diff --git a/docs/en/API-reference.md b/docs/en/API-reference.md
index 6ffa38928..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/en/API-reference.md
+++ b/docs/en/API-reference.md
@@ -1,542 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/parse/parse) for more information.
-# API Reference
-Instead of modifying the native `Date.prototype`, Day.js creates a wrapper for the Date object, called `Dayjs` object.
-The `Dayjs` object is immutable, that is, all API operations that change the `Dayjs` object in some way will return a new instance of it.
-- [API Reference](#api-reference)
- - [Parsing](#parsing)
- - [Constructor `dayjs(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`](#constructor-dayjsdateType-string--number--date--dayjs)
- - [ISO 8601 string](#iso-8601-string)
- - [Native Javascript Date object](#native-javascript-date-object)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)](#unix-timestamp-milliseconds)
- - [Unix Timestamp (seconds)](#unix-timestamp-seconds-unixvalue-number)
- - [Custom Parse Format](#custom-parse-format)
- - [Clone `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`](#clone-clone--dayjsoriginal-dayjs)
- - [Validation `.isValid()`](#validation-isvalid)
- - [Get and Set](#get-and-set)
- - [Year `.year()`](#year-year)
- - [Month `.month()`](#month-month)
- - [Day of the Month `.date()`](#day-of-the-month-date)
- - [Day of the Week `.day()`](#day-of-the-week-day)
- - [Hour `.hour()`](#hour-hour)
- - [Minute `.minute()`](#minute-minute)
- - [Second `.second()`](#second-second)
- - [Millisecond `.millisecond()`](#millisecond-millisecond)
- - [Get `.get(unit: string)`](#get-getunit-string)
- - [List of all available units](#list-of-all-available-units)
- - [Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`](#set-setunit-string-value-number)
- - [Manipulating](#manipulating)
- - [Add `.add(value: number, unit: string)`](#add-addvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Subtract `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`](#subtract-subtractvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Start of Time `.startOf(unit: string)`](#start-of-time-startofunit-string)
- - [End of Time `.endOf(unit: string)`](#end-of-time-endofunit-string)
- - [Displaying](#displaying)
- - [Format `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`](#format-formatstringwithtokens-string)
- - [List of all available formats](#list-of-all-available-formats)
- - [Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`](#difference-diffcompared-dayjs-unit-string-float-boolean)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) `.valueOf()`](#unix-timestamp-milliseconds-valueof)
- - [Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix()`](#unix-timestamp-seconds-unix)
- - [UTC offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`](#utc-offset-minutes-utcoffset)
- - [Days in the Month `.daysInMonth()`](#days-in-the-month-daysinmonth)
- - [As Javascript Date `.toDate()`](#as-javascript-date-todate)
- - [As JSON `.toJSON()`](#as-json-tojson)
- - [As ISO 8601 String `.toISOString()`](#as-iso-8601-string-toisostring)
- - [As String `.toString()`](#as-string-tostring)
- - [Query](#query)
- - [Is Before `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-before-isbeforecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is Same `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-same-issamecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is After `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-after-isaftercompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is a Dayjs `.isDayjs()`](#is-a-dayjs-isdayjscompared-any)
- - [UTC](#utc)
- - [Plugin APIs](#plugin-apis)
-## Parsing
-### Constructor `dayjs(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`
-Calling it without parameters returns a fresh `Dayjs` object with the current date and time.
-Day.js also parses other date formats.
-#### [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) string
-#### Native Javascript Date object
-dayjs(new Date(2018, 8, 18))
-#### Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)
-Returns a `Dayjs` from a Unix timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix Epoch)
-### Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix(value: number)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` from a Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix Epoch)
-### Custom Parse Format
-- parse custom formats `dayjs("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY")` in plugin [`CustomParseFormat`](./Plugin.md#customparseformat)
-### Clone `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs`.
-dayjs(dayjs('2019-01-25')) // passing a Dayjs object to a constructor will also clone it
-### Validation `.isValid()`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating whether the `Dayjs`'s date is valid.
-## Get and Set
-### Year `.year()`
-Gets or sets the year.
-### Month `.month()`
-Gets or sets the month. Starts at 0
-### Day of the Month `.date()`
-Gets or sets the day of the month. Starts at 1
-### Day of the Week `.day()`
-Gets or sets the day of the week. Starts on Sunday with 0
-### Hour `.hour()`
-Gets or sets the hour.
-### Minute `.minute()`
-Gets or sets the minute.
-### Second `.second()`
-Gets or sets the second.
-### Millisecond `.millisecond()`
-Gets or sets the millisecond.
-### Get `.get(unit: string)`
-Returns a `number` with information getting from `Dayjs` object
-dayjs().get('month') // start 0
-#### List of all available units
-| Unit | Shorthand | Description |
-| ------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `date` | | Date of Month |
-| `day` | `d` | Day of Week (Sunday as 0, Saturday as 6) |
-| `month` | `M` | Month (January as 0, December as 11) |
-| `year` | `y` | Year |
-| `hour` | `h` | Hour |
-| `minute` | `m` | Minute |
-| `second` | `s` | Second |
-| `millisecond` | `ms` | Millisecond |
-### Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` with the applied changes.
-dayjs().set('date', 1)
-dayjs().set('month', 3) // April
-dayjs().set('second', 30)
-## Manipulating
-`Dayjs` object can be manipulated in many ways.
- .add(1, 'day')
- .subtract(1, 'year')
- .toString() // Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT
-### Add `.add(value: number, unit: string)`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` with a specified amount of time added.
-dayjs().add(7, 'day')
-### Subtract `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` with a specified amount of time subtracted.
-dayjs().subtract(7, 'year')
-### Start of Time `.startOf(unit: string)`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` set to the start of the specified unit of time.
-dayjs().startOf('week') // Depends on `weekStart` in locale
-### End of Time `.endOf(unit: string)`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` set to the end of the specified unit of time.
-## Displaying
-### Format `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`
-Returns a `string` with the `Dayjs`'s formatted date.
-To escape characters, wrap them in square brackets (e.g. `[A] [MM]`).
-dayjs().format() // current date in ISO8601, without fraction seconds e.g. '2020-04-02T08:02:17-05:00'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('[YYYY] YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]') // 'YYYY 2019-01-25T00:00:00-02:00Z'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('DD/MM/YYYY') // '25/01/2019'
-#### List of all available formats
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ---------------- | ------------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Two-digit year |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Four-digit year |
-| `M` | 1-12 | The month, beginning at 1 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | The month, 2-digits |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | The full month name |
-| `D` | 1-31 | The day of the month |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | The day of the month, 2-digits |
-| `d` | 0-6 | The day of the week, with Sunday as 0 |
-| `dd` | Su-Sa | The min name of the day of the week |
-| `ddd` | Sun-Sat | The short name of the day of the week |
-| `dddd` | Sunday-Saturday | The name of the day of the week |
-| `H` | 0-23 | The hour |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | The hour, 2-digits |
-| `h` | 1-12 | The hour, 12-hour clock |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | The hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
-| `m` | 0-59 | The minute |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | The minute, 2-digits |
-| `s` | 0-59 | The second |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | The second, 2-digits |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | The millisecond, 3-digits |
-| `Z` | +05:00 | The offset from UTC |
-| `ZZ` | +0500 | The offset from UTC, 2-digits |
-| `A` | AM PM | |
-| `a` | am pm | |
-- More available formats `Q Do k kk X x ...` in plugin [`AdvancedFormat`](./Plugin.md#advancedformat)
-- Localized format options `L LT LTS ...` in plugin [`LocalizedFormat`](./Plugin.md#localizedFormat)
-### Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`
-Returns a `number` indicating the difference of two `Dayjs`s in the specified unit.
-const date1 = dayjs('2019-01-25')
-const date2 = dayjs('2018-06-05')
-date1.diff(date2) // 20214000000 default milliseconds
-date1.diff(date2, 'month') // 7
-date1.diff(date2, 'month', true) // 7.645161290322581
-date1.diff(date2, 'day') // 233
-### Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) `.valueOf()`
-Returns the `number` of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch for the `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').valueOf() // 1548381600000
-### Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix()`
-Returns the `number` of seconds since the Unix Epoch for the `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').unix() // 1548381600
-### UTC Offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`
-Returns the UTC offset in minutes for the `Dayjs`.
-### Days in the Month `.daysInMonth()`
-Returns the `number` of days in the `Dayjs`'s month.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').daysInMonth() // 31
-### As Javascript Date `.toDate()`
-Returns a copy of the native `Date` object parsed from the `Dayjs` object.
-### As JSON `.toJSON()`
-Returns the `Dayjs` formatted in an ISO8601 `string`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toJSON() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### As ISO 8601 String `.toISOString()`
-Returns the `Dayjs` formatted in an ISO8601 `string`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toISOString() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### As String `.toString()`
-Returns a `string` representation of the date.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toString() // 'Fri, 25 Jan 2019 02:00:00 GMT'
-## Query
-### Is Before `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating whether the `Dayjs`'s date is before the other supplied `Dayjs`'s.
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Is Same `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating whether the `Dayjs`'s date is the same as the other supplied `Dayjs`'s.
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs(), 'year') // true
-### Is After `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating whether the `Dayjs`'s date is after the other supplied `Dayjs`'s.
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Is a Dayjs `.isDayjs(compared: any)`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating whether a variable is a dayjs object or not.
-dayjs.isDayjs(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs.isDayjs(new Date()) // false
-The operator `instanceof` works equally well:
-dayjs() instanceof dayjs // true
-## UTC
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` with plugin [`UTC`](./Plugin.md#utc)
-## Plugin APIs
-### RelativeTime
-`.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` to get relative time
-plugin [`RelativeTime`](./Plugin.md#relativetime)
-### IsLeapYear
-`.isLeapYear` to get is a leap year or not
-plugin [`IsLeapYear`](./Plugin.md#isleapyear)
-### WeekOfYear
-`.week` to get week of the year
-plugin [`WeekOfYear`](./Plugin.md#weekofyear)
-### WeekDay
-`.weekday` to get or set locale aware day of the week
-plugin [`WeekDay`](./Plugin.md#weekday)
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-`.isoWeeksInYear` to get the number of weeks in year
-plugin [`IsoWeeksInYear`](./Plugin.md#isoweeksinyear)
-### IsSameOrAfter
-`.isSameOrAfter` to check if a date is same of after another date
-plugin [`IsSameOrAfter`](./Plugin.md#issameorafter)
-### IsSameOrBefore
-`.isSameOrBefore` to check if a date is same of before another date.
-plugin [`IsSameOrBefore`](./Plugin.md#issameorbefore)
-### IsBetween
-`.isBetween` to check if a date is between two other dates
-plugin [`IsBetween`](./Plugin.md#isbetween)
-### QuarterOfYear
-`.quarter` to get quarter of the year
-plugin [`QuarterOfYear`](./Plugin.md#quarterofyear)
-### ToArray
-`.toArray` to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-plugin [`ToArray`](./Plugin.md#toarray)
-### ToObject
-`.toObject` to return an `object` with the date's properties
-plugin [`ToObject`](./Plugin.md#toobject)
-### MinMax
-`.min` `.max` to compare given dayjs instances
-plugin [`MinMax`](./Plugin.md#minmax)
-### Calendar
-`.calendar` to display calendar time
-plugin [`Calendar`](./Plugin.md#calendar)
-### UpdateLocale
-`.updateLocale` to update a locale's properties
-plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/en/I18n.md b/docs/en/I18n.md
index 98ba94380..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/en/I18n.md
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@@ -1,165 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/i18n/i18n) for more information.
-## Internationalization
-Day.js has great support for internationalization.
-But none of them will be included in your build unless you use that.
-By default, Day.js comes with English (United States) locale.
-You can load multiple locales and switch between them easily.
-[List of supported locales](../../src/locale)
-You are super welcome to add a locale by opening a pull request :+1:
-## API
-#### Changing locale globally
-- Returns locale string
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
-import de from 'dayjs/locale/de'
-dayjs.locale('es') // use loaded locale globally
-dayjs.locale('de-german', de) // use locale and update default name string
-const customizedLocaleObject = { ... } // More details can be found in Customize section below.
-dayjs.locale(customizedLocaleObject) // use customize locale
-dayjs.locale('en') // switch back to default English locale globally
-- Changing the global locale doesn't affect existing instances.
-#### Changing locales locally
-- Returns a new `Dayjs` object by switching to new locale.
-Exactly the same as `dayjs#locale`, but only use locale in a specific instance.
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
- .locale('es')
- .format() // use loaded locale locally
-dayjs('2018-4-28', { locale: 'es' }) // through constructor
-## Installation
-- Via NPM:
-import 'dayjs/locale/es' // load on demand
-// require('dayjs/locale/es') // CommonJS
-// import locale_es from 'dayjs/locale/es' -> load and get locale_es locale object
-dayjs.locale('es') // use locale globally
- .locale('es')
- .format() // use locale in a specific instance
-- Via CDN:
-## Customize
-You could update locale config via plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
-You could also create your own locale.
-Feel free to open a pull request to share your locale.
-Template of a Day.js locale Object.
-const localeObject = {
- name: 'es', // name String
- weekdays: 'Domingo_Lunes ...'.split('_'), // weekdays Array
- weekdaysShort: 'Sun_M'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short weekdays Array, use first three letters if not provided
- weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, min weekdays Array, use first two letters if not provided
- weekStart: 1, // OPTIONAL, set the start of a week. If the value is 1, Monday will be the start of week instead of Sunday。
- yearStart: 4, // OPTIONAL, the week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
- months: 'Enero_Febrero ... '.split('_'), // months Array
- monthsShort: 'Jan_F'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short months Array, use first three letters if not provided
- ordinal: n => `${n}º`, // ordinal Function (number) => return number + output
- formats: {
- // abbreviated format options allowing localization
- LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
- LT: 'h:mm A',
- L: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
- LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
- LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
- // lowercase/short, optional formats for localization
- l: 'D/M/YYYY',
- ll: 'D MMM, YYYY',
- lll: 'D MMM, YYYY h:mm A',
- llll: 'ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A'
- },
- relativeTime: {
- // relative time format strings, keep %s %d as the same
- future: 'in %s', // e.g. in 2 hours, %s been replaced with 2hours
- past: '%s ago',
- s: 'a few seconds',
- m: 'a minute',
- mm: '%d minutes',
- h: 'an hour',
- hh: '%d hours', // e.g. 2 hours, %d been replaced with 2
- d: 'a day',
- dd: '%d days',
- M: 'a month',
- MM: '%d months',
- y: 'a year',
- yy: '%d years'
- },
- meridiem: (hour, minute, isLowercase) => {
- return hour > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'
- }
-Template of a Day.js locale file.
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-const locale = { ... } // Your Day.js locale Object.
-dayjs.locale(locale, null, true) // load locale for later use
-export default locale
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/en/Installation.md b/docs/en/Installation.md
index fe90dc25b..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/en/Installation.md
+++ b/docs/en/Installation.md
@@ -1,49 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/installation/installation) for more information.
-## Installation Guide
-You have multiple ways of getting Day.js:
-- Via NPM:
-npm install dayjs --save
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-// Or CommonJS
-// var dayjs = require('dayjs');
-- Via CDN:
-- Via download and self-hosting:
-Just download the latest version of Day.js at [https://unpkg.com/dayjs/](https://unpkg.com/dayjs/)
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/en/Plugin.md b/docs/en/Plugin.md
index c29e266e5..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/en/Plugin.md
+++ b/docs/en/Plugin.md
@@ -1,510 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/plugin/plugin) for more information.
-# Plugin List
-A plugin is an independent module that can be added to Day.js to extend functionality or add new features.
-By default, Day.js comes with core code only and no installed plugin.
-You can load multiple plugins based on your need.
-## API
-#### Extend
-- Returns dayjs
-Use a plugin.
-import plugin
-dayjs.extend(plugin, options) // with plugin options
-## Installation
-- Via NPM:
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // load on demand
-dayjs.extend(AdvancedFormat) // use plugin
-- Via CDN:
-## List of official plugins
-### UTC
-- UTC adds `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` APIs to parse or display in UTC.
-import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
-// default local time
-dayjs().format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-// UTC mode
-dayjs.utc().format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
- .utc()
- .format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
-// While in UTC mode, all display methods will display in UTC time instead of local time.
-// And all getters and setters will internally use the Date#getUTC* and Date#setUTC* methods instead of the Date#get* and Date#set* methods.
-dayjs.utc().isUTC() // true
- .utc()
- .local()
- .format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') // with CustomParseFormat plugin
-dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD', true) // with CustomParseFormat plugin & Using strict parsing
-By default, Day.js parses and displays in local time.
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `dayjs.utc()` instead of `dayjs()`.
-You may specify a boolean for the last argument to use `strict parsing`. Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, including delimiters.
-#### dayjs.utc `dayjs.utc(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs, format? string, strict?: boolean)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` object in UTC mode.
-#### Use UTC time `.utc()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use UTC time.
-#### Use local time `.local()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use local time.
-#### isUTC mode `.isUTC()`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating current `Dayjs` object is in UTC mode or not.
-### AdvancedFormat
-- AdvancedFormat extends `dayjs().format` API to supply more format options.
-import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat'
-dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `Q` | 1-4 | Quarter |
-| `Do` | 1st 2nd ... 31st | Day of Month with ordinal |
-| `k` | 1-24 | The hour, beginning at 1 |
-| `kk` | 01-24 | The hour, 2-digits, beginning at 1 |
-| `X` | 1360013296 | Unix Timestamp in second |
-| `x` | 1360013296123 | Unix Timestamp in millisecond |
-| `w` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | Week of year (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `ww` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `W` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-| `WW` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin)|
-| `wo` | 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd | Week of year with ordinal (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `gggg` | 2017 | Week Year (depend: weekYear plugin) |
-| `GGGG` | 2017 | ISO Week Year (depend: weekYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-### LocalizedFormat
-- LocalizedFormat extends `dayjs().format` API to supply localized format options.
-import LocalizedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat'
-dayjs().format('L LT')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | English Locale | Sample Output |
-| ------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `LT` | h:mm A | 8:02 PM |
-| `LTS` | h:mm:ss A | 8:02:18 PM |
-| `L` | MM/DD/YYYY | 08/16/2018 |
-| `LL` | MMMM D, YYYY | August 16, 2018 |
-| `LLL` | MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-| `LLLL` | dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-| `l` | M/D/YYYY | 8/16/2018 |
-| `ll` | MMM D, YYYY | Aug 16, 2018 |
-| `lll` | MMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Aug 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-| `llll` | ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Thu, Aug 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-### RelativeTime
-- RelativeTime adds `.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` APIs to formats date to relative time strings (e.g. 3 hours ago).
-import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
-dayjs().from(dayjs('1990')) // 2 years ago
-dayjs().from(dayjs(), true) // 2 years
-#### Time from now `.fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Returns the `string` of relative time from now.
-#### Time from X `.from(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Returns the `string` of relative time from X.
-#### Time to now `.toNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Returns the `string` of relative time to now.
-#### Time to X `.to(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Returns the `string` of relative time to X.
-| Range | Key | Sample Output |
-| ------------------------ | --- | -------------------------------- |
-| 0 to 44 seconds | s | a few seconds ago |
-| 45 to 89 seconds | m | a minute ago |
-| 90 seconds to 44 minutes | mm | 2 minutes ago ... 44 minutes ago |
-| 45 to 89 minutes | h | an hour ago |
-| 90 minutes to 21 hours | hh | 2 hours ago ... 21 hours ago |
-| 22 to 35 hours | d | a day ago |
-| 36 hours to 25 days | dd | 2 days ago ... 25 days ago |
-| 26 to 45 days | M | a month ago |
-| 46 days to 10 months | MM | 2 months ago ... 10 months ago |
-| 11 months to 17months | y | a year ago |
-| 18 months+ | yy | 2 years ago ... 20 years ago |
-### IsLeapYear
-- IsLeapYear adds `.isLeapYear` API to returns a `boolean` indicating whether the `Dayjs`'s year is a leap year or not.
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear'
-dayjs('2000-01-01').isLeapYear() // true
-### BuddhistEra
-- BuddhistEra extends `dayjs().format` API to supply Buddhist Era (B.E.) format options.
-- Buddhist Era is a year numbering system that primarily used in mainland Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand as well as in Sri Lanka and Chinese populations of Malaysia and Singapore for religious or official occasions ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_calendar))
-- To calculate BE year manually, just add 543 to year. For example 26 May 1977 AD/CE should display as 26 May 2520 BE (1977 + 543)
-import buddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra'
-dayjs().format('BBBB BB')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ------ | ------------------------- |
-| `BBBB` | 2561 | Full BE Year (Year + 543) |
-| `BB` | 61 | 2-digit of BE Year |
-### IsSameOrAfter
-- IsSameOrAfter adds `.isSameOrAfter()` API to returns a `boolean` indicating if a date is same of after another date.
-import isSameOrAfter from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsSameOrBefore
-- IsSameOrBefore adds `.isSameOrBefore()` API to returns a `boolean` indicating if a date is same of before another date.
-import isSameOrBefore from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrBefore('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsBetween
-- IsBetween adds `.isBetween()` API to returns a `boolean` indicating if a date is between two other dates.
-import isBetween from 'dayjs/plugin/isBetween'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isBetween('2010-10-19', dayjs('2010-10-25'), 'year')
-dayjs('2016-10-30').isBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-10-30', null, '[)')
-// '[' indicates inclusion, '(' indicates exclusion
-### DayOfYear
-- DayOfYear adds `.dayOfYear()` API to returns a `number` indicating the `Dayjs`'s day of the year, or to set the day of the year.
