diff --git a/bin/live/pycbc_live_combine_single_significance_fits b/bin/live/pycbc_live_combine_single_significance_fits
index 46908df0cfd..2e9021846ef 100644
--- a/bin/live/pycbc_live_combine_single_significance_fits
+++ b/bin/live/pycbc_live_combine_single_significance_fits
@@ -62,8 +62,10 @@ for f in args.trfits_files:
             bl = fit_f['bins_lower'][:]
             bu = fit_f['bins_upper'][:]
             sngl_rank = fit_f.attrs['sngl_ranking']
-            fit_thresh = fit_f.attrs['fit_threshold']
-            fit_func = fit_f.attrs['fit_function']
+            fit_thresh = {ifo: fit_f[ifo].attrs['fit_threshold']
+                          for ifo in args.ifos}
+            fit_func = {ifo: fit_f[ifo].attrs['fit_function']
+                        for ifo in args.ifos}
 # Now go back through the fit files and read the actual information.  Skip the
 # files that have fit parameters inconsistent with what we found earlier.
@@ -80,9 +82,13 @@ for f in args.trfits_files:
     with h5py.File(f, 'r') as fits_f:
         # Check that the file uses the same setup as file 0, to make sure
         # all coefficients are comparable
+        new_fit_func = {ifo: fits_f[ifo].attrs['fit_function']
+                        for ifo in args.ifos}
+        new_fit_thresh = {ifo: fits_f[ifo].attrs['fit_threshold']
+                          for ifo in args.ifos}
         same_conf = (fits_f.attrs['sngl_ranking'] == sngl_rank
-                     and fits_f.attrs['fit_threshold'] == fit_thresh
-                     and fits_f.attrs['fit_function'] == fit_func
+                     and new_fit_thresh == fit_thresh
+                     and new_fit_func == fit_func
                      and fits_f['bins_lower'].size == bl.size
                      and all(fits_f['bins_lower'][:] == bl)
                      and all(fits_f['bins_upper'][:] == bu))
@@ -99,7 +105,7 @@ for f in args.trfits_files:
         gps_last = 0
         gps_first = np.inf
         for ifo in args.ifos:
-            if ifo not in fits_f:
+            if ifo not in fits_f or 'triggers' not in fits_f[ifo]:
             trig_times = fits_f[ifo]['triggers']['end_time'][:]
             gps_last = max(gps_last, trig_times.max())
@@ -143,7 +149,6 @@ cons_counts_out = {ifo: np.inf * np.ones(len(alphas_bin[ifo])) for ifo in args.i
 logging.info("Writing results")
 fout = h5py.File(args.output, 'w')
-fout.attrs['fit_threshold'] = fit_thresh
 fout.attrs['conservative_percentile'] = args.conservative_percentile
 fout.attrs['ifos'] = args.ifos
 fout['bins_edges'] = list(bl) + [bu[-1]]
@@ -152,6 +157,8 @@ fout['fits_dates'] = ad + start_time_n
 for ifo in args.ifos:
     fout_ifo = fout.create_group(ifo)
+    fout_ifo.attrs['fit_threshold'] = fit_thresh[ifo]
+    fout_ifo.attrs['fit_function'] = fit_func[ifo]
     l_times = np.array(live_times[ifo])
     total_time = l_times.sum()
     fout_ifo.attrs['live_time'] = total_time
diff --git a/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_combined_single_significance_fits b/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_combined_single_significance_fits
index 09eff528b57..35f78b7f5df 100644
--- a/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_combined_single_significance_fits
+++ b/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_combined_single_significance_fits
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ for ifo in ifos:
         l_times = separate_times[ifo]
-        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
+        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
             rate = counts / l_times
         ma = mean_alpha[ifo][i]
diff --git a/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_single_significance_fits b/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_single_significance_fits
index 01ca199b1b8..6274ca4aaf6 100644
--- a/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_single_significance_fits
+++ b/bin/live/pycbc_live_plot_single_significance_fits
@@ -71,9 +71,12 @@ with h5py.File(args.trigger_fits_file, 'r') as trfit_f:
     ifos = [k for k in trfit_f.keys() if not k.startswith('bins')]
     # Grab some info from the attributes
-    sngl_ranking = trfit_f.attrs['sngl_ranking']
-    fit_threshold = trfit_f.attrs['fit_threshold']
-    fit_function = trfit_f.attrs['fit_function']
+    if trfit_f.attrs['ranking_statistic'] in ['quadsum','single_ranking_only']:
