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Merge pull request #8454 from cydparser/project-root
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Add --project-dir flag
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mergify[bot] authored Mar 1, 2023
2 parents ab24689 + d7da0a1 commit 42a03ff
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Showing 29 changed files with 330 additions and 105 deletions.
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/CmdClean.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ data CleanFlags = CleanFlags
{ cleanSaveConfig :: Flag Bool
, cleanVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
, cleanDistDir :: Flag FilePath
, cleanProjectDir :: Flag FilePath
, cleanProjectFile :: Flag FilePath
} deriving (Eq)

Expand All @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ defaultCleanFlags = CleanFlags
{ cleanSaveConfig = toFlag False
, cleanVerbosity = toFlag normal
, cleanDistDir = NoFlag
, cleanProjectDir = mempty
, cleanProjectFile = mempty

Expand All @@ -68,9 +70,12 @@ cleanCommand = CommandUI
, optionDistPref
cleanDistDir (\dd flags -> flags { cleanDistDir = dd })
, option [] ["project-dir"]
"Set the path of the project directory"
cleanProjectDir (\path flags -> flags {cleanProjectDir = path})
(reqArg "DIR" (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList)
, option [] ["project-file"]
("Set the name of the cabal.project file"
++ " to search for in parent directories")
"Set the path of the cabal.project file (relative to the project directory when relative)"
cleanProjectFile (\pf flags -> flags {cleanProjectFile = pf})
(reqArg "FILE" (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList)
, option ['s'] ["save-config"]
Expand All @@ -85,6 +90,7 @@ cleanAction CleanFlags{..} extraArgs _ = do
let verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal cleanVerbosity
saveConfig = fromFlagOrDefault False cleanSaveConfig
mdistDirectory = flagToMaybe cleanDistDir
mprojectDir = flagToMaybe cleanProjectDir
mprojectFile = flagToMaybe cleanProjectFile

-- TODO interpret extraArgs as targets and clean those targets only (issue #7506)
Expand All @@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ cleanAction CleanFlags{..} extraArgs _ = do
die' verbosity $ "'clean' extra arguments should be script files: "
++ unwords notScripts

projectRoot <- either throwIO return =<< findProjectRoot Nothing mprojectFile
projectRoot <- either throwIO return =<< findProjectRoot verbosity mprojectDir mprojectFile

let distLayout = defaultDistDirLayout projectRoot mdistDirectory

Expand Down
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/CmdOutdated.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ outdatedOptions _showOrParseArgs =

-- | Entry point for the 'outdated' command.
outdatedAction :: (ProjectFlags, OutdatedFlags) -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
outdatedAction (ProjectFlags{flagProjectFileName}, OutdatedFlags{..}) _targetStrings globalFlags = do
outdatedAction (ProjectFlags{flagProjectDir, flagProjectFile}, OutdatedFlags{..}) _targetStrings globalFlags = do
config <- loadConfigOrSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
let globalFlags' = savedGlobalFlags config `mappend` globalFlags
configFlags = savedConfigureFlags config
withRepoContext verbosity globalFlags' $ \repoContext -> do
when (not newFreezeFile && isJust mprojectFile) $
when (not newFreezeFile && (isJust mprojectDir || isJust mprojectFile)) $
die' verbosity $
"--project-file must only be used with --v2-freeze-file."
"--project-dir and --project-file must only be used with --v2-freeze-file."

sourcePkgDb <- IndexUtils.getSourcePackages verbosity repoContext
(comp, platform, _progdb) <- configCompilerAux' configFlags
Expand All @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ outdatedAction (ProjectFlags{flagProjectFileName}, OutdatedFlags{..}) _targetStr
httpTransport <- configureTransport verbosity
(fromNubList . globalProgPathExtra $ globalFlags)
(flagToMaybe . globalHttpTransport $ globalFlags)
depsFromNewFreezeFile verbosity httpTransport comp platform mprojectFile
depsFromNewFreezeFile verbosity httpTransport comp platform mprojectDir mprojectFile
else do
depsFromPkgDesc verbosity comp platform
debug verbosity $ "Dependencies loaded: "
Expand All @@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ outdatedAction (ProjectFlags{flagProjectFileName}, OutdatedFlags{..}) _targetStr
else fromFlagOrDefault normal outdatedVerbosity
freezeFile = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedFreezeFile
newFreezeFile = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedNewFreezeFile
mprojectFile = flagToMaybe flagProjectFileName
mprojectDir = flagToMaybe flagProjectDir
mprojectFile = flagToMaybe flagProjectFile
simpleOutput = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedSimpleOutput
quiet = fromFlagOrDefault False outdatedQuiet
exitCode = fromFlagOrDefault quiet outdatedExitCode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,10 +299,10 @@ depsFromFreezeFile verbosity = do
return deps

