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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Zero Company API

Table of Contents

Project Specification

See for more details about the project.

Initial Setup

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Git configuration for line breaks:
    • git config core.autocrlf true
    • git config core.eol lf
    • git add --renormalize .
  3. Install dependencies by running npm install.
  4. Create a .env file (see .env.example) or request .env file from the project owner.
  5. Create a temp folder for multer (see MULTER_DESTINATION_PATH variable in .env.example).
  6. Request access to postman collection if you need it for your part of work.


  1. Start the development server by running npm run dev:

Recommended software

  1. AI tools:
    • Copilot
    • ChatGPT 4o
  2. Postman
  3. SmartGit
  4. VSCode
    • Configuration:
      • See vscode.code-workspace provided with the repo
    • Plugins:
      • ES6 String HTML (tobermory.es6-string-html)
      • ESLint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)
      • Fold on Open (prantlf.fold-on-open)
      • GitHub Copilot (github.copilot)
      • GitHub Copilot Chat (github.copilot-chat)
      • HTML CSS Support (ecmel.vscode-html-css)
      • Jest Runner (firsttris.vscode-jest-runner)
      • MarkdownLint (davidanson.vscode-markdownlint)
      • OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor (42crunch.vscode-openapi)
      • Prettier - Code formatter (esbenp.prettier-vscode)
      • Stylelint (stylelint.vscode-stylelint)
      • Tailwind CSS IntelliSense (bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss)
      • YAML (redhat.vscode-yaml)


  1. Create a new feature branch feature/<hyphened-branch-name>.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Commit and push your changes.
  4. Create a PR.

How To

Disable all checks for entire file

/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable -- Temp */
/* eslint-disable -- Temp */
// @ts-nocheck