From c7775546766b49a1a1e12408147d7cfa68829b5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nut He <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 09:37:18 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] feat: add space clone & import api fix (#146)

 app/config/locale/en-US.json                  | 211 +-----------------
 app/config/locale/zh-CN.json                  | 207 +----------------
 app/config/rules.ts                           |  10 -
 app/config/service.ts                         |  24 +-
 app/index.tsx                                 |   6 +-
 app/pages/Console/OutputBox/index.tsx         |   2 +-
 .../TaskList/TaskItem/LogModal/index.tsx      |  12 +-
 .../Import/TaskList/TemplateModal/index.tsx   |   4 +-
 app/pages/Login/index.less                    |   4 +-
 app/pages/Schema/index.less                   |   8 +
 app/pages/Schema/index.tsx                    |  78 ++++++-
 app/stores/import.ts                          |  18 +-
 app/stores/schema.ts                          |  15 ++
 config/webpack.base.js                        |   1 -
 14 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 457 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/config/locale/en-US.json b/app/config/locale/en-US.json
index 4f8c933b..8b4fdb62 100644
--- a/app/config/locale/en-US.json
+++ b/app/config/locale/en-US.json
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
   "common": {
     "requestError": "Request Error",
     "currentSpace": "Current Graph Space",
-    "languageSelect": "Language",
     "seeTheHistory": "History",
     "table": "Table",
     "log": "Log",
-    "record": "Record",
     "sorryNGQLCannotBeEmpty": "Sorry, nGQL cannot be empty",
     "disablesUseToSwitchSpace": "Switching space from console is not allowed by current role",
     "NGQLHistoryList": "nGQL History",
@@ -14,11 +12,9 @@
     "empty": "Clear",
     "run": "Run",
     "console": "Console",
-    "explore": "Explore",
     "ok": "OK",
     "success": "Success",
     "fail": "Fail",
-    "noData": "There is no data",
     "cancel": "Cancel",
     "confirm": "Confirm",
     "import": "Import",
@@ -27,13 +23,11 @@
     "openInExplore": "Open In Explorer",
     "schema": "Schema",
     "create": "Create",
-    "serialNumber": "No.",
     "name": "Name",
     "operation": "Operations",
     "delete": "Delete",
     "optional": "Optional",
     "exportNGQL": "View nGQL",
-    "field": "Field",
     "relatedProperties": "Related Properties",
     "type": "Type",
     "edit": "Edit",
@@ -48,39 +42,16 @@
     "tag": "Tag",
     "edge": "Edge Type",
     "index": "Index",
-    "list": "List",
     "yes": "Yes",
     "no": "No",
     "graph": "Graph",
-    "description": "Description",
-    "zoomOut": "Zoom Out",
-    "zoomIn": "Zoom In",
-    "move": "Move",
-    "rollback": "Rollback",
-    "unlock": "Unlock",
-    "lock": "Lock",
-    "moreSuggestion": "More Suggestions",
-    "algorithm": "Algorithm",
-    "viewDocs": "View Docs",
-    "hotKeys": "Shortcut Keys",
-    "show": "Show",
-    "selected": "Selected",
-    "search": "Search",
     "color": "Color",
-    "icon": "Icon",
-    "copy": "Copy",
-    "copySuccess": "Copied to clipboard",
-    "expansionConditions": "Expansion conditions",
     "total": "Total",
-    "exportSelectVertexes": "Export Vertexes to CSV",
-    "exportSelectEdges": "Export Edges to CSV",
-    "noSelectedData": "No data currently selected",
     "namePlaceholder": "Please enter the {name} name",
     "comment": "Comment",
     "space": "Space",
     "version": "Version",
-    "statistics": "Statistics",
-    "download": "Download"
+    "statistics": "Statistics"
   "doc": {
     "welcome": "Welcome to",
@@ -97,11 +68,7 @@
     "ngqlIntroTip": "nGQL is a declarative graph query language for Nebula Graph. It allows expressive and efficient graph patterns. ",
     "start": "Get Started"
-  "NGQLOutput": {
-    "success": "Execution successful!"
-  },
   "warning": {
-    "configServer": "Please configure the nebula server",
     "connectError": "Connection refused, please configure server again"
   "configServer": {
@@ -110,7 +77,6 @@
     "username": "Username",
     "password": "Password",
     "success": "succeed",
-    "fail": "Failed",
     "clear": "Clear Connection",
     "title": "Connect to Nebula Graph"
@@ -118,26 +84,17 @@
     "hostRequired": "Host Required",
     "usernameRequired": "Username Required",
     "passwordRequired": "Password Required",
-    "nodeIdError": "The format is invalid, should be one node per line, split by \\n like: \nid1\nid2\nid3",
-    "idRequired": "The id field is mandatory",
     "positiveIntegerRequired": "Please enter a non-negative integer",
-    "nameValidate": "The name must start with a letter, and it only supports English letters, numbers and underscores",
     "nameRequired": "Please enter the name",
     "numberRequired": "Please enter a positive integer",
     "replicaLimit": "Replica factor must not exceed the number of your current online machines({number})",
-    "propertyRequired": "Please enter the property name",
-    "defaultRequired": "Please enter the default value",
