From 9452711359807242c2f15624ea8b16092a8b7551 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: portuu3 <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 20:54:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] proxy contracts deployment

---                       | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 packages/core/                 |  24 +++++
 packages/core/hardhat.config.ts         |   2 +-
 packages/core/package.json              |   1 +
 packages/core/scripts/deploy-proxies.ts |  79 ++++++++++++++++
 packages/core/scripts/deploy.ts         |   1 -
 6 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/core/scripts/deploy-proxies.ts

diff --git a/ b/
index 7b66787487..38b8b58a75 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,14 +1,107 @@
 # Contract addresses by network
-|                     | Network Type | Status     | HMTToken                                   | Proxy | EscrowFactory                              | Staking | KVStore                                    |
-| Polygon             | Mainnet      | Active     | 0xc748B2A084F8eFc47E086ccdDD9b7e67aEb571BF |       | 0x45eBc3eAE6DA485097054ae10BA1A0f8e8c7f794 |         | 0x6334dB76037bb6d4bc21901433E870b22ACa1F9a |
-| Mumbai              | Testnet      | Active     | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 |       | 0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94 |         | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF |
-| Goerli              | Testnet      | Active     | 0xd3A31D57FDD790725d0F6B78095F62E8CD4ab317 |       | 0xaAe6a2646C1F88763E62e0cD08aD050Ea66AC46F |         |                                            |
-| Rinkeby             | Testnet      | Deprecated | 0x4dCf5ac4509888714dd43A5cCc46d7ab389D9c23 |       | 0x925B24444511c86F4d4E63141D8Be0A025E2dca4 |         |                                            |
-| Binance Smart Chain | Mainnet      | Active     | 0x0d501B743F22b641B8C8dfe00F1AAb881D57DDC7 |       | 0xc88bC422cAAb2ac8812de03176402dbcA09533f4 |         | 0x8340412Ed68BcF53a7Da72BFFc1E2E74CfdE74D0 |
-| Binance Smart Chain | Testnet      | Active     | 0xd3a31d57fdd790725d0f6b78095f62e8cd4ab317 |       | 0xaae6a2646c1f88763e62e0cd08ad050ea66ac46f |         | 0x7676F326f1e30E96a76B7F1a860d56A9ac988a7d |
-| Moonbeam            | Mainnet      | Active     | 0x3b25BC1dC591D24d60560d0135D6750A561D4764 |       | 0x98108c28B7767a52BE38B4860832dd4e11A7ecad |         | 0x6617d21ab0f16A7079e2811Cf9306CAe7018bDd9 |
-| Moonbeam Alpha      | Testnet      | Active     | 0xe4C8eC5d057EacF40060b2174627a4941a5c8127 |       | 0x3Cd0B117Be4CC1e31c8d7d1eD8b32208a2820902 |         | 0x64009ca5fb4b34769F7240c6073FEc34bf5b64E3 |
-| Avalanche           | Mainnet      | Active     | 0x12365293cb6477d4fc2686e46bb97e3fb64f1550 |       | 0x9767a578ba7a5FA1563c8229943cB01cd8446BB4 |         | 0x4B79eaD28F52eD5686bf0e379717e85fc7aD10Df |
-| Avalanche Fuji      | Testnet      | Active     | 0x9406d5c635AD22b0d76c75E52De57A2177919ca3 |       | 0xfb4469201951C3B9a7F1996c477cb7BDBEcE0A88 |         | 0xd232c1426CF0653cE8a71DC98bCfDf10c471c114 |
+| Polygon (Mainnet)        | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0xc748B2A084F8eFc47E086ccdDD9b7e67aEb571BF | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x45eBc3eAE6DA485097054ae10BA1A0f8e8c7f794 |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x6334dB76037bb6d4bc21901433E870b22ACa1F9a | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Polygon Mumbai (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xd319e761b632E39234E68247D307818a20158890 | 0xA8D927C4DA17A6b71675d2D49dFda4E9eBE58f2d |
+|                          | Staking        | 0x19Fc3e859C1813ac9427a7a78BeB9ae102CE96d3 | 0x7Fd3dF914E7b6Bd96B4c744Df32183b51368Bfac |
+|                          | RewardPool     | 0x295514FC4C812Db24C3277d6D3175956AdEA273C | 0xf0145eD99AC3c4f877aDa7dA4D1E059ec9116BAE |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0xD7F61E812e139a5a02eDae9Dfec146E1b8eA3807 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     | 0x7B9f9Dc6c157899C1Eb1c6B86f94855cC2F537dF | 0xC522463d36f76b881bE66484e3068F11e7038Ace |
