diff --git a/docs/Setup/ca-setup.md b/docs/Setup/ca-setup.md
index 9f8391d93c0..b5097bd59da 100644
--- a/docs/Setup/ca-setup.md
+++ b/docs/Setup/ca-setup.md
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ For the remainder of this server section, we assume that you have set the
#### Initializing the server
-Initialize the Fabric CA server as follows:
+Initialize the Fabric CA server as follows:
# fabric-ca server init CSR-JSON-FILE
@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ you will be running your fabric-ca server.
All of the fields above pertain to the X.509 certificate which is generated
by the `fabric server init` command as follows:
+###### CSR fields
- **CN** is the Common Name
- **keys** specifies the algorithm and key size as described below
- **O** is the organization name
@@ -121,7 +125,7 @@ Algorithm (ECDSA) with curve `prime256v1` and signature algorithm
"key": {
- "algo": "ecdsa"
+ "algo": "ecdsa"
"size": 256
@@ -292,13 +296,13 @@ of the following form to your fabric-ca server's configuration file:
- * `scheme` is one of *ldap* or *ldaps*;
- * `adminDN` is the distinquished name of the admin user;
+ * `scheme` is one of *ldap* or *ldaps*;
+ * `adminDN` is the distinquished name of the admin user;
* `pass` is the password of the admin user;
- * `host` is the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server;
- * `port` is the optional port number, where default 389 for *ldap* and 636 for *ldaps*;
- * `base` is the optional root of the LDAP tree to use for searches;
+ * `host` is the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server;
+ * `port` is the optional port number, where default 389 for *ldap* and 636 for *ldaps*;
+ * `base` is the optional root of the LDAP tree to use for searches;
* `filter` is a filter to use when searching to convert a login user name to
a distinquished name. For example, a value of `(uid=%s)` searches for LDAP
entries with the value of a `uid` attribute whose value is the login user name.
@@ -325,7 +329,7 @@ runs the LDAP tests in FABRIC_CA/cli/server/ldap/ldap_test.go, and stops the Ope
###### When LDAP is configured, attribute retrieval works as follows:
- * A client SDK sends a request for a batch of tcerts **with one or more attributes** to the fabric-ca server.
+ * A client SDK sends a request for a batch of tcerts **with one or more attributes** to the fabric-ca server.
* The fabric-ca server receives the tcert request and does as follows:
* extracts the enrollment ID from the token in the authorization header
(after validating the token);
@@ -362,7 +366,7 @@ listen http-in
server server3 hostname3:port
## Fabric CA Client
This section describes how to use the fabric-ca client.
@@ -391,6 +395,7 @@ In the examples in this document, the server's certificate is at
`$HOME/fabric-ca/server/server-cert.pem`. The file name must
match the name in the *client-config.json* file.
#### Enroll the bootstrap user
Unless the fabric-ca server is configured to use LDAP, it must
@@ -398,12 +403,35 @@ be configured with at least one pre-registered bootstrap user.
In the previous server-config.json in this document, that user
has an enrollment ID of *admin* with an enrollment secret of *adminpw*.
+First, create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) JSON file similar to
+the following. Customize it as desired.
+ "key": { "algo": "ecdsa", "size": 256 },
+ "names": [
+ {
+ "O": "Hyperledger Fabric",
+ "OU": "Fabric CA",
+ "L": "Raleigh",
+ "ST": "North Carolina",
+ "C": "US"
+ }
+ ]
+See [CSR fields](#csr-fields) for a description of the fields in this file.
+When enrolling, the CN (Common Name) field is automatically set to the enrollment ID
+which is *admin* in this example, so it can be omitted from the csr.json file.
The following command enrolls the admin user and stores an enrollment certificate (ECert)
in the fabric-ca client's home directory.
# export FABRIC_CA_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
-# fabric-ca client enroll -config client-config.json admin adminpw http://localhost:7054
+# fabric-ca client enroll -config client-config.json admin adminpw http://localhost:7054 csr.json
You should see a message similar to `[INFO] enrollment information was successfully stored in`
@@ -428,7 +456,7 @@ In particular, the invoker's identity must have been registered with the attribu
that the registrar is allowed to register.
For example, the attributes for a registrar might be as follows, indicating
-that this registrar identity can register peer, application, and user identities.
+that this registrar identity can register peer, application, and user identities.
"attrs": [{"name":"hf.Registrar.Roles", "value":"peer,app,user"}]
@@ -477,7 +505,11 @@ Now that you have successfully registered a peer identity,
you may now enroll the peer given the enrollment ID and secret
(i.e. the *password* from the previous section).