+        x_label = trfit_f.attrs['sngl_ranking']
+    else:
+        x_label = "Ranking statistic"
+    fit_threshold = {ifo: trfit_f[ifo].attrs['fit_threshold'] for ifo in ifos}
+    fit_function = {ifo: trfit_f[ifo].attrs['fit_function'] for ifo in ifos}
     analysis_date = trfit_f.attrs['analysis_date']
     # Get the triggers for each detector
@@ -81,7 +84,9 @@ with h5py.File(args.trigger_fits_file, 'r') as trfit_f:
     stats = {ifo: {} for ifo in ifos}
     durations = {ifo: {} for ifo in ifos}
     for ifo in ifos:
-        stats[ifo] = trfit_f[ifo]['triggers'][sngl_ranking][:]
+        if 'triggers' not in trfit_f[ifo]:
+            continue
+        stats[ifo] = trfit_f[ifo]['triggers']['stat'][:]
         durations[ifo] = trfit_f[ifo]['triggers']['template_duration'][:]
     live_time = {ifo: trfit_f[ifo].attrs['live_time'] for ifo in ifos}
     alphas = {ifo: trfit_f[ifo]['fit_coeff'][:] for ifo in ifos}
@@ -124,7 +129,10 @@ for ifo in all_ifos:
     maxstat = stats[ifo].max()
     max_rate = 0
-    plotbins = np.linspace(fit_threshold, 1.05 * maxstat, 400)
+    statrange = maxstat - max(stats[ifo].min(), fit_threshold[ifo])
+    plotmax = maxstat + statrange * 0.05
+    plotbins = np.linspace(fit_threshold[ifo], plotmax, 400)
     logging.info("Putting events into bins")
     event_bin = np.array([tbins[d] for d in durations[ifo]])
@@ -134,8 +142,26 @@ for ifo in all_ifos:
         binlabel = f"{lower:.3g} - {upper:.3g}"
         inbin = event_bin == bin_num
+        bin_prop = bin_num / len(tbins)
+        bin_colour = plt.get_cmap(args.colormap)(bin_prop)
         # Skip if there are no triggers in this bin in this IFO
-        if not any(inbin):
+        if not any(inbin) or alphas[ifo][bin_num] == -1:
+            ax.plot(
+                [],
+                [],
+                linewidth=2,
+                color=bin_colour,
+                label=binlabel,
+                alpha=0.6
+            )
+            ax.plot(
+                [],
+                [],
+                "--",
+                color=bin_colour,
+                label="No triggers"
+            )
         binned_sngl_stats = stats[ifo][event_bin == bin_num]
@@ -147,15 +173,13 @@ for ifo in all_ifos:
         max_rate = max(max_rate, cum_rate[0])
         ecf = eval_cum_fit(
-            fit_function,
+            fit_function[ifo],
-            fit_threshold
+            fit_threshold[ifo]
         cum_fit = counts[ifo][bin_num] / live_time[ifo] * ecf
-        bin_prop = bin_num / len(tbins)
-        bin_colour = plt.get_cmap(args.colormap)(bin_prop)
         ax.plot(edges[:-1], cum_rate, linewidth=2,
                 color=bin_colour, label=binlabel, alpha=0.6)
         ax.plot(plotbins, cum_fit, "--", color=bin_colour,
@@ -163,14 +187,14 @@ for ifo in all_ifos:
-        fit_threshold if args.x_lim_lower is None else args.x_lim_lower,
-        1.05 * maxstat if args.x_lim_upper is None else args.x_lim_upper
+        fit_threshold[ifo] if args.x_lim_lower is None else args.x_lim_lower,
+        plotmax if args.x_lim_upper is None else args.x_lim_upper
         0.5 / live_time[ifo] if args.y_lim_lower is None else args.y_lim_lower,
         1.5 * max_rate if args.y_lim_upper is None else args.y_lim_upper
-    ax.set_xlabel(sngl_ranking)
+    ax.set_xlabel(x_label)
     ax.set_ylabel("Number of louder triggers per live time")
     title = f"{ifo} {analysis_date} trigger fits"
diff --git a/bin/live/pycbc_live_single_significance_fits b/bin/live/pycbc_live_single_significance_fits
index 3da7562f053..6f22ad06414 100644
--- a/bin/live/pycbc_live_single_significance_fits
+++ b/bin/live/pycbc_live_single_significance_fits
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ import h5py
 import pycbc
 from pycbc.bin_utils import IrregularBins
-from pycbc.events import cuts, trigger_fits as trstats
+from pycbc.events import cuts, trigger_fits as trstats, stat
 from pycbc.io import DictArray
 from pycbc.events import ranking
 from pycbc.events.coinc import cluster_over_time
+from pycbc.types import MultiDetOptionAction
 def duration_bins_from_cli(args):
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--file-identifier", default="H1L1V1-Live",
                     help="String required in filename to be considered for "
                          "analysis. Default: 'H1L1V1-Live'.")
