Main features
This tool extends Guava's FluentIterable and provided transform(Function) / filter(Predicate) methods by adding:
- parallelTransform(Function, Int) to spawn a thread pool and process the Function in parallel
- parallelTransform(Function, Int, ExecutorService) to process the Function in parallel using provided ExecutorService
- parallelFilter(Predicate, Int) to spawn a thread pool and process the Predicate in parallel
- parallelFilter(Predicate, Int, ExecutorService) to process the Predicate in parallel using provided ExecutorService
Getting started
You can get the source by cloning git repository like that:
git clone git://
Then, build using Maven 3:
mvn clean install
You can use our pre-built binaries using the following Maven repository:
<name> S3 Snapshot Repository</name>
Code sample
Lazily get each of {1!, 2!, 3!, 4!} which is a prime (fortunately, only one of them), given FACTORIAL the factorial function Function<Integer, Integer> and IS_PRIME the prime predicate Predicate, using 4 compute threads:
FluentParallelIterable.from(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4)).parallelTransform(FACTORIAL, 4).parallelFilter(IS_PRIME, 4);