+                bbox:
+                  - 139.757083
+                  - 35.627483
+                  - 0
+                  - 139.757716
+                  - 35.627701
+                  - 4.5
+                time:
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:01Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T01:11:22Z'
+                crs:
+                  type: Name
+                  properties: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
+                trs:
+                  type: Name
+                  properties: urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601
+            crs:
+              type: Name
+              properties: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
+            trs:
+              type: Name
+              properties: urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601
+            links:
+              - href:
+                rel: self
+                type: application/geo+json
+              - href:
+                rel: next
+                type: application/geo+json
+            timeStamp: '2020-01-01T12:00:00Z'
+            numberMatched: 100
+            numberReturned: 1
+    MovingFeature:
+      description: A moving feature static data.
+      content:
+        application/geo+json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/movingFeature'
+          example:
+            id: mf-1
+            type: Feature
+            geometry:
+              type: LineString
+              coordinates:
+                - - 139.757083
+                  - 35.627701
+                  - 0.5
+                - - 139.757399
+                  - 35.627701
+                  - 2
+                - - 139.757555
+                  - 35.627688
+                  - 4
+                - - 139.757651
+                  - 35.627596
+                  - 4
+                - - 139.757716
+                  - 35.627483
+                  - 4
+            properties:
+              name: car1
+              state: test1
+              video:
+            bbox:
+              - 139.757083
+              - 35.627483
+              - 0
+              - 139.757716
+              - 35.627701
+              - 4.5
+            time:
+              - '2011-07-14T22:01:01Z'
+              - '2011-07-15T01:11:22Z'
+            crs:
+              type: Name
+              properties: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
+            trs:
+              type: Name
+              properties: urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601
+    TemporalGeometrySequence:
+      description: A TemporalGeometrySequence data.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalGeometrySequence'
+          example:
+            type: TemporalGeometrySequence
+            geometrySequence:
+              - id: tg-1
+                type: MovingPoint
+                datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:02Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:03Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:04Z'
+                coordinates:
+                  - - 139.757399
+                    - 35.627701
+                    - 2
+                  - - 139.757555
+                    - 35.627688
+                    - 4
+                  - - 139.757651
+                    - 35.627596
+                    - 4
+                interpolation: Linear
+                base:
+                  type: glTF
+                  href:
+                orientations:
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 355
+                      - 0
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 0
+                      - 330
+                  - scales:
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                      - 1
+                    angles:
+                      - 0
+                      - 0
+                      - 300
+                crs:
+                  type: Name
+                  properties: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84
+                trs:
+                  type: Name
+                  properties: urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601
+            links:
+              - href:
+                rel: self
+                type: application/json
+              - href:
+                rel: next
+                type: application/json
+            timeStamp: '2021-09-01T12:00:00Z'
+            numberMatched: 100
+            numberReturned: 1
+    DistanceQuery:
+      description: A temporal property data that represents a time-to-distance curve of specified temporal primitive geometry.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperty'
+          example:
+            name: distance
+            type: TReal
+            form: MTR
+            valueSequence:
+              - datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:00Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:01Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:02Z'
+                values:
+                  - 0
+                  - 10
+                  - 20
+                interpolation: Linear
+    VelocityQuery:
+      description: A temporal property data that represents a time-to-velocity curve of specified temporal primitive geometry.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperty'
+          example:
+            name: velocity
+            type: TReal
+            form: KMH
+            valueSequence:
+              - datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:00Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:01Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:02Z'
+                values:
+                  - 0
+                  - 10
+                  - 20
+                interpolation: Linear
+    AccelerationQuery:
+      description: A temporal property data that represents a time-to-acceleration curve of specified temporal primitive geometry.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperty'
+          example:
+            name: acceleration
+            type: TReal
+            form: KMH
+            valueSequence:
+              - datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:00Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:01Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:02Z'
+                values:
+                  - 0
+                  - 10
+                  - 20
+                interpolation: Linear
+    TemporalProperties:
+      description: A list of static (or temporal) data of TemporalProperty.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperties-2'
+          example:
+            temporalProperties:
+              - datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:06.000Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:07.000Z'
+                  - '2011-07-14T22:01:08.000Z'
+                length:
+                  type: Measure
+                  form:
+                  values:
+                    - 1
+                    - 2.4
+                    - 1
+                  interpolation: Linear
+                speed:
+                  type: Measure
+                  form: KMH
+                  values:
+                    - 65
+                    - 70
+                    - 80
+                  interpolation: Linear
+            links:
+              - href:
+                rel: self
+                type: application/json
+              - href:
+                rel: next
+                type: application/json
+            timeStamp: '2021-09-01T12:00:00Z'
+            numberMatched: 10
+            numberReturned: 2
+    TemporalProperty:
+      description: A (subsequence of) the temporal property data.
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/temporalProperty'
+          example:
+            name: speed
+            type: TReal
+            form: KMH
+            valueSequence:
+              - datetimes:
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:00Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:01Z'
+                  - '2011-07-15T08:00:02Z'
+                values:
+                  - 0
+                  - 20
+                  - 50
+                interpolation: Linear
+  parameters:
+    collectionId:
+      name: collectionId
+      in: path
+      description: local identifier of a collection
+      required: true
+      schema:
+        type: string
+    bbox:
+      name: bbox
+      in: query
+      description: |-
+        Only features that have a geometry that intersects the bounding box are selected.
+        The bounding box is provided as four or six numbers, depending on whether the
+        coordinate reference system includes a vertical axis (height or depth):
+        * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 1
+        * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 2
+        * Minimum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional)
+        * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 1
+        * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 2
+        * Maximum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional)
+        If the value consists of four numbers, the coordinate reference system is
+        WGS 84 longitude/latitude (
+        unless a different coordinate reference system is specified in the parameter `bbox-crs`.
+        If the value consists of six numbers, the coordinate reference system is WGS 84 
+        longitude/latitude/ellipsoidal height (
+        unless a different coordinate reference system is specified in the parameter `bbox-crs`.
+        The query parameter `bbox-crs` is specified in OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate 
+        Reference Systems by Reference.
+        For WGS 84 longitude/latitude the values are in most cases the sequence of
+        minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude and maximum latitude.
+        However, in cases where the box spans the antimeridian the first value
+        (west-most box edge) is larger than the third value (east-most box edge).
+        If the vertical axis is included, the third and the sixth number are the
+        bottom and the top of the 3-dimensional bounding box.
+        If a feature has multiple spatial geometry properties, it is the decision of the
+        server whether only a single spatial geometry property is used to determine
+        the extent or all relevant geometries.
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: array
+        oneOf:
+          - minItems: 4
+            maxItems: 4
+          - minItems: 6
+            maxItems: 6
+        items:
+          type: number
+      style: form
+      explode: false
+    datetime:
+      name: datetime
+      in: query
+      description: |-
+        Either a date-time or an interval. Date and time expressions adhere to RFC 3339. 
+        Intervals may be bounded or half-bounded (double-dots at start or end).
+        Examples:
+        * A date-time: "2018-02-12T23:20:50Z"
+        * A bounded interval: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/2018-03-18T12:31:12Z"
+        * Half-bounded intervals: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/.." or "../2018-03-18T12:31:12Z"
+        Only features that have temporal information that intersects the value of `datetime` are selected.
+        If a feature has multiple temporal properties, it is the decision of the server whether only a single temporal property is used to determine the extent or all relevant temporal properties.
+      required: true
+      schema:
+        type: string
+      style: form
+      explode: false
+    limit:
+      name: limit
+      in: query
+      description: |-
+        The optional limit parameter limits the number of items that are presented in the response document.
+        Only items are counted that are on the first level of the collection in the response document.
+        Nested objects contained within the explicitly requested items shall not be counted.
+        Minimum = 1. Maximum = 10000. Default = 10.
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: integer
+        minimum: 1
+        maximum: 10000
+        default: 10
+      style: form
+      explode: false
+    subtrajectory-description:
+      name: subTrajectory
+      in: query
+      required: false
+      description: |-
+        The `subTrajectory` parameter is a boolean value used with the `datetime` parameter.
+        If the `subTrajectory` is "true", 
+        * the `datetime` must be a bounded interval, not half-bounded intervals or a date-time. 
+        * the `datetime` represents a specified time interval (new start time and new end time)
+        * only features with a temporal geometry intersecting the given time interval will return.
+        The `subTrajectory` query implements *subTrajectory* operation, which is defined in the [OGC Moving Feature Access](
+        This operation returns only a subsequence of temporal geometry within a time interval contained in the `datetime` parameter, using interpolated trajectory according to the `interpolation` property.
+        If the `subTrajectory` parameter is provided with a `bbox` parameter, it will only apply to resources that intersect with a `bbox` parameter. 
+        The `subTrajectory` parameter must not be used with the `leaf` parameter. 
+        Only one of these parameters can be used in the HTTP GET operation.
+      schema:
+        type: boolean
+      style: form
+      explode: false
+    mFeatureId:
+      name: mFeatureId
+      in: path
+      description: local identifier of a moving feature
+      required: true
+      schema:
+        type: string
+    leaf-description:
+      name: leaf
+      in: query
+      required: false
+      description: |-
+        The `leaf` is provided as a sequence of monotonic increasing instants with date-time strings.
+        Only features that have a temporal geometry and property that intersects the given date-time are selected.
+        The `leaf` operation implements *_pointAtTime_* operation which defined in the OGC Moving Feature Access.
+        This operation returns only temporal geometry coordinates (or temporal property values) 
+        at each date-time included in the `leaf` parameter, using interpolated trajectory according to the `interpolation` property.
+        If the `leaf` parameter is provided with a `bbox` or (and) a `datetime` parameter, 
+        it will only apply to resources that intersect with a `bbox` or (and) a `datetime` parameter. 
+        The `leaf` parameter shall not be used with the `subTrajectory` and `subTemporalValue` parameter. 
+        Only one of those parameters can be used in the HTTP GET operation.
+      schema:
+        type: array
+        uniqueItems: true
+        minItems: 1
+        items:
+          type: string
+          format: date-time
+      style: form
+      explode: false
+    tGeometryId:
+      name: tGeometryId
+      in: path
+      description: local identifier of a temporal primitive geometry
+      required: true
+      schema:
+        type: string
+    date-time:
+      name: date-time
+      in: query
+      description: |-
+        A date-time. Date and time expressions adhere to RFC 3339. 
+        Examples:
+        * A date-time: "2018-02-12T23:20:50Z"
+        The date-time parameter defines the specified date and time to return the temporal value from the time-to-distance (or time-to-velocity or time-to-acceleration) curve.
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: string
+        format: date-time
+      style: form
+      explode: false
+    subtemporalvalue-description:
+      name: subTemporalValue
+      in: query
+      required: false
+      description: |-
+        The `subTemporalValue` parameter is a boolean value used with the `datetime` parameter.
+        If the `subTemporalValue` is "true", 
+        * the `datetime` must be a bounded interval, not half-bounded intervals or a date-time. 
+        * the `datetime` represents a specified time interval (new start time and new end time)
+        * only features with a temporal property intersecting the given time interval will return.
+        * it returns only the subsequence of temporal property value within a time interval contained in the `subTemporalValue` parameter, using an interpolated time-to-value curve of temporal property according to the `interpolation` property.
+        The `subTemporalValue` parameter must not be used with the `leaf` parameter. 
+        Only one of these parameters can be used in the HTTP GET operation.
+      schema:
+        type: boolean
+      style: form
+      explode: false
+    tPropertyName:
+      name: tPropertyName
+      in: path
+      description: local identifier of a temporal property
+      required: true
+      schema:
+        type: string
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 92126c05d..f3f82d39a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -491,12 +491,13 @@ def test_query_post_temporalvalue(context, temporalvalue_data):
     pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
-    pmdb_provider.post_temporalvalue(context.get('collection_id'),
-                                     context.get('mfeature_id'),
-                                     context.get('tProperty_name'),
-                                     temporalvalue_data)
+    tvalue_id = pmdb_provider.post_temporalvalue(context.get('collection_id'),
+                                                 context.get('mfeature_id'),
+                                                 context.get('tProperty_name'),
+                                                 temporalvalue_data)
-    assert True
+    assert tvalue_id is not None
+    context['tvalue_id'] = tvalue_id
 def test_query_put_collection(context, update_collection_property):
@@ -795,9 +796,23 @@ def test_query_get_acceleration(context,
     assert value_sequence is not None
+def test_query_delete_temporalvalue(context):
+    restriction = "AND tvalue_id ='{0}'".format(
+        context.get('tvalue_id'))
+    pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    pmdb_provider.connect()
+    pmdb_provider.delete_temporalvalue(restriction)
+    assert True
 def test_query_delete_temporalproperties(context):
-    restriction = "AND tproperties_name ='{0}'".format(
-        context.get('tProperty_name'))
+    restriction = """AND collection_id ='{0}' AND mfeature_id ='{1}'
+                AND tproperties_name ='{2}'""".format(
+        context.get('collection_id'),
+        context.get('mfeature_id'),
+        context.get('tProperties_name'))
     pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()

