diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index 40e2699..ac8f7c6 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -1,9 +1,16 @@ Package: n2khelper Title: Auxiliary Functions for the Analysis and Reporting of the Natura 2000 Monitoring -Version: -Date: 2017-11-25 -Authors@R: c(person("Thierry", "Onkelinx", email = "thierry.onkelinx@inbo.be", role = c("aut", "cre"))) +Version: 0.4.2 +Date: 2018-10-02 +Authors@R: c( + person( + "Thierry", "Onkelinx", role = c("aut", "cre"), + email = "thierry.onkelinx@inbo.be", + comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-8804-4216")), + person( + family = "Research Institute for Nature and Forest", + role = c("cph", "fnd"), email = "info@inbo.be")) Description: Auxiliary functions for analysing Natura 2000 monitoring data. URL: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.835732 BugReports: https://github.com/inbo/n2khelper/issues @@ -26,14 +33,11 @@ LazyData: true Suggests: testthat Collate: - 'gitConnection_class.R' - 'auto_commit.R' 'check_character.R' 'check_dataframe_covariate.R' 'check_dataframe_variable.R' 'check_dbtable.R' 'check_dbtable_variable.R' - 'check_git_repo.R' 'check_id.R' 'check_path.R' 'check_single_character.R' @@ -46,20 +50,14 @@ Collate: 'get_nbn_key.R' 'get_nbn_key_multi.R' 'get_nbn_name.R' + 'gitConnection_class.R' 'git_connect.R' 'git_connection.R' - 'git_recent.R' - 'git_sha.R' 'is_chartor.R' - 'is_git_repo.R' - 'list_files_git.R' 'match_nbn_key.R' 'odbc_connect.R' 'odbc_get_id.R' 'odbc_get_multi_id.R' 'odbc_insert.R' - 'read_delim_git.R' 'read_object_environment.R' - 'remove_files_git.R' - 'write_delim_git.R' RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 diff --git a/NAMESPACE b/NAMESPACE index fe1541f..1b6d4cf 100644 --- a/NAMESPACE +++ b/NAMESPACE @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ export(check_dataframe_covariate) export(check_dataframe_variable) export(check_dbtable) export(check_dbtable_variable) -export(check_git_repo) export(check_id) export(check_path) export(check_single_character) @@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ export(check_single_posix) export(check_single_probability) export(connect_nbn) export(connect_result) +export(connect_ut_db) export(cut_date) export(get_nbn_key) export(get_nbn_key_multi) @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ export(get_nbn_name) export(git_connect) export(git_connection) export(is.chartor) -export(is_git_repo) export(match_nbn_key) export(odbc_connect) export(odbc_get_id) @@ -30,16 +29,6 @@ export(odbc_get_multi_id) export(odbc_insert) export(read_object_environment) exportClasses(gitConnection) -exportMethods(auto_commit) -exportMethods(git_recent) -exportMethods(git_sha) -exportMethods(list_files_git) -exportMethods(read_delim_git) -exportMethods(remove_files_git) -exportMethods(write_delim_git) -importClassesFrom(git2r,cred_ssh_key) -importClassesFrom(git2r,cred_user_pass) -importClassesFrom(git2r,git_repository) importFrom(DBI,dbExistsTable) importFrom(DBI,dbGetInfo) importFrom(DBI,dbGetQuery) @@ -60,12 +49,14 @@ importFrom(dplyr,"%>%") importFrom(dplyr,collect) importFrom(dplyr,count_) importFrom(dplyr,data_frame) +importFrom(dplyr,filter) importFrom(dplyr,filter_) importFrom(dplyr,funs) importFrom(dplyr,group_by_) importFrom(dplyr,inner_join) importFrom(dplyr,mutate_) importFrom(dplyr,mutate_each_) +importFrom(dplyr,select) importFrom(dplyr,select_) importFrom(dplyr,semi_join) importFrom(dplyr,slice_) @@ -73,14 +64,10 @@ importFrom(dplyr,src_postgres) importFrom(dplyr,summarise_) importFrom(dplyr,tbl) importFrom(dplyr,ungroup) -importFrom(git2r,add) -importFrom(git2r,commit) importFrom(git2r,config) importFrom(git2r,cred_ssh_key) importFrom(git2r,cred_user_pass) -importFrom(git2r,hashfile) -importFrom(git2r,head) -importFrom(git2r,push) +importFrom(git2r,in_repository) importFrom(git2r,repository) importFrom(lazyeval,interp) importFrom(lubridate,is.Date) @@ -89,17 +76,18 @@ importFrom(lubridate,year) importFrom(methods,new) importFrom(methods,setClass) importFrom(methods,setClassUnion) -importFrom(methods,setGeneric) -importFrom(methods,setMethod) +importFrom(methods,setOldClass) importFrom(methods,setValidity) importFrom(plyr,ddply) +importFrom(rlang,.data) +importFrom(rlang,UQ) importFrom(stats,aggregate) importFrom(stats,as.formula) importFrom(stats,na.fail) +importFrom(tidyr,spread) importFrom(tidyr,spread_) importFrom(utils,file_test) -importFrom(utils,read.delim) -importFrom(utils,read.table) -importFrom(utils,sessionInfo) +importFrom(utils,hasName) +importFrom(utils,head) importFrom(utils,tail) importFrom(utils,write.table) diff --git a/R/auto_commit.R b/R/auto_commit.R deleted file mode 100644 index feff652..0000000 --- a/R/auto_commit.