     "ttlRequired": "Please select the corresponding property, and the data type of the property must be integer or timestamp",
-    "ttlDurationRequired": "Please enter the time (in seconds)",
-    "dataTypeRequired": "Please select the data type",
-    "fixedStringLength": "Fixed String length must be a positive integer"
+    "ttlDurationRequired": "Please enter the time (in seconds)"
   "console": {
-    "cost": "Cost",
     "execTime": "Execution Time",
     "exportVertex": "Please choose the column representing vertex IDs from the table",
     "exportEdge": "Please choose the columns representing source vertex ID, destination vertex ID, and rank of an edge",
-    "showSubgraphs": "Open in Explorer",
     "deleteHistory": "Clear History",
     "cypherParam": "Cypher Parameter",
     "favorites": "Favorites",
@@ -147,102 +104,13 @@
     "graphviz": "Graphviz"
   "explore": {
-    "clear": "Clear",
-    "clearTip": "Are you sure to proceed the cleanup of the renderred graph view?",
-    "startWithVertices": "Start with Vertices",
-    "addConfirm": "Add",
-    "expand": "Expand",
-    "unExpand": "Undo Expand",
-    "undo": "Undo",
-    "deleteSelectNodes": "Remove Selected Nodes",
-    "fileImport": "Import File",
-    "sampleImport": "Import Sample",
-    "importPlaceholder": "Enter VIDs or other data for VID generation, one data per line, and split them by pressing the Enter key. Here is an example:\nstring1\nstring2\nstring3",
-    "outgoing": "Outgoing",
-    "incoming": "Incoming",
-    "bidirect": "Bidirect",
-    "filter": "Custom filter conditions",
-    "operator": "Operator",
-    "value": "Value",
-    "selectSpace": "Please select the space",
-    "selectReminder": "The selection of space will cleanup the renderred graph view, are you sure to proceed?",
-    "zoom": "Zoom",
-    "showTags": "Show Tags",
-    "showEdges": "Show Edges",
-    "confirm": "Confirm",
     "vertexStyle": "Vertex Color",
-    "quantityLimit": "Query Limit",
-    "colorGroupByTag": "Group by vertex tag",
-    "noVertexPrompt": "No vertices on the board. ",
-    "search": "Start graph exploration",
-    "queryById": "Query by VID",
-    "queryByIndex": "Query by Index",
-    "queryByCustom": "Custom Query",
-    "idToBeQueried": "Specify Vertex ID",
-    "idPretreatment": "Pre-process Vertex IDs",
-    "indexQueryPrompt_prefix": "In the ",
-    "indexQueryPrompt_suffix": " space, no tag indexes are found, so query by index is not available.",
-    "indexQueryPrompt2": "Please create indexes on the tags. Here is an example:",
-    "runCodeInConsole": "Execute queries in the console",
-    "indexLink": "For more information about index, see its ",
-    "documentIntroduction": "documentation",
-    "selectIndex": "Select a Index",
-    "paramFilter": "Use Index",
-    "relationship": "Logical Operator",
-    "operationConfirm": "This Delete operation will clear the following fields. Are you sure you want to continue the operation?",
-    "quiry": "Query",
-    "customQueryDescription": "Enter the statements in the console. When the results are returned, click the Open in Explore button as shown in the preceding figure to explore the graph.",
-    "openInConsole": "Go to Console",
-    "insertMethodSelect": "How do you like to render the new data with the existing graph view, incrementally or wipe the graph view first?",
-    "incrementalInsertion": "Incrementally Render",
-    "insertAfterClear": "Wipe and Render",
-    "emptyIndex": "No Index",
-    "indexConditionDescription": "To use a composite index for a query, we should either filter all fields or the left matching contiguous fields in sequence. That is, the first field is mandatory and skipping field is not allowed",
-    "timestampInput": "Only numbers are supported for the timestamp field",
-    "documentIntroductionUrl": "",
-    "customQueryUrl": "",
-    "pretreatmentExplaination": "Hash can pre-process data of the bool, double, int, or string type to generate VIDs, but UUID can pre-process data of the string type only. To generate VIDs by pre-processing strings, enclose each string with single or double quotes.",
-    "exportToImg": "Export Graph",
-    "exportToCSV":"Export CSV",
-    "export":"Export",
-    "toBlobError": "Export failed. The current canvas size is too large. Please zoom out to retry.",
-    "expandTip": "Double-click any vertex to explore its related vertices and edges.",
-    "hotKeysInstructions": "Shortcut Keys Instruction",
-    "graphAlgorithm": "Graph Algorithm",
-    "srcId": "Src ID",
-    "dstId": "Dst ID",
-    "relation": "Relation",
-    "direction": "Direction",
-    "stepLimit": "Step Limit",
-    "allPath": "All path",
-    "shortestPath": "Shortest Path",
-    "noLoopPath": "NoLoop Path",
-    "algorithmParams": "Algorithm Parameters",
-    "steps": "Steps",
-    "singleStep": "Single",
-    "rangeStep": "Range",
-    "addCondition": "Add condition",
-    "customStyle": "Custom Color/Icon",
-    "nodeSearch":"Artboard node search",
-    "searchEmpty": "No data found",
-    "selectedVertexes": "Selected Vertexes",
-    "selectedEdges": "Selected Edges",
-    "viewDetails": "View Details",
+    "notExist": "Not exist",
