diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html index 39c105f..93d9d69 100644 --- a/spec.html +++ b/spec.html @@ -80,27 +80,6 @@

AwaitWithReturn( _promise_ )

- -

AwaitAll( _promises_ )

- - 1. Let _resolveCapability_ be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). - 1. Let _index_ be 0. - 1. Let _fullfilledCount_ be 0. - 1. Let _total_ be the length of the list _promises_. - 1. For each Promise _promises_ in _promises_, do - 1. Let _stepsFulfilled_ be the following steps with argument _arg_ - 1. Set _fulfilledCount_ to _fulfilledCount_ + 1. - 1. If _fulfilledCount_ is equal to _total_, then - 1. Perform ! Call(_resolveCapability_.[[Resolve]], *undefined*, «*undefined*»). - 1. Let _onFulfilled_ be _CreateBuiltinFunction(_stepsFulfilled_). - 1. Let _stepsReject_ be the following steps with argument _arg_ - 1. Perform ! Call(_resolveCapability_.[[Reject]], *undefined*, «_arg_»). - 1. Let _onReject_ be _CreateBuiltinFunction_(_stepsReject_). - 1. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(_promise_, _onFulfilled_, _onRejected_). - 1. AwaitWithReturn(_resolveCapability_.[[Promise]])). - -

PerformBuiltinPromiseThen( _builtinFunction_, _onFulfilled_, _onRejected_ )

@@ -462,7 +441,8 @@

ModuleExecution( _module_, _dependencyExecPromises_, _resolve_, _reject_ )This abstract operation performs the following steps:

- 1. Perform ? AwaitAll(_dependencyExecPromises_). + 1. For each Promise _promise_ in _dependencyExecPromises_, do + 1. AwaitWithReturn(_module_.[[ExecPromise]]). 1. Let _moduleCxt_ be a new ECMAScript code execution context. 1. Set the Function of _moduleCxt_ to *null*. 1. Assert: _module_.[[Realm]] is not *undefined*.