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+title: Get timings for an HTTP metric
+excerpt: How to calculate timings for an individual k6 metric
+To access the timing information from an individual HTTP request, the [Response.timings](/javascript-api/k6-http/response) object provides the time spent on the various phases in `ms`.
+One use case of this is to use the timings in a [Custom metric](/using-k6/metrics/create-custom-metrics) to make a trend for a specific endpoint.
+The timings are as follows:
+- blocked: equals to `http_req_blocked`.
+- connecting: equals to `http_req_connecting`.
+- tls_handshaking: equals to `http_req_tls_handshaking`.
+- sending: equals to  `http_req_sending`.
+- waiting: equals to `http_req_waiting`.
+- receiving: equals to `http_req_receiving`.
+- duration: equals to `http_req_duration`.
+This script gets the request duration timing for a specific GET request and logs it to the console.
+<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
+import http from 'k6/http';
+export default function () {
+  const res = http.get('http://httpbin.test.k6.io');
+  console.log('Response time was ' + String(res.timings.duration) + ' ms');
+The expected (partial) output looks like this:
+<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
+$ k6 run script.js
+  INFO[0001] Response time was 337.962473 ms               source=console
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@@ -7,15 +7,46 @@ _Metrics_ measure how a system performs under test conditions.
 By default, k6 automatically collects built-in metrics.
 Besides built-ins, you can also make custom metrics.
-Metrics fall into four broad types:
-- _Counters_ sum values.
-- _Gauges_ track the smallest, largest, and latest values.
-- _Rates_ track how frequently a non-zero value occurs.
-- _Trends_  calculate statistics for multiple values (like mean or mode).
-## Built-in metrics
+Metrics fall into four broad types.
+- **Counter.** Sums values
+- **Gauge.** Tracks the smallest, largest, and latest values
+- **Rate.** Tracks how frequently a non-zero value occurs
+- **Trend.** Calculates statistics for multiple values (like mean, mode or percentile)
-The _built-in_ metrics output to `stdout` when you run the simplest possible k6 test:
+If you want to make a test fail a certain criteria, you can write [Threshold](/using-k6/thresholds) based on the metric criteria (the specifics of the expression depend on the metric type).
+To filter metrics, you can use [Tags and groups](/using-k6/tags-and-groups).
+You can also export metrics in various summary and granular formats, as documented in [Results output](/results-output).
+| On this page...                                                      | Read about...                                                           |
+| [Built-in metrics](/using-k6/metrics/reference)                      | Each built-in metric for each supported [protocol](/using-k6/protocols) |
+| [Create custom metrics](/using-k6/metrics/create-custom-metrics)     | How to build your own metric for each metric type                       |
+## What metrics to look at?
+Each metric provides a different perspective on performance.
+So the best metric for your analysis depends on your goals.
+However, if you're unsure about the metrics to focus on, you can start with the metrics that measure the requests, errors, and duration (the criteria of the [RED method](https://grafana.com/blog/2018/08/02/the-red-method-how-to-instrument-your-services/)).
+- `http_reqs`, to measure requests
+- `http_req_failed`, to measure error rate
+- `req_duration`, to measure duration
+<Blockquote mod="note" title="">
+In other terminology, these metrics measure traffic (in requests), availability (in error rate), and latency (in request duration).
+SREs might recognize these metrics as three of the [four Golden Signals](https://sre.google/sre-book/monitoring-distributed-systems/#xref_monitoring_golden-signals).
+## Example output
+An aggregated summary of all _built-in_ and custom metrics outputs to `stdout` when you run a test:
 <CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
@@ -29,7 +60,7 @@ export default function () {
-Running the preceding script outputs something like this:
+The preceding script outputs something like this:
 <CodeGroup labels={["output"]} lineNumbers={[false]}>
@@ -74,301 +105,5 @@ default ✓ [======================================] 1 VUs  00m03.8s/10m0s  1/1
 In that output, all the metrics that start with `http`, `iteration`, and `vu` are _built-in_ metrics, which get written to stdout at the end of a test.
