diff --git a/content/code-security/security-overview/about-the-security-overview.md b/content/code-security/security-overview/about-the-security-overview.md index eeca22587e11..8cfb95f56e21 100644 --- a/content/code-security/security-overview/about-the-security-overview.md +++ b/content/code-security/security-overview/about-the-security-overview.md @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ shortTitle: About security overview ## About the security overview -You can use the security overview for a high-level view of the security status of your organization or to identify problematic repositories that require intervention. You can view aggregate or repository-specific security information in the security overview. You can also use the security overview to see which which security features are enabled for your repositories and to configure any available security features that are not currently in use. +You can use the security overview for a high-level view of the security status of your organization or to identify problematic repositories that require intervention. You can view aggregate or repository-specific security information in the security overview. You can also use the security overview to see which security features are enabled for your repositories and to configure any available security features that are not currently in use. The security overview indicates whether {% ifversion fpt or ghes > 3.1 or ghec %}security{% endif %}{% ifversion ghae %}{% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %}{% endif %} features are enabled for repositories owned by your organization and consolidates alerts for each feature.{% ifversion fpt or ghes > 3.1 or ghec %} Security features include {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} features, such as {% data variables.product.prodname_code_scanning %} and {% data variables.product.prodname_secret_scanning %}, as well as {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_alerts %}.{% endif %} For more information about {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} features, see "[About {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %}](/get-started/learning-about-github/about-github-advanced-security)."{% ifversion fpt or ghes > 3.1 or ghec %} For more information about {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_alerts %}, see "[About alerts for vulnerable dependencies](/code-security/supply-chain-security/managing-vulnerabilities-in-your-projects-dependencies/about-alerts-for-vulnerable-dependencies#dependabot-alerts-for-vulnerable-dependencies)."{% endif %}