diff --git a/lib/plugins/helper/tagcloud.js b/lib/plugins/helper/tagcloud.js
index 58c953d9ac..9fd5bda421 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/helper/tagcloud.js
+++ b/lib/plugins/helper/tagcloud.js
@@ -1,161 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
-// https://github.com/imathis/hsl-picker/blob/master/assets/javascripts/modules/color.coffee
-const rHex3 = /^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/;
-const rHex6 = /^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/;
-const rRGB = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,?\s*(0?\.?\d+)?\s*\)$/;
-const rHSL = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})%\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})%\s*,?\s*(0?\.?\d+)?\s*\)$/;
-// https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color
-const colorNames = {
- aliceblue: {r: 240, g: 248, b: 255, a: 1},
- antiquewhite: {r: 250, g: 235, b: 215, a: 1},
- aqua: {r: 0, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1},
- aquamarine: {r: 127, g: 255, b: 212, a: 1},
- azure: {r: 240, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1},
- beige: {r: 245, g: 245, b: 220, a: 1},
- bisque: {r: 255, g: 228, b: 196, a: 1},
- black: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1},
- blanchedalmond: {r: 255, g: 235, b: 205, a: 1},
- blue: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 255, a: 1},
- blueviolet: {r: 138, g: 43, b: 226, a: 1},
- brown: {r: 165, g: 42, b: 42, a: 1},
- burlywood: {r: 222, g: 184, b: 135, a: 1},
- cadetblue: {r: 95, g: 158, b: 160, a: 1},
- chartreuse: {r: 127, g: 255, b: 0, a: 1},
- chocolate: {r: 210, g: 105, b: 30, a: 1},
- coral: {r: 255, g: 127, b: 80, a: 1},
- cornflowerblue: {r: 100, g: 149, b: 237, a: 1},
- cornsilk: {r: 255, g: 248, b: 220, a: 1},
- crimson: {r: 220, g: 20, b: 60, a: 1},
- cyan: {r: 0, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1},
- darkblue: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 139, a: 1},
- darkcyan: {r: 0, g: 139, b: 139, a: 1},
- darkgoldenrod: {r: 184, g: 134, b: 11, a: 1},
- darkgray: {r: 169, g: 169, b: 169, a: 1},
- darkgreen: {r: 0, g: 100, b: 0, a: 1},
- darkgrey: {r: 169, g: 169, b: 169, a: 1},
- darkkhaki: {r: 189, g: 183, b: 107, a: 1},
- darkmagenta: {r: 139, g: 0, b: 139, a: 1},
- darkolivegreen: {r: 85, g: 107, b: 47, a: 1},
- darkorange: {r: 255, g: 140, b: 0, a: 1},
- darkorchid: {r: 153, g: 50, b: 204, a: 1},
- darkred: {r: 139, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1},
- darksalmon: {r: 233, g: 150, b: 122, a: 1},
- darkseagreen: {r: 143, g: 188, b: 143, a: 1},
- darkslateblue: {r: 72, g: 61, b: 139, a: 1},
- darkslategray: {r: 47, g: 79, b: 79, a: 1},
- darkslategrey: {r: 47, g: 79, b: 79, a: 1},
- darkturquoise: {r: 0, g: 206, b: 209, a: 1},
- darkviolet: {r: 148, g: 0, b: 211, a: 1},
- deeppink: {r: 255, g: 20, b: 147, a: 1},
- deepskyblue: {r: 0, g: 191, b: 255, a: 1},
- dimgray: {r: 105, g: 105, b: 105, a: 1},
- dimgrey: {r: 105, g: 105, b: 105, a: 1},
- dodgerblue: {r: 30, g: 144, b: 255, a: 1},
- firebrick: {r: 178, g: 34, b: 34, a: 1},
- floralwhite: {r: 255, g: 250, b: 240, a: 1},
- forestgreen: {r: 34, g: 139, b: 34, a: 1},
- fuchsia: {r: 255, g: 0, b: 255, a: 1},
- gainsboro: {r: 220, g: 220, b: 220, a: 1},
- ghostwhite: {r: 248, g: 248, b: 255, a: 1},
- gold: {r: 255, g: 215, b: 0, a: 1},
- goldenrod: {r: 218, g: 165, b: 32, a: 1},
