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Improve Sentry.Event struct definition (#609)
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whatyouhide authored Sep 11, 2023
1 parent 49c20a6 commit efec72f
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Showing 10 changed files with 214 additions and 157 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/sentry.ex
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Expand Up @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ defmodule Sentry do
@spec send_event(Event.t(), keyword()) :: send_result
def send_event(event, opts \\ [])

def send_event(%Event{message: nil, exception: nil}, _opts) do
def send_event(%Event{message: nil, exception: []}, _opts) do
Logger.log(Config.log_level(), "Sentry: unable to parse exception")

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11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions lib/sentry/client.ex
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Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ defmodule Sentry.Client do
send_result = Transport.post_envelope(envelope, request_retries)

if match?({:ok, _}, send_result) do
Sentry.put_last_event_id_and_source(event.event_id, event.__source__)
Sentry.put_last_event_id_and_source(event.event_id, event.source)

_ = maybe_log_send_result(send_result, event)
Expand All @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ defmodule Sentry.Client do

defp encode_and_send(%Event{} = event, _result_type = :none, _request_retries) do
:ok = @sender_module.send_async(event)
Sentry.put_last_event_id_and_source(event.event_id, event.__source__)
Sentry.put_last_event_id_and_source(event.event_id, event.source)
{:ok, ""}

Expand All @@ -107,15 +107,14 @@ defmodule Sentry.Client do
json_library = Config.json_library()

|> Map.from_struct()
|> Event.remove_non_payload_keys()
|> update_if_present(:message, &String.slice(&1, 0, @max_message_length))
|> update_if_present(:breadcrumbs, fn bcs ->, &Map.from_struct/1) end)
|> update_if_present(:sdk, &Map.from_struct/1)
|> update_if_present(:extra, &sanitize_non_jsonable_values(&1, json_library))
|> update_if_present(:user, &sanitize_non_jsonable_values(&1, json_library))
|> update_if_present(:tags, &sanitize_non_jsonable_values(&1, json_library))
|> update_if_present(:exception, &[render_exception(&1)])
|> Map.drop([:__source__, :__original_exception__])
|> update_if_present(:exception, fn list ->, &render_exception/1) end)

defp render_exception(%Interfaces.Exception{} = exception) do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ defmodule Sentry.Client do

defp maybe_log_send_result(_send_result, %Event{__source__: :logger}) do
defp maybe_log_send_result(_send_result, %Event{source: :logger}) do

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lib/sentry/envelope.ex
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Expand Up @@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ defmodule Sentry.Envelope do
culprit: fields["culprit"],
environment: fields["environment"],
event_id: fields["event_id"],
__source__: fields["event_source"],
exception: fields["exception"],
source: fields["event_source"],
exception: List.wrap(fields["exception"]),
extra: fields["extra"],
fingerprint: fields["fingerprint"],
level: fields["level"],
message: fields["message"],
modules: fields["modules"],
__original_exception__: fields["original_exception"],
original_exception: fields["original_exception"],
platform: fields["platform"],
release: fields["release"],
request: fields["request"],
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208 changes: 123 additions & 85 deletions lib/sentry/event.ex
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,22 @@ defmodule Sentry.Event do
@typedoc """
The type for the event struct.
See [`%Sentry.Event{}`](`__struct__/0`) for more information.
All of the fields in this struct map directly to the fields described in the
[Sentry documentation]( These fields
are the exceptions, and are specific to the Elixir Sentry SDK:
* `:source` - the source of the event. `Sentry.LoggerBackend` and `Sentry.LoggerHandler`
set this to `:logger`, while `Sentry.PlugCapture` and `Sentry.PlugContext` set it to
`:plug`. You can set it to any atom. See the `:event_source` option in `create_event/1`
and `transform_exception/2`.
* `:original_exception` - the original exception that is being reported, if there's one.
The Elixir Sentry SDK manipulates reported exceptions to make them fit the payload
required by the Sentry API, and these end up in the `:exception` field. The
`:original_exception` field, instead, contains the original exception as the raw Elixir
term (such as `%RuntimeError{...}`).
See also [`%Sentry.Event{}`](`__struct__/0`).
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
# Required
Expand All @@ -53,113 +68,144 @@ defmodule Sentry.Event do
# Interfaces.
breadcrumbs: [Interfaces.Breadcrumb.t()],
contexts: Interfaces.context(),
exception: Interfaces.Exception.t() | nil,
exception: [Interfaces.Exception.t()],
message: String.t() | nil,
request: Interfaces.request(),
sdk: Interfaces.SDK.t() | nil,
user: Interfaces.user() | nil,