-- | Read the list of dependencies from the new-style freeze file.
depsFromNewFreezeFile :: Verbosity -> HttpTransport -> Compiler -> Platform -> Maybe FilePath -> IO [PackageVersionConstraint]
depsFromNewFreezeFile verbosity httpTransport compiler (Platform arch os) mprojectFile = do
depsFromNewFreezeFile :: Verbosity -> HttpTransport -> Compiler -> Platform -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO [PackageVersionConstraint]
depsFromNewFreezeFile verbosity httpTransport compiler (Platform arch os) mprojectDir mprojectFile = do
projectRoot <- either throwIO return =<<
findProjectRoot Nothing mprojectFile
findProjectRoot verbosity mprojectDir mprojectFile
let distDirLayout = defaultDistDirLayout projectRoot
{- TODO: Support dist dir override -} Nothing
projectConfig <- runRebuild (distProjectRootDirectory distDirLayout) $ do
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -525,7 +525,8 @@ instance Semigroup SavedConfig where
lastNonEmpty = lastNonEmpty' savedBenchmarkFlags

combinedSavedProjectFlags = ProjectFlags
{ flagProjectFileName = combine flagProjectFileName
{ flagProjectDir = combine flagProjectDir
, flagProjectFile = combine flagProjectFile
, flagIgnoreProject = combine flagIgnoreProject
Expand Down
24 changes: 18 additions & 6 deletions cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/DistDirLayout.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ module Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout (

-- * 'ProjectRoot'

-- * 'StoreDirLayout'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ data DistDirParams = DistDirParams {
data DistDirLayout = DistDirLayout {

-- | The root directory of the project. Many other files are relative to
-- this location. In particular, the @cabal.project@ lives here.
-- this location (e.g. the @cabal.project@ file).
distProjectRootDirectory :: FilePath,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,18 +159,26 @@ data CabalDirLayout = CabalDirLayout {
-- | Information about the root directory of the project.
-- It can either be an implicit project root in the current dir if no
-- @cabal.project@ file is found, or an explicit root if the file is found.
-- @cabal.project@ file is found, or an explicit root if either
-- the file is found or the project root directory was specicied.
data ProjectRoot =
-- | -- ^ An implicit project root. It contains the absolute project
-- | An implicit project root. It contains the absolute project
-- root dir.
ProjectRootImplicit FilePath

-- | -- ^ An explicit project root. It contains the absolute project
-- | An explicit project root. It contains the absolute project
-- root dir and the relative @cabal.project@ file (or explicit override)
| ProjectRootExplicit FilePath FilePath

-- | An explicit, absolute project root dir and an explicit, absolute
-- @cabal.project@ file.
| ProjectRootExplicitAbsolute FilePath FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show)

defaultProjectFile :: FilePath
defaultProjectFile = "cabal.project"

-- | Make the default 'DistDirLayout' based on the project root dir and
-- optional overrides for the location of the @dist@ directory and the
-- @cabal.project@ file.
Expand All @@ -180,8 +191,9 @@ defaultDistDirLayout projectRoot mdistDirectory =
DistDirLayout {..}
(projectRootDir, projectFile) = case projectRoot of
ProjectRootImplicit dir -> (dir, dir </> "cabal.project")
ProjectRootExplicit dir file -> (dir, dir </> file)
ProjectRootImplicit dir -> (dir, dir </> defaultProjectFile)
ProjectRootExplicit dir file -> (dir, dir </> file)
ProjectRootExplicitAbsolute dir file -> (dir, file)

distProjectRootDirectory :: FilePath
distProjectRootDirectory = projectRootDir
Expand Down
99 changes: 69 additions & 30 deletions cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/ProjectConfig.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig (
-- * Project root

-- * Project config files
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ import Distribution.Client.VCS

import Distribution.Client.Types
import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
( DistDirLayout(..), CabalDirLayout(..), ProjectRoot(..) )
( DistDirLayout(..), CabalDirLayout(..), ProjectRoot(..), defaultProjectFile )
import Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags
( RepoContext(..), withRepoContext' )
import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,30 +400,61 @@ resolveBuildTimeSettings verbosity

-- | Find the root of this project.
-- Searches for an explicit @cabal.project@ file, in the current directory or
-- parent directories. If no project file is found then the current dir is the
-- project root (and the project will use an implicit config).
-- The project directory will be one of the following:
-- 1. @mprojectDir@ when present
-- 2. The first directory containing @mprojectFile@/@cabal.project@, starting from the current directory
-- and recursively checking parent directories
-- 3. The current directory
findProjectRoot :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ starting directory, or current directory
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ @cabal.project@ file name override
-> IO (Either BadProjectRoot ProjectRoot)
findProjectRoot _ (Just projectFile)
| isAbsolute projectFile = do
exists <- doesFileExist projectFile
if exists
then do projectFile' <- canonicalizePath projectFile
let projectRoot = ProjectRootExplicit (takeDirectory projectFile')
(takeFileName projectFile')
return (Right projectRoot)
else return (Left (BadProjectRootExplicitFile projectFile))

findProjectRoot mstartdir mprojectFile = do
startdir <- maybe getCurrentDirectory canonicalizePath mstartdir
:: Verbosity
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Explicit project directory
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Explicit project file
-> IO (Either BadProjectRoot ProjectRoot)
findProjectRoot verbosity mprojectDir mprojectFile = do
case mprojectDir of
| Just file <- mprojectFile, isAbsolute file -> do
warn verbosity $
"Specifying an absolute path to the project file is deprecated."
<> " Use --project-dir to set the project's directory."