-k6 always collects the following built-in metrics:
-| Metric Name        | Type    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| vus                | Gauge   | Current number of active virtual users                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| vus_max            | Gauge   | Max possible number of virtual users (VU resources are pre-allocated, ensuring performance will not be affected when scaling up the load level)                                                                                                              |
-| iterations         | Counter | The aggregate number of times the VUs executed the JS script (the `default` function).                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| iteration_duration | Trend   | The time it took to complete one full iteration, including time spent in `setup` and `teardown`. To calculate the duration of the iteration's function for the specific scenario, [try this workaround](/using-k6/workaround-to-calculate-iteration_duration) |
-| dropped_iterations | Counter | The number of iterations that weren't started due to lack of VUs (for the arrival-rate executors) or lack of time (expired maxDuration in the iteration-based executors). [About dropped iterations](/using-k6/scenarios/concepts/dropped-iterations/)                                                                             |
-| data_received      | Counter | The amount of received data. [This example covers how to track data for an individual URL](/examples/track-transmitted-data-per-url).                                                                                                                         |
-| data_sent          | Counter | The amount of data sent. [Track data for an individual URL](/examples/track-transmitted-data-per-url) to track data for an individual URL.                                                                                                                                   |
-| checks             | Rate    | The rate of successful checks.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
-## HTTP-specific built-in metrics
-These metrics are generated only when the test makes HTTP requests.
-<Blockquote mod="note" title="">
-For all `http_req_*` metrics, **the timestamp is emitted the end of the request.**
-In other words, the timestamp happens when k6 receives the end of the response body, or the request times out.
-| Metric Name              | Type    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
-| http_reqs                | Counter | How many total HTTP requests k6 generated.                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| http_req_blocked         | Trend   | Time spent blocked (waiting for a free TCP connection slot) before initiating the request. `float`                                                                                                                                           |
-| http_req_connecting      | Trend   | Time spent establishing TCP connection to the remote host. `float`                                                                                                                                                                           |
-| http_req_tls_handshaking | Trend   | Time spent handshaking TLS session with remote host                                                                                                                                                                                          |
-| http_req_sending         | Trend   | Time spent sending data to the remote host. `float`                                                                                                                                                                                          |
-| http_req_waiting         | Trend   | Time spent waiting for response from remote host (a.k.a. “time to first byte”, or “TTFB”). `float`                                                                                                                                           |
-| http_req_receiving       | Trend   | Time spent receiving response data from the remote host. `float`                                                                                                                                                                             |
-| http_req_duration        | Trend   | Total time for the request. It's equal to `http_req_sending + http_req_waiting + http_req_receiving` (i.e. how long did the remote server take to process the request and respond, without the initial DNS lookup/connection times). `float` |
-| http_req_failed          | Rate    | The rate of failed requests according to [setResponseCallback](/javascript-api/k6-http/setresponsecallback).                                                                                                                        |
-|                          |         |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
-### Accessing HTTP timings from a script
-To access the timing information from an individual HTTP request, the [Response.timings](/javascript-api/k6-http/response) object provides the time spent on the various phases in `ms`:
-- blocked: equals to `http_req_blocked`.
-- connecting: equals to `http_req_connecting`.
-- tls_handshaking: equals to `http_req_tls_handshaking`.
-- sending: equals to  `http_req_sending`.
-- waiting: equals to `http_req_waiting`.
-- receiving: equals to `http_req_receiving`.
-- duration: equals to `http_req_duration`.
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
-import http from 'k6/http';
-export default function () {
-  const res = http.get('http://httpbin.test.k6.io');
-  console.log('Response time was ' + String(res.timings.duration) + ' ms');
-The expected (partial) output looks like this:
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
-$ k6 run script.js
-  INFO[0001] Response time was 337.962473 ms               source=console
-## Custom metrics
-You can also create custom metrics.
-They are reported at the end of a load test, just like HTTP timings:
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
-import http from 'k6/http';
-import { Trend } from 'k6/metrics';
-const myTrend = new Trend('waiting_time');
-export default function () {
-  const r = http.get('https://httpbin.test.k6.io');
-  myTrend.add(r.timings.waiting);
-  console.log(myTrend.name); // waiting_time
-The preceding code creates a Trend metric called `waiting_time`.
-In the code, it's referred to with the variable name `myTrend`.
-Custom metrics are reported at the end of a test.
-Here's how the output might look:
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
-$ k6 run script.js
-  ...
-  INFO[0001] waiting_time                                  source=console
-  ...
