A web platform to build your stories in a visual novel style manner.
Jon Craig - jonnydevlive
Joshua Livesay - joshualivesay
David Fuka - graveto
Vinicio Del Toro - viniciodeltoro
Ted Martinez - tedma4
Polo Santiago - polosantiago
Rene Martinez - rnemtz
Mark Davis - mdavisJr
Japanese developers have been creating vivid experiences using visual novels for what seems like forever now. It's a powerful way to tell stories that uses the readers imagination with visual effects that allows you to say more with less.j
npm install
npm install gulp -g
npm run dev
If you run into problems with the views or npm install do this
# Remove Node Modules Folder
rm -fr node_modules
# Clear Node Cache
npm cache clear
# Reinstall Modules
npm install
If you have you're having trouble with lite-server on Ubuntu try:
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p