diff --git a/ChangeLog.md b/ChangeLog.md
index 6acf7737e..1be0ec1d2 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.md
+++ b/ChangeLog.md
@@ -3,10 +3,17 @@
 ## [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.16.0...0.17.0#files_bucket) 0.17.0
+* Introduction:
+  * `Nix.Value`
+    * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/1046/files) Constraint `NVConstraint f = (Comonad f, Applicative f)` was introduced, in order to unify builder `mkNV*` and `NV*` patterns.
 * Breaking:
   * `Nix.Expr.Types`
     * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/1042/files) The central HNix type `NExprF` changed, the `NApp` was moved out of `NBinary` & now a `NExprF` constructor of its own, the type signatures were changed accordingly.
     * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/1038/files) project was using `megaparsec` `{,Source}Pos` and to use it shipped a lot of orphan instances. To improve the situation & performance (reports [#1026](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/issues/1026), [#746](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/issues/746)) project uses `N{,Source}Pos` types, related type signatures were changed accordingly.
+  * `Nix.Value`
+    * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/1046/files) Unify builder `mkNV*` and `NV*` patterns by bidirectional synonyms, a lot of builders `mkNV*` are removed, and merged to `NV*`. e.g. instead of builder `mkNVList`, `NVList` should be used.
 ## [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.15.0...0.16.0#files_bucket) 0.16.0
diff --git a/src/Nix.hs b/src/Nix.hs
index 176b97906..a6cacaf46 100644
--- a/src/Nix.hs
+++ b/src/Nix.hs
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ evaluateExpression mpath evaluator handler expr =
     f' <- demand f
     val <-
       case f' of
-        NVClosure _ g -> g $ mkNVSet mempty $ M.fromList args
+        NVClosure _ g -> g $ NVSet mempty $ M.fromList args
         _             -> pure f
     processResult handler val
diff --git a/src/Nix/Builtins.hs b/src/Nix/Builtins.hs
index 207913935..65655e000 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Builtins.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Builtins.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 {-# language MultiWayIf #-}
 {-# language PartialTypeSignatures #-}
 {-# language QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
 {-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
 {-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
 {-# language PackageImports #-} -- 2021-07-05: Due to hashing Haskell IT system situation, in HNix we currently ended-up with 2 hash package dependencies @{hashing, cryptonite}@
@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ where
 import           Nix.Prelude
 import           GHC.Exception                  ( ErrorCall(ErrorCall) )
-import           Control.Comonad                ( Comonad )
 import           Control.Monad                  ( foldM )
 import           Control.Monad.Catch            ( MonadCatch(catch) )
 import           Control.Monad.ListM            ( sortByM )
@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ instance
   => ToBuiltin t f m (a -> b) where
   toBuiltin name f =
-    pure $ mkNVBuiltin (coerce name) $ toBuiltin name . f <=< fromValue . Deeper
+    pure $ NVBuiltin (coerce name) $ toBuiltin name . f <=< fromValue . Deeper
 -- *** @WValue@ closure wrapper to have @Ord@
 -- We wrap values solely to provide an Ord instance for genericClosure
 newtype WValue t f m = WValue (NValue t f m)
-instance Comonad f => Eq (WValue t f m) where
+instance NVConstraint f => Eq (WValue t f m) where
   WValue (NVConstant (NFloat x)) == WValue (NVConstant (NInt y)) =
     x == fromInteger y
   WValue (NVConstant (NInt   x)) == WValue (NVConstant (NFloat y)) =
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ instance Comonad f => Eq (WValue t f m) where
     ignoreContext x == ignoreContext y
   _ == _ = False
-instance Comonad f => Ord (WValue t f m) where
+instance NVConstraint f => Ord (WValue t f m) where
   WValue (NVConstant (NFloat x)) <= WValue (NVConstant (NInt y)) =
     x <= fromInteger y
   WValue (NVConstant (NInt   x)) <= WValue (NVConstant (NFloat y)) =
@@ -159,11 +159,8 @@ instance Comonad f => Ord (WValue t f m) where
 -- ** Helpers
-  :: MonadNix e t f m
-  => Bool
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVBool = mkNVConstant . NBool
+pattern NVBool :: MonadNix e t f m => Bool -> NValue t f m
+pattern NVBool a = NVConstant (NBool a)
 data NixPathEntryType
   = PathEntryPath
@@ -331,15 +328,15 @@ splitMatches numDropped (((_, (start, len)) : captures) : mts) haystack =
   relStart       = max 0 start - numDropped
   (before, rest) = B.splitAt relStart haystack
   caps :: NValue t f m
-  caps           = mkNVList (f <$> captures)
+  caps           = NVList (f <$> captures)
   f :: (ByteString, (Int, b)) -> NValue t f m
   f (a, (s, _))  =
-      nvNull
+      NVNull
       (thunkStr a)
       (s >= 0)
-thunkStr :: Applicative f => ByteString -> NValue t f m
+thunkStr :: NVConstraint f => ByteString -> NValue t f m
 thunkStr s = mkNVStrWithoutContext $ decodeUtf8 s
@@ -422,16 +419,16 @@ derivationNix = foldFix Eval.eval $$(do