 parser.add_argument("--fit-function", default="exponential",
+                    action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                     choices=["exponential", "rayleigh", "power"],
                     help="Functional form for the maximum likelihood fit. "
                          "Choose from exponential, rayleigh or power. "
@@ -112,18 +114,20 @@ parser.add_argument("--prune-stat-threshold", type=float,
                     help="Minimum --sngl-ranking value to consider a "
                          "trigger for pruning.")
 parser.add_argument("--fit-threshold", type=float, default=5,
+                    action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                     help="Lower threshold used in fitting the triggers."
-                         "Default 5.")
+                         "Default 5. Can be supplied as a single value, "
+                         "or as a set of IFO:value pairs, e.g. H1:0:, L1:-1")
 parser.add_argument("--cluster", action='store_true',
                     help="Only use maximum of the --sngl-ranking value "
                          "from each file.")
 parser.add_argument("--output", required=True,
                     help="File in which to save the output trigger fit "
-parser.add_argument("--sngl-ranking", default="newsnr",
-                    choices=ranking.sngls_ranking_function_dict.keys(),
-                    help="The single-detector trigger ranking to use.")
+    parser,
+    default_ranking_statistic='single_ranking_only'
 args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -133,8 +137,11 @@ pycbc.init_logging(args.verbose)
 # Check input options
 # Pruning options are mutually required or not needed
-prune_options = [args.prune_loudest, args.prune_window,
-                 args.prune_stat_threshold]
+prune_options = [
+    args.prune_loudest is not None,
+    args.prune_window is not None,
+    args.prune_stat_threshold is not None
 if any(prune_options) and not all(prune_options):
     parser.error("Require all or none of --prune-loudest, "
@@ -162,6 +169,9 @@ if args.duration_bin_end and \
                  "--duration-bin-start, got "
                  f"{args.duration_bin_end} and {args.duration_bin_start}")
+stat_kwargs = stat.parse_statistic_keywords_opt(args.statistic_keywords)
 duration_bin_edges = duration_bins_from_cli(args)
 logging.info("Duration bin edges: %s", duration_bin_edges)
@@ -177,13 +187,7 @@ args.template_cuts = args.template_cuts or []
-# Efficiency saving: add SNR cut before any others as sngl_ranking can
-# only be less than SNR.