-import dayOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/dayOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear() // 1
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear(365) // 2010-12-31
-### WeekOfYear
-- WeekOfYear adds `.week()` API to returns a `number` indicating the `Dayjs`'s week of the year.
-import weekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear'
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week() // 26
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week(5) // set week
-### WeekDay
-- WeekDay adds `.weekday()` API to get or set locale aware day of the week.
-import weekday from 'dayjs/plugin/weekday'
-// when Monday is the first day of the week
-dayjs().weekday(-7) // last Monday
-dayjs().weekday(7) // next Monday
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-- IsoWeeksInYear adds `.isoWeeksInYear()` API to return a `number` to get the number of weeks in year, according to ISO weeks.
-import isoWeeksInYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isoWeeksInYear'
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear' // rely on isLeapYear plugin
-dayjs('2004-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 53
-dayjs('2005-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 52
-### QuarterOfYear
-- QuarterOfYear adds `.quarter()` API to return to which quarter of the year belongs a date, and extends `.add` `.subtract` `.startOf` `.endOf` APIs to support unit `quarter`.
-import quarterOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-04-01').quarter() // 2
-### CustomParseFormat
-- CustomParseFormat extends `dayjs()` constructor to support custom formats of input strings.
-To escape characters, wrap them in square brackets (e.g. `[G]`). Punctuation symbols (-:/.()) do not need to be wrapped.
-import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat'
-dayjs('05/02/69 1:02:03 PM -05:00', 'MM/DD/YY H:mm:ss A Z')
-// Returns an instance containing '1969-05-02T18:02:03.000Z'
-dayjs('2018 Enero 15', 'YYYY MMMM DD', 'es')
-// Returns an instance containing '2018-01-15T00:00:00.000Z'
-#### List of all available format tokens
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ---------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Two-digit year |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Four-digit year |
-| `M` | 1-12 | Month, beginning at 1 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | Month, 2-digits |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | The full month name |
-| `D` | 1-31 | Day of month |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | Day of month, 2-digits |
-| `H` | 0-23 | Hours |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | Hours, 2-digits |
-| `h` | 1-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
-| `m` | 0-59 | Minutes |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | Minutes, 2-digits |
-| `s` | 0-59 | Seconds |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | Seconds, 2-digits |
-| `S` | 0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit |
-| `SS` | 00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | Milliseconds, 3-digits |
-| `Z` | -05:00 | Offset from UTC |
-| `ZZ` | -0500 | Compact offset from UTC, 2-digits |
-| `A` | AM PM | Post or ante meridiem, upper-case |
-| `a` | am pm | Post or ante meridiem, lower-case |
-| `Do` | 1st... 31st | Day of Month with ordinal |
-### ToArray
-- ToArray adds `.toArray()` API to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-import toArray from 'dayjs/plugin/toArray'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toArray() // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
-### ToObject
-- ToObject adds `.toObject()` API to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-import toObject from 'dayjs/plugin/toObject'
-/* { years: 2019,
- months: 0,
- date: 25,
- hours: 0,
- minutes: 0,
- seconds: 0,
- milliseconds: 0 } */
-### MinMax
-- MinMax adds `.min` `.max` APIs to return a `dayjs` to compare given dayjs instances.
-import minMax from 'dayjs/plugin/minMax'
-dayjs.max(dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01'))
-dayjs.min([dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01')])
-### Calendar
-- Calendar adds `.calendar` API to return a `string` to display calendar time
-import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar'
-dayjs().calendar(null, {
- sameDay: '[Today at] h:mm A', // The same day ( Today at 2:30 AM )
- nextDay: '[Tomorrow]', // The next day ( Tomorrow at 2:30 AM )
- nextWeek: 'dddd', // The next week ( Sunday at 2:30 AM )
- lastDay: '[Yesterday]', // The day before ( Yesterday at 2:30 AM )
- lastWeek: '[Last] dddd', // Last week ( Last Monday at 2:30 AM )
- sameElse: 'DD/MM/YYYY' // Everything else ( 7/10/2011 )
-### UpdateLocale
-- UpdateLocale adds `.updateLocale` API to update a locale's properties.
-import updateLocale from 'dayjs/plugin/updateLocale'
-dayjs.updateLocale('en', {
- months : String[]
-## Customize
-You could build your own Day.js plugin to meet different needs.
-Feel free to open a pull request to share your plugin.
-Template of a Day.js plugin.
-export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
- // extend dayjs()
- // e.g. add dayjs().isSameOrBefore()
- dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
- // extend dayjs
- // e.g. add dayjs.utc()
- dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
- // overriding existing API
- // e.g. extend dayjs().format()
- const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format
- dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
- // original format result
- const result = oldFormat(arguments)
- // return modified result
- }
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/es-es/API-reference.md b/docs/es-es/API-reference.md
index 1f5cdc923..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/es-es/API-reference.md
+++ b/docs/es-es/API-reference.md
@@ -1,541 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/parse/parse) for more information.
-# Referencia de la API
-En lugar de modificar el `Date.prototype` nativo, Day.js construye una abstracción sobre el objeto `Date`: el objeto `Dayjs`.
-El objeto `Dayjs` es inmutable, por lo que toda operación de la API que altere de alguna forma la información contenida en el objeto `Dayjs` devolverá una nueva instancia de este.
-- [Referencia de la API](#referencia-de-la-api)
- - [Análisis](#análisis)
- - [Constructor `dayjs(existing?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`](#constructor-dayjsexisting-string--number--date--dayjs)
- - [Cadena [ISO 8601]](#cadena-iso-8601)
- - [Objeto `Date` nativo](#objeto-date-nativo)
- - [Tiempo Unix (milisegundos)](#tiempo-unix-milisegundos)
- - [Tiempo Unix (segundos)](#tiempo-unix-segundos-unixvalue-number)
- - [Custom Parse Format](#custom-parse-format)
- - [Clonar `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`](#clonar-clone--dayjsoriginal-dayjs)
- - [Validación `.isValid()`](#validación-isvalid)
- - [Get y Set](#get-y-set)
- - [Año `.year()`](#año-year)
- - [Mes `.month()`](#mes-month)
- - [Día del mes `.date()`](#día-del-mes-date)
- - [Día de la semana `.day()`](#día-de-la-semana-day)
- - [Hora `.hour()`](#hora-hour)
- - [Minuto `.minute()`](#minuto-minute)
- - [Segundo `.second()`](#segundo-second)
- - [Milisegundo `.millisecond()`](#milisegundo-millisecond)
- - [Get `.get(unit: string)`](#get-getunit-string)
- - [Lista de unidades disponibles](#lista-de-unidades-disponibles)
- - [Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`](#set-setunit-string-value-number)
- - [Manipulación](#manipulación)
- - [Añadir `.add(value: number, unit: string)`](#añadir-addvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Restar `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`](#restar-subtractvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Principio de `.startOf(unit: string)`](#principio-de-startofunit-string)
- - [Fin de `.endOf(unit: string)`](#fin-de-endofunit-string)
- - [Presentación](#presentación)
- - [Dar formato `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`](#dar-formato-formatstringwithtokens-string)
- - [Lista de formatos disponibles](#lista-de-formatos-disponibles)
- - [Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`](#difference-diffcompared-dayjs-unit-string-float-boolean)
- - [Tiempo Unix (milisegundos) `.valueOf()`](#tiempo-unix-milisegundos-valueof)
- - [Tiempo Unix (segundos) `.unix()`](#tiempo-unix-segundos-unix)
- - [UTC offset (minutos) `.utcOffset()`](#utc-offset-minutos-utcoffset)
- - [Días en el mes `.daysInMonth()`](#días-en-el-mes-daysinmonth)
- - [Como objeto `Date` `.toDate()`](#como-objeto-date-todate)
- - [Como JSON `.toJSON()`](#como-json-tojson)
- - [Como cadena ISO 8601 `.toISOString()`](#como-cadena-iso-8601-toisostring)
- - [Como cadena `.toString()`](#como-cadena-tostring)
- - [Consulta](#consulta)
- - [Anterior a `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#anterior-a-isbeforecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Igual que `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#igual-que-issamecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Posterior a `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#posterior-a-isaftercompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Es Dayjs `.isDayjs()`](#es-dayjs-isdayjscompared-any)
- - [UTC](#utc)
- - [API de complementos](#api-de-complementos)
-## Análisis
-### Constructor `dayjs(existing?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`
-Si se llama al constructor sin parámetros, este devuelve un nuevo objeto `Dayjs` con la fecha y hora actual.
-Day.js también analiza otros formatos de fecha.
-#### Cadena [ISO 8601](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601)
-#### Objeto `Date` nativo
-dayjs(new Date(2018, 8, 18))
-#### Tiempo Unix (milisegundos)
-Devuelve un objeto `Dayjs` a partir de un tiempo unix (milisegundos desde la época Unix).
-### Tiempo Unix (segundos) `.unix(value: number)`
-Devuelve un objeto `Dayjs` a partir de un tiempo Unix (segundos desde la época Unix).
-### Custom Parse Format
-- parse custom formats `dayjs("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY")` in plugin [`CustomParseFormat`](./Plugin.md#customparseformat)
-### Clonar `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`
-Devuelve una copia de `Dayjs`.
-dayjs(dayjs('2019-01-25')) // si el constructor recibe un objeto Dayjs también lo clonará
-### Validación `.isValid()`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `boolean`, que indica si la fecha `Dayjs` es válida o no.
-## Get y Set
-### Año `.year()`
-Gets or sets the year.
-### Mes `.month()`
-Gets or sets the month. Starts at 0
-### Día del mes `.date()`
-Gets or sets the day of the month. Starts at 1
-### Día de la semana `.day()`
-Gets or sets the day of the week. Starts on Sunday with 0
-### Hora `.hour()`
-Gets or sets the hour.
-### Minuto `.minute()`
-Gets or sets the minute.
-### Segundo `.second()`
-Gets or sets the second.
-### Milisegundo `.millisecond()`
-Gets or sets the millisecond.
-### Get `.get(unit: string)`
-Returns a `number` with information getting from `Dayjs` object
-dayjs().get('month') // start 0
-### Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`
-Devuelve un nuevo objeto `Dayjs` con los cambios aplicados.
-dayjs().set('date', 1)
-dayjs().set('month', 3) // Abril
-dayjs().set('second', 30)
-#### Lista de unidades disponibles
-| Unit | Abreviatura | Descripción |
-| ------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| `date` | | Día del mes |
-| `day` | `d` | Día de la semana (de domingo 0, a sábado 6) |
-| `month` | `M` | Mes (January as 0, December as 11) |
-| `year` | `y` | Año |
-| `hour` | `h` | Hora |
-| `minute` | `m` | Minuto |
-| `second` | `s` | Segundo |
-| `millisecond` | `ms` | Milisegundo |
-## Manipulación
-Los objetos `Dayjs` pueden manipularse de diversas formas.
- .add(1, 'day')
- .subtract(1, 'year')
- .toString() // Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT
-### Añadir `.add(value: number, unit: string)`
-Devuelve un nuevo objeto `Dayjs`, resultante de añadir al actual el tiempo indicado.
-dayjs().add(7, 'day')
-### Restar `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`
-Devuelve un nuevo objeto `Dayjs`, resultante de restar al actual el tiempo indicado.
-dayjs().subtract(7, 'year')
-### Principio de `.startOf(unit: string)`
-Devuelve un nuevo objeto `Dayjs`, resultante de ajustar el actual al principio de la unidad de tiempo indicada.
-dayjs().startOf('week') // Depends on `weekStart` in locale
-### Fin de `.endOf(unit: string)`
-Devuelve un nuevo objeto `Dayjs`, resultante de ajustar el actual al final de la unidad de tiempo indicada.
-## Presentación
-### Dar formato `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `string` con la fecha del objeto `Dayjs` formateada.
-Para escapar caracteres, estos se han de encerrar entre corchetes (p.ej.: `[A] [MM]`).
-dayjs().format() // fecha actual en ISO8601, sin fracciones de segundo p.ej. '2020-04-02T08:02:17-05:00'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('[YYYY] YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]') // 'YYYY 2019-01-25T00:00:00-02:00Z'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('DD/MM/YYYY') // '25/01/2019'
-#### Lista de formatos disponibles
-| Formato | Salida | Descripción |
-| ------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Año, con 2 dígitos |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Año, con 4 dígitos |
-| `M` | 1-12 | Mes, contando desde 1 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | Mes, con 2 dígitos |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | Nombre abreviado del mes |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | Nombre completo del mes |
-| `D` | 1-31 | Día del mes |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | Día del mes, con 2 dígitos |
-| `d` | 0-6 | Día de la semana, siendo el domingo el 0 |
-| `dd` | Su-Sa | Nombre mínimo del día de la semana |
-| `ddd` | Sun-Sat | Nombre abreviado del día de la semana |
-| `dddd` | Sunday-Saturday | Nombre del día de la semana |
-| `H` | 0-23 | Hora |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | Hora, con 2 dígitos |
-| `h` | 1-12 | Hora, formato de 12 horas |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hora, formato de 12 horas, con 2 dígitos |
-| `m` | 0-59 | Minutos |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | Minutos, con 2 dígitos |
-| `s` | 0-59 | Segundos |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | Segundos, con 2 dígitos |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | Milisegundos, con 3 dígitos |
-| `Z` | +05:00 | Diferencia horaria UTC |
-| `ZZ` | +0500 | Diferencia horaria UTC, con 2 dígitos |
-| `A` | AM PM | |
-| `a` | am pm | |
-- Más formatos disponibles `Q Do k kk X x ...` con el complemento [`AdvancedFormat`](./Plugin.md#advancedformat)
-- Localized format options `L LT LTS ...` in plugin [`LocalizedFormat`](./Plugin.md#localizedFormat)
-### Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `number`, que indica la diferencia existente entre dos objetos `Dayjs`, expresada en la unidad de tiempo dada.
-const date1 = dayjs('2019-01-25')
-const date2 = dayjs('2018-06-05')
-date1.diff(date2) // 20214000000 default milliseconds
-date1.diff(date2, 'month') // 7
-date1.diff(date2, 'month', true) // 7.645161290322581
-date1.diff(date2, 'day') // 233
-### Tiempo Unix (milisegundos) `.valueOf()`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `number`, que indica el número de milisegundos transcurridos desde la época Unix para el objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').valueOf() // 1548381600000
-### Tiempo Unix (segundos) `.unix()`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `number`, que indica el número de segundos transcurridos desde la época Unix para el objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').unix() // 1548381600
-### UTC Offset (minutos) `.utcOffset()`
-Devuelve el UTC offset en minutos del `Dayjs`.
-### Días en el mes `.daysInMonth()`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `number`, que indica el número de días contenidos en el mes del objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').daysInMonth() // 31
-### Como objeto `Date` `.toDate()`
-Devuelve un objeto `Date` nativo, obtenido a partir del objeto `Dayjs`.
-### Como JSON `.toJSON()`
-Devuelve un objeto `Dayjs` formateado como una cadena ISO8601.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toJSON() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### Como cadena ISO 8601 `.toISOString()`
-Devuelve un objeto `Dayjs` formateado como una cadena ISO8601.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toISOString() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### Como cadena `.toString()`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `string`, que representa la fecha.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toString() // 'Fri, 25 Jan 2019 02:00:00 GMT'
-## Consulta
-### Anterior a `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `boolean`, que indica si la fecha del objeto `Dayjs` inicial es anterior o no a la fecha del objeto `Dayjs` a comparar.
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Igual que `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `boolean`, que indica si la fecha del objeto `Dayjs` inicial es igual o no que la fecha del objeto `Dayjs` a comparar.
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs(), 'year') // true
-### Posterior a `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `boolean`, que indica si la fecha del objeto `Dayjs` inicial es posterior o no a la fecha del objeto `Dayjs` a comparar.
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Es Dayjs `.isDayjs(compared: any)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `boolean`, que indica si la variable proporcionada es un objeto `Dayjs` o no.
-dayjs.isDayjs(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs.isDayjs(new Date()) // false
-The operator `instanceof` works equally well:
-dayjs() instanceof dayjs // true
-## UTC
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` with plugin [`UTC`](./Plugin.md#utc)
-## API de complementos
-### RelativeTime
-`.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` para obtener el tiempo relativo
-complemento [`RelativeTime`](./Plugin.md#relativetime)
-### IsLeapYear
-`.isLeapYear` para saber si se trata de un año bisiesto o no
-complemento [`IsLeapYear`](./Plugin.md#isleapyear)
-### WeekOfYear
-`.week` para obtener la semana del año
-complemento [`WeekOfYear`](./Plugin.md#weekofyear)
-### WeekDay
-`.weekday` to get or set locale aware day of the week
-plugin [`WeekDay`](./Plugin.md#weekday)
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-`.isoWeeksInYear` to get the number of weeks in year
-plugin [`IsoWeeksInYear`](./Plugin.md#isoweeksinyear)
-### IsSameOrAfter
-`.isSameOrAfter` to check if a date is same of after another date
-plugin [`IsSameOrAfter`](./Plugin.md#issameorafter)
-### IsSameOrBefore
-`.isSameOrBefore` to check if a date is same of before another date.
-plugin [`IsSameOrBefore`](./Plugin.md#issameorbefore)
-### IsBetween
-`.isBetween` para comprobar si una fecha se encuentra entre otras dos fechas dadas
-complemento [`IsBetween`](./Plugin.md#isbetween)
-### QuarterOfYear
-`.quarter` to get quarter of the year
-plugin [`QuarterOfYear`](./Plugin.md#quarterofyear)
-### ToArray
-`.toArray` to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-plugin [`ToArray`](./Plugin.md#toarray)
-### ToObject
-`.toObject` to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-plugin [`ToObject`](./Plugin.md#toobject)
-### MinMax
-`.min` `.max` to compare given dayjs instances.
-plugin [`MinMax`](./Plugin.md#minmax)
-### Calendar
-`.calendar` to display calendar time
-plugin [`Calendar`](./Plugin.md#calendar)
-### UpdateLocale
-`.updateLocale` to update a locale's properties
-plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/es-es/I18n.md b/docs/es-es/I18n.md
index 7cf29e378..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/es-es/I18n.md
+++ b/docs/es-es/I18n.md
@@ -1,155 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/i18n/i18n) for more information.
-# Internacionalización
-Day.js soporta muy bien la internacionalización.
-Pero no se incluirá en tu compilación final a menos que así lo requieras.
-Por defecto, Day.js viene con la configuración regional de Estados Unidos (Inglés).
-Pero podemos cargar diferentes configuraciones regionales y alternar entre ellas fácilmente.
-[Lista de configuraciones regionales soportadas](../../src/locale)
-Estás más que invitado a añadir otra configuración regional abriendo una pull request :+1:.
-## API
-### Cambio de la configuración regional global
-- Devuelve una cadena de configuración regional
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
-import de from 'dayjs/locale/de'
-dayjs.locale('es') // uso global de la configuración regional cargada
-// uso de la configuración regional y actualización de su nombre predeterminado
-dayjs.locale('de-german', de)
-// Ver más detalles en la sección «Personalización» más abajo
-const customizedLocaleObject = { ... }
-// uso de la configuración regional personalizada
-dayjs.locale('en') // switch back to default English locale globally
-- Cambiar la configuración regional global no afecta a las instancias ya existentes.
-#### Cambio local de configuraciones regionales
-- Devuelve un nuevo objeto `Dayjs` con la nueva configuración regional.
-Se usa igual que `dayjs#locale`, con la salvedad de que se utiliza `locale` sobre una instancia específica.
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
- .locale('es')
- .format() // uso local de la configuración regional cargada
-dayjs('2018-4-28', { locale: es }) // ídem, pero mediante el constructor
-## Instalación
-- Vía NPM:
-import 'dayjs/locale/es' // carga bajo demanda
-// require('dayjs/locale/es') // CommonJS
-// import locale_es from 'dayjs/locale/es' -> carga y obtiene el objeto de configuración regional en locale_es
-dayjs.locale('es') // uso global de la configuración regional
-// uso de la configuración regional en una instancia específica
- .locale('es')
- .format()
-- Vía CDN:
-## Personalización
-You could update locale config via plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
-You could also create your own locale.
-Feel free to open a pull request to share your locale.
-Template of a Day.js locale Object.
-const localeObject = {
- name: 'es', // name String
- weekdays: 'Domingo_Lunes ...'.split('_'), // weekdays Array
- weekdaysShort: 'Sun_M'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short weekdays Array, use first three letters if not provided
- weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, min weekdays Array, use first two letters if not provided
- weekStart: 1, // OPTIONAL, set the start of a week. If the value is 1, Monday will be the start of week instead of Sunday。
- yearStart: 4, // OPTIONAL, the week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
- months: 'Enero_Febrero ... '.split('_'), // months Array
- monthsShort: 'Jan_F'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short months Array, use first three letters if not provided
- ordinal: n => `${n}º`, // ordinal Function (number) => return number + output
- relativeTime: {
- // relative time format strings, keep %s %d as the same
- future: 'in %s', // e.g. in 2 hours, %s been replaced with 2hours
- past: '%s ago',
- s: 'a few seconds',
- m: 'a minute',
- mm: '%d minutes',
- h: 'an hour',
- hh: '%d hours', // e.g. 2 hours, %d been replaced with 2
- d: 'a day',
- dd: '%d days',
- M: 'a month',
- MM: '%d months',
- y: 'a year',
- yy: '%d years'
- },
- meridiem: (hour, minute, isLowercase) => {
- return hour > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'
- }
-Template of a Day.js locale file.
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-const locale = { ... } // Your Day.js locale Object.
-dayjs.locale(locale, null, true) // load locale for later use
-export default locale
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/es-es/Installation.md b/docs/es-es/Installation.md
index 6ace039ea..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/es-es/Installation.md
+++ b/docs/es-es/Installation.md
@@ -1,49 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/installation/installation) for more information.