- gray: {r: 128, g: 128, b: 128, a: 1},
- green: {r: 0, g: 128, b: 0, a: 1},
- greenyellow: {r: 173, g: 255, b: 47, a: 1},
- grey: {r: 128, g: 128, b: 128, a: 1},
- honeydew: {r: 240, g: 255, b: 240, a: 1},
- hotpink: {r: 255, g: 105, b: 180, a: 1},
- indianred: {r: 205, g: 92, b: 92, a: 1},
- indigo: {r: 75, g: 0, b: 130, a: 1},
- ivory: {r: 255, g: 255, b: 240, a: 1},
- khaki: {r: 240, g: 230, b: 140, a: 1},
- lavender: {r: 230, g: 230, b: 250, a: 1},
- lavenderblush: {r: 255, g: 240, b: 245, a: 1},
- lawngreen: {r: 124, g: 252, b: 0, a: 1},
- lemonchiffon: {r: 255, g: 250, b: 205, a: 1},
- lightblue: {r: 173, g: 216, b: 230, a: 1},
- lightcoral: {r: 240, g: 128, b: 128, a: 1},
- lightcyan: {r: 224, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1},
- lightgoldenrodyellow: {r: 250, g: 250, b: 210, a: 1},
- lightgray: {r: 211, g: 211, b: 211, a: 1},
- lightgreen: {r: 144, g: 238, b: 144, a: 1},
- lightgrey: {r: 211, g: 211, b: 211, a: 1},
- lightpink: {r: 255, g: 182, b: 193, a: 1},
- lightsalmon: {r: 255, g: 160, b: 122, a: 1},
- lightseagreen: {r: 32, g: 178, b: 170, a: 1},
- lightskyblue: {r: 135, g: 206, b: 250, a: 1},
- lightslategray: {r: 119, g: 136, b: 153, a: 1},
- lightslategrey: {r: 119, g: 136, b: 153, a: 1},
- lightsteelblue: {r: 176, g: 196, b: 222, a: 1},
- lightyellow: {r: 255, g: 255, b: 224, a: 1},
- lime: {r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 1},
- limegreen: {r: 50, g: 205, b: 50, a: 1},
- linen: {r: 250, g: 240, b: 230, a: 1},
- magenta: {r: 255, g: 0, b: 255, a: 1},
- maroon: {r: 128, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1},
- mediumaquamarine: {r: 102, g: 205, b: 170, a: 1},
- mediumblue: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 205, a: 1},
- mediumorchid: {r: 186, g: 85, b: 211, a: 1},
- mediumpurple: {r: 147, g: 112, b: 219, a: 1},
- mediumseagreen: {r: 60, g: 179, b: 113, a: 1},
- mediumslateblue: {r: 123, g: 104, b: 238, a: 1},
- mediumspringgreen: {r: 0, g: 250, b: 154, a: 1},
- mediumturquoise: {r: 72, g: 209, b: 204, a: 1},
- mediumvioletred: {r: 199, g: 21, b: 133, a: 1},
- midnightblue: {r: 25, g: 25, b: 112, a: 1},
- mintcream: {r: 245, g: 255, b: 250, a: 1},
- mistyrose: {r: 255, g: 228, b: 225, a: 1},
- moccasin: {r: 255, g: 228, b: 181, a: 1},
- navajowhite: {r: 255, g: 222, b: 173, a: 1},
- navy: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 128, a: 1},
- oldlace: {r: 253, g: 245, b: 230, a: 1},
- olive: {r: 128, g: 128, b: 0, a: 1},
- olivedrab: {r: 107, g: 142, b: 35, a: 1},
- orange: {r: 255, g: 165, b: 0, a: 1},
- orangered: {r: 255, g: 69, b: 0, a: 1},
- orchid: {r: 218, g: 112, b: 214, a: 1},
- palegoldenrod: {r: 238, g: 232, b: 170, a: 1},
- palegreen: {r: 152, g: 251, b: 152, a: 1},
- paleturquoise: {r: 175, g: 238, b: 238, a: 1},
- palevioletred: {r: 219, g: 112, b: 147, a: 1},
- papayawhip: {r: 255, g: 239, b: 213, a: 1},
- peachpuff: {r: 255, g: 218, b: 185, a: 1},
- peru: {r: 205, g: 133, b: 63, a: 1},
- pink: {r: 255, g: 192, b: 203, a: 1},
- plum: {r: 221, g: 160, b: 221, a: 1},
- powderblue: {r: 176, g: 224, b: 230, a: 1},
- purple: {r: 128, g: 0, b: 128, a: 1},
- red: {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1},
- rosybrown: {r: 188, g: 143, b: 143, a: 1},
- royalblue: {r: 65, g: 105, b: 225, a: 1},
- saddlebrown: {r: 139, g: 69, b: 19, a: 1},
- salmon: {r: 250, g: 128, b: 114, a: 1},
- sandybrown: {r: 244, g: 164, b: 96, a: 1},
- seagreen: {r: 46, g: 139, b: 87, a: 1},