From a7bb08d85e830aece83cb78c0a0125d82af57605 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 18:52:15 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 08/14] About Data publishing (MF-API) (#2)

Creating of MF-API documentation

* Creating RST files

* Creating test files used in the documentation

* Adjustment of DB settings
 docs/source/data-publishing/index.rst         |   1 +
 docs/source/data-publishing/ogcapi-mfapi.rst  | 125 ++++++++++
 docs/source/tour.rst                          |  64 +++++
 docs/source/transactions.rst                  |   5 +
 pygeoapi/provider/    |  29 ++-
 tests/data/mfapi_moving_feature.json          | 219 ++++++++++++++++++
 tests/data/mfapi_temporal_geometry.json       | 104 +++++++++
 tests/data/mfapi_temporal_properties.json     |  51 ++++
 .../mfapi_temporal_property_value_data.json   |  13 ++
 9 files changed, 601 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/source/data-publishing/ogcapi-mfapi.rst
 create mode 100644 tests/data/mfapi_moving_feature.json
 create mode 100644 tests/data/mfapi_temporal_geometry.json
 create mode 100644 tests/data/mfapi_temporal_properties.json
 create mode 100644 tests/data/mfapi_temporal_property_value_data.json

diff --git a/docs/source/data-publishing/index.rst b/docs/source/data-publishing/index.rst
index 78680c7f2..c92c7258f 100644
--- a/docs/source/data-publishing/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/data-publishing/index.rst
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ return back data to the pygeoapi API framework in a plug and play fashion.
+   ogcapi-mfapi
 .. seealso::
diff --git a/docs/source/data-publishing/ogcapi-mfapi.rst b/docs/source/data-publishing/ogcapi-mfapi.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f459d4fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/data-publishing/ogcapi-mfapi.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+.. _ogcapi-mfapi:
+Publishing data to OGC API - MF-API
+`OGC API - MF-API`_ provides provides a uniform way to access, communicate, and 
+anage data about moving features across different applications, data providers, 
+and data consumers.
+To add moving features data to pygeoapi for standard interfaces, 
+which is defined in the OGC API - MovingFeatures - Part 1:Core.
+you can use the dataset example in `Building Blocks specified in OGC API - Moving Features - Part 1 Core (1.0.0)`_ 
+as a baseline and modify accordingly.
+In order to register data for Moving features, the DB must be created and the related tables must be initially set up.
+.. note::
+   Requires Python packages pymeos
+Must have PostGIS installed and uuid-ossp
+.. code-block:: yaml
+   server:
+       manager:
+           name: PostgreSQL
+           connection:
+               host: localhost
+               port: 5432
+               database: mobilitydb
+               user: postgres
+               password: ${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD:-postgres}
+.. note::
+   To run the process, create a table with `DDL <>`_
+.. code-block:: sh
+   psql -U postgres -h -p 5432 mobilitydb < tests/data/mf-api.sql
+Processing examples
+.. note::
+  `Here <>`_ is the sample data specified by the -d option of the curl command.
+.. code-block:: sh
+   # Register metadata about a collection of moving features.
+   curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/collections \
+        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+        -d "{\"title\": \"moving_feature_collection_sample\",
+            \"updateFrequency\": 1000,
+            \"description\": \"example\",
+            \"itemType\": \"movingfeature\"
+            }"
+   # Retrieve catalogs of a moving features collection.
+   curl http://localhost:5000/collections
+   # Insert a set of moving features or a moving feature into a collection with id {collectionId}.
+   curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items \
+        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+        -d  @mfapi_moving_feature.json
+   # Access a static data of a moving feature with id {mFeatureId}.
+   curl http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}
+  # Add more movement data into a moving feature with id {mFeatureId}.
+    curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -d  @mfapi_temporal_geometry.json
+  # Retrieve the movement data of the single moving feature
+  curl http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence
+  # Get a time-to-(distance,velocity,acceleration) curve of a temporal primitive geometry
+  curl http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/distance
+  curl http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/velocity
+  curl http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/acceleration
+  # Add new temporal property data into a moving feature with id {mFeatureId}.
+  curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties \
+  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+  -d  @mfapi_temporal_properties.json
+  # Retrieve a set of the temporal property data
+  curl http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties
+  # Add temporal primitive value data.
+  curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName} \
+  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+  -d  @mfapi_temporal_property_value_data.json
+  # Retrieve a set of the temporal property data
+  curl http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}
+  # Delete a singe temporal primitive value
+  curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}/{tValueId}
+  # Delete a specified temporal property
+  curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}
+  # Delete a singe temporal primitive geometry
+  curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}
+  # Delete a single moving feature
+  curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}
+  # Delete the collection
+  curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/collections/{collectionId}
+.. _`OGC API - MF-API`:
+.. _`Building Blocks specified in OGC API - Moving Features - Part 1 Core (1.0.0)`:
+.. _`see website`:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/tour.rst b/docs/source/tour.rst
index 4fd4e51da..7fb1a30d6 100644
--- a/docs/source/tour.rst
+++ b/docs/source/tour.rst
@@ -253,3 +253,67 @@ discover what is supported by the server.
 .. _`Toronto, Ontario, Canada`:
 .. _`Swagger`:
 .. _`curl`:
+MF-API Tour
+The OGC API - Moving Features Standard is an extension of the OGC API - Common and the OGC API - Features Standards.
+MovingFeatures – Part 1: Core is described in the `here <>`_.
+MovingFeatures Collection Catalog
+Retrieve catalogs of a moving features collection.
+Retrieve the moving feature collection to access the static information of the moving feature by simple filtering and a limit.
+Access the static data of the moving feature with id {mFeatureId}. 
+The static data of a moving feature is not included temporal geometries and temporal properties.
+Retrieve the movement data of the single moving feature with id {mFeatureId}.
+Get a time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id {tGeometryId}.
+Retrieve the static information of the temporal property data that included a single moving feature with id {mFeatureId}. 
+The static data of a temporal property is not included temporal values (property values).
+.. seealso::
+   :ref:`ogcapi-mfapi` for more OGC API - MF-API request examples.
+Register metadata about a collection of moving features. (using `curl`_):
+.. code-block:: sh
+   curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/collections \
+      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+      -d "{\"title\": \"moving_feature_collection_sample\",
+         \"updateFrequency\": 1000,
+         \"description\": \"example\",
+         \"itemType\": \"movingfeature\"
+         }"
diff --git a/docs/source/transactions.rst b/docs/source/transactions.rst
index 4c6327174..e1096df41 100644
--- a/docs/source/transactions.rst
+++ b/docs/source/transactions.rst
@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@ Transactions
 pygeoapi supports the `OGC API - Features - Part 4: Create, Replace, Update and Delete`_ draft specification, allowing
 for transactional capabilities against feature and record data.
+Furthermore, pygeoapi supports the `OGC API - Moving Features - Part 1: Core`_  international standard, allowing
+for transactional capabilities against moving features.
 To enable transactions in pygeoapi, a given resource provider needs to be editable (via the configuration resource provider
 ``editable: true`` property).  Note that the feature or record provider MUST support create/update/delete.  See the
 :ref:`ogcapi-features` and :ref:`ogcapi-records` documentation for transaction support status of pygeoapi backends.
+For MF-API transactions, please refer :ref:`ogcapi-mfapi`
 Access control
@@ -17,3 +21,4 @@ It should be made clear that authentication and authorization is beyond the resp
 if a pygeoapi user enables transactions, they must provide access control explicitly via another service.
 .. _`OGC API - Features - Part 4: Create, Replace, Update and Delete`:
+.. _`OGC API - Moving Features - Part 1: Core`:
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/ b/pygeoapi/provider/
index c808613d4..4121e4b02 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/provider/
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/
@@ -11,21 +11,30 @@
 # from mobilitydb.psycopg import register
+# CREATE DATABASE mobilitydb
+#   WITH TEMPLATE = template0
+#   ENCODING = 'UTF8';
+# ALTER DATABASE mobilitydb OWNER TO postgres;
+# create table:
+# psql -U postgres -h -p 5432 mobilitydb <
+#   tests/data/mf-api.sql
 class PostgresMobilityDB:
-    # host = ''
+    host = ''
+    port = 5432
+    db = 'mobilitydb'
+    user = 'docker'
+    password = 'docker'
+    connection = None
+    # host = ''
     # port = 5432
     # db = 'mobilitydb'
-    # user = 'docker'
-    # password = 'docker'
+    # user = 'postgres'
+    # password = 'postgres'
     # connection = None
-    host = ''
-    port = 5432
-    db = 'mobility'
-    user = 'postgres'
-    password = 'postgres'
-    connection = None
     def __init__(self, datasource=None):
         PostgresMobilityDB Class constructor
diff --git a/tests/data/mfapi_moving_feature.json b/tests/data/mfapi_moving_feature.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ed99fa7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/mfapi_moving_feature.json
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+    "type": "Feature",
+    "crs": {
+        "type": "Name",
+        "properties": {
+            "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
+        }
+    },
+    "trs": {
+        "type": "Link",
+        "properties": {
+            "type": "OGCDEF",
+            "href": ""
+        }
+    },
+    "temporalGeometry": {
+        "type": "MovingPoint",
+        "datetimes": [
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:02Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:03Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:04Z",
+            "2011-07-14T22:01:05Z"
+        ],
+        "coordinates": [
+            [
+                139.757083,
+                35.627701,
+                0.5
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757399,
+                35.627701,
+                2
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757555,
+                35.627688,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757651,
+                35.627596,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757716,
+                35.627483,
+                4
+            ]
+        ],
+        "interpolation": "Linear",
+        "base": {
+            "type": "glTF",
+            "href": ""  
+        },
+        "orientations": [
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    0
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    355,
+                    0
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    330
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    300
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "scales": [
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "angles": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    270
+                ]
+            }
+        ]
+    },
+    "temporalProperties": [
+        {
+            "datetimes": [
+                "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z",
+                "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"
+            ],
+            "length": {
+                "type": "Measure",
+                "form": "",  
+                "values": [
+                    1,
+                    2.4,
+                    1
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Linear"
+            },
+            "discharge": {
+                "type": "Measure",
+                "form": "MQS",
+                "values": [
+                    3,
+                    4,
+                    5
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Step"
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "datetimes": [
+                1465621816590,
+                1465711526300
+            ],
+            "camera": {
+                "type": "Image",
+                "values": [
+                    "",  
+                    "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Discrete"
+            },
+            "labels": {
+                "type": "Text",
+                "values": [
+                    "car",
+                    "human"
+                ],
+                "interpolation": "Discrete"
+            }
+        }
+    ],
+    "geometry": {
+        "type": "LineString",
+        "coordinates": [
+            [
+                139.757083,
+                35.627701,
+                0.5
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757399,
+                35.627701,
+                2
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757555,
+                35.627688,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757651,
+                35.627596,
+                4
+            ],
+            [
+                139.757716,
+                35.627483,
+                4
+            ]
+        ]
+    },
+    "properties": {
+        "name": "car1",
+        "state": "test1",
+        "video": ""  
+    },
+    "bbox": [
+        139.757083,
+        35.627483,
+        0,
+        139.757716,
+        35.627701,
+        4.5
+    ],
+    "time": [
+        "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
+        "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"
+    ],
+    "id": "mf-1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_geometry.json b/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_geometry.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..386504de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_geometry.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+    "type": "MovingPoint",
+    "datetimes": [
+        "2011-07-14T22:01:06Z",
+        "2011-07-14T22:01:07Z",
+        "2011-07-14T22:01:08Z",
+        "2011-07-14T22:01:09Z",
+        "2011-07-14T22:01:10Z"
+    ],
+    "coordinates": [
+        [
+            139.757083,
+            35.627701,
+            0.5
+        ],
+        [
+            139.757399,
+            35.627701,
+            2
+        ],
+        [
+            139.757555,
+            35.627688,
+            4
+        ],
+        [
+            139.757651,
+            35.627596,
+            4
+        ],
+        [
+            139.757716,
+            35.627483,
+            4
+        ]
+    ],
+    "interpolation": "Linear",
+    "base": {
+        "type": "glTF",
+        "href": "" 
+    },
+    "orientations": [
+        {
+            "scales": [
+                1,
+                1,
+                1
+            ],
+            "angles": [
+                0,
+                0,
+                0
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "scales": [
+                1,
+                1,
+                1
+            ],
+            "angles": [
+                0,
+                355,
+                0
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "scales": [
+                1,
+                1,
+                1
+            ],
+            "angles": [
+                0,
+                0,
+                330
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "scales": [
+                1,
+                1,
+                1
+            ],
+            "angles": [
+                0,
+                0,
+                300
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "scales": [
+                1,
+                1,
+                1
+            ],
+            "angles": [
+                0,
+                0,
+                270
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_properties.json b/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_properties.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85f1e2a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_properties.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+    {
+        "datetimes": [
+            "2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z",
+            "2011-07-16T23:01:01.450Z",
+            "2011-07-17T00:01:01.450Z"
+        ],
+        "length": {
+            "type": "Measure",
+            "form": "",
+            "values": [
+                1,
+                2.4,
+                1
+            ],
+            "interpolation": "Linear"
+        },
+        "discharge": {
+            "type": "Measure",
+            "form": "MQS",
+            "values": [
+                3,
+                4,
+                5
+            ],
+            "interpolation": "Step"
+        }
+    },
+    {
+        "datetimes": [
+            "2011-07-16T22:01:01.450Z",
+            "2011-07-16T23:01:01.450Z"
+        ],
+        "camera": {
+            "type": "Image",
+            "values": [
+                "", 
+                "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
+            ],
+            "interpolation": "Discrete"
+        },
+        "labels": {
+            "type": "Text",
+            "values": [
+                "car",
+                "human"
+            ],
+            "interpolation": "Discrete"
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_property_value_data.json b/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_property_value_data.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ead9d40c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/mfapi_temporal_property_value_data.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+    "datetimes": [
+        "2011-07-18T08:00:00Z",
+        "2011-07-18T08:00:01Z",
+        "2011-07-18T08:00:02Z"
+    ],
+    "values": [
+        0,
+        20,
+        50
+    ],
+    "interpolation": "Linear"
\ No newline at end of file