 nixPathNix :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => m (NValue t f m)
 nixPathNix =
-    mkNVList
+    NVList
     $ foldNixPath mempty $
         \p mn ty rest ->
           pure $
-              (mkNVSet
+              (NVSet
                   [case ty of
-                    PathEntryPath -> ("path", mkNVPath  p)
+                    PathEntryPath -> ("path", NVPath  p)
                     PathEntryURI  -> ( "uri", mkNVStrWithoutContext $ fromString $ coerce p)
                   , ( "prefix", mkNVStrWithoutContext $ maybeToMonoid mn)
@@ -500,7 +497,7 @@ unsafeGetAttrPosNix nvX nvY =
     case (x, y) of
       (NVStr ns, NVSet apos _) ->
-          (pure nvNull)
+          (pure NVNull)
           (M.lookup @VarName (coerce $ ignoreContext ns) apos)
       _xy -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Invalid types for builtins.unsafeGetAttrPosNix: " <> show _xy
@@ -613,7 +610,7 @@ tailNix :: forall e t f m. MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
 tailNix =
     (throwError $ ErrorCall "builtins.tail: empty list")
-    (pure . mkNVList)
+    (pure . NVList)
   . viaNonEmpty tail <=< fromValue @[NValue t f m]
 splitVersionNix :: MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
@@ -621,7 +618,7 @@ splitVersionNix v =
     version <- fromStringNoContext =<< fromValue v
     pure $
-      mkNVList $
+      NVList $
         mkNVStrWithoutContext . show <$>
           splitVersion version
@@ -642,7 +639,7 @@ compareVersionsNix t1 t2 =
           EQ -> 0
           GT -> 1
-    pure $ mkNVConstant $ NInt cmpVers
+    pure $ NVConstant $ NInt cmpVers
   mkText = fromStringNoContext <=< fromValue
@@ -689,7 +686,7 @@ matchNix pat str =
       re = makeRegex p :: Regex
       mkMatch t =
-          (pure nvNull)
+          (pure NVNull)
           (toValue $ mkNixStringWithoutContext t)
           (not $ Text.null t)
@@ -697,7 +694,7 @@ matchNix pat str =
       Just ("", sarr, "") ->
           let submatches = fst <$> elems sarr
-          mkNVList <$>
+          NVList <$>
               (case submatches of
@@ -705,7 +702,7 @@ matchNix pat str =
                  [a] -> one a
                  _:xs -> xs -- return only the matched groups, drop the full string
-      _ -> pure nvNull
+      _ -> pure NVNull
   :: forall e t f m
@@ -726,7 +723,7 @@ splitNix pat str =
       regex       = makeRegex p :: Regex
       haystack = encodeUtf8 s
-    pure $ mkNVList $ splitMatches 0 (elems <$> matchAllText regex haystack) haystack
+    pure $ NVList $ splitMatches 0 (elems <$> matchAllText regex haystack) haystack
 substringNix :: forall e t f m. MonadNix e t f m => Int -> Int -> NixString -> Prim m NixString
 substringNix start len str =
@@ -825,7 +822,7 @@ catAttrsNix attrName xs =
     n <- fromStringNoContext =<< fromValue attrName
     l <- fromValue @[NValue t f m] xs
-    mkNVList . catMaybes <$>
+    NVList . catMaybes <$>
         (fmap (M.lookup @VarName $ coerce n) . fromValue <=< demand)
@@ -835,7 +832,7 @@ baseNameOfNix x =
     ns <- coerceStringlikeToNixString DontCopyToStore x
     pure $
-      mkNVStr $
+      NVStr $
           (fromString . coerce takeFileName . toString)
@@ -917,7 +914,7 @@ pathNix arg =
     Right (coerce . toText . coerce @StorePath @String -> s) <- addToStore name path recursive False
     -- TODO: Ensure that s matches sha256 when not empty
-    pure $ mkNVStr $ mkNixStringWithSingletonContext (StringContext DirectPath s) s
+    pure $ NVStr $ mkNixStringWithSingletonContext (StringContext DirectPath s) s
   coerceToPath = coerceToString callFunc DontCopyToStore CoerceAny
@@ -927,8 +924,8 @@ dirOfNix nvdir =
     dir <- demand nvdir
     case dir of
-      NVStr ns -> pure $ mkNVStr $ modifyNixContents (fromString . coerce takeDirectory . toString) ns
-      NVPath path -> pure $ mkNVPath $ takeDirectory path
+      NVStr ns -> pure $ NVStr $ modifyNixContents (fromString . coerce takeDirectory . toString) ns
+      NVPath path -> pure $ NVPath $ takeDirectory path
       v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "dirOf: expected string or path, got " <> show v
 -- jww (2018-04-28): This should only be a string argument, and not coerced?
@@ -1158,7 +1155,7 @@ intersectAttrsNix set1 set2 =
     (s1, p1) <- fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m), PositionSet) set1
     (s2, p2) <- fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m), PositionSet) set2
-    pure $ mkNVSet (p2 `M.intersection` p1) (s2 `M.intersection` s1)
+    pure $ NVSet (p2 `M.intersection` p1) (s2 `M.intersection` s1)
   :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
@@ -1167,7 +1164,7 @@ functionArgsNix nvfun =
     fun <- demand nvfun
     case fun of
       NVClosure p _ ->
-        toValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) $ mkNVBool <$>
+        toValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) $ NVBool <$>
           case p of
             Param name     -> one (name, False)
             ParamSet _ _ pset -> isJust <$> M.fromList pset
@@ -1272,7 +1269,7 @@ throwNix =
   :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
-importNix = scopedImportNix $ mkNVSet mempty mempty
+importNix = scopedImportNix $ NVSet mempty mempty
 -- | @scopedImport scope path@
 -- An undocumented secret powerful function.
