diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 694618cd..2f6ad4cb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ And the binary will be available at `target/[target-triple]/pgo/oha`. ```sh Ohayou(おはよう), HTTP load generator, inspired by rakyll/hey with tui animation. -Usage: oha [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] +Usage: oha [OPTIONS] Arguments: Target URL. diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs index 9616cb91..8d075613 100644 --- a/src/main.rs +++ b/src/main.rs @@ -31,30 +31,30 @@ mod url_generator; static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc; #[derive(Parser)] -#[clap(author, about, version, override_usage = "oha [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] ")] +#[command(version, about, long_about = None)] #[command(arg_required_else_help(true))] struct Opts { - #[clap(help = "Target URL.")] + #[arg(help = "Target URL.")] url: String, - #[structopt( + #[arg( help = "Number of requests to run.", short = 'n', default_value = "200" )] n_requests: usize, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Number of connections to run concurrently. You may should increase limit to number of open files for larger `-c`.", short = 'c', default_value = "50" )] n_connections: usize, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Number of parallel requests to send on HTTP/2. `oha` will run c * p concurrent workers in total.", short = 'p', default_value = "1" )] n_http2_parallel: usize, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Duration of application to send requests. If duration is specified, n is ignored. On HTTP/1, When the duration is reached, ongoing requests are aborted and counted as \"aborted due to deadline\" You can change this behavior with `-w` option. @@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ Examples: -z 10s -z 3m.", short = 'z' )] duration: Option, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "When the duration is reached, ongoing requests are waited", short, long, default_value = "false" )] wait_ongoing_requests_after_deadline: bool, - #[clap(help = "Rate limit for all, in queries per second (QPS)", short = 'q')] + #[arg(help = "Rate limit for all, in queries per second (QPS)", short = 'q')] query_per_second: Option, #[arg( help = "Introduce delay between a predefined number of requests. @@ -85,121 +85,121 @@ Note: If qps is specified, burst will be ignored", )] burst_requests: Option, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Generate URL by rand_regex crate but dot is disabled for each query e.g.[a-z][a-z][0-9]. Currently dynamic scheme, host and port with keep-alive are not works well. See https://docs.rs/rand_regex/latest/rand_regex/struct.Regex.html for details of syntax.", default_value = "false", long )] rand_regex_url: bool, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "A parameter for the '--rand-regex-url'. The max_repeat parameter gives the maximum extra repeat counts the x*, x+ and x{n,} operators will become.", default_value = "4", long )] max_repeat: u32, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Dump target Urls times to debug --rand-regex-url", long )] dump_urls: Option, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Correct latency to avoid coordinated omission problem. It's ignored if -q is not set.", long = "latency-correction" )] latency_correction: bool, - #[clap(help = "No realtime tui", long = "no-tui")] + #[arg(help = "No realtime tui", long = "no-tui")] no_tui: bool, - #[clap(help = "Print results as JSON", short, long)] + #[arg(help = "Print results as JSON", short, long)] json: bool, - #[clap(help = "Frame per second for tui.", default_value = "16", long = "fps")] + #[arg(help = "Frame per second for tui.", default_value = "16", long = "fps")] fps: usize, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "HTTP method", short = 'm', long = "method", default_value = "GET" )] method: http::Method, - #[clap(help = "Custom HTTP header. Examples: -H \"foo: bar\"", short = 'H')] + #[arg(help = "Custom HTTP header. Examples: -H \"foo: bar\"", short = 'H')] headers: Vec, - #[clap(help = "Timeout for each request. Default to infinite.", short = 't')] + #[arg(help = "Timeout for each request. Default to infinite.", short = 't')] timeout: Option, - #[clap(help = "HTTP Accept Header.", short = 'A')] + #[arg(help = "HTTP Accept Header.", short = 'A')] accept_header: Option, - #[clap(help = "HTTP request body.", short = 'd')] + #[arg(help = "HTTP request body.", short = 'd')] body_string: Option, - #[clap(help = "HTTP request body from file.", short = 'D')] + #[arg(help = "HTTP request body from file.", short = 'D')] body_path: Option, - #[clap(help = "Content-Type.", short = 'T')] + #[arg(help = "Content-Type.", short = 'T')] content_type: Option, - #[clap(help = "Basic authentication, username:password", short = 'a')] + #[arg(help = "Basic authentication, username:password", short = 'a')] basic_auth: Option, /* - #[structopt(help = "HTTP proxy", short = "x")] + #[arg(help = "HTTP proxy", short = "x")] proxy: Option, */ - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "HTTP version. Available values 0.9, 1.0, 1.1.", long = "http-version" )] http_version: Option, - #[clap(help = "Use HTTP/2. Shorthand for --http-version=2", long = "http2")] + #[arg(help = "Use HTTP/2. Shorthand for --http-version=2", long = "http2")] http2: bool, - #[clap(help = "HTTP Host header", long = "host")] + #[arg(help = "HTTP Host header", long = "host")] host: Option, - #[clap(help = "Disable compression.", long = "disable-compression")] + #[arg(help = "Disable compression.", long = "disable-compression")] disable_compression: bool, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Limit for number of Redirect. Set 0 for no redirection. Redirection isn't supported for HTTP/2.", default_value = "10", short = 'r', long = "redirect" )] redirect: usize, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Disable keep-alive, prevents re-use of TCP connections between different HTTP requests. This isn't supported for HTTP/2.", long = "disable-keepalive" )] disable_keepalive: bool, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "*Not* perform a DNS lookup at beginning to cache it", long = "no-pre-lookup", default_value = "false" )] no_pre_lookup: bool, - #[clap(help = "Lookup only ipv6.", long = "ipv6")] + #[arg(help = "Lookup only ipv6.", long = "ipv6")] ipv6: bool, - #[clap(help = "Lookup only ipv4.", long = "ipv4")] + #[arg(help = "Lookup only ipv4.", long = "ipv4")] ipv4: bool, - #[clap(help = "Accept invalid certs.", long = "insecure")] + #[arg(help = "Accept invalid certs.", long = "insecure")] insecure: bool, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Override DNS resolution and default port numbers with strings like 'example.org:443:localhost:8443'", long = "connect-to" )] connect_to: Vec, - #[clap(help = "Disable the color scheme.", long = "disable-color")] + #[arg(help = "Disable the color scheme.", long = "disable-color")] disable_color: bool, #[cfg(unix)] - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Connect to a unix socket instead of the domain in the URL. Only for non-HTTPS URLs.", long = "unix-socket", group = "socket-type" )] unix_socket: Option, #[cfg(feature = "vsock")] - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Connect to a VSOCK socket using 'cid:port' instead of the domain in the URL. Only for non-HTTPS URLs.", long = "vsock-addr", group = "socket-type" )] vsock_addr: Option, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Include a response status code successful or not successful breakdown for the time histogram and distribution statistics", long = "stats-success-breakdown" )] stats_success_breakdown: bool, - #[clap( + #[arg( help = "Write succeeded requests to sqlite database url E.G test.db", long = "db-url" )]