From e56181e3d7b4fa051603b548dce26c07dc076a97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 10:49:45 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 09/14] MobilityDB installation (#5)

Add used Python packages to the requirements-privider.txt

* Add pymeos package
 requirements-provider.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/requirements-provider.txt b/requirements-provider.txt
index 74bc473fc..891859ea0 100644
--- a/requirements-provider.txt
+++ b/requirements-provider.txt
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ sodapy
\ No newline at end of file

From 81a1ffcfa9204d09890faadff70b34682e64f644 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 17:39:47 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 10/14] MobilityDB installation  (#5)

Building a Docker environment

* Created a new Dockerfile for MobilityDB.
* Modified the existing Dockerfile.
* Created a new docker*compose file.
*  Adjusted the DB hostname.
* Created a shell script to create tables.
 Dockerfile                                 | 10 ++--
 DockerfileMobiitydb                        | 54 +++++++++++++++++++
 docker-compose.yml                         | 21 ++++++++
 docker/                | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 pygeoapi/provider/ |  2 +-
 requirements-provider.txt                  |  5 +-
 6 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 DockerfileMobiitydb
 create mode 100644 docker-compose.yml
 create mode 100644 docker/

diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 04f1a20db..043aa30b0 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -125,11 +125,16 @@ RUN \
     && apt autoremove -y  \
     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-ADD requirements-docker.txt requirements-admin.txt /pygeoapi/
+ADD requirements-docker.txt requirements-admin.txt requirements-provider.txt /pygeoapi/
 # Install remaining pygeoapi deps
 RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements-docker.txt \
-    && python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements-admin.txt
+    && python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements-admin.txt \
+    && python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements-provider.txt
+# If execute pytest
+ADD requirements-dev.txt /pygeoapi/
+RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements-dev.txt
 ADD . /pygeoapi
@@ -142,4 +147,3 @@ RUN \
     && cp /pygeoapi/docker/ / 
diff --git a/DockerfileMobiitydb b/DockerfileMobiitydb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f73c5b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DockerfileMobiitydb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+FROM postgis/postgis:14-3.2
+# Configuration Parameters
+LABEL maintainer="MobilityDB Project -"
+ENV POSTGRES_DB=mobilitydb
+# Fix the Release file expired problem
+RUN echo "Acquire::Check-Valid-Until \"false\";\nAcquire::Check-Date \"false\";" | cat > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10no--check-valid-until
+# Install Prerequisites 
+RUN apt-get update \
+ && apt-get install -y \
+    build-essential \
+    cmake \
+    git \
+    libproj-dev \    
+    g++ \
+    wget \
+    autoconf \
+    autotools-dev \
+    libgeos-dev \
+    libpq-dev \
+    libproj-dev \
+    libjson-c-dev \
+    protobuf-c-compiler \
+    xsltproc \
+    libgsl-dev \
+    libgslcblas0 \    
+    postgresql-server-dev-${PG_MAJOR} \
+  && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 
+# Install MobilityDB 
+RUN wget -O MobilityDB.tar.gz "${MOBILITYDB_VERSION}.tar.gz" \
+ && mkdir -p /usr/local/src/MobilityDB \
+ && tar \
+        --extract \
+        --file MobilityDB.tar.gz \
+        --directory /usr/local/src/MobilityDB \
+        --strip-components 1 \
+ && rm MobilityDB.tar.gz
+RUN mkdir /usr/local/src/MobilityDB/build
+RUN cd /usr/local/src/MobilityDB/build && \
+    cmake .. && \
+    make -j$(nproc) && \
+    make install
+RUN rm /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
+# Create mf-api table
+COPY /docker/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
+RUN chmod +x /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bcac1f82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3.0'
+  mf-api:
+    build: 
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile
+    ports:
+      - 5000:80
+  mobilitydb:
+    container_name: mobilitydb
+    ports:
+      - 25432:5432
+    environment:
+      - POSTGRES_DB=mobilitydb
+      - POSTGRES_USER=docker
+      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker
+    build: 
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: DockerfileMobiitydb
+    restart: on-failure
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/ b/docker/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd829e1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+echo "shared_preload_libraries = ''" >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
+set -e
+# Create the 'mobilitydb' extension in the mobilitydb database
+echo "Loading MobilityDB extension into mobilitydb"
+psql --user="$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname="mobilitydb" <<- 'EOSQL'
+    -- Table collection
+    CREATE TABLE public.collection (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+    collection_property jsonb NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id)
+    );
+    -- Table MovingFeature
+    CREATE TABLE public.mfeature (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+    mf_geometry geometry NULL,
+    mf_property jsonb NULL,
+    lifespan tstzspan NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id),
+    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(collection_id)
+    );
+    -- Table TemporalGeometry
+    CREATE TABLE public.tgeometry (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    tgeometry_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+    tgeometry_property tgeompoint NULL,
+    tgeog_property tgeompoint NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id),
+    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+    );
+    -- Table TemporalProperty
+    CREATE TABLE public.tproperties (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
+    tproperty jsonb NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name),
+    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mfeature_id)
+    );
+    -- Table TemporalPropertyValue
+    CREATE TABLE public.tvalue (
+    collection_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    mfeature_id uuid NOT NULL,
+    tproperties_name text NOT NULL,
+    tvalue_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
+    datetime_group int4 NOT NULL,
+    pvalue_float tfloat NULL,
+    pvalue_text ttext NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name, tvalue_id),
+    FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name) REFERENCES tproperties(collection_id, mfeature_id, tproperties_name)
+    );
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/ b/pygeoapi/provider/
index 4121e4b02..54b460b43 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/provider/
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #   tests/data/mf-api.sql
 class PostgresMobilityDB:
-    host = ''
+    host = 'mobilitydb'
     port = 5432
     db = 'mobilitydb'
     user = 'docker'
diff --git a/requirements-provider.txt b/requirements-provider.txt
index 891859ea0..b94a7fd24 100644
--- a/requirements-provider.txt
+++ b/requirements-provider.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GDAL<=3.8.4
+# numpy==2.0.1
@@ -22,4 +22,5 @@ sodapy
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file

From b3471851476395418c399f577ea82c50e08e8b75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 15:20:52 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 11/14] MobilityDB installation (#5)

Docker image Name

* Add docker image name setting
 docker-compose.yml | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index bcac1f82d..e0c8dd280 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ services:
       context: .
       dockerfile: Dockerfile
+    image: pygeoapi-mf-api
       - 5000:80
@@ -18,4 +19,5 @@ services:
       context: .
       dockerfile: DockerfileMobiitydb
+    image: pygeoapi-mf-api-mobilitydb
     restart: on-failure
\ No newline at end of file

From 42c4a771ad1c927e60059b7dec194fc69da22934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ts-shimizu <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 16:11:01 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 12/14] MobilityDB installation (#5)

Update base image for DockerfileMobilityDB

* updating the base image 14-3.2 to 17-3.5.
 DockerfileMobiitydb | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/DockerfileMobiitydb b/DockerfileMobiitydb
index 2f73c5b08..42040e39f 100644
--- a/DockerfileMobiitydb
+++ b/DockerfileMobiitydb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM postgis/postgis:14-3.2
+FROM postgis/postgis:17-3.5
 # Configuration Parameters
 LABEL maintainer="MobilityDB Project -"