     "expandItem": "Expand",
-    "collapseItem": "Collapse",
-    "searchTip": "The following comparison operators are currently supported [=, >, <, !=, <>, <=, >=]",
-    "expressionError": "Expression error",
-    "expandTips": "Double-click the vertex to quickly expand according to the current configuration by default",
-    "missingParams": "Missing parameters",
-    "emptyIndexTips": "No attribute index currently does not support the data query function in Explore, Please select index with attribute for query",
-    "docForFindPath": ""
+    "collapseItem": "Collapse"
   "import": {
-    "vertexID": "Vertex ID",
-    "import": "Import",
-    "selectSpace": "Select Space",
     "uploadFile": "Upload Files",
-    "uploadSuccess": "Upload Successfully.",
     "importData": "Import Data",
     "createTask": "New Import",
     "uploadTemp": "Import Template",
@@ -256,74 +124,20 @@
     "vertices": "Map Vertices",
     "edge": "Map Edges",
     "runImport": "Import",
-    "next": "Next",
-    "goback": "Prev",
-    "mountPath": "Mount Path",
-    "importConfigValidationSuccess": "The configuration validation was successful",
-    "mountPathPlaceholder": "Please input the docker data mount path",
     "fileName": "File Name",
     "withHeader": "Header",
-    "fileType": "Type",
     "fileSize": "Size",
     "fileTitle": "Select Files",
-    "fileSizeErrorMsg": "File must smaller than 100 MB",
-    "preview": "Preview",
     "bindDatasource": "Bind Datasource",
     "confirm": "Confirm",
-    "stopImportFailed": "Stop Import Failed",
-    "uploadFailed": "Upload Failed",
-    "importResults": "Import Information",
-    "newImport": "New Import",
     "endImport": "Stop Import",
-    "againImport": "Import Again",
     "prop": "Prop",
-    "propTip": "{name}'s Property",
     "mapping": "CSV Index",
-    "mappingTip": "The index of the csv file",
-    "typeTip": "Prop Type",
-    "setVertexId": "Set ID",
-    "setVertexIdTip": "Set current prop as vertex id",
-    "useHash": "ID Hash",
-    "useHashTip": "VertexId Process Method",
-    "unset": "Original ID",
-    "uuid": "UUID",
-    "hash": "Hash",
-    "setSrc": "Set SrcId",
-    "setSrcTip": "Set field's value as edge source id",
-    "setDst": "Set DstId",
-    "setDstTip": "Set field's value as edge destination id",
-    "setRank": "Set Rank",
-    "setRankTip": "Set field's value as edge rank",
     "edgeText": "Edge",
     "choose": "Mapping",
     "ignore": "Ignore",
     "vertexText": "Vertex",
-    "importErrorInfo": "Error importing data. Please check the configuration or data file",
-    "clearAllConfigInfo": "Confirm to clear all config?",
-    "promptConfigInfo": "The configuration cannot be empty",
-    "configFile": "Configuration File: ",
-    "logFile":"Log File: ",
-    "vertexesFile": "Vertices Files: ",
-    "vertexFile": "The Vertex File: ",
-    "vertexErrorFilePath": "Error Vertex File: ",
-    "edgesFilePath": "Edges Files: ",
-    "edgeFilePath": "The Edge Files: ",
-    "edgeErrorFilePath": "Error Edge File Path: ",
-    "clearoAllConfigInfo": "Confirm to clear all config?",
-    "all": "All",
-    "mountPathWarning": "Import data need to config the WORKING_DIR env variable before starting.",
-    "notExist": "Not exist",
-    "importError": "Import Error",
-    "importMappingError": "The data file configuration map import failed",
-    "importFormatError": "Data file format is not uniform",
-    "importFileConfigError": "Data file configuration related error",
-    "importFileDownloadError": "Data file download failed",
-    "importFileError": "File related error",
-    "importNebulaError": "Error associated with instance interaction",
-    "datasource": "DataSource",
     "indexNotEmpty": "column index can't be null.",
-    "reset": "Reset",
-    "importFinished": "Import task has ended.",
     "enterPassword": "Please enter your nebula account password",
     "isEmpty": "is empty",
     "startImporting": "Start importing",
@@ -346,21 +160,13 @@
   "schema": {
     "spaceList": "Graph Space List",
-    "backToSpaceList": "Graph Space List",
     "useSpaceErrTip": "Space not found. Trying to use a newly created graph space may fail because the creation is implemented asynchronously. To make sure the follow-up operations work as expected, Wait for two heartbeat cycles, i.e., 20 seconds.",
-    "partitionNumDescription": "partition_num specifies the number of partitions in one replica. The default value is 100. It is usually 5 times the number of hard disks in the cluster.",
-    "replicaFactorDescription": "replica_factor specifies the number of replicas in the cluster. The default replica factor is 1. The suggested number is 3 in cluster. It is usually 3 in production. Due to the majority voting principle, it must set to be odd.",
-    "charsetDescription": "charset is short for character set. A character set is a set of symbols and encodings. The default value is utf8.",
-    "collateDescription": "A collation is a set of rules for comparing characters in a character set. The default value is utf8_bin.",
-    "vidTypeDescription": "Specifies the data type of vertex IDs (VIDs) in a graph space. ",