-  iteration_duration.............: avg=1.15s    min=1.15s    med=1.15s    max=1.15s    p(90)=1.15s    p(95)=1.15s
-  iterations.....................: 1     0.864973/s
-  waiting_time...................: avg=265.245396 min=265.245396 med=265.245396 max=265.245396 p(90)=265.245396 p(95)=265.245396
-You can optionally [tag](/using-k6/tags-and-groups) any value for a custom metric.
-This can be useful when analyzing test results.
-<Blockquote mod="note" title="">
-Custom metrics are collected from VU threads only at the end of a VU iteration.
-For long-running scripts, custom metrics might appear only after the test runs a while.
-## Metric types
-All metrics (both built-in and custom) have a _type_. The four different metric types in k6 are:
-| Metric type                                   | Description                                                                                              |
-| --------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [Counter](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/counter) | A metric that cumulatively sums added values.                                                            |
-| [Gauge](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/gauge)     | A metric that stores the min, max and last values added to it.                                           |
-| [Rate](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/rate)       | A metric that tracks the percentage of added values that are non-zero.                                   |
-| [Trend](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/trend)     | A metric that allows for calculating statistics on the added values (min, max, average and percentiles). |
-### Counter _(cumulative metric)_
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
-import { Counter } from 'k6/metrics';
-const myCounter = new Counter('my_counter');
-export default function () {
-  myCounter.add(1);
-  myCounter.add(2);
-The preceding code generates something like the following output:
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
-$ k6 run script.js
-  ...
-  iteration_duration...: avg=16.48µs min=16.48µs med=16.48µs max=16.48µs p(90)=16.48µs p(95)=16.48µs
-  iterations...........: 1   1327.67919/s
-  my_counter...........: 3   3983.037571/s
-If you run the script for one iteration&mdash;without specifying `--iterations` or `--duration`&mdash;the value of `my_counter` will be three.
-Note that there is currently no way to access the value of any custom metric from within JavaScript.
-Note also that counters that have a value of zero (`0`) at the end of a test are a special case.
-They will _NOT_ print to the stdout summary.
-### Gauge _(keep the latest value only)_
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
-import { Gauge } from 'k6/metrics';
-const myGauge = new Gauge('my_gauge');
-export default function () {
-  myGauge.add(3);
-  myGauge.add(1);
-  myGauge.add(2);
-The preceding code results in output like this:
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
-$ k6 run script.js
-  ...
-  iteration_duration...: avg=21.74µs min=21.74µs med=21.74µs max=21.74µs p(90)=21.74µs p(95)=21.74µs
-  iterations...........: 1   1293.475322/s
-  my_gauge.............: 2   min=1         max=3
-The value of `my_gauge` will be 2 at the end of the test.
-As with the Counter metric, a Gauge with a value of zero (`0`) will *NOT* be printed to the `stdout` summary at the end of the test.
-### Trend _(collect trend statistics (min/max/avg/percentiles) for a series of values)_
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
-import { Trend } from 'k6/metrics';
-const myTrend = new Trend('my_trend');
-export default function () {
-  myTrend.add(1);
-  myTrend.add(2);
-The preceding code outputs something like this:
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
-$ k6 run script.js
-  ...
-  iteration_duration...: avg=20.78µs min=20.78µs med=20.78µs max=20.78µs p(90)=20.78µs p(95)=20.78µs
-  iterations...........: 1   1217.544821/s
-  my_trend.............: avg=1.5     min=1       med=1.5     max=2       p(90)=1.9     p(95)=1.95
-A _trend metric_ holds a set of sample values, which it can output statistics about (min, max, average, median, or percentiles).
-By default, k6 prints `average`, `min`, `max`, `median`, `90th percentile`, and `95th percentile`.
-### Rate _(keeps track of the percentage of values in a series that are non-zero)_
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
-import { Rate } from 'k6/metrics';
-const myRate = new Rate('my_rate');
-export default function () {
-  myRate.add(true);
-  myRate.add(false);
-  myRate.add(1);
-  myRate.add(0);
-The preceding code outputs something like this:
-<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
-$ k6 run script.js
-  ...
-  iteration_duration...: avg=22.12µs min=22.12µs med=22.12µs max=22.12µs p(90)=22.12µs p(95)=22.12µs
-  iterations...........: 1      1384.362792/s
-  my_rate..............: 50.00% ✓ 2           ✗ 2
-The value of `my_rate` at the end of the test will be 50%, indicating that half of the values
-added to the metric were non-zero.