+| Goerli (Testnet)         | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0xd3A31D57FDD790725d0F6B78095F62E8CD4ab317 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xaAe6a2646C1F88763E62e0cD08aD050Ea66AC46F |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     |                                            | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Rinkeby (Testnet)        | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0x4dCf5ac4509888714dd43A5cCc46d7ab389D9c23 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x925B24444511c86F4d4E63141D8Be0A025E2dca4 |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     |                                            | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Binance SC (Mainnet)     | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0x0d501B743F22b641B8C8dfe00F1AAb881D57DDC7 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xc88bC422cAAb2ac8812de03176402dbcA09533f4 |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x8340412Ed68BcF53a7Da72BFFc1E2E74CfdE74D0 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Binance SC (Testnet)     | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0xd3a31d57fdd790725d0f6b78095f62e8cd4ab317 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xaae6a2646c1f88763e62e0cd08ad050ea66ac46f |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x7676F326f1e30E96a76B7F1a860d56A9ac988a7d | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Moonbeam (Mainnet)       | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0x3b25BC1dC591D24d60560d0135D6750A561D4764 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x98108c28B7767a52BE38B4860832dd4e11A7ecad |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x6617d21ab0f16A7079e2811Cf9306CAe7018bDd9 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Moonbeam Alpha (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0xe4C8eC5d057EacF40060b2174627a4941a5c8127 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x3Cd0B117Be4CC1e31c8d7d1eD8b32208a2820902 |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x64009ca5fb4b34769F7240c6073FEc34bf5b64E3 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Avalanche (Mainnet)      | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0x12365293cb6477d4fc2686e46bb97e3fb64f1550 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x9767a578ba7a5FA1563c8229943cB01cd8446BB4 |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x4B79eaD28F52eD5686bf0e379717e85fc7aD10Df | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+| Avalanche Fuji (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0x9406d5c635AD22b0d76c75E52De57A2177919ca3 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xfb4469201951C3B9a7F1996c477cb7BDBEcE0A88 |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0xd232c1426CF0653cE8a71DC98bCfDf10c471c114 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+# Old contracts
+## Outdated since 2023/01/26
+| Polygon Mumbai (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
+|                          | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
+|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94 |                                            |
+|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF | N/A                                        |
+|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/core/ b/packages/core/
index 7af89160dd..c08207c94a 100644
--- a/packages/core/
+++ b/packages/core/
@@ -3,3 +3,27 @@
 - Escrow
 - EscrowFactory
+# Deploy contracts with proxy to a live network
+1. Create a .env file in the root folder of core package, with the following variables(this is an example for Polygon Mumbai, for other networks `check hardhat.config.ts`):
+2. Open `./scripts/deploy-proxies.ts` and check if you actually need to deploy all the contracts this script deploys.
