By default these stacks will create resources in your eu-west-1 region. You can change this in sample/region/config/config.yaml
This project was my thesis work. If you are intrested to read the whole thesis report, here is the link. The thesis is written in Finnish.
- AWS account
- AWS IAM role with admin permissions
- Sceptre
pip3 install virtualenv # you need pip 3 for this command
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To create launch stacks run the following command in sample/region -directory:
sceptre launch-env test
Get access to EKS cluster:
aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name>
aws eks --region eu-west-1 update-kubeconfig --name thesis-eks-cluster
Connect EC2 instances to EKS cluster. Before this to work you will need to replace <node instance role arn>
placeholder in this file with instance role arn:
kubectl apply -f sample/kubernetes_template/aws-auth-cm.yaml
Launch deployment:
kubectl apply -f sample/kubernetes_template/deployment.yaml
Create loadbalancer:
kubectl apply -f sample/kubernetes_template/service.yaml
Create cluster autoscaler. Before this to work you will need to replace <Node Autoscaling group name>
placeholder in this file with Autoscaling group name:
kubectl apply -f sample/kubernetes_template/CA.yaml