diff --git a/first-network/byfn.sh b/first-network/byfn.sh index 588c56b913..4b4a3bad30 100755 --- a/first-network/byfn.sh +++ b/first-network/byfn.sh @@ -371,8 +371,10 @@ function generateChannelArtifacts() { echo "##########################################################" # Note: For some unknown reason (at least for now) the block file can't be # named orderer.genesis.block or the orderer will fail to launch! + set -x configtxgen -profile SampleMultiNodeEtcdRaft -channelID byfn-sys-channel -outputBlock ./channel-artifacts/genesis.block res=$? + set +x if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to generate orderer genesis block..." exit 1