 args.trigger_cuts = args.trigger_cuts or []
-args.trigger_cuts.insert(0, f"snr:{args.fit_threshold}:lower_inc")
-# Cut triggers with sngl-ranking below threshold
 logging.info("Setting up the cut dictionaries")
 trigger_cut_dict, template_cut_dict = cuts.ingest_cuts_option_group(args)
@@ -211,6 +215,9 @@ files = [f for f in os.listdir(date_directory)
 events = {}
+rank_method = {ifo: stat.get_statistic_from_opts(args, [ifo]) for ifo in args.ifos}
+logging.info("Processing %d files", len(files))
 for counter, filename in enumerate(files):
     if counter and counter % 1000 == 0:
         logging.info("Processed %d/%d files", counter, len(files))
@@ -284,10 +291,13 @@ for counter, filename in enumerate(files):
                         for k in trigs_ifo.keys()}
         # Calculate the sngl_ranking values
-        sngls_value = ranking.get_sngls_ranking_from_trigs(
-                          triggers_cut, args.sngl_ranking)
+        sds = rank_method[ifo].single(triggers_cut)
+        sngls_value = rank_method[ifo].rank_stat_single(
+            (ifo, sds),
+            **stat_kwargs
+        )
-        triggers_cut[args.sngl_ranking] = sngls_value
+        triggers_cut['stat'] = sngls_value
         triggers_da = DictArray(data=triggers_cut)
@@ -330,7 +340,7 @@ for ifo in events:
         for bin_num in range(n_bins):
             inbin = event_bins[ifo] == bin_num
-            binned_events = events[ifo].data[args.sngl_ranking][inbin]
+            binned_events = events[ifo].data['stat'][inbin]
             binned_event_times = events[ifo].data['end_time'][inbin]
             # Cluster triggers in time with the pruning window to ensure
@@ -396,17 +406,32 @@ for ifo in events:
             alphas[ifo][bin_num] = -1
-        counts[ifo][bin_num] = np.count_nonzero(inbin)
+        stat_inbin = events[ifo].data['stat'][inbin]
+        counts[ifo][bin_num] = \
+            np.count_nonzero(stat_inbin > args.fit_threshold[ifo])
         alphas[ifo][bin_num], _ = trstats.fit_above_thresh(
-            args.fit_function,
-            events[ifo].data[args.sngl_ranking][inbin],
-            args.fit_threshold
+            args.fit_function[ifo],
+            stat_inbin,
+            args.fit_threshold[ifo]
 logging.info("Writing results")
 with h5py.File(args.output, 'w') as fout:
-    for ifo in events:
+    for ifo in args.ifos:
         fout_ifo = fout.create_group(ifo)
+        fout_ifo.attrs['fit_function'] = args.fit_function[ifo]
+        fout_ifo.attrs['fit_threshold'] = args.fit_threshold[ifo]
+        if ifo not in events:
+            # There were no triggers, but we should still produce some
+            # information
+            fout_ifo['fit_coeff'] = -1 * np.zeros(n_bins)
+            fout_ifo['counts'] = np.zeros(n_bins)
+            fout_ifo.attrs['live_time'] = live_time[ifo]
+            fout_ifo.attrs['pruned_times'] = []
+            fout_ifo.attrs['n_pruned'] = 0
+            continue
         # Save the triggers we have used for the fits
         fout_ifo_trigs = fout_ifo.create_group('triggers')
         for key in events[ifo].data:
@@ -427,8 +452,7 @@ with h5py.File(args.output, 'w') as fout:
     fout.attrs['analysis_date'] = args.analysis_date
     fout.attrs['input'] = sys.argv
     fout.attrs['cuts'] = args.template_cuts + args.trigger_cuts
-    fout.attrs['fit_function'] = args.fit_function
-    fout.attrs['fit_threshold'] = args.fit_threshold
     fout.attrs['sngl_ranking'] = args.sngl_ranking
+    fout.attrs['ranking_statistic'] = args.ranking_statistic
diff --git a/examples/live/make_fit_coeffs.py b/examples/live/make_fit_coeffs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0894a9ca809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/live/make_fit_coeffs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Makes files which can be used as the fit_coeffs statistic.