From 946a81bb987a648f1a9b8a922c8838daa798f521 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TaehoonK <>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:08:47 +0700
Subject: [PATCH 13/14] Revise temporal geometry query functions

 pygeoapi/api/             | 1258 ++++++--------------
 pygeoapi/                        |   19 +-
 pygeoapi/provider/ |  228 ++--
 3 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 1028 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pygeoapi/api/ b/pygeoapi/api/
index 32294f844..08c2d0933 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/api/
+++ b/pygeoapi/api/
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
-    "",  # noqa
-    ""  # noqa
+    "",  
+    ""  
@@ -1120,17 +1120,26 @@ def manage_collection_item_tGeometry(
         return headers, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT, ''
-def get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(api: API, request: APIRequest,
-                                            dataset, identifier,
-                                            tGeometry) \
-        -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+def get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        dataset, identifier, tGeometry) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Get a time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: moving feature's id
+    :param tGeometry: Temporal Geometry's id
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
     headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-    datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
     collection_id = dataset
     mfeature_id = identifier
     tgeometry_id = tGeometry
     pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
         datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
     except ValueError as err:
@@ -1138,10 +1147,25 @@ def get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(api: API, request: APIRequest,
         return api.get_exception(
             headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
+    try:
+        leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
+    if sub_temporal_value is None:
+        sub_temporal_value = False
         content = pmdb_provider.get_velocity(
-            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id,
+            datetime_, leaf_, sub_temporal_value)
     except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
         msg = str(error)
         return api.get_exception(
@@ -1153,17 +1177,26 @@ def get_collection_items_tGeometry_velocity(api: API, request: APIRequest,
     return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
-def get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(api: API, request: APIRequest,
-                                            dataset, identifier,
-                                            tGeometry) \
-        -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+def get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        dataset, identifier, tGeometry) -> Tuple[dict, int, str]:
+    """
+    Get a time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: moving feature's id
+    :param tGeometry: Temporal Geometry's id
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
     headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-    datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
     collection_id = str(dataset)
     mfeature_id = str(identifier)
     tgeometry_id = str(tGeometry)
     pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
         datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
     except ValueError as err:
@@ -1171,10 +1204,25 @@ def get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(api: API, request: APIRequest,
         return api.get_exception(
             headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
+    try:
+        leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
+    if sub_temporal_value is None:
+        sub_temporal_value = False
         content = pmdb_provider.get_distance(
-            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id,
+            datetime_, leaf_, sub_temporal_value)
     except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
         msg = str(error)
         return api.get_exception(
@@ -1186,18 +1234,25 @@ def get_collection_items_tGeometry_distance(api: API, request: APIRequest,
     return headers, HTTPStatus.OK, content
-def get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(api: API, request: APIRequest,
-                                                dataset, identifier,
-                                                tGeometry) \
-    -> Tuple[dict,
-             int, str]:
+def get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(
+        api: API, request: APIRequest,
+        dataset, identifier, tGeometry) -> Tuple[dict,int, str]:
+    """
+    Get a time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry
+    :param request: A request object
+    :param dataset: dataset name
+    :param identifier: moving feature's id
+    :param tGeometry: Temporal Geometry's id
+    :returns: tuple of headers, status code, content
+    """
     headers = request.get_response_headers(SYSTEM_LOCALE)
-    datetime_ = request.params.get('date-time')
     collection_id = dataset
     mfeature_id = identifier
     tgeometry_id = tGeometry
     pmdb_provider = PostgresMobilityDB()
+    datetime_ = request.params.get('datetime')
         datetime_ = validate_datetime(datetime_, return_type=False)
     except ValueError as err:
@@ -1205,10 +1260,25 @@ def get_collection_items_tGeometry_acceleration(api: API, request: APIRequest,
         return api.get_exception(
             headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    leaf_ = request.params.get('leaf')
+    try:
+        leaf_ = validate_leaf(leaf_)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        msg = str(err)
+        return api.get_exception(
+            HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
+            headers, request.format, 'InvalidParameterValue', msg)
+    sub_temporal_value = request.params.get('subTemporalValue')
+    if sub_temporal_value is None:
+        sub_temporal_value = False
         content = pmdb_provider.get_acceleration(
-            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime_)
+            collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id,
+            datetime_, leaf_, sub_temporal_value)
     except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
         msg = str(error)
         return api.get_exception(
@@ -2059,24 +2129,31 @@ def check_required_field_feature(feature):
     if 'type' in feature:
         if feature['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
             return True
     if 'type' not in feature or 'temporalGeometry' not in feature:
         return False
     if check_required_field_temporal_geometries(
             feature['temporalGeometry']) is False:
         return False
     if 'temporalProperties' in feature:
         if check_required_field_temporal_property(
                 feature['temporalProperties']) is False:
             return False
     if 'geometry' in feature:
         if check_required_field_geometries(feature['geometry']) is False:
             return False
     if 'crs' in feature:
         if check_required_field_crs(feature['crs']) is False:
             return False
     if 'trs' in feature:
         if check_required_field_trs(feature['trs']) is False:
             return False
     return True
@@ -2088,15 +2165,15 @@ def check_required_field_geometries(geometry):
 def check_required_field_geometry_array(geometry):
-    if ('type' not in geometry
-            or 'geometries' not in geometry):
+    if 'type' not in geometry or 'geometries' not in geometry:
         return False
     geometries = geometry['geometries']
-    geometries = [geometries] if not isinstance(
-        geometries, list) else geometries
+    geometries = [geometries] if not isinstance(geometries, list) else geometries
     for l_geometry in geometries:
         if check_required_field_geometry_single(l_geometry) is False:
             return False
     return True
@@ -2108,10 +2185,8 @@ def check_required_field_geometry_single(geometry):
 def check_required_field_temporal_geometries(temporal_geometries):
-    if (check_required_field_temporal_geometry_array(
-        temporal_geometries) is False
-            and check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single
-            (temporal_geometries) is False):
+    if (check_required_field_temporal_geometry_array(temporal_geometries) is False
+            and check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single(temporal_geometries) is False):
         return False
     return True
@@ -2123,15 +2198,17 @@ def check_required_field_temporal_geometry_array(temporal_geometries):
     prisms = temporal_geometries['prisms']
     prisms = [prisms] if not isinstance(prisms, list) else prisms
     for temporal_geometry in prisms:
-        if check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single(
-                temporal_geometry) is False:
+        if check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single(temporal_geometry) is False:
             return False
     if 'crs' in temporal_geometries:
         if check_required_field_crs(temporal_geometry['crs']) is False:
             return False
     if 'trs' in temporal_geometries:
         if check_required_field_trs(temporal_geometry['trs']) is False:
             return False
     return True
@@ -2140,43 +2217,31 @@ def check_required_field_temporal_geometry_single(temporal_geometry):
             or 'datetimes' not in temporal_geometry
             or 'coordinates' not in temporal_geometry):
         return False
     if 'crs' in temporal_geometry:
         if check_required_field_crs(temporal_geometry['crs']) is False:
             return False
     if 'trs' in temporal_geometry:
         if check_required_field_trs(temporal_geometry['trs']) is False:
             return False
-    return True
-# TODO Do you still have the 'temporalProperties' key?
-# def checkRequiredFieldTemporalProperties(temporalProperties):
-#     if 'temporalProperties' not in temporalProperties:
-#         return False
-#     if check_required_field_temporal_property\
-#           (temporalProperties['temporalProperties']) is False:
-#         return False
-#     return True
+    return True
 def check_required_field_temporal_property(temporal_properties):
-    temporal_properties = [temporal_properties] if not isinstance(
-        temporal_properties, list) else temporal_properties
+    temporal_properties = [temporal_properties] \
+        if not isinstance(temporal_properties, list) \
+        else temporal_properties
     for temporal_property in temporal_properties:
         if ('datetimes' not in temporal_property):
             return False
         for tproperties_name in temporal_property:
-            if tproperties_name != 'datetimes' and (
-                'values'
-                not
-                in
-                temporal_property
-                [tproperties_name]
-                or
-                'interpolation'
-                not
-                in
-                temporal_property
-                    [tproperties_name]):
+            if (tproperties_name != 'datetimes'
+                    and ('values' not in temporal_property[tproperties_name]
+                         or 'interpolation' not in temporal_property[tproperties_name])):
                 return False
     return True
@@ -2203,7 +2268,7 @@ def check_required_field_trs(trs):
     return True
 # fmt: off
-def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str, dict]]:  # noqa
+def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str, dict]]:  
     Get OpenAPI fragments
@@ -2220,88 +2285,44 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str,
         "get": {
             "operationId": "accessMetadata",
             "summary": "Access metadata about the collection",
-            "description": "A user can access metadata with id `collectionId`.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatureCollection"
-            ],
-            "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                }
-            ],
+            "description": "A user can access metadata with id `collectionId`.\n",
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatureCollection"],
+            "parameters": [{"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"}],
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/Collection"  # noqa
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/Collection"},
+                "404": {"description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "delete": {
             "operationId": "deleteCollection",
             "summary": "Delete the collection",
-            "description": "The collection catalog with id `collectionId` and including metadata and moving features SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatureCollection"
-            ],
-            "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                }
-            ],
+            "description": "The collection catalog with id `collectionId` and including metadata and moving features SHOULD be deleted.\n",  
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatureCollection"],
+            "parameters": [{"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"}],
             "responses": {
-                "204": {
-                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "A collection with the specified name was not found."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "204": {"description": "Successfully deleted."},
+                "404": {"description": "A collection with the specified name was not found."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "put": {
             "operationId": "replaceMetadata",
             "summary": "Replace metadata about the collection",
-            "description": "A user SHOULD replace metadata with id `collectionId`.\n\nThe request body schema is the same the POST's one. \n\nHowever, `updateFrequency` property is NOT updated.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatureCollection"
-            ],
-            "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                }
-            ],
+            "description": "A user SHOULD replace metadata with id `collectionId`.\n\nThe request body schema is the same the POST's one. \n\nHowever, `updateFrequency` property is NOT updated.\n",  
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatureCollection"],
+            "parameters": [{"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"}],
             "requestBody": {
                 "content": {
                     "application/json": {
-                        "schema": {
-                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/collection-body"  # noqa
-                        },
-                        "example": {
-                            "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",
-                            "updateFrequency": 1000,
-                            "description": "example",
-                            "itemType": "movingfeature"
-                        }
+                        "schema": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/collection-body"}
             "responses": {
-                "204": {
-                    "description": "Successfully replaced."
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "A collection with the specified name was not found."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "204": {"description": "Successfully replaced."},
+                "404": {"description": "A collection with the specified name was not found."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
@@ -2311,281 +2332,94 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str,
         "get": {
             "operationId": "retrieveMovingFeatures",
             "summary": "Retrieve moving feature collection",
-            "description": "A user can retrieve moving feature collection to access the static information of the moving feature by simple filtering and a limit.\n\nSpecifically, if the `subTrajectory` parameter is \"true\", it will return the temporal geometry within the time interval specified by `datetime` parameter.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatures"
-            ],
+            "description": "A user can retrieve moving feature collection to access the static information of the moving feature by simple filtering and a limit.\n\nSpecifically, if the `subTrajectory` parameter is \"true\", it will return the temporal geometry within the time interval specified by `datetime` parameter.\n",  
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatures"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/bbox"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtrajectory"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/bbox"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtrajectory"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/MovingFeatures"  # noqa
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/MovingFeatures"},
+                "404": {"description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "post": {
             "operationId": "insertMovingFeatures",
             "summary": "Insert moving features",
-            "description": "A user SHOULD insert a set of moving features or a moving feature into a collection with id `collectionId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [MovingFeature object]( or \n[MovingFeatureCollection object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatures"
-            ],
-            "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                }
-            ],
+            "description": "A user SHOULD insert a set of moving features or a moving feature into a collection with id `collectionId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [MovingFeature object]( or \n[MovingFeatureCollection object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatures"],
+            "parameters": [{"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"}],
             "requestBody": {
                 "content": {
                     "application/json": {
                         "schema": {
                             "oneOf": [
-                                {
-                                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/movingFeature-mfjson"  # noqa
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/movingFeatureCollection"  # noqa
-                                }
+                                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/movingFeature-mfjson"},
+                                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/movingFeatureCollection"}
                         "example": {
                             "type": "Feature",
                             "crs": {
                                 "type": "Name",
-                                "properties": {
-                                    "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"  # noqa
-                                }
+                                "properties": {"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"}
                             "trs": {
                                 "type": "Link",
                                 "properties": {
                                     "type": "OGCDEF",
-                                    "href": ""  # noqa
+                                    "href": "",
                             "temporalGeometry": {
                                 "type": "MovingPoint",
-                                "datetimes": [
-                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
-                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:02Z",
-                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:03Z",
-                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:04Z",
-                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:05Z"