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -#' Commit staged changes in a git repository with automated message -#' -#' The mesagge is based on the information returned by \code{\link[utils]{sessionInfo}} -#' @param package The name of the package from which we autocommit -#' @param connection The path of the repository. Default to \code{rawdata.path} -#' @param ... parameters passed to \code{git_connection} when relevant -#' @name auto_commit -#' @rdname auto_commit -#' @exportMethod auto_commit -#' @docType methods -#' @importFrom methods setGeneric -#' @include gitConnection_class.R -setGeneric( - name = "auto_commit", - def = function( - package, connection, ... - ){ - standard.generic("autocommit") - } -) - -#' @rdname auto_commit -#' @aliases auto_commit,gitConnection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -#' @importFrom git2r repository commit cred_user_pass head push -setMethod( - f = "auto_commit", - signature = signature(connection = "ANY"), - definition = function( - package, - connection, - ... - ){ - auto_commit( - package = package, - connection = git_connection(repo.path = connection, ...) - ) - } -) - - -#' @rdname auto_commit -#' @aliases auto_commit,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -#' @importFrom git2r commit cred_user_pass head push -#' @importFrom utils sessionInfo -setMethod( - f = "auto_commit", - signature = signature(connection = "gitConnection"), - definition = function(package, connection, ...){ - package <- check_single_character(package) - - #format commit message based on sessionInfo() - info <- sessionInfo() - format.other <- function(x){ - paste0(x$Package, " ", x$Version, " built ", x$Built, "\n") - } - message <- paste0( - "Automatic commit from ", package, "\n\n", - info$R.version$version.string, " revision ", info$R.version$"svn rev", - " on ", info$R.version$platform, "\n", - "\nBase packages: ", - paste0(info$basePkgs, collapse = ", "), "\n", - "\nOther package(s):\n", - paste(sapply(info$otherPkgs, format.other), collapse = ""), - "\nLoaded via a namespace:\n", - paste(sapply(info$loadedOnly, format.other), collapse = "") - ) - - committed <- tryCatch( - commit(repo = connection@Repository, message = message), - error = function(e){ - if (e$message == "Error in 'git2r_commit': Nothing added to commit\n") { - FALSE - } else { - e - } - } - ) - if ("error" %in% class(committed)) { - stop(committed) - } - if (class(committed) != "git_commit") { - return(invisible(TRUE)) - } - if (is.null(connection@Credentials)) { - warning("changes committed but not pushed") - } else { - message("Pushing changes to remote repository") - tryCatch( - push(head(connection@Repository), credentials = connection@Credentials), - error = function(e){ - warning(e) - } - ) - } - return(invisible(TRUE)) - } -) diff --git a/R/check_git_repo.R b/R/check_git_repo.R deleted file mode 100644 index 65f021f..0000000 --- a/R/check_git_repo.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -#' Check if the path a git repository -#' Checks is a '.git' subdirectory exists in 'path' -#' @param path the path to check -#' @param error What to do in case \code{path} is not a git repository. Throw an -#' error when \code{error = TRUE}. Return \code{FALSE} when \code{error = FALSE} -#' @export -check_git_repo <- function(path, error = TRUE){ - error <- check_single_logical(x = error, name = "error") - - full.path <- check_path(path, type = "directory") - git.path <- check_path( - paste(full.path, ".git", sep = "/"), - type = "directory", - error = FALSE - ) - if (is.logical(git.path)) { - if (error) { - stop("'", full.path, "' is not a git repository") - } - return(FALSE) - } - return(full.path) -} diff --git a/R/connect_result.R b/R/connect_result.R index 98750d6..ea45dc8 100644 --- a/R/connect_result.R +++ b/R/connect_result.R @@ -34,3 +34,26 @@ connect_result <- function(username, password, develop = TRUE){ connect_nbn <- function(){ odbcDriverConnect(connection = nbn.dsn) } + +#' connect to the unit test database +#' @inheritParams dplyr::src_postgres +#' @export +#' @importFrom dplyr src_postgres +connect_ut_db <- function( + host = "localhost", + dbname = "n2kunittest", + user = "unittest_analysis", + password = "unittest", + port = 5432, + ... +){ + # nocov start + src_postgres( + host = host, + dbname = dbname, + user = user, + password = password, + ... + ) + # nocov end +} diff --git a/R/cut_date.R b/R/cut_date.R index 7af72e2..72fb644 100644 --- a/R/cut_date.R +++ b/R/cut_date.R @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ #' @export #' @importFrom plyr ddply #' @importFrom lubridate year is.Date is.POSIXt -#' @importFrom utils tail +#' @importFrom utils tail head #' @examples #' x <- as.POSIXct( #' c("2015-01-01", "2014-01-02", "2013-01-03", "2012-01-31", "2011-02-01", "2012-12-31") diff --git a/R/get_nbn_key.R b/R/get_nbn_key.R index c06907b..fc8cbde 100644 --- a/R/get_nbn_key.R +++ b/R/get_nbn_key.R @@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ #' @param name a vector of species names to check #' @param language The language to use. Defaults to "la" 'scientific name" #' @param channel An open RODBC channel to the NBN database +#' @param authority Do the species names include authority? #' @export #' @importFrom RODBC odbcDriverConnect sqlQuery odbcClose #' @importFrom dplyr %>% #' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.string -get_nbn_key <- function(name, language = "la", channel){ +get_nbn_key <- function(name, language = "la", channel, authority = FALSE){ # nocov start name <- check_character(name, name = "name") assert_that(is.string(language)) @@ -48,64 +49,124 @@ get_nbn_key <- function(name, language = "la", channel){ paste0("'", available, "'", collapse = ", ") ) } - - output <- sprintf(" - SELECT - t.ITEM_NAME AS InputName, - ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_VERSION_KEY as NBNKey, - tr.ITEM_NAME AS GenericName, - CASE - WHEN tli.TAXON_LIST_VERSION_KEY like 'INB%%' - THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS PreferenceInput, - CASE - WHEN tlir.TAXON_LIST_VERSION_KEY like 'INB%%' - THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS PreferenceOutput, - tv.COMMENT AS Comment, - tv.Attribute - FROM - ( + if (isTRUE(authority)) { + sql <- sprintf(" + SELECT + t.ITEM_NAME + ' ' + t.AUTHORITY AS InputName, + ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_VERSION_KEY as NBNKey, + tr.ITEM_NAME AS GenericName, + CASE + WHEN tli.TAXON_LIST_VERSION_KEY like 'INB%%' + THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS PreferenceInput, + CASE + WHEN tlir.TAXON_LIST_VERSION_KEY like 'INB%%' + THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS PreferenceOutput, + tv.COMMENT AS Comment, + tv.Attribute + FROM ( ( ( - dbo.TAXON AS t + ( + dbo.TAXON AS t + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON_VERSION AS tv + ON + t.TAXON_KEY = tv.TAXON_KEY + ) INNER JOIN - dbo.TAXON_VERSION AS tv + dbo.TAXON_LIST_ITEM AS tli ON - t.TAXON_KEY = tv.TAXON_KEY + tv.TAXON_VERSION_KEY = tli.TAXON_VERSION_KEY ) INNER JOIN - dbo.TAXON_LIST_ITEM AS tli + ( + ( + dbo.NAMESERVER AS ns + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON_VERSION AS tvr + ON + ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_VERSION_KEY = tvr.TAXON_VERSION_KEY + ) + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON AS tr + ON + tr.TAXON_KEY = tvr.TAXON_KEY + ) ON - tv.TAXON_VERSION_KEY = tli.TAXON_VERSION_KEY + tv.TAXON_VERSION_KEY = ns.INPUT_TAXON_VERSION_KEY ) - INNER JOIN + ) + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON_LIST_ITEM AS tlir + ON + tlir.TAXON_LIST_ITEM_KEY = ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_LIST_ITEM_KEY + WHERE + t.LANGUAGE = '%s' AND + t.ITEM_NAME + ' ' + t.AUTHORITY IN (%s)", + language, + paste0("'", name, "'", collapse = ", ") + ) + } else { + sql <- sprintf(" + SELECT + t.ITEM_NAME AS InputName, + ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_VERSION_KEY as NBNKey, + tr.ITEM_NAME AS GenericName, + CASE + WHEN tli.TAXON_LIST_VERSION_KEY like 'INB%%' + THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS PreferenceInput, + CASE + WHEN tlir.TAXON_LIST_VERSION_KEY like 'INB%%' + THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS PreferenceOutput, + tv.COMMENT AS Comment, + tv.Attribute + FROM + ( ( ( - dbo.NAMESERVER AS ns + ( + dbo.TAXON AS t + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON_VERSION AS tv + ON + t.TAXON_KEY = tv.TAXON_KEY + ) INNER JOIN - dbo.TAXON_VERSION AS tvr + dbo.TAXON_LIST_ITEM AS tli ON - ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_VERSION_KEY = tvr.TAXON_VERSION_KEY + tv.TAXON_VERSION_KEY = tli.TAXON_VERSION_KEY ) INNER JOIN - dbo.TAXON AS tr + ( + ( + dbo.NAMESERVER AS ns + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON_VERSION AS tvr + ON + ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_VERSION_KEY = tvr.TAXON_VERSION_KEY + ) + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON AS tr + ON + tr.TAXON_KEY = tvr.TAXON_KEY + ) ON - tr.TAXON_KEY = tvr.TAXON_KEY + tv.TAXON_VERSION_KEY = ns.INPUT_TAXON_VERSION_KEY ) - ON - tv.TAXON_VERSION_KEY = ns.INPUT_TAXON_VERSION_KEY ) - ) - INNER JOIN - dbo.TAXON_LIST_ITEM AS tlir - ON - tlir.TAXON_LIST_ITEM_KEY = ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_LIST_ITEM_KEY - WHERE - t.LANGUAGE = '%s' AND - t.ITEM_NAME IN (%s)", - language, - paste0("'", name, "'", collapse = ", ") - ) %>% + INNER JOIN + dbo.TAXON_LIST_ITEM AS tlir + ON + tlir.TAXON_LIST_ITEM_KEY = ns.RECOMMENDED_TAXON_LIST_ITEM_KEY + WHERE + t.LANGUAGE = '%s' AND + t.ITEM_NAME IN (%s)", + language, + paste0("'", name, "'", collapse = ", ") + ) + } + output <- sql %>% sqlQuery( channel = channel, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, diff --git a/R/gitConnection_class.R b/R/gitConnection_class.R index fb25f98..b622866 100644 --- a/R/gitConnection_class.R +++ b/R/gitConnection_class.R @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -#' @importClassesFrom git2r cred_user_pass cred_ssh_key -#' @importFrom methods setClassUnion +#' @importFrom methods setOldClass setClassUnion +setOldClass(c("cred_user_pass", "cred_ssh_key", "git_repository")) setClassUnion("gitCredentials", c("NULL", "cred_user_pass", "cred_ssh_key")) #' The gitConnection class @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ setClassUnion("gitCredentials", c("NULL", "cred_user_pass", "cred_ssh_key")) #' @section Slots: #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{Repository}}{a git repository} -#' \item{\code{LocalPath}}{a subdirectory wihtin the repository} #' \item{\code{Credentials}}{the credentials for the repository} #' \item{\code{CommitUser}}{the name of the user how will commit} #' \item{\code{CommitEmail}}{the email of the user how