-# Guía de instalación
-Tienes a tu disposición varias opciones para obtener y utilizar Day.js:
-- Vía NPM:
-npm install dayjs --save
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-// O con CommonJS
-// var dayjs = require('dayjs');
-- Vía CDN:
-- Vía descarga directa y autohospedaje:
-Simplemente descarga la última versión de Day.js en [https://unpkg.com/dayjs/](https://unpkg.com/dayjs/).
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/es-es/Plugin.md b/docs/es-es/Plugin.md
index c77df6922..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/es-es/Plugin.md
+++ b/docs/es-es/Plugin.md
@@ -1,503 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/plugin/plugin) for more information.
-# Lista de complementos
-Un complemento o _plugin_ es un módulo independiente que puede añadirse a Day.js para extender su funcionalidad o añadir nuevas características.
-Por defecto, Day.js viene sin ningún complemento preinstalado, incluyendo únicamente el núcleo de la librería.
-Puedes cargar diversos complementos según tus necesidades.
-## API
-### Extend
-- Devuelve un objeto dayjs
-Método para declarar el uso de un complemento.
-import nombreComplemento
-dayjs.extend(nombreComplemento, options) // uso del complemento con opciones
-## Instalación
-- Vía NPM:
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // carga bajo demanda
-dayjs.extend(AdvancedFormat) // uso del complemento
-- Vía CDN:
-## Lista de complementos oficiales
-### UTC
-- UTC adds `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` APIs to parse or display in UTC.
-import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
-// default local time
-dayjs().format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-// UTC mode
-dayjs.utc().format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
- .utc()
- .format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
-// While in UTC mode, all display methods will display in UTC time instead of local time.
-// And all getters and setters will internally use the Date#getUTC* and Date#setUTC* methods instead of the Date#get* and Date#set* methods.
-dayjs.utc().isUTC() // true
- .utc()
- .local()
- .format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') // with CustomParseFormat plugin
-By default, Day.js parses and displays in local time.
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `dayjs.utc()` instead of `dayjs()`.
-#### dayjs.utc `dayjs.utc(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs, format? string)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` object in UTC mode.
-#### Use UTC time `.utc()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use UTC time.
-#### Use local time `.local()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use local time.
-#### isUTC mode `.isUTC()`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating current `Dayjs` object is in UTC mode or not.
-### AdvancedFormat
-- AdvancedFormat extiende la API `dayjs().format` para proporcionar más opciones de formato.
-import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat'
-dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x')
-Lista de formatos añadidos:
-| Formato | Salida | Descripción |
-| ------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `Q` | 1-4 | Cuarto |
-| `Do` | 1º 2º ... 31º | Día del mes con ordinal |
-| `k` | 1-24 | Hora, contando desde 1 |
-| `kk` | 01-24 | Hora, con 2 dígitos, contando desde 1 |
-| `X` | 1360013296 | Tiempo Unix en segundos |
-| `x` | 1360013296123 | Tiempo Unix en milisegundos |
-| `w` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | Week of year (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `ww` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `W` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-| `WW` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin)|
-| `wo` | 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd | Week of year with ordinal (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `gggg` | 2017 | Week Year (depend: weekYear plugin) |
-| `GGGG` | 2017 | ISO Week Year (depend: weekYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-### LocalizedFormat
-- LocalizedFormat extends `dayjs().format` API to supply localized format options.
-import LocalizedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat'
-dayjs().format('L LT')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | English Locale | Sample Output |
-| ------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `LT` | h:mm A | 8:02 PM |
-| `LTS` | h:mm:ss A | 8:02:18 PM |
-| `L` | MM/DD/YYYY | 08/16/2018 |
-| `LL` | MMMM D, YYYY | August 16, 2018 |
-| `LLL` | MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-| `LLLL` | dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-### RelativeTime
-- RelativeTime añade las API `.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` para dar formato de tiempo relativo a fechas (p.ej.: hace 3 horas).
-import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
-dayjs().from(dayjs('1990')) // hace 2 años
-dayjs().from(dayjs(), true) // 2 años
-#### Tiempo desde ahora `.fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `string`, con el tiempo relativo desde el instante actual.
-#### Tiempo desde X `.from(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Devuelve un dato de tipo `string`, con el tiempo relativo desde el instante X.
-#### Tiempo hasta ahora `.toNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Devuelve dato de tipo `string`, con el tiempo relativo transcurrido desde la fecha representada por el objeto `Dayjs` dado hasta el instante actual.
-#### Tiempo hasta X `.to(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Devuelve dato de tipo `string`, con el tiempo relativo transcurrido desde la fecha representada por el objeto `Dayjs` dado hasta el instante X especificado.
-| Rango | Clave | Ejemplo de salida |
-| --------------------------- | ----- | ---------------------------------- |
-| de 0 a 44 segundos | s | hace unos segundos |
-| de 45 a 89 segundos | m | hace un minuto |
-| de 90 segundos a 44 minutos | mm | hace 2 minutos ... hace 44 minutos |
-| de 45 a 89 minutos | h | hace una hora |
-| de 90 minutos a 21 horas | hh | hace 2 horas ... hace 21 horas |
-| de 22 a 35 horas | d | hace un día |
-| de 36 horas a 25 días | dd | hace 2 días ... hace 25 días |
-| de 26 a 45 días | M | hace un mes |
-| de 46 días a 10 meses | MM | hace 2 meses ... hace 10 meses |
-| de 11 a 17 meses | y | hace un año |
-| más de 18 meses | yy | hace 2 años ... hace 20 años |
-### IsLeapYear
-- IsLeapYear añade la API `.isLeapYear`, que devuelve un dato de tipo `boolean` indicando si el año del objeto `Dayjs` es bisiesto o no.
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear'
-dayjs('2000-01-01').isLeapYear() // true
-### BuddhistEra
-- BuddhistEra extiende la API `dayjs().format` para añadir opciones de formato relacionadas con la Era Budista (B.E.)
-- La Era Budista es un sistema de numeración anual, usado principalmente en los países del sudeste del continente asiático: Camboya, Laos, Birmania y Tailandia,así como en Sri Lanka y entre la población china de Malasia y Singapur, por razones religiosas o en eventos oficiales ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_calendar))
-- Para calcular manualmente el año de la BE tan sólo hemos de sumar 543 al año. Por ejemplo, el 26 Mayo 1977 AD/EC debe mostrarse como 26 Mayo 2520 BE (1977 + 543)
-import buddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra'
-dayjs().format('BBBB BB')
-Lista de formatos añadidos:
-| Formato | Salida | Descripción |
-| ------- | ------ | --------------------------- |
-| `BBBB` | 2561 | Año BE completo (Año + 543) |
-| `BB` | 61 | Año BE con 2 dígitos |
-### IsSameOrAfter
-- IsSameOrAfter adds `.isSameOrAfter()` API to returns a `boolean` indicating if a date is same of after another date.
-import isSameOrAfter from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsSameOrBefore
-- IsSameOrBefore adds `.isSameOrBefore()` API to returns a `boolean` indicating if a date is same of before another date.
-import isSameOrBefore from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrBefore('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsBetween
-- IsBetween añade la API `.isBetween()`, que devuelve un dato de tipo `boolean` indicando si una fecha se encuentra o no entre otras dos dadas.
-import isBetween from 'dayjs/plugin/isBetween'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isBetween('2010-10-19', dayjs('2010-10-25'), 'year')
-dayjs('2016-10-30').isBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-10-30', null, '[)')
-// '[' indicates inclusion, '(' indicates exclusion
-### DayOfYear
-- DayOfYear añade a la API `.dayOfYear()`, que devuelve un dato de tipo `number` indicando el día del año correspondiente a la fecha del objeto `Dayjs`, or to set the day of the year.
-import dayOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/dayOfYear'
-dayjs('2018-01-01').week() // 1
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear(365) // 2010-12-31
-### WeekOfYear
-- WeekOfYear añade la API `.week()`, que devuelve un dato de tipo `number` indicando la semana del año correspondiente a la fecha del objeto `Dayjs`.
-import weekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear'
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week() // 26
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week(5) // set week
-### WeekDay
-- WeekDay adds `.weekday()` API to get or set locale aware day of the week.
-import weekday from 'dayjs/plugin/weekday'
-// when Monday is the first day of the week
-dayjs().weekday(-7) // last Monday
-dayjs().weekday(7) // next Monday
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-- IsoWeeksInYear adds `.isoWeeksInYear()` API to return a `number` to get the number of weeks in year, according to ISO weeks.
-import isoWeeksInYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isoWeeksInYear'
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear' // rely on isLeapYear plugin
-dayjs('2004-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 53
-dayjs('2005-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 52
-### QuarterOfYear
-- QuarterOfYear add `.quarter()` API to return to which quarter of the year belongs a date, and extends `.add` `.subtract` `.startOf` `.endOf` APIs to support unit `quarter`.
-import quarterOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-04-01').quarter() // 2
-### CustomParseFormat
-- CustomParseFormat extends `dayjs()` constructor to support custom formats of input strings.
-To escape characters, wrap them in square brackets (e.g. `[G]`). Punctuation symbols (-:/.()) do not need to be wrapped.
-import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat'
-dayjs('05/02/69 1:02:03 PM -05:00', 'MM/DD/YY H:mm:ss A Z')
-// Returns an instance containing '1969-05-02T18:02:03.000Z'
-dayjs('2018 Enero 15', 'YYYY MMMM DD', 'es')
-// Returns an instance containing '2018-01-15T00:00:00.000Z'
-#### List of all available format tokens
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ---------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Two-digit year |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Four-digit year |
-| `M` | 1-12 | Month, beginning at 1 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | Month, 2-digits |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | The full month name |
-| `D` | 1-31 | Day of month |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | Day of month, 2-digits |
-| `H` | 0-23 | Hours |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | Hours, 2-digits |
-| `h` | 1-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
-| `m` | 0-59 | Minutes |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | Minutes, 2-digits |
-| `s` | 0-59 | Seconds |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | Seconds, 2-digits |
-| `S` | 0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit |
-| `SS` | 00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | Milliseconds, 3-digits |
-| `Z` | -05:00 | Offset from UTC |
-| `ZZ` | -0500 | Compact offset from UTC, 2-digits |
-| `A` | AM PM | Post or ante meridiem, upper-case |
-| `a` | am pm | Post or ante meridiem, lower-case |
-| `Do` | 1st... 31st | Día del mes con ordinal |
-### ToArray
-- ToArray add `.toArray()` API to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-import toArray from 'dayjs/plugin/toArray'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toArray() // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
-### ToObject
-- ToObject add `.toObject()` API to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-import toObject from 'dayjs/plugin/toObject'
-/* { years: 2019,
- months: 0,
- date: 25,
- hours: 0,
- minutes: 0,
- seconds: 0,
- milliseconds: 0 } */
-### MinMax
-- MinMax adds `.min` `.max` APIs to return a `dayjs` to compare given dayjs instances.
-import minMax from 'dayjs/plugin/minMax'
-dayjs.max(dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01'))
-dayjs.min([dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01')])
-### Calendar
-- Calendar adds `.calendar` API to return a `string` to display calendar time
-import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar'
-dayjs().calendar(null, {
- sameDay: '[Today at] h:mm A', // The same day ( Today at 2:30 AM )
- nextDay: '[Tomorrow]', // The next day ( Tomorrow at 2:30 AM )
- nextWeek: 'dddd', // The next week ( Sunday at 2:30 AM )
- lastDay: '[Yesterday]', // The day before ( Yesterday at 2:30 AM )
- lastWeek: '[Last] dddd', // Last week ( Last Monday at 2:30 AM )
- sameElse: 'DD/MM/YYYY' // Everything else ( 7/10/2011 )
-### UpdateLocale
-- UpdateLocale adds `.updateLocale` API to update a locale's properties.
-import updateLocale from 'dayjs/plugin/updateLocale'
-dayjs.updateLocale('en', {
- months : String[]
-## Personalización
-Puedes construir tu propio complemento de Day.js para cubrir tus necesidades.
-Siéntete libre de abrir una pull request para compartir tu complemento.
-Plantilla de un complemento de Day.js.
-export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
- // extensión de dayjs()
- // p.ej.: se añade dayjs().isSameOrBefore()
- dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
- // extensión de dayjs
- // p.ej.: se añade dayjs.utc()
- dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
- // sobrescritura de la API existente
- // p.ej.: extensión de dayjs().format()
- const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format
- dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
- // result contiene el formato original
- const result = oldFormat(arguments)
- // se ha de devolver result modificado
- }
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ja/API-reference.md b/docs/ja/API-reference.md
index 0b467c59b..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ja/API-reference.md
+++ b/docs/ja/API-reference.md
@@ -1,541 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/parse/parse) for more information.
-## API Reference
-Day.js は組み込みの `Date.prototype` を変更する代わりに `Dayjs` オブジェクトと呼ばれる Date オブジェクトのラッパーを作成します。
-`Dayjs` オブジェクトは不変 (immutable) です。すなわち、すべての API 操作は新しい `Dayjs` オブジェクトを返します。
-- [API Reference](#api-reference)
-- [Parsing](#parsing)
- - [Constructor `dayjs(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`](#constructor-dayjsdatetype-string--number--date--dayjs)
- - [ISO 8601 形式](#iso-8601-%E5%BD%A2%E5%BC%8F)
- - [Native Javascript Date object](#native-javascript-date-object)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)](#unix-timestamp-milliseconds)
- - [Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix(value: number)`](#unix-timestamp-seconds-unixvalue-number)
- - [Custom Parse Format](#custom-parse-format)
- - [Clone `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`](#clone-clone--dayjsoriginal-dayjs)
- - [Validation `.isValid()`](#validation-isvalid)
-- [Get and Set](#get-and-set)
- - [Year `.year()`](#year-year)
- - [Month `.month()`](#month-month)
- - [Day of the Month `.date()`](#day-of-the-month-date)
- - [Day of the Week `.day()`](#day-of-the-week-day)
- - [Hour `.hour()`](#hour-hour)
- - [Minute `.minute()`](#minute-minute)
- - [Second `.second()`](#second-second)
- - [Millisecond `.millisecond()`](#millisecond-millisecond)
- - [Get `.get(unit: string)`](#get-getunit-string)
- - [List of all available units](#list-of-all-available-units)
- - [Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`](#set-setunit-string-value-number)
-- [Manipulating](#manipulating)
- - [Add `.add(value: number, unit: string)`](#add-addvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Subtract `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`](#subtract-subtractvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Start of Time `.startOf(unit: string)`](#start-of-time-startofunit-string)
- - [End of Time `.endOf(unit: string)`](#end-of-time-endofunit-string)
-- [Displaying](#displaying)
- - [Format `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`](#format-formatstringwithtokens-string)
- - [List of all available formats](#list-of-all-available-formats)
- - [Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`](#difference-diffcompared-dayjs-unit-string-float-boolean)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) `.valueOf()`](#unix-timestamp-milliseconds-valueof)
- - [Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix()`](#unix-timestamp-seconds-unix)
- - [UTC Offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`](#utc-offset-minutes-utcoffset)
- - [Days in the Month `.daysInMonth()`](#days-in-the-month-daysinmonth)
- - [As Javascript Date `.toDate()`](#as-javascript-date-todate)
- - [As JSON `.toJSON()`](#as-json-tojson)
- - [As ISO 8601 String `.toISOString()`](#as-iso-8601-string-toisostring)
- - [As String `.toString()`](#as-string-tostring)
-- [Query](#query)
- - [Is Before `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-before-isbeforecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is Same `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-same-issamecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is After `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-after-isaftercompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is a Dayjs `.isDayjs(compared: any)`](#is-a-dayjs-isdayjscompared-any)
-- [UTC](#utc)
-- [Plugin APIs](#plugin-apis)
-## Parsing
-### Constructor `dayjs(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`
-Day.js は他の日付フォーマットもパースします。
-#### [ISO 8601](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) 形式
-#### Native Javascript Date object
-dayjs(new Date(2018, 8, 18))
-#### Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)
-Unix タイムスタンプ(Unix エポックのミリ秒)から`Dayjs`オブジェクトを返します。
-### Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix(value: number)`
-Unix タイムスタンプ(Unix エポックの秒)から`Dayjs`オブジェクトを返します。
-### Custom Parse Format
-- `dayjs("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY")` といった独自フォーマットのパースは[`CustomParseFormat`](./Plugin.md#customparseformat)で利用できます。
-### Clone `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`
-dayjs(dayjs('2019-01-25')) // Dayjsオブジェクトをコンストラクタに渡しても複製されます
-### Validation `.isValid()`
-## Get and Set
-### Year `.year()`
-### Month `.month()`
-### Day of the Month `.date()`
-### Day of the Week `.day()`
-### Hour `.hour()`
-### Minute `.minute()`
-### Second `.second()`
-### Millisecond `.millisecond()`
-### Get `.get(unit: string)`
-`Dayjs` オブジェクトから`数値`を返します。
-dayjs().get('month') // `0`始まり
-#### List of all available units
-| 単位 | ショートハンド | 説明 |
-| ------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `date` | | 月の日ひち |
-| `day` | `d` | 曜日(日曜日は`0`、土曜日は`6`) |
-| `month` | `M` | 月(1 月は`0`、12 月は`11`) |
-| `year` | `y` | 年 |
-| `hour` | `h` | 時 |
-| `minute` | `m` | 分 |
-| `second` | `s` | 秒 |
-| `millisecond` | `ms` | ミリ秒 |
-### Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`
-dayjs().set('date', 1)
-dayjs().set('month', 3) // 4月
-dayjs().set('second', 30)
-## Manipulating
- .add(1, 'day')
- .subtract(1, 'year')
- .toString() // Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT
-### Add `.add(value: number, unit: string)`
-dayjs().add(7, 'day')
-### Subtract `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`
-dayjs().subtract(7, 'year')
-### Start of Time `.startOf(unit: string)`
-dayjs().startOf('week') // locale の `weekStart` に依存
-### End of Time `.endOf(unit: string)`
-## Displaying
-### Format `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`
-文字をエスケープするにはブラケットで囲みます。(例 `[A][MM]`)
-dayjs().format() // ISO8601形式で、端数秒なしの現在の日時。例 '2020-04-02T08:02:17-05:00'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('[YYYY] YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]') // 'YYYY 2019-01-25T00:00:00-02:00Z'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('DD/MM/YYYY') // '25/01/2019'
-#### List of all available formats
-| フォーマット | 出力 | 説明 |
-| ------------ | ---------------- | --------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | 2 桁の年 |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | 4 桁の年 |
-| `M` | 1-12 | 1 始まりの月 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | 1 始まりの 2 桁の月 |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | 月の略称 |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | 月の正式名 |
-| `D` | 1-31 | 月ごとの日にち |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | 月ごとの 2 桁の日にち |
-| `d` | 0-6 | `0`で日曜日から始まる曜日 |
-| `dd` | Su-Sa | 最も短い曜日の略称 |
-| `ddd` | Sun-Sat | 曜日の略称 |
-| `dddd` | Sunday-Saturday | 曜日名 |
-| `H` | 0-23 | 時間 |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | 2 桁の時間 |
-| `h` | 1-12 | 12 時制の時間 |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | 12 時制で 2 桁の時間 |
-| `m` | 0-59 | 分 |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | 2 桁の分 |
-| `s` | 0-59 | 秒 |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | 2 桁の秒 |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | 3 桁のミリ秒 |
-| `Z` | +05:00 | UTC からのオフセット |
-| `ZZ` | +0500 | UTC からの 2 桁のオフセット |
-| `A` | AM PM | 午前と午後(大文字) |
-| `a` | am pm | 午前と午後(小文字) |
-- 利用可能な他のフォーマット `Q Do k kk X x ...` in plugin [`AdvancedFormat`](./Plugin.md#advancedformat)
-- ローカライズのフォーマットオプション `L LT LTS ...` in plugin [`LocalizedFormat`](./Plugin.md#localizedFormat)
-### Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`
-2 つの`Dayjs`オブジェクトの差分を指定した単位で数値で返します。
-const date1 = dayjs('2019-01-25')
-const date2 = dayjs('2018-06-05')
-date1.diff(date2) // 20214000000 default milliseconds
-date1.diff(date2, 'month') // 7
-date1.diff(date2, 'month', true) // 7.645161290322581
-date1.diff(date2, 'day') // 233
-### Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) `.valueOf()`
-`Dayjs`オブジェクトの Unix エポックからのミリ秒を数値で返します。
-dayjs('2019-01-25').valueOf() // 1548381600000
-### Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix()`
-`Dayjs`オブジェクトの Unix エポックからの秒を数値で返します。
-dayjs('2019-01-25').unix() // 1548381600
-### UTC Offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`
-`Dayjs`オブジェクトの UTC オフセットを分単位の数値で返します。
-### Days in the Month `.daysInMonth()`
-dayjs('2019-01-25').daysInMonth() // 31
-### As Javascript Date `.toDate()`
-### As JSON `.toJSON()`
-`Dayjs`オブジェクトの日付を ISO8601 形式にして文字列で返します。
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toJSON() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### As ISO 8601 String `.toISOString()`
-`Dayjs`オブジェクトの日付を ISO8601 形式にして文字列で返します。
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toISOString() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### As String `.toString()`
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toString() // 'Fri, 25 Jan 2019 02:00:00 GMT'
-## Query
-### Is Before `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Is Same `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs(), 'year') // true
-### Is After `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Is a Dayjs `.isDayjs(compared: any)`
-dayjs.isDayjs(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs.isDayjs(new Date()) // false
-dayjs() instanceof dayjs // true
-## UTC
-UTC でパースや表示をしたい場合は、[`UTC`](./Plugin.md#utc)プラグインの`.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` で行えます。
-## Plugin APIs
-### RelativeTime
-`.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` で相対時間が得られます。
-プラグイン [`RelativeTime`](./Plugin.md#relativetime)
-### IsLeapYear
-`.isLeapYear` で閏年かどうかが得られます。
-プラグイン [`IsLeapYear`](./Plugin.md#isleapyear)
-### WeekOfYear
-`.week` でその年における週数が得られます。
-プラグイン [`WeekOfYear`](./Plugin.md#weekofyear)
-### WeekDay
-`.weekday` でロケールに対応した曜日の取得、設定ができます。
-プラグイン [`WeekDay`](./Plugin.md#weekday)
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-`.isoWeeksInYear` でその年の週数が得られます。
-プラグイン [`IsoWeeksInYear`](./Plugin.md#isoweeksinyear)
-### IsSameOrAfter
-`.isSameOrAfter` で日付が別の日付と同じかそれより後であるかを得られます。
-プラグイン [`IsSameOrAfter`](./Plugin.md#issameorafter)
-### IsSameOrBefore
-プラグイン [`IsSameOrBefore`](./Plugin.md#issameorbefore)
-### IsBetween
-`.isBetween`で他の 2 つの日付の間であるかどうかを得られます。
-プラグイン [`IsBetween`](./Plugin.md#isbetween)
-### QuarterOfYear
-プラグイン [`QuarterOfYear`](./Plugin.md#quarterofyear)
-### ToArray
-プラグイン [`ToArray`](./Plugin.md#toarray)
-### ToObject
-プラグイン [`ToObject`](./Plugin.md#toobject)
-### MinMax
-`.min` `.max`で与えた複数の`Dayjs`インスタンスの中から最小もしくは最大のものが得られます。
-プラグイン [`MinMax`](./Plugin.md#minmax)
-### Calendar
-プラグイン [`Calendar`](./Plugin.md#calendar)
-### UpdateLocale
-`.updateLocale` to update a locale's properties
-plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ja/I18n.md b/docs/ja/I18n.md
index b7f4612cb..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ja/I18n.md
+++ b/docs/ja/I18n.md
@@ -1,151 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/i18n/i18n) for more information.
