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directory +.vs/ + +# Gradle cache directory +.gradle/ + +# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files +ExportedObj/ +.consulo/ +*.csproj +*.unityproj +*.sln +*.suo +*.tmp +*.user +*.userprefs +*.pidb +*.booproj +*.svd +*.pdb +*.mdb +*.opendb +*.VC.db + +# Unity3D generated meta files +*.pidb.meta +*.pdb.meta +*.mdb.meta + +# Unity3D generated file on crash reports +sysinfo.txt + +# Builds +*.apk +*.aab +*.unitypackage + +# Crashlytics generated file +crashlytics-build.properties + +# Packed Addressables +/[Aa]ssets/[Aa]ddressable[Aa]ssets[Dd]ata/*/*.bin* + +# Temporary auto-generated Android Assets +/[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa.meta +/[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa/* diff --git a/sample/Packages/manifest.json b/sample/Packages/manifest.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e8e18e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample/Packages/manifest.json @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +{ + "dependencies": { + "net.gree.unity-webview": "https://github.com/gree/unity-webview.git?path=/dist/package", + 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m_RegistryInfoDraft: + m_ErrorMessage: + m_Original: + m_Id: + m_Name: + m_Url: + m_Scopes: [] + m_IsDefault: 0 + m_Capabilities: 0 + m_Modified: 0 + m_Name: + m_Url: + m_Scopes: + - + m_SelectedScopeIndex: 0 diff --git a/sample/ProjectSettings/PresetManager.asset b/sample/ProjectSettings/PresetManager.asset new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67a94dae --- /dev/null +++ b/sample/ProjectSettings/PresetManager.asset @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1386491679 &1 +PresetManager: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_DefaultPresets: {} diff --git a/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset b/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset index ed70c84c..a3ce0ef0 100644 --- a/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset +++ b/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset @@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ --- !u!129 &1 PlayerSettings: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - serializedVersion: 11 + serializedVersion: 22 productGUID: 17d7a4b3e162f44209a850d2bb945e86 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m_StackTraceTypes: 010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 iosShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading: -1 androidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading: -1 - tizenShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading: -1 - iosAppInBackgroundBehavior: 0 - displayResolutionDialog: 1 + iosUseCustomAppBackgroundBehavior: 0 iosAllowHTTPDownload: 1 - allowedAutorotateToPortrait: 0 + allowedAutorotateToPortrait: 1 allowedAutorotateToPortraitUpsideDown: 0 - allowedAutorotateToLandscapeRight: 1 - allowedAutorotateToLandscapeLeft: 1 + allowedAutorotateToLandscapeRight: 0 + allowedAutorotateToLandscapeLeft: 0 useOSAutorotation: 1 use32BitDisplayBuffer: 0 + preserveFramebufferAlpha: 0 disableDepthAndStencilBuffers: 0 - defaultIsFullScreen: 0 + androidStartInFullscreen: 1 + androidRenderOutsideSafeArea: 0 + androidUseSwappy: 0 + androidBlitType: 0 + androidResizableWindow: 0 + androidDefaultWindowWidth: 1920 + androidDefaultWindowHeight: 1080 + androidMinimumWindowWidth: 400 + androidMinimumWindowHeight: 300 + 