- seashell: {r: 255, g: 245, b: 238, a: 1},
- sienna: {r: 160, g: 82, b: 45, a: 1},
- silver: {r: 192, g: 192, b: 192, a: 1},
- skyblue: {r: 135, g: 206, b: 235, a: 1},
- slateblue: {r: 106, g: 90, b: 205, a: 1},
- slategray: {r: 112, g: 128, b: 144, a: 1},
- slategrey: {r: 112, g: 128, b: 144, a: 1},
- snow: {r: 255, g: 250, b: 250, a: 1},
- springgreen: {r: 0, g: 255, b: 127, a: 1},
- steelblue: {r: 70, g: 130, b: 180, a: 1},
- tan: {r: 210, g: 180, b: 140, a: 1},
- teal: {r: 0, g: 128, b: 128, a: 1},
- thistle: {r: 216, g: 191, b: 216, a: 1},
- tomato: {r: 255, g: 99, b: 71, a: 1},
- turquoise: {r: 64, g: 224, b: 208, a: 1},
- violet: {r: 238, g: 130, b: 238, a: 1},
- wheat: {r: 245, g: 222, b: 179, a: 1},
- white: {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1},
- whitesmoke: {r: 245, g: 245, b: 245, a: 1},
- yellow: {r: 255, g: 255, b: 0, a: 1},
- yellowgreen: {r: 154, g: 205, b: 50, a: 1}
+const Color = require('hexo-util').Color;
function tagcloudHelper(tags, options) {
if (!options && (!tags || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tags, 'length'))) {
@@ -228,152 +73,4 @@ function tagcloudHelper(tags, options) {
return result.join(separator);
-function Color(color) {
- if (typeof color === 'object') {
- this.r = color.r;
- this.g = color.g;
- this.b = color.b;
- this.a = color.a;
- } else if (typeof color === 'string') {
- this.parse(color);
- } else {
- throw new TypeError('color is required!');
- }
- if (this.r < 0 || this.r > 255 ||
- this.g < 0 || this.g > 255 ||
- this.b < 0 || this.b > 255 ||
- this.a < 0 || this.a > 1) {
- throw new Error(`${color} is invalid.`);
- }
-Color.prototype.parse = function(color) {
- color = color.toLowerCase();
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(colorNames, color)) {
- const obj = colorNames[color];
- this.r = obj.r;
- this.g = obj.g;
- this.b = obj.b;
- this.a = obj.a;
- return;
- }
- if (rHex3.test(color)) {
- const txt = color.substring(1);
- const code = parseInt(txt, 16);
- this.r = ((code & 0xF00) >> 8) * 17;
- this.g = ((code & 0xF0) >> 4) * 17;
- this.b = (code & 0xF) * 17;
- this.a = 1;
- } else if (rHex6.test(color)) {
- const txt = color.substring(1);
- const code = parseInt(txt, 16);
- this.r = (code & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
- this.g = (code & 0xFF00) >> 8;
- this.b = code & 0xFF;
- this.a = 1;
- } else if (rRGB.test(color)) {
- const match = color.match(rRGB);
- this.r = match[1] | 0;
- this.g = match[2] | 0;
- this.b = match[3] | 0;
- this.a = match[4] ? +match[4] : 1;
- } else if (rHSL.test(color)) {
- const match = color.match(rHSL);
- const h = +match[1] / 360;
- const s = +match[2] / 100;
- const l = +match[3] / 100;
- this.a = match[4] ? +match[4] : 1;
- if (!s) {
- this.r = this.g = this.b = l * 255;
- }
- const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - (l * s);
- const p = (2 * l) - q;
- const rt = h + (1 / 3);
- const gt = h;
- const bt = h - (1 / 3);
- this.r = convertHue(p, q, rt);
- this.g = convertHue(p, q, gt);
- this.b = convertHue(p, q, bt);
- } else {
- throw new Error(`${color} is not a supported color format.`);
- }
-Color.prototype.toString = function() {
- if (this.a === 1) {
- const r = convertRGB(this.r);
- const g = convertRGB(this.g);
- const b = convertRGB(this.b);
- if (this.r % 17 || this.g % 17 || this.b % 17) {
- return `#${r}${g}${b}`;
- }
- return `#${r[0]}${g[0]}${b[0]}`;
- }