     "createSuccess": "Create Successfully",
     "defineFields": "Define Properties",
     "uniqProperty": "Property name cannot be duplicated",
     "cancelOperation": "Do you want to close this panel",
     "cancelPropmt": "If you close the panel, the configuration will be deleted automatically. Are you sure that you want to close the panel?",
     "fieldDisabled": "A TTL configuration is set for this property, so it cannot be edited. If you want to edit this property, delete the TTL configuration.",
-    "ttlRequired": "ttl_col and ttl_duration are required.",
-    "fieldRequired": "Property name and its data type are required",
     "indexExist": "An index exists, so TTL configuration is not permitted. A tag or edge type cannot have both an index and TTL configuration.",
     "indexType": "Index Type",
     "indexName": "Index Name",
@@ -371,11 +177,6 @@
     "indexedLength": "Indexed length",
     "indexedLengthDescription": "Set the indexed string length. If you are indexing fixed strings, you must not set this option.",
     "indexedLengthRequired": "Indexed length must be a positive integer",
-    "backToTagList": "Back to Tag List",
-    "backToEdgeList": "Back to Edge Type List",
-    "backToIndexList": "Back to Index List",
-    "leavePage": "Whether to leave the current page?",
-    "leavePagePrompt": "You have unsaved changes to the record on this tab. If you leave this tab without saving the changes, they will be lost. Are you sure that you want to leave?",
     "rebuild": "Rebuild",
     "createSpace": "Create Space",
     "No": "No",
@@ -409,7 +210,9 @@
     "statsName": "Name",
     "statsCount": "Count",
     "statError": "Update Failed, Please try again.",
-    "statFinished": "Statistics end"
+    "statFinished": "Statistics end",
+    "deleteSpace": "Delete Graph Space",
+    "cloneSpace": "Clone Graph Space"
   "menu": {
     "use": "Use Manual",
diff --git a/app/config/locale/zh-CN.json b/app/config/locale/zh-CN.json
index 974295d7..e4f3151a 100644
--- a/app/config/locale/zh-CN.json
+++ b/app/config/locale/zh-CN.json
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
   "common": {
     "requestError": "请求错误",
     "currentSpace": "当前图空间",
-    "languageSelect": "语言" ,
     "table": "表格",
-    "record": "记录",
     "sorryNGQLCannotBeEmpty": "对不起,nGQL语句不能为空",
     "disablesUseToSwitchSpace": "禁止使用命令切换Space",
     "NGQLHistoryList": "nGQL历史列表",
@@ -14,11 +12,9 @@
     "empty": "清空",
     "console": "控制台",
-    "explore": "图探索",
     "ok": "确认",
     "success": "成功",
     "fail": "失败",
-    "noData": "没有相应数据",
     "cancel": "取消",
     "confirm": "确认",
     "import": "导入",
@@ -27,13 +23,11 @@
     "openInExplore": "导入图探索",
     "schema": "Schema",
     "create": "创建",
-    "serialNumber": "序号",
     "name": "名称",
     "operation": "操作",
     "delete": "删除",
     "optional": "可选",
     "exportNGQL": "对应的nGQL语句",
-    "field": "字段",
     "relatedProperties": "相关属性",
     "type": "类型",
     "edit": "编辑",
@@ -48,38 +42,16 @@
     "tag": "标签",
     "edge": "边类型",
     "index": "索引",
-    "list": "列表",
     "yes": "确定",
     "no": "取消",
     "graph": "可视化",
-    "description": "说明",
-    "zoomOut": "缩小",
-    "zoomIn": "放大",
-    "move": "移动",
-    "rollback": "撤销",
-    "unlock": "解锁",
-    "lock": "锁定",
-    "moreSuggestion": "更多建议",
-    "algorithm": "算法",
-    "viewDocs": "查看文档",
-    "hotKeys": "快捷键",
-    "show": "显示",
-    "selected": "选中",
-    "search": "查询",
     "color": "颜色",
-    "icon": "图标",
-    "copy": "复制",
-    "copySuccess": "已复制到剪切板",
     "total": "共计",
-    "exportSelectVertexes": "导出选中点CSV",
-    "exportSelectEdges": "导出选中边CSV",
-    "noSelectedData": "当前没有选中数据",
     "comment": "描述",
     "space": "图空间",
     "version": "版本",
-    "statistics": "统计",
-    "download": "下载"
+    "statistics": "统计"
   "doc": {
     "welcome": "欢迎使用",
@@ -97,19 +69,14 @@
     "start": "快速开始"
   "warning": {
-    "configServer": "请先配置服务器",
     "connectError": "数据库连接有误,请重新配置"
-  "NGQLOutput": {
-    "success": "执行成功"
-  },
   "configServer": {
     "connect": "连接",
     "host": "Host",
     "username": "用户名",
     "password": "密码",
     "success": "配置成功",
-    "fail": "配置失败",
     "clear": "清除连接",
     "title": "配置数据库"
@@ -117,26 +84,17 @@
     "hostRequired": "请填写数据库服务器的IP地址",
     "usernameRequired": "请填写用户名",
     "passwordRequired": "请填写密码",
-    "nodeIdError": "格式错误,一行1个VID,按回车键分隔",
-    "idRequired": "请输入导入的节点id",
     "positiveIntegerRequired": "请输入一个非负整数",
-    "nameValidate": "命名必须以字母开头,且只支持输入英文字母、数字以及下划线_",
     "nameRequired": "请输入名称",
     "numberRequired": "请输入正整数",
     "replicaLimit": "副本数量不得超过你当前 online 机器数量({number})",
-    "propertyRequired": "请输入属性名称",
-    "defaultRequired": "请输入默认值",
     "ttlRequired": "请选择TTL指定的属性, 且属性的数据类型需为integer或timestamp",
-    "ttlDurationRequired": "请输入时间(s)",
-    "dataTypeRequired": "请选择数据类型",
-    "fixedStringLength": "Fixed String 长度需为正整数"
+    "ttlDurationRequired": "请输入时间(s)"
   "console": {
-    "cost": "开销",
     "execTime": "执行时间消耗",
     "exportVertex": "请选择表中代表点VID的列",
     "exportEdge": "请选择结果中分别代表边的起点(src_vid)、终点(dst_vid)和权重(rank)的列",
-    "showSubgraphs": "查看子图",
     "deleteHistory": "清除历史",
