A lightweight webhook for ODK Central submissions and entity property updates.
Call a remote API on ODK Central database events:
- New submission (XML).
- Update entity (entity properties).
- Submission review (approved, hasIssues, rejected).
The centralwebhook
binary is small ~15MB and only consumes
~5MB of memory when running.
- ODK Central running, connecting to an accessible Postgresql database.
- A POST webhook endpoint on your service API, to call when the selected event occurs.
The centralwebhook
tool is a service that runs continually, monitoring the
ODK Central database for updates and triggering the webhook as appropriate.
Integrate Into ODK Central Stack
It's possible to include this as part of the standard ODK Central docker compose stack.
First add the environment variables to your
file:CENTRAL_WEBHOOK_UPDATE_ENTITY_URL=https://your.domain.com/some/webhook CENTRAL_WEBHOOK_REVIEW_SUBMISSION_URL=https://your.domain.com/some/webhook CENTRAL_WEBHOOK_NEW_SUBMISSION_URL=https://your.domain.com/some/webhook CENTRAL_WEBHOOK_API_KEY=your_api_key_key
Omit a xxx_URL variable if you do not wish to use that particular webhook.
The CENTRAL_WEBHOOK_API_KEY variable is also optional, see the APIs With Authentication section.
Then extend the docker compose configuration at startup:
# Starting from the getodk/central code repo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f /path/to/this/repo/compose.webhook.yml up -d
Via Docker (Standalone)
docker run -d ghcr.io/hotosm/central-webhook:latest \
-db 'postgresql://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/{db}?sslmode=disable' \
-updateEntityUrl 'https://your.domain.com/some/webhook' \
-newSubmissionUrl 'https://your.domain.com/some/webhook' \
-reviewSubmissionUrl 'https://your.domain.com/some/webhook'
Environment variables are also supported:
Via Binary (Standalone)
Download the binary for your platform from the releases page.
Then run with:
./centralwebhook \
-db 'postgresql://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/{db}?sslmode=disable' \
-updateEntityUrl 'https://your.domain.com/some/webhook' \
-newSubmissionUrl 'https://your.domain.com/some/webhook' \
-reviewSubmissionUrl 'https://your.domain.com/some/webhook'
It's possible to specify a single webhook event, or multiple.
Via Code
Usage via the code / API:
package main
import (
ctx := context.Background()
log := slog.New()
dbPool, err := db.InitPool(ctx, log, "postgresql://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/{db}?sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not connect to database: %v", err)
err = SetupWebhook(
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error setting up webhook: %v", err)
To not provide a webhook for an event, pass
as the url.
"type": "entity.update.version",
"data": {
"entityProperty1": "someStringValue",
"entityProperty2": "someStringValue",
"entityProperty3": "someStringValue"
"type": "submission.create",
"data": {"xml":"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><data ...."}
"data": {"reviewState":"hasIssues"}
Many APIs will not be public and require some sort of authentication.
There is an optional -apiKey
flag that can be used to pass
an API key / token provided by the application.
This will be inserted in the X-API-Key
request header.
No other authentication methods are supported for now, but feel free to open an issue (or PR!) for a proposal to support other auth methods.
./centralwebhook \
-db 'postgresql://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/{db}?sslmode=disable' \
-updateEntityUrl 'https://your.domain.com/some/webhook' \
-apiKey 'ksdhfiushfiosehf98e3hrih39r8hy439rh389r3hy983y'
Here is a minimal FastAPI example for receiving the webhook data:
from typing import Annotated, Optional
from fastapi import (
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel
class OdkCentralWebhookRequest(BaseModel):
"""The POST data from the central webhook service."""
type: OdkWebhookEvents
# NOTE we cannot use UUID validation, as Central often passes uuid as 'uuid:xxx-xxx'
id: str
# NOTE we use a dict to allow flexible passing of the data based on event type
data: dict
async def valid_api_token(
x_api_key: Annotated[Optional[str], Header()] = None,
"""Check the API token is present for an active database user.
A header X-API-Key must be provided in the request.
# Logic to validate the api key here
async def update_entity_status_in_fmtm(
current_user: Annotated[DbUser, Depends(valid_api_token)],
odk_event: OdkCentralWebhookRequest,
"""Update the status for an Entity in our app db.
log.debug(f"Webhook called with event ({odk_event.type.value})")
if odk_event.type == OdkWebhookEvents.UPDATE_ENTITY:
# insert state into db
elif odk_event.type == OdkWebhookEvents.REVIEW_SUBMISSION:
# update entity status in odk to match review state
elif odk_event.type == OdkWebhookEvents.NEW_SUBMISSION:
# unsupported for now
"The handling of new submissions via webhook is not implemented yet."
msg = f"Webhook was called for an unsupported event type ({odk_event.type.value})"
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=msg)
- This package mostly uses the standard library, plus a Postgres driver and testing framework.
- Binary and container image distribution is automated on new release.
The test suite depends on a database, so the most convenient way is to run via docker.
There is a pre-configured compose.yml
for testing:
docker compose run --rm webhook