-## 国際化
-Day.js は国際化を手厚くサポートしています。
-デフォルトでは Day.js は英語 (US) ロケールを使用します。
-pull request によるロケールの追加は大歓迎です。 :+1:
-## API
-#### グローバルロケールの変更
-- ロケール文字列を返します
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
-import de from 'dayjs/locale/de'
-dayjs.locale('es') // 読み込んだロケールをグローバルに適用
-dayjs.locale('de-german', de) // ロケールを使用し、デフォルトの名前文字列を更新
-const customizedLocaleObject = { ... } // 詳細は、以下のカスタマイズの項を参照
-dayjs.locale(customizedLocaleObject) // カスタムロケールを適用
-dayjs.locale('en') // switch back to default English locale globally
-- グローバルロケールを変更しても、既存のインスタンスには影響しません。
-#### 局所的なロケールの変更
-- 指定したロケールを適用した、新しい `Dayjs` オブジェクトを返します
-`dayjs#locale` と同じですが、特定のインスタンスにのみロケールを適用します。
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
- .locale('es')
- .format() // 読み込んだロケールを特定のインスタンスに適用
-dayjs('2018-4-28', { locale: 'es' }) // コンストラクタを通して適用
-## インストール
-- NPM を使う場合:
-import 'dayjs/locale/es' // 必要に応じて読み込み
-// require('dayjs/locale/es') // CommonJS
-// import locale_es from 'dayjs/locale/es' -> locale_es ロケールオブジェクトの読み込み
-dayjs.locale('es') // ロケールをグローバルに適用
- .locale('es')
- .format() // ロケールを特定のインスタンスにのみ適用
-- CDN を使う場合:
-## カスタマイズ
-You could update locale config via plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
-あなたのプラグインを共有する pull request を是非送ってみてください。
-以下は Day.js ロケールオブジェクトのテンプレートです。
-const localeObject = {
- name: 'es', // ロケール名を表す文字列
- weekdays: 'Domingo_Lunes ...'.split('_'), // 曜日の配列
- weekdaysShort: 'Sun_M'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short weekdays Array, use first three letters if not provided
- weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, min weekdays Array, use first two letters if not provided
- weekStart: 1, // OPTIONAL, 最初の曜日を指定する。0は日曜日です。1は月曜日です。
- yearStart: 4, // OPTIONAL, the week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
- months: 'Enero_Febrero ... '.split('_'), // 月の配列
- monthsShort: 'Jan_F'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short months Array, use first three letters if not provided
- ordinal: n => `${n}º`, // 序数 Function (number) => return number + output
- relativeTime: {
- // relative time format strings, keep %s %d as the same
- future: 'in %s', // e.g. in 2 hours, %s been replaced with 2hours
- past: '%s ago',
- s: 'a few seconds',
- m: 'a minute',
- mm: '%d minutes',
- h: 'an hour',
- hh: '%d hours', // e.g. 2 hours, %d been replaced with 2
- d: 'a day',
- dd: '%d days',
- M: 'a month',
- MM: '%d months',
- y: 'a year',
- yy: '%d years'
- },
- meridiem: (hour, minute, isLowercase) => {
- return hour > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'
- }
-以下は Day.js ロケールファイルのテンプレートです。
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-const locale = { ... } // Day.js ロケールオブジェクト
-dayjs.locale(locale, null, true) // 後で使用するためにロケールを読み込み
-export default locale
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ja/Installation.md b/docs/ja/Installation.md
index 0fba4a112..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ja/Installation.md
+++ b/docs/ja/Installation.md
@@ -1,49 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/installation/installation) for more information.
-## インストールガイド
-複数の方法で Day.js を使用することができます
-- NPM を使う場合:
-npm install dayjs --save
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-// CommonJS の場合は以下
-// var dayjs = require('dayjs');
-- CDN を使う場合:
-- ダウンロードしてセルフホスティングする場合:
-Day.js の最新版を [https://unpkg.com/dayjs/](https://unpkg.com/dayjs/) からダウンロードしてください。
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ja/Plugin.md b/docs/ja/Plugin.md
index bb02089af..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ja/Plugin.md
+++ b/docs/ja/Plugin.md
@@ -1,512 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/plugin/plugin) for more information.
-# プラグインリスト
-プラグインとは、 Day.js の機能を拡張したり、新たな機能を追加するための独立したモジュールのことです。
-デフォルトでは Day.js にはコアコードのみがあり、プラグインはインストールされていません。
-## API
-#### 拡張
-- dayjs オブジェクトを返します
-import plugin
-dayjs.extend(plugin, options) // プラグインのオプションを指定
-## インストール
-- NPM を使う場合:
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // 必要に応じて読み込み
-dayjs.extend(advancedFormat) // プラグインを使用
-- CDN を使う場合:
-## 公式プラグイン
-### UTC
-- UTC adds `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` APIs to parse or display in UTC.
-import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
-// default local time
-dayjs().format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-// UTC mode
-dayjs.utc().format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
- .utc()
- .format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
-// While in UTC mode, all display methods will display in UTC time instead of local time.
-// And all getters and setters will internally use the Date#getUTC* and Date#setUTC* methods instead of the Date#get* and Date#set* methods.
-dayjs.utc().isUTC() // true
- .utc()
- .local()
- .format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') // with CustomParseFormat plugin
-By default, Day.js parses and displays in local time.
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `dayjs.utc()` instead of `dayjs()`.
-#### dayjs.utc `dayjs.utc(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs, format? string)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` object in UTC mode.
-#### Use UTC time `.utc()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use UTC time.
-#### Use local time `.local()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use local time.
-#### isUTC mode `.isUTC()`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating current `Dayjs` object is in UTC mode or not.
-### AdvancedFormat
-- AdvancedFormat はより多様なフォーマットを表現するために `dayjs().format` API を拡張するプラグインです。
-import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat'
-dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x')
-| フォーマット | 出力 | 説明 |
-| ------------ | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `Q` | 1-4 | 四半期 |
-| `Do` | 1st 2nd ... 31st | 序数付きの日 |
-| `k` | 1-24 | 1 始まりの時間 |
-| `kk` | 01-24 | 1 始まりで 2 桁の時間 |
-| `X` | 1360013296 | Unix タイムスタンプ (秒) |
-| `x` | 1360013296123 | Unix タイムスタンプ (ミリ秒) |
-| `w` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | Week of year (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `ww` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `W` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-| `WW` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin)|
-| `wo` | 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd | Week of year with ordinal (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `gggg` | 2017 | Week Year (depend: weekYear plugin) |
-| `GGGG` | 2017 | ISO Week Year (depend: weekYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-### LocalizedFormat
-- LocalizedFormat extends `dayjs().format` API to supply localized format options.
-import LocalizedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat'
-dayjs().format('L LT')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | English Locale | Sample Output |
-| ------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `LT` | h:mm A | 8:02 PM |
-| `LTS` | h:mm:ss A | 8:02:18 PM |
-| `L` | MM/DD/YYYY | 08/16/2018 |
-| `LL` | MMMM D, YYYY | August 16, 2018 |
-| `LLL` | MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-| `LLLL` | dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-### RelativeTime
-- RelativeTime は日付を文字列で表現された相対的な時刻(例: 3 hours ago)にフォーマットする `.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` API を追加します。
-import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
-dayjs().from(dayjs('1990')) // 2 years ago
-dayjs().from(dayjs(), true) // 2 years
-#### Time from now `.fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-- String を返します
-#### Time from X `.from(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-- String を返します
-#### Time to now `.toNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-- String を返します
-#### Time to X `.to(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-- String を返します
-| Range | Key | Sample Output |
-| ------------------------ | --- | -------------------------------- |
-| 0 to 44 seconds | s | a few seconds ago |
-| 45 to 89 seconds | m | a minute ago |
-| 90 seconds to 44 minutes | mm | 2 minutes ago ... 44 minutes ago |
-| 45 to 89 minutes | h | an hour ago |
-| 90 minutes to 21 hours | hh | 2 hours ago ... 21 hours ago |
-| 22 to 35 hours | d | a day ago |
-| 36 hours to 25 days | dd | 2 days ago ... 25 days ago |
-| 26 to 45 days | M | a month ago |
-| 46 days to 10 months | MM | 2 months ago ... 10 months ago |
-| 11 months to 17months | y | a year ago |
-| 18 months+ | yy | 2 years ago ... 20 years ago |
-### IsLeapYear
-- IsLeapYear はある `Dayjs` オブジェクトがうるう年かどうかを Boolean で返す `.isLeapYear` API を追加します。
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear'
-dayjs('2000-01-01').isLeapYear() // true
-### BuddhistEra
-- BuddhistEra は仏滅紀元 (仏暦、B.E.) を表現するフォーマットを提供するために `dayjs().format` API を拡張します。
-- 仏滅紀元(ぶつめつきげん、英:Buddhist calendar)とは、釈迦が入滅したとされる年、またはその翌年を元年とする紀年法である。
- 仏暦(ぶつれき)ともいう。東南アジアの仏教徒の多い国などで用いられている。([Wikipedia](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BB%8F%E6%BB%85%E7%B4%80%E5%85%83))
-- 手動で仏暦を計算するには、ちょうど 543 を年に足します。例として西暦 1977 年 5 月 26 日は仏暦 2520 年 5 月 26 日と表示されます。(1977 + 543)
-import buddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra'
-dayjs().format('BBBB BB')
-| フォーマット | 出力 | 説明 |
-| ------------ | ---- | --------------------- |
-| `BBBB` | 2561 | 完全な仏暦 (年 + 543) |
-| `BB` | 61 | 2 桁の仏暦 |
-### IsSameOrAfter
-- IsSameOrAfter はある日付が別の日付と同じまたはそれ以降であるかどうかを `Boolean` で返す `.isSameOrAfter()` API を追加します。
-import isSameOrAfter from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsSameOrBefore
-- IsSameOrBefore はある日付が別の日付と同じまたはそれ以前であるかどうかを `boolean` で返す `.isSameOrBefore()` API を追加します。
-import isSameOrBefore from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrBefore('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsBetween
-- IsBetween はある日付が別の 2 つの日付の間にあるかどうかを `Boolean` で返す `.isBetween()` API を追加します。
-import isBetween from 'dayjs/plugin/isBetween'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isBetween('2010-10-19', dayjs('2010-10-25'), 'year')
-dayjs('2016-10-30').isBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-10-30', null, '[)')
-// '[' indicates inclusion, '(' indicates exclusion
-### DayOfYear
-- DayOfYear adds `.dayOfYear()` API to returns a `number` indicating the `Dayjs`'s day of the year, or to set the day of the year.
-import dayOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/dayOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear() // 1
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear(365) // 2010-12-31
-### WeekOfYear
-- WeekOfYear はある `Dayjs` オブジェクトがその年の何週目であるかを `Number` で返す `.week()` API を追加します。
-import weekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear'
-dayjs('06/27/2018').week() // 26
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week(5) // set week
-### WeekDay
-- WeekDay adds `.weekday()` API to get or set locale aware day of the week.
-import weekday from 'dayjs/plugin/weekday'
-// when Monday is the first day of the week
-dayjs().weekday(-7) // last Monday
-dayjs().weekday(7) // next Monday
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-- IsoWeeksInYear adds `.isoWeeksInYear()` API to return a `number` to get the number of weeks in year, according to ISO weeks.
-import isoWeeksInYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isoWeeksInYear'
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear' // rely on isLeapYear plugin
-dayjs('2004-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 53
-dayjs('2005-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 52
-### QuarterOfYear
-- QuarterOfYear add `.quarter()` API to return to which quarter of the year belongs a date, and extends `.add` `.subtract` `.startOf` `.endOf` APIs to support unit `quarter`.
-import quarterOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-04-01').quarter() // 2
-### CustomParseFormat
-- CustomParseFormat extends `dayjs()` constructor to support custom formats of input strings.
-To escape characters, wrap them in square brackets (e.g. `[G]`). Punctuation symbols (-:/.()) do not need to be wrapped.
-import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat'
-dayjs('05/02/69 1:02:03 PM -05:00', 'MM/DD/YY H:mm:ss A Z')
-// Returns an instance containing '1969-05-02T18:02:03.000Z'
-dayjs('2018 5月 15', 'YYYY MMMM DD', 'ja')
-// Returns an instance containing '2018-05-15T00:00:00.000Z'
-#### List of all available format tokens
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ---------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Two-digit year |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Four-digit year |
-| `M` | 1-12 | Month, beginning at 1 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | Month, 2-digits |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | The full month name |
-| `D` | 1-31 | Day of month |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | Day of month, 2-digits |
-| `H` | 0-23 | Hours |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | Hours, 2-digits |
-| `h` | 1-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
-| `m` | 0-59 | Minutes |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | Minutes, 2-digits |
-| `s` | 0-59 | Seconds |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | Seconds, 2-digits |
-| `S` | 0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit |
-| `SS` | 00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | Milliseconds, 3-digits |
-| `Z` | -05:00 | Offset from UTC |
-| `ZZ` | -0500 | Compact offset from UTC, 2-digits |
-| `A` | AM PM | Post or ante meridiem, upper-case |
-| `a` | am pm | Post or ante meridiem, lower-case |
-| `Do` | 1st... 31st | 序数付きの日 |
-### ToArray
-- ToArray add `.toArray()` API to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-import toArray from 'dayjs/plugin/toArray'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toArray() // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
-### ToObject
-- ToObject add `.toObject()` API to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-import toObject from 'dayjs/plugin/toObject'
-/* { years: 2019,
- months: 0,
- date: 25,
- hours: 0,
- minutes: 0,
- seconds: 0,
- milliseconds: 0 } */
-### MinMax
-- MinMax adds `.min` `.max` APIs to return a `dayjs` to compare given dayjs instances.
-import minMax from 'dayjs/plugin/minMax'
-dayjs.max(dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01'))
-dayjs.min([dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01')])
-### Calendar
-- Calendar adds `.calendar` API to return a `string` to display calendar time
-import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar'
-dayjs().calendar(null, {
- sameDay: '[Today at] h:mm A', // The same day ( Today at 2:30 AM )
- nextDay: '[Tomorrow]', // The next day ( Tomorrow at 2:30 AM )
- nextWeek: 'dddd', // The next week ( Sunday at 2:30 AM )
- lastDay: '[Yesterday]', // The day before ( Yesterday at 2:30 AM )
- lastWeek: '[Last] dddd', // Last week ( Last Monday at 2:30 AM )
- sameElse: 'DD/MM/YYYY' // Everything else ( 7/10/2011 )
-### UpdateLocale
-- UpdateLocale adds `.updateLocale` API to update a locale's properties.
-import updateLocale from 'dayjs/plugin/updateLocale'
-dayjs.updateLocale('en', {
- months : String[]
-## カスタマイズ
-さまざまなニーズに合わせて独自の Day.js プラグインを構築することができます。
-あなたのプラグインを共有する pull request を是非送ってみてください。
-以下は Day.js プラグインのテンプレートです。
-export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
- // dayjs() を拡張する
- // 例) dayjs().isSameOrBefore() を追加
- dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
- // dayjs() を拡張する
- // 例) dayjs().utc() を追加
- dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
- // 既存 API の上書き
- // 例) dayjs().format() を拡張
- const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format
- dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
- // 既存のフォーマット
- const result = oldFormat(arguments)
- // 変更後のフォーマット
- }
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ko/API-reference.md b/docs/ko/API-reference.md
index 903302f40..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ko/API-reference.md
+++ b/docs/ko/API-reference.md
@@ -1,540 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/parse/parse) for more information.
-## API Reference
-Day.js는 네이티브 `Date.prototype`을 수정하는 대신 `Dayjs` 오브젝트인 Date 오브젝트 래퍼를 생성합니다.
-`Dayjs` 오브젝트는 변경이 불가능(immutable)합니다. 즉, 모든 API 작업은 새로운 `Dayjs` 오브젝트를 반환합니다.
-- [API Reference](#api-reference)
- - [Parsing](#parsing)
- - [Constructor `dayjs(existing?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`](#constructor-dayjsexisting-string--number--date--dayjs)
- - [ISO 8601 string](#iso-8601https---enwikipediaorg-wiki-iso-8601-string)
- - [Native Javascript Date object](#native-javascript-date-object)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)](#unix-timestamp-milliseconds)
- - [Unix Timestamp (seconds)](#unix-timestamp-seconds-unixvalue-number)
- - [Custom Parse Format](#custom-parse-format)
- - [Clone `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`](#clone-clone-dayjsoriginal--dayjs)
- - [Validation `.isValid()`](#validation-isvalid)
- - [Get and Set](#get-and-set)
- - [Year `.year()`](#year-year)
- - [Month `.month()`](#month-month)
- - [Day of the Month `.date()`](#day-of-the-month-date)
- - [Day of the Week `.day()`](#day-of-the-week-day)
- - [Hour `.hour()`](#hour-hour)
- - [Minute `.minute()`](#minute-minute)
- - [Second `.second()`](#second-second)
- - [Millisecond `.millisecond()`](#millisecond-millisecond)
- - [Get `.get(unit: string)`](#get-getunit-string)
- - [Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`](#set-setunit--string--value--number)
- - [Manipulating](#manipulating)
- - [Add `.add(value: number, unit: string)`](#add-addvalue--number--unit--string)
- - [Subtract `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`](#subtract-subtractvalue--number--unit--string)
- - [Start of Time `.startOf(unit: string)`](#start-of-time-startofunit--string)
- - [End of Time `.endOf(unit: string)`](#end-of-time-endofunit--string)
- - [Displaying](#displaying)
- - [Format `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`](#format-formatstringwithtokens--string)
- - [List of all available formats](#list-of-all-available-formats)
- - [Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`](#difference-diffcompared-dayjs-unit-string-float-boolean)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) `.valueOf()`](#unix-timestamp-milliseconds-valueof)
- - [Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix()`](#unix-timestamp-seconds-unix)
- - [UTC offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`](#utc-offset-minutes-utcoffset)
- - [Days in the Month `.daysInMonth()`](#days-in-the-month-daysinmonth)
- - [As Javascript Date `.toDate()`](#as-javascript-date-todate)
- - [As JSON `.toJSON()`](#as-json-tojson)
- - [As ISO 8601 String `.toISOString()`](#as-iso-8601-string-toisostring)
- - [As String `.toString()`](#as-string-tostring)
- - [Query](#query)
- - [Is Before `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-before-isbeforecompared--dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is Same `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-same-issamecompared--dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is After `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#is-after-isaftercompared--dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Is a Dayjs `.isDayjs()`](#is-a-dayjs-isdayjscompared-any)
- - [UTC](#utc)
- - [Plugin APIs](#plugin-apis)
-## Parsing
-### Constructor `dayjs(existing?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`
-매개 변수없이 호출하면 현재 날짜와 시간을 가진 새로운 `Dayjs` 오브젝트가 반환됩니다.
-Day.js는 다른 날짜 형식도 구분 분석합니다.
-#### [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) string
-#### Native Javascript Date object
-dayjs(new Date(2018, 8, 18))
-#### Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)
-Returns a `Dayjs` from a Unix timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix Epoch)
-### Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix(value: number)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` from a Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix Epoch)
-### Custom Parse Format
-- parse custom formats `dayjs("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY")` in plugin [`CustomParseFormat`](./Plugin.md#customparseformat)
-### Clone `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`
-`Dayjs` 클론 오브젝트를 반환합니다.