+3. Deploy the contracts runing this ([NETWORK_NAME] = network name from `hardhat.config.ts`):
+yarn deploy:proxy --network [NETWORK_NAME]
+4. Verify every contract runing the following line for each contract address(have in mind that for contract with proxy, first you need to validate the implementation):
+npx hardhat verify [CONTRACT_ADDRESS] --network [NETWORK_NAME]
+5. Update the file `` in the root of this monorepo.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/core/hardhat.config.ts b/packages/core/hardhat.config.ts
index 4a63495ed2..7b5016e442 100644
--- a/packages/core/hardhat.config.ts
+++ b/packages/core/hardhat.config.ts
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ task(
 const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
   solidity: {
     version: '0.8.9',
-    settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 4294967295 } },
+    settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 1000000 } },
   defaultNetwork: 'hardhat',
   networks: {
diff --git a/packages/core/package.json b/packages/core/package.json
index 66c358434b..d1da61301a 100644
--- a/packages/core/package.json
+++ b/packages/core/package.json
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
     "local": "concurrently --hide 0 \"hardhat node\" \"yarn deploy:local\"",
     "deploy": "hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts",
     "deploy:local": "yarn deploy --network localhost",
+    "deploy:proxy": "hardhat run scripts/deploy-proxies.ts",
     "lint": "eslint .",
     "lint:fix": "eslint . --fix",
     "format:contracts": "prettier --write '**/*.sol'",
diff --git a/packages/core/scripts/deploy-proxies.ts b/packages/core/scripts/deploy-proxies.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7e84bbca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/core/scripts/deploy-proxies.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-console */
+import { Console } from 'console';
+import { ethers, upgrades } from 'hardhat';
+async function main() {
+  const hmtAddress = process.env.HMT_ADDRESS;
+  if (!hmtAddress) {
+    console.error('HMT_ADDRESS env variable missing');
+    return;
+  }
+  const Staking = await ethers.getContractFactory('Staking');
+  const stakingContract = await upgrades.deployProxy(
+    Staking,
+    [hmtAddress, 1, 1],
+    { initializer: 'initialize', kind: 'uups' }
+  );
+  await stakingContract.deployed();
+  console.log('Staking Proxy Address: ', stakingContract.address);
+  console.log(
+    'Staking Implementation Address: ',
+    await upgrades.erc1967.getImplementationAddress(stakingContract.address)
+  );
+  const EscrowFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('EscrowFactory');
+  const escrowFactoryContract = await upgrades.deployProxy(
+    EscrowFactory,
+    [stakingContract.address],
+    { initializer: 'initialize', kind: 'uups' }
+  );
+  await escrowFactoryContract.deployed();
+  console.log('Escrow Factory Proxy Address: ', escrowFactoryContract.address);
+  console.log(
+    'Escrow Factory Implementation Address: ',
+    await upgrades.erc1967.getImplementationAddress(
+      escrowFactoryContract.address
+    )
+  );
+  const KVStore = await ethers.getContractFactory('KVStore');
+  const kvStoreContract = await KVStore.deploy();
+  await kvStoreContract.deployed();
+  console.log('KVStore Address: ', kvStoreContract.address);
+  const RewardPool = await ethers.getContractFactory('RewardPool');
+  const rewardPoolContract = await upgrades.deployProxy(
+    RewardPool,
+    [hmtAddress, stakingContract.address, 1],
+    { initializer: 'initialize', kind: 'uups' }
+  );
+  await rewardPoolContract.deployed();
+  console.log('Reward Pool Proxy Address: ', rewardPoolContract.address);
+  console.log(
+    'Reward Pool Implementation Address: ',
+    await upgrades.erc1967.getImplementationAddress(rewardPoolContract.address)
+  );
+  // Configure RewardPool in Staking
+  await stakingContract.setRewardPool(rewardPoolContract.address);
+  const Reputation = await ethers.getContractFactory('Reputation');
+  const reputationContract = await upgrades.deployProxy(
+    Reputation,
+    [stakingContract.address, 1],
+    { initializer: 'initialize', kind: 'uups' }
+  );
+  await reputationContract.deployed();
+  console.log('Reputation Proxy Address: ', reputationContract.address);
+  console.log(
+    'Reputation Implementation Address: ',
+    await upgrades.erc1967.getImplementationAddress(reputationContract.address)
+  );
+main().catch((error) => {
+  console.error(error);
+  process.exitCode = 1;
diff --git a/packages/core/scripts/deploy.ts b/packages/core/scripts/deploy.ts
index 439b6b2fd5..f56230c412 100644
--- a/packages/core/scripts/deploy.ts
+++ b/packages/core/scripts/deploy.ts
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ async function main() {
     { initializer: 'initialize', kind: 'uups' }
   await rewardPoolContract.deployed();
-  console.log('Reward Pool Contract Address:', rewardPoolContract.address);
   console.log('Reward Pool Proxy Address: ', rewardPoolContract.address);
     'Reward Pool Implementation Address: ',

