These are some short programs written in times of boredom.
- Numerical solution to "travelling ants in corner of unit cube"-problem. Play around with the dt-parameter
- A lot of experimenting along with classical solvers for the travelling salesman problem. Uncomment whichever solvers you want to try out, and play around with their parameters. Can you find a better solution than me to the N=24 cities (12287.07)?
- A tic-tac-toe-game for your terminal window. AI is ok smart, but can be beaten! Kidding, its perfect.
- NxM grid 5-in-a-row game for terminal. User can choose between different levels of AI. Best one, quite decent (deep search with miniMax).
- Code for grabbing, storing and plotting financial information from Nordnet (regarding mine/your own portfolio) for any period of time. Run python, then python -update