     "cypherParam": "自定义参数",
     "favorites": "收藏夹",
@@ -146,103 +104,13 @@
     "graphviz": "Graphviz"
   "explore": {
-    "clear": "清除",
-    "clearTip": "是否清除当前视图?",
-    "startWithVertices": "开始探索",
-    "addConfirm": "确认添加",
-    "undo": "回退",
-    "deleteSelectNodes": "删除选中",
-    "expand": "拓展",
-    "unExpand": "取消拓展",
-    "fileImport": "文件导入",
-    "sampleImport": "样本导入",
-    "importPlaceholder": "输入VID或者用于生成VID的数据,一行一个数据,按回车键断开。格式示例如下:\nstring1\nstring2\nstring3",
-    "outgoing": "流出",
-    "incoming": "流入",
-    "bidirect": "双向",
-    "filter": "自定义筛选条件",
-    "operator": "运算符",
-    "value": "值",
-    "selectSpace": "请选择Space",
-    "selectReminder": "切换Space会清除当前显示的数据,您确定要切换吗?",
-    "zoom": "缩放",
-    "showTags": "显示点",
-    "showEdges": "显示边",
-    "confirm": "确定",
     "vertexStyle": "节点颜色",
-    "quantityLimit": "结果数量限制",
-    "colorGroupByTag": "按标签类型分类",
-    "noVertexPrompt": "当前画板没有点数据,请",
-    "search": "探索",
-    "queryById": "按VID查询",
-    "queryByIndex": "按索引查询",
-    "queryByCustom": "自定义查询",
-    "idToBeQueried": "指定VID",
-    "idPretreatment": "VID预处理",
-    "indexQueryPrompt_prefix": "当前Space ",
-    "indexQueryPrompt_suffix": "下,没有任何标签的索引,无法进行索引查询",
-    "indexQueryPrompt2": "请按如下示例创建标签索引",
-    "runCodeInConsole": "去控制台运行语句",
-    "indexLink": "关于索引的更多信息,请查看对应的",
-    "documentIntroduction": "文档介绍",
-    "selectIndex": "选择索引",
-    "paramFilter": "使用索引",
-    "relationship": "组合关系",
-    "operationConfirm": "删除操作会清空后续筛选条件。请确认是否继续执行",
-    "quiry": "查询",
-    "customQueryDescription": "可在控制台输入相应nGQL语句,查询得到结果后,点击上图中的“导入图探索”按钮,进行可视化探索",
-    "openInConsole": "去控制台",
-    "insertMethodSelect": "当前画板存在部分数据,请选择新增查询结果的插入方式",
-    "incrementalInsertion": "增量插入",
-    "insertAfterClear": "清除插入",
-    "emptyIndex": "索引为空",
-    "indexConditionDescription": "匹配字段时,必须以索引中左边第一个字段开始,如果需要匹配多个字段,不得跳过字段,但是可以省略后续字段。",
-    "timestampInput": "时间戳字段只支持输入数字",
-    "documentIntroductionUrl": "",
-    "customQueryUrl": "",
-    "pretreatmentExplaination": "Hash能预处理bool、double、int、string类型的数据生成VID,但是UUID仅支持预处理string类型的数据。如果您需要使用Hash或UUID预处理string生成VID,则使用单引号或双引号标示每个string。",
-    "exportToImg": "导出图形",
-    "exportToCSV":"导出CSV",
-    "export":"导出",
-    "toBlobError": "导出失败。当前画布尺寸过大,请缩放画布尺寸后重试。",
-    "expandTip": "双击任意点也可实现该点的拓展。",
-    "hotKeysInstructions": "图探索快捷键说明",
-    "graphAlgorithm": "图算法",
-    "allPath": "全路径",
-    "shortestPath": "最短路径",
-    "noLoopPath": "非循环路径",
-    "algorithmParams": "算法参数",
-    "srcId": "起点",
-    "dstId": "终点",
-    "relation": "关系",
-    "direction": "方向",
-    "stepLimit": "步数限制",
-    "steps": "步数",
-    "singleStep": "单步",
-    "rangeStep": "范围",
-    "addCondition": "添加条件",
-    "expansionConditions": "拓展条件",
-    "customStyle": "自定义颜色/图标",
-    "nodeSearch": "画板节点搜索",
-    "searchEmpty": "未查询到相应数据",
-    "selectedVertexes": "选中的点",
-    "selectedEdges": "选中的边",
-    "viewDetails": "查看详情",
+    "notExist": "不存在",
     "expandItem": "展开",
-    "collapseItem": "收起",
-    "searchTip": "当前支持以下比较符 [=, >, <, !=, <>, <=, >=]",
-    "expressionError": "表达式错误",
-    "expandTips": "双击节点默认按当前配置快捷展开",
-    "missingParams": "参数缺失",
-    "emptyIndexTips": "无属性索引暂不支持查询数据功能,建议选择带属性索引查询",
-    "docForFindPath": ""
+    "collapseItem": "收起"
   "import": {
-    "vertexID": "Vertex ID",
-    "import":"导入",
-    "selectSpace": "选择 Space",
     "uploadFile": "上传文件",
-    "uploadSuccess": "上传文件成功",
     "importData": "导入数据",
     "createTask": "创建导入任务",
     "uploadTemp": "导入模板",
@@ -256,70 +124,20 @@
     "vertices": "关联点",
     "edge": "关联边",
     "runImport": "导入",
-    "next": "下一步",
-    "goback":"上一步",
-    "mountPath": "挂载路径",
-    "importConfigValidationSuccess": "配置验证成功",
-    "mountPathPlaceholder": "请输入docker启动的数据挂载路径",
     "fileName": "文件名",
     "withHeader": "头字段",
-    "fileType": "类型",
     "fileSize": "大小",
     "fileTitle": "文件列表",
-    "fileSizeErrorMsg": "文件必须小于100MB",
-    "preview": "预览",
     "bindDatasource": "绑定数据源",
     "confirm": "确认",
-    "importResults": "导入信息",
-    "newImport": "新建导入",
     "endImport": "终止导入",
-    "againImport": "再次导入",
     "prop": "属性",
-    "propTip": "{name}中拥有的属性",
     "mapping": "对应列标",
-    "mappingTip": "属性字段对应csv文件的哪一列",
-    "typeTip": "属性字段对应的数据类型",
-    "setVertexId": "设为ID",
-    "setVertexIdTip": "当前字段是否作为Vertex Id",
-    "useHash": "ID Hash",
-    "useHashTip": "id字段对应值插入数据库中所做的处理",
-    "unset": "保持原值",
-    "uuid": "UUID",
-    "hash": "Hash",
-    "setSrc": "设为起点",
-    "setSrcTip": "将当前字段值作为起点",
-    "setDst": "设为终点",
-    "setDstTip": "将当前字段值作为终点",
-    "setRank": "设为Rank",
-    "setRankTip": "将当前字段值作为rank",
     "edgeText": "边",
     "choose": "选择",
     "ignore": "忽略",
     "vertexText": "点",
-    "importErrorInfo": "导入数据错误,请检查配置或数据文件",
-    "clearAllConfigInfo": "是否确定清空所有配置?",
-    "configFile": "配置文件:",
-    "logFile": "日志文件:",
-    "vertexesFile": "点相关文件:",
-    "vertexFile": "该点配置文件:",
-    "vertexErrorFile": "该点错误数据文件:",
-    "edgesFilePath": "边配置文件:",
-    "edgeFilePath": "该边配置文件:",
-    "edgeErrorFilePath": "该边错误数据文件:",
-    "all": "全部",
-    "mountPathWarning": "导入数据需在应用启动时配置WORKING_DIR环境变量,否则无法进行。",
-    "notExist": "不存在",
-    "importError": "未知错误",
