Basic network tools in a Docker image (hacklab/docker-nettools). Built to be used in pipelines for Continuous Integration.
Available software:
- openssh
- nmap
- curl
- tcpdump
- wget
- rsync
If needs, you can change the root password, or add a one user using environment variables.
ROOT_PASSWORD (optional): change root password
USER_NAME: name of new user to be created
USER_PASSWORD: password of user to be created
USER_FOLDER (optional): path da home do novo usuário
Creating User
When you create a user, the USER_NAME variable can not be null, or user not be created, if you don't define password the default password of user will be 'hacklab'
User home Folder
If not set USER_FOLDER, a new user will be created in /home, but if you need a diferent home folder for user, you need to specify a complete location like: '/tmp/john' and if not exist, will created and map to your user.
docker run --name tools -e ROOT_PASSWORD=hackerone -e USER_NAME=hacklab -e USER_PASSWORD=12345678 -it hacklab/docker-nettools:latest bash
The command create user 'hacklab' with password '12345678' and home at '/home/hacklab'
docker run --name tools -e ROOT_PASSWORD=hackerone -e USER_NAME=hacklab -e USER_PASSWORD=12345678 -e USER_FOLDER='opt/hacklab' -it hacklab/docker-nettools:latest bash
The command create user 'hacklab' with password '12345678' and home set to folder 'opt/hacklab'