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vulkanEnableLateAcquireNextImage: 0 + vulkanEnableCommandBufferRecycling: 1 m_SupportedAspectRatios: 4:3: 1 5:4: 1 @@ -126,30 +137,34 @@ PlayerSettings: bundleVersion: 1.0 preloadedAssets: [] metroInputSource: 0 + wsaTransparentSwapchain: 0 m_HolographicPauseOnTrackingLoss: 1 xboxOneDisableKinectGpuReservation: 0 xboxOneEnable7thCore: 0 vrSettings: - cardboard: - depthFormat: 0 - enableTransitionView: 0 - daydream: - depthFormat: 0 - useSustainedPerformanceMode: 0 - hololens: - depthFormat: 1 - protectGraphicsMemory: 0 + enable360StereoCapture: 0 + isWsaHolographicRemotingEnabled: 0 + enableFrameTimingStats: 0 useHDRDisplay: 0 + D3DHDRBitDepth: 0 + m_ColorGamuts: 00000000 + targetPixelDensity: 30 + resolutionScalingMode: 0 + androidSupportedAspectRatio: 1 + androidMaxAspectRatio: 2.1 applicationIdentifier: Android: net.gree.webview.sample Standalone: unity.Sample Inc..sample Tizen: net.gree.webview.sample - iOS: net.gree.webview.sample + iPhone: net.gree.webview.sample tvOS: net.gree.webview.sample buildNumber: - iOS: 0 + Standalone: 0 + iPhone: 0 + tvOS: 0 + overrideDefaultApplicationIdentifier: 1 AndroidBundleVersionCode: 1 - AndroidMinSdkVersion: 16 + AndroidMinSdkVersion: 19 AndroidTargetSdkVersion: 0 AndroidPreferredInstallLocation: 1 aotOptions: @@ -157,42 +172,29 @@ PlayerSettings: iPhoneStrippingLevel: 0 iPhoneScriptCallOptimization: 0 ForceInternetPermission: 0 - ForceSDCardPermission: 0 + ForceSDCardPermission: 1 CreateWallpaper: 0 APKExpansionFiles: 0 keepLoadedShadersAlive: 0 StripUnusedMeshComponents: 0 - VertexChannelCompressionMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 238 + VertexChannelCompressionMask: 214 iPhoneSdkVersion: 988 - iOSTargetOSVersionString: 6.0 + iOSTargetOSVersionString: 11.0 tvOSSdkVersion: 0 tvOSRequireExtendedGameController: 0 - tvOSTargetOSVersionString: 9.0 + tvOSTargetOSVersionString: 11.0 uIPrerenderedIcon: 0 uIRequiresPersistentWiFi: 0 uIRequiresFullScreen: 1 uIStatusBarHidden: 1 uIExitOnSuspend: 0 uIStatusBarStyle: 0 - iPhoneSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPhoneHighResSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPhoneTallHighResSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPhone47inSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPhone55inPortraitSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPhone55inLandscapeSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPhone58inPortraitSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPhone58inLandscapeSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPadPortraitSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPadHighResPortraitSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPadLandscapeSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} - iPadHighResLandscapeSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} appleTVSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} appleTVSplashScreen2x: {fileID: 0} tvOSSmallIconLayers: [] tvOSSmallIconLayers2x: [] tvOSLargeIconLayers: [] + tvOSLargeIconLayers2x: [] tvOSTopShelfImageLayers: [] tvOSTopShelfImageLayers2x: [] tvOSTopShelfImageWideLayers: [] @@ -214,6 +216,8 @@ PlayerSettings: iOSLaunchScreeniPadFillPct: 100 iOSLaunchScreeniPadSize: 100 iOSLaunchScreeniPadCustomXibPath: + iOSLaunchScreenCustomStoryboardPath: + iOSLaunchScreeniPadCustomStoryboardPath: iOSDeviceRequirements: [] iOSURLSchemes: [] iOSBackgroundModes: 0 @@ -221,24 +225,51 @@ PlayerSettings: metalEditorSupport: 0 metalAPIValidation: 1 iOSRenderExtraFrameOnPause: 1 + iosCopyPluginsCodeInsteadOfSymlink: 0 appleDeveloperTeamID: iOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileID: tvOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileID: + iOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileType: 0 + tvOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileType: 0 appleEnableAutomaticSigning: 0 - AndroidTargetDevice: 0 + iOSRequireARKit: 0 + iOSAutomaticallyDetectAndAddCapabilities: 1 + appleEnableProMotion: 0 + shaderPrecisionModel: 0 + clonedFromGUID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 + templatePackageId: + templateDefaultScene: + useCustomMainManifest: 0 + useCustomLauncherManifest: 0 + useCustomMainGradleTemplate: 0 + useCustomLauncherGradleManifest: 0 + useCustomBaseGradleTemplate: 0 + useCustomGradlePropertiesTemplate: 0 + useCustomProguardFile: 0 + AndroidTargetArchitectures: 3 + AndroidTargetDevices: 0 AndroidSplashScreenScale: 0 androidSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} AndroidKeystoreName: AndroidKeyaliasName: + AndroidBuildApkPerCpuArchitecture: 0 AndroidTVCompatibility: 1 AndroidIsGame: 1 + AndroidEnableTango: 0 androidEnableBanner: 1 + androidUseLowAccuracyLocation: 0 + androidUseCustomKeystore: 0 m_AndroidBanners: - width: 320 height: 180 banner: {fileID: 0} androidGamepadSupportLevel: 0 - resolutionDialogBanner: {fileID: 0} + chromeosInputEmulation: 1 + AndroidMinifyWithR8: 0 + AndroidMinifyRelease: 0 + AndroidMinifyDebug: 0 + AndroidValidateAppBundleSize: 1 + AndroidAppBundleSizeToValidate: 150 m_BuildTargetIcons: - m_BuildTarget: m_Icons: @@ -247,41 +278,172 @@ PlayerSettings: m_Width: 128 m_Height: 128 m_Kind: 0 + m_BuildTargetPlatformIcons: + - m_BuildTarget: Android + m_Icons: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 432 + m_Height: 432 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 324 + m_Height: 324 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 216 + m_Height: 216 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 162 + m_Height: 162 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 108 + m_Height: 108 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 81 + m_Height: 81 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 192 + m_Height: 192 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 144 + m_Height: 144 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 96 + m_Height: 96 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 72 + m_Height: 72 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 48 + m_Height: 48 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 36 + m_Height: 36 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 192 + m_Height: 192 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 144 + m_Height: 144 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 96 + m_Height: 96 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 72 + m_Height: 72 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 48 + m_Height: 48 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 36 + m_Height: 36 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: m_BuildTargetBatching: [] + m_BuildTargetGraphicsJobs: + - m_BuildTarget: GameCoreScarlettSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: Switch + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: iOSSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: LuminSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: MacStandaloneSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: PS5Player + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: WebGLSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: AppleTVSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: GameCoreXboxOneSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: CloudRendering + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: WindowsStandaloneSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: PS4Player + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: MetroSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: AndroidPlayer + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: BJMSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: LinuxStandaloneSupport + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: XboxOnePlayer + m_GraphicsJobs: 0 + m_BuildTargetGraphicsJobMode: + - m_BuildTarget: PS4Player + m_GraphicsJobMode: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: XboxOnePlayer + m_GraphicsJobMode: 0 m_BuildTargetGraphicsAPIs: - m_BuildTarget: WindowsStandaloneSupport - m_APIs: 01000000 - m_Automatic: 0 + m_APIs: 02000000 + m_Automatic: 1 - m_BuildTarget: AndroidPlayer m_APIs: 08000000 m_Automatic: 0 - m_BuildTarget: MacStandaloneSupport m_APIs: 11000000 m_Automatic: 0 + - m_BuildTarget: iOSSupport + m_APIs: 10000000 + m_Automatic: 1 m_BuildTargetVRSettings: [] openGLRequireES31: 0 openGLRequireES31AEP: 0 - webPlayerTemplate: PROJECT:unity-webview + openGLRequireES32: 0 m_TemplateCustomTags: {} - wiiUTitleID: 0005000011000000 - wiiUGroupID: 00010000 - wiiUCommonSaveSize: 4096 - wiiUAccountSaveSize: 2048 - wiiUOlvAccessKey: 0 - wiiUTinCode: 0 - wiiUJoinGameId: 0 - wiiUJoinGameModeMask: 0000000000000000 - wiiUCommonBossSize: 0 - wiiUAccountBossSize: 0 - wiiUAddOnUniqueIDs: [] - wiiUMainThreadStackSize: 3072 - wiiULoaderThreadStackSize: 1024 - wiiUSystemHeapSize: 128 - wiiUTVStartupScreen: {fileID: 0} - wiiUGamePadStartupScreen: {fileID: 0} - wiiUDrcBufferDisabled: 0 - wiiUProfilerLibPath: + mobileMTRendering: + iPhone: 1 + tvOS: 1 + m_BuildTargetGroupLightmapEncodingQuality: + - m_BuildTarget: Standalone + m_EncodingQuality: 1 + - m_BuildTarget: XboxOne + m_EncodingQuality: 1 + - m_BuildTarget: PS4 + m_EncodingQuality: 1 + m_BuildTargetGroupLightmapSettings: [] + m_BuildTargetNormalMapEncoding: [] playModeTestRunnerEnabled: 0 + runPlayModeTestAsEditModeTest: 0 actionOnDotNetUnhandledException: 1 enableInternalProfiler: 0 logObjCUncaughtExceptions: 1 @@ -289,12 +451,15 @@ PlayerSettings: cameraUsageDescription: locationUsageDescription: microphoneUsageDescription: + bluetoothUsageDescription: + switchNMETAOverride: switchNetLibKey: switchSocketMemoryPoolSize: 6144 switchSocketAllocatorPoolSize: 128 switchSocketConcurrencyLimit: 14 switchScreenResolutionBehavior: 2 switchUseCPUProfiler: 0 + switchUseGOLDLinker: 0 switchApplicationID: 0x01004b9000490000 switchNSODependencies: switchTitleNames_0: @@ -312,6 +477,7 @@ PlayerSettings: switchTitleNames_12: switchTitleNames_13: switchTitleNames_14: + switchTitleNames_15: switchPublisherNames_0: switchPublisherNames_1: switchPublisherNames_2: @@ -327,6 +493,7 @@ PlayerSettings: switchPublisherNames_12: switchPublisherNames_13: switchPublisherNames_14: + switchPublisherNames_15: switchIcons_0: {fileID: 0} switchIcons_1: {fileID: 0} switchIcons_2: {fileID: 0} @@ -342,6 +509,7 @@ PlayerSettings: switchIcons_12: {fileID: 0} switchIcons_13: {fileID: 0} switchIcons_14: {fileID: 