diff --git a/scripts/chain_label_from_mmcif.py b/scripts/chain_label_from_mmcif.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93a3d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/chain_label_from_mmcif.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import os
+import glob
+from Bio.PDB import protein_letters_3to1
+import json
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from unifold.msa.mmcif import parse
+import argparse
+import gzip
+import numpy as np
+from unifold.data.residue_constants import restype_order_with_x
+from unifold.msa.templates import _get_atom_positions as get_atom_positions
+import pickle
+def mmcif_object_to_fasta(mmcif_object, auth_chain_id: str) -> str:
+    residues = mmcif_object.seqres_to_structure[auth_chain_id]
+    residue_names = [residues[t].name for t in range(len(residues))]
+    residue_letters = [
+        protein_letters_3to1[n] if n in protein_letters_3to1.keys() else "X"
+        for n in residue_names
+    ]
+    # take care of cases where residue letters are of length 3
+    # simply by replacing them as 'X' ('UNK')
+    filter_out_triple_letters = lambda x: x if len(x) == 1 else "X"
+    fasta_string = "".join([filter_out_triple_letters(n) for n in residue_letters])
+    return fasta_string
+def get_label(input_args):
+    mmcif_file, label_dir = input_args
+    pdb_id = os.path.basename(mmcif_file).split(".")[0]
+    with gzip.open(mmcif_file, "rb") as fn:
+        cif_string = fn.read().decode("utf8")
+    parsing_result = parse(file_id=pdb_id, mmcif_string=cif_string)
+    mmcif_obj = parsing_result.mmcif_object
+    information = []
+    if mmcif_obj is not None:
+        for chain_id in mmcif_obj.chain_to_seqres:
+            label_name = f"{pdb_id}_{chain_id}"
+            label_path = os.path.join(label_dir, f"{label_name}.label.pkl.gz")
+            try:
+                all_atom_positions, all_atom_mask = get_atom_positions(
+                    mmcif_obj, chain_id, max_ca_ca_distance=float("inf")
+                )
+                sequence = mmcif_object_to_fasta(mmcif_obj, chain_id)
+                aatype_idx = np.array(
+                    [
+                        restype_order_with_x[rn]
+                        if rn in restype_order_with_x
+                        else restype_order_with_x["X"]
+                        for rn in sequence
+                    ]
+                )
+                resolution = np.array([mmcif_obj.header["resolution"]])
+                seq_len = aatype_idx.shape[0]
+                _, counts = np.unique(aatype_idx, return_counts=True)
+                freqs = counts.astype(np.float32) / seq_len
+                max_freq = np.max(freqs)
+                if resolution > 9 or max_freq > 0.8:
+                    continue
+                date = mmcif_obj.header["release_date"]
+                release_date = np.array([date])
+                label = {
+                    "aatype_index": aatype_idx.astype(np.int8),  # [NR,]
+                    "all_atom_positions": all_atom_positions.astype(
+                        np.float32
+                    ),  # [NR, 37, 3]
+                    "all_atom_mask": all_atom_mask.astype(np.int8),  # [NR, 37]
+                    "resolution": resolution.astype(np.float32),  # [1,]
+                    "release_date": release_date,
+                }
+                pickle.dump(label, gzip.GzipFile(label_path, "wb"), protocol=4)
+            except Exception as e:
+                information.append("{} {} error".format(label_name, str(e)))
+    else:
+        print(pdb_id, "Parse mmcif error")
+        return pdb_id, "Parse mmcif error"
+    if len(information) > 0:
+        print(pdb_id, "\t".join(information))
+        return pdb_id, "\t".join(information)
+    else:
+        return None
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("--mmcif-dir", type=str, default="")
+    parser.add_argument("--label-dir", type=str, default="")
+    parser.add_argument("--output-fn", type=str, default="")
+    parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    print(args)
+    os.makedirs(args.label_dir, exist_ok=True)
+    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.output_fn), exist_ok=True)
+    mmcif_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.mmcif_dir, "*.cif.gz"))
+    file_cnt = len(mmcif_files)
+    print(f"len(mmcif_files): {len(mmcif_files)}")
+    def input_files():
+        for fn in mmcif_files:
+            yield fn, args.label_dir
+    meta_dict = {}
+    with Pool(1 if args.debug else 64) as pool:
+        for ret in tqdm(
+            pool.imap(get_label, input_files(), chunksize=10), total=file_cnt
+        ):
+            if ret is not None:
+                meta_dict[ret[0]] = ret[1]
+    json.dump(meta_dict, open(args.output_fn, "w"), indent=2)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()