@@ -1383,7 +1380,7 @@ lessThanNix ta tb =
       badType = throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.lessThan: expected two numbers or two strings, got '" <> show va <> "' and '" <> show vb <> "'."
-    mkNVBool <$>
+    NVBool <$>
       case (va, vb) of
         (NVConstant ca, NVConstant cb) ->
           case (ca, cb) of
@@ -1433,7 +1430,7 @@ listToAttrsNix lst =
     l <- fromValue @[NValue t f m] lst
-      (mkNVSet mempty . M.fromList . reverse)
+      (NVSet mempty . M.fromList . reverse)
         (\ nvattrset ->
@@ -1500,8 +1497,8 @@ groupByNix nvfun nvlist = do
   list   <- demand nvlist
   fun    <- demand nvfun
   (f, l) <- extractP (fun, list)
-  mkNVSet mempty
-    .   fmap (mkNVList . reverse)
+  NVSet mempty
+    .   fmap (NVList . reverse)
     .   M.fromListWith (<>)
     <$> traverse (app f) l
@@ -1565,7 +1562,7 @@ findFileNix nvaset nvfilepath =
           mres <- findPath @t @f @m x $ coerce $ toString $ ignoreContext ns
-          pure $ mkNVPath mres
+          pure $ NVPath mres
       (NVList _, _y     ) -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "expected a string, got " <> show _y
       (_x      , NVStr _) -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "expected a list, got " <> show _x
@@ -1620,32 +1617,32 @@ fromJSONNix nvjson =
       A.Object m ->
-          (mkNVSet mempty)
+          (NVSet mempty)
 #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
           (M.mapKeys (coerce . AKM.toText)  $ AKM.toHashMap m)
           (M.mapKeys coerce m)
-      A.Array  l -> traverseToNValue mkNVList (V.toList l)
+      A.Array  l -> traverseToNValue NVList (V.toList l)
       A.String s -> pure $ mkNVStrWithoutContext s
       A.Number n ->
         pure $
-          mkNVConstant $
+          NVConstant $
               (floatingOrInteger n)
-      A.Bool   b -> pure $ mkNVBool b
-      A.Null     -> pure nvNull
+      A.Bool   b -> pure $ NVBool b
+      A.Null     -> pure NVNull
     traverseToNValue :: Traversable t0 => (t0 (NValue t f m) -> b) -> t0 A.Value -> m b
     traverseToNValue f v = f <$> traverse jsonToNValue v
 toJSONNix :: MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
-toJSONNix = (fmap mkNVStr . toJSONNixString) <=< demand
+toJSONNix = (fmap NVStr . toJSONNixString) <=< demand
 toXMLNix :: MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
-toXMLNix = (fmap (mkNVStr . toXML) . normalForm) <=< demand
+toXMLNix = (fmap (NVStr . toXML) . normalForm) <=< demand
 typeOfNix :: MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
 typeOfNix nvv =
@@ -1677,19 +1674,19 @@ tryEvalNix e = (`catch` (pure . onError))
   (onSuccess <$> demand e)
   onSuccess v =
-    mkNVSet
+    NVSet
       $ M.fromList
-        [ ("success", mkNVBool True)
+        [ ("success", NVBool True)
         , ("value"  , v            )
   onError :: SomeException -> NValue t f m
   onError _ =
-    mkNVSet
+    NVSet
       $ M.fromList
-        $ (, mkNVBool False) <$>
+        $ (, NVBool False) <$>
           [ "success"
           , "value"
@@ -1762,7 +1759,7 @@ partitionNix f nvlst =
       (right, wrong) = partition fst selection
-      makeSide       = mkNVList . fmap snd
+      makeSide       = NVList . fmap snd
     toValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m))
       $ M.fromList
@@ -1787,15 +1784,15 @@ currentTimeNix =
 derivationStrictNix :: MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
 derivationStrictNix = derivationStrict
-getRecursiveSizeNix :: (MonadIntrospect m, Applicative f) => a -> m (NValue t f m)
-getRecursiveSizeNix = fmap (mkNVConstant . NInt . fromIntegral) . recursiveSize
+getRecursiveSizeNix :: (MonadIntrospect m, NVConstraint f) => a -> m (NValue t f m)
+getRecursiveSizeNix = fmap (NVConstant . NInt . fromIntegral) . recursiveSize
   :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
 getContextNix =
     (NVStr ns) ->
-      mkNVSet mempty <$> traverseToValue (getNixLikeContext $ toNixLikeContext $ getStringContext ns)
+      NVSet mempty <$> traverseToValue (getNixLikeContext $ toNixLikeContext $ getStringContext ns)
     x -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Invalid type for builtins.getContext: " <> show x
   <=< demand
@@ -1923,7 +1920,7 @@ builtinsList =
     , add2 Normal   "elem"             elemNix
     , add2 Normal   "elemAt"           elemAtNix
     , add  Normal   "exec"             execNix
-    , add0 Normal   "false"            (pure $ mkNVBool False)
+    , add0 Normal   "false"            (pure $ NVBool False)
     --, add  Normal   "fetchGit"         fetchGit
     --, add  Normal   "fetchMercurial"   fetchMercurial
     , add  Normal   "fetchTarball"     fetchTarball
@@ -1962,7 +1959,7 @@ builtinsList =
     , add2 Normal   "match"            matchNix
     , add2 Normal   "mul"              mulNix
     , add0 Normal   "nixPath"          nixPathNix
-    , add0 Normal   "null"             (pure nvNull)
+    , add0 Normal   "null"             (pure NVNull)
     , add  Normal   "parseDrvName"     parseDrvNameNix
     , add2 Normal   "partition"        partitionNix
     , add  Normal   "path"             pathNix
@@ -1984,7 +1981,7 @@ builtinsList =
     , add  Normal   "toJSON"           toJSONNix
     , add  Normal   "toPath"           toPathNix -- Deprecated in Nix: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2524
     , add  Normal   "toXML"            toXMLNix
-    , add0 Normal   "true"             (pure $ mkNVBool True)
+    , add0 Normal   "true"             (pure $ NVBool True)
     , add  Normal   "tryEval"          tryEvalNix
     , add  Normal   "typeOf"           typeOfNix
     , add  Normal   "unsafeDiscardOutputDependency" unsafeDiscardOutputDependencyNix
@@ -2084,7 +2081,7 @@ withNixContext mpath action =
     opts <- askOptions