# Non-payload fields.
__source__: term(),
__original_exception__: Exception.t() | nil
source: atom(),
original_exception: Exception.t() | nil

@doc """
The struct representing the event.
In general, you're not advised to manipulate this struct's fields directly. Instead,
try to use functions such as `create_event/1` or `transform_exception/2` for creating
You're not advised to manipulate this struct's fields directly. Instead,
use functions such as `create_event/1` or `transform_exception/2` for creating
See the `t:t/0` type for information on the fields and their types.
@enforce_keys [:event_id, :timestamp]
defstruct [
# Required. Hexadecimal string representing a uuid4 value. The length is exactly 32
# characters. Dashes are not allowed. Has to be lowercase.
event_id: nil,

# Required. Indicates when the event was created in the Sentry SDK. The format is either a
# string as defined in RFC 3339 or a numeric (integer or float) value representing the number
# of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch.

# Optional fields without defaults.

# Interfaces.
timestamp: nil,

# Optional fields.
breadcrumbs: [],
contexts: nil,
dist: nil,
environment: "production",
exception: [],
extra: %{},
fingerprint: [],
level: nil,
logger: nil,
message: nil,
modules: %{},
platform: :elixir,
release: nil,
request: %{},
sdk: nil,
server_name: nil,
tags: %{},
transaction: nil,
user: %{},

# "Culprit" is not documented anymore and we should move to transactions at some point.
culprit: nil,

# Non-payload "private" fields.

# Required. Has to be "elixir".
platform: :elixir,

# Optional fields with defaults.
tags: %{},
modules: %{},
extra: %{},
fingerprint: [],
environment: "production"
source: nil,
original_exception: nil

# Removes all the non-payload keys from the event so that the client can render
@doc false
@spec remove_non_payload_keys(t()) :: map()
def remove_non_payload_keys(%__MODULE__{} = event) do
|> Map.from_struct()
|> Map.drop([:original_exception, :source])

@doc """
Creates an event struct out of collected context and options.
> #### Merging Options with Context and Config {: .info}
> Some of the options documented below are **merged** with the Sentry context, or
> with the Sentry context *and* the configuration. The option you pass here always
> has higher precedence, followed by the context and finally by the configuration.
> See also `Sentry.Context` for information on the Sentry context and `Sentry` for
> information on configuration.
## Options
* `:exception` - an `t:Exception.t/0`
* `:exception` - an `t:Exception.t/0`. This is the exception that gets reported in the
`:exception` field of `t:t/0`. The term passed here also ends up unchanged in the
`:original_exception` field of `t:t/0`. This option is **required** unless the
`:message` option is present. This is not present by default.
* `:stacktrace` - a stacktrace, as in `t:Exception.stacktrace/0`
* `:stacktrace` - a stacktrace, as in `t:Exception.stacktrace/0`. This is not present
by default.
* `:message` - a message (`t:String.t/0`)
* `:message` - a message (`t:String.t/0`). This is not present by default.
* `:extra` - map of extra context, which gets merged with the current context
(see `Sentry.Context`)
(see `Sentry.Context.set_extra_context/1`). If fields collide, the ones
in the map passed through this option have precedence over the ones in
the context. Defaults to `%{}`.
* `:user` - map of user context, which gets merged with the current context
(see `Sentry.Context`)
(see `Sentry.Context.set_user_context/1`). If fields collide, the ones
in the map passed through this option have precedence over the ones in
the context. Defaults to `%{}`.
* `:tags` - map of tags context, which gets merged with the current context
(see `Sentry.Context`)
* `:tags` - map of tags context, which gets merged with the current context (see
`Sentry.Context.set_tags_context/1`) and with the `:tags` option in the global
Sentry configuration. If fields collide, the ones in the map passed through
this option have precedence over the ones in the context, which have precedence
over the ones in the configuration. Defaults to `%{}`.
* `:request` - map of request context, which gets merged with the current context
(see `Sentry.Context`)
(see `Sentry.Context.set_request_context/1`). If fields collide, the ones
in the map passed through this option have precedence over the ones in
the context. Defaults to `%{}`.
* `:breadcrumbs` - list of breadcrumbs
* `:breadcrumbs` - list of breadcrumbs. This list gets **prepended** to the list
in the context (see `Sentry.Context.add_breadcrumb/1`). Defaults to `[]`.
* `:level` - error level (see `t:t/0`)
* `:level` - error level (see `t:t/0`). Defaults to `:error`.
* `:fingerprint` - list of the fingerprint for grouping this event (a list of `t:String.t/0`)
* `:fingerprint` - list of the fingerprint for grouping this event (a list
of `t:String.t/0`). Defaults to `["{{ default }}"]`.
* `:event_source` - the source of the event. This fills in the `:__source__` field of the
returned struct.
* `:event_source` - the source of the event. This fills in the `:source` field of the
returned struct. This is not present by default.
## Examples
iex> event = create_event(exception: %RuntimeError{message: "oops"}, level: :warning)
iex> event.level
iex> event.exception.type
iex> hd(event.exception).type
iex> event.original_exception
%RuntimeError{message: "oops"}
iex> event = create_event(event_source: :plug)
iex> event.__source__
iex> event = create_event(message: "Unknown route", event_source: :plug)
iex> event.source
Expand All @@ -173,7 +219,7 @@ defmodule Sentry.Event do
| {:level, level()}
| {:fingerprint, [String.t()]}
| {:message, String.t()}
| {:event_source, term()}
| {:event_source, atom()}
| {:exception, Exception.t()}
| {:stacktrace, Exception.stacktrace()}
def create_event(opts) when is_list(opts) do
Expand All @@ -191,25 +237,18 @@ defmodule Sentry.Event do
request: request_context
} = Sentry.Context.get_all()

