diff --git a/docs/config.toml b/docs/config.toml
index 249f08bae9a..6b65994776a 100644
--- a/docs/config.toml
+++ b/docs/config.toml
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ pluralizeListTitles = false
     identifier = "extras"
     pre = "<i class='fa fa-gift'></i>"
     weight = -60
+    name = "Tools"
+    url = "/tools/"
+    pre = "<i class='fa fa-cogs'></i>"
+    weight = -55
     name = "Community"
     identifier = "community"
diff --git a/docs/content/overview/quickstart.md b/docs/content/overview/quickstart.md
index 0690ef22a8e..202ddbaf20a 100644
--- a/docs/content/overview/quickstart.md
+++ b/docs/content/overview/quickstart.md
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ Currently the site doesn’t have any content, nor is it configured.
 ## Step 3. Create Some Content
+> If you used a different blogging platform such as Jekyll, Ghost or Wordpress and you
+want convert your content, take a look at this list of [ migration tools]({{< relref "tools/index.md#migration-tools" >}}).
 Hugo also has the ability to create a skeleton content page:
     $ hugo new about.md
diff --git a/docs/content/tools/index.md b/docs/content/tools/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6918adeb9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/tools/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+date: 2015-09-12T10:40:31+02:00
+title: Tools
+weight: 120
+This section highlights some projects around Hugo that are independently developed.
+Those tools try to extend the functionality of our static site generator or help you to get started.
+## Migration tools
+Take a look a this list of migration tools if you currently use other blogging tools
+like Jekyll or Wordpress but you intend to switch to Hugo instead. They'll take care to export
+your content into Hugo-friendly formats.
+### Jekyll
+Alternatively you can follow the manual [migration guide]({{< relref "tutorials/migrate-from-jekyll.md" >}}).
+- [JekyllToHugo](https://github.com/SenjinDarashiva/JekyllToHugo) - A Small script for converting Jekyll blog posts to a Hugo site.
+- [ConvertToHugo](https://github.com/coderzh/ConvertToHugo) - Convert your blog from Jekyll to Hugo.
+### Ghost
+- [ghostToHugo](https://github.com/jbarone/ghostToHugo) - Convert Ghost blog posts and export them to Hugo.
+### Octopress
+- [octohug](https://github.com/codebrane/octohug) - Octopress to Hugo migrator.
+### Wordpress
+- [wordpress-to-hugo-exporter](https://github.com/SchumacherFM/wordpress-to-hugo-exporter) - A one-click WordPress plugin that converts all posts, pages, taxonomies, metadata, and settings to Markdown and YAML which can be dropped into Hugo.
+### Drupal
+- [drupal2hugo](https://github.com/danapsimer/drupal2hugo) - Convert a Drupal site to Hugo.
+### Blogger
+- [blogimport](https://github.com/natefinch/blogimport) - A tool to import from Blogger posts to Hugo.
+## Frontends
+Do you prefer an graphical user interface over a text editor? Then give this frontends a try.
+- [rango](https://github.com/stayradiated/rango) - A web frontend for Hugo. It's designed to make it easy to manage a small site, even for people with little computer experience.
+- [enwrite](https://github.com/zzamboni/enwrite) - Evernote-powered statically-generated blogs and websites. Now posting to your blog or updating your website is as easy as writing a new note in Evernote!
+## Search
+A static site with a dynamic search function? Yes. Alternatively to embeddable scripts from Google or other search engines you can provide your visitors a custom search by indexing your content files directly.
+- [Hugoidx](https://github.com/blevesearch/hugoidx) is an experimental application to create a search index. It's build on top of [Bleve](http://www.blevesearch.com/).
+- This [Github Gist](https://gist.github.com/sebz/efddfc8fdcb6b480f567) contains simple workflow to create a search index for your static site. It uses a simple Grunt script to index your all of your content files and [lunr.js](http://lunrjs.com/) to serve the search results.
+## Other
+And for all the other small things around Hugo:
+- [hugo-gallery](https://github.com/icecreammatt/hugo-gallery) lets you create an image gallery for Hugo sites.
+> Do you know or maintain a similar project around Hugo? Feel free to open a
+[pull request](https://github.com/spf13/hugo/pulls) on Github if you think it should to be added.