Dartthesis is a LaTeX template for a thesis manuscript intended to be submitted at Dartmouth College. However, the template is general enough that it may be used as a basic template at other institutions. The template is based on my PhD thesis, submitted and accepted in 2013. Style and formatting there conform to guidelines layed out in 2013 by the Dartmouth College Graduate Studies Office.
Always remember to check that formatting guidelines for this year (if at Dartmouth) or for your own institution. Updated descriptions are available from the Grad Studies webpage.
Biliography formatting is handled with BibTeX. The style file adopted is an emulator of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. A version of the style file can be found on GitHub or on the webpage of Michael Williams.
If you use this template to format your thesis, you are encouraged to cite the template package. It has a DOI and is citable through Zenodo. Click the badge below for more information.
Or, add this citation into your document: Gregory Feiden (2014). DartThesis. ZENODO. 10.5281/zenodo.10661