From 69bb062c3344c44d361e95f1fd0dade70c24a1b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vyacheslav Tumanov <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 17:03:37 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] UBER-278: add Yes-No to popup, refactor (#3289)

Signed-off-by: Vyacheslav Tumanov <>
 .../components/DeleteConfirmationPopup.svelte | 56 ++++++++++---------
 tests/sanity/tests/contacts.spec.ts           |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/contact-resources/src/components/DeleteConfirmationPopup.svelte b/plugins/contact-resources/src/components/DeleteConfirmationPopup.svelte
index c2fecefc38b..23add26ecab 100644
--- a/plugins/contact-resources/src/components/DeleteConfirmationPopup.svelte
+++ b/plugins/contact-resources/src/components/DeleteConfirmationPopup.svelte
@@ -13,40 +13,42 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 <script lang="ts">
-  import { Card, createQuery } from '@hcengineering/presentation'
-  import { AccountRole, Doc, getCurrentAccount, Ref, SortingOrder } from '@hcengineering/core'
+  import { Card } from '@hcengineering/presentation'
+  import { AccountRole, Doc, getCurrentAccount, Ref } from '@hcengineering/core'
   import view from '@hcengineering/view-resources/src/plugin'
   import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte'
-  import contact, { Employee, EmployeeAccount } from '@hcengineering/contact'
-  import EmployeePresenter from './EmployeePresenter.svelte'
+  import { EmployeeAccount } from '@hcengineering/contact'
   import { employeeAccountByIdStore } from '../utils'
-  import ui, { Label } from '@hcengineering/ui'
+  import ui, { Button, Label } from '@hcengineering/ui'
+  import EmployeeAccountRefPresenter from './EmployeeAccountRefPresenter.svelte'
+  import EmployeeAccountPresenter from './EmployeeAccountPresenter.svelte'
   export let object: Doc | Doc[]
   export let deleteAction: () => void
   const objectArray = Array.isArray(object) ? object : [object]
-  let owners: Ref<Employee>[] = []
-  const query = createQuery()
-  query.query(
-    contact.class.EmployeeAccount,
-    { role: AccountRole.Owner },
-    (res) => {
-      owners = => account.employee)
-    },
-    {
-      sort: { name: SortingOrder.Descending }
-    }
+  const owners: EmployeeAccount[] = Array.from($employeeAccountByIdStore.values()).filter(
+    (acc) => acc.role === AccountRole.Owner
   const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
-  const creators = [
- Set( => $employeeAccountByIdStore.get(obj.createdBy as Ref<EmployeeAccount>)?.employee))
-  ]
-  const me = $employeeAccountByIdStore.get(getCurrentAccount()._id as Ref<EmployeeAccount>)?.employee
-  const canDelete = (creators.length === 1 && creators.includes(me)) || (me && owners.includes(me))
-  const label = canDelete ? view.string.DeleteObject : view.string.DeletePopupNoPermissionTitle
+  $: creators = [ Set( => obj.createdBy as Ref<EmployeeAccount>))]
+  $: canDelete =
+    (creators.length === 1 && creators.includes(getCurrentAccount()._id as Ref<EmployeeAccount>)) ||
+    getCurrentAccount().role === AccountRole.Owner
+  $: label = canDelete ? view.string.DeleteObject : view.string.DeletePopupNoPermissionTitle
-<Card {label} okAction={deleteAction} canSave={canDelete} okLabel={ui.string.Ok} on:close={() => dispatch('close')}>
+  {label}
+  okAction={deleteAction}
+  canSave={canDelete}
+  okLabel={canDelete ? view.string.LabelYes : ui.string.Ok}
+  on:close={() => dispatch('close')}
+  <svelte:fragment slot="buttons">
+    {#if canDelete}
+      <Button label={view.string.LabelNo} on:click={() => dispatch('close')} />
+    {/if}
+  </svelte:fragment>
   <div class="flex-grow flex-col">
     {#if canDelete}
       <div class="mb-2">
@@ -58,17 +60,17 @@
       <div class="mb-2">
         <Label label={view.string.DeletePopupCreatorLabel} />
-        {#each creators as employee}
+        {#each creators as account}
           <div class="my-2">
-            <EmployeePresenter value={employee} />
+            <EmployeeAccountRefPresenter value={account} />
       <div class="mb-2">
         <Label label={view.string.DeletePopupOwnerLabel} />
-        {#each owners as employee}
+        {#each owners as owner}
           <div class="my-2">
-            <EmployeePresenter value={employee} />
+            <EmployeeAccountPresenter value={owner} />
diff --git a/tests/sanity/tests/contacts.spec.ts b/tests/sanity/tests/contacts.spec.ts
index 5e225801282..74966c63a7e 100644
--- a/tests/sanity/tests/contacts.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/sanity/tests/contacts.spec.ts
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ test.describe('contact tests', () => {
     // Click text=Ok
-    await'text=Ok')
+    await'text=Yes')
     await expect(page.locator(`td:has-text("${first} ${last}")`)).toHaveCount(0)