From 5be2e3038a8c915c6b8d48d2e1c96591a7de123f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: portuu3 <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 09:15:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] add date of contract deployment

--- | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 38b8b58a75..8cc20fdde3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,26 +3,26 @@
 | Polygon (Mainnet)        | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0xc748B2A084F8eFc47E086ccdDD9b7e67aEb571BF | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x45eBc3eAE6DA485097054ae10BA1A0f8e8c7f794 |                                            |
+|2021/10/13                | HMToken        | 0xc748B2A084F8eFc47E086ccdDD9b7e67aEb571BF | N/A                                        |
+|2022/02/28                | EscrowFactory  | 0x45eBc3eAE6DA485097054ae10BA1A0f8e8c7f794 |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x6334dB76037bb6d4bc21901433E870b22ACa1F9a | N/A                                        |
+|2022/03/01                | EthKVStore     | 0x6334dB76037bb6d4bc21901433E870b22ACa1F9a | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 | Polygon Mumbai (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xd319e761b632E39234E68247D307818a20158890 | 0xA8D927C4DA17A6b71675d2D49dFda4E9eBE58f2d |
-|                          | Staking        | 0x19Fc3e859C1813ac9427a7a78BeB9ae102CE96d3 | 0x7Fd3dF914E7b6Bd96B4c744Df32183b51368Bfac |
-|                          | RewardPool     | 0x295514FC4C812Db24C3277d6D3175956AdEA273C | 0xf0145eD99AC3c4f877aDa7dA4D1E059ec9116BAE |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0xD7F61E812e139a5a02eDae9Dfec146E1b8eA3807 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     | 0x7B9f9Dc6c157899C1Eb1c6B86f94855cC2F537dF | 0xC522463d36f76b881bE66484e3068F11e7038Ace |
+|2022/04/25                | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
+|2023/01/26                | EscrowFactory  | 0xd319e761b632E39234E68247D307818a20158890 | 0xA8D927C4DA17A6b71675d2D49dFda4E9eBE58f2d |
+|2023/01/26                | Staking        | 0x19Fc3e859C1813ac9427a7a78BeB9ae102CE96d3 | 0x7Fd3dF914E7b6Bd96B4c744Df32183b51368Bfac |
+|2023/01/26                | RewardPool     | 0x295514FC4C812Db24C3277d6D3175956AdEA273C | 0xf0145eD99AC3c4f877aDa7dA4D1E059ec9116BAE |
+|2023/01/26                | EthKVStore     | 0xD7F61E812e139a5a02eDae9Dfec146E1b8eA3807 | N/A                                        |
+|2023/01/26                | RewardPool     | 0x7B9f9Dc6c157899C1Eb1c6B86f94855cC2F537dF | 0xC522463d36f76b881bE66484e3068F11e7038Ace |
 | Goerli (Testnet)         | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0xd3A31D57FDD790725d0F6B78095F62E8CD4ab317 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xaAe6a2646C1F88763E62e0cD08aD050Ea66AC46F |                                            |
+|2022/10/12                | HMToken        | 0xd3A31D57FDD790725d0F6B78095F62E8CD4ab317 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/10/12                | EscrowFactory  | 0xaAe6a2646C1F88763E62e0cD08aD050Ea66AC46F |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | EthKVStore     |                                            | N/A                                        |
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 | Rinkeby (Testnet)        | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0x4dCf5ac4509888714dd43A5cCc46d7ab389D9c23 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x925B24444511c86F4d4E63141D8Be0A025E2dca4 |                                            |
+|2020/09/15                | HMToken        | 0x4dCf5ac4509888714dd43A5cCc46d7ab389D9c23 | N/A                                        |
+|2021/03/05                | EscrowFactory  | 0x925B24444511c86F4d4E63141D8Be0A025E2dca4 |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | EthKVStore     |                                            | N/A                                        |
@@ -39,56 +39,56 @@
 | Binance SC (Mainnet)     | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0x0d501B743F22b641B8C8dfe00F1AAb881D57DDC7 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xc88bC422cAAb2ac8812de03176402dbcA09533f4 |                                            |
+|2022/08/18                | HMToken        | 0x0d501B743F22b641B8C8dfe00F1AAb881D57DDC7 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/08/23                | EscrowFactory  | 0xc88bC422cAAb2ac8812de03176402dbcA09533f4 |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x8340412Ed68BcF53a7Da72BFFc1E2E74CfdE74D0 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/08/23                | EthKVStore     | 0x8340412Ed68BcF53a7Da72BFFc1E2E74CfdE74D0 | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 | Binance SC (Testnet)     | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0xd3a31d57fdd790725d0f6b78095f62e8cd4ab317 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xaae6a2646c1f88763e62e0cd08ad050ea66ac46f |                                            |