-## Metric graphs in k6 Cloud Results
-If you use [k6 Cloud Results](/cloud/analyzing-results/overview), you can access all test
-metrics within the [Analysis Tab](/cloud/analyzing-results/analysis-tab).
-You can use this tab to analyze, compare, and look for meaningful correlations in your test result data.
-![k6 Cloud Analysis Tab](images/Metrics/cloud-insights-analysis-tab.png)
+For details of all metrics, refer to the [Metrics reference](/using-k6/metrics/reference/).
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+title: Built-in metrics
+slug: '/using-k6/metrics/reference'
+excerpt: A reference of built-in metrics for different supported protocols.
+Every k6 test emits built-in and [Custom metrics](/using-k6/metrics/create-custom).
+Each supported protocol also has its specific metrics.
+## Standard built-in metrics.
+k6 always collects the following metrics, no matter what protocol the test uses:
+| Metric Name        | Type    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| vus                | Gauge   | Current number of active virtual users                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+| vus_max            | Gauge   | Max possible number of virtual users (VU resources are [pre-allocated](/using-k6/scenarios/concepts/arrival-rate-vu-allocation/), to avoid affecting performance when scaling up load )                                                                                                              |
+| iterations         | Counter | The aggregate number of times the VUs execute the JS script (the `default` function).                                                                                                                                                                        |
+| iteration_duration | Trend   | The time to complete one full iteration, including time spent in `setup` and `teardown`. To calculate the duration of the iteration's function for the specific scenario, [try this workaround](/using-k6/workaround-to-calculate-iteration_duration) |
+| dropped_iterations | Counter | The number of iterations that weren't started due to lack of VUs (for the arrival-rate executors) or lack of time (expired maxDuration in the iteration-based executors). [About dropped iterations](/using-k6/scenarios/concepts/dropped-iterations/)                                                                             |
+| data_received      | Counter | The amount of received data. [This example covers how to track data for an individual URL](/examples/track-transmitted-data-per-url).                                                                                                                         |
+| data_sent          | Counter | The amount of data sent. [Track data for an individual URL](/examples/track-transmitted-data-per-url) to track data for an individual URL.                                                                                                                                   |
+| checks             | Rate    | The rate of successful checks.
+## HTTP-specific built-in metrics
+These metrics are generated only when the test makes HTTP requests.
+<Blockquote mod="note" title="">
+For all `http_req_*` metrics, **the timestamp is emitted the end of the request.**
+In other words, the timestamp happens when k6 receives the end of the response body, or the request times out.
+| Metric Name              | Type    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
+| http_reqs                | Counter | How many total HTTP requests k6 generated.                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| http_req_blocked         | Trend   | Time spent blocked (waiting for a free TCP connection slot) before initiating the request. `float`                                                                                                                                           |
+| http_req_connecting      | Trend   | Time spent establishing TCP connection to the remote host. `float`                                                                                                                                                                           |
+| http_req_tls_handshaking | Trend   | Time spent handshaking TLS session with remote host                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+| http_req_sending         | Trend   | Time spent sending data to the remote host. `float`                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+| http_req_waiting         | Trend   | Time spent waiting for response from remote host (a.k.a. “time to first byte”, or “TTFB”). `float`                                                                                                                                           |
+| http_req_receiving       | Trend   | Time spent receiving response data from the remote host. `float`                                                                                                                                                                             |
+| http_req_duration        | Trend   | Total time for the request. It's equal to `http_req_sending + http_req_waiting + http_req_receiving` (i.e. how long did the remote server take to process the request and respond, without the initial DNS lookup/connection times). `float` |
+| http_req_failed          | Rate    | The rate of failed requests according to [setResponseCallback](/javascript-api/k6-http/setresponsecallback).                                                                                                                        |
+## Built-in WebSocket metrics
+`k6` emits the following metrics when interacting with a WebSocket service through the [`experimental`](/javascript-api/k6-experimental/websockets) or legacy websockets API.