+These are not of any scientific use, but the code will accept them
+and run properly
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+# Get number of templates from bank file
+with h5py.File('template_bank.hdf', 'r') as bankf:
+    n_templates = bankf['mass1'].size
+for ifo in ['H1','L1','V1']:
+    with h5py.File(f'{ifo}-fit_coeffs.hdf','w') as fits_f:
+        fits_f.attrs['analysis_time'] = 430000
+        fits_f.attrs['ifo'] = ifo
+        fits_f.attrs['stat'] = f'{ifo}-fit_coeffs'
+        fits_f.attrs['stat_threshold'] = 5
+        fits_f['count_above_thresh'] = np.ones(n_templates) * 100
+        fits_f['count_in_template'] = np.ones(n_templates) * 20000
+        fits_f['fit_coeff'] = np.ones(n_templates) * 5.5
+        fits_f['median_sigma'] = np.ones(n_templates) * 5800
+        fits_f['template_id'] = np.arange(n_templates)
diff --git a/examples/live/make_singles_fits_file.py b/examples/live/make_singles_significance_fits.py
similarity index 97%
rename from examples/live/make_singles_fits_file.py
rename to examples/live/make_singles_significance_fits.py
index 770111dc458..192063fe075 100644
--- a/examples/live/make_singles_fits_file.py
+++ b/examples/live/make_singles_significance_fits.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import h5py
 import numpy as np
-f = h5py.File('single_trigger_fits.hdf','w')
+f = h5py.File('single_significance_fits.hdf','w')
 # Some numbers to design the output
 # These are loosely based on the O3a trigger fits file
diff --git a/examples/live/run.sh b/examples/live/run.sh
index 8857c5d996e..0768fdada67 100755
--- a/examples/live/run.sh
+++ b/examples/live/run.sh
@@ -42,16 +42,24 @@ else
     echo -e "\\n\\n>> [`date`] Pre-existing template bank found"
 # test if there is a single fits file. If not, make a representative one
-if [[ ! -f single_trigger_fits.hdf ]]
+if [[ ! -f single_significance_fits.hdf ]]
-    echo -e "\\n\\n>> [`date`] Making single fits file"
-    python make_singles_fits_file.py
+    echo -e "\\n\\n>> [`date`] Making single significance fits file"
+    python make_singles_significance_fits.py
-    echo -e "\\n\\n>> [`date`] Pre-existing single fits file found"
+    echo -e "\\n\\n>> [`date`] Pre-existing single significance fits file found"
+# test if there are fit_coeffs files for each detector.
+# If not, make some representative ones
+if [[ `ls -1 H1-fit_coeffs.hdf L1-fit_coeffs.hdf V1-fit_coeffs.hdf 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -lt 3 ]]
+    echo -e "\\n\\n>> [`date`] Making fit coefficient files"
+    python make_fit_coeffs.py
+    echo -e "\\n\\n>> [`date`] All needed fit coeffs files found"
 # test if there is a injection file.
 # If not, make one and delete any existing strain
@@ -178,8 +186,14 @@ python -m mpi4py `which pycbc_live` \
 --output-path output \
 --day-hour-output-prefix \
 --sngl-ranking newsnr_sgveto_psdvar_threshold \
---ranking-statistic phasetd \
---statistic-files statHL.hdf statHV.hdf statLV.hdf \
+--ranking-statistic phasetd_exp_fit_fgbg_norm \
+--statistic-files \
+  statHL.hdf \
+  statHV.hdf \
+  statLV.hdf \
+  H1-fit_coeffs.hdf \
+  L1-fit_coeffs.hdf \
+  V1-fit_coeffs.hdf \
 --sgchisq-snr-threshold 4 \
 --sgchisq-locations "mtotal>40:20-30,20-45,20-60,20-75,20-90,20-105,20-120" \
 --enable-background-estimation \
@@ -201,10 +215,11 @@ python -m mpi4py `which pycbc_live` \
     --snr-opt-di-popsize 100 \
     --snr-opt-include-candidate " \
 --sngl-ifar-est-dist conservative \
---single-newsnr-threshold 9 \
+--single-ranking-threshold 9 \
 --single-duration-threshold 7 \
 --single-reduced-chisq-threshold 2 \
---single-fit-file single_trigger_fits.hdf \
+--single-fit-file single_significance_fits.hdf \
+--single-maximum-ifar 100 \
 --psd-variation \
diff --git a/pycbc/events/single.py b/pycbc/events/single.py
index 6525602ea02..2df8fb8f4e6 100644
--- a/pycbc/events/single.py
+++ b/pycbc/events/single.py
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 """ utilities for assigning FAR to single detector triggers
 import logging
+import copy
 import h5py
 import numpy as np
-from pycbc.events import ranking, trigger_fits as fits
+from pycbc.events import trigger_fits as fits, stat
 from pycbc.types import MultiDetOptionAction
 from pycbc import conversions as conv
 from pycbc import bin_utils