-      (one ("__includes", mkNVList $ mkNVStrWithoutContext . fromString . coerce <$> getInclude opts))
+      (one ("__includes", NVList $ mkNVStrWithoutContext . fromString . coerce <$> getInclude opts))
         base $
@@ -2092,7 +2089,7 @@ withNixContext mpath action =
           (\ path act ->
               traceM $ "Setting __cur_file = " <> show path
-              pushScope (one ("__cur_file", mkNVPath path)) act
+              pushScope (one ("__cur_file", NVPath path)) act
@@ -2106,7 +2103,7 @@ builtins
   => m (Scopes m (NValue t f m))
 builtins =
-    ref <- defer $ mkNVSet mempty <$> buildMap
+    ref <- defer $ NVSet mempty <$> buildMap
     (`pushScope` askScopes) . coerce . M.fromList . (one ("builtins", ref) <>) =<< topLevelBuiltins
   buildMap :: m (HashMap VarName (NValue t f m))
diff --git a/src/Nix/Convert.hs b/src/Nix/Convert.hs
index 41bb7ee12..62d7898bf 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Convert.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Convert.hs
@@ -370,39 +370,39 @@ instance ( Convertible e t f m
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue () m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = const $ pure nvNull'
+  toValue = const $ pure NVNull'
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue Bool m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVConstant' . NBool
+  toValue = pure . NVConstant' . NBool
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue Int m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVConstant' . NInt . toInteger
+  toValue = pure . NVConstant' . NInt . toInteger
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue Integer m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVConstant' . NInt
+  toValue = pure . NVConstant' . NInt
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue Float m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVConstant' . NFloat
+  toValue = pure . NVConstant' . NFloat
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue NixString m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVStr'
+  toValue = pure . NVStr'
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue ByteString m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVStr' . mkNixStringWithoutContext . decodeUtf8
+  toValue = pure . NVStr' . mkNixStringWithoutContext . decodeUtf8
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue Text m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVStr' . mkNixStringWithoutContext
+  toValue = pure . NVStr' . mkNixStringWithoutContext
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue Path m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVPath' . coerce
+  toValue = pure . NVPath' . coerce
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue StorePath m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
@@ -415,40 +415,40 @@ instance Convertible e t f m
     l' <- toValue $ unPos $ coerce l
     c' <- toValue $ unPos $ coerce c
     let pos = M.fromList [("file" :: VarName, f'), ("line", l'), ("column", c')]
-    pure $ mkNVSet' mempty pos
+    pure $ NVSet' mempty pos
 -- | With 'ToValue', we can always act recursively
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue [NValue t f m] m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue = pure . mkNVList'
+  toValue = pure . NVList'
 instance (Convertible e t f m
   , ToValue a m (NValue t f m)
   => ToValue [a] m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where
-  toValue l = Deeper . mkNVList' <$> traverseToValue l
+  toValue l = Deeper . NVList' <$> traverseToValue l
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m)) m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue s = pure $ mkNVSet' mempty s
+  toValue s = pure $ NVSet' mempty s
 instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m))
   => ToValue (AttrSet a) m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where
   toValue s =
-    liftA2 (\ v s -> Deeper $ mkNVSet' s v)
+    liftA2 (\ v s -> Deeper $ NVSet' s v)
       (traverseToValue s)
 instance Convertible e t f m
   => ToValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m), PositionSet) m
             (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where
-  toValue (s, p) = pure $ mkNVSet' p s
+  toValue (s, p) = pure $ NVSet' p s
 instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m))
   => ToValue (AttrSet a, PositionSet) m
             (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where
   toValue (s, p) =
-    liftA2 (\ v s -> Deeper $ mkNVSet' s v)
+    liftA2 (\ v s -> Deeper $ NVSet' s v)
       (traverseToValue s)
       (pure p)
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ instance Convertible e t f m
         (pure Nothing)
         (fmap pure . toValue)
-    pure $ mkNVSet' mempty $ M.fromList $ catMaybes
+    pure $ NVSet' mempty $ M.fromList $ catMaybes
       [ ("path"      ,) <$> path
       , ("allOutputs",) <$> allOutputs
       , ("outputs"   ,) <$> outputs
diff --git a/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs b/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs
index fe0989024..27438011d 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Effects/Derivation.hs
@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ defaultDerivationStrict val = do
           (\out (coerce -> path) -> mkNixStringWithSingletonContext (StringContext (DerivationOutput out) drvPath) path)
           (outputs drv')
       drvPathWithContext = mkNixStringWithSingletonContext (StringContext AllOutputs drvPath) drvPath
-      attrSet = mkNVStr <$> M.fromList (("drvPath", drvPathWithContext) : Map.toList outputsWithContext)
+      attrSet = NVStr <$> M.fromList (("drvPath", drvPathWithContext) : Map.toList outputsWithContext)
     -- TODO: Add location information for all the entries.