will commit} @@ -17,13 +16,11 @@ setClassUnion("gitCredentials", c("NULL", "cred_user_pass", "cred_ssh_key")) #' @exportClass gitConnection #' @aliases gitConnection-class #' @importFrom methods setClass -#' @importClassesFrom git2r git_repository #' @docType class setClass( Class = "gitConnection", representation = representation( Repository = "git_repository", - LocalPath = "character", Credentials = "gitCredentials", CommitUser = "character", CommitEmail = "character" @@ -38,20 +35,7 @@ setValidity( function(object){ assert_that(is.string(object@CommitUser)) assert_that(is.string(object@CommitEmail)) - root <- paste(object@Repository@path, ".", sep = "/") - root <- check_path(path = root, type = "directory") - full.path <- paste(root, object@LocalPath, sep = "/") - full.path <- check_path(full.path, type = "directory") - if (length(grep(root, full.path)) == 0) { - return( - paste0( - "Wrong local path. '", full.path, - "' is not a subdirectory of '", root, "'" - ) - ) - } - repo <- repository(root) - repo.config <- config(repo) + repo.config <- config(object@Repository) assert_that(has_name(repo.config$local, "user.name")) assert_that(has_name(repo.config$local, "user.email")) assert_that(repo.config$local$user.name == object@CommitUser) diff --git a/R/git_connect.R b/R/git_connect.R index 24843ff..cca278d 100644 --- a/R/git_connect.R +++ b/R/git_connect.R @@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ git_connect <- function( ) } assert_that(has_name(connection, "connect_method")) - assert_that(has_name(connection, "path")) assert_that(has_name(connection, "repo")) if ( @@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ git_connect <- function( return( git_connection( repo.path = connection$repo, - local.path = connection$path, key = username, password = password, commit.user = commit.user, @@ -113,7 +111,6 @@ git_connect <- function( return( git_connection( repo.path = connection$repo, - local.path = connection$path, username = username, password = password, commit.user = commit.user, diff --git a/R/git_connection.R b/R/git_connection.R index 3dbd849..d867a47 100644 --- a/R/git_connection.R +++ b/R/git_connection.R @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ #' @name git_connection #' @rdname gitConnection-class #' @param repo.path The path of the root of the repository -#' @param local.path A path within the repository #' @param key Optional: the path to a private ssh key. The public key is assumed #' to have the same path with a '.pub' extension. Using in case of ssh #' authentication. @@ -15,21 +14,22 @@ #' @export #' @importFrom methods new #' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.string -#' @importFrom git2r repository config cred_ssh_key cred_user_pass +#' @importFrom git2r in_repository repository config cred_ssh_key cred_user_pass #' @include gitConnection_class.R git_connection <- function( repo.path, - local.path = ".", key, username, password, commit.user, commit.email ){ - assert_that(is.string(local.path)) assert_that(is.string(commit.user)) assert_that(is.string(commit.email)) - repo.path <- check_git_repo(path = repo.path) + assert_that( + suppressWarnings(in_repository(path = repo.path)), + msg = "repo.path is not a git repository" + ) repo <- repository(repo.path) config(repo, user.name = commit.user, user.email = commit.email) @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ git_connection <- function( new( "gitConnection", Repository = repo, - LocalPath = local.path, Credentials = NULL, CommitUser = commit.user, CommitEmail = commit.email @@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ git_connection <- function( new( "gitConnection", Repository = repo, - LocalPath = local.path, Credentials = cred_ssh_key( publickey = paste0(key, ".pub"), privatekey = key @@ -70,7 +68,6 @@ git_connection <- function( new( "gitConnection", Repository = repo, - LocalPath = local.path, Credentials = cred_ssh_key( publickey = paste0(key, ".pub"), privatekey = key, @@ -90,7 +87,6 @@ git_connection <- function( new( "gitConnection", Repository = repo, - LocalPath = local.path, Credentials = cred_user_pass( username = username, password = password diff --git a/R/git_recent.R b/R/git_recent.R deleted file mode 100644 index edde863..0000000 --- a/R/git_recent.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#' Get the info from the latest commit of a file -#' @inheritParams write_delim_git -#' @name git_recent -#' @rdname git_recent -#' @exportMethod git_recent -#' @docType methods -#' @importFrom methods setGeneric -#' @include git_connection.R -setGeneric( - name = "git_recent", - def = function(file, connection, ...){ - standard.generic("git_recent") - } -) - -#' @rdname git_recent -#' @aliases git_recent,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "git_recent", - signature = signature(connection = "ANY"), - definition = function(file, connection, ...){ - this.connection <- git_connection(repo.path = connection, ...) - git_recent(file = file, connection = this.connection) - } -) - -#' @rdname git_recent -#' @aliases git_recent,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "git_recent", - signature = signature(connection = "gitConnection"), - definition = function(file, connection, ...){ - file <- check_single_character(x = file, name = "file") - - old.wd <- getwd() - setwd(connection@Repository@path) - commit.info <- system( - paste0( - "git log -n 1 --date=iso ", - connection@LocalPath, "/", file - ), - intern = TRUE - ) - setwd(old.wd) - date <- commit.info[grep("^Date:", commit.info)] - date <- as.POSIXct(date, format = "Date: %F %T %z") - commit <- commit.info[grep("^commit", commit.info)] - commit <- gsub("^commit ", "", commit) - author <- commit.info[grep("^Author:", commit.info)] - author <- gsub("^Author: ", "", author) - return(list( - Commit = commit, - Author = author, - Date = date - )) - } -) diff --git a/R/git_sha.R b/R/git_sha.R deleted file mode 100644 index 4180bff..0000000 --- a/R/git_sha.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -#' Get the SHA of the files at the HEAD -#' @inheritParams write_delim_git -#' @name git_sha -#' @rdname git_sha -#' @exportMethod git_sha -#' @docType methods -#' @importFrom methods setGeneric -#' @include git_connection.R -setGeneric( - name = "git_sha", - def = function(file, connection, ...){ - standard.generic("git_sha") - } -) - -#' @rdname git_sha -#' @aliases git_sha,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "git_sha", - signature = signature(connection = "ANY"), - definition = function(file, connection, ...){ - this.connection <- git_connection(repo.path = connection, ...) - git_sha(file = file, connection = this.connection) - } -) - -#' @rdname git_sha -#' @aliases git_sha,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -#' @importFrom utils read.table -setMethod( - f = "git_sha", - signature = signature(connection = "gitConnection"), - definition = function(file, connection, ...){ - file <- check_character(x = file, name = "file") - - old.wd <- getwd() - setwd(connection@Repository@path) - blobs <- system( - paste( - "git ls-tree -r HEAD", - connection@LocalPath - ), - intern = TRUE - ) - setwd(old.wd) - blobs <- read.table( - textConnection(paste(blobs, collapse = "\n")), - header = FALSE, - sep = "\t", - col.names = c("SHA", "Path") - ) - blobs$File <- basename(blobs$Path) - blobs <- blobs[blobs$File %in% file, ] - blobs$Path <- dirname(blobs$Path) - blobs$SHA <- gsub("^.*blob ", "", blobs$SHA) - - return(blobs) - } -) diff --git a/R/is_git_repo.R b/R/is_git_repo.R deleted file mode 100644 index 19e5549..0000000 --- a/R/is_git_repo.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -#' It the path a git repository -#' Checks is a '.git' subdirectory exists in 'path' -#' @param path the path to check -#' @export -#' @return A logical vector wit the same length as path -#' @importFrom utils file_test -is_git_repo <- function(path){ - path <- check_single_character(x = path, name = "path") - file_test("-d", paste(path, ".git", sep = "/")) -} diff --git a/R/list_files_git.R b/R/list_files_git.R deleted file mode 100644 index f9c1875..0000000 --- a/R/list_files_git.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -#' List the files in a path of a git repository -#' @inheritParams write_delim_git -#' @inheritParams base::list.files -#' @name list_files_git -#' @rdname list_files_git -#' @exportMethod list_files_git -#' @docType methods -#' @importFrom methods setGeneric -#' @include git_connection.R -setGeneric( - name = "list_files_git", - def = function(connection, pattern = NULL, full.names = FALSE, ...){ - standard.generic("list_files_git") - } -) - -#' @rdname list_files_git -#' @aliases list_files_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "list_files_git", - signature = signature(connection = "ANY"), - definition = function(connection, pattern = NULL, full.names = FALSE, ...){ - this.connection <- git_connection(repo.path = connection, ...) - list_files_git( - connection = this.connection, - pattern = pattern, - full.names = full.names - ) - } -) - -#' @rdname list_files_git -#' @aliases list_files_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "list_files_git", - signature = signature(connection = "gitConnection"), - definition = function(connection, pattern = NULL, full.names = FALSE, ...){ - if (!is.null(pattern)) { - pattern <- check_single_character(pattern, name = "pattern") - } - full.names <- check_single_logical(full.names, name = "full.names") - - full.path <- paste( - connection@Repository@path, - connection@LocalPath, - sep = "/" - ) - list.files(path = full.path, pattern = pattern, full.names = full.names) - } -) diff --git a/R/odbc_connect.R b/R/odbc_connect.R index 933a8f4..b34a6a9 100644 --- a/R/odbc_connect.R +++ b/R/odbc_connect.R @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ #' @param password the password to be used in combination with the username. #' @param channel the ODBC channel to the database with the connection strings #' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.string has_name -#' @importFrom dplyr tbl %>% inner_join filter_ select_ collect -#' @importFrom tidyr spread_ +#' @importFrom dplyr tbl %>% inner_join filter select collect +#' @importFrom rlang .data UQ +#' @importFrom tidyr spread #' @importFrom RODBC odbcDriverConnect #' @export odbc_connect <- function(data.source.name, username, password, channel){ @@ -37,28 +38,38 @@ odbc_connect <- function(data.source.name, username, password, channel){ ) connection <- tbl(channel, "datasource") %>% - filter_(~description == data.source.name) %>% - select_(datasource_id = ~id, datasource_type_id = ~datasource_type) %>% + filter(UQ(as.name("description")) == data.source.name) %>% + select( + datasource_id = .data$id, + datasource_type_id = .data$datasource_type + ) %>% inner_join( tbl(channel, "datasource_type") %>% - select_(datasource_type_id = ~id, datasource_type = ~description), + select( + datasource_type_id = .data$id, + datasource_type = .data$description + ), by = "datasource_type_id" ) %>% - select_(~-datasource_type_id) %>% + select(-.data$datasource_type_id) %>% inner_join( tbl(channel, "datasource_value") %>% - filter_(~is.na(destroy)) %>% - select_(~datasource, ~parameter, ~value), + filter(is.na(UQ(as.name("destroy")))) %>% + select(.data$datasource, .data$parameter, .data$value), by = c("datasource_id" = "datasource") ) %>% inner_join( tbl(channel, "datasource_parameter") %>% - select_(~id, ~description), + select(.data$id, .data$description), by = c("parameter" = "id") ) %>% - select_(~datasource_type, parameter = ~description, ~value) %>% + select( + .data$datasource_type, + parameter = .data$description, + .data$value + ) %>% collect() %>% - spread_(key_col = "parameter", value_col = "value") + spread(key = "parameter", value = "value") if (nrow(connection) == 0) { stop("No connection information found for '", data.source.name, "'.") diff --git a/R/odbc_get_id.R b/R/odbc_get_id.R index d2d6385..664d114 100644 --- a/R/odbc_get_id.R +++ b/R/odbc_get_id.R @@ -36,5 +36,6 @@ odbc_get_id <- function( filter_(.dots = dots) %>% select_(id_variable) %>% collect() %>% - unlist() # nocov end + unlist() %>% + unname() # nocov end } diff --git a/R/read_delim_git.R b/R/read_delim_git.R deleted file mode 100644 index c9760ce..0000000 --- a/R/read_delim_git.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -#' Read a tab delimited file from a git repository -#' @inheritParams write_delim_git -#' @name read_delim_git -#' @rdname read_delim_git -#' @exportMethod read_delim_git -#' @docType methods -#' @importFrom methods setGeneric -#' @include git_connection.R -setGeneric( - name = "read_delim_git", - def = function(file, connection, ...){ - standard.generic("read_delim_git") - } -) - -#' @rdname read_delim_git -#' @aliases read_delim_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "read_delim_git", - signature = signature(connection = "ANY"), - definition = function(file, connection, ...){ - this.connection <- git_connection(repo.path = connection, ...) - read_delim_git(file = file, connection = this.connection) - } -) - -#' @rdname read_delim_git -#' @aliases read_delim_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -#' @importFrom utils read.delim -setMethod( - f = "read_delim_git", - signature = signature(connection = "gitConnection"), - definition = function(file, connection, ...){ - file <- check_single_character(x = file, name = "file") - - filename <- paste( - connection@Repository@path, - connection@LocalPath, - file, - sep = "/" - ) - filename <- check_path(path = filename, type = "file", error = TRUE) - return(read.delim(filename, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) - } -) diff --git a/R/read_object_environment.R b/R/read_object_environment.R index 2f9d667..ef30243 100644 --- a/R/read_object_environment.R +++ b/R/read_object_environment.R @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ #' @return the object or \code{NULL} is the object doesn't exists in the #' environment #' @export +#' @importFrom utils hasName #' @examples #' object <- "test" #' value <- TRUE @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ read_object_environment <- function(object, env, warn = TRUE){ } warn <- check_single_logical(warn, name = "warn") - if (!exists(object, envir = env)) { + if (!hasName(env, object)) { if (warn) { warning(object, " doesn't exists in env") } diff --git a/R/remove_files_git.R b/R/remove_files_git.R deleted file mode 100644 index 726d097..0000000 --- a/R/remove_files_git.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -#' Remove all the files in a path of a git repository -#' -#' @inheritParams write_delim_git -#' @inheritParams base::list.files -#' @name remove_files_git -#' @rdname remove_files_git -#' @exportMethod remove_files_git -#' @docType methods -#' @importFrom methods setGeneric -#' @include git_connection.R -setGeneric( - name = "remove_files_git", - def = function(connection, pattern = NULL, ...){ - standard.generic("remove_files_git") - } -) - -#' @rdname remove_files_git -#' @aliases remove_files_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "remove_files_git", - signature = signature(connection = "ANY"), - definition = function(connection, pattern = NULL, ...){ - this.connection <- git_connection( - repo.path = connection, - local.path = list(...)