-This is similar to enrolling the bootstrap user previously except that
+First, create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) JSON file similar to
+the one described in the [Enrolling the bootstrap user](#EnrollBootstrap) section.
+Name the file *csr.json* for the following example.
+This is similar to enrolling the bootstrap user except that
we also demonstrate how to use environment variables to place
the key and certificate files in a specific location.
The following example shows how to place them into a Hyperledger Fabric
@@ -486,17 +518,17 @@ The *MSP_DIR* environment variable refers to the root
directory of MSP in Hyperledger Fabric and the $MSP_DIR/signcerts
and $MSP_DIR/keystore directories must exist.
-Also note that you must replace *gHIexUckKpHz* with the secret which was
+Also note that you must replace *\* with the secret which was
returned from the registration in the previous section.
# export FABRIC_CA_CERT_FILE=$MSP_DIR/signcerts/peer.pem
# export FABRIC_CA_KEY_FILE=$MSP_DIR/keystore/key.pem
-# fabric-ca client enroll -config client-config.json peer1 gHIexUckKpHz https://localhost:7054
+# fabric-ca client enroll -config client-config.json peer1 https://localhost:7054 csr.json
-The peer.pem and key.pem files should now exist at the specified locations.
+The peer.pem and key.pem files should now exist at the locations specified
+by the environment variables.
#### Revoke a certificate or user
@@ -564,57 +596,59 @@ following Postgres documentation: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/lib
### MySQL SSL Configuration
**Basic instructions for configuring SSL on MySQL server:**
1. Open or create my.cnf file for the server. Add or un-comment the lines below
in [mysqld] section. These should point to the key and certificates for the
server, and the root CA cert.
-Instruction on creating server and client side certs:
+ Instruction on creating server and client side certs:
+ [mysqld]
+ ssl-ca=ca-cert.pem
+ ssl-cert=server-cert.pem
+ ssl-key=server-key.pem
-Can run the following query to confirm SSL has been enabled.
+ Can run the following query to confirm SSL has been enabled.
-mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'have_%ssl';
+ mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'have_%ssl';
-Should see:
-| Variable_name | Value |
-| have_openssl | YES |
-| have_ssl | YES |
+ Should see:
+ ```
+ +---------------+-------+
+ | Variable_name | Value |
+ +---------------+-------+
+ | have_openssl | YES |
+ | have_ssl | YES |
+ +---------------+-------+
+ ```
2. After the server-side SSL configuration is finished, the next step is to
create a user who has a privilege to access the MySQL server over SSL. For that,
log in to the MySQL server, and type:
-mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ssluser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' REQUIRE SSL;
+ mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ssluser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' REQUIRE SSL;
-If you want to give a specific ip address from which the user will access the
-server change the '%' to the specific ip address.
+ If you want to give a specific ip address from which the user will access the
+ server change the '%' to the specific ip address.
-**MySQL Server - Require Client Certificates**
-Options for secure connections are similar to those used on the server side.
+ **MySQL Server - Require Client Certificates**
+ Options for secure connections are similar to those used on the server side.
-- ssl-ca identifies the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. This option,
-if used, must specify the same certificate used by the server.
-- ssl-cert identifies the client public key certificate.
-- ssl-key identifies the client private key.
+ - ssl-ca identifies the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. This option,
+ if used, must specify the same certificate used by the server.
+ - ssl-cert identifies the client public key certificate.
+ - ssl-key identifies the client private key.
-Suppose that you want to connect using an account that has no special encryption
-requirements or was created using a GRANT statement that includes the REQUIRE SSL
-option. As a recommended set of secure-connection options, start the MySQL
-server with at least --ssl-cert and --ssl-key, and invoke the fabric-ca server with
-**ca_certfiles** option set in the fabric-ca server file.
+ Suppose that you want to connect using an account that has no special encryption
+ requirements or was created using a GRANT statement that includes the REQUIRE SSL
+ option. As a recommended set of secure-connection options, start the MySQL
+ server with at least --ssl-cert and --ssl-key, and invoke the fabric-ca server with
+ **ca_certfiles** option set in the fabric-ca server file.
-To require that a client certificate also be specified, create the account using
-the REQUIRE X509 option. Then the client must also specify the proper client key
-and certificate files or the MySQL server will reject the connection. CA cert,
-client cert, and client key are all required for the fabric-ca server.
+ To require that a client certificate also be specified, create the account using
+ the REQUIRE X509 option. Then the client must also specify the proper client key
+ and certificate files or the MySQL server will reject the connection. CA cert,
+ client cert, and client key are all required for the fabric-ca server.