Capistrano plugin that integrates Rainbows tasks into capistrano deployment script.
Install library from rubygems:
gem install capistrano-rainbows
Add the library to your Gemfile
group :development do
gem 'capistrano-rainbows', require: false
And load it into your deployment script config/deploy.rb
require 'capistrano-rainbows'
Add rainbows restart task hook:
after 'deploy:restart', 'rainbows:reload' # app IS NOT preloaded
after 'deploy:restart', 'rainbows:restart' # app preloaded
Create a new configuration file config/rainbows/rainbows.rb
or config/rainbows/STAGE.rb
, where stage is your deployment environment.
Example config - examples/rails3.rb. Please refer to rainbows documentation for more examples and configuration options.
First, make sure you're running the latest release:
cap deploy
Then you can test each individual task:
cap rainbows:start
cap rainbows:stop
cap rainbows:reload
You can modify any of the following options in your deploy.rb
- Set rainbows environment. Default torails_env
- Set rainbows PID file path. Default tocurrent_path/tmp/pids/
- Set rainbows executable file. Default torainbows
- Set bundler command for rainbows. Default tobundle
- Launch rainbows master as the specified user. Default touser
- Define which roles to perform rainbows recpies on. Default to:app
- Set the directory where rainbows config files reside. Default tocurrent_path/config
- Set the filename of the rainbows config file. Not used in multistage installations. Default torainbows.rb
To get a list of all capistrano tasks, run cap -T
cap rainbows:add_worker # Add a new worker
cap rainbows:remove_worker # Remove amount of workers
cap rainbows:reload # Reload rainbows
cap rainbows:restart # Restart rainbows
cap rainbows:shutdown # Immediately shutdown rainbows
cap rainbows:start # Start rainbows master process
cap rainbows:stop # Stop rainbows
See LICENSE file for details.