A no dependency implementation of a binary search tree in JavaScript.
var tree, node;
node = new Node(8);
tree = new Tree(node); // node serves as the root node
node = new Node(8);
tree.add(node); // increments counter on the node with value 8
node = new Node(3);
tree.add(node); // becomes the left child of 8
node = new Node(1);
tree.add(node); // becomes the left child of 3
node = new Node(6);
tree.add(node); // becomes the right child of 3
node = new Node(4);
tree.add(node); // becomes the left child of 6
node = new Node(7);
tree.add(node); // becomes the right child of 6
node = new Node(10);
tree.add(node); // becomes the right child of 8
node = new Node(14);
tree.add(node); // becomes the right child of 10
node = new Node(13);
tree.add(node); // becomes the left child of 14
tree.depth(); // 4
console.log(tree.root); // Node {value: 8, left: Node, right: Node, count: 2, parent: null…}
console.log(tree.root.left); // Node {value: 3, left: Node, right: Node, count: 1, parent: Node…}
console.log(tree.root.right); // Node {value: 10, left: null, right: Node, count: 1, parent: Node…}
/* tree.root.right expanded view
count: 1
depth: 2
isLeftChild: false
isRightChild: true
left: null
parent: Node
right: Node
root: Node
value: 10
tree.isRoot(tree.root); // true
tree.isRoot(tree.root.left); // false
tree.search(14) // Node {value: 14, left: Node, right: null, count: 1, parent: Node…}
tree.search(8) // Node {value: 8, left: Node, right: Node, count: 2, parent: null…}
tree.search(55) // null