The code snippet below describes the entire syntax of the DSL. The complete
reference can be found in the dsl
package documentation
// Design defines the architecture design containing the models and views.
// Design must appear exactly once.
var _ = Design("[name]", "[description]", func() {
// Version number.
// Enterprise defines a named "enterprise" (e.g. an organisation). On System
// Landscape and System Context diagrams, an enterprise is represented as a
// dashed box. Only a single enterprise can be defined within a model.
// Person defines a person (user, actor, role or persona).
var Person = Person("<name>", "[description]", func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// URL where more information about this system can be found.
// External indicates the person is external to the enterprise.
// Prop defines an arbitrary set of associated key-value pairs.
Prop("<name>", "<value>")
// Adds a uni-directional relationship between this person and the given element.
Uses(Element, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Adds an interaction between this person and another.
InteractsWith(Person, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// SoftwareSystem defines a software system.
var SoftwareSystem = SoftwareSystem("<name>", "[description]", func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// URL where more information about this software system can be
// found.
// External indicates the software system is external to the enterprise.
// Prop defines an arbitrary set of associated key-value pairs.
Prop("<name>", "<value>")
// Adds a uni-directional relationship between this software system and the given element.
Uses(Element, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Adds an interaction between this software system and a person.
Delivers(Person, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Container defines a container within a software system.
var Container = Container("<name>", "[description]", "[technology]", func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as neede
// URL where more information about this container can be found.
// Prop defines an arbitrary set of associated key-value pairs.
Prop("<name>", "<value">)
// Adds a uni-directional relationship between this container and the given element.
Uses(Element, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func () {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Adds an interaction between this container and a person.
Delivers(Person, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Container may also refer to a Goa service in which case the name
// and description are taken from the given service definition and
// the technology is set to "Go and Goa v3".
var Container = Container(GoaService, func() {
// ... see above
// Component defines a component within a container.
var Component = Component("<name>", "[description]", "[technology]", func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as need
// URL where more information about this container can be found.
// Prop defines an arbitrary set of associated key-value pairs.
Prop("<name>", "<value">)
// Adds a uni-directional relationship between this component and the given element.
Uses(Element, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Adds an interaction between this component and a person.
Delivers(Person, "<description>", "[technology]", Synchronous /* or Asynchronous */, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// DeploymentEnvironment provides a way to define a deployment
// environment (e.g. development, staging, production, etc).
DeploymentEnvironment("<name>", func() {
// DeploymentNode defines a deployment node. Deployment nodes can be
// nested, so a deployment node can contain other deployment nodes.
// A deployment node can also contain InfrastructureNode and
// ContainerInstance elements.
var DeploymentNode = DeploymentNode("<name>", "[description]", "[technology]", func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Instances sets the number of instances, defaults to 1.
// URL where more information about this deployment node can be
// found.
// Prop defines an arbitrary set of associated key-value pairs.
Prop("<name>", "<value">)
// InfrastructureNode defines an infrastructure node, typically
// something like a load balancer, firewall, DNS service, etc.
var InfrastructureNode = InfrastructureNode("<name>", "[description]", "[technology]", func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// URL where more information about this infrastructure node can be
// found.
// Prop defines an arbitrary set of associated key-value pairs.
Prop("<name>", "<value">)
// ContainerInstance defines an instance of the specified
// container that is deployed on the parent deployment node.
var ContainerInstance = ContainerInstance(Container, func() {
Tag("<name>", "[name]") // as many tags as needed
// Sets instance number or index.
// Prop defines an arbitrary set of associated key-value pairs.
Prop("<name>", "<value">)
// HealthCheck defines a HTTP-based health check for this
// container instance.
HealthCheck("<name>", func() {
// URL is the health check URL/endpoint.
// Interval is the polling interval, in seconds.
// Timeout after which a health check is deemed as failed,
// in milliseconds.
// Header defines a header that should be sent with the
// request.
Header("<name>", "<value>")
// DeploymentNode within a deployment node defines child nodes.
var ChildNode = DeploymentNode("<name>", "[description]", "[technology]", func() {
// ... see above
// Views is optional and defines one or more views.
Views(func() {
// SystemLandscapeView defines a System Landscape view.
SystemLandscapeView("[key]", "[description]", func() {
// Title of this view.
// AddDefault adds default elements that are relevant for the
// specific view:
// - System landscape view: adds all software systems and people
// - System context view: adds softare system and other related
// software systems and people.
// - Container view: adds all containers in software system as well
// as related software systems and people.
// - Component view: adds all components in container as well as
// related containers, software systems and people.
// Add given person or element to view. If person or element was
// already added implictely (e.g. via AddAll()) then overrides how
// the person or element is rendered.
Add(PersonOrElement, func() {
// Set explicit coordinates for where to render person or
// element.
Coord(X, Y)
// Do not render relationships when rendering person or element.
// Add given relationship to view. If relationship was already added
// implictely (e.g. via AddAll()) then overrides how the
// relationship is rendered.
Link(Source, Destination, func() {
// Vertices lists the x and y coordinate of the vertices used to
// render the relationship. The number of arguments must be even.
Vertices(10, 20, 10, 40)
// Routing algorithm used when rendering relationship, one of
// RoutingDirect, RoutingCurved or RoutingOrthogonal.
// Position of annotation along line; 0 (start) to 100 (end).
// Add all elements and people in scope.
// Add default set of elements depending on view type.
// Add all elements that are directly connected to given person
// or element.
// Remove given element or person from view.
// RemoveTagged removes elements and relationships with the given tag.
// Remove given relationship from view.
Unlink(Source, Destination)
// Remove all elements and people that cannot be reached by
// traversing the relashionships starting with given element or
// person.