0} + switchIcons_15: {fileID: 0} switchSmallIcons_0: {fileID: 0} switchSmallIcons_1: {fileID: 0} switchSmallIcons_2: {fileID: 0} @@ -357,6 +525,7 @@ PlayerSettings: switchSmallIcons_12: {fileID: 0} switchSmallIcons_13: {fileID: 0} switchSmallIcons_14: {fileID: 0} + switchSmallIcons_15: {fileID: 0} switchManualHTML: switchAccessibleURLs: switchLegalInformation: @@ -388,6 +557,7 @@ PlayerSettings: switchRatingsInt_9: 0 switchRatingsInt_10: 0 switchRatingsInt_11: 0 + switchRatingsInt_12: 0 switchLocalCommunicationIds_0: switchLocalCommunicationIds_1: switchLocalCommunicationIds_2: @@ -399,8 +569,14 @@ PlayerSettings: switchParentalControl: 0 switchAllowsScreenshot: 1 switchAllowsVideoCapturing: 1 + switchAllowsRuntimeAddOnContentInstall: 0 switchDataLossConfirmation: 0 + switchUserAccountLockEnabled: 0 + switchSystemResourceMemory: 16777216 switchSupportedNpadStyles: 3 + switchNativeFsCacheSize: 32 + switchIsHoldTypeHorizontal: 0 + switchSupportedNpadCount: 8 switchSocketConfigEnabled: 0 switchTcpInitialSendBufferSize: 32 switchTcpInitialReceiveBufferSize: 64 @@ -412,6 +588,9 @@ PlayerSettings: switchSocketInitializeEnabled: 1 switchNetworkInterfaceManagerInitializeEnabled: 1 switchPlayerConnectionEnabled: 1 + switchUseNewStyleFilepaths: 0 + switchUseMicroSleepForYield: 1 + switchMicroSleepForYieldTime: 25 ps4NPAgeRating: 12 ps4NPTitleSecret: ps4NPTrophyPackPath: @@ -430,12 +609,15 @@ PlayerSettings: ps4PronunciationSIGPath: ps4BackgroundImagePath: ps4StartupImagePath: + ps4StartupImagesFolder: + ps4IconImagesFolder: ps4SaveDataImagePath: ps4SdkOverride: ps4BGMPath: ps4ShareFilePath: ps4ShareOverlayImagePath: ps4PrivacyGuardImagePath: + ps4ExtraSceSysFile: ps4NPtitleDatPath: ps4RemotePlayKeyAssignment: -1 ps4RemotePlayKeyMappingDir: @@ -448,17 +630,20 @@ PlayerSettings: ps4DownloadDataSize: 0 ps4GarlicHeapSize: 2048 ps4ProGarlicHeapSize: 2560 + playerPrefsMaxSize: 32768 ps4Passcode: 5xr84P2R391UXaLHbavJvFZGfO47XWS2 - ps4UseDebugIl2cppLibs: 0 ps4pnSessions: 1 ps4pnPresence: 1 ps4pnFriends: 1 ps4pnGameCustomData: 1 playerPrefsSupport: 0 + enableApplicationExit: 0 + resetTempFolder: 1 restrictedAudioUsageRights: 0 ps4UseResolutionFallback: 0 ps4ReprojectionSupport: 0 ps4UseAudio3dBackend: 0 + ps4UseLowGarlicFragmentationMode: 1 ps4SocialScreenEnabled: 0 ps4ScriptOptimizationLevel: 3 ps4Audio3dVirtualSpeakerCount: 14 @@ -475,59 +660,16 @@ PlayerSettings: ps4disableAutoHideSplash: 0 ps4videoRecordingFeaturesUsed: 0 ps4contentSearchFeaturesUsed: 0 + ps4CompatibilityPS5: 0 + ps4AllowPS5Detection: 0 + ps4GPU800MHz: 1 ps4attribEyeToEyeDistanceSettingVR: 0 ps4IncludedModules: [] + ps4attribVROutputEnabled: 0 monoEnv: - psp2Splashimage: {fileID: 0} - psp2NPTrophyPackPath: - psp2NPSupportGBMorGJP: 0 - psp2NPAgeRating: 12 - psp2NPTitleDatPath: - psp2NPCommsID: - psp2NPCommunicationsID: - psp2NPCommsPassphrase: - psp2NPCommsSig: - psp2ParamSfxPath: - psp2ManualPath: - psp2LiveAreaGatePath: - psp2LiveAreaBackroundPath: - psp2LiveAreaPath: - psp2LiveAreaTrialPath: - psp2PatchChangeInfoPath: - psp2PatchOriginalPackage: - psp2PackagePassword: qVOw5lxuBEBNue7b9PZS0hoI6pgabi9U - psp2KeystoneFile: - psp2MemoryExpansionMode: 0 - psp2DRMType: 0 - psp2StorageType: 0 - psp2MediaCapacity: 0 - psp2DLCConfigPath: - psp2ThumbnailPath: - psp2BackgroundPath: - psp2SoundPath: - psp2TrophyCommId: - psp2TrophyPackagePath: - psp2PackagedResourcesPath: - psp2SaveDataQuota: 10240 - psp2ParentalLevel: 1 - psp2ShortTitle: Not Set - psp2ContentID: IV0000-ABCD12345_00-0123456789ABCDEF - psp2Category: 0 - psp2MasterVersion: 01.00 - psp2AppVersion: 01.00 - psp2TVBootMode: 0 - psp2EnterButtonAssignment: 2 - psp2TVDisableEmu: 0 - psp2AllowTwitterDialog: 1 - psp2Upgradable: 0 - psp2HealthWarning: 0 - psp2UseLibLocation: 0 - psp2InfoBarOnStartup: 0 - psp2InfoBarColor: 0 - psp2UseDebugIl2cppLibs: 0 - psmSplashimage: {fileID: 0} splashScreenBackgroundSourceLandscape: {fileID: 0} splashScreenBackgroundSourcePortrait: {fileID: 0} + blurSplashScreenBackground: 1 spritePackerPolicy: webGLMemorySize: 256 webGLExceptionSupport: 1 @@ -539,19 +681,34 @@ PlayerSettings: webGLTemplate: APPLICATION:Default webGLAnalyzeBuildSize: 0 webGLUseEmbeddedResources: 0 - webGLUseWasm: 0 webGLCompressionFormat: 1 + webGLWasmArithmeticExceptions: 0 + webGLLinkerTarget: 1 + webGLThreadsSupport: 0 + webGLDecompressionFallback: 0 scriptingDefineSymbols: {} + additionalCompilerArguments: {} platformArchitecture: - iOS: 2 + iPhone: 1 scriptingBackend: - Android: 0 + Android: 1 Standalone: 0 WebGL: 1 - iOS: 1 + iPhone: 1 + il2cppCompilerConfiguration: {} + managedStrippingLevel: {} incrementalIl2cppBuild: - iOS: 0 + iPhone: 0 + suppressCommonWarnings: 1 + allowUnsafeCode: 0 + useDeterministicCompilation: 1 + useReferenceAssemblies: 1 + enableRoslynAnalyzers: 1 additionalIl2CppArgs: + scriptingRuntimeVersion: 1 + gcIncremental: 1 + assemblyVersionValidation: 1 + gcWBarrierValidation: 0 apiCompatibilityLevelPerPlatform: {} m_RenderingPath: 1 m_MobileRenderingPath: 1 @@ -565,46 +722,22 @@ PlayerSettings: metroApplicationDescription: sample wsaImages: {} metroTileShortName: - metroCommandLineArgsFile: metroTileShowName: 0 metroMediumTileShowName: 0 metroLargeTileShowName: 0 metroWideTileShowName: 0 + metroSupportStreamingInstall: 0 + metroLastRequiredScene: 0 metroDefaultTileSize: 1 metroTileForegroundText: 1 metroTileBackgroundColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} metroSplashScreenBackgroundColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} metroSplashScreenUseBackgroundColor: 0 platformCapabilities: {} + metroTargetDeviceFamilies: {} metroFTAName: metroFTAFileTypes: [] metroProtocolName: - metroCompilationOverrides: 1 - tizenProductDescription: - tizenProductURL: - tizenSigningProfileName: - tizenGPSPermissions: 0 - tizenMicrophonePermissions: 0 - tizenDeploymentTarget: - tizenDeploymentTargetType: -1 - tizenMinOSVersion: 1 - n3dsUseExtSaveData: 0 - n3dsCompressStaticMem: 1 - n3dsExtSaveDataNumber: 0x12345 - n3dsStackSize: 131072 - n3dsTargetPlatform: 2 - n3dsRegion: 7 - n3dsMediaSize: 0 - n3dsLogoStyle: 3 - n3dsTitle: GameName - n3dsProductCode: - n3dsApplicationId: 0xFF3FF - stvDeviceAddress: - stvProductDescription: - stvProductAuthor: - stvProductAuthorEmail: - stvProductLink: - stvProductCategory: 0 XboxOneProductId: XboxOneUpdateKey: XboxOneSandboxId: @@ -614,6 +747,7 @@ PlayerSettings: XboxOneGameOsOverridePath: XboxOnePackagingOverridePath: XboxOneAppManifestOverridePath: + XboxOneVersion: XboxOnePackageEncryption: 0 XboxOnePackageUpdateGranularity: 2 XboxOneDescription: @@ -622,21 +756,35 @@ PlayerSettings: XboxOneCapability: [] XboxOneGameRating: {} XboxOneIsContentPackage: 0 + XboxOneEnhancedXboxCompatibilityMode: 0 XboxOneEnableGPUVariability: 0 XboxOneSockets: {} XboxOneSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} XboxOneAllowedProductIds: [] XboxOnePersistentLocalStorageSize: 0 - xboxOneScriptCompiler: 0 - vrEditorSettings: - daydream: - daydreamIconForeground: {fileID: 0} - daydreamIconBackground: {fileID: 0} + XboxOneXTitleMemory: 8 + XboxOneOverrideIdentityName: + XboxOneOverrideIdentityPublisher: + vrEditorSettings: {} cloudServicesEnabled: {} - facebookSdkVersion: 7.9.1 - apiCompatibilityLevel: 2 + luminIcon: + m_Name: + m_ModelFolderPath: + m_PortalFolderPath: + luminCert: + m_CertPath: + m_SignPackage: 1 + luminIsChannelApp: 0 + luminVersion: + m_VersionCode: 1 + m_VersionName: + apiCompatibilityLevel: 6 + activeInputHandler: 0 cloudProjectId: + framebufferDepthMemorylessMode: 0 + qualitySettingsNames: [] projectName: organizationId: cloudEnabled: 0 - enableNewInputSystem: 0 + legacyClampBlendShapeWeights: 1 + virtualTexturingSupportEnabled: 0 diff --git a/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt b/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt index 7a59bc87..2b4e8e57 100644 --- a/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt +++ b/sample/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt @@ -1 +1,2 @@ -m_EditorVersion: 5.6.7f1 +m_EditorVersion: 2020.3.22f1 +m_EditorVersionWithRevision: 2020.3.22f1 (e1a7f79fd887) diff --git a/sample/ProjectSettings/UnityConnectSettings.asset b/sample/ProjectSettings/UnityConnectSettings.asset index 2943e440..fa0b1465 100644 --- a/sample/ProjectSettings/UnityConnectSettings.asset +++ b/sample/ProjectSettings/UnityConnectSettings.asset @@ -3,27 +3,32 @@ --- !u!310 &1 UnityConnectSettings: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 1 m_Enabled: 0 m_TestMode: 0 - m_TestEventUrl: - m_TestConfigUrl: + m_EventOldUrl: https://api.uca.cloud.unity3d.com/v1/events + m_EventUrl: https://cdp.cloud.unity3d.com/v1/events + m_ConfigUrl: https://config.uca.cloud.unity3d.com + m_TestInitMode: 0 CrashReportingSettings: - m_EventUrl: https://perf-events.cloud.unity3d.com/api/events/crashes + m_EventUrl: https://perf-events.cloud.unity3d.com m_Enabled: 0 + m_LogBufferSize: 10 m_CaptureEditorExceptions: 1 UnityPurchasingSettings: m_Enabled: 0 m_TestMode: 0 UnityAnalyticsSettings: m_Enabled: 0 - m_InitializeOnStartup: 1 m_TestMode: 0 - m_TestEventUrl: - m_TestConfigUrl: + m_InitializeOnStartup: 1 UnityAdsSettings: m_Enabled: 0 m_InitializeOnStartup: 1 m_TestMode: 0 - m_EnabledPlatforms: 4294967295 m_IosGameId: m_AndroidGameId: + m_GameIds: {} + m_GameId: + PerformanceReportingSettings: + m_Enabled: 0 diff --git a/sample/ProjectSettings/VFXManager.asset b/sample/ProjectSettings/VFXManager.asset new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46f38e16 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample/ProjectSettings/VFXManager.asset @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!937362698 &1 +VFXManager: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_IndirectShader: {fileID: 0} + m_CopyBufferShader: {fileID: 0} + m_SortShader: {fileID: 0} + m_StripUpdateShader: {fileID: 0} + m_RenderPipeSettingsPath: + m_FixedTimeStep: 0.016666668 + m_MaxDeltaTime: 0.05 + m_CompiledVersion: 0 + m_RuntimeVersion: 0 diff --git a/sample/ProjectSettings/VersionControlSettings.asset b/sample/ProjectSettings/VersionControlSettings.asset new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dca28814 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample/ProjectSettings/VersionControlSettings.asset @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!890905787 &1 +VersionControlSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_Mode: Visible Meta Files + m_CollabEditorSettings: + inProgressEnabled: 1