+| Metric name         | Type    | Description                                                                                                                |
+| ------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| ws_connecting       | Trend   | Total duration for the WebSocket connection request.                                                                       |
+| ws_session_duration | Trend   | Duration of the WebSocket session. Time between the start of the connection and the end of the VU execution.               |
+| ws_sessions         | Counter | Total number of started WebSocket sessions.                                                                                |
+| ws_ping             | Trend   | Duration between a ping request and its pong reception                                                                     |
+| ws_msgs_sent        | Counter | Total number of messages sent through [Socket.send(data)](/javascript-api/k6-ws/socket/socket-send)                   |
+| ws_msgs_received    | Counter | Total number of received messages [Socket.on('message', callback)](/javascript-api/k6-ws/socket/socket-on). |
+## Built-in gRPC metrics
+k6 emits the following metrics when it interacts with a service through the [`gRPC`](https://k6.io/docs/javascript-api/k6-net-grpc/) API.
+| Metric Name         | Type  | Description                               |
+| `grpc_req_duration` | Trend | Time to receive response from remote host |
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+title: Create custom metrics
+description: How to build custom k6 metrics for each metric type.
+Besides the [built-in metrics](/results-output/metrics-reference), you can create custom metrics.
+For example, you can compute a metric for your business logic, or use the [Response.timings](/javascript-api/k6-http/response) object to create a metric for a specific set of endpoints.
+Each metric type has a [constructor](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes/constructor) to create a custom metric.
+The constructor creates a metric object of the declared type. Each type has an `add` method to take metric measurements.
+If you need help constructing a custom metric, read the following sections of this document.
+They document the procedure and provide examples.
+f you're comfortable with these already, you might prefer to read the [reference documentation for each metric constructor](/javascript-api/k6-metrics).
+Each topic has examples to make a custom metric and create [thresholds](/using-k6/thresholds) from it.
+## Create a custom metric
+<Blockquote mod="" title="">
+Custom metrics must be created in [init context](/using-k6/test-lifecycle).
+This limits memory and ensures that k6 can validate that all thresholds are evaluating defined metrics.
+The generic procedure to create a custom metric is as follows:
+1. Import the [`k6/metrics`](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/) module.
+   Optionally, specify the type of metrics you want to create with a named import:
+  ```
+  import { Counter } from 'k6/metrics';
+  ```
+1. In init context, construct a new custom-metric object.
+  For example, the following creates a custom trend. The object in the script is called `myTrend`, and its metric appears in the results output as `waiting_time`.
+   ```
+   const myTrend = new Trend('waiting_time');
+   ```
+1. In the VU iteration code, use the `add` method to take a measurement.
+For example, this VU code makes a request, then adds the timing value of the request to the `myTrend` object.
+<CodeGroup lineNumbers={[true]}>
+import http from 'k6/http';
+import { Trend } from 'k6/metrics';
+const myTrend = new Trend('waiting_time');
+export default function () {
+  const r = http.get('https://httpbin.test.k6.io');
+  myTrend.add(r.timings.waiting);
+  console.log(myTrend.name); // waiting_time
+Custom metrics appear in both the end-of-test summary and in the granular points of the [Results output](/results-output).
+Here's how the output of the preceding script might look.
+Each metric type has specific aggregation methods.
+Since the metric is a trend, k6 calculates various trends based on the number of values and their summation.
+  <CodeGroup lineNumbers={[false]}>
+$ k6 run script.js
+  ...
+  INFO[0001] waiting_time                                  source=console
+  ...
+  iteration_duration.............: avg=1.15s    min=1.15s    med=1.15s    max=1.15s    p(90)=1.15s    p(95)=1.15s
+  iterations.....................: 1     0.864973/s
+  waiting_time...................: avg=265.245396 min=265.245396 med=265.245396 max=265.245396 p(90)=265.245396 p(95)=265.245396
+You can optionally [tag](/using-k6/tags-and-groups) any value for a custom metric.
+You can use these tags to filter test results.
+<Blockquote mod="note" title="">
+Custom metrics are collected from VU threads only at the end of a VU iteration.
+For long-running scripts, custom metrics might appear only after the test runs a while.
+## Read more
+The [`k6/metrics`](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/) has examples for defining each type of custom metric, and for defining a threshold on the metric.
+- [Counter](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/counter)
+- [Gauge](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/gauge)
+- [Rate](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/rate)
+- [Trend](/javascript-api/k6-metrics/trend)