Lioness is a project management tool, built to organize your organization's projects, clients, project managers and contractors. This is the server that stores all data.
- GET to '/api/roles' to view all roles of users
Project Statuses
- GET to '/api/project-statuses' to view all statuses of projects
GET '/api/users'
- Query Parameters
- searchQuery: searches users full name and email based on keyword
- userNameSort: sorts users by name in either ascending or descending order
- activeProjSort: sorts users by how many active projects they have
- roleFilter: filters users by their role id,
- pageNumber: filters users by which page number their results are on, 10 results per page
- Query Parameters
POST '/api/users' creates a new user
POST '/api/users/:id'edits an existing user
DELETE '/api/users/:id' marks a user as inactive
- GET '/api/projects'
- Query Parameters
- statusFilter: filters projects by theit status id,
- budgetSort: sorts project by budget in either ascending or descending order,
- dateTypeFilter: filters projects by a by a type of date either start date, estimated due date, or completion date
- dateSort: sorts projects by dates based on their date type filter either ascending or descending ,
- afterDate: filters projects after a given date based on the date type filter chosen
- beforeDate: filters projects before a given date based on the date type filter chosen,
- pageNumber: filters projects by which page number their results are on, 10 results per page
- Query Parameters
- POST '/api/projects' creates a new project
- POST '/api/projects/:id' updates a new project
- DELETE '/api/projects/:id' deletes a single project based on id
POST '/api/auth/login' matches given credentials and provides a JWT Token.
- Node.js
- Express
- Mocha
- Chai
- Postgres
- Passport
- Knex.js
Application uses JWT authentication