-    "importMappingError": "数据文件配置映射导入失败",
-    "importFormatError": "数据文件格式不统一",
-    "importFileConfigError": "数据文件配置相关错误",
-    "importFileDownloadError": "数据文件下载失败",
-    "importFileError": "文件相关错误",
-    "importNebulaError": "与实例交互相关错误",
-    "datasource": "数据源",
     "indexNotEmpty": "对应列标不能为空",
-    "reset": "重置",
-    "importFinished": "导入任务已结束",
     "enterPassword": "请输入 nebula 账号密码",
     "isEmpty": "为空",
     "startImporting": "开始导入",
@@ -342,21 +160,13 @@
   "schema": {
     "spaceList": "图空间列表",
-    "backToSpaceList": "图空间列表",
     "useSpaceErrTip": "图空间未找到。立刻尝试使用刚创建的图空间可能会失败,因为创建是异步实现的。为确保数据同步,后续操作能顺利进行,请等待 2 个心跳周期(20 秒)。",
-    "partitionNumDescription": "partition_num 表示数据分片数量。默认值为 100。建议为硬盘数量的 5 倍。",
-    "replicaFactorDescription": "replica_factor 表示副本数量。默认值是 1,生产集群建议为 3。由于采用多数表决原理,因此需为奇数。",
-    "charsetDescription": "charset 表示字符集,定义了字符以及字符的编码,默认为 utf8。",
-    "collateDescription": "collate 表示字符序,定义了字符的比较规则,默认为 utf8_bin。",
-    "vidTypeDescription": "vid type 指定图空间中点 ID(VID)的数据类型。",
     "createSuccess": "创建成功",
     "defineFields": "定义属性",
     "uniqProperty": "属性名称不允许重名",
     "cancelOperation": "是否取消配置并关闭面板",
     "cancelPropmt": "关闭面板将删除所有属性,是否继续?",
     "fieldDisabled": "该属性被 ttl_col 引用,不支持更改操作,如要更改,请先更新 ttl",
-    "ttlRequired": "请填写完整 ttl 关联的属性以及持续时间",
-    "fieldRequired": "请填写完整属性名称及数据类型",
     "indexExist": "已拥有索引,无法同时配置 TTL",
     "indexType": "索引类型",
     "indexName": "索引名称",
@@ -367,11 +177,6 @@
     "indexedLength": "索引长度",
     "indexedLengthDescription": "设置索引字符串的长度。如果索引定长字符串,则索引长度无法修改。",
     "indexedLengthRequired": "索引长度应为正整数",
-    "backToTagList": "返回标签列表",
-    "backToEdgeList": "返回边类型列表",
-    "backToIndexList": "返回索引列表",
-    "leavePage": "是否离开当前页面",
-    "leavePagePrompt": "离开当前页面后,未保存的记录将丢失",
     "rebuild": "重建索引",
     "createSpace": "创建图空间",
     "No": "序号",
@@ -405,7 +210,9 @@
     "statsName": "名称",
     "statsCount": "数量",
     "statError": "统计失败,请重试",
-    "statFinished": "统计结束"
+    "statFinished": "统计结束",
+    "deleteSpace": "删除图空间",
+    "cloneSpace": "克隆图空间"
   "menu": {
     "use": "使用手册",
diff --git a/app/config/rules.ts b/app/config/rules.ts
index aa10fabb..771310b2 100644
--- a/app/config/rules.ts
+++ b/app/config/rules.ts
@@ -21,16 +21,6 @@ export const passwordRulesFn = intl => [
-export const nodeIdRulesFn = intl => [
-  {
-    required: true,
-    message: intl.get('formRules.idRequired'),
-  },
-  {
-    pattern: /^(.+)*(\n.+)*(\n)*$/,
-    message: intl.get('formRules.nodeIdError'),
-  },
 export const nameRulesFn = intl => [
diff --git a/app/config/service.ts b/app/config/service.ts
index 63ec07a1..5db84c3b 100644
--- a/app/config/service.ts
+++ b/app/config/service.ts
@@ -8,17 +8,16 @@ const connectDB = post('/api-nebula/db/connect');
 const disconnectDB = post('/api-nebula/db/disconnect');
-const importData = post('/api-nebula/task/import');
+const importData = post('/api/import-tasks/import');
-const handleImportAction = post('/api-nebula/task/import/action');
+const handleImportAction = post('/api/import-tasks/action');
-const getLog = get('/api/import/log');
-const getErrLog = get('/api/import/err_log');
+const getLog = get('/api/import-tasks/logs');
+const getErrLog = get('/api/import-tasks/err-logs');
 const finishImport = post('/api/import/finish');
-const getImportWokingDir = get('/api/import/working_dir');
-const getUploadDir = get('/api/import/working_dir');
-const getTaskDir = get('/api/import/task_dir');
+const getUploadDir = get('/api/import-tasks/working-dir');
+const getTaskDir = get('/api/import-tasks/task-dir');
 const deteleFile = params => {
   const { filename } = params;
@@ -36,11 +35,12 @@ const uploadFiles = (params?, config?) =>
 const getTaskLogs = (params?, config?) => {
   const { id, ...others } = params;
-  return get(`/api/import/task_log_paths/${id}`)(others, config);
+  return get(`/api/import-tasks/${id}/task-log-names`)(others, config);
-const getTaskConfigUrl = (id: number) => `/api-nebula/task/import/config/${id}`;
-const getTaskLogUrl = (path: string) => `/api-nebula/task/import/log?pathName=${encodeURI(path)}`;
+const getTaskConfigUrl = (id: string | number) => `/api/import-tasks/config/${id}`;
+const getTaskLogUrl = (id: string | number) => `/api/import-tasks/${id}/log`;
+const getTaskErrLogUrl = (id: string | number) => `/api/import-tasks/${id}/err-logs`;
 export default {
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ export default {
-  getImportWokingDir,
@@ -59,5 +58,6 @@ export default {
-  getTaskLogUrl
+  getTaskLogUrl,
+  getTaskErrLogUrl
diff --git a/app/index.tsx b/app/index.tsx
index 0bf3588b..0a3b4149 100644
--- a/app/index.tsx
+++ b/app/index.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader/root';
-import { Spin } from 'antd';
+import { Spin, message } from 'antd';
 import React, { Suspense, lazy, useState } from 'react';
 import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
 import { Route, BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ const MainPage = lazy(() => import('@app/pages/MainPage'));
 import './common.less';
 import './app.less';
+  maxCount: 1,
 const defaultLanguage = Cookie.get('lang') || document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang');