     --              here --v
-    pure $ mkNVSet mempty $ M.mapKeys coerce attrSet
+    pure $ NVSet mempty $ M.mapKeys coerce attrSet
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ buildDerivationWithContext drvAttrs = do
       env <- if useJson
         then do
-          jsonString :: NixString <- lift $ toJSONNixString $ mkNVSet mempty $ M.mapKeys coerce $
+          jsonString :: NixString <- lift $ toJSONNixString $ NVSet mempty $ M.mapKeys coerce $
             deleteKeys [ "args", "__ignoreNulls", "__structuredAttrs" ] attrs
           rawString :: Text <- extractNixString jsonString
           pure $ one ("__json", rawString)
diff --git a/src/Nix/Exec.hs b/src/Nix/Exec.hs
index 93a30866a..71bec3547 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Exec.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Exec.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ mkNVConstantWithProvenance
   -> NAtom
   -> NValue t f m
 mkNVConstantWithProvenance scopes span x =
-  addProvenance (Provenance scopes . NConstantAnnF span $ x) $ mkNVConstant x
+  addProvenance (Provenance scopes . NConstantAnnF span $ x) $ NVConstant x
   :: MonadCited t f m
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ mkNVStrWithProvenance
   -> NixString
   -> NValue t f m
 mkNVStrWithProvenance scopes span x =
-  addProvenance (Provenance scopes . NStrAnnF span . DoubleQuoted . one . Plain . ignoreContext $ x) $ mkNVStr x
+  addProvenance (Provenance scopes . NStrAnnF span . DoubleQuoted . one . Plain . ignoreContext $ x) $ NVStr x
   :: MonadCited t f m
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ mkNVPathWithProvenance
   -> Path
   -> NValue t f m
 mkNVPathWithProvenance scope span lit real =
-  addProvenance (Provenance scope . NLiteralPathAnnF span $ lit) $ mkNVPath real
+  addProvenance (Provenance scope . NLiteralPathAnnF span $ lit) $ NVPath real
   :: MonadCited t f m
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ mkNVClosureWithProvenance
   -> (NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m))
   -> NValue t f m
 mkNVClosureWithProvenance scopes span x f =
-  addProvenance (Provenance scopes $ NAbsAnnF span (Nothing <$ x) Nothing) $ mkNVClosure x f
+  addProvenance (Provenance scopes $ NAbsAnnF span (Nothing <$ x) Nothing) $ NVClosure x f
   :: MonadCited t f m
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ execUnaryOp scope span op arg =
       throwError $ ErrorCall $ "argument to unary operator must evaluate to an atomic type: " <> show _x
   mkUnaryOp :: (a -> NAtom) -> (a -> a) -> a -> m (NValue t f m)
-  mkUnaryOp c b a = pure . mkNVUnaryOpWithProvenance scope span op (pure arg) . mkNVConstant $ c (b a)
+  mkUnaryOp c b a = pure . mkNVUnaryOpWithProvenance scope span op (pure arg) . NVConstant $ c (b a)
   :: forall e t f m
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ execBinaryOp scope span op lval rarg =
   toBoolOp :: Maybe (NValue t f m) -> Bool -> m (NValue t f m)
   toBoolOp r b =
-    pure $ mkNVBinaryOpWithProvenance scope span op (pure lval) r $ mkNVConstant $ NBool b
+    pure $ mkNVBinaryOpWithProvenance scope span op (pure lval) r $ NVConstant $ NBool b
   :: forall e t f m
@@ -463,25 +463,25 @@ execBinaryOpForced scope span op lval rval =
     mkNVBinaryOpWithProvenance scope span op (pure lval) (pure rval)
   mkBoolP :: Bool -> m (NValue t f m)
-  mkBoolP = pure . addProv . mkNVConstant . NBool
+  mkBoolP = pure . addProv . NVConstant . NBool
   mkIntP :: Integer -> m (NValue t f m)
-  mkIntP = pure . addProv . mkNVConstant . NInt
+  mkIntP = pure . addProv . NVConstant . NInt
   mkFloatP :: Float -> m (NValue t f m)
-  mkFloatP = pure . addProv . mkNVConstant . NFloat
+  mkFloatP = pure . addProv . NVConstant . NFloat
   mkListP :: [NValue t f m] -> NValue t f m
-  mkListP = addProv . mkNVList
+  mkListP = addProv . NVList
   mkStrP :: NixString -> NValue t f m
-  mkStrP = addProv . mkNVStr
+  mkStrP = addProv . NVStr
   mkPathP :: Path -> NValue t f m
-  mkPathP = addProv . mkNVPath
+  mkPathP = addProv . NVPath
   mkSetP :: (PositionSet -> AttrSet (NValue t f m) -> NValue t f m)
-  mkSetP x s = addProv $ mkNVSet x s
+  mkSetP x s = addProv $ NVSet x s
   mkCmpOp :: (forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool) -> m (NValue t f m)
   mkCmpOp op = case (lval, rval) of
diff --git a/src/Nix/Lint.hs b/src/Nix/Lint.hs
index 54c8f7b81..3fa34c88c 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Lint.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Lint.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 {-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