-                                ],
-                                "coordinates": [
-                                    [
-                                        139.757083,
-                                        35.627701,
-                                        0.5
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757399,
-                                        35.627701,
-                                        2
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757555,
-                                        35.627688,
-                                        4
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757651,
-                                        35.627596,
-                                        4
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757716,
-                                        35.627483,
-                                        4
-                                    ]
-                                ],
+                                "datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-14T22:01:02Z", "2011-07-14T22:01:03Z", "2011-07-14T22:01:04Z", "2011-07-14T22:01:05Z"],
+                                "coordinates": [[139.757083, 35.627701, 0.5], [139.757399, 35.627701, 2.0], [139.757555, 35.627688, 4.0], [139.757651, 35.627596, 4.0], [139.757716, 35.627483, 4.0]],
                                 "interpolation": "Linear",
                                 "base": {
                                     "type": "glTF",
-                                    "href": ""  # noqa
+                                    "href": ""
                                 "orientations": [
-                                    {
-                                        "scales": [
-                                            1,
-                                            1,
-                                            1
-                                        ],
-                                        "angles": [
-                                            0,
-                                            0,
-                                            0
-                                        ]
-                                    },
-                                    {
-                                        "scales": [
-                                            1,
-                                            1,
-                                            1
-                                        ],
-                                        "angles": [
-                                            0,
-                                            355,
-                                            0
-                                        ]
-                                    },
-                                    {
-                                        "scales": [
-                                            1,
-                                            1,
-                                            1
-                                        ],
-                                        "angles": [
-                                            0,
-                                            0,
-                                            330
-                                        ]
-                                    },
-                                    {
-                                        "scales": [
-                                            1,
-                                            1,
-                                            1
-                                        ],
-                                        "angles": [
-                                            0,
-                                            0,
-                                            300
-                                        ]
-                                    },
-                                    {
-                                        "scales": [
-                                            1,
-                                            1,
-                                            1
-                                        ],
-                                        "angles": [
-                                            0,
-                                            0,
-                                            270
-                                        ]
-                                    }
+                                    {"scales": [1, 1, 1], "angles": [0, 0, 0]},
+                                    {"scales": [1, 1, 1], "angles": [0, 355, 0]},
+                                    {"scales": [1, 1, 1], "angles": [0, 0, 330]},
+                                    {"scales": [1, 1, 1], "angles": [0, 0, 300]},
+                                    {"scales": [1, 1, 1], "angles": [0, 0, 270]}
                             "temporalProperties": [
-                                    "datetimes": [
-                                        "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
-                                        "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z",
-                                        "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"
-                                    ],
+                                    "datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z", "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z", "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"],
                                     "length": {
                                         "type": "Measure",
-                                        "form": "",  # noqa
-                                        "values": [
-                                            1,
-                                            2.4,
-                                            1
-                                        ],
-                                        "interpolation": "Linear"
+                                        "form": "",
+                                        "values": [1.0, 2.4, 1.0],
+                                        "interpolation": "Linear",
                                     "discharge": {
                                         "type": "Measure",
                                         "form": "MQS",
-                                        "values": [
-                                            3,
-                                            4,
-                                            5
-                                        ],
+                                        "values": [3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
                                         "interpolation": "Step"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    "datetimes": [
-                                        1465621816590,
-                                        1465711526300
-                                    ],
-                                    "camera": {
-                                        "type": "Image",
-                                        "values": [
-                                            "",  # noqa
-                                            "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
-                                        ],
-                                        "interpolation": "Discrete"
-                                    },
-                                    "labels": {
-                                        "type": "Text",
-                                        "values": [
-                                            "car",
-                                            "human"
-                                        ],
-                                        "interpolation": "Discrete"
-                                    }
                             "geometry": {
                                 "type": "LineString",
-                                "coordinates": [
-                                    [
-                                        139.757083,
-                                        35.627701,
-                                        0.5
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757399,
-                                        35.627701,
-                                        2
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757555,
-                                        35.627688,
-                                        4
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757651,
-                                        35.627596,
-                                        4
-                                    ],
-                                    [
-                                        139.757716,
-                                        35.627483,
-                                        4
-                                    ]
-                                ]
+                                "coordinates": [[139.757083, 35.627701, 0.5], [139.757399, 35.627701, 2.0], [139.757555, 35.627688, 4.0], [139.757651, 35.627596, 4.0], [139.757716, 35.627483, 4.0]]
                             "properties": {
                                 "name": "car1",
                                 "state": "test1",
-                                "video": ""  # noqa
+                                "video": "",
-                            "bbox": [
-                                139.757083,
-                                35.627483,
-                                0,
-                                139.757716,
-                                35.627701,
-                                4.5
-                            ],
-                            "time": [
-                                "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
-                                "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"
-                            ],
+                            "bbox": [139.757083, 35.627483, 0.0, 139.757716, 35.627701, 4.5],
+                            "time": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"],
                             "id": "mf-1"
@@ -2593,257 +2427,103 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str,
             "responses": {
                 "201": {
-                    "description": "Successful create a set of moving features or a moving feature into a specific collection.\n",  # noqa
+                    "description": "Successful create a set of moving features or a moving feature into a specific collection.\n",  
                     "headers": {
                         "Locations": {
-                            "description": "A list of URI of the newly added resources",  # noqa
-                            "schema": {
-                                "type": "array",
-                                "items": {
-                                    "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "example": [
-                                    "",  # noqa
-                                    ""  # noqa
-                                ]
-                            }
+                            "description": "A list of URI of the newly added resources",  
+                            "schema": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "string"}}
-                "400": {
-                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "400": {"description": "A query parameter was not validly used."},
+                "404": {"description": "A collection with the specified id was not found."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}'  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}'  
     paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_path] = {
         "get": {
             "operationId": "accessMovingFeature",
             "summary": "Access the static data of the moving feature",
-            "description": "A user can access a static data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe static data of a moving feature is not included temporal geometries and temporal properties.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatures"
-            ],
+            "description": "A user can access a static data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe static data of a moving feature is not included temporal geometries and temporal properties.\n",  
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatures"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/MovingFeature"  # noqa
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/MovingFeature"},
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "delete": {
             "operationId": "deleteMovingFeature",
             "summary": "Delete a single moving feature",
-            "description": "The moving feature with id `mFeatureId` and including temporal geometries and properties SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatures"
-            ],
+            "description": "The moving feature with id `mFeatureId` and including temporal geometries and properties SHOULD be deleted.\n",  
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatures"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"}
             "responses": {
-                "204": {
-                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "204": {"description": "Successfully deleted."},
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence'  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence'  
     paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_path] = {
         "get": {
             "operationId": "retrieveTemporalGeometrySequence",
-            "summary": "Retrieve the movement data of the single moving feature",  # noqa
-            "description": "A user can retrieve only the movement data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId` by simple filtering and a limit.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalGeometry"
-            ],
+            "summary": "Retrieve the movement data of the single moving feature",  
+            "description": "A user can retrieve only the movement data of a moving feature with id `mFeatureId` by simple filtering and a limit.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalGeometry"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/bbox"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtrajectory"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/bbox"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtrajectory"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalGeometrySequence"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalGeometrySequence"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "post": {
             "operationId": "insertTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
             "summary": "Add movement data into the moving feature",
-            "description": "A user SHOULD add more movement data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalPrimitiveGeometry object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalGeometry"
-            ],
+            "description": "A user SHOULD add more movement data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalPrimitiveGeometry object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalGeometry"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"}
             "requestBody": {
                 "content": {
                     "application/json": {
-                        "schema": {
-                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveGeometry"  # noqa
-                        },
+                        "schema": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveGeometry"},
                         "example": {
                             "type": "MovingPoint",
-                            "datetimes": [
-                                "2011-07-14T22:01:06Z",
-                                "2011-07-14T22:01:07Z",
-                                "2011-07-14T22:01:08Z",
-                                "2011-07-14T22:01:09Z",
-                                "2011-07-14T22:01:10Z"
-                            ],
-                            "coordinates": [
-                                [
-                                    139.757083,
-                                    35.627701,
-                                    0.5
-                                ],
-                                [
-                                    139.757399,
-                                    35.627701,
-                                    2
-                                ],
-                                [
-                                    139.757555,
-                                    35.627688,
-                                    4
-                                ],
-                                [
-                                    139.757651,
-                                    35.627596,
-                                    4
-                                ],
-                                [
-                                    139.757716,
-                                    35.627483,
-                                    4
-                                ]
-                            ],
+                            "datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:06Z","2011-07-14T22:01:07Z","2011-07-14T22:01:08Z","2011-07-14T22:01:09Z","2011-07-14T22:01:10Z"],
+                            "coordinates": [ [139.757083, 35.627701, 0.5], [139.757399, 35.627701, 2.0], [139.757555, 35.627688, 4.0], [139.757651, 35.627596, 4.0], [139.757716, 35.627483, 4.0] ],
                             "interpolation": "Linear",
                             "base": {
                                 "type": "glTF",
-                                "href": ""  # noqa
+                                "href": ""
                             "orientations": [
-                                {
-                                    "scales": [
-                                        1,
-                                        1,
-                                        1
-                                    ],
-                                    "angles": [
-                                        0,
-                                        0,
-                                        0
-                                    ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    "scales": [
-                                        1,
-                                        1,
-                                        1
-                                    ],
-                                    "angles": [
-                                        0,
-                                        355,
-                                        0
-                                    ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    "scales": [
-                                        1,
-                                        1,
-                                        1
-                                    ],
-                                    "angles": [
-                                        0,
-                                        0,
-                                        330
-                                    ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    "scales": [
-                                        1,
-                                        1,
-                                        1
-                                    ],
-                                    "angles": [
-                                        0,
-                                        0,
-                                        300
-                                    ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    "scales": [
-                                        1,
-                                        1,
-                                        1
-                                    ],
-                                    "angles": [
-                                        0,
-                                        0,
-                                        270
-                                    ]
-                                }
+                                {"scales":[1,1,1], "angles":[0,0,0]},
