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Hiveeyes Backend with Docker


Run complete Hiveeyes backend using Docker Compose.


Acquire repository

git clone
cd hiveeyes-backend-docker

Start backend services

A minimal set of system components to get started. This will start Kotori, Mosquitto, InfluxDB and Grafana.

docker-compose --file=docker-compose-standard.yml pull
docker-compose --file=docker-compose-standard.yml up --detach
docker-compose --file=docker-compose-standard.yml logs --follow

The full stack will also provide support for CSV import (MongoDB needed) and LoRaWAN/TTN transport. This will start Kotori, Mosquitto, InfluxDB, Grafana, MongoDB, Redis and PutsReq.

docker-compose --file=docker-compose-full.yml pull
docker-compose --file=docker-compose-full.yml up --detach
docker-compose --file=docker-compose-full.yml logs --follow

Data acquisition examples

To observe what's going on on the MQTT bus, subscribe to all topics:

mosquitto_sub -t '#' -v

Prepare a measurement reading:

DATA='{"temperature": 42.84, "humidity": 83.1}'

Submit reading using MQTT:

echo "$DATA" | mosquitto_pub -h $MQTT_BROKER -t $CHANNEL/data.json -l

Submit reading using HTTP:

echo "$DATA" | curl --request POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data @- $HTTP_URI/$CHANNEL/data

Submit reading in CSV format using HTTP:

# 1. Send field names once
echo '## temperature, humidity' | http POST $HTTP_URI/$CHANNEL/data Content-Type:text/csv

# 2. Send reading
echo '30.30, 67.67' | http POST $HTTP_URI/$CHANNEL/data Content-Type:text/csv

Data export examples

http $HTTP_URI/$CHANNEL/data.csv

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Channel-Id: /hiveeyes/testdrive/site-42/hive-01
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=testdrive_site_42_hive_01_20210719T191039_20210729T191039.csv
Content-Length: 221
Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 19:10:39 GMT
Server: TwistedWeb/20.3.0
Target-Address-Scheme: influxdb
Target-Address-Uri: hiveeyes_testdrive
Target-Database: hiveeyes_testdrive
Target-Expression: SELECT * FROM site_42_hive_01_sensors WHERE time >= '2021-07-19 19:10:39.766' AND time <= '2021-07-29 19:10:39.766';



Please enjoy reading the Kotori documentation about further details of data acquisition and -export.

For learning some details about Grafana, please visit:

Learning about the Influx Query Language (InfluxQL) and the Flux data scripting language:

Last but not least, you might want to learn something about MQTT and the Mosquitto broker:



Grafana will be accessible on http://localhost:3000/, the default credentials are admin/admin.

When prompted by Grafana to set a new password (you can also skip this step), please make sure to adjust the section [grafana] in volumes/kotori/conf/kotori.ini accordingly.


Mosquitto will be accessible on localhost:1883. By default, anonymous access is allowed. When aiming to lock down access to the MQTT broker, see next section.


The HTTP API is available at localhost:24642. Access to HTTP is currently not restricted. A solution can be to configure authentication within an upstream HTTP reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache.


A PutsReq instance is available at http://localhost:5050/.


Lock down MQTT broker

In order to enable authentication for the MQTT broker and allow authenticated access only, follow these steps:

  • Set allow_anonymous false in volumes/mosquitto/conf/mosquitto.conf in order to deny anonymous access to the MQTT broker.
  • Add MQTT credentials for all of your members by invoking mosquitto_passwd -b volumes/mosquitto/conf/mosquitto.passwd username password.
  • When changing the MQTT credentials for user kotori, please make sure to adjust the section [mqtt] in volumes/kotori/conf/kotori.ini accordingly.

Communicate between containers

When aiming to communicate between container instances, please address their hostnames as outlined within the services section of the docker-compose.yml file. For example, to configure the database URI in Grafana to access InfluxDB, use http://influxdb:8086/.


Many thanks to Werner Sturm (@WSt89) and all authors of the thousands of software components embedded into this system.


You are welcome to join the development discussion at

In order to run the backend stack within a Vagrant VirtualBox machine, invoke those commands.

brew install vagrant
brew install --cask virtualbox
vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-compose
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
docker-compose --file=docker-compose-standard.yml up --detach
docker-compose --file=docker-compose-standard.yml logs --follow