- return `rgba(${this.r}, ${this.g}, ${this.b}, ${parseFloat(this.a.toFixed(2))})`;
-Color.prototype.mix = function(color, ratio) {
- switch (ratio) {
- case 0:
- return new Color(this);
- case 1:
- return new Color(color);
- }
- return new Color({
- r: Math.round(mixValue(this.r, color.r, ratio)),
- g: Math.round(mixValue(this.g, color.g, ratio)),
- b: Math.round(mixValue(this.b, color.b, ratio)),
- a: mixValue(this.a, color.a, ratio)
- });
-function convertHue(p, q, h) {
- if (h < 0) h++;
- if (h > 1) h--;
- let color;
- if (h * 6 < 1) {
- color = p + ((q - p) * h * 6);
- } else if (h * 2 < 1) {
- color = q;
- } else if (h * 3 < 2) {
- color = p + ((q - p) * ((2 / 3) - h) * 6);
- } else {
- color = p;
- }
- return Math.round(color * 255);
-function convertRGB(value) {
- const str = value.toString(16);
- if (value < 16) return `0${str}`;
- return str;
-function mixValue(a, b, ratio) {
- return a + ((b - a) * ratio);
module.exports = tagcloudHelper;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index d57da3d75f..9589da7af0 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"hexo-fs": "^1.0.0",
"hexo-i18n": "^0.2.1",
"hexo-log": "^0.2.0",
- "hexo-util": "^0.6.3",
+ "hexo-util": "^1.0.1",
"js-yaml": "^3.12.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.11",
"micromatch": "^4.0.2",
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"chai-as-promised": "^7.1.1",
"eslint": "^6.0.1",
"eslint-config-hexo": "^3.0.0",
- "hexo-renderer-marked": "^1.0.1",
+ "hexo-renderer-marked": "^2.0.0",
"husky": "^3.0.0",
"lint-staged": "^9.1.0",
"mocha": "^6.0.0",
diff --git a/test/scripts/tags/asset_img.js b/test/scripts/tags/asset_img.js
index f30049a4f3..1399654176 100644
--- a/test/scripts/tags/asset_img.js
+++ b/test/scripts/tags/asset_img.js
@@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ describe('asset_img', () => {
it('default', () => {
- assetImg('bar').should.eql('');
+ assetImg('bar').should.eql('');
it('default', () => {
- assetImg('bar title').should.eql('');
+ assetImg('bar title').should.eql('');
it('with space', () => {
// {% asset_img "spaced asset" "spaced title" %}
assetImgTag.call(post, ['spaced asset', 'spaced title'])
- .should.eql('');
+ .should.eql('');
it('with alt and title', () => {
assetImgTag.call(post, ['bar', '"title"', '"alt"'])
- .should.eql('');
+ .should.eql('');
it('with width height alt and title', () => {
assetImgTag.call(post, ['bar', '100', '200', '"title"', '"alt"'])
- .should.eql('');
+ .should.eql('');
it('no slug', () => {
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@ describe('asset_img', () => {
it('with root path', () => {
hexo.config.root = '/root/';
- assetImg('bar').should.eql('');
+ assetImg('bar').should.eql('');
diff --git a/test/scripts/tags/link.js b/test/scripts/tags/link.js
index 8e47bef983..07740cceed 100644
--- a/test/scripts/tags/link.js
+++ b/test/scripts/tags/link.js
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ describe('link', () => {
$('a').html().should.eql('Click here to Google');
- should.not.exist($('a').attr('target'));
+ $('a').attr('title').should.eql('');
+ $('a').attr('target').should.eql('');
it('text + url + title', () => {
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ describe('link', () => {
$('a').html().should.eql('Click here to Google');
- should.not.exist($('a').attr('target'));
+ $('a').attr('target').should.eql('');
$('a').attr('title').should.eql('Google link');