+                                {"scales":[1,1,1], "angles":[0,355,0]},
+                                {"scales":[1,1,1], "angles":[0,0,330]},
+                                {"scales":[1,1,1], "angles":[0,0,300]},
+                                {"scales":[1,1,1], "angles":[0,0,270]}
@@ -2851,413 +2531,206 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str,
             "responses": {
                 "201": {
-                    "description": "Successful add more movement data into a specified moving feature.\n",  # noqa
+                    "description": "Successful add more movement data into a specified moving feature.\n",  
                     "headers": {
                         "Location": {
-                            "description": "A URI of the newly added resource",  # noqa
-                            "schema": {
-                                "type": "string",
-                                "example": ""  # noqa
-                            }
+                            "description": "A URI of the newly added resource",  
+                            "schema": {"type": "string"}
-                "400": {
-                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "400": {"description": "A query parameter was not validly used."},
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}'  # noqa
-    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_path] = {  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}'  
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_path] = {  
         "delete": {
             "operationId": "deleteTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
             "summary": "Delete a singe temporal primitive geometry",
-            "description": "The temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalGeometry"
-            ],
+            "description": "The temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalGeometry"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"}
             "responses": {
-                "204": {
-                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal primitive geometry with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "204": {"description": "Successfully deleted."},
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal primitive geometry with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_distance_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/distance'  # noqa
-    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_distance_path] = {  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_distance_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/distance'  
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_distance_path] = {  
         "get": {
             "operationId": "getDistanceOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
-            "summary": "Get a time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  # noqa
-            "description": "A user can get time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalGeometryQuery"
-            ],
+            "summary": "Get a time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  
+            "description": "A user can get time-to-distance curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalGeometryQuery"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/DistanceQuery"  # noqa
-                },
-                "400": {
-                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/DistanceQuery"},
+                "400": {"description": "A query parameter was not validly used."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_velocity_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/velocity'  # noqa
-    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_velocity_path] = {  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_velocity_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/velocity'  
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_velocity_path] = {  
         "get": {
             "operationId": "getVelocityOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
-            "summary": "Get a time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  # noqa
-            "description": "A user can get time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalGeometryQuery"
-            ],
+            "summary": "Get a time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  
+            "description": "A user can get time-to-velocity curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalGeometryQuery"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/VelocityQuery"  # noqa
-                },
-                "400": {
-                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/VelocityQuery"},
+                "400": {"description": "A query parameter was not validly used."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_acceleration_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/acceleration'  # noqa
-    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_acceleration_path] = {  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_acceleration_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/acceleration'  
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tgsequence_tGeometryId_acceleration_path] = {  
         "get": {
             "operationId": "getAccelerationOfTemporalPrimitiveGeometry",
-            "summary": "Get a time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  # noqa
-            "description": "A user can get time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalGeometryQuery"
-            ],
+            "summary": "Get a time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry",  
+            "description": "A user can get time-to-acceleration curve of a temporal primitive geometry with id `tGeometryId`.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalGeometryQuery"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tGeometryId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/AccelerationQuery"  # noqa
-                },
-                "400": {
-                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/AccelerationQuery"  },
+                "400": {"description": "A query parameter was not validly used."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties'  # noqa
-    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_path] = {  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties'  
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_path] = {  
         "get": {
             "operationId": "retrieveTemporalProperties",
             "summary": "Retrieve a set of the temporal property data",
-            "description": "A user can retrieve the static information of the temporal property data that included a single moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe static data of a temporal property is not included temporal values (property `valueSequence`).\n\nAlso a user can retrieve the sub sequence of the temporal information of the temporal property data for the specified time interval with `subTemporalValue` query parameter. \nIn this case, `temporalProperties` property schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalProperty"
-            ],
+            "description": "A user can retrieve the static information of the temporal property data that included a single moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe static data of a temporal property is not included temporal values (property `valueSequence`).\n\nAlso a user can retrieve the sub sequence of the temporal information of the temporal property data for the specified time interval with `subTemporalValue` query parameter. \nIn this case, `temporalProperties` property schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalProperty"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/limit"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalProperties"  # noqa
-                },
-                "400": {
-                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalProperties"},
+                "400": {"description": "A query parameter was not validly used."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "post": {
             "operationId": "insertTemporalProperty",
             "summary": "Add temporal property data",
-            "description": "A user SHOULD add new temporal property data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalProperty"
-            ],
+            "description": "A user SHOULD add new temporal property data into a moving feature with id `mFeatureId`.\n\nThe request body schema SHALL follows the [TemporalProperties object]( in the OGC MF-JSON.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalProperty"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"}
             "requestBody": {
                 "content": {
                     "application/json": {
-                        "schema": {
-                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalProperties-mfjson"  # noqa
-                        },
+                        "schema": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalProperties-mfjson"},
                         "example": [
-                            {
-                                "datetimes": [
-                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
-                                    "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z",
-                                    "2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"
-                                ],
-                                "length": {
-                                    "type": "Measure",
-                                    "form": "",  # noqa
-                                    "values": [
-                                        1,
-                                        2.4,
-                                        1
-                                    ],
-                                    "interpolation": "Linear"
-                                },
-                                "discharge": {
-                                    "type": "Measure",
-                                    "form": "MQS",
-                                    "values": [
-                                        3,
-                                        4,
-                                        5
-                                    ],
-                                    "interpolation": "Step"
-                                }
-                            },
-                            {
-                                "datetimes": [
-                                    "2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z",
-                                    "2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z"
-                                ],
-                                "camera": {
-                                    "type": "Image",
-                                    "values": [
-                                        "",  # noqa
-                                        "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU......"
-                                    ],
-                                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
-                                },
-                                "labels": {
-                                    "type": "Text",
-                                    "values": [
-                                        "car",
-                                        "human"
-                                    ],
-                                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
-                                }
-                            }
+                            {"datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01.450Z","2011-07-14T23:01:01.450Z","2011-07-15T00:01:01.450Z"],
+                             "length": {"type": "Measure","form": "","values": [1,2.4,1],"interpolation": "Linear"},
+                             "discharge": {"type": "Measure","form": "MQS","values": [3,4,5],"interpolation": "Step"}}
             "responses": {
                 "201": {
-                    "description": "Successful add more temporal property into a specified moving feature.\n",  # noqa
+                    "description": "Successful add more temporal property into a specified moving feature.\n",  
                     "headers": {
                         "Locations": {
-                            "description": "A list of URI of the newly added resources",  # noqa
-                            "schema": {
-                                "type": "array",
-                                "items": {
-                                    "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "example": [
-                                    "",  # noqa
-                                    "",  # noqa
-                                    "",  # noqa
-                                    ""  # noqa
-                                ]
+                            "description": "A list of URI of the newly added resources",  
+                            "schema": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "string"}
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}'  # noqa
-    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_path] = {  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}'  
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_path] = {  
         "get": {
             "operationId": "retrieveTemporalProperty",
             "summary": "Retrieve a temporal property",
-            "description": "A user can retrieve only the temporal values with a specified name `tPropertyName` of temporal property.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalProperty"
-            ],
+            "description": "A user can retrieve only the temporal values with a specified name `tPropertyName` of temporal property.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalProperty"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/datetime"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/leaf"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/subtemporalvalue"}
             "responses": {
-                "200": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalProperty"  # noqa
-                },
-                "400": {
-                    "description": "A query parameter was not validly used."  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "200": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/TemporalProperty"},
+                "400": {"description": "A query parameter was not validly used."},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "post": {
             "operationId": "insertTemporalPrimitiveValue",
             "summary": "Add temporal primitive value data",
-            "description": "A user SHOULD add more temporal primitive value data into a temporal property with id `tPropertyName`.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalProperty"
-            ],
+            "description": "A user SHOULD add more temporal primitive value data into a temporal property with id `tPropertyName`.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalProperty"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"}
             "requestBody": {
                 "content": {
                     "application/json": {
-                        "schema": {
-                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveValue"  # noqa
-                        },
+                        "schema": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/temporalPrimitiveValue"},
                         "example": {
-                            "datetimes": [
-                                "2011-07-15T08:00:00Z",
-                                "2011-07-15T08:00:01Z",
-                                "2011-07-15T08:00:02Z"
-                            ],
-                            "values": [
-                                0,
-                                20,
-                                50
-                            ],
+                            "datetimes": ["2011-07-15T08:00:00Z","2011-07-15T08:00:01Z","2011-07-15T08:00:02Z"],
+                            "values": [0,20,50],
                             "interpolation": "Linear"
@@ -3265,90 +2738,53 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, locale: str) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], dict[str,
             "responses": {
                 "201": {
-                    "description": "Successful add more temporal primitive value data into a specified temporal property.\n",  # noqa
+                    "description": "Successful add more temporal primitive value data into a specified temporal property.\n",  
                     "headers": {
                         "Location": {
                             "description": "A URI of the newly added resource",
-                            "schema": {
-                                "type": "string",
-                                "example": ""  # noqa
-                            }
+                            "schema": {"type": "string"}
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
         "delete": {
             "operationId": "deleteTemporalProperty",
             "summary": "Delete a specified temporal property",
-            "description": "The temporal property with id `tPropertyName` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalProperty"
-            ],
+            "description": "The temporal property with id `tPropertyName` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalProperty"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"}
             "responses": {
-                "204": {
-                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "204": {"description": "Successfully deleted."},
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
-    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_tValueId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}/{tValueId}'  # noqa
-    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_tValueId_path] = {  # noqa
+    collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_tValueId_path = '/collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyName}/{tValueId}'  
+    paths[collections_collectionId_items_mFeatureId_tproperties_tPropertyName_tValueId_path] = {  
         "delete": {
             "operationId": "deleteTemporalPrimitiveValue",
             "summary": "Delete a singe temporal primitive value",
-            "description": "The temporal primitive value with id `tValueId` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "TemporalProperty"
-            ],
+            "description": "The temporal primitive value with id `tValueId` SHOULD be deleted.\n",  
+            "tags": ["TemporalProperty"],
             "parameters": [
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"  # noqa
-                },
-                {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tValueId"  # noqa
-                }
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/collectionId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/mFeatureId"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tPropertyName"},
+                {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/parameters/tValueId"}
             "responses": {
-                "204": {
-                    "description": "Successfully deleted."
-                },
-                "404": {
-                    "description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal primitive primitive with the specified id was not found.\n"  # noqa
-                },
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "204": {"description": "Successfully deleted."},
+                "404": {"description": "- A collection with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a moving feature with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal property with the specified id was not found.\n- Or a temporal primitive primitive with the specified id was not found.\n"},
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
diff --git a/pygeoapi/ b/pygeoapi/
