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236 lines (193 loc) · 9.13 KB

File metadata and controls

236 lines (193 loc) · 9.13 KB


Newest updates are at the top of this file.

Jun 18 2024 (v5.6.0)

  • Update to MQ 9.4.0
  • Update all vendored dependencies
  • Add OTLP/http option to OTel emitter
    • Remove "EXPERIMENTAL" flag
  • Convert OTEL and Prometheus sample dashboards to newer Grafana panels
  • Update to Go 1.21 as baseline (OTEL requirement)
  • Permit connection to unnamed (default) queue manager

Mar 21 2024 (v5.5.4.1)

  • Update main Dockerfile to use different base build image because of glibc issues when copying into regular MQ container

Feb 29 2024 (v5.5.4)

  • Update to MQ 9.3.5
  • Update all vendored dependencies
  • Add metadata label configuration options
  • Update to Go 1.20 as baseline
  • Add EXPERIMENTAL OpenTelemetry emitter

Nov 08 2023 (v5.5.2)

  • Pick up latest mq-golang fixes

Oct 19 2023 (v5.5.1)

  • Update to MQ 9.3.4
  • Fix Prometheus label cardinality when reporting disconnect (#245)
  • Add hints about monitoring "large" queue managers in
  • Make sure missing YAML configuration attributes have reasonable defaults
  • Update all vendored dependencies

Jun 20 2023 (v5.5.0)

  • Update to MQ 9.3.3
  • Update Dockerfile to support platforms without Redist client (#209)
  • Update all vendored dependencies
  • Add a waitInterval config option (#227)

Feb 17 2023 (v5.4.0)

  • Update to MQ 9.3.2
  • Add hostname tag for qmgrs running 9.3.2
  • Add NativeHA metrics to all collectors

Jan 10 2023 (v5.3.3)

  • Copy in metrics.txt summary of available metrics from mq-golang
  • JSON exporter - consistent objecttype for qmgr, merge published and polled metrics (#188)
  • JSON exporter - allow configuration (recordmax) for number of objects printed in a single JSON record (also #188)
  • AWS exporter -correct interval processing (#192)
  • Simplified build/run in a single Dockerfile (#194)

Oct 18 2022 (v5.3.2)

  • Update to MQ 9.3.1
  • Update to use v5.3.2 of mq-golang repository
  • Update all vendored dependencies
  • Add sample script showing TLS configuration in container
  • Update Prometheus channel status sample dashboard to show channel instance counts
  • Add AMQP channel status reporting to all collectors
  • Add single CLUSTER tag to queues (ibm-messaging/mq-golang#191)

Jul 07 2022 (v5.3.1)

  • Update to use v5.3.1 of mq-golang repository

Jun 23 2022 (v5.3.0)

  • Update to MQ 9.3.0
  • Update to use v5.3.0 of mq-golang repository
  • Update other vendored dependencies
  • Add filters.hideSvrConnJobname config option (#114)
  • Move objects.showInactiveChannels to new filters section (generate error to indicate move)
  • Move objects.queueSubscriptionSelection to new filters section
  • Enable use of durable subscriptions to reduce impact on MAXHANDS configuration
    • Add script to explicitly remove durable subs

Mar 10 2022 (no new version)

  • Add CP4I helm charts to deploy MQ metric samples application in OCP environment.

Mar 02 2022 (no new version)

  • Add dspmqrtj application and demo

Feb 28 2022 (no new version)

  • Update to require Go 1.17 because of influxdb prereq changes

Feb 25 2022 (v5.2.5)

  • Update to MQ 9.2.5
  • Update to use v5.2.5 of mq-golang repository
  • Update vendored dependencies
  • Permit use of local queues as well as model queues for metric replies (#100)

Jan 16 2022 (no new version)

  • Update vendored dependencies

Nov 19 2021 (v5.2.4)

  • Update to MQ 9.2.4
  • Update to use v5.2.4 of mq-golang repository
  • Reset vendored mq-golang/mqmetric from previous release as fixes now in base

Sep 17 2021 (v5.2.3)

  • Defaults for boolean config options not handled well by Go parser
  • Add script to build images using buildah + Red Hat UBI base
  • Temporarily override vendored mq-golang/mqmetric code to deliver fixes
    • Deal with buffer expansion when there are lots of queues to query AND remote system is different CCSID (#75)
    • Ensure labels - in particular object DESCR values - are valid UTF8
    • This code is newer than the upstream version which will inherit the fixes later

Aug 03 2021 (v5.2.2)

  • Update to use v5.2.2 of the mq-golang repository
  • Update to use MQ 9.2.3
  • Allow prometheus collector to continue running even when qmgr down (#67)
    • Report qmgr_status metric in such a situation
    • Updated "QMgr Status" sample dashboard to report both that metric and the new cluster status metric
  • Update influxdb collector to use V2 APIs (#76)
    • Note changes to configuration attributes - in particular support for an APIToken
    • New sample dashboard using some very basic Flux queries