-dayjs(dayjs('2019-01-25')) // passing a Dayjs object to a constructor will also clone it
-### Validation `.isValid()`
-`Dayjs` 날짜가 유효한지 확인합니다. 반환 타입은 `boolean` 입니다.
-## Get and Set
-### Year `.year()`
-Gets or sets the year.
-### Month `.month()`
-Gets or sets the month. Starts at 0
-### Day of the Month `.date()`
-Gets or sets the day of the month. Starts at 1
-### Day of the Week `.day()`
-Gets or sets the day of the week. Starts on Sunday with 0
-### Hour `.hour()`
-Gets or sets the hour.
-### Minute `.minute()`
-Gets or sets the minute.
-### Second `.second()`
-Gets or sets the second.
-### Millisecond `.millisecond()`
-Gets or sets the millisecond.
-### Get `.get(unit: string)`
-Returns a `number` with information getting from `Dayjs` object
-dayjs().get('month') // start 0
-#### List of all available units
-| Unit | Shorthand | Description |
-| ------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `date` | | Date of Month |
-| `day` | `d` | Day of Week (Sunday as 0, Saturday as 6) |
-| `month` | `M` | Month (January as 0, December as 11) |
-| `year` | `y` | Year |
-| `hour` | `h` | Hour |
-| `minute` | `m` | Minute |
-| `second` | `s` | Second |
-| `millisecond` | `ms` | Millisecond |
-### Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`
-변경 사항이 적용된 `Dayjs`를 반환합니다.
-dayjs().set('date', 1)
-dayjs().set('month', 3) // April
-dayjs().set('second', 30)
-## Manipulating
-`Dayjs` 오브젝트는 여러 방법으로 처리할 수 있습니다.
- .add(1, 'day')
- .subtract(1, 'year')
- .toString() // Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT
-### Add `.add(value: number, unit: string)`
-지정한 시간을 더한 `Dayjs` 오브젝트 복제본을 반환합니다.
-dayjs().add(7, 'day')
-### Subtract `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`
-지정한 시간을 뺀 `Dayjs` 오브젝트 복제본을 반환합니다.
-dayjs().subtract(7, 'year')
-### Start of Time `.startOf(unit: string)`
-특정 시간 단위의 시작 시점에 대한 시간을 `Dayjs` 오브젝트 복제본으로 반환합니다.
-dayjs().startOf('week') // Depends on `weekStart` in locale
-### End of Time `.endOf(unit: string)`
-특정 시간 단위의 끝나는 시점에 대한 시간을 `Dayjs` 오브젝트 복제본으로 반환힙니다.
-## Displaying
-### Format `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`
-`Dayjs` 오브젝트 시간을 기본 형식으로 출력합니다. 반환 형식은 `string` 입니다.
-예외하고 싶은 문자일 경우, 대괄호나 중괄호를 사용하여 묶으면됩니다. (예, `[A] [MM]`)
-dayjs().format() // 분과 초가 없는 ISO5801 형식의 현재 시간을 나타냅니다. 예: '2020-04-02T08:02:17-05:00'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('[YYYY] YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]') // 'YYYY 2019-01-25T00:00:00-02:00Z'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('DD/MM/YYYY') // '25/01/2019'
-#### List of all available formats
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ---------------- | ------------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | 두 자리로 된 연도 |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | 네 자리로 된 연도 |
-| `M` | 1-12 | 달, 1부터 시작 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | 달, 두 자리로 표현 |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | 월 이름 약어 |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | 월 이름 |
-| `D` | 1-31 | 일 |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | 일, 두 자리로 표현 |
-| `d` | 0-6 | 요일, 일요일은 0 |
-| `dd` | Su-Sa | The min name of the day of the week |
-| `ddd` | Sun-Sat | The short name of the day of the week |
-| `dddd` | Sunday-Saturday | 요일 이름 |
-| `H` | 0-23 | 시간 |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | 시간, 두 자리로 표현 |
-| `h` | 1-12 | 시간, 12시간 |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | 시간, 12시간, 두 자리로 표현 |
-| `m` | 0-59 | 분 |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | 분, 두 자리로 표현 |
-| `s` | 0-59 | 초 |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | 초, 두 자리로 표현 |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | 밀리 초, 3자리로 표현 |
-| `Z` | +05:00 | UTC로부터 추가된 시간 |
-| `ZZ` | +0500 | UTC로부터 추가된 시간, 두자리로 표현 |
-| `A` | AM PM | |
-| `a` | am pm | |
-- 플러그인 [`AdvancedFormat`](./Plugin.md#advancedformat) 을 사용하면 더 많은 형식(`Q Do k kk X x ...`)을 사용할 수 있습니다.
-- Localized format options `L LT LTS ...` in plugin [`LocalizedFormat`](./Plugin.md#localizedFormat)
-### Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`
-두 `Dayjs` 오브젝트 차이를 지정한 단위로 가져옵니다. 반환 타입은 `number` 입니다.
-const date1 = dayjs('2019-01-25')
-const date2 = dayjs('2018-06-05')
-date1.diff(date2) // 20214000000 default milliseconds
-date1.diff(date2, 'month') // 7
-date1.diff(date2, 'month', true) // 7.645161290322581
-date1.diff(date2, 'day') // 233
-### Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) `.valueOf()`
-`Dayjs`에 대한 Unix Epoch 이후의 밀리 초 시간을 가져옵니다. 반환 타입은 `number` 입니다.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').valueOf() // 1548381600000
-### Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix()`
-`Dayjs`에 대한 Unix Epoch 이후의 초 시간을 가져옵니다. 반환 타입은 `number` 입니다.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').unix() // 1548381600
-### UTC Offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`
-Returns the UTC offset in minutes for the `Dayjs`.
-### Days in the Month `.daysInMonth()`
-`Dayjs`에서 표기하는 달에서 일수를 가져옵니다. 반환 타입은 `number` 입니다.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').daysInMonth() // 31
-### As Javascript Date `.toDate()`
-`Dayjs` 오브젝트에서 파싱된 네이티브 `Date` 오브젝트 복사본을 반환합니다.
-### As JSON `.toJSON()`
-ISO8601에 대한 형식으로 `Dayjs`를 출력합니다. 반환 타입은 `string` 입니다.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toJSON() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### As ISO 8601 String `.toISOString()`
-ISO8601에 대한 형식으로 `Dayjs`를 출력합니다. 반환 타입은 `string` 입니다.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toISOString() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### As String `.toString()`
-날짜를 `string` 타입 값으로 반환합니다.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toString() // 'Fri, 25 Jan 2019 02:00:00 GMT'
-## Query
-### Is Before `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-`Dayjs`가 다른 `Dayjs`보다 앞선 시점인지를 확인합니다. 반환 타입은 `boolean` 입니다.
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Is Same `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-`Dayjs`가 다른 `Dayjs`과 동일한 시점인지를 확인합니다. 반환 타입은 `boolean` 입니다.
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs(), 'year') // true
-### Is After `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`
-`Dayjs`가 다른 `Dayjs`보다 뒷선 시점인지를 확인합니다. 반환 타입은 `boolean` 입니다.
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Is a Dayjs `.isDayjs(compared: any)`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating whether a variable is a dayjs object or not.
-dayjs.isDayjs(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs.isDayjs(new Date()) // false
-The operator `instanceof` works equally well:
-dayjs() instanceof dayjs // true
-## UTC
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` with plugin [`UTC`](./Plugin.md#utc)
-## Plugin APIs
-### RelativeTime
-`.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow`에 대한 상대 시간을 가져옵니다.
-플러그인 [`RelativeTime`](./Plugin.md#relativetime)
-### IsLeapYear
-`.isLeapYear` to get is a leap year or not
-plugin [`IsLeapYear`](./Plugin.md#isleapyear)
-### WeekOfYear
-`.week` to get week of the year
-plugin [`WeekOfYear`](./Plugin.md#weekofyear)
-### WeekDay
-`.weekday` to get or set locale aware day of the week
-plugin [`WeekDay`](./Plugin.md#weekday)
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-`.isoWeeksInYear` to get the number of weeks in year
-plugin [`IsoWeeksInYear`](./Plugin.md#isoweeksinyear)
-### IsSameOrAfter
-`.isSameOrAfter` to check if a date is same of after another date
-plugin [`IsSameOrAfter`](./Plugin.md#issameorafter)
-### IsSameOrBefore
-`.isSameOrBefore` to check if a date is same of before another date.
-plugin [`IsSameOrBefore`](./Plugin.md#issameorbefore)
-### IsBetween
-`.isBetween` to check if a date is between two other dates
-plugin [`IsBetween`](./Plugin.md#isbetween)
-### QuarterOfYear
-`.quarter` to get quarter of the year
-plugin [`QuarterOfYear`](./Plugin.md#quarterofyear)
-### ToArray
-`.toArray` to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-plugin [`ToArray`](./Plugin.md#toarray)
-### ToObject
-`.toObject` to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-plugin [`ToObject`](./Plugin.md#toobject)
-### MinMax
-`.min` `.max` to compare given dayjs instances.
-plugin [`MinMax`](./Plugin.md#minmax)
-### Calendar
-`.calendar` to display calendar time
-plugin [`Calendar`](./Plugin.md#calendar)
-### UpdateLocale
-`.updateLocale` to update a locale's properties
-plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ko/I18n.md b/docs/ko/I18n.md
index e4f208937..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ko/I18n.md
+++ b/docs/ko/I18n.md
@@ -1,150 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/i18n/i18n) for more information.
-## Internationalization
-Day.js는 많은 다국어를 지원합니다.
-다국어 설정은 추가로 설정을 해주어야 합니다.
-Day.js에서 기본 locale 값은 영어(미국) 입니다.
-여러 locale을 로드하고 쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.
-[지원하는 locale 목록](../../src/locale)
-풀 리퀘스트를 열어 당신의 locale을 추가할 수 있습니다. :+1:
-## API
-#### Changing locale globally
-- locale 문자열로 반환합니다.
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
-import de from 'dayjs/locale/de'
-dayjs.locale('es') // 글로벌 하게 locale을 로드하여 사용합니다.
-dayjs.locale('de-german', de) // locale 사용 및 기본 이름 문자열 업데이트
-const customizedLocaleObject = { ... } // 자세한 내용은 아래 커스텀 설정 섹션을 참조하세요.
-dayjs.locale(customizedLocaleObject) // 커스텀 locale 사용
-dayjs.locale('en') // switch back to default English locale globally
-- 글로벌 locale을 변경해도 기존 인스턴스에는 영향을 주지 않습니다.
-#### Changing locales locally
-- 새로운 locale로 전환하여 새로운 'Dayjs' 오브젝트를 반환합니다.
-정확히 `dayjs#locale`과 동일하지만, 특정 인스턴스에서만 locale을 사용합니다.
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
- .locale('es')
- .format() // 국지적으로 locale을 로드하여 사용합니다..
-dayjs('2018-4-28', { locale: 'es' }) // through constructor
-## Installation
-- NPM:
-import 'dayjs/locale/es' // load on demand
-// require('dayjs/locale/es') // CommonJS
-// import locale_es from 'dayjs/locale/es' -> load and get locale_es locale object
-dayjs.locale('es') // 글로벌 하게 사용
- .locale('es')
- .format() // 특정 인스턴스에서 사용.
-- CDN:
-## Customize
-You could update locale config via plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
-당신만의 locale을 만들 수 있습니다.
-locale을 공휴하기위해 풀 리퀘스트를 여십시오.
-Day.js locale 오브젝트 템플릿 입니다.
-const localeObject = {
- name: 'es', // name String
- weekdays: 'Domingo_Lunes ...'.split('_'), // weekdays Array
- weekdaysShort: 'Sun_M'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short weekdays Array, use first three letters if not provided
- weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, min weekdays Array, use first two letters if not provided
- weekStart: 1, // OPTIONAL, set the start of a week. If the value is 1, Monday will be the start of week instead of Sunday。
- yearStart: 4, // OPTIONAL, the week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
- months: 'Enero_Febrero ... '.split('_'), // months Array
- monthsShort: 'Jan_F'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short months Array, use first three letters if not provided
- ordinal: n => `${n}º`, // ordinal Function (number) => return number + output
- relativeTime = { // relative time format strings, keep %s %d as the same
- future: 'in %s', // e.g. in 2 hours, %s been replaced with 2hours
- past: '%s ago',
- s: 'a few seconds',
- m: 'a minute',
- mm: '%d minutes',
- h: 'an hour',
- hh: '%d hours', // e.g. 2 hours, %d been replaced with 2
- d: 'a day',
- dd: '%d days',
- M: 'a month',
- MM: '%d months',
- y: 'a year',
- yy: '%d years'
- },
- meridiem: (hour, minute, isLowercase) => {
- return hour > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'
- }
-Day.js locale 파일 템플릿 입니다.
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-const locale = { ... } // Your Day.js locale Object.
-dayjs.locale(locale, null, true) // load locale for later use
-export default locale
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ko/Installation.md b/docs/ko/Installation.md
index 0da6b6171..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ko/Installation.md
+++ b/docs/ko/Installation.md
@@ -1,49 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/installation/installation) for more information.
-## Installation Guide
-Day.js를 가져오는 방법은 여러가지가 있습니다:
-- NPM:
-npm install dayjs --save
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-// Or CommonJS
-// var dayjs = require('dayjs');
-- CDN:
-- 다운 받아 셀프 호스팅:
-[https://unpkg.com/dayjs/](https://unpkg.com/dayjs/)에서 Day.js 의 최신버전을 받을 수 있습니다.
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/ko/Plugin.md b/docs/ko/Plugin.md
index 25a931f55..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/ko/Plugin.md
+++ b/docs/ko/Plugin.md
@@ -1,504 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/plugin/plugin) for more information.
-# Plugin List
-플러그인은 기능을 확장하거나 새로운 기능을 추가하기 위해 Day.js에 추가할 수 있는 독립적인 모듈입니다.
-기본적으로 Day.js에는 코어 코드만 있고 플러그인이 설치되어있지 않습니다.
-필요에 따라 여러개의 플러그인을 로드할 수 있습니다.
-## API
-#### Extend
-- dayjs를 반환합니다.
-플러그인을 사용합니다.
-import plugin
-dayjs.extend(plugin, options) // with plugin options
-## Installation
-- NPM:
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // load on demand
-dayjs.extend(AdvancedFormat) // use plugin
-- CDN:
-## List of official plugins
-### UTC
-- UTC adds `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` APIs to parse or display in UTC.
-import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
-// default local time
-dayjs().format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-// UTC mode
-dayjs.utc().format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
- .utc()
- .format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
-// While in UTC mode, all display methods will display in UTC time instead of local time.
-// And all getters and setters will internally use the Date#getUTC* and Date#setUTC* methods instead of the Date#get* and Date#set* methods.
-dayjs.utc().isUTC() // true
- .utc()
- .local()
- .format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') // with CustomParseFormat plugin
-By default, Day.js parses and displays in local time.
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `dayjs.utc()` instead of `dayjs()`.
-#### dayjs.utc `dayjs.utc(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs, format? string)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` object in UTC mode.
-#### Use UTC time `.utc()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use UTC time.
-#### Use local time `.local()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use local time.
-#### isUTC mode `.isUTC()`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating current `Dayjs` object is in UTC mode or not.
-### AdvancedFormat
-- AdvancedFormat은 더 많은 형식 옵션을 제공하기위해 `dayjs().format` API를 확장합니다.
-import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat'
-dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x')
-추가된 형식 목록:
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `Q` | 1-4 | 분기 |
-| `Do` | 1st 2nd ... 31st | 서수형식의 일자 명 |
-| `k` | 1-24 | 시간, 1부터 시작 |
-| `kk` | 01-24 | 시간, 2자리 표현, 1부터 시작 |
-| `X` | 1360013296 | 유닉스 타임스템프, 초 |
-| `x` | 1360013296123 | 유닉스 타임스탬프, 밀리 초 |
-| `w` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | Week of year (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `ww` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `W` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-| `WW` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin)|
-| `wo` | 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd | Week of year with ordinal (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `gggg` | 2017 | Week Year (depend: weekYear plugin) |
-| `GGGG` | 2017 | ISO Week Year (depend: weekYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-### LocalizedFormat
-- LocalizedFormat extends `dayjs().format` API to supply localized format options.
-import LocalizedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat'
-dayjs().format('L LT')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | English Locale | Sample Output |
-| ------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `LT` | h:mm A | 8:02 PM |
-| `LTS` | h:mm:ss A | 8:02:18 PM |
-| `L` | MM/DD/YYYY | 08/16/2018 |
-| `LL` | MMMM D, YYYY | August 16, 2018 |
-| `LLL` | MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-| `LLLL` | dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-### RelativeTime
-- RelativeTime은 `.from`, `.to`, `.fromNow`, `.toNow` API를 추가하여 날짜를 상대 시간 문자열(예: 3 시간전) 으로 표시합니다.
-import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
-dayjs().from(dayjs('1990')) // 2 years ago
-dayjs().from(dayjs(), true) // 2 years
-#### Time from now `.fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-지금 시간부터 상대시간을 `string`으로 반환합니다.
-#### Time from X `.from(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-X 시간으로부터 상대시간을 `string`으로 반환합니다..
-#### Time to now `.toNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-지금 시간부터 상대시간을 `string`으로 반환합니다.
-#### Time to X `.to(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-X 시간부터 상대시간을 `string`으로 반환합니다.
-| 범위 | Key | 간단 출력 |
-| ----------------- | --- | ---------------------- |
-| 0 초 ~ 44 초 | s | 몇 초 전 |
-| 45 초 ~ 89 초 | m | 1 분 전 |
-| 90 초 ~ 44 분 | mm | 2 분 전 ~ 44 분 전 |
-| 45 분 ~ 89 분 | h | 한 시간 전 |
-| 90 분 ~ 21 시간 | hh | 2 시간 전 ~ 21 시간 전 |
-| 22 시간 ~ 35 시간 | d | 하루 전 |
-| 36 시간 ~ 25 일 | dd | 이틀 전 ~ 25 일 전 |
-| 26 일 ~ 45 일 | M | 한달 전 |
-| 46 일 ~ 10 달 | MM | 두달 전 ~ 10 달 전 |
-| 11 달 ~ 17 달 | y | 일년 전 |
-| 18 달 이상 | yy | 2 년 전 ~ 20 년 전 |
-### IsLeapYear
-- IsLeapYear은 `.isLeapYear` API를 추가하여 `Dayjs`의 년이 윤년인 경우 `boolean`으로 값을 반환합니다.
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear'
-dayjs('2000-01-01').isLeapYear() // true
-### BuddhistEra
-- BuddhistEra는 Buddhist Era (B.E.) 형식 옵션을 제공하기 위해 `dayjs().format` API를 확장합니다.
-- Buddhist Era 는 캄보디아, 라오스, 미얀마, 태국 그리고 스리랑카, 말레이시아 및 싱가포르의 중국인들에게 종교적 또는 공식적인 행사로 주로 사용하는 1년 단위 번호 체계입니다.([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_calendar))
-- To calculate BE year manually, just add 543 to year. For example 26 May 1977 AD/CE should display as 26 May 2520 BE (1977 + 543)
-- BE 년도를 수동으로 계산 시, 연도에 543년 더합니다. 예를 들어, 1977년 5월 26일 AD/CE는 2520년 5월 26일 BE(1977 + 543) 입니다.
-import buddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra'
-dayjs().format('BBBB BB')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ------ | ------------------------- |
-| `BBBB` | 2561 | Full BE Year (Year + 543) |
-| `BB` | 61 | 2-digit of BE Year |
-### IsSameOrAfter
-- IsSameOrAfter는 `.isSameOrAfter()` API를 추가하여 날짜가 다른 날짜와 같거나 나중일 경우 `boolean`으로 값을 반환합니다.
-import isSameOrAfter from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsSameOrBefore
-- IsSameOrBefore는 `.isSameOrBefore()` API를 추가하여 날짜가 다른 날짜와 같거나 전일 경우 `boolean`으로 값을 반환합니다.
-import isSameOrBefore from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrBefore('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsBetween
-- IsBetween은 `.isBetween()` API를 추가하여 두 날짜가 같을 경우 `boolean`으로 값을 반환합니다.
-import isBetween from 'dayjs/plugin/isBetween'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isBetween('2010-10-19', dayjs('2010-10-25'), 'year')
-dayjs('2016-10-30').isBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-10-30', null, '[)')
-// '[' indicates inclusion, '(' indicates exclusion
-### DayOfYear
-- DayOfYear adds `.dayOfYear()` API to returns a `number` indicating the `Dayjs`'s day of the year, or to set the day of the year.
-import dayOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/dayOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear() // 1
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear(365) // 2010-12-31
-### WeekOfYear
-- WeekOfYear은 `.week()` API를 추가하여 `Dayjs`의 년의 주를 `number`로 반환 합니다.
-import weekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear'
-dayjs('06/27/2018').week() // 26
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week(5) // set week
-### WeekDay
-- WeekDay adds `.weekday()` API to get or set locale aware day of the week.
-import weekday from 'dayjs/plugin/weekday'
-// when Monday is the first day of the week
-dayjs().weekday(-7) // last Monday
-dayjs().weekday(7) // next Monday
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-- IsoWeeksInYear adds `.isoWeeksInYear()` API to return a `number` to get the number of weeks in year, according to ISO weeks.
-import isoWeeksInYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isoWeeksInYear'
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear' // rely on isLeapYear plugin
-dayjs('2004-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 53
-dayjs('2005-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 52
-### QuarterOfYear
-- QuarterOfYear add `.quarter()` API to return to which quarter of the year belongs a date, and extends `.add` `.subtract` `.startOf` `.endOf` APIs to support unit `quarter`.