index ed5d20674..8078490d9 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/
+++ b/pygeoapi/
@@ -273,17 +273,13 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, fail_on_invalid_collection: bool = True) -> dict:
             "operationId": "registerMetadata",
             "summary": "Register metadata about a collection of moving features",  # noqa
             "description": "A user SHOULD register metadata about a collection of moving features into the system.\n",  # noqa
-            "tags": [
-                "MovingFeatureCollection"
-            ],
+            "tags": ["MovingFeatureCollection"],
             "requestBody": {
                 "content": {
                     "application/json": {
-                        "schema": {
-                            "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/collection-body"  # noqa
-                        },
+                        "schema": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/schemas/collection-body"},
                         "example": {
-                            "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",  # noqa
+                            "title": "moving_feature_collection_sample",
                             "updateFrequency": 1000,
                             "description": "example",
                             "itemType": "movingfeature"
@@ -297,16 +293,11 @@ def get_oas_30(cfg: dict, fail_on_invalid_collection: bool = True) -> dict:
                     "headers": {
                         "Location": {
                             "description": "A URI of the newly added resource",  # noqa
-                            "schema": {
-                                "type": "string",
-                                "example": ""  # noqa
-                            }
+                            "schema": {"type": "string"}
-                "500": {
-                    "$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"  # noqa
-                }
+                "500": {"$ref": f"{OPENAPI_YAML['movingfeature']}#/components/responses/ServerError"}
diff --git a/pygeoapi/provider/ b/pygeoapi/provider/
index 54b460b43..07afe047d 100644
--- a/pygeoapi/provider/
+++ b/pygeoapi/provider/
@@ -8,17 +8,6 @@
 from pygeoapi.util import format_datetime
 from pymeos_cffi import (tfloat_from_mfjson, ttext_from_mfjson,
-# from mobilitydb.psycopg import register
-# CREATE DATABASE mobilitydb
-#   WITH TEMPLATE = template0
-#   ENCODING = 'UTF8';
-# ALTER DATABASE mobilitydb OWNER TO postgres;
-# create table:
-# psql -U postgres -h -p 5432 mobilitydb <
-#   tests/data/mf-api.sql
 class PostgresMobilityDB:
     host = 'mobilitydb'
@@ -28,13 +17,6 @@ class PostgresMobilityDB:
     password = 'docker'
     connection = None
-    # host = ''
-    # port = 5432
-    # db = 'mobilitydb'
-    # user = 'postgres'
-    # password = 'postgres'
-    # connection = None
     def __init__(self, datasource=None):
         PostgresMobilityDB Class constructor
@@ -299,7 +281,7 @@ def get_feature(self, collection_id, mfeature_id):
         :returns: JSON MovingFeature
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
-            cur = self.connection.cursor()
+            # cur = self.connection.cursor()
             select_query = (
                 """select mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id,
                 st_asgeojson(mfeature.mf_geometry) as mf_geometry,
@@ -359,8 +341,7 @@ def get_temporalgeometries(
             datetime_restriction = ""
             if datetime != '' and datetime is not None:
                 datetime_restriction = (""" and atTime(tgeometry_property,
-                    tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null """
-                                        .format(datetime))
+                    tstzspan('[{0}]')) is not null """.format(datetime))
             if leaf != '' and leaf is not None:
                 tgeometry_property = ("""atTime(tgeometry_property,
@@ -512,7 +493,6 @@ def get_temporalproperties_value(
         :param leaf: only features that have a temporal geometry and
                      property that intersects the given
                      date-time are selected [optional]
         :param sub_temporal_value: only features with a temporal property
                                  intersecting the given time interval
                                  will return (default False) [optional]
@@ -574,7 +554,7 @@ def post_collection(self, collection_property):
         Register metadata about a collection of moving features
         :param collection_property: metadata about a collection
-            title - human readable title of the collection
+            title - human-readable title of the collection
             updateFrequency - a time interval of sampling location
             description - any description
             itemType - indicator about the type of the items in the
@@ -682,7 +662,7 @@ def post_temporalproperties(
         :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
         :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
-        :param temporalProperty: TemporalProperties object in the OGC MF-JSON
+        :param temporal_property: TemporalProperties object in the OGC MF-JSON
         :returns: TemporalProperty Name
@@ -789,7 +769,7 @@ def put_collection(self, collection_id, collection_property):
         :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
         :param collection_property: metadata about a collection
-            title - human readable title of the collection
+            title - human-readable title of the collection
             updateFrequency - a time interval of sampling location
             description - any description
             itemType - indicator about the type of the items in the
@@ -1104,59 +1084,85 @@ def get_temporalvalue_group(
                 and temp1.mfeature_id = temp3.mfeature_id """
                 .format(collection_id, mfeature_id,
                         "{" + ", ".join(datetimes) + "}"))
-            print(select_query)
+            # print(select_query)
             result = cur.fetchall()
         if len(result) > 0:
             return result[0][2]
         return 1
-    def get_velocity(
-            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime=None):
+    def get_velocity(self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id,
+                     datetime='', leaf='', sub_temporal_value=False):
         Get temporal property of velocity
         :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
         :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
         :param tgeometry_id: local identifier of a geometry
-        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+        :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
+        :param leaf: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+                     only features that have a temporal geometry and property
+                     that intersects the given date-time are selected [optional]
+        :param sub_temporal_value: boolean, only features with a temporal property
+                                 intersecting the given time interval
+                                 will return (default False) [optional]
         :returns: TemporalProperty of velocity
         form = "MTS"
         name = "velocity"
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
-            if datetime is None:
-                select_query = f"""SELECT speed(tgeog_property) AS speed
-                FROM tgeometry
-                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
-                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
-                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
-            else:
+            if (leaf == '' or leaf is None) and \
+                    (not sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "false"):
+                # no optional query parameters are used -> time-to-velocity curve returns
+                select_query = \
+                    f"""SELECT speed(tgeog_property) AS speed 
+                        FROM tgeometry
+                        WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                        and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                        and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            elif (leaf != '' or leaf is not None) and \
+                    (not sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "false"):
+                # only leaf query parameter is used
+                leaf_condition = "tstzset('{"+leaf+"}')"
                 select_query = \
-                    f"""SELECT valueAtTimestamp(speed(tgeog_property),
-                '{datetime}') AS speed, interp(speed(tgeog_property))
-                AS interp
-                FROM tgeometry
-                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
-                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
-                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+                    f"""SELECT atTime(speed(tgeog_property),{leaf_condition}) AS speed 
+                        FROM tgeometry
+                        WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                        and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                        and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            elif (leaf == '' or leaf is None) and \
+                    (sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "true"):
+                # only sub_temporal_value query parameter is used
+                select_query = \
+                    f"""SELECT atTime(speed(tgeog_property), tstzspan('[{datetime}]')) AS speed
+                        FROM tgeometry
+                        WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                        and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                        and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            else:
+               print("Not valid query parameters")
             result = cur.fetchall()
-        return self.to_tproperties(result, name, form, datetime)
+        return self.to_tproperties(result, name, form, leaf)
-    def get_distance(
-            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime=None):
+    def get_distance(self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id,
+                     datetime='', leaf='', sub_temporal_value=False):
         Get temporal property of distance
         :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
         :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
         :param tgeometry_id: local identifier of a geometry
-        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+        :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
+        :param leaf: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+                     only features that have a temporal geometry and property
+                     that intersects the given date-time are selected [optional]
+        :param sub_temporal_value: boolean, only features with a temporal property
+                                 intersecting the given time interval
+                                 will return (default False) [optional]
         :returns: TemporalProperty of distance
@@ -1164,35 +1170,57 @@ def get_distance(
         form = "MTR"
         name = "distance"
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
-            if datetime is None:
-                select_query = f"""SELECT cumulativeLength(tgeog_property)
-                AS distance FROM tgeometry
-                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
-                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
-                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            if (leaf == '' or leaf is None) and \
+                    (not sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "false"):
+                # no optional query parameters are used -> time-to-velocity curve returns
+                select_query = \
+                    f"""SELECT cumulativeLength(tgeog_property) AS distance 
+                        FROM tgeometry
+                        WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                        and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                        and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            elif (leaf != '' or leaf is not None) and \
+                    (not sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "false"):
+                # only leaf query parameter is used
+                leaf_condition = "tstzset('{"+leaf+"}')"
+                select_query = \
+                    f"""SELECT atTime(cumulativeLength(tgeog_property),{leaf_condition}) AS distance
+                        FROM tgeometry
+                        WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                        and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                        and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            elif (leaf == '' or leaf is None) and \
+                    (sub_temporal_value or sub_temporal_value == "true"):
+                # only sub_temporal_value query parameter is used
+                select_query = \
+                    f"""SELECT atTime(cumulativeLength(tgeog_property), tstzspan('[{datetime}]')) AS distance
+                        FROM tgeometry
+                        WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                        and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                        and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
-                select_query = f"""SELECT
-                valueAtTimestamp(cumulativeLength(tgeog_property),
-                                '{datetime}') AS distance,
-                interp(cumulativeLength(tgeog_property)) AS interp
-                FROM tgeometry
-                WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
-                and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
-                and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+               print("Not valid query parameters")
             result = cur.fetchall()
-        return self.to_tproperties(result, name, form, datetime)
+        return self.to_tproperties(result, name, form, leaf)
-    def get_acceleration(
-            self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id, datetime=None):
+    def get_acceleration(self, collection_id, mfeature_id, tgeometry_id,
+                         datetime='', leaf='', sub_temporal_value=False):
        Get temporal property of acceleration
         :param collection_id: local identifier of a collection
         :param mfeature_id: local identifier of a moving feature
         :param tgeometry_id: local identifier of a geometry
-        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+        :param datetime: either a date-time or an interval(datestamp or extent)
+        :param leaf: array of strings <date-time> (default None)
+                     only features that have a temporal geometry and property
+                     that intersects the given date-time are selected [optional]
+        :param sub_temporal_value: boolean, only features with a temporal property
+                                 intersecting the given time interval
+                                 will return (default False) [optional]
         :returns: TemporalProperty of acceleration
@@ -1204,10 +1232,12 @@ def get_acceleration(
             "valueSequence": []
         with self.connection.cursor() as cur:
-            select_query = f"""SELECT speed(tgeog_property) AS speed
-            FROM tgeometry WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
-            and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
-            and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
+            select_query = \
+                f"""SELECT speed(tgeog_property) AS speed
+                    FROM tgeometry 
+                    WHERE collection_id = '{collection_id}'
+                    and mfeature_id = '{mfeature_id}'
+                    and tgeometry_id = '{tgeometry_id}'"""
             result = cur.fetchall()
@@ -1217,17 +1247,14 @@ def get_acceleration(
             interpolation = each_row_converted.interpolation().to_string()
             each_time = [
-                each_val.time().start_timestamp().strftime(
-                    '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+                each_val.time().start_timestamp().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
                 for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
             if interpolation == "Step":
                 each_values = [0 for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
-                each_values = [each_val.value()
-                               for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+                each_values = [each_val.value() for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
-            value_sequence = self.calculate_acceleration(
-                each_values, each_time, datetime)
+            value_sequence = self.calculate_acceleration(each_values, each_time, datetime)
             if value_sequence.get("values"):
                 if datetime is not None:
                     value_sequence["interpolation"] = "Discrete"
@@ -1238,14 +1265,14 @@ def get_acceleration(
         return tProperty
-    def to_tproperties(self, results, name, form, datetime):
+    def to_tproperties(self, results, name, form, leaf):
-        Convert Temoral properties object
+        Convert Temporal properties object
         :param results: temporal property object of query
         :param name: temporal property name
         :param form: a unit of measurement
-        :param datetime: array of strings <date-time>
+        :param leaf: array of strings <date-time>
         :returns: TemporalProperty object
@@ -1255,35 +1282,30 @@ def to_tproperties(self, results, name, form, datetime):
             "form": form,
             "valueSequence": []
         for each_row in results:
-            if datetime is None:
-                each_row_converted = None
-                if name == "velocity":
-                    each_row_converted = TFloatSeqSet(each_row[0])
-                else:
-                    each_row_converted = TFloatSeq(each_row[0])
-                each_values = [each_val.value()
-                               for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
-                each_time = [
-                    each_val.time().start_timestamp().strftime(
-                        '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
-                    for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
-                interpolation = each_row_converted.interpolation().to_string()
-                value_sequence = {
-                    "datetimes": each_time,
-                    "values": each_values,
-                    "interpolation": interpolation
-                }
+            each_row_converted = None
+            if name == "velocity":
+                each_row_converted = TFloatSeqSet(each_row[0])
-                value_sequence = {
-                    "datetimes": [format_datetime(datetime)],
-                    "values": [each_row[0]],
-                    "interpolation": "Discrete"
-                }
+                each_row_converted = TFloatSeq(each_row[0])
+            each_values = [each_val.value() for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+            each_time = [
+                each_val.time().start_timestamp().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+                for each_val in each_row_converted.instants()]
+            interpolation = each_row_converted.interpolation().to_string()
+            value_sequence = {
+                "datetimes": each_time,
+                "values": each_values,
+                "interpolation": interpolation
+            }
         return tProperty
     def calculate_acceleration(self, velocities, times, chk_dtime):
         Calculate acceleration