 {-# language CPP #-}
 {-# language DataKinds #-}
-{-# language GADTs #-}
 {-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
 {-# language TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
diff --git a/src/Nix/Normal.hs b/src/Nix/Normal.hs
index 53e22691e..b9ae8f08c 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Normal.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Normal.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 {-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
 {-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
 {-# language DataKinds #-}
-{-# language GADTs #-}
 {-# language TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# language RankNTypes #-}
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ normalForm_
   -> m ()
 normalForm_ t = void $ normalizeValue t
-opaqueVal :: Applicative f => NValue t f m
+opaqueVal :: NVConstraint f => NValue t f m
 opaqueVal = mkNVStrWithoutContext "<cycle>"
 -- | Detect cycles & stub them.
@@ -167,14 +166,14 @@ stubCycles =
   Free (NValue' cyc) = opaqueVal
-thunkStubVal :: Applicative f => NValue t f m
+thunkStubVal :: NVConstraint f => NValue t f m
 thunkStubVal = mkNVStrWithoutContext thunkStubText
 -- | Check if thunk @t@ is computed,
 -- then bind it into first arg.
 -- else bind the thunk stub val.
-  :: ( Applicative f
+  :: ( NVConstraint f
     , MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m)
   => (NValue t f m -> m a)
diff --git a/src/Nix/Render.hs b/src/Nix/Render.hs
index 50fc17fdb..a31d5520b 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Render.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Render.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 {-# language CPP #-}
 {-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
 {-# language DefaultSignatures #-}
-{-# language GADTs #-}
 {-# language TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# language TypeOperators #-}
 {-# language MultiWayIf #-}
diff --git a/src/Nix/Render/Frame.hs b/src/Nix/Render/Frame.hs
index a19942f83..175b71378 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Render/Frame.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Render/Frame.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 {-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
 {-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
 {-# language MultiWayIf #-}
-{-# language GADTs #-}
 {-# language TypeFamilies #-}
diff --git a/src/Nix/Value.hs b/src/Nix/Value.hs
index aafdc25a5..f38c7bf4c 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Value.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Value.hs
@@ -266,6 +266,12 @@ hoistNValueF lft =
 -- * @__NValue'__@: forming the (F(A))
+-- | NVConstraint constraint the f layer in @NValue'@.
+-- It makes bijection between sub category of Hask and Nix Value possible. 
+-- 'Comonad' enable Nix Value to Hask part.
+-- 'Applicative' enable Hask to Nix Value part.
+type NVConstraint f = (Comonad f, Applicative f) 
 -- | At the time of constructor, the expected arguments to closures are values
 --   that may contain thunks. The type of such thunks are fixed at that time.
 newtype NValue' t f m a =
@@ -276,13 +282,13 @@ newtype NValue' t f m a =
   deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor, Foldable)
-instance (Comonad f, Show a) => Show (NValue' t f m a) where
+instance (NVConstraint f, Show a) => Show (NValue' t f m a) where
   show (NValue' (extract -> v)) = show v
 -- ** Show1
-instance Comonad f => Show1 (NValue' t f m) where
+instance NVConstraint f  => Show1 (NValue' t f m) where
   liftShowsPrec sp sl p = \case
     NVConstant' atom  -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec             "NVConstantF" p atom
     NVStr' ns         -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec             "NVStrF"      p $ ignoreContext ns
@@ -378,10 +384,9 @@ unliftNValue' = hoistNValue' lift
 -- ** Bijective Hask subcategory <-> @NValue'@
--- *** @F: Hask subcategory → NValue'@
+-- *** @F: Hask subcategory <-> NValue'@
 -- #mantra#
--- $Methods @F: Hask → NValue'@
+-- $Patterns @F: Hask <-> NValue'@
 -- Since Haskell and Nix are both recursive purely functional lazy languages.
 -- And since recursion-schemes.
@@ -395,88 +400,57 @@ unliftNValue' = hoistNValue' lift
 -- Since it is a proper way of scientific implementation, we would eventually form a
 -- lawful functor.