@@ -13,35 +15,51 @@
 class LiveSingle(object):
     def __init__(self, ifo,
-                 newsnr_threshold=10.0,
+                 ranking_threshold=10.0,
-                 fixed_ifar=None):
+                 fixed_ifar=None,
+                 maximum_ifar=None,
+                 statistic=None,
+                 sngl_ranking=None,
+                 stat_files=None,
+                 **kwargs):
         self.ifo = ifo
         self.fit_file = fit_file
         self.sngl_ifar_est_dist = sngl_ifar_est_dist
         self.fixed_ifar = fixed_ifar
+        self.maximum_ifar = maximum_ifar
+        stat_class = stat.get_statistic(statistic)
+        self.stat_calculator = stat_class(
+            sngl_ranking,
+            stat_files,
+            ifos=[ifo],
+            **kwargs
+        )
         self.thresholds = {
-            "newsnr": newsnr_threshold,
+            "ranking": ranking_threshold,
             "reduced_chisq": reduced_chisq_threshold,
             "duration": duration_threshold}
     def insert_args(parser):
-        parser.add_argument('--single-newsnr-threshold', nargs='+',
+        parser.add_argument('--single-ranking-threshold', nargs='+',
                             type=float, action=MultiDetOptionAction,
-                            help='Newsnr min threshold for single triggers. '
-                                 'Can be given as a single value or as '
-                                 'detector-value pairs, e.g. H1:6 L1:7 V1:6.5')
+                            help='Single ranking threshold for '
+                                 'single-detector events. Can be given '
+                                 'as a single value or as detector-value '
+                                 'pairs, e.g. H1:6 L1:7 V1:6.5')
         parser.add_argument('--single-reduced-chisq-threshold', nargs='+',
                             type=float, action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                             help='Maximum reduced chi-squared threshold for '
-                                 'single triggers. Can be given as a single '
-                                 'value or as detector-value pairs, e.g. '
-                                 'H1:2 L1:2 V1:3')
+                                 'single triggers. Calcuated after any PSD '
+                                 'variation reweighting is applied. Can be '
+                                 'given as a single value or as '
+                                 'detector-value pairs, e.g. H1:2 L1:2 V1:3')
         parser.add_argument('--single-duration-threshold', nargs='+',
                             type=float, action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                             help='Minimum duration threshold for single '
@@ -54,6 +72,12 @@ def insert_args(parser):
                                  'defined by command line. Can be given as '
                                  'a single value or as detector-value pairs, '
                                  'e.g. H1:0.001 L1:0.001 V1:0.0005')
+        parser.add_argument('--single-maximum-ifar', nargs='+',
+                            type=float, action=MultiDetOptionAction,
+                            help='A maximum possible value for IFAR for '
+                                 'single-detector events. Can be given as '
+                                 'a single value or as detector-value pairs, '
+                                 'e.g. H1:100 L1:1000 V1:50')
                             help='File which contains definitons of fit '
                                  'coefficients and counts for specific '
@@ -70,11 +94,12 @@ def insert_args(parser):
     def verify_args(args, parser, ifos):
         sngl_opts = [args.single_reduced_chisq_threshold,
-                     args.single_newsnr_threshold,
+                     args.single_ranking_threshold,
         sngl_opts_str = ("--single-reduced-chisq-threshold, "
                          "--single-duration-threshold, "
-                         "--single-newsnr-threshold, "
+                         "--single-ranking-threshold, "
         if any(sngl_opts) and not all(sngl_opts):
@@ -87,12 +112,14 @@ def verify_args(args, parser, ifos):
                          "--enable-gracedb-upload to be set.")