Apr 15 2021

  • Don't check for QMGR name unless config parse was a success

Apr 8 2021

  • Update to move default configuration params to environment variables

Apr 5 2021

  • Update to prevent permissions errors when running in OpenShift restricted SCC

Mar 26 2021

  • Update to use v5.2.0 of the mq-golang repository
  • Update to use MQ 9.2.2
  • Start to use enhanced mqmetric API that supports multiple connections (though still only having a single connection in the collectors for now)
  • Permit https connection from the Prometheus engine
  • Redesign collectors to permit configuration via environment variables

Dec 04 2020

  • Update to use v5.1.3 of the mq-golang repository
  • Update to use MQ 9.2.1
  • Update YAML processing to better handle missing values as defaults (#50)
  • Add 'host' to Prometheus listener config (#51)
  • URLs pointing at MQ KnowledgeCenter updated

Sep 10 2020

  • Update to use v5.1.2 of the mq-golang repository

Aug 10 2020

  • Update to use v5.1.1 of the mq-golang repository
  • Moved build shell commands to scripts subdirectory and added README there
  • Add a Windows batch file as example of building locally

Jul 23 2020

  • Update to use v5.1.0 of the mq-golang repository
  • Update to use MQ 9.2.0
  • Added pseudo-metric qmgr_exporter_publications for how many consumed on each scrape
  • Added showInactiveChannels option (#38)
  • Added explicit client configuration options (#40)

Jun 01 2020 (v5.0.0)

  • Exporters can have configuration provided in YAML file (-f <file>) instead of command line options
  • Use modules (go.mod) to define prereqs (ibm-messaging/mq-golang#138)
  • Update to use v5.0.0 of the mq-golang repository as the new module format
  • Update to use more recent versions of other dependencies
  • Exporters now have some specific exit codes (in particular 30 for trying to connect to a standby qmgr) (#35)
    • Default exit code for error situation is 1
  • New option -ibmmq.QueueSubscriptionFilter to restrict subscriptions made for each queue
    • Set it to PUT,GET for most useful metrics (#34)
    • Default is to collect everything including OPENCLOSE and INQSET resources
  • Turn off echo when asking for passwords
  • All exporters now have comparable function on which objects to monitor
    • Some metric names on some exporters will have changed though not on Prometheus

Apr 02 2020

  • Update to use v4.1.4 of the mq-golang repository

Jan 09 2020

  • Update to use v4.1.3 of the mq-golang repository
  • mqmetric - Add DESCR attribute from queues and channels to permit labelling in metrics (#16)

Dec 06 2019

  • Update to use v4.1.2 of the mq-golang repository
  • Collect some channel configuration attributes
    • Supported in the Prometheus monitor

Jul 11 2019

  • Update to use v4.0.8 of the mq-golang repository
  • Enable use of USAGE queue attribute
    • Supported in the Prometheus and JSON monitors
  • Don't give a visible error from setmqenv if queue manager remote

Jun 24 2019

  • Update to use v4.0.7 of the mq-golang repository
  • Enable time-based re-expansion of queue wildcards while monitors are running
    • -rediscoverInterval=30m Default is 1h. Can be set to 0 to disable.
    • Supported in the Prometheus and JSON monitors
  • Show z/OS pageset/bufferpool data
    • Supported in the Prometheus and JSON monitors

Jun 06 2019

  • Update to use v4.0.6 of the mq-golang repository
  • Permit limited monitoring of pre-V9 Distributed platforms
  • Add queue_attribute_max_depth to permit %full calculation

April 23 2019

  • Update to use v4.0.5 of the mq-golang repository
  • Add ability to set timezone offset between collector and qmgr

April 08 2019

  • Add subscription status
  • Add topic and queue manager status support from latest mqmetric library
  • Add Grafana/Prometheus dashboards showing the newer metrics
  • Update InfluxDB collector to similar level as Prometheus/JSON

March 2019

  • Update to use v4.0.1 of the mq-golang repository
  • Update READMEs for all the monitor agent programs
  • Add a Dockerfile and scripts to build the agent binaries in a container

November 2018

  • Added "platform" as a tag/label in Prometheus and JSON exporters

November 2018

  • Updated the JSON monitor sample to support channel status reporting
  • Updated Prometheus and JSON monitors to deal with DISPLAY QSTATUS commands
  • Updated to permit access to z/OS status data.

October 2018

  • Updated the Prometheus monitor program to support channel status reporting
  • Updated the README for Prometheus for newer build instructions
  • Updated dependencies

July 2018

  • Updated repo to use 2.0.0 version of mq-golang repo

July 2018

  • Added templates for PR and Issues

May 2018

  • Initial commit
  • Added Golang dependency management using dep