The docs are updated regularly; here are some recent highlights:
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
REST API docs are now generally available (PR #1620)
The Redis client reference docs have been updated (PR #1630)
The cluster maintenance mode article has been updated (PR #1647)
System log docs have been updated and expanded, including details describing alerts and events for databases, clusters, and nodes (PR #1631)
Kubernetes doc updates:
A new article shows how to create Active-Active databases on Kubernetes (PR #1555)
Docs have been updated to support Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes v6.2.8-2 (PR #1648)
The Options for Redis Enterprise databases article now describes databasePort (PR #1644)
The Options for Redis Enterprise clusters article now describes redisUpgradePolicy (PR #1645)
Release notes have been added for:
- RedisAI v1.2 (PR #1668)
- RedisBloom v2.2.9 (PR #1668)
- RedisGears v1.0.8 (PR #1682)
- RedisGraph 2.4.12 (PR #1668)
- RediSearch v2.25 (PR #1664) and v2.0.13 (PR #1652)
- RedisTimeSeries v1.4.13 (PR #1668)
- RedisInsight v2 public preview release notes have been added (PR #1676)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
Updated docs to support the v6.2.8 release (PR #1632), which included:
- Release notes (PR #1628)
- Updates to the Redis upgrade policy docs (PR #1599)
- Updates to the backup data and export data articles (PR #1548 & PR #1598)
REST API docs are in preview (PR #1533, PR #1621)
Redis Enterprise Cloud updates:
REST API docs have been clarified and updated to reflect the new user experience (PR #1651), which includes:
A new article describes how to migrate data to Redis Enterprise Cloud subscriptions (PR #1619)
Kubernetes doc updates:
- The Platforms section of the docs has been renamed to Kubernetes (PR #1562)
Additional changes
Modules: A new article documents Redis Enterprise feature compatibility support (PR #1504)
Release notes have been added for:
RedisInsight: v1.11 release notes have been added (PR #1605)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests.
Changes affecting all sections:
PDF support is enabled for all articles on the latest branch. (PR #1524 and others)
In addition, you can download a tarball containing PDFs of all docs. The tarball contains separate PDFs for each section of the website.
PDFs update when content is pushed to latest, so they're always up-to-date.
Issues with the in-page table of contents have been addressed. (PR #1543)
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
- Clarified and fixed issues in the 6.2.4 docs. (PR #1536)
Redis Enterprise Cloud updates:
Docs were updated to support the new user experience; these changes include updates, rewrites, and reorgs. Some changes remain, but the major workflows have been updated. (PR #1274 & PR #1548)
A new article helps you manage billing and payments for your subscription. (PR #1274)
Kubernetes doc updates:
Updated docs to support the K8s 6.2.4-1 release. (PR #1527)
Manage Redis Enterprise databases on Kubernetes has been updated. (PR #1524)
A new article shows how to connect to the admin console to manage the Redis Enterprise cluster in your Kubernetes deployment. (PR #1529)
A new article shows how to enable internode encryption between Redis Enterprise cluster nodes in your Kubernetes deployment. (PR #1526)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests.
Changes affecting all sections:
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
Updated docs to support the 6.2.4 release (PR #1479, PR #1489, PR #1472, PR #1506, PR #1511, and PR #1514):
A new article describing internode encryption
Rewrites to the upgrade existing deployment doc
A copy of the v6.0.x docs has been archived to support customers who remain on those releases (PR #1452)
Redis Enterprise Cloud
Kubernetes doc updates:
A new article describes how to set up external routing using an ingress controller (PR #1466, PR #1497)
Added a task describing how to run the log collector script (PR #1486, PR #1472)
Multiple typos and clarifications have been made throughout the section (PR #1505, PR #1516, PR #1517)
Additional updates:
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
Updated the Redis client reference to improve readability and navigation. (PR #1467)
Updated release notes to improve links to internal docs. (PR #1443)
Continued to refine install/setup docs, along with supporting material. (PR #1460)
Redis Enterprise Cloud doc updates:
Continued reorganizing docs to improve navigation and discoverability. Cloud account docs are now a top-level section and have been updated to improve accuracy and clarity. (PR #1454)
Continued updating preview docs to reflect the new admin console experience. (PR #1453)
Clarified a number of docs based on feedback (PR #1431, PR #1440, PR #1448)
Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes release notes
Created a support matrix detailing the distributions (and versions) supported by Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes. (PR #1451)
Created a new article describing how to manage Redis Enterprise cluster (REC) credentials. (PR #1466)
Added a warning noting that the size of a persistent volume cannot be changed after deployment. (PR #1449)
Redis module docs - Updated release notes for all modules to be current, consistent, and easier to navigate. (PR #1426)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
Updated Using Redis with .NET (PR #1401)
Added description of replication backlog to Update database configuration (PR #1389 and PR #1395)
Cleaned up release note navigation (PR #1406)
Redis Enterprise Cloud doc updates:
Editorial updates to multiple files, including:
- Quick start (PR #1415)
- System logs (PR #1409)
- Backup data (PR #1411)
- FAQs (PR #1409)
- and more
Continued updating preview docs to reflect the new admin console experience. (PR #1382 and PR #1419)
Platform docs
Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes release notes
Added 6.0.20-4 (May 2021) release notes (PR #1398)
Added 5.4.14 (March 2020) release notes (PR #1403)
Updated release note navigation (PR #1405)
Resolved navigation issue created when removing an out-of-date Redis Enterprise for Openshift article. (PR #1384)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
Added article describing compatibility with open source Redis (PR #1345)
Simplified install and update article and resolved navigation issues (PR #1376)
Updated password rotation article (PR #1355)
Redis Enterprise Cloud doc updates:
Added new article introducing high availability (PR #1371)
Updated data backup article to clarify instructions for Google Cloud Platform (PR #1348)
Created preview docs for updated user experience (PR #1274)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
Updated docs to support release 6.0.20, which includes new LDAP authentication docs, updated certificate docs, and more (PR #1317)
Documented Active-Active support for bitfield types (PR #1300)
Redis Enterprise Cloud doc updates:
Reorganized and simplified docs for common subscription and database operations (PR #1231)
Updated data backup article for Microsoft Azure (PR #1341)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests
Redis Enterprise Software doc updates:
Reorganized security docs (PR #918)
command reference (PR #1256) -
Updated install and setup doc (PR #1123)
Redis Enterprise Cloud doc updates:
Update docs to reflect new subscription plans (PR #1251)
Updated administration landing page (PR #1191)
Updated Enable the REST API page for clarity (PR #1244)
Additional changes
Added Glossary to help define terms consistently. (PR #1238)
Created Kubernetes quick start (PR #1174) and developer guides (PR #1173)
Additional updates to fix typos, missing images, and other glitches
To learn more, review the merged pull requests