hjson-mode.el - A major mode for editing hjson files
Currently only allows syntax highlighting.
Use on any file by executing M-x hjson-mode
once installed.
M-x package-install hjson-mode
You need to have the MELPA repository or MELPA Stable repository enabled in emacs for this to work.
It may be added to Melpa in the future, but until then execute the following code in the terminal
cd ~/.emacs.d
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjson/hjson-emacs/main/hjson-mode.el
echo "(load-file \"~/.emacs.d/hjson-mode.el\")" >> init.el
echo "(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\"\\\\\\\\.hjson\\\\\\\\'\" . hjson-mode))" >> init.el
If you would like to build it from scratch, clone this repository and append the following to your init file located at ~/.emacs.d/init.el
(load-file "[your git repository]/hjson-mode.el")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.hjson\\'" . hjson-mode))
Contribution is encouraged, please feel free to improve.
For testing changes, I recomend attaching the following code to hjson-mode.el
(defun reload ()
"Reloads `hjson-mode'."
(load-file "[your git repository]/hjson-mode.el")