From e19e6b3874a177fc4f0870b766ada585e9619639 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TaehoonK <>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:10:15 +0700
Subject: [PATCH 14/14] docker-compose.yml configuration update

 docker-compose.yml |   5 +-
 mf-api.config.yml  | 513 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 517 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 mf-api.config.yml

diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index e0c8dd280..717e431e5 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 version: '3.0'
+    container_name: pygeoapi-mf-api
       context: .
       dockerfile: Dockerfile
     image: pygeoapi-mf-api
+    volumes:
+      - ./mf-api.config.yml:/pygeoapi/local.config.yml
-      - 5000:80
+      - 5050:80
     container_name: mobilitydb
diff --git a/mf-api.config.yml b/mf-api.config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..198704f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mf-api.config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+# =================================================================
+# Authors: Just van den Broecke <>
+#          Tom Kralidis <>
+#          Francesco Bartoli <>
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Just van den Broecke
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Tom Kralidis
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Francesco Bartoli
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+# conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# =================================================================
+# Default config for base Docker Image, override via DockerVolume
+# mapping with your own config.
+    bind:
+        host:
+        port: 80
+    url: http://localhost:5050
+    mimetype: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+    encoding: utf-8
+    gzip: false
+    language: en-US
+    cors: true
+    pretty_print: true
+    limit: 10
+    # templates: /path/to/templates
+    map:
+        url:{z}/{x}/{y}.png
+        attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>'
+    ogc_schemas_location: /
+    level: ERROR
+    #logfile: /tmp/pygeoapi.log
+    identification:
+        title: pygeoapi Demo instance - running latest GitHub version
+        description: pygeoapi provides an API to geospatial data
+        keywords:
+            - geospatial
+            - data
+            - api
+        keywords_type: theme
+        terms_of_service:
+        url:
+    license:
+        name: CC-BY 4.0 license
+        url:
+    provider:
+        name: pygeoapi Development Team
+        url:
+    contact:
+        name: Kralidis, Tom
+        position: Lead Dev
+        address: Mailing Address
+        city: City
+        stateorprovince: Administrative Area
+        postalcode: Zip or Postal Code
+        country: Canada
+        phone: +xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx
+        fax: +xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx
+        email:
+        url: Contact URL
+        hours: Hours of Service
+        instructions: During hours of service.  Off on weekends.
+        role: pointOfContact
+#    obs:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Observations
+#        description: My cool observations
+#        keywords:
+#            - observations
+#            - monitoring
+#        linked-data:
+#            context:
+#                - datetime:
+#                - vocab:
+#                  stn_id: "vocab:stn_id"
+#                  value: "vocab:value"
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/csv
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: data
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#            - type: text/csv
+#              rel: alternate
+#              title: data
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [-180,-90,180,90]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin: 2000-10-30T18:24:39Z
+#                end: 2007-10-30T08:57:29Z
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: CSV
+#              data: tests/data/obs.csv
+#              id_field: id
+#              geometry:
+#                  x_field: long
+#                  y_field: lat
+#    lakes:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Large Lakes
+#        description: lakes of the world, public domain
+#        keywords:
+#            - lakes
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [-180,-90,180,90]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin: 2011-11-11
+#                end: null  # or empty (either means open ended)
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: GeoJSON
+#              data: tests/data/ne_110m_lakes.geojson
+#              id_field: id
+#    countries:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Countries in the world (SpatialLite Provider)
+#        description: Countries of the world (SpatialLite)
+#        keywords:
+#            - countries
+#            - natural eart
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [-180, -90, 180, 90]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin:
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: SQLiteGPKG
+#              data: tests/data/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.sqlite
+#              id_field: ogc_fid
+#              table: ne_110m_admin_0_countries
+#    dutch_georef_stations:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Dutch Georef Stations via OGR WFS
+#        description: Locations of RD/GNSS-reference stations from Dutch Kadaster PDOK a.k.a RDInfo. Uses MapServer WFS v2 backend via OGRProvider.
+#        keywords:
+#            - Netherlands
+#            - GNSS
+#            - Surveying
+#            - Holland
+#            - RD
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: nl-NL
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [3.37,50.75,7.21,53.47]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin:
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: OGR
+#              data:
+#                  source_type: WFS
+#                  source: WFS:
+##                  source_srs: EPSG:28992
+##                  target_srs: EPSG:4326
+#                  source_capabilities:
+#                      paging: True
+#                  source_options:
+#  #                    OGR_WFS_VERSION: 1.1.0
+#                      OGR_WFS_LOAD_MULTIPLE_LAYER_DEFN: NO
+#                  gdal_ogr_options:
+#                      EMPTY_AS_NULL: NO
+#                      GDAL_CACHEMAX: 64
+#                      # GDAL_HTTP_PROXY: (optional proxy)
+#                      # GDAL_PROXY_AUTH: (optional auth for remote WFS)
+#                      CPL_DEBUG: NO
+#              crs:
+#                -
+#                -
+#              storage_crs:
+#              id_field: gml_id
+#              layer: rdinfo:stations
+#    utah_city_locations:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Cities in Utah via OGR WFS
+#        description: Data from the state of Utah. Standard demo dataset from the deegree WFS server that is used as backend WFS.
+#        keywords:
+#            - USA
+#            - deegree
+#            - Utah
+#            - Demo data
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [-112.108489, 39.854053, -111.028628, 40.460098]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin:
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: OGR
+#              data:
+#                  source_type: WFS
+#                  source: WFS:
+##                  source_srs: EPSG:26912
+##                  target_srs: EPSG:4326
+#                  source_capabilities:
+#                      paging: True
+#                  source_options:
+#  #                    OGR_WFS_VERSION: 2.0.0
+#                      OGR_WFS_LOAD_MULTIPLE_LAYER_DEFN: NO
+#                  gdal_ogr_options:
+#                      EMPTY_AS_NULL: NO
+#                      GDAL_CACHEMAX: 64
+#                      # GDAL_HTTP_PROXY: (optional proxy)
+#                      # GDAL_PROXY_AUTH: (optional auth for remote WFS)
+#                      CPL_DEBUG: NO
+#              crs:
+#                -
+#                -
+#              storage_crs:
+#              id_field: NAME
+#              layer: app:SGID93_LOCATION_UDOTMap_CityLocations
+#    unesco_pois_italy:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Unesco POIs in Italy via OGR WFS
+#        description: Unesco Points of Interest in Italy. Using GeoSolutions GeoServer WFS demo-server as backend WFS.
+#        keywords:
+#            - Italy
+#            - Unesco
+#            - Demo
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [5.0,36.0,20.0,46.0]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin:
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: OGR
+#              data:
+#                  source_type: WFS
+#                  source: WFS:
+##                  source_srs: EPSG:32632
+##                  target_srs: EPSG:4326
+#                  source_capabilities:
+#                      paging: True
+#                  source_options:
+#  #                    OGR_WFS_VERSION: 1.1.0
+#                      OGR_WFS_LOAD_MULTIPLE_LAYER_DEFN: NO
+#                  gdal_ogr_options:
+#                      EMPTY_AS_NULL: NO
+#                      GDAL_CACHEMAX: 64
+#                      # GDAL_HTTP_PROXY: (optional proxy)
+#                      # GDAL_PROXY_AUTH: (optional auth for remote WFS)
+#                      CPL_DEBUG: NO
+#              crs:
+#                -
+#                -
+#              storage_crs:
+#              id_field: gml_id
+#              layer: unesco:Unesco_point
+#    ogr_gpkg_poi:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Portuguese Points of Interest via OGR GPKG
+#        description: Portuguese Points of Interest obtained from OpenStreetMap. Dataset includes Madeira and Azores islands. Uses GeoPackage backend via OGR provider.
+#        keywords:
+#            - Portugal
+#            - POI
+#            - Point of Interest
+#            - Madeira
+#            - Azores
+#            - OSM
+#            - Open Street Map
+#            - NaturaGIS
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [-31.2687, 32.5898, -6.18992, 42.152]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin:
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: OGR
+#              data:
+#                  source_type: GPKG
+#                  source: tests/data/poi_portugal.gpkg
+##                  source_srs: EPSG:4326
+##                  target_srs: EPSG:4326
+#                  source_capabilities:
+#                      paging: True
+#                  gdal_ogr_options:
+#                      EMPTY_AS_NULL: NO
+#                      GDAL_CACHEMAX: 64
+#                      # GDAL_HTTP_PROXY: (optional proxy)
+#                      # GDAL_PROXY_AUTH: (optional auth for remote WFS)
+#                      CPL_DEBUG: NO
+#              id_field: osm_id
+#              layer: poi_portugal
+#    ogr_geojson_lakes:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Large Lakes OGR GeoJSON Driver
+#        description: lakes of the world, public domain
+#        keywords:
+#            - lakes
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: en-US
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [-180, -90, 180, 90]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin: 2011-11-11
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: OGR
+#              data:
+#                  source_type: GeoJSON
+#                  source: tests/data/ne_110m_lakes.geojson
+##                  source_srs: EPSG:4326
+##                  target_srs: EPSG:4326
+#                  source_capabilities:
+#                      paging: True
+#                  gdal_ogr_options:
+#                      EMPTY_AS_NULL: NO
+#                      GDAL_CACHEMAX: 64
+#                      # GDAL_HTTP_PROXY: (optional proxy)
+#                      # GDAL_PROXY_AUTH: (optional auth for remote WFS)
+#                      CPL_DEBUG: NO
+#              id_field: id
+#              layer: ne_110m_lakes
+#    ogr_addresses_sqlite:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Dutch addresses (subset Otterlo). OGR SQLite Driver
+#        description: Dutch addresses subset.
+#        keywords:
+#            - Netherlands
+#            - addresses
+#            - INSPIRE
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: nl-NL
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [3.37,50.75,7.21,53.47]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin:
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: OGR
+#              data:
+#                  source_type: SQLite
+#                  # source: tests/data/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.sqlite
+#                  source: tests/data/dutch_addresses_4326.sqlite
+##                  source_srs: EPSG:4326
+##                  target_srs: EPSG:4326
+#                  source_capabilities:
+#                      paging: True
+#                  gdal_ogr_options:
+#                      EMPTY_AS_NULL: NO
+#                      GDAL_CACHEMAX: 64
+#                      # GDAL_HTTP_PROXY: (optional proxy)
+#                      # GDAL_PROXY_AUTH: (optional auth for remote WFS)
+#                      CPL_DEBUG: NO
+#              id_field: id
+#              layer: ogrgeojson
+#    ogr_addresses_gpkg:
+#        type: collection
+#        title: Dutch addresses (subset Otterlo). OGR GeoPackage Driver
+#        description: Dutch addresses subset.
+#        keywords:
+#            - Netherlands
+#            - addresses
+#            - INSPIRE
+#        links:
+#            - type: text/html
+#              rel: canonical
+#              title: information
+#              href:
+#              hreflang: nl-NL
+#        extents:
+#            spatial:
+#                bbox: [3.37,50.75,7.21,53.47]
+#                crs:
+#            temporal:
+#                begin:
+#                end: null  # or empty
+#        providers:
+#            - type: feature
+#              name: OGR
+#              data:
+#                  source_type: GPKG
+#                  source: tests/data/dutch_addresses_4326.gpkg
+##                  source_srs: EPSG:4326
+##                  target_srs: EPSG:4326
+#                  source_capabilities:
+#                      paging: True
+#                  gdal_ogr_options:
+#                      EMPTY_AS_NULL: NO
+#                      GDAL_CACHEMAX: 64
+#                      # GDAL_HTTP_PROXY: (optional proxy)
+#                      # GDAL_PROXY_AUTH: (optional auth for remote WFS)
+#                      CPL_DEBUG: NO
+#              id_field: id
+#              layer: OGRGeoJSON
+    hello-world:
+        type: process
+        processor:
+            name: HelloWorld