-import quarterOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-04-01').quarter() // 2
-### CustomParseFormat
-- CustomParseFormat extends `dayjs()` constructor to support custom formats of input strings.
-To escape characters, wrap them in square brackets (e.g. `[G]`). Punctuation symbols (-:/.()) do not need to be wrapped.
-import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat'
-dayjs('05/02/69 1:02:03 PM -05:00', 'MM/DD/YY H:mm:ss A Z')
-// Returns an instance containing '1969-05-02T18:02:03.000Z'
-dayjs('2018 5월 15', 'YYYY MMMM DD', 'ko')
-// Returns an instance containing '2018-05-15T00:00:00.000Z'
-#### List of all available format tokens
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ---------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Two-digit year |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Four-digit year |
-| `M` | 1-12 | Month, beginning at 1 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | Month, 2-digits |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | The full month name |
-| `D` | 1-31 | Day of month |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | Day of month, 2-digits |
-| `H` | 0-23 | Hours |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | Hours, 2-digits |
-| `h` | 1-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
-| `m` | 0-59 | Minutes |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | Minutes, 2-digits |
-| `s` | 0-59 | Seconds |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | Seconds, 2-digits |
-| `S` | 0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit |
-| `SS` | 00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | Milliseconds, 3-digits |
-| `Z` | -05:00 | Offset from UTC |
-| `ZZ` | -0500 | Compact offset from UTC, 2-digits |
-| `A` | AM PM | Post or ante meridiem, upper-case |
-| `a` | am pm | Post or ante meridiem, lower-case |
-| `Do` | 1st... 31st | 서수형식의 일자 명 |
-### ToArray
-- ToArray add `.toArray()` API to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-import toArray from 'dayjs/plugin/toArray'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toArray() // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
-### ToObject
-- ToObject add `.toObject()` API to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-import toObject from 'dayjs/plugin/toObject'
-/* { years: 2019,
- months: 0,
- date: 25,
- hours: 0,
- minutes: 0,
- seconds: 0,
- milliseconds: 0 } */
-### MinMax
-- MinMax adds `.min` `.max` APIs to return a `dayjs` to compare given dayjs instances.
-import minMax from 'dayjs/plugin/minMax'
-dayjs.max(dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01'))
-dayjs.min([dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01')])
-### Calendar
-- Calendar adds `.calendar` API to return a `string` to display calendar time
-import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar'
-dayjs().calendar(null, {
- sameDay: '[Today at] h:mm A', // The same day ( Today at 2:30 AM )
- nextDay: '[Tomorrow]', // The next day ( Tomorrow at 2:30 AM )
- nextWeek: 'dddd', // The next week ( Sunday at 2:30 AM )
- lastDay: '[Yesterday]', // The day before ( Yesterday at 2:30 AM )
- lastWeek: '[Last] dddd', // Last week ( Last Monday at 2:30 AM )
- sameElse: 'DD/MM/YYYY' // Everything else ( 7/10/2011 )
-### UpdateLocale
-- UpdateLocale adds `.updateLocale` API to update a locale's properties.
-import updateLocale from 'dayjs/plugin/updateLocale'
-dayjs.updateLocale('en', {
- months : String[]
-## Customize
-다양한 요구를 충족하기위해 자신만의 Day.js 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다.
-플러그인을 제작하고 풀 리퀘스트하여 공유하세요.
-Day.js 플러그인 템플릿
-export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
- // extend dayjs()
- // e.g. add dayjs().isSameOrBefore()
- dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
- // extend dayjs
- // e.g. add dayjs.utc()
- dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
- // overriding existing API
- // e.g. extend dayjs().format()
- const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format
- dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
- // original format result
- const result = oldFormat(arguments)
- // return modified result
- }
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/pt-br/API-reference.md b/docs/pt-br/API-reference.md
index 3015deb7a..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/pt-br/API-reference.md
+++ b/docs/pt-br/API-reference.md
@@ -1,539 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/parse/parse) for more information.
-## Referência da API
-Ao invés de modificar o `Date.prototype` nativo, o Day.js empacota o objeto nativo `Date` em um objeto `Dayjs`.
-O objeto `Dayjs` é imutável, ou seja, todas as operações da API que alteram o objeto `Dayjs` irão retornar uma nova instancia deste objeto.
-- [Referência da API](#referência-da-api)
- - [Conversões](#conversões)
- - [Construtor `dayjs(existing?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`](#construtor-dayjsexisting-string--number--date--dayjs)
- - [string ISO 8601](#string-iso-8601)
- - [Objeto `Date` nativo](#objeto-date-nativo)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)](#unix-timestamp-milliseconds)
- - [Unix Timestamp (seconds)](#unix-timestamp-seconds-unixvalue-number)
- - [Custom Parse Format](#custom-parse-format)
- - [Clonar `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`](#clonar-clone--dayjsoriginal-dayjs)
- - [Validação `.isValid()`](#validação-isvalid)
- - [Get and Set](#get-and-set)
- - [Ano `.year()`](#ano-year)
- - [Mês `.month()`](#mês-month)
- - [Dia do Mês `.date()`](#dia-do-mês-date)
- - [Dia da Semana `.day()`](#dia-da-semana-day)
- - [Hora `.hour()`](#hora-hour)
- - [Minuto `.minute()`](#minuto-minute)
- - [Segundo `.second()`](#segundo-second)
- - [Milissegundo `.millisecond()`](#milissegundo-millisecond)
- - [Get `.get(unit: string)`](#get-getunit-string)
- - [Lista de todas as unidades disponíveis](#lista-de-todas-as-unidades-disponíveis)
- - [Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`](#set-setunit-string-value-number)
- - [Manipulando](#manipulando)
- - [Adicionar `.add(value: number, unit: string)`](#adicionar-addvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Subtrair `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`](#subtrair-subtractvalue-number-unit-string)
- - [Início do Tempo `.startOf(unit: string)`](#início-do-tempo-startofunit-string)
- - [Fim do Tempo `.endOf(unit: string)`](#fim-do-tempo-endofunit-string)
- - [Exibindo](#exibindo)
- - [Formatação `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`](#formatação-formatstringwithtokens-string)
- - [Lista com todos os formatos disponíveis](#lista-com-todos-os-formatos-disponíveis)
- - [Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`](#difference-diffcompared-dayjs-unit-string-float-boolean)
- - [Unix Timestamp (milissegundos) `.valueOf()`](#unix-timestamp-milissegundos-valueof)
- - [Unix Timestamp (segundos) `.unix()`](#unix-timestamp-segundos-unix)
- - [UTC offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`](#utc-offset-minutes-utcoffset)
- - [Dias no Mês `.daysInMonth()`](#dias-no-mês-daysinmonth)
- - [Como objeto `Date` do Javascript `.toDate()`](#como-objeto-date-do-javascript-todate)
- - [Como JSON `.toJSON()`](#como-json-tojson)
- - [Como uma string ISO 8601 `.toISOString()`](#como-uma-string-iso-8601-toisostring)
- - [Como String `.toString()`](#como-string-tostring)
- - [Consulta](#consulta)
- - [Antes `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#antes-isbeforecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Igual `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#igual-issamecompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [Depois `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`](#depois-isaftercompared-dayjs-unit-string)
- - [É um objeto `Dayjs` `.isDayjs()`](#é-um-objeto-dayjs-isdayjs)
- - [UTC](#utc)
- - [Plugin APIs](#plugin-apis)
-## Conversões
-### Construtor `dayjs(existing?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)`
-Chamando este construtor sem parâmetros, será retornado um objeto `Dayjs` contendo a data e hora atual.
-Day.js também converte outros formatos de data.
-#### string [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601)
-#### Objeto `Date` nativo
-dayjs(new Date(2018, 8, 18))
-#### Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)
-### Unix Timestamp (seconds) `.unix(value: number)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` from a Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix Epoch)
-### Custom Parse Format
-- parse custom formats `dayjs("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY")` in plugin [`CustomParseFormat`](./Plugin.md#customparseformat)
-### Clonar `.clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)`
-Retorna um objeto `Dayjs` clonado.
-dayjs(dayjs('2019-01-25')) // passando um objeto Dayjs para o construtor também irá cloná-lo
-### Validação `.isValid()`
-Retorna um `boolean` indicando se a data do objeto `Dayjs` é válida.
-## Get and Set
-### Ano `.year()`
-Gets or sets the year.
-### Mês `.month()`
-Gets or sets the month. Starts at 0
-### Dia do Mês `.date()`
-Gets or sets the day of the month. Starts at 1
-### Dia da Semana `.day()`
-Gets or sets the day of the week. Starts on Sunday with 0
-### Hora `.hour()`
-Gets or sets the hour.
-### Minuto `.minute()`
-Gets or sets the minute.
-### Segundo `.second()`
-Gets or sets the second.
-### Milissegundo `.millisecond()`
-Gets or sets the millisecond.
-### Get `.get(unit: string)`
-Returns a `number` with information getting from `Dayjs` object
-dayjs().get('month') // start 0
-#### Lista de todas as unidades disponíveis
-| Unidade | Shorthand | Descrição |
-| ------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| `date` | | Data do Mês |
-| `day` | `d` | Dia da Semana (Domingo como 0, Sábado como 6) |
-| `month` | `M` | Mês (January as 0, December as 11) |
-| `year` | `y` | Ano |
-| `hour` | `h` | Hora |
-| `minute` | `m` | Minuto |
-| `second` | `s` | Segundo |
-| `millisecond` | `ms` | Milissegundo |
-### Set `.set(unit: string, value: number)`
-Retorna um `Dayjs` com as mudanças aplicadas.
-dayjs().set('date', 1)
-dayjs().set('month', 3) // April
-dayjs().set('second', 30)
-## Manipulando
-Um objeto `Dayjs` pode ser manipulado de várias maneiras.
- .add(1, 'day')
- .subtract(1, 'year')
- .toString() // Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT
-### Adicionar `.add(value: number, unit: string)`
-Retorna um objeto `Dayjs` clonado com a quantidade especificada de dias adicionados.
-dayjs().add(7, 'day')
-### Subtrair `.subtract(value: number, unit: string)`
-Retorna um objeto `Dayjs` clonado com a quantidade especificada de dias subtraídos.
-dayjs().subtract(7, 'year')
-### Início do Tempo `.startOf(unit: string)`
-Retorna um objeto `Dayjs` clonado definido com o começo da unidade de tempo especificada.
-dayjs().startOf('week') // Depends on `weekStart` in locale
-### Fim do Tempo `.endOf(unit: string)`
-Retorna um objeto `Dayjs` clonado definido com o fim da unidade de tempo especificada.
-## Exibindo
-### Formatação `.format(stringWithTokens: string)`
-Retorna uma `string` com um objeto `Dayjs` contendo a data formatada.
-Para escapar caracteres, envolva-os entre colchetes (por exemplo: `[A] [MM]`).
-dayjs().format() // current date in ISO8601, without fraction seconds e.g. '2020-04-02T08:02:17-05:00'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('[YYYY] YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]') // 'YYYY 2019-01-25T00:00:00-02:00Z'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('DD/MM/YYYY') // '25/01/2019'
-#### Lista com todos os formatos disponíveis
-| Formato | Saída | Descrição |
-| ------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Ano, com 2 dígitos |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Ano, com 4 dígitos |
-| `M` | 1-12 | Mês (começa em 1) |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | Mês, com 2 dígitos |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | Nome do mês abreviado |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | Nome do mês completo |
-| `D` | 1-31 | Dia do mês |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | Dia do mês, com 2 dígitos |
-| `d` | 0-6 | Dia da semana (Domingo = 0) |
-| `dd` | Su-Sa | The min name of the day of the week |
-| `ddd` | Sun-Sat | The short name of the day of the week |
-| `dddd` | Sunday-Saturday | Nome do dia da semana |
-| `H` | 0-23 | Hora |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | Hora, com 2 dígitos |
-| `h` | 1-12 | Hora (formato de 12 horas) |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hora, com 2 dígitos (formato de 12 horas) |
-| `m` | 0-59 | Minuto |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | Minuto, com 2 dígitos |
-| `s` | 0-59 | Segundo |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | Segundo, com 2 dígitos |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | Milisegundo, com 3 dígitos |
-| `Z` | +05:00 | Diferença do fuso horário UTC |
-| `ZZ` | +0500 | Diferença do fuso horário UTC, com 2 dígitos |
-| `A` | AM PM | |
-| `a` | am pm | |
-- Mais formatos disponíveis `Q Do k kk X x ...` no plugin [`AdvancedFormat`](./Plugin.md#advancedformat)
-- Localized format options `L LT LTS ...` in plugin [`LocalizedFormat`](./Plugin.md#localizedFormat)
-### Difference `.diff(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string, float?: boolean)`
-Retorna um `number` indicando a diferença entre dois objetos `Dayjs` na unidade especificada.
-const date1 = dayjs('2019-01-25')
-const date2 = dayjs('2018-06-05')
-date1.diff(date2) // 20214000000 default milliseconds
-date1.diff(date2, 'month') // 7
-date1.diff(date2, 'month', true) // 7.645161290322581
-date1.diff(date2, 'day') // 233
-### Unix Timestamp (milissegundos) `.valueOf()`
-Retorna um `number` em milissegundos desde a Unix Epoch para o objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').valueOf() // 1548381600000
-### Unix Timestamp (segundos) `.unix()`
-Retorna um `number` em segundos desde a Unix Epoch para o objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').unix() // 1548381600
-### UTC Offset (minutes) `.utcOffset()`
-Returns the UTC offset in minutes for the `Dayjs`.
-### Dias no Mês `.daysInMonth()`
-Retorna um `number` em contendo o número de dias no mês do objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').daysInMonth() // 31
-### Como objeto `Date` do Javascript `.toDate()`
-Retorna uma cópia do objeto nativo `Date` convertido de um objeto `Dayjs`.
-### Como JSON `.toJSON()`
-Retorna o objeto `Dayjs` formatado em uma `string` ISO8601.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toJSON() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### Como uma string ISO 8601 `.toISOString()`
-Retorna o objeto `Dayjs` formatado em uma `string` ISO8601.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toISOString() // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'
-### Como String `.toString()`
-Retorna uma representação em `string` da data.
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toString() // 'Fri, 25 Jan 2019 02:00:00 GMT'
-## Consulta
-### Antes `.isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`]
-Retorna um `boolean` indicando se a data do objeto `Dayjs` é antes da data fornecida de em outro objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### Igual `.isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`]
-Retorna um `boolean` indicando se a data do objeto `Dayjs` é a mesma data fornecida de em outro objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs(), 'year') // true
-### Depois `.isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)`]
-Retorna um `boolean` indicando se a data do objeto `Dayjs` é depois da data fornecida de em outro objeto `Dayjs`.
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs()) // false
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs(), 'year') // false
-### É um objeto `Dayjs` `.isDayjs()`
-Retorna um `boolean` indicando se a variável é um objeto `Dayjs` ou não.
-dayjs.isDayjs(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs.isDayjs(new Date()) // false
-The operator `instanceof` works equally well:
-dayjs() instanceof dayjs // true
-## UTC
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` with plugin [`UTC`](./Plugin.md#utc)
-## Plugin APIs
-### RelativeTime
-`.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` para obter o tempo relativo
-plugin [`RelativeTime`](./Plugin.md#relativetime)
-### IsLeapYear
-`.isLeapYear` para obter um ano bissexto ou não
-plugin [`IsLeapYear`](./Plugin.md#isleapyear)
-### WeekOfYear
-`.week` para obter a semana do ano
-plugin [`WeekOfYear`](./Plugin.md#weekofyear)
-### WeekDay
-`.weekday` to get or set locale aware day of the week
-plugin [`WeekDay`](./Plugin.md#weekday)
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-`.isoWeeksInYear` to get the number of weeks in year
-plugin [`IsoWeeksInYear`](./Plugin.md#isoweeksinyear)
-### IsSameOrAfter
-`.isSameOrAfter` to check if a date is same of after another date
-plugin [`IsSameOrAfter`](./Plugin.md#issameorafter)
-### IsSameOrBefore
-`.isSameOrBefore` to check if a date is same of before another date.
-plugin [`IsSameOrBefore`](./Plugin.md#issameorbefore)
-### IsBetween
-`.isBetween` para verificar se uma data está entre duas outras datas
-plugin [`IsBetween`](./Plugin.md#isbetween)
-### QuarterOfYear
-`.quarter` to get quarter of the year
-plugin [`QuarterOfYear`](./Plugin.md#quarterofyear)
-### ToArray
-`.toArray` to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-plugin [`ToArray`](./Plugin.md#toarray)
-### ToObject
-`.toObject` to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-plugin [`ToObject`](./Plugin.md#toobject)
-### MinMax
-`.min` `.max` to compare given dayjs instances.
-plugin [`MinMax`](./Plugin.md#minmax)
-### Calendar
-`.calendar` to display calendar time
-plugin [`Calendar`](./Plugin.md#calendar)
-### UpdateLocale
-`.updateLocale` to update a locale's properties
-plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/pt-br/I18n.md b/docs/pt-br/I18n.md
index 4c12a08cc..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/pt-br/I18n.md
+++ b/docs/pt-br/I18n.md
@@ -1,165 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/i18n/i18n) for more information.
-## Internacionalização
-Day.js possui um ótimo suporte para internacionalização.
-Porém nenhuma delas estarão incluídas no seu _build_ até que você as utilize.
-Por padrão, Day.js vem com o _locale_ Inglês (Estados Unidos).
-Você pode carregar múltiplos _locales_ e alternar entre eles facilmente.
-[Lista de locales disponíveis](../../src/locale)
-Você será bem-vindo para adicionar um _locale_ abrindo um pull request. :+1:
-## API
-#### Mudando locale globalmente
-- Retorna uma string com o locale global
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
-import de from 'dayjs/locale/de'
-dayjs.locale('es') // usar a localidade 'es' globalmente
-dayjs.locale('de-german', de) // usar a localidade 'de' e alterar a string padrão
-const customizedLocaleObject = { ... } // mais detalhes podem ser vistos na sessão de customização abaixo
-dayjs.locale(customizedLocaleObject) // usar uma localidade customizada
-dayjs.locale('en') // alterna de volta a localidade globalmente para padrão em inglês
-- Mudar o _locale_ global não afeta instâncias já existentes.
-#### Mudar _locales_ localmente
-- Retorna um novo objeto `Dayjs` para ser substituído por um novo _locale_
-Exatamente o mesmo que `dayjs#locale`, porém utilizando somente o _locale_ em uma instâcia específica.
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
- .locale('es')
- .format() // usar a localidade localmente
-dayjs('2018-4-28', { locale: 'es' }) // também pode ser feito no construtor
-## Instalação
-- Via NPM:
-import 'dayjs/locale/es' // carrega a localidade 'es'
-// require('dayjs/locale/es') // se estiver usando CommonJS
-// import locale_es from 'dayjs/locale/es' -> carrega e obtém o objeto de localidade locale_es
-dayjs.locale('es') // usa a localidade globalmente
- .locale('es')
- .format() // usa a localidade em uma instância específica
-- Via CDN:
-## Customizar
-You could update locale config via plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
-Você pode criar o seu próprio _locale_.
-Sinta-se a vontade para abrir uma pull request e compartilhar sua _locale_.
-Modelo de um objeto _locale_ Day.js.
-const objetoLocale = {
- name: 'es', // nome: String
- weekdays: 'Domingo_Lunes ...'.split('_'), // dias da semana: Array
- weekdaysShort: 'Sun_M'.split('_'), // OPCIONAL, dias da semana com nome curto: Array, utiliza as três primeiras letras se nenhuma for especificada
- weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo'.split('_'), // OPCIONAL, dias da semana com nome mínimo: Array, utiliza as duas primeiras letras se nenhuma for especificada
- weekStart: 1, // OPCIONAL, define o início da semana. Se o valor for 1, Segunda-feira será o início da semana ao invés de Domingo。
- yearStart: 4, // OPTIONAL, the week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
- months: 'Enero_Febrero ... '.split('_'), // meses: Array
- monthsShort: 'Jan_F'.split('_'), // OPCIONAL, meses com nome curto: Array, utiliza as três primeiras letras se nenhuma for especificada
- ordinal: n => `${n}º`, // ordinal: Function (number) => retorna number + saída
- formats: {
- // opções para formatos localizados
- LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
- LT: 'h:mm A',
- L: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
- LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
- LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
- // formatos localizados/curtos opcionais
- l: 'D/M/YYYY',
- ll: 'D MMM, YYYY',
- lll: 'D MMM, YYYY h:mm A',
- llll: 'ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A'
- },
- relativeTime: {
- // formato relativo de horas, mantém %s %d como o mesmo
- future: 'em %s', // exemplo: em 2 horas, %s será substituído por 2 horas
- past: '%s ago',
- s: 'a few seconds',
- m: 'a minute',
- mm: '%d minutes',
- h: 'an hour',
- hh: '%d hours', // exemplo: em 2 horas, %s será substituído por 2
- d: 'a day',
- dd: '%d days',
- M: 'a month',
- MM: '%d months',
- y: 'a year',
- yy: '%d years'
- },
- meridiem: (hour, minute, isLowercase) => {
- return hour > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'
- }
-Modelo de um arquivo _locale_ do Day.js.
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-const locale = { ... } // seu objeto de localidade
-dayjs.locale(locale, null, true) // carrega a localidade para uso posterior
-export default locale
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/pt-br/Installation.md b/docs/pt-br/Installation.md
index 0ed7de3d8..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/pt-br/Installation.md
+++ b/docs/pt-br/Installation.md
@@ -1,49 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/installation/installation) for more information.