         sngl_optional_opts = [args.single_fixed_ifar,
-                              args.single_fit_file]
+                              args.single_fit_file,
+                              args.single_maximum_ifar]
         sngl_optional_opts_str = ("--single-fixed-ifar, "
-                                  "--single-fit-file")
+                                  "--single-fit-file,"
+                                  "--single-maximum-ifar")
         if any(sngl_optional_opts) and not all(sngl_opts):
             parser.error("Optional singles options "
-                         f"({sngl_optional_opts_str}) given but no "
+                         f"({sngl_optional_opts_str}) given but not all "
                          f"required options ({sngl_opts_str}) are.")
         for ifo in ifos:
@@ -141,13 +168,27 @@ def verify_args(args, parser, ifos):
     def from_cli(cls, args, ifo):
+        # Allow None inputs
+        stat_files = args.statistic_files or []
+        stat_keywords = args.statistic_keywords or []
+        # flatten the list of lists of filenames to a single list
+        # (may be empty)
+        stat_files = sum(stat_files, [])
+        kwargs = stat.parse_statistic_keywords_opt(stat_keywords)
         return cls(
-           ifo, newsnr_threshold=args.single_newsnr_threshold[ifo],
+           ifo, ranking_threshold=args.single_ranking_threshold[ifo],
+           maximum_ifar=args.single_maximum_ifar[ifo],
-           sngl_ifar_est_dist=args.sngl_ifar_est_dist[ifo]
+           sngl_ifar_est_dist=args.sngl_ifar_est_dist[ifo],
+           statistic=args.ranking_statistic,
+           sngl_ranking=args.sngl_ranking,
+           stat_files=stat_files,
+           **kwargs
     def check(self, trigs, data_reader):
@@ -156,37 +197,56 @@ def check(self, trigs, data_reader):
         # Apply cuts to trigs before clustering
-        # Cut on snr so that triggers which could not reach newsnr
-        # threshold do not have newsnr calculated
+        # Cut on snr so that triggers which could not reach the ranking
+        # threshold do not have ranking calculated
+        if 'psd_var_val' in trigs:
+            # We should apply the PSD variation rescaling, as this can
+            # re-weight the SNR to be above SNR
+            trig_chisq = trigs['chisq'] / trigs['psd_var_val']
+            trig_snr = trigs['snr'] / (trigs['psd_var_val'] ** 0.5)
+        else:
+            trig_chisq = trigs['chisq']
+            trig_snr = trigs['snr']
         valid_idx = (trigs['template_duration'] >
                      self.thresholds['duration']) & \
-                    (trigs['chisq'] <
+                    (trig_chisq <
                      self.thresholds['reduced_chisq']) & \
-                    (trigs['snr'] >
-                     self.thresholds['newsnr'])
+                    (trig_snr >
+                     self.thresholds['ranking'])
         if not np.any(valid_idx):
             return None
-        cutdurchi_trigs = {k: trigs[k][valid_idx] for k in trigs}
+        cut_trigs = {k: trigs[k][valid_idx] for k in trigs}
-        # This uses the pycbc live convention of chisq always meaning the
-        # reduced chisq.
-        nsnr_all = ranking.newsnr(cutdurchi_trigs['snr'],
-                                  cutdurchi_trigs['chisq'])
-        nsnr_idx = nsnr_all > self.thresholds['newsnr']
-        if not np.any(nsnr_idx):
+        # Convert back from the pycbc live convention of chisq always
+        # meaning the reduced chisq.