+|2022/10/12                | HMToken        | 0xd3a31d57fdd790725d0f6b78095f62e8cd4ab317 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/10/12                | EscrowFactory  | 0xaae6a2646c1f88763e62e0cd08ad050ea66ac46f |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x7676F326f1e30E96a76B7F1a860d56A9ac988a7d | N/A                                        |
+|2022/08/12                | EthKVStore     | 0x7676F326f1e30E96a76B7F1a860d56A9ac988a7d | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 | Moonbeam (Mainnet)       | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0x3b25BC1dC591D24d60560d0135D6750A561D4764 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x98108c28B7767a52BE38B4860832dd4e11A7ecad |                                            |
+|2022/05/26                | HMToken        | 0x3b25BC1dC591D24d60560d0135D6750A561D4764 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/06/01                | EscrowFactory  | 0x98108c28B7767a52BE38B4860832dd4e11A7ecad |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x6617d21ab0f16A7079e2811Cf9306CAe7018bDd9 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/06/01                | EthKVStore     | 0x6617d21ab0f16A7079e2811Cf9306CAe7018bDd9 | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 | Moonbeam Alpha (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0xe4C8eC5d057EacF40060b2174627a4941a5c8127 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x3Cd0B117Be4CC1e31c8d7d1eD8b32208a2820902 |                                            |
+|2022/05/31                | HMToken        | 0xe4C8eC5d057EacF40060b2174627a4941a5c8127 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/05/31                | EscrowFactory  | 0x3Cd0B117Be4CC1e31c8d7d1eD8b32208a2820902 |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x64009ca5fb4b34769F7240c6073FEc34bf5b64E3 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/05/31                | EthKVStore     | 0x64009ca5fb4b34769F7240c6073FEc34bf5b64E3 | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 | Avalanche (Mainnet)      | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0x12365293cb6477d4fc2686e46bb97e3fb64f1550 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x9767a578ba7a5FA1563c8229943cB01cd8446BB4 |                                            |
+|2022/09/29                | HMToken        | 0x12365293cb6477d4fc2686e46bb97e3fb64f1550 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/12/03                | EscrowFactory  | 0x9767a578ba7a5FA1563c8229943cB01cd8446BB4 |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x4B79eaD28F52eD5686bf0e379717e85fc7aD10Df | N/A                                        |
+|2022/11/17                | EthKVStore     | 0x4B79eaD28F52eD5686bf0e379717e85fc7aD10Df | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 | Avalanche Fuji (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0x9406d5c635AD22b0d76c75E52De57A2177919ca3 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0xfb4469201951C3B9a7F1996c477cb7BDBEcE0A88 |                                            |
+|2022/10/23                | HMToken        | 0x9406d5c635AD22b0d76c75E52De57A2177919ca3 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/10/24                | EscrowFactory  | 0xfb4469201951C3B9a7F1996c477cb7BDBEcE0A88 |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0xd232c1426CF0653cE8a71DC98bCfDf10c471c114 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/10/24                | EthKVStore     | 0xd232c1426CF0653cE8a71DC98bCfDf10c471c114 | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
 # Old contracts
-## Outdated since 2023/01/26
 | Polygon Mumbai (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
-|                          | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | EscrowFactory  | 0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94 |                                            |
+|2022/04/25                | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
+|2022/04/25                | EscrowFactory  | 0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94 |                                            |
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | EthKVStore     | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF | N/A                                        |
+|2022/04/29                | EthKVStore     | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF | N/A                                        |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
\ No newline at end of file

From 7ad5f80949adb062969531f935dfd911c2302f29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: portuu3 <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 09:49:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] fix wording

--- | 25 +++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 8cc20fdde3..1f83f8322c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |2022/03/01                | EthKVStore     | 0x6334dB76037bb6d4bc21901433E870b22ACa1F9a | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Polygon Mumbai (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 |2023/01/26                | Staking        | 0x19Fc3e859C1813ac9427a7a78BeB9ae102CE96d3 | 0x7Fd3dF914E7b6Bd96B4c744Df32183b51368Bfac |