-## Guia de Instalação
-Existem várias maneiras de incluir o Day.js em seu projeto:
-- Via NPM:
-npm install dayjs --save
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-// Ou se preferir CommonJS
-// var dayjs = require('dayjs');
-- Via CDN:
-- Via download e _self-hosting_:
-Simplesmente baixe a última versão do Day.js: [https://unpkg.com/dayjs/](https://unpkg.com/dayjs/)
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/pt-br/Plugin.md b/docs/pt-br/Plugin.md
index bff8ea824..ed52bfbff 100644
--- a/docs/pt-br/Plugin.md
+++ b/docs/pt-br/Plugin.md
@@ -1,503 +1,3 @@
-### Notice
+### Note
-The document here **no longer** updates.
-Please visit our website [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/en/plugin/plugin) for more information.
-# Lista de Plugins
-Um plugin é um módulo independente que pode ser adicionado ao Day.js para estendê-lo ou adicionar novas funcionalidades.
-Por padrão, o Day.js vem somente com seu código _core_ e sem plugins instalados.
-Você pode adicionar múltiplos plugins de acordo com a sua necessidade.
-## API
-#### Extend
-- Retorna objeto Dayjs
-Usando um plugin.
-import plugin
-dayjs.extend(plugin, options) // com opções do plugin
-## Instalação
-- Via NPM:
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // carregar sob demanda
-dayjs.extend(advancedFormat) // usa o plugin
-- Via CDN:
-## Lista de plugins oficiais
-### UTC
-- UTC adds `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` APIs to parse or display in UTC.
-import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
-// default local time
-dayjs().format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-// UTC mode
-dayjs.utc().format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
- .utc()
- .format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
-// While in UTC mode, all display methods will display in UTC time instead of local time.
-// And all getters and setters will internally use the Date#getUTC* and Date#setUTC* methods instead of the Date#get* and Date#set* methods.
-dayjs.utc().isUTC() // true
- .utc()
- .local()
- .format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') // with CustomParseFormat plugin
-By default, Day.js parses and displays in local time.
-If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use `dayjs.utc()` instead of `dayjs()`.
-#### dayjs.utc `dayjs.utc(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs, format? string)`
-Returns a `Dayjs` object in UTC mode.
-#### Use UTC time `.utc()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use UTC time.
-#### Use local time `.local()`
-Returns a cloned `Dayjs` object with a flag to use local time.
-#### isUTC mode `.isUTC()`
-Returns a `boolean` indicating current `Dayjs` object is in UTC mode or not.
-### AdvancedFormat
-- O AdvancedFormat estende a API de `dayjs().format` para fornecer mais opções de formatação.
-import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat'
-dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x')
-Lista de formatos adicionados:
-| Formato | Saída | Descrição |
-| ------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `Q` | 1-4 | Quarter |
-| `Do` | 1st 2nd ... 31st | Dia do mês com ordinal |
-| `k` | 1-24 | Hora (começando do 1) |
-| `kk` | 01-24 | Hora, com 2 dígitos (começando do 1) |
-| `X` | 1360013296 | Unix Timestamp em segundos |
-| `x` | 1360013296123 | Unix Timestamp em milissegundos |
-| `w` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | Week of year (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `ww` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `W` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-| `WW` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | ISO Week of year, 2-digits (depend: weekOfYear & isoWeek plugin)|
-| `wo` | 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd | Week of year with ordinal (depend: weekOfYear plugin) |
-| `gggg` | 2017 | Week Year (depend: weekYear plugin) |
-| `GGGG` | 2017 | ISO Week Year (depend: weekYear & isoWeek plugin) |
-### LocalizedFormat
-- LocalizedFormat extends `dayjs().format` API to supply localized format options.
-import LocalizedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat'
-dayjs().format('L LT')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | English Locale | Sample Output |
-| ------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `LT` | h:mm A | 8:02 PM |
-| `LTS` | h:mm:ss A | 8:02:18 PM |
-| `L` | MM/DD/YYYY | 08/16/2018 |
-| `LL` | MMMM D, YYYY | August 16, 2018 |
-| `LLL` | MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-| `LLLL` | dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
-### RelativeTime
-- RelativeTime adds `.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` APIs to formats date to relative time strings (e.g. 3 hours ago).
-import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
-dayjs().from(dayjs('1990')) // 2 anos atrás
-dayjs().from(dayjs(), true) // 2 anos
-#### Tempo a partir de agora `.fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Retorna uma `string` do tempo relativo a partir de agora.
-#### Tempo a partir de X `.from(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Retorna uma `string` do tempo relativo a partir de X.
-#### Tempo até agora `.toNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Retorna uma `string` do tempo relativo até agora.
-#### Tempo até X `.to(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-Retorna uma `string` do tempo relativo até X.
-| Intervalo | Chave | Sample Output |
-| ------------------------ | ----- | -------------------------------- |
-| 0 to 44 seconds | s | a few seconds ago |
-| 45 to 89 seconds | m | a minute ago |
-| 90 seconds to 44 minutes | mm | 2 minutes ago ... 44 minutes ago |
-| 45 to 89 minutes | h | an hour ago |
-| 90 minutes to 21 hours | hh | 2 hours ago ... 21 hours ago |
-| 22 to 35 hours | d | a day ago |
-| 36 hours to 25 days | dd | 2 days ago ... 25 days ago |
-| 26 to 45 days | M | a month ago |
-| 46 days to 10 months | MM | 2 months ago ... 10 months ago |
-| 11 months to 17months | y | a year ago |
-| 18 months+ | yy | 2 years ago ... 20 years ago |
-### IsLeapYear
-- IsLeapYear adiciona `.isLeapYear` à API para retornar um `boolean` indicando se o objeto `Dayjs` é um ano bissexto ou não.
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear'
-dayjs('2000-01-01').isLeapYear() // true
-### BuddhistEra
-- BuddhistEra estende a API `dayjs().format` para fornecer opções de formação da era Budista (B.E.).
-- A era Budista é um sistema de numeração do ano que se usou primeiramente em países asiáticos do Sudeste Asiático de Cambodia, de Laos, de Myanmar e da Tailândia, assim como em Sri Lanka e em populações chinesas da Malaysia e de Cingapura para ocasiões religiosas ou oficiais [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_calendar))
-- Para calcular um ano da era Budista manualmente, apenas adicione 543 ao ano. Por exemplo, 26 de maio de 1977 AD/CE deverá ser exibido como 26 de maio de 2520 BE (1977 + 543).
-import buddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra'
-dayjs().format('BBBB BB')
-Lista de formatos adicionados:
-| Formato | Saída | Descrição |
-| ------- | ----- | ------------------------- |
-| `BBBB` | 2561 | Full BE Year (Year + 543) |
-| `BB` | 61 | 2-digit of BE Year |
-### IsSameOrAfter
-- IsSameOrAfter adds `.isSameOrAfter()` API to returns a `boolean` indicating if a date is same of after another date.
-import isSameOrAfter from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsSameOrBefore
-- IsSameOrBefore adds `.isSameOrBefore()` API to returns a `boolean` indicating if a date is same of before another date.
-import isSameOrBefore from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrBefore('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsBetween
-- IsBetween adiciona `.isBetween()` à API para retornar um `boolean` indicando se a data está entre outras duas datas.
-import isBetween from 'dayjs/plugin/isBetween'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isBetween('2010-10-19', dayjs('2010-10-25'), 'year')
-dayjs('2016-10-30').isBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-10-30', null, '[)')
-// '[' indicates inclusion, '(' indicates exclusion
-### DayOfYear
-- DayOfYear adds `.dayOfYear()` API to returns a `number` indicating the `Dayjs`'s day of the year, or to set the day of the year.
-import dayOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/dayOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear() // 1
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear(365) // 2010-12-31
-### WeekOfYear
-- WeekOfYear adiciona `.week()` à API para retornar um `number` indicando um objeto `Dayjs` com a semana do ano..
-import weekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear'
-dayjs('06/27/2018').week() // 26
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week(5) // set week
-### WeekDay
-- WeekDay adds `.weekday()` API to get or set locale aware day of the week.
-import weekday from 'dayjs/plugin/weekday'
-// when Monday is the first day of the week
-dayjs().weekday(-7) // last Monday
-dayjs().weekday(7) // next Monday
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-- IsoWeeksInYear adds `.isoWeeksInYear()` API to return a `number` to get the number of weeks in year, according to ISO weeks.
-import isoWeeksInYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isoWeeksInYear'
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear' // rely on isLeapYear plugin
-dayjs('2004-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 53
-dayjs('2005-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 52
-### QuarterOfYear
-- QuarterOfYear add `.quarter()` API to return to which quarter of the year belongs a date, and extends `.add` `.subtract` `.startOf` `.endOf` APIs to support unit `quarter`.
-import quarterOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-04-01').quarter() // 2
-### CustomParseFormat
-- CustomParseFormat extends `dayjs()` constructor to support custom formats of input strings.
-To escape characters, wrap them in square brackets (e.g. `[G]`). Punctuation symbols (-:/.()) do not need to be wrapped.
-import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat'
-dayjs('05/02/69 1:02:03 PM -05:00', 'MM/DD/YY H:mm:ss A Z')
-// Returns an instance containing '1969-05-02T18:02:03.000Z'
-dayjs('2018 Fevereiro 15', 'YYYY MMMM DD', 'pt_br')
-// Returns an instance containing '2018-02-15T00:00:00.000Z'
-#### List of all available format tokens
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ---------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | Two-digit year |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | Four-digit year |
-| `M` | 1-12 | Month, beginning at 1 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | Month, 2-digits |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | The full month name |
-| `D` | 1-31 | Day of month |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | Day of month, 2-digits |
-| `H` | 0-23 | Hours |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | Hours, 2-digits |
-| `h` | 1-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
-| `m` | 0-59 | Minutes |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | Minutes, 2-digits |
-| `s` | 0-59 | Seconds |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | Seconds, 2-digits |
-| `S` | 0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit |
-| `SS` | 00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | Milliseconds, 3-digits |
-| `Z` | -05:00 | Offset from UTC |
-| `ZZ` | -0500 | Compact offset from UTC, 2-digits |
-| `A` | AM PM | Post or ante meridiem, upper-case |
-| `a` | am pm | Post or ante meridiem, lower-case |
-| `Do` | 1st... 31st | Dia do mês com ordinal |
-### ToArray
-- ToArray add `.toArray()` API to return an `array` that mirrors the parameters
-import toArray from 'dayjs/plugin/toArray'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toArray() // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
-### ToObject
-- ToObject add `.toObject()` API to return an `object` with the date's properties.
-import toObject from 'dayjs/plugin/toObject'
-/* { years: 2019,
- months: 0,
- date: 25,
- hours: 0,
- minutes: 0,
- seconds: 0,
- milliseconds: 0 } */
-### MinMax
-- MinMax adds `.min` `.max` APIs to return a `dayjs` to compare given dayjs instances.
-import minMax from 'dayjs/plugin/minMax'
-dayjs.max(dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01'))
-dayjs.min([dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01')])
-### Calendar
-- Calendar adds `.calendar` API to return a `string` to display calendar time
-import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar'
-dayjs().calendar(null, {
- sameDay: '[Today at] h:mm A', // The same day ( Today at 2:30 AM )
- nextDay: '[Tomorrow]', // The next day ( Tomorrow at 2:30 AM )
- nextWeek: 'dddd', // The next week ( Sunday at 2:30 AM )
- lastDay: '[Yesterday]', // The day before ( Yesterday at 2:30 AM )
- lastWeek: '[Last] dddd', // Last week ( Last Monday at 2:30 AM )
- sameElse: 'DD/MM/YYYY' // Everything else ( 7/10/2011 )
-### UpdateLocale
-- UpdateLocale adds `.updateLocale` API to update a locale's properties.
-import updateLocale from 'dayjs/plugin/updateLocale'
-dayjs.updateLocale('en', {
- months : String[]
-## Customizar
-Você também pode construir seu próprio plugin Day.js para diferentes necessidades.
-Sinta-se à vontade para abrir um pull request e compartilhar seu plugin.
-Modelo de um plugin Day.js.
-export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
- // estender dayjs()
- // ex: adicionar dayjs().isSameOrBefore()
- dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
- // estender dayjs
- // ex: adicionar dayjs.utc()
- dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
- // sobrescrever API existente
- // ex: estender dayjs().format()
- const formatoAntigo = dayjsClass.prototype.format
- dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
- // original
- const result = formatoAntigo(arguments)
- // retornar modificado
- }
+The documents are moved to [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org).
diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/API-reference.md b/docs/zh-cn/API-reference.md
index 7cec9915a..623cd45ee 100644
--- a/docs/zh-cn/API-reference.md
+++ b/docs/zh-cn/API-reference.md
@@ -1,591 +1,3 @@
### 提醒
-请访问网站 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/zh-CN/parse/parse) 查看更多信息。
-## API
-`Dayjs` 并没有改变或覆盖 Javascript 原生的 `Date.prototype`, 而是创造了一个全新的包含 `Javascript Date` 对象的 `Dayjs` 的对象。
-`Dayjs` 对象是不可变的, 所有的 API 操作都将返回一个新的 `Dayjs` 对象。
-- [解析](#解析)
- - [当前时间](#当前时间)
- - [时间字符串](#时间字符串)
- - [Date 对象](#date-对象)
- - [Unix 时间戳 (毫秒)](#unix-时间戳-毫秒)
- - [Unix 时间戳 (秒)](#unix-时间戳-秒)
- - [自定义时间格式](#自定义时间格式)
- - [复制](#复制)
- - [验证](#验证)
-- [获取+设置](#获取设置)
- - [年](#年)
- - [月](#月)
- - [日](#日)
- - [星期](#星期)
- - [时](#时)
- - [分](#分)
- - [秒](#秒)
- - [毫秒](#毫秒)
- - [获取](#获取)
- - [设置](#设置)
-- [操作](#操作)
- - [增加](#增加)
- - [减少](#减少)
- - [开头时间](#开头时间)
- - [末尾时间](#末尾时间)
-- [显示](#显示)
- - [格式化](#格式化)
- - [时间差](#时间差)
- - [Unix 时间戳 (毫秒)](#unix-时间戳-毫秒-1)
- - [Unix 时间戳 (秒)](#unix-时间戳-秒)
- - [UTC 偏移量 (分)](#utc-偏移量-分)
- - [天数 (月)](#天数-月)
- - [Date 对象](#date-对象-1)
- - [JSON](#as-json)
- - [ISO 8601 字符串](#iso-8601-字符串)
- - [字符串](#字符串)
-- [查询](#查询)
- - [是否之前](#是否之前)
- - [是否相同](#是否相同)
- - [是否之后](#是否之后)
- - [是否是 Dayjs `.isDayjs()`](#是否是-dayjs-isdayjscompared-any)
-- [UTC](#utc)
-- [插件 APIs](#plugin-apis)
-如果没有特别说明,Day.js 的返回值都是新的 `Dayjs` 对象。
-### 解析
-在 `dayjs()` 中传入支持的格式
-#### 当前时间
-直接运行 `dayjs()`,得到包含当前时间和日期的 `Dayjs` 对象。
-### 时间字符串
-可以解析传入的一个标准的[ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601)时间字符串。
-### Date 对象
-可以解析传入的一个 Javascript Date 对象。
-dayjs(new Date(2018, 8, 18))
-### Unix 时间戳 (毫秒)
-可以解析传入的一个 Unix 时间戳 (13 位数字)。
-### Unix 时间戳 (秒)
-可以解析传入的一个 Unix 时间戳 (10 位数字)。
-### 自定义时间格式
-- 解析自定义时间格式如 `dayjs("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY")` 可以使用插件 [`CustomParseFormat`](./Plugin.md#customparseformat)
-### 复制
-`Dayjs` 对象是不可变的,如果您想获得一个对象的拷贝,请执行 `.clone()`。
-向 `dayjs()` 里传入一个 `Dayjs` 对象也能实现同样的效果。
-### 验证
-- return Boolean
-检测当前 `Dayjs` 对象是否是一个有效的时间。
-### 获取+设置
-#### 年
-#### 月
-获取或设置月份。从 0 开始
-#### 日
-获取或设置日期。从 1 开始
-#### 星期
-获取或设置星期。从星期天 0 开始
-#### 时
-#### 分
-#### 秒
-#### 毫秒
-#### 获取
-获取从 `Dayjs` 对象中取到的信息
-传入的单位 (unit) 对大小写不敏感。
-dayjs().get(unit : String)
-dayjs().get('month') // 从 0 开始
-#### 可用单位
-| 单位 | 缩写 | 描述 |
-| ------------- | ---- | --------------------------- |
-| `date` | | 日期 |
-| `day` | `d` | 星期几 (星期天 0, 星期六 6) |
-| `month` | `M` | 月 (一月 0, 十二月 11) |
-| `year` | `y` | 年 |
-| `hour` | `h` | 时 |
-| `minute` | `m` | 分 |
-| `second` | `s` | 秒 |
-| `millisecond` | `ms` | 毫秒 |
-#### 设置
-dayjs().set(unit : String, value : Int);
-dayjs().set('date', 1);
-dayjs().set('month', 3); // 四月
-dayjs().set('second', 30);
-### 操作
-您可以对 `Dayjs` 对象如下增加减少之类的操作:
- .startOf('month')
- .add(1, 'day')
- .subtract(1, 'year')
-#### 增加
-增加时间并返回一个新的 `Dayjs()` 对象。
-dayjs().add(value : Number, unit : String);
-dayjs().add(7, 'day');
-#### 减少
-减少时间并返回一个新的 `Dayjs()` 对象。
-dayjs().subtract(value : Number, unit : String);
-dayjs().subtract(7, 'year');
-#### 开头时间
-返回当前时间的开头时间的 `Dayjs()` 对象,如月份的第一天。
-dayjs().startOf(unit : String);
-dayjs().startOf('week'); // 取决于 locale 文件里 `weekStart` 的值
-#### 末尾时间
-返回当前时间的末尾时间的 `Dayjs()` 对象,如月份的最后一天。
-dayjs().endOf(unit : String);
-### 显示
-格式化 `Dayjs` 对象并展示。
-#### 格式化
-- return String
-dayjs('2019-01-25').format('[YYYY] YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]') // 'YYYY 2019-01-25T00:00:00-02:00Z'
-dayjs().format('{YYYY} MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]') // "{2014} 09-08T08:02:17-05:00Z"
-| 格式 | 输出 | 描述 |
-| ------ | ---------------- | ---------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | 两位数的年份 |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | 四位数的年份 |
-| `M` | 1-12 | 月份,从 1 开始 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | 月份,两位数 |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | 简写的月份名称 |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | 完整的月份名称 |
-| `D` | 1-31 | 月份里的一天 |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | 月份里的一天,两位数 |
-| `d` | 0-6 | 一周中的一天,星期天是 0 |
-| `dd` | Su-Sa | 最简写的一周中一天的名称 |
-| `ddd` | Sun-Sat | 简写的一周中一天的名称 |
-| `dddd` | Sunday-Saturday | 一周中一天的名称 |
-| `H` | 0-23 | 小时 |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | 小时,两位数 |
-| `h` | 1-12 | 小时, 12 小时制 |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hours, 12 小时制, 两位数 |
-| `m` | 0-59 | 分钟 |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | 分钟,两位数 |
-| `s` | 0-59 | 秒 |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | 秒 两位数 |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | 毫秒 三位数 |
-| `Z` | +05:00 | UTC 的偏移量 |
-| `ZZ` | +0500 | UTC 的偏移量,数字前面加上 0 |
-| `A` | AM PM | |
-| `a` | am pm | |
-- 更多格式化的选项 `Q Do k kk X x ...` 可以使用插件 [`AdvancedFormat`](./Plugin.md#advancedformat)
-- 本地化的长日期格式 `L LT LTS ...` 可以使用插件 [`LocalizedFormat`](./Plugin.md#localizedFormat)
-#### 时间差
-- return Number
-获取两个 `Dayjs` 对象的时间差,默认毫秒。
-const date1 = dayjs('2019-01-25')
-const date2 = dayjs('2018-06-05')
-date1.diff(date2) // 20214000000
-date1.diff(date2, 'month') // 7
-date1.diff(date2, 'month', true) // 7.645161290322581
-date1.diff(date2, 'day') // 233
-#### Unix 时间戳 (毫秒)
-- return Number
-返回 Unix 时间戳 (毫秒)
-#### Unix 时间戳 (秒)
-- return Number
-返回 Unix 时间戳 (秒)。
-### UTC 偏移量 (分)
-返回 UTC 偏移量 (分)
-#### 天数 (月)
-- return Number
-#### Date 对象
-- return Javascript `Date` object
-返回原生的 `Date` 对象。
-#### As JSON
-- return JSON String
-当序列化 `Dayjs` 对象时,会返回 ISO8601 格式的字符串。
-dayjs().toJSON() //"2018-08-08T00:00:00.000Z"
-#### ISO 8601 字符串
-- return String
-返回 ISO8601 格式的字符串。
-#### 字符串
-- return String
-### 查询
-#### 是否之前
-- return Boolean
-检查一个 `Dayjs` 对象是否在另一个 `Dayjs` 对象时间之前。
-dayjs().isBefore(Dayjs, unit? : String);
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()); // false
-dayjs().isBefore(dayjs(), 'year'); // false
-#### 是否相同
-- return Boolean
-检查一个 `Dayjs` 对象是否和另一个 `Dayjs` 对象时间相同。
-dayjs().isSame(Dayjs, unit? : String);
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs()); // true
-dayjs().isSame(dayjs(), 'year'); // true
-#### 是否之后
-- return Boolean
-检查一个 `Dayjs` 对象是否在另一个 `Dayjs` 对象时间之后。
-dayjs().isAfter(Dayjs, unit? : String);
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs()); // false
-dayjs().isAfter(dayjs(), 'year'); // false
-### 是否是 Dayjs `.isDayjs(compared: any)`
-返回一个 `boolean` 验证传入值是否是一个 Dayjs 对象.