$path, - ... - ) - remove_files_git(connection = this.connection, pattern = pattern) - } -) - -#' @rdname remove_files_git -#' @aliases remove_files_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -#' @importFrom git2r add -setMethod( - f = "remove_files_git", - signature = signature(connection = "gitConnection"), - definition = function(connection, pattern = NULL, ...){ - to.remove <- list_files_git( - connection = connection, - pattern = pattern, - full.names = TRUE - ) - - success <- file.remove(to.remove) - - if (length(success) > 0 && !all(success)) { - stop( - "Error cleaning existing files in the git repository. Repository: '", - connection@Repository@path, "', Path: '", connection@LocalPath, - "', pattern: '", pattern, "'" - ) - } - if (any(success)) { - to.stage <- gsub( - paste0("^", connection@Repository@path, "/"), - "", - to.remove[success] - ) - add(repo = connection@Repository, path = to.stage) - } - return(invisible(TRUE)) - } -) diff --git a/R/write_delim_git.R b/R/write_delim_git.R deleted file mode 100644 index ceadea3..0000000 --- a/R/write_delim_git.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -#' Write a dataframe as a tab delimited file to a git repository and stage it -#' -#' The existing file will be overwritten. -#' @param x the data.frame -#' @param file the name of the file -#' @param connection The path of a git repository or a \code{gitConnection} -#' object -#' @param ... parameters passed to \code{git_connection()} when -#' \code{connection} is a path -#' @return the SHA1 of the file -#' @name write_delim_git -#' @rdname write_delim_git -#' @exportMethod write_delim_git -#' @docType methods -#' @importFrom methods setGeneric -#' @importFrom utils write.table -#' @include git_connection.R -setGeneric( - name = "write_delim_git", - def = function(x, file, connection, ...){ - standard.generic("write_delim_git") - } -) - -#' @rdname write_delim_git -#' @aliases write_delim_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom git2r repository add hashfile -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "write_delim_git", - signature = signature(connection = "ANY"), - definition = function(x, file, connection, ...){ - this.connection <- git_connection(repo.path = connection, ...) - write_delim_git(x = x, file = file, connection = this.connection) - } -) - -#' @rdname write_delim_git -#' @aliases write_delim_git,git_connection-methods -#' @importFrom git2r add hashfile -#' @importFrom methods setMethod -setMethod( - f = "write_delim_git", - signature = signature(connection = "gitConnection"), - definition = function(x, file, connection, ...){ - if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")) { - stop("x is not a data.frame") - } - file <- check_single_character(x = file, name = "file") - - # write the file - filename.full <- paste( - connection@Repository@path, - connection@LocalPath, - file, - sep = "/" - ) - filename.full <- normalizePath( - path = filename.full, - winslash = "/", - mustWork = FALSE - ) - write.table( - x = x, file = filename.full, append = FALSE, - quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8" - ) - - # stage the file - filename.local <- paste(connection@LocalPath, file, sep = "/") - add(connection@Repository, filename.local) - - return(hashfile(filename.full)) - } -) diff --git a/man/auto_commit.Rd b/man/auto_commit.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 974b370..0000000 --- a/man/auto_commit.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/auto_commit.R -\docType{methods} -\name{auto_commit} -\alias{auto_commit} -\alias{auto_commit,ANY,ANY-method} -\alias{auto_commit,gitConnection-methods} -\alias{auto_commit,ANY,gitConnection-method} -\alias{auto_commit,git_connection-methods} -\title{Commit staged changes in a git repository with automated message} -\usage{ -auto_commit(package, connection, ...) - -\S4method{auto_commit}{ANY,ANY}(package, connection, ...) - -\S4method{auto_commit}{ANY,gitConnection}(package, connection, ...) -} -\arguments{ -\item{package}{The name of the package from which we autocommit} - -\item{connection}{The path of the repository. Default to \code{rawdata.path}} - -\item{...}{parameters passed to \code{git_connection} when relevant} -} -\description{ -The mesagge is based on the information returned by \code{\link[utils]{sessionInfo}} -} diff --git a/man/check_git_repo.Rd b/man/check_git_repo.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 5b7a157..0000000 --- a/man/check_git_repo.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/check_git_repo.R -\name{check_git_repo} -\alias{check_git_repo} -\title{Check if the path a git repository -Checks is a '.git' subdirectory exists in 'path'} -\usage{ -check_git_repo(path, error = TRUE) -} -\arguments{ -\item{path}{the path to check} - -\item{error}{What to do in case \code{path} is not a git repository. Throw an -error when \code{error = TRUE}. Return \code{FALSE} when \code{error = FALSE}} -} -\description{ -Check if the path a git repository -Checks is a '.git' subdirectory exists in 'path' -} diff --git a/man/connect_ut_db.Rd b/man/connect_ut_db.Rd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5b4dae --- /dev/null +++ b/man/connect_ut_db.Rd @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand +% Please edit documentation in R/connect_result.R +\name{connect_ut_db} +\alias{connect_ut_db} +\title{connect to the unit test database} +\usage{ +connect_ut_db(host = "localhost", dbname = "n2kunittest", + user = "unittest_analysis", password = "unittest", port = 5432, ...) +} +\arguments{ +\item{host}{Host name and port number of database} + +\item{dbname}{Database name} + +\item{user}{User name and password. + +Generally, you should avoid saving username and password in your +scripts as it is easy to accidentally expose valuable credentials. +Instead, retrieve them from environment variables, or use database +specific credential scores. For example, with MySQL you can set up \code{my.cnf} +as described in \code{\link[RMySQL:MySQL]{RMySQL::MySQL()}}.