+-- Module pattens use @language PatternSynonyms@: bidirectional synonyms (@<-@),
+-- and @ViewPatterns@: (@->@) at the same time.
+-- @ViewPatterns Control.Comonad.extract@ extracts
+-- from the @NValue (Free (NValueF a))@
+-- the @NValueF a@. Which is @NValueF p m r@. Since it extracted from the
+-- @NValue@, which is formed by \( (F a -> a) F a \) in the first place.
+-- So @NValueF p m r@ which is extracted here, internally holds the next NValue.
--- Facts of which are seen below:
+-- Facts of bijection between Hask subcategory objects and Nix objects,
+-- and between Hask subcategory morphisms and Nix morphisms are seen blow:
--- | Haskell constant to the Nix constant,
-mkNVConstant' :: Applicative f
-  => NAtom
-  -> NValue' t f m r
-mkNVConstant' = NValue' . pure . NVConstantF
 -- | Using of Nulls is generally discouraged (in programming language design et al.), but, if you need it.
-nvNull' :: Applicative f
-  => NValue' t f m r
-nvNull' = mkNVConstant' NNull
+pattern NVNull' :: NVConstraint w => NValue' t w m a
+pattern NVNull' = NVConstant' NNull
+-- | Haskell constant to the Nix constant,
+pattern NVConstant' :: NVConstraint w => NAtom -> NValue' t w m a
+pattern NVConstant' x <- NValue' (extract -> NVConstantF x)
+  where NVConstant' = NValue' . pure . NVConstantF
 -- | Haskell text & context to the Nix text & context,
-mkNVStr' :: Applicative f
-  => NixString
-  -> NValue' t f m r
-mkNVStr' = NValue' . pure . NVStrF
+pattern NVStr' :: NVConstraint w => NixString -> NValue' t w m a
+pattern NVStr' ns <- NValue' (extract -> NVStrF ns)
+  where NVStr' = NValue' . pure . NVStrF 
 -- | Haskell @Path@ to the Nix path,
-mkNVPath' :: Applicative f
-  => Path
-  -> NValue' t f m r
-mkNVPath' = NValue' . pure . NVPathF . coerce
+pattern NVPath' :: NVConstraint w => Path -> NValue' t w m a
+pattern NVPath' x <- NValue' (extract -> NVPathF x)
+  where NVPath' = NValue' . pure . NVPathF . coerce
 -- | Haskell @[]@ to the Nix @[]@,
-mkNVList' :: Applicative f
-  => [r]
-  -> NValue' t f m r
-mkNVList' = NValue' . pure . NVListF
+pattern NVList' :: NVConstraint w => [a] -> NValue' t w m a
+pattern NVList' l <- NValue' (extract -> NVListF l)
+  where NVList' = NValue' . pure . NVListF
 -- | Haskell key-value to the Nix key-value,
-mkNVSet' :: Applicative f
-  => PositionSet
-  -> AttrSet r
-  -> NValue' t f m r
-mkNVSet' p s = NValue' $ pure $ NVSetF p s
+pattern NVSet' :: NVConstraint w => PositionSet -> AttrSet a -> NValue' t w m a
+pattern NVSet' p s <- NValue' (extract -> NVSetF p s)
+  where NVSet' p s = NValue' $ pure $ NVSetF p s
 -- | Haskell closure to the Nix closure,
-mkNVClosure' :: (Applicative f, Functor m)
-  => Params ()
-  -> (NValue t f m
-      -> m r
-    )
-  -> NValue' t f m r
-mkNVClosure' x f = NValue' $ pure $ NVClosureF x f
+pattern NVClosure' :: NVConstraint w => Params () -> (NValue t w m -> m a) -> NValue' t w m a
+pattern NVClosure' x f <- NValue' (extract -> NVClosureF x f)
+  where NVClosure' x f = NValue' $ pure $ NVClosureF x f
 -- | Haskell functions to the Nix functions!
-mkNVBuiltin' :: (Applicative f, Functor m)
-  => VarName
-  -> (NValue t f m -> m r)
-  -> NValue' t f m r
-mkNVBuiltin' name f = NValue' $ pure $ NVBuiltinF name f
--- So above we have maps of Hask subcategory objects to Nix objects,
--- and Hask subcategory morphisms to Nix morphisms.
--- *** @F: NValue -> NValue'@
--- | Module pattens use @language PatternSynonyms@: unidirectional synonyms (@<-@),
--- and @ViewPatterns@: (@->@) at the same time.
--- @ViewPatterns Control.Comonad.extract@ extracts
--- from the @NValue (Free (NValueF a))@
--- the @NValueF a@. Which is @NValueF p m r@. Since it extracted from the
--- @NValue@, which is formed by \( (F a -> a) F a \) in the first place.
--- So @NValueF p m r@ which is extracted here, internally holds the next NValue.