-dayjs.isDayjs(dayjs()) // true
-dayjs.isDayjs(new Date()) // false
-也可以使用 `instanceof`
-dayjs() instanceof dayjs // true
-## UTC
-如果想要使用 UTC 模式来解析和展示时间,`.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` 可以使用插件 [`UTC`](./Plugin.md#utc)
-## 插件 APIs
-### 相对时间
-`.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` 获得相对时间
-插件 [`RelativeTime`](./Plugin.md#relativetime)
-### 是否是闰年
-`.isLeapYear` 获得是否闰年
-插件 [`IsLeapYear`](./Plugin.md#isleapyear)
-### 年中的第几周
-`.week` 获取是第几个周
-插件 [`WeekOfYear`](./Plugin.md#weekofyear)
-### 星期
-`.weekday` 来获取或设置当前语言的星期
-plugin [`WeekDay`](./Plugin.md#weekday)
-### 年中有几周 ISO
-`.isoWeeksInYear` 获得年中有几周
-plugin [`IsoWeeksInYear`](./Plugin.md#isoweeksinyear)
-### 是否相同或之后
-`.isSameOrAfter` 返回一个时间和一个时间相同或在一个时间之后
-插件 [`IsSameOrAfter`](./Plugin.md#issameorafter)
-### 是否相同或之前
-`.isSameOrBefore` 返回一个时间是否和一个时间相同或在一个时间之前
-插件 [`IsSameOrBefore`](./Plugin.md#issameorbefore)
-### 是否之间
-`.isBetween` 返回一个时间是否介于两个时间之间
-插件 [`IsBetween`](./Plugin.md#isbetween)
-### 年中第几季度
-`.quarter` 返回年中第几季度
-插件 [`QuarterOfYear`](./Plugin.md#quarterofyear)
-### 转成数组
-`.toArray` 返回包含时间数值的数组。
-插件 [`ToArray`](./Plugin.md#toarray)
-### 转成对象
-`.toObject` 返回包含时间数值的对象
-插件 [`ToObject`](./Plugin.md#toobject)
-### 最小最大
-`.min` `.max` 比较传入的 dayjs 实例的大小
-plugin [`MinMax`](./Plugin.md#minmax)
-### 日历时间
-`.calendar` 来显示日历时间
-plugin [`Calendar`](./Plugin.md#calendar)
-### 更新语言配置
-`.updateLocale` 来更新语言配置的属性
-plugin [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale)
+文档已迁移至 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org)。
diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/I18n.md b/docs/zh-cn/I18n.md
index bbafe6225..623cd45ee 100644
--- a/docs/zh-cn/I18n.md
+++ b/docs/zh-cn/I18n.md
@@ -1,165 +1,3 @@
### 提醒
-请访问网站 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/zh-CN/i18n/i18n) 查看更多信息。
-## 国际化 I18n
-Day.js 支持国际化
-Day.js 内置的是英语(English - United States)语言
-欢迎给我们提交 Pull Request 来增加新的语言
-## API
-#### 改变全局语言
-- 返回使用语言的字符串
-import 'dayjs/locale/zh-cn'
-import de from 'dayjs/locale/de'
-dayjs.locale('zh-cn') // 全局使用简体中文
-dayjs.locale('de-german', de) // 使用并更新语言包的名字
-const customizedLocaleObject = { ... } // 更多细节请参考下方的自定义语言对象
-dayjs.locale(customizedLocaleObject) // 使用自定义语言
-dayjs.locale('en') // 全局使用默认的英语语言
-- 改变全局语言并不会影响在此之前生成的实例
-#### 改变当前实例的语言
-- 改变语言并返回新的`Dayjs` 对象
-用法与`dayjs#locale`一致, 但只影响当前实例的语言设置
-import 'dayjs/locale/es'
- .locale('es')
- .format() // 局部修改语言配置
-dayjs('2018-4-28', { locale: 'es' }) // 在新建实例时指定
-## 安装
-- 通过 NPM:
-import 'dayjs/locale/es' // 按需加载
-// require('dayjs/locale/es') // CommonJS
-// import locale_es from 'dayjs/locale/es' -> 加载并获取 locale_es 配置对象
-dayjs.locale('es') // 全局使用
- .locale('es')
- .format() // 当前实例使用
-- 通过 CDN:
-## 自定义
-你可以使用 [`UpdateLocale`](./Plugin.md#updateLocale) 插件来更新语言配置
-你还可以根据需要自由的编写一个 Day.js 语言配置
-同时欢迎提交 PR 与大家分享你的语言配置
-Day.js 的语言配置模版
-const localeObject = {
- name: 'es', // 语言名 String
- weekdays: 'Domingo_Lunes ...'.split('_'), // 星期 Array
- weekdaysShort: 'Sun_M'.split('_'), // 可选, 短的星期 Array, 如果没提供则使用前三个字符
- weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo'.split('_'), // 可选, 最短的星期 Array, 如果没提供则使用前两个字符
- weekStart: 1, // 可选,指定一周的第一天。默认为0,即周日。如果为1,则周一为一周得第一天。
- yearStart: 4, // 可选,包含1月4日的周为一年的第一周
- months: 'Enero_Febrero ... '.split('_'), // 月份 Array
- monthsShort: 'Jan_F'.split('_'), // 可选, 短的月份 Array, 如果没提供则使用前三个字符
- ordinal: n => `${n}º`, // 序号生成工厂函数 Function (number) => return number + output
- formats: {
- // 时间日期格式 - 长
- LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
- LT: 'h:mm A',
- L: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
- LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
- LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
- // 时间日期格式 - 短
- l: 'D/M/YYYY',
- ll: 'D MMM, YYYY',
- lll: 'D MMM, YYYY h:mm A',
- llll: 'ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A'
- },
- relativeTime: {
- // 相对时间, %s %d 不用翻译
- future: 'in %s', // e.g. in 2 hours, %s been replaced with 2hours
- past: '%s ago',
- s: 'a few seconds',
- m: 'a minute',
- mm: '%d minutes',
- h: 'an hour',
- hh: '%d hours', // e.g. 2 hours, %d been replaced with 2
- d: 'a day',
- dd: '%d days',
- M: 'a month',
- MM: '%d months',
- y: 'a year',
- yy: '%d years'
- },
- meridiem: (hour, minute, isLowercase) => {
- // 可选, AM/PM
- return hour > 12 ? '下午' : '上午'
- }
-Day.js 的语言配置本地加载样例
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-const locale = { ... } // 你的 Day.js 语言配置
-dayjs.locale(locale, null, true) // 设置配置
-export default locale
+文档已迁移至 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org)。
diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/Installation.md b/docs/zh-cn/Installation.md
index 395a88792..623cd45ee 100644
--- a/docs/zh-cn/Installation.md
+++ b/docs/zh-cn/Installation.md
@@ -1,49 +1,3 @@
### 提醒
-请访问网站 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/zh-CN/installation/installation) 查看更多信息。
-## 安装指南
-可以有如下多种方法安装使用 Day.js:
-- NPM:
-npm install dayjs --save
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-// 或者 CommonJS
-// var dayjs = require('dayjs');
-- CDN:
-- 下载到您自己的服务器上:
-从 [https://unpkg.com/dayjs/](https://unpkg.com/dayjs/) 下载最新的 Dayjs 源文件,并自行部署到您的服务器上。
+文档已迁移至 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org)。
diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/Plugin.md b/docs/zh-cn/Plugin.md
index cfdd29464..623cd45ee 100644
--- a/docs/zh-cn/Plugin.md
+++ b/docs/zh-cn/Plugin.md
@@ -1,506 +1,3 @@
### 提醒
-请访问网站 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org/docs/zh-CN/plugin/plugin) 查看更多信息。
-# 插件列表
-插件是一些独立的程序,可以给 Day.js 增加新功能和扩展已有功能
-默认情况下,Day.js 只包含核心的代码,并没有安装任何插件
-## API
-#### Extend
-- 将返回 dayjs 类
-import plugin
-dayjs.extend(plugin, options) // 带参数加载插件
-## 安装
-- 通过 NPM:
-import dayjs from 'dayjs'
-import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // 按需加载
-dayjs.extend(advancedFormat) // 使用插件
-- 通过 CDN:
-## 官方插件列表
-### UTC
-- UTC 增加了 `.utc` `.local` `.isUTC` APIs 使用 UTC 模式来解析和展示时间.
-import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
-// 默认当地时间
-dayjs().format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-// UTC 模式
-dayjs.utc().format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
- .utc()
- .format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
-// 在 UTC 模式下,所有的展示方法都将使用 UTC 而不是本地时区
-// 所有的 get 和 set 方法也都会使用 Date#getUTC* 和 Date#setUTC* 而不是 Date#get* and Date#set*
-dayjs.utc().isUTC() // true
- .utc()
- .local()
- .format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
-dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') // with CustomParseFormat plugin
-Day.js 默认使用用户本地时区来解析和展示时间。
-如果想要使用 UTC 模式来解析和展示时间,可以使用 `dayjs.utc()` 而不是 `dayjs()`
-#### dayjs.utc `dayjs.utc(dateType?: string | number | Date | Dayjs, format? string)`
-返回一个使用 UTC 模式的 `Dayjs` 对象。
-#### Use UTC time `.utc()`
-返回一个复制的包含使用 UTC 模式标记的 `Dayjs` 对象。
-#### Use local time `.local()`
-返回一个复制的包含使用本地时区标记的 `Dayjs` 对象。
-#### isUTC mode `.isUTC()`
-返回一个 `boolean` 来展示当前 `Dayjs` 对象是不是在 UTC 模式下。
-### AdvancedFormat
-- AdvancedFormat 扩展了 `dayjs().format` API 以支持更多模版
-import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat'
-dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x')
-| 模版 | 输出 | 简介 |
-| ------ | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| `Q` | 1-4 | 季度 |
-| `Do` | 1st 2nd ... 31st | 带序号的月份 |
-| `k` | 1-24 | 时:由 1 开始 |
-| `kk` | 01-24 | 时:由 1 开始,二位数 |
-| `X` | 1360013296 | 秒为单位的 Unix 时间戳 |
-| `x` | 1360013296123 | 毫秒单位的 Unix 时间戳 |
-| `w` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | 年中第几周 (依赖: weekOfYear 插件) |
-| `ww` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | 年中第几周,二位数 (依赖: weekOfYear 插件) |
-| `W` | 1 2 ... 52 53 | ISO 年中第几周 (依赖: weekOfYear & isoWeek 插件) |
-| `WW` | 01 02 ... 52 53 | ISO 年中第几周,二位数 (依赖: weekOfYear & isoWeek 插件) |
-| `wo` | 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd | 带序号的年中第几周 (依赖: weekOfYear 插件) |
-| `gggg` | 2017 | 根据周计算的年份 (依赖: weekYear 插件) |
-| `GGGG` | 2017 | ISO 根据周计算的年份 (依赖: weekYear & isoWeek& isoWeek 插件) |
-### LocalizedFormat
-- LocalizedFormat 扩展了 `dayjs().format` API 以支持更多本地化的长日期格式.
-import LocalizedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat'
-dayjs().format('L LT')
-| 模版 | 格式 | 输出 |
-| ------ | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| `LT` | HH:mm | 8:02 |
-| `LTS` | HH:mm:ss | 15:25:50 |
-| `L` | YYYY/MM/DD | 2010/02/14 |
-| `LL` | YYYY 年 M 月 D 日 | 2010 年 2 月 14 日 |
-| `LLL` | YYYY 年 M 月 D 日 Ah 点 mm 分 | 2010 年 2 月 14 日下午 3 点 25 分 |
-| `LLLL` | YYYY 年 M 月 D 日 ddddAh 点 mm 分 | 2010 年 2 月 14 日星期日下午 3 点 25 分 |
-| `l` | YYYY/M/D | 2010/2/14 |
-| `ll` | YYYY 年 M 月 D 日 | 2010 年 2 月 14 日 |
-| `lll` | YYYY 年 M 月 D 日 HH:mm | 2010 年 2 月 14 日 15:25 |
-| `llll` | YYYY 年 M 月 D 日 dddd HH:mm | 2010 年 2 月 14 日星期日 15:25 |
-### RelativeTime
-- RelativeTime 增加了 `.from` `.to` `.fromNow` `.toNow` 4 个 API 来展示相对的时间 (e.g. 3 小时以前).
-import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
-dayjs().from(dayjs('1990')) // 2 年以前
-dayjs().from(dayjs(), true) // 2 年
-#### 距离现在的相对时间 `.fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-返回 `string` 距离现在的相对时间
-#### 距离 X 的相对时间 `.from(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-返回 `string` 距离 X 的相对时间
-#### 到现在的相对时间 `.toNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-返回 `string` 到现在的相对时间
-#### 到 X 的相对时间 `.to(compared: Dayjs, withoutSuffix?: boolean)`
-返回 `string` 到 X 的相对时间
-| Range | Key | Sample Output |
-| ---------------- | --- | ---------------------- |
-| 0 到 44 秒 | s | 几秒前 |
-| 45 到 89 秒 | m | 1 分钟前 |
-| 90 秒 到 44 分 | mm | 2 分钟前 ... 44 分钟前 |
-| 45 到 89 分 | h | 1 小时前 |
-| 90 分 到 21 小时 | hh | 2 小时前 ... 21 小时前 |
-| 22 到 35 小时 | d | 1 天前 |
-| 36 小时 到 25 天 | dd | 2 天前 ... 25 天前 |
-| 26 到 45 天 | M | 1 个月前 |
-| 46 天 到 10 月 | MM | 2 个月前 ... 10 个月前 |
-| 11 月 到 17 月 | y | 1 年前 |
-| 18 月以上 | yy | 2 年前 ... 20 年前 |
-## IsLeapYear
-- IsLeapYear 增加了 `.isLeapYear` API 返回一个 `boolean` 来展示一个 `Dayjs`'s 的年份是不是闰年。
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear'
-dayjs('2000-01-01').isLeapYear() // true
-### BuddhistEra
-- BuddhistEra 扩展了 `dayjs().format` API 以支持佛历格式化。
-- 佛历是一个年份编号系统,主要用于柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸和泰国等东南亚国家以及斯里兰卡、马来西亚和新加坡的中国人,用于宗教或官方场合([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_calendar))
-- 要计算 BE 年,只需在年份中添加 543。 例如,1977 年 5 月 26 日 AD / CE 应显示为 2520 年 5 月 26 日 BE(1977 + 543)
-import buddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra'
-dayjs().format('BBBB BB')
-List of added formats:
-| Format | Output | Description |
-| ------ | ------ | ------------------------- |
-| `BBBB` | 2561 | Full BE Year (Year + 543) |
-| `BB` | 61 | 2-digit of BE Year |
-### IsSameOrAfter
-- IsSameOrAfter 增加了 `.isSameOrAfter()` API 返回一个 `boolean` 来展示一个时间是否和一个时间相同或在一个时间之后.
-import isSameOrAfter from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsSameOrBefore
-- IsSameOrBefore 增加了 `.isSameOrBefore()` API 返回一个 `boolean` 来展示一个时间是否和一个时间相同或在一个时间之前.
-import isSameOrBefore from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrBefore('2010-10-19', 'year')
-### IsBetween
-- IsBetween 增加了 `.isBetween()` API 返回一个 `boolean` 来展示一个时间是否介于两个时间之间.
-import isBetween from 'dayjs/plugin/isBetween'
-dayjs('2010-10-20').isBetween('2010-10-19', dayjs('2010-10-25'), 'year')
-dayjs('2016-10-30').isBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-10-30', null, '[)')
-// '[' 包含, '(' 不包含
-### DayOfYear
-- DayOfYear 增加了 `.dayOfYear()` API 返回一个 `number` 来表示 `Dayjs` 的日期是年中第几天,或设置成是年中第几天。
-import dayOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/dayOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear() // 1
-dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear(365) // 2010-12-31
-### WeekOfYear
-- WeekOfYear 增加了 `.week()` API 返回一个 `number` 来表示 `Dayjs` 的日期是年中第几周.
-import weekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear'
-dayjs('06/27/2018').week() // 26
-dayjs('2018-06-27').week(5) // 设置周
-### WeekDay
-- WeekDay 增加了 `.weekday()` API 来获取或设置当前语言的星期。
-import weekday from 'dayjs/plugin/weekday'
-// when Monday is the first day of the week
-dayjs().weekday(-7) // last Monday
-dayjs().weekday(7) // next Monday
-### IsoWeeksInYear
-- IsoWeeksInYear 增加了 `.isoWeeksInYear()` API 返回一个 `number` 来得到依据 ISO week 标准一年中有几周
-import isoWeeksInYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isoWeeksInYear'
-import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear' // rely on isLeapYear plugin
-dayjs('2004-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 53
-dayjs('2005-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 52
-### QuarterOfYear
-- QuarterOfYear 增加了 `.quarter()` API 返回一个 `number` 来表示 `Dayjs` 的日期是第几个季度,并扩展了 `.add` `.subtract` `.startOf` `.endOf` API 来支持 `quarter` 季度单位。
-import quarterOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear'
-dayjs('2010-04-01').quarter() // 2
-### CustomParseFormat
-- CustomParseFormat 拓展了 `dayjs()` 支持自定义时间格式.
-使用方括号来表示需要保留的字符 (e.g. `[G]`) .
-import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat'
-dayjs('05/02/69 1:02:03 PM -05:00', 'MM/DD/YY H:mm:ss A Z')
-// Returns an instance containing '1969-05-02T18:02:03.000Z'
-dayjs('2018 五月 15', 'YYYY MMMM DD', 'zh_cn')
-// Returns an instance containing '2018-05-15T00:00:00.000Z'
-#### List of all available format tokens
-| 格式 | 例子 | 描述 |
-| ------ | ---------------- | ---------------------------- |
-| `YY` | 18 | 两位数的年份 |
-| `YYYY` | 2018 | 四位数的年份 |
-| `M` | 1-12 | 月份,从 1 开始 |
-| `MM` | 01-12 | 月份,两位数 |
-| `MMM` | Jan-Dec | 简写的月份名称 |
-| `MMMM` | January-December | 完整的月份名称 |
-| `D` | 1-31 | 月份里的一天 |
-| `DD` | 01-31 | 月份里的一天,两位数 |
-| `H` | 0-23 | 小时 |
-| `HH` | 00-23 | 小时,两位数 |
-| `h` | 1-12 | 小时, 12 小时制 |
-| `hh` | 01-12 | Hours, 12 小时制, 两位数 |
-| `m` | 0-59 | 分钟 |
-| `mm` | 00-59 | 分钟,两位数 |
-| `s` | 0-59 | 秒 |
-| `ss` | 00-59 | 秒 两位数 |
-| `S` | 0-9 | 毫秒 一位数 |
-| `SS` | 00-99 | 毫秒 两位数 |
-| `SSS` | 000-999 | 毫秒 三位数 |
-| `Z` | +05:00 | UTC 的偏移量 |
-| `ZZ` | +0500 | UTC 的偏移量,数字前面加上 0 |
-| `A` | AM PM | |
-| `a` | am pm | |
-| `Do` | 1st... 31st | 带序号的月份 |
-### ToArray
-- ToArray 增加了 `.toArray()` API 来返回包含时间数值的数组。
-import toArray from 'dayjs/plugin/toArray'
-dayjs('2019-01-25').toArray() // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
-### ToObject
-- ToObject 增加了 `.toObject()` API 来返回包含时间数值的对象。
-import toObject from 'dayjs/plugin/toObject'
-/* { years: 2019,
- months: 0,
- date: 25,
- hours: 0,
- minutes: 0,
- seconds: 0,
- milliseconds: 0 } */
-### MinMax
-- MinMax 增加了 `.min` `.max` API 返回一个 `dayjs` 来比较传入的 dayjs 实例的大小。
-import minMax from 'dayjs/plugin/minMax'
-dayjs.max(dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01'))
-dayjs.min([dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01')])
-### Calendar
-- Calendar 增加了 `.calendar` API 返回一个 `string` 来显示日历时间。
-import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar'
-dayjs().calendar(null, {
- sameDay: '[今天] HH:mm', // 今天 ( 今天 2:30 AM )
- nextDay: '[明天]', // 明天 ( 明天 2:30 AM )
- nextWeek: '[下]dddd', // 下周 ( Sunday at 2:30 AM )
- lastDay: '[昨天]', // 昨天 ( 昨天 2:30 AM )
- lastWeek: '[上] dddd', // 上周 ( Last Monday at 2:30 AM )
- sameElse: 'DD/MM/YYYY' // 其他情况 ( 7/10/2011 )
-### UpdateLocale
-- UpdateLocale 增加了 `.updateLocale` API 来更新语言配置的属性。
-import updateLocale from 'dayjs/plugin/updateLocale'
-dayjs.updateLocale('en', {
- months : String[]
-## 自定义
-你可以根据需要自由的编写一个 Day.js 插件
-欢迎提交 PR 与大家分享你的插件
-Day.js 插件模版
-export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
- // 扩展 dayjs() 实例
- // 例:添加 dayjs().isSameOrBefore() 实例方法
- dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
- // 扩展 dayjs 类
- // 例:添加 dayjs.utc() 类方法
- dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
- // 覆盖已存在的 API
- // 例:扩展 dayjs().format() 方法
- const oldFormat = dayjsClass.prototype.format
- dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
- // 原始format结果
- const result = oldFormat(arguments)
- // 返回修改后结果
- }
+文档已迁移至 [https://day.js.org](https://day.js.org)。