 |2023/01/26                | RewardPool     | 0x295514FC4C812Db24C3277d6D3175956AdEA273C | 0xf0145eD99AC3c4f877aDa7dA4D1E059ec9116BAE |
 |2023/01/26                | EthKVStore     | 0xD7F61E812e139a5a02eDae9Dfec146E1b8eA3807 | N/A                                        |
-|2023/01/26                | RewardPool     | 0x7B9f9Dc6c157899C1Eb1c6B86f94855cC2F537dF | 0xC522463d36f76b881bE66484e3068F11e7038Ace |
+|2023/01/26                | Reputation     | 0x7B9f9Dc6c157899C1Eb1c6B86f94855cC2F537dF | 0xC522463d36f76b881bE66484e3068F11e7038Ace |
 | Goerli (Testnet)         | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | EthKVStore     |                                            | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Rinkeby (Testnet)        | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | EthKVStore     |                                            | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Binance SC (Mainnet)     | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |2022/08/23                | EthKVStore     | 0x8340412Ed68BcF53a7Da72BFFc1E2E74CfdE74D0 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Binance SC (Testnet)     | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |2022/08/12                | EthKVStore     | 0x7676F326f1e30E96a76B7F1a860d56A9ac988a7d | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Moonbeam (Mainnet)       | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |2022/06/01                | EthKVStore     | 0x6617d21ab0f16A7079e2811Cf9306CAe7018bDd9 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Moonbeam Alpha (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |2022/05/31                | EthKVStore     | 0x64009ca5fb4b34769F7240c6073FEc34bf5b64E3 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Avalanche (Mainnet)      | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |2022/11/17                | EthKVStore     | 0x4B79eaD28F52eD5686bf0e379717e85fc7aD10Df | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
 | Avalanche Fuji (Testnet) | Contract       | Address                                    | Proxy                                      |
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 |                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
 |                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
 |2022/10/24                | EthKVStore     | 0xd232c1426CF0653cE8a71DC98bCfDf10c471c114 | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
+|                          | Reputation     |                                            |                                            |
@@ -101,7 +101,4 @@
 |2022/04/25                | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
 |2022/04/25                | EscrowFactory  | 0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94 |                                            |
-|                          | Staking        |                                            |                                            |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
-|2022/04/29                | EthKVStore     | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF | N/A                                        |
-|                          | RewardPool     |                                            |                                            |
\ No newline at end of file
+|2022/04/29                | EthKVStore     | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF | N/A                                        |
\ No newline at end of file

From 927fc4d3664cb0c41f1515e44d39ca5ff7bc7212 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: portuu3 <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 14:35:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] update addresses and create new subgraph version

---                             |  4 ++-
 .../escrow-dashboard/src/constants/index.ts   |  5 +--
 .../launcher/server/src/constants/networks.ts |  2 +-
 packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/    | 32 ++++++++++---------
 .../config/{mumbai.json => mumbai-v1.json}    | 12 +++----
 5 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 rename packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/config/{mumbai.json => mumbai-v1.json} (69%)

diff --git a/ b/
index 1f83f8322c..423914ee39 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -101,4 +101,6 @@
 |2022/04/25                | HMToken        | 0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4 | N/A                                        |
 |2022/04/25                | EscrowFactory  | 0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94 |                                            |
-|2022/04/29                | EthKVStore     | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF | N/A                                        |
\ No newline at end of file
+|2022/04/29                | EthKVStore     | 0x32e27177BA6Ea91cf28dfd91a0Da9822A4b74EcF | N/A                                        |
