First, build the detector as follows.
$ make mc-mapping
Next, run the following script to identify candidate bank bits. It tests from bit 6 to 29 and for each bit, it reports the measured average bandwidth of the microbenchmark (mc-mapping). If successful, bits can be categorized into two distinct subgroups. For example, the following is the output on an Intel Xeon W3530 (nehalem) machine with 1ch 4GB DDR3 DRAM (total 16 banks=2 ranks x 8 banks/rank), which was used in our RTAS'14 paper [1].
$ sudo ./
mc-mapping: no process found
Run a background task on core1-3
Now run the test
Bit6: 293.31
Bit7: 293.38
Bit8: 294.12
Bit9: 293.47
Bit10: 293.42
Bit11: 293.39
Bit12: 780.64 <--- faster
Bit13: 783.43 <--- faster
Bit14: 293.37
Bit15: 293.51
Bit16: 293.33
Bit17: 293.53
Bit18: 293.32
Bit19: 785.48 <--- faster
Bit20: 787.71 <--- faster
Notice that bit 12,13,19, and 20 are noticably different from the other bits. Since we already know from the DRAM specification that there are 16 banks, we can conclude that the identified 4 bits are used to address the DRAM banks.
!!!WARNING!!! Running '' can cause system instability or even crash because it directly writes through /dev/mem. Therefore, it is recommended to reboot the machine after running the script.
If the number of identified bits are more than expected, then it is likely that the memory controller uses XOR addressing [2].
For example, the following is the output on an Intel Xeon E3-1230 (Haswell) machine with 1ch 4GB DDR3 DRAM (total 16 banks=2 ranks x 8 banks/rank). In this case, there are total 8 bits (bit 13,14,15,16,17,18,19) that show better bandwidth numbers, although only 4 bits are expected. This is because the memory controller uses XOR address mapping.
$ sudo ./
mc-mapping: no process found
Run a background task on core1-3
Now run the test
Bit6: 347.57
Bit7: 337.46
Bit8: 335.15
Bit9: 339.78
Bit10: 344.88
Bit11: 337.86
Bit12: 337.51
Bit13: 629.86 <--- faster
Bit14: 613.87 <--- faster
Bit15: 617.76 <--- faster
Bit16: 608.52 <--- faster
Bit17: 630.11 <--- faster
Bit18: 628.36 <--- faster
Bit19: 631.34 <--- faster
Bit20: 628.51 <--- faster
Bit21: 314.77
Bit22: 315.19
Bit23: 314.81
Bit24: 309.67
Bit25: 314.77
Bit26: 315.27
Bit27: 315.75
Bit28: 315.51
Bit29: 310.42
In case the XOR addressing is used, we need to identify which pairs of two bits are XOR gated. We provide two scripts to aid this identification process. The following is performed on the same E3-1230 platform. It tests all pairs of two bits out of the total 8 bits. Again, the output would form two distinct groups. In this case, the lower bandwidth number means that the two bits are XOR paired.
$ sudo bash
# ./ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | \
mc-mapping: no process found
Run a background task on core1-3
Now run the test
Bit 13 <--> 14: 613.18
Bit 13 <--> 15: 631.86
Bit 13 <--> 16: 608.09
Bit 13 <--> 17: 316.41 <-- XOR pair
Bit 13 <--> 18: 629.86
Bit 13 <--> 19: 629.47
Bit 13 <--> 20: 629.84
Bit 14 <--> 15: 629.40
Bit 14 <--> 16: 629.84
Bit 14 <--> 17: 628.44
Bit 14 <--> 18: 315.18 <-- XOR pair
Bit 14 <--> 19: 610.55
Bit 14 <--> 20: 629.39
Bit 15 <--> 16: 628.33
Bit 15 <--> 17: 631.25
Bit 15 <--> 18: 628.57
Bit 15 <--> 19: 315.76 <-- XOR pair
Bit 15 <--> 20: 630.71
Bit 16 <--> 17: 628.28
Bit 16 <--> 18: 630.09
Bit 16 <--> 19: 628.60
Bit 16 <--> 20: 310.28 <-- XOR pair
Bit 17 <--> 18: 629.57
Bit 17 <--> 19: 631.22
Bit 17 <--> 20: 628.41
Bit 18 <--> 19: 630.48
Bit 18 <--> 20: 615.39
Bit 19 <--> 20: 617.36
Hence, we can conclude the final mappings, which select DRAM banks, are (13 XOR 17), (14 XOR 18), (15 XOR 19), and (16 XOR 20).
A set of successfully identified address map information can be found in the following wiki page.
[1] H. Yun, R. Mancuso, Z. Wu, R. Pellizzoni, "PALLOC: DRAM Bank-Aware Memory Allocator for Performance Isolation on Multicore Platforms", RTAS, 2014.
[2] Z. Zhang, Z. Zhu, X. Zhang, "A permutation-based page interleaving scheme to reduce row-buffer conflicts and exploit data locality", MICRO, 2000