+        trigsc = copy.copy(cut_trigs)
+        trigsc['ifo'] = self.ifo
+        trigsc['chisq'] = cut_trigs['chisq'] * cut_trigs['chisq_dof']
+        trigsc['chisq_dof'] = (cut_trigs['chisq_dof'] + 2) / 2
+        # Calculate the ranking reweighted SNR for cutting
+        single_rank = self.stat_calculator.get_sngl_ranking(trigsc)
+        sngl_idx = single_rank > self.thresholds['ranking']
+        if not np.any(sngl_idx):
             return None
-        cutall_trigs = {k: cutdurchi_trigs[k][nsnr_idx]
+        cutall_trigs = {k: trigsc[k][sngl_idx]
                         for k in trigs}
-        # 'cluster' by taking the maximal newsnr value over the trigger set
-        i = nsnr_all[nsnr_idx].argmax()
+        # Calculate the ranking statistic
+        sngl_stat = self.stat_calculator.single(cutall_trigs)
+        rank = self.stat_calculator.rank_stat_single((self.ifo, sngl_stat))
+        # 'cluster' by taking the maximal statistic value over the trigger set
+        i = rank.argmax()
         # calculate the (inverse) false-alarm rate
-        nsnr = nsnr_all[nsnr_idx][i]
-        dur = cutall_trigs['template_duration'][i]
-        ifar = self.calculate_ifar(nsnr, dur)
+        ifar = self.calculate_ifar(
+            rank[i],
+            trigsc['template_duration'][i]
+        )
         if ifar is None:
             return None
@@ -194,7 +254,7 @@ def check(self, trigs, data_reader):
         candidate = {
             f'foreground/{self.ifo}/{k}': cutall_trigs[k][i] for k in trigs
-        candidate['foreground/stat'] = nsnr
+        candidate['foreground/stat'] = rank[i]
         candidate['foreground/ifar'] = ifar
         candidate['HWINJ'] = data_reader.near_hwinj()
         return candidate
@@ -232,10 +292,14 @@ def calculate_ifar(self, sngl_ranking, duration):
             return None
-        rate_louder = rate * fits.cum_fit('exponential', [sngl_ranking],
-                                          coeff, thresh)[0]
+        rate_louder = rate * fits.cum_fit(
+            'exponential',
+            [sngl_ranking],
+            coeff,
+            thresh
+        )[0]
         # apply a trials factor of the number of duration bins
         rate_louder *= len(rates)
-        return conv.sec_to_year(1. / rate_louder)
+        return min(conv.sec_to_year(1. / rate_louder), self.maximum_ifar)
diff --git a/pycbc/events/stat.py b/pycbc/events/stat.py
index 5876bd81e9b..fb4bc8eee9a 100644
--- a/pycbc/events/stat.py
+++ b/pycbc/events/stat.py
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ def rank_stat_single(self, single_info,
             The array of single detector statistics
-        return single_info[1]
+        return single_info[1]['snglstat']
     def rank_stat_coinc(self, sngls_list, slide, step, to_shift,
                         **kwargs):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
@@ -711,8 +711,8 @@ def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, sngls_list, thresh, limifo,
         if not self.has_hist:
-        lim_stat = [b['snglstat'] for a, b in sngls_list if a == limifo][0]
-        s1 = thresh ** 2. - lim_stat ** 2.
+        fixed_statsq = sum([b['snglstat'] ** 2 for a, b in sngls_list])
+        s1 = thresh ** 2. - fixed_statsq
         # Assume best case scenario and use maximum signal rate
         s1 -= 2. * self.hist_max
         s1[s1 < 0] = 0
@@ -1015,6 +1015,7 @@ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs):
         # for low-mass templates the exponential slope alpha \approx 6
         self.alpharef = 6.
         self.single_increasing = True
+        self.single_dtype = numpy.float32
     def use_alphamax(self):
@@ -1065,9 +1066,9 @@ def rank_stat_single(self, single_info,
             The array of single detector statistics
         if self.single_increasing:
-            sngl_multiifo = single_info[1]['snglstat']
+            sngl_multiifo = single_info[1]
-            sngl_multiifo = -1. * single_info[1]['snglstat']
+            sngl_multiifo = -1. * single_info[1]
         return sngl_multiifo
     def rank_stat_coinc(self, s, slide, step, to_shift,
@@ -2435,7 +2436,10 @@ def get_statistic_from_opts(opts, ifos):
         opts.statistic_keywords = []
     # flatten the list of lists of filenames to a single list (may be empty)
-    opts.statistic_files = sum(opts.statistic_files, [])
+    # if needed (e.g. not calling get_statistic_from_opts in a loop)
+    if len(opts.statistic_files) > 0 and \
+            isinstance(opts.statistic_files[0], list):
+        opts.statistic_files = sum(opts.statistic_files, [])
     extra_kwargs = parse_statistic_keywords_opt(opts.statistic_keywords)