Add this dependency to your Maven pom.xml
val link = linkTo<CustomerController> { findById("15") } withRel SELF
val customer = EntityModel.of(Customer("15", "John Doe"))
.add(CustomerController::class) { entity ->
linkTo { findById(entity.content!!.id) } withRel SELF
linkTo { findProductsById(entity.content!!.id) } withRel REL_PRODUCTS
// or
val customer = Mono.just(CustomerModel("15", "John Doe"))
.add { linkTo<CustomerController> { findById( } withRel SELF }
val link = linkTo<CustomerController> { findById("15") } awaitRel SELF
The SimpleReactiveModelAssembler
can be hard to use, because its addLinks()
functions do not work with reactive types. Hence, if the linkTo()
link builder method is used, the model assembler looks like this:
class ObjectModelAssembler : SimpleReactiveRepresentationModelAssembler<Object> {
override fun toCollectionModel(entities: Flux<out Object>, exchange: ServerWebExchange): Mono<CollectionModel<EntityModel<Object>>> {
return super.toCollectionModel(entities, exchange)
.zipWith(getCollectionLink(exchange)) { model, link -> model.add(link) }
// ...
With this module, this can be simplified to
class ObjectModelAssembler : ReactiveEntityModelAssembler<Object> {
override fun getLinks(resources: CollectionModel<EntityModel<Object>>, exchange: ServerWebExchange) = Flux.concat(getCollectionLink(exchange))
// ...
If you need converting Spring Data's Page
into PagedModels
, you can register a bean of type ReactivePagedResourcesAssemblerArgumentResolver
. This will enable controller methods like this:
fun getContracts(
pageable: Pageable,
pagedResourcesAssembler: ReactivePagedResourcesAssembler<ContractBaseProperties>,
exchange: ServerWebExchange
): Mono<PagedModel<EntityModel<ContractBaseProperties>>> {
return contractService.getContracts(pageable)
.flatMap { pagedResourcesAssembler.toModel(it, contractModelAssembler, exchange) }
This module contains a coroutine alternative for a RepresentationModelAssembler
, the CoroutineRepresentationModelAssembler
. Likewise, there is the SimpleCoroutineRepresentationModelAssembler
alternative that can be used like this:
class ResourceAssemblerWithCustomLink : SimpleCoroutineRepresentationModelAssembler<Employee> {
override suspend fun addLinks(resource: EntityModel<Employee>, exchange: ServerWebExchange): EntityModel<Employee> {
return resource.add(Link.of("/employees").withRel("employees"))
To make mvn deploy
work, your settings.xml should look as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
<gpg.keyname>see gpg --list-keys and gpg --keyserver --send-keys [KEY_NAME]</gpg.keyname>
<gpg.passphrase>see gpg --gen-key</gpg.passphrase>