-pattern NVConstant' x <- NValue' (extract -> NVConstantF x)
-pattern NVStr' ns <- NValue' (extract -> NVStrF ns)
-pattern NVPath' x <- NValue' (extract -> NVPathF x)
-pattern NVList' l <- NValue' (extract -> NVListF l)
-pattern NVSet' p s <- NValue' (extract -> NVSetF p s)
-pattern NVClosure' x f <- NValue' (extract -> NVClosureF x f)
+pattern NVBuiltin' :: NVConstraint w => VarName -> (NValue t w m -> m a) -> NValue' t w m a
 pattern NVBuiltin' name f <- NValue' (extract -> NVBuiltinF name f)
+  where NVBuiltin' name f = NValue' $ pure $ NVBuiltinF name f
 {-# complete NVConstant', NVStr', NVPath', NVList', NVSet', NVClosure', NVBuiltin' #-}
@@ -574,72 +548,12 @@ unliftNValue = hoistNValue lift
 -- The morphisms of the functor @Hask → NValue@.
 -- Continuation of the mantra: "Nix.Value#mantra"
--- | Life of a Haskell thunk to the life of a Nix thunk,
-mkNVThunk :: Applicative f
-  => t
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVThunk = Pure
--- | Life of a Haskell constant to the life of a Nix constant,
-mkNVConstant :: Applicative f
-  => NAtom
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVConstant = Free . mkNVConstant'
 -- | Using of Nulls is generally discouraged (in programming language design et al.), but, if you need it.
-nvNull :: Applicative f
-  => NValue t f m
-nvNull = mkNVConstant NNull
--- | Life of a Haskell sting & context to the life of a Nix string & context,
-mkNVStr :: Applicative f
-  => NixString
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVStr = Free . mkNVStr'
-mkNVStrWithoutContext :: Applicative f
+mkNVStrWithoutContext :: NVConstraint f
   => Text
   -> NValue t f m
-mkNVStrWithoutContext = mkNVStr . mkNixStringWithoutContext
--- | Life of a Haskell FilePath to the life of a Nix path
-mkNVPath :: Applicative f
-  => Path
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVPath = Free . mkNVPath'
-mkNVList :: Applicative f
-  => [NValue t f m]
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVList = Free . mkNVList'
-mkNVSet :: Applicative f
-  => PositionSet
-  -> AttrSet (NValue t f m)
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVSet p s = Free $ mkNVSet' p s
-mkNVClosure :: (Applicative f, Functor m)
-  => Params ()
-  -> (NValue t f m
-      -> m (NValue t f m)
-    )
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVClosure x f = Free $ mkNVClosure' x f
-mkNVBuiltin :: (Applicative f, Functor m)
-  => VarName
-  -> (NValue t f m
-    -> m (NValue t f m)
-    )
-  -> NValue t f m
-mkNVBuiltin name f = Free $ mkNVBuiltin' name f
+mkNVStrWithoutContext = NVStr . mkNixStringWithoutContext
@@ -650,7 +564,7 @@ builtin
     -> m (NValue t f m)
     ) -- ^ unary function
   -> m (NValue t f m)
-builtin = (pure .) . mkNVBuiltin
+builtin = (pure .) . NVBuiltin
@@ -680,20 +594,22 @@ builtin3 =
 -- *** @F: Evaluation -> NValue@
-pattern NVThunk t <- Pure t
-pattern NVValue v <- Free v
-{-# complete NVThunk, NVValue #-}
-pattern NVConstant x <- Free (NVConstant' x)
-pattern NVStr ns <- Free (NVStr' ns)
-pattern NVPath x <- Free (NVPath' x)
-pattern NVList l <- Free (NVList' l)
-pattern NVSet s x <- Free (NVSet' s x)
-pattern NVClosure x f <- Free (NVClosure' x f)
-pattern NVBuiltin name f <- Free (NVBuiltin' name f)
+pattern NVNull = Free NVNull'
+pattern NVThunk t = Pure t
+pattern NVValue v = Free v
+{-# complete NVThunk, NVValue, NVNull #-}
+pattern NVConstant x = Free (NVConstant' x)
+pattern NVStr ns = Free (NVStr' ns)
+pattern NVPath x = Free (NVPath' x)
+pattern NVList l = Free (NVList' l)
+pattern NVSet s x = Free (NVSet' s x)
+pattern NVClosure x f = Free (NVClosure' x f)
+pattern NVBuiltin name f = Free (NVBuiltin' name f) 
 {-# complete NVThunk, NVConstant, NVStr, NVPath, NVList, NVSet, NVClosure, NVBuiltin #-}
 -- * @TStringContext@
 data TStringContext = NoContext | HasContext
@@ -784,7 +700,7 @@ data ValueFrame t f m
   | Expectation ValueType (NValue t f m)
  deriving Typeable
-deriving instance (Comonad f, Show t) => Show (ValueFrame t f m)
+deriving instance (NVConstraint f, Show t) => Show (ValueFrame t f m)
 -- * @MonadDataContext@
diff --git a/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs b/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs
index 556d9d182..d078e7544 100644
--- a/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs
+++ b/src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ compareAttrSets f eq lm rm = runIdentity
   $ compareAttrSetsM (Identity . f) ((Identity .) . eq) lm rm
-  :: (MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m), Comonad f)
+  :: (MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m), NVConstraint f)
   => NValue t f m
   -> NValue t f m
   -> m Bool
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ valueEqM (Free (NValue' (extract -> x))) (Free (NValue' (extract -> y))) =
           _        -> mempty
-thunkEqM :: (MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m), Comonad f) => t -> t -> m Bool
+thunkEqM :: (MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m), NVConstraint f) => t -> t -> m Bool
 thunkEqM lt rt =
     lv <- force lt