Just some high-level usage highlights to get you started. Read the dbw package docs for a complete list of capabilities and their documentation.
// initialize fields which cannot be set during creation
dbw.InitNonCreatableFields([]string{"CreateTime", "UpdateTime"})
// initialize fields which cannot be updated
dbw.InitNonUpdatableFields([]string{"PublicId", "CreateTime", "UpdateTime"})
// errors are intentionally ignored for brevity
db, _ := dbw.Open(dialect, url)
rw := dbw.New(conn)
id, _ := dbw.NewId("u")
user, _ := dbtest.NewTestUser()
_ = rw.Create(context.Background(), user)
foundUser, _ := dbtest.NewTestUser()
foundUser.PublicId = id
_ = rw.LookupBy(context.Background(), foundUser)
where := `
with avg_version as (
select public_id, avg(version) as avg_version_for_user
from test_users
group by version)
select u.public_id, u.name, av.avg_version_for_user
from test_users u
join avg_version av
on u.public_id = av.public_id
where name in (@names)`
rows, err := rw.Query(
[]interface{}{ sql.Named{"names", "alice", "bob"}},
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
user := db_test.NewTestUser()
_ = rw.ScanRows(rows, &user)
// Do something with the user struct
user.Name = "Alice"
retryErrFn := func(_ error) bool { return true }
_, err = w.DoTx(
func(_ error) bool { return true }, // retry all errors
3, // three retries
ExpBackoff{}, // exponential backoff
func(w Writer) error {
// the TxHandler updates the user's name
_, err := w.Update(context.Background(),
if err != nil {
return err