   currentLocale: defaultLanguage || 'EN_US',
diff --git a/app/pages/Console/OutputBox/index.tsx b/app/pages/Console/OutputBox/index.tsx
index 706e494e..529353bf 100644
--- a/app/pages/Console/OutputBox/index.tsx
+++ b/app/pages/Console/OutputBox/index.tsx
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ const OutputBox = (props: IProps) => {
-        <Tooltip title={intl.get('')} placement="top">
+        <Tooltip title={intl.get('common.output')} placement="top">
diff --git a/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TaskItem/LogModal/index.tsx b/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TaskItem/LogModal/index.tsx
index 368622f2..f5dd898f 100644
--- a/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TaskItem/LogModal/index.tsx
+++ b/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TaskItem/LogModal/index.tsx
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ interface ILogDimension {
 interface ILog {
   name: string;
-  path: string;
 interface IProps {
   logDimension: ILogDimension;
@@ -47,7 +46,12 @@ const LogModal = (props: IProps) => {
   const handleLogDownload = () => {
     if(currentLog) {
-      downloadTaskLog(currentLog.path);
+      const type = currentLog!.name === 'import.log' ? 'import' : 'err';
+      downloadTaskLog({
+        id,
+        type,
+        name:
+      });
@@ -55,8 +59,8 @@ const LogModal = (props: IProps) => {
     const getLogDetail = currentLog!.name === 'import.log' ? getImportLogDetail : getErrLogDetail;
     const res = await getLogDetail({
       offset: offset.current,
-      taskId: id,
-      path: currentLog!.path
+      id,
+      name: currentLog!.name
diff --git a/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TemplateModal/index.tsx b/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TemplateModal/index.tsx
index 7d0c896d..3bc2d75b 100644
--- a/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TemplateModal/index.tsx
+++ b/app/pages/Import/TaskList/TemplateModal/index.tsx
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const TemplateModal = (props: IProps) => {
       parseContent.logPath = _taskDir + parseContent.logPath;
       parseContent.files.forEach(file => {
         file.path = _uploadDir + file.path;
-        file.failDataPath = _taskDir + `err\${file.failDataPath}`;
+        file.failDataPath = _taskDir + `err/${file.failDataPath}`;
       setConfig(JSON.stringify(parseContent, null, 2));
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ const TemplateModal = (props: IProps) => {
           <Input />
         <Form.Item label={intl.get('import.config')} name="content" rules={[{ required: true }]}>
-          <TextArea autoSize={true} disabled={true} placeholder={intl.get('explore.importPlaceholder')} />
+          <TextArea autoSize={true} disabled={true} />
diff --git a/app/pages/Login/index.less b/app/pages/Login/index.less
index 0be9c236..f5f15a25 100644
--- a/app/pages/Login/index.less
+++ b/app/pages/Login/index.less
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 	flex-direction: row-reverse;
 	justify-content: space-between;
 	background-image: url('~@app/static/images/background_login.png');
-	background-size: contain;
-	background-repeat: round;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-size: cover;
 	align-items: center;
 	.content {
 		width: 360px;
diff --git a/app/pages/Schema/index.less b/app/pages/Schema/index.less
index f3e500e9..30eeb2a8 100644
--- a/app/pages/Schema/index.less
+++ b/app/pages/Schema/index.less
@@ -42,4 +42,12 @@
+.operations-space {
+  background: #FFFFFF;
+  box-shadow: 0px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) !important;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  .ant-btn {
+    padding-left: 0;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/pages/Schema/index.tsx b/app/pages/Schema/index.tsx
index 65e2b008..82ce4a40 100644
--- a/app/pages/Schema/index.tsx
+++ b/app/pages/Schema/index.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Button, Popconfirm, Table, message } from 'antd';
+import { Button, Popconfirm, Table, message, Popover, Form, Input, Dropdown, Menu } from 'antd';
 import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import intl from 'react-intl-universal';
 import Icon from '@app/components/Icon';
@@ -8,11 +8,64 @@ import { useStore } from '@app/stores';
 import './index.less';
 import { Link, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
+interface IOperations {
+  space: string;
+  onClone: (name: string, oldSpace: string) => void
+  onDelete: (name: string) => void
+const Operations = (props: IOperations) => {
+  const { space, onClone, onDelete } = props;
+  const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
+  const handleClone = (values) => {
+    const { name } = values;
+    onClone(name, space);
+    setVisible(false);
+  };
+  return <Menu className="operations-space">
+    <Menu.Item>
+      <Popconfirm
+        onConfirm={() => onDelete(space)}
+        title={intl.get('common.ask')}
+        okText={intl.get('common.ok')}
+        cancelText={intl.get('common.cancel')}
+      >