doesFileExist file >>= \case
False -> left (BadProjectRootExplicitFile file)
True -> uncurry projectRoot =<< first dropTrailingPathSeparator . splitFileName <$> canonicalizePath file

| otherwise -> probeProjectRoot mprojectFile

Just dir -> doesDirectoryExist dir >>= \case
False -> left (BadProjectRootDir dir)
True -> do
projectDir <- canonicalizePath dir

case mprojectFile of
Nothing -> pure $ Right (ProjectRootExplicit projectDir defaultProjectFile)

Just projectFile
| isAbsolute projectFile -> doesFileExist projectFile >>= \case
False -> left (BadProjectRootAbsoluteFile projectFile)
True -> Right . ProjectRootExplicitAbsolute dir <$> canonicalizePath projectFile

| otherwise -> doesFileExist (projectDir </> projectFile) >>= \case
False -> left (BadProjectRootDirFile dir projectFile)
True -> projectRoot projectDir projectFile
left = pure . Left

projectRoot projectDir projectFile =
pure $ Right (ProjectRootExplicit projectDir projectFile)

probeProjectRoot :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either BadProjectRoot ProjectRoot)
probeProjectRoot mprojectFile = do
startdir <- getCurrentDirectory
homedir <- getHomeDirectory
probe startdir homedir
projectFileName :: String
projectFileName = fromMaybe "cabal.project" mprojectFile
projectFileName = fromMaybe defaultProjectFile mprojectFile

-- Search upwards. If we get to the users home dir or the filesystem root,
-- then use the current dir
Expand All @@ -443,7 +474,11 @@ findProjectRoot mstartdir mprojectFile = do

-- | Errors returned by 'findProjectRoot'.
data BadProjectRoot = BadProjectRootExplicitFile FilePath
data BadProjectRoot
= BadProjectRootExplicitFile FilePath
| BadProjectRootDir FilePath
| BadProjectRootAbsoluteFile FilePath
| BadProjectRootDirFile FilePath FilePath
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
deriving (Show, Typeable)
Expand All @@ -459,9 +494,19 @@ instance Exception BadProjectRoot where

renderBadProjectRoot :: BadProjectRoot -> String
renderBadProjectRoot (BadProjectRootExplicitFile projectFile) =
renderBadProjectRoot = \case
BadProjectRootExplicitFile projectFile ->
"The given project file '" ++ projectFile ++ "' does not exist."

BadProjectRootDir dir ->
"The given project directory '" <> dir <> "' does not exist."

BadProjectRootAbsoluteFile file ->
"The given project file '" <> file <> "' does not exist."

BadProjectRootDirFile dir file ->
"The given project directory/file combination '" <> dir </> file <> "' does not exist."

:: Verbosity -- ^ verbosity
-> Flag Bool -- ^ whether to ignore local project (--ignore-project flag)
Expand All @@ -484,8 +529,7 @@ withProjectOrGlobalConfig'
withProjectOrGlobalConfig' verbosity globalConfigFlag with without = do
globalConfig <- runRebuild "" $ readGlobalConfig verbosity globalConfigFlag

res' = catch with
catch with
$ \case
(BadPackageLocations prov locs)
| prov == Set.singleton Implicit
Expand All @@ -496,11 +540,6 @@ withProjectOrGlobalConfig' verbosity globalConfigFlag with without = do
without globalConfig
err -> throwIO err

catch res'
$ \case
(BadProjectRootExplicitFile "") -> without globalConfig
err -> throwIO err

-- | Read all the config relevant for a project. This includes the project
-- file if any, plus other global config.
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/ProjectConfig/Legacy.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -540,7 +540,8 @@ convertLegacyAllPackageFlags globalFlags configFlags configExFlags installFlags
} = installFlags

{ flagProjectFileName = projectConfigProjectFile
{ flagProjectDir = projectConfigProjectDir
, flagProjectFile = projectConfigProjectFile
, flagIgnoreProject = projectConfigIgnoreProject
} = projectFlags

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,7 +802,8 @@ convertToLegacySharedConfig

projectFlags = ProjectFlags
{ flagProjectFileName = projectConfigProjectFile
{ flagProjectDir = projectConfigProjectDir
, flagProjectFile = projectConfigProjectFile
, flagIgnoreProject = projectConfigIgnoreProject

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ data ProjectConfigShared
= ProjectConfigShared {
projectConfigDistDir :: Flag FilePath,
projectConfigConfigFile :: Flag FilePath,
projectConfigProjectDir :: Flag FilePath,
projectConfigProjectFile :: Flag FilePath,
projectConfigIgnoreProject :: Flag Bool,
projectConfigHcFlavor :: Flag CompilerFlavor,
Expand Down

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