level = Keyword.get(opts, :level, :error)
fingerprint = Keyword.get(opts, :fingerprint, ["{{ default }}"])

extra =
|> Map.merge(Keyword.get(opts, :extra, %{}))

user =
|> Map.merge(Keyword.get(opts, :user, %{}))
extra = Map.merge(extra_context, Keyword.get(opts, :extra, %{}))
user = Map.merge(user_context, Keyword.get(opts, :user, %{}))
request = Map.merge(request_context, Keyword.get(opts, :request, %{}))

tags =
|> Map.merge(tags_context)
|> Map.merge(Keyword.get(opts, :tags, %{}))

request =
|> Map.merge(Keyword.get(opts, :request, %{}))

breadcrumbs =
Keyword.get(opts, :breadcrumbs, [])
|> Kernel.++(breadcrumbs_context)
Expand All @@ -218,31 +257,30 @@ defmodule Sentry.Event do

message = Keyword.get(opts, :message)
exception = Keyword.get(opts, :exception)
stacktrace = Keyword.get(opts, :stacktrace)
source = Keyword.get(opts, :event_source)

event_id: UUID.uuid4_hex(),
timestamp: timestamp,
level: Keyword.get(opts, :level, :error),
server_name: Config.server_name() || to_string(:net_adm.localhost()),
release: Config.release(),
sdk: @sdk,
tags: tags,
Enum.reduce(@deps, %{}, fn app, acc ->
Map.put(acc, app, to_string(Application.spec(app, :vsn)))
culprit: culprit_from_stacktrace(Keyword.get(opts, :stacktrace, [])),
extra: extra,
breadcrumbs: breadcrumbs,
contexts: generate_contexts(),
exception: coerce_exception(exception, Keyword.get(opts, :stacktrace), message),
message: message,
fingerprint: fingerprint,
culprit: culprit_from_stacktrace(Keyword.get(opts, :stacktrace, [])),
environment: Config.environment_name(),
user: user,
event_id: UUID.uuid4_hex(),
exception: List.wrap(coerce_exception(exception, stacktrace, message)),
extra: extra,
fingerprint: fingerprint,
level: level,
message: message,
modules:, &{&1, to_string(Application.spec(&1, :vsn))}),
original_exception: exception,
release: Config.release(),
request: request,
__source__: Keyword.get(opts, :event_source),
__original_exception__: exception
sdk: @sdk,
server_name: Config.server_name() || to_string(:net_adm.localhost()),
source: source,
tags: tags,
timestamp: timestamp,
user: user

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/sentry/transport/sender.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ defmodule Sentry.Transport.Sender do

defp maybe_log_send_result(send_result, events) do
if Enum.any?(events, &(&1.__source__ == :logger)) do
if Enum.any?(events, &(&1.source == :logger)) do
message =
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