+        <Button type="link" danger>
+          {intl.get('schema.deleteSpace')}
+        </Button>
+      </Popconfirm>
+    </Menu.Item>
+    <Menu.Item>
+      <Popover
+        destroyTooltipOnHide={true}
+        placement="leftTop"
+        visible={visible}
+        trigger="click"
+        onVisibleChange={visible => setVisible(visible)}
+        content={<Form onFinish={handleClone} layout="inline">
+          <Form.Item label={intl.get('schema.spaceName')} name="name" rules={[{ required: true }]}>
+            <Input />
+          </Form.Item>
+          <Form.Item>
+            <Button htmlType="submit" type="primary">
+              {intl.get('import.confirm')}
+            </Button>
+          </Form.Item>
+        </Form>}
+      >
+        <Button type="link" onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>
+          {intl.get('schema.cloneSpace')}
+        </Button>
+      </Popover>
+    </Menu.Item>
+  </Menu>;
 const Schema = () => {
   const { schema } = useStore();
   const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
   const history = useHistory();
-  const { currentSpace, switchSpace, getSpacesList, deleteSpace, spaceList } = schema;
+  const { currentSpace, switchSpace, getSpacesList, deleteSpace, spaceList, cloneSpace } = schema;
   useEffect(() => {
@@ -45,6 +98,14 @@ const Schema = () => {
     await getSpacesList();
+  const handleCloneSpace = async (name: string, oldSpace: string) => {
+    const { code } = await cloneSpace(name, oldSpace);
+    if(code === 0) {
+      message.success(intl.get('schema.createSuccess'));
+      getSpaces();
+    }
+  };
   const columns = [
       title: intl.get('schema.No'),
@@ -116,16 +177,9 @@ const Schema = () => {
-              <Popconfirm
-                onConfirm={() => handleDeleteSpace(space.Name)}
-                title={intl.get('common.ask')}
-                okText={intl.get('common.ok')}
-                cancelText={intl.get('common.cancel')}
-              >
-                <Button className="warning-btn">
-                  <Icon type="icon-studio-btn-delete" />
-                </Button>
-              </Popconfirm>
+              <Dropdown overlay={<Operations space={space.Name} onDelete={handleDeleteSpace} onClone={handleCloneSpace} />} placement="bottomLeft">
+                <Button className="primary-btn">。。。</Button>
+              </Dropdown>
diff --git a/app/stores/import.ts b/app/stores/import.ts
index b5d74232..4e20ae4a 100644
--- a/app/stores/import.ts
+++ b/app/stores/import.ts
@@ -95,9 +95,14 @@ export class ImportStore {;
-  downloadTaskLog = async (path: string) => {
+  downloadTaskLog = async (params: {
+    id: string | number,
+    type: 'import' | 'err', 
+    name?: string,
+  }) => {
+    const { id, type, name } = params;
     const link = document.createElement('a');
-    link.href = service.getTaskLogUrl(path);
+    link.href = type === 'import' ? service.getTaskLogUrl(id) : service.getTaskErrLogUrl(id) + `?name=${name}`; = `log.yml`;;
@@ -105,8 +110,7 @@ export class ImportStore {
   getImportLogDetail = async (params: {
     offset: number;
     limit?: number;
-    taskId: string | number;
-    path: string;
+    id: string | number;
   }) => {
     const res = await service.getLog(params);
     return res;
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ export class ImportStore {
   getErrLogDetail = async (params: {
     offset: number;
     limit?: number;
-    taskId: string | number;
-    path: string;
+    id: string | number;
+    name: string;
   }) => {
     const res = await service.getErrLog(params);
     return res;
@@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ export class ImportStore {
   updateEdgeConfig = async (payload: { edgeType?: string, index: number; }) => {
     const { edgeType, index } = payload;
     if(!edgeType) {
-      this.edgesConfig = this.edgesConfig.splice(index, 1);
+      this.edgesConfig.splice(index, 1);
     } else {
       const { schema } = this.rootStore;
       const { getTagOrEdgeInfo, getTagOrEdgeDetail, spaceVidType } = schema;
diff --git a/app/stores/schema.ts b/app/stores/schema.ts
index 626a0886..a8e78100 100644
--- a/app/stores/schema.ts
+++ b/app/stores/schema.ts
@@ -147,6 +147,21 @@ export class SchemaStore {
     return { code, data };
+  cloneSpace = async (name: string, space: string) => {
+    const { code, data } = (await service.execNGQL(
+      {
+        gql: `CREATE SPACE IF NOT EXISTS ${handleKeyword(name)} as ${handleKeyword(space)}`,
+      },
+      {
+        trackEventConfig: {
+          category: 'schema',
+          action: 'clone_space',
+        },
+      },
+    )) as any;
+    return { code, data };
+  }
   createSpace = async (gql: string) => {
     const { code, data, message } = (await service.execNGQL(
diff --git a/config/webpack.base.js b/config/webpack.base.js
index 2409347d..0957c1d6 100644
--- a/config/webpack.base.js
+++ b/config/webpack.base.js
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ const commonConfig = {
     alias: {
-      '#app': path.join(__dirname, '../app/'),
       '@app': path.join(__dirname, '../app/'),
       'react-dom': '@hot-loader/react-dom',