# Servo Shell A proof of concept web browser interface for Servo, using the [mozbrowser](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Using_the_Browser_API) APIs. ## Status  * Create (and close) tabs. * Enter URL and hit enter to browse to a site. * Back / Forward buttons work. * Window title, tabs, url bars update. * Loading spinner! * The JS / CSS is very simplistic, to work around missing APIs and layout bugs that exist in Servo. ## Future Work * Fix up layout bugs in existing prototype. * Add more shell functionality (as Servo supports more mozbrowser APIs). * Switch shell to use react.js when Servo supports it. * Make the real browser.html work in Servo :) ## How do I use it? * Clone and build [Servo](https://github.com/servo/servo#the-servo-parallel-browser-project). * Make sure you build Servo in release mode - `./mach build --release` - performance will be *much* better! * Clone this repo. * `./mach run --release ../servo-shell/index.html --pref dom.mozbrowser.enabled`