+|2023/01/17                | Staking        | 0x76E2EF2E177097E0b296E1e305d69Fe8Bae5f774 | 0xf421fD3eB97982C205966ebB514Ab2E435c6d5B7 |
+|2023/01/17                | EthKVStore     | 0x459EE403d060B84b5014605D6739cCFed32AFb96 | N/A                                        |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/apps/escrow-dashboard/src/constants/index.ts b/packages/apps/escrow-dashboard/src/constants/index.ts
index 0b50c0d1c1..2c488cd993 100644
--- a/packages/apps/escrow-dashboard/src/constants/index.ts
+++ b/packages/apps/escrow-dashboard/src/constants/index.ts
@@ -85,8 +85,9 @@ export const ESCROW_NETWORKS: {
     title: 'Polygon Mumbai',
     scanUrl: '',
     rpcUrl: '',
-    subgraphUrl: '',
-    factoryAddress: '0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94',
+    subgraphUrl:
+      '',
+    factoryAddress: '0xA8D927C4DA17A6b71675d2D49dFda4E9eBE58f2d',
     hmtAddress: '0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4',
   [ChainId.MOONBEAM]: {
diff --git a/packages/examples/fortune/launcher/server/src/constants/networks.ts b/packages/examples/fortune/launcher/server/src/constants/networks.ts
index 7844b722f7..b2341ee68d 100644
--- a/packages/examples/fortune/launcher/server/src/constants/networks.ts
+++ b/packages/examples/fortune/launcher/server/src/constants/networks.ts
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ export const ESCROW_NETWORKS: {
       chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI,
       title: 'Polygon Mumbai',
       rpcUrl: '',
-      factoryAddress: '0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94',
+      factoryAddress: '0xA8D927C4DA17A6b71675d2D49dFda4E9eBE58f2d',
       hmtAddress: '0x0376D26246Eb35FF4F9924cF13E6C05fd0bD7Fb4',
   [ChainId.LOCALHOST]: {
diff --git a/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/ b/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/
index bf043be41e..d32f3275d5 100644
--- a/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/
+++ b/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ You can access it on `http://localhost:8020/`
 The deployment of the graph on each network is automatically triggered by the github CI when mofications are made on the subgraph.
 ### Tests
 To run tests next commands should be executed:
@@ -53,21 +52,24 @@ Following networks are supported :
 - Goerli
 - Polygon Mumbai (testnet)
-### Add a new network
+# Add a new network
 You can find networks configuration in the directory `config`. Each JSON file is use to generate the `subgraph.yaml` file for each network.
 1. Add your network configuration as `config/NETWORK.json`
-2. On the `package.json` file add the command `npm run quickstart:{NETWORK}`
-3. On the `./.github/workflows/deploy.yaml` file add these 3command at the end of the file
-   - run: node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js {yourNetworkName}
-   - run: npm run codegen
-   - run: graph deploy --product hosted-service humanprotocol/{yourNetworkName}
-Currently deploying to:
-- main branch ->
-- goerli branch ->
-- mumbai branch ->
+2. Run authentication command: `npx graph auth --product hosted-service [AUTH_TOKEN]`
+3. Generate `cross-env NETWORK=[NETWORK] yarn generate`
+4. Go to you hosted [service dashboard]( and create the new subgraph
+5. Deploy the subgraph `npx graph deploy --product hosted-service humanprotocol/[SUBGRAPH_NAME]`
+6. On the `./.github/workflows/cd-subgraph.yaml` add your network name and graph name.
+# Existing subgraphs
diff --git a/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/config/mumbai.json b/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/config/mumbai-v1.json
similarity index 69%
rename from packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/config/mumbai.json
rename to packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/config/mumbai-v1.json
index fb2517d478..fc2d844bff 100644
--- a/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/config/mumbai.json
+++ b/packages/sdk/typescript/subgraph/config/mumbai-v1.json
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
   "network": "mumbai",
   "description": "Human subgraph on Polygon Mumbai testnet",
   "EscrowFactory": {
-    "address": "0x558cd800f9F0B02f3B149667bDe003284c867E94",
-    "startBlock": 26086172,
+    "address": "0xA8D927C4DA17A6b71675d2D49dFda4E9eBE58f2d",
+    "startBlock": 31433945,
     "abi": "./node_modules/@human-protocol/core/abis/EscrowFactory.json"
   "HMToken": {
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
     "abi": "./node_modules/@human-protocol/core/abis/Escrow.json"
   "Staking": {
-    "address": "0xf421fD3eB97982C205966ebB514Ab2E435c6d5B7",
-    "startBlock": 31060831,
+    "address": "0x7Fd3dF914E7b6Bd96B4c744Df32183b51368Bfac",
+    "startBlock": 31433938,
     "abi": "./node_modules/@human-protocol/core/abis/Staking.json"
   "KVStore": {
-    "address": "0x459EE403d060B84b5014605D6739cCFed32AFb96",
-    "startBlock": 31059244,
+    "address": "0xD7F61E812e139a5a02eDae9Dfec146E1b8eA3807",
+    "startBlock": 31433948,
     "abi": "./node_modules/@human-protocol/core/abis/KVStore.json"