// Remove all elements that have no relationships to other elements.
// AutoLayout enables automatic layout mode for the diagram. The
// first argument indicates the rank direction, it must be one of
// RankTopBottom, RankBottomTop, RankLeftRight or RankRightLeft.
AutoLayout(RankTopBottom, func() {
// Separation between ranks in pixels, defaults to 300.
// Separation between nodes in the same rank in pixels, defaults to 600.
// Separation between edges in pixels, defaults to 200.
// Create vertices during automatic layout, false by default.
// Animation defines an animation step consisting of the
// specified elements.
Animation(Element, Element/*, ...*/)
// PaperSize defines the paper size that should be used to render
// the view. The possible values for the argument follow the
// patterns SizeA[0-6][Portrait|Landscape], SizeLetter[Portrait|Landscape]
// or SizeLegal[Portrait_Landscape]. Alternatively the argument may be
// one of SizeSlide4X3, SizeSlide16X9 or SizeSlide16X10.
// Make enterprise boundary visible to differentiate internal
// elements from external elements on the resulting diagram.
SystemContextView(SoftwareSystem, "[key]", "[description]", func() {
// ... same usage as SystemLandscapeView.
ContainerView(SoftwareSystem, "[key]", "[description]", func() {
// ... same usage as SystemLandscapeView without EnterpriseBoundaryVisible.
// All all containers in software system to view.
// Make software system boundaries visible for "external" containers
// (those outside the software system in scope).
ComponentView(Container, "[key]", "[description]", func() {
// ... same usage as SystemLandscapeView without EnterpriseBoundaryVisible.
// All all containers in software system to view.
// All all components in container to view.
// Make container boundaries visible for "external" components
// (those outside the container in scope).
// FilteredView defines a Filtered view on top of the specified view.
// The given view must be a System Landscape, System Context, Container,
// or Component view on which this filtered view should be based.
FilteredView(View, func() {
// Set of tags to include or exclude (if Exclude() is used)
// elements/relationships when rendering this filtered view.
FilterTag("<tag>", "[tag]") // as many as needed
// Exclude elements and relationships with the given tags instead of
// including.
// DynamicView defines a Dynamic view for the specified scope. The
// first argument defines the scope of the view, and therefore what can
// be added to the view, as follows:
// * Global scope: People and software systems.
// * Software system scope: People, other software systems, and
// containers belonging to the software system.
// * Container scope: People, other software systems, other
// containers, and components belonging to the container.
DynamicView(Global, "[key]", "[description]", func() {
// Title of this view.
// AutoLayout enables automatic layout mode for the diagram. The
// first argument indicates the rank direction, it must be one of
// RankTopBottom, RankBottomTop, RankLeftRight or RankRightLeft.
AutoLayout(RankTopBottom, func() {
// Separation between ranks in pixels
// Separation between nodes in the same rank in pixels
// Separation between edges in pixels
// Create vertices during automatic layout.
// PaperSize defines the paper size that should be used to render
// the view. The possible values for the argument follow the
// patterns SizeA[0-6][Portrait|Landscape], SizeLetter[Portrait|Landscape]
// or SizeLegal[Portrait_Landscape]. Alternatively the argument may be
// one of SizeSlide4X3, SizeSlide16X9 or SizeSlide16X10.
// Set of relationships that make up dynamic diagram.
Link(Source, Destination, func() {
// Vertices lists the x and y coordinate of the vertices used to
// render the relationship. The number of arguments must be even.
Vertices(10, 20, 10, 40)
// Routing algorithm used when rendering relationship, one of
// RoutingDirect, RoutingCurved or RoutingOrthogonal.
// Position of annotation along line; 0 (start) to 100 (end).
// Description used in dynamic views.
// Order of relationship in dynamic views, e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 2.0
// DynamicView on software system or container uses the corresponding
// identifier as first argument.
DynamicView(SoftwareSystemOrContainer, "[key]", "[description]", func() {
// see usage above
// DeploymentView defines a Deployment view for the specified scope and
// deployment environment. The first argument defines the scope of the
// view, and the second property defines the deployment environment. The
// combination of these two arguments determines what can be added to
// the view, as follows:
// * Global scope: All deployment nodes, infrastructure nodes, and
// container instances within the deployment environment.
// * Software system scope: All deployment nodes and infrastructure
// nodes within the deployment environment. Container instances within
// the deployment environment that belong to the software system.
DeploymentView(Global, "<environment name>", "[key]", "[description]", func() {
// ... same usage as SystemLandscape without EnterpriseBoundaryVisible.
// DeploymentView on a software system uses the software system as first
// argument.
DeploymentView(SoftwareSystem, "<environment name>", "[key]", "[description]", func() {
// see usage above
// Styles is a wrapper for one or more element/relationship styles,
// which are used when rendering diagrams.
Styles(func() {
// ElementStyle defines an element style.
ElementStyle("<tag>", func() {
Shape(ShapeBox) // ShapeBox, ShapeRoundedBox, ShapeCircle, ShapeEllipse,
// ShapeHexagon, ShapeCylinder, ShapePipe, ShapePerson
// ShapeRobot, ShapeFolder, ShapeWebBrowser,
// ShapeMobileDevicePortrait, ShapeMobileDeviceLandscape,
// ShapeComponent.
Border(BorderSolid) // BorderSolid, BorderDashed, BorderDotted
Opacity(42) // Between 0 and 100
// RelationshipStyle defines a relationship style. All nested
// properties (thickness, color, etc) are optional.
RelationshipStyle("<tag>", func() {
Position(42) // Between 0 and 100
Opacity(42) // Between 0 and 100
Routing(RoutingDirect) // RoutingDirect, RoutingOrthogonal, RoutingCurved