Continuation of
- src/notebooks - contains notebooks for vizualisation of data.
- src/cardiac_rythm - contains the code for the models.
- results - contains the results for the hyper parameter search
- logs - containing logs and results from the model fitting.
- report - contains the report from this project in pdf format, and latex code with figures.
The "best" model is added under logs/results/best_model
, which contains checkpoints for every fold done under
cross validation and model settings in model_config.json
To set up the project locally either pdm or pip/venv can be used. For usage on gorina a couple scripts are included.
This project used pdm as a package manager, which can be used to set up the project with this command:
pdm install
If not using pdm it can just as easily be setup with pip/venv.
These commands will setup a virtual environment and install all dependencies
as configured in pyproject.toml
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install .
Example of how to run a specific model. We call the script with the path to dataset and arguments to tell how the model should be configured:
python -u src/cardiac_rythm "/path/to/cutDataCinCTTI_rev_v2.mat" \
--filters 64 32 16 \
--kernels 40 20 10 \
--stride 1 \
--padding "valid" \
--pool 2 \
--fc_end 64 32 \
--epochs 250 \
--dropout 0.3 \
--batch_size 32
To get all available options run python -u src/cardiac_rythm --help
Example of how to run the hyper parameter random seach, this can also be
called with --help
to get all available commands:
python -u src/cardiac_rythm/ "/path/to/cutDataCinCTTI_rev_v2.mat" \
--max_trials 250 \
--n_folds 10 \
--n_filters 2 \
--filters 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 \
--kernels 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 \
--dropout 0.1 0.9 \
--pool 2 \
--stride 1 \
--n_fc 2 \
--fc_choice 16 32 64 128
Explanation of whats happening. These commands will start the random search with 250 trials, 10-fold crossvalidation, 2 filters (2 convolutional blocks), number of filters in each block and kernels will choose randomly from the given values, dropout will be between 0.1 and 0.9. Pool size set to 2, stride set to 1 and 2 fully connected layers at the end choosing between the given sizes.
The file
contains commands to set up the project on gorina.
The files
contains commands to
setup the environment to run on the gpu and respectively manually train a model
and to run the hyperparameter random search.
Notebook data_vizualisation.ipynb
contains vizualisations of the dataset and structures,
contains vizualisations of the results from the random search,
and results.ipynb
contains code to extract information from one model.