} + +\item{password}{User name and password. + +Generally, you should avoid saving username and password in your +scripts as it is easy to accidentally expose valuable credentials. +Instead, retrieve them from environment variables, or use database +specific credential scores. For example, with MySQL you can set up \code{my.cnf} +as described in \code{\link[RMySQL:MySQL]{RMySQL::MySQL()}}.} + +\item{port}{Host name and port number of database} + +\item{...}{for the src, other arguments passed on to the underlying +database connector, \code{\link[DBI:dbConnect]{DBI::dbConnect()}}. For the tbl, included for +compatibility with the generic, but otherwise ignored.} +} +\description{ +connect to the unit test database +} diff --git a/man/get_nbn_key.Rd b/man/get_nbn_key.Rd index 839b6ec..b3d66ca 100644 --- a/man/get_nbn_key.Rd +++ b/man/get_nbn_key.Rd @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ \alias{get_nbn_key} \title{Get the NBN key of a species} \usage{ -get_nbn_key(name, language = "la", channel) +get_nbn_key(name, language = "la", channel, authority = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{name}{a vector of species names to check} @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ get_nbn_key(name, language = "la", channel) \item{language}{The language to use. Defaults to "la" 'scientific name"} \item{channel}{An open RODBC channel to the NBN database} + +\item{authority}{Do the species names include authority?} } \description{ Get the NBN key of a species diff --git a/man/gitConnection-class.Rd b/man/gitConnection-class.Rd index 0d11024..580dd7c 100644 --- a/man/gitConnection-class.Rd +++ b/man/gitConnection-class.Rd @@ -6,14 +6,11 @@ \alias{git_connection} \title{The gitConnection class} \usage{ -git_connection(repo.path, local.path = ".", key, username, password, - commit.user, commit.email) +git_connection(repo.path, key, username, password, commit.user, commit.email) } \arguments{ \item{repo.path}{The path of the root of the repository} -\item{local.path}{A path within the repository} - \item{key}{Optional: the path to a private ssh key. The public key is assumed to have the same path with a '.pub' extension. Using in case of ssh authentication.} @@ -37,7 +34,6 @@ Open a git connection \describe{ \item{\code{Repository}}{a git repository} - \item{\code{LocalPath}}{a subdirectory wihtin the repository} \item{\code{Credentials}}{the credentials for the repository} \item{\code{CommitUser}}{the name of the user how will commit} \item{\code{CommitEmail}}{the email of the user how will commit} diff --git a/man/git_recent.Rd b/man/git_recent.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 6cbddba..0000000 --- a/man/git_recent.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/git_recent.R -\docType{methods} -\name{git_recent} -\alias{git_recent} -\alias{git_recent,ANY,ANY-method} -\alias{git_recent,git_connection-methods} -\alias{git_recent,ANY,gitConnection-method} -\alias{git_recent,git_connection-methods} -\title{Get the info from the latest commit of a file} -\usage{ -git_recent(file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{git_recent}{ANY,ANY}(file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{git_recent}{ANY,gitConnection}(file, connection, ...) -} -\arguments{ -\item{file}{the name of the file} - -\item{connection}{The path of a git repository or a \code{gitConnection} -object} - -\item{...}{parameters passed to \code{git_connection()} when -\code{connection} is a path} -} -\description{ -Get the info from the latest commit of a file -} diff --git a/man/git_sha.Rd b/man/git_sha.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index f01aef8..0000000 --- a/man/git_sha.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/git_sha.R -\docType{methods} -\name{git_sha} -\alias{git_sha} -\alias{git_sha,ANY,ANY-method} -\alias{git_sha,git_connection-methods} -\alias{git_sha,ANY,gitConnection-method} -\alias{git_sha,git_connection-methods} -\title{Get the SHA of the files at the HEAD} -\usage{ -git_sha(file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{git_sha}{ANY,ANY}(file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{git_sha}{ANY,gitConnection}(file, connection, ...) -} -\arguments{ -\item{file}{the name of the file} - -\item{connection}{The path of a git repository or a \code{gitConnection} -object} - -\item{...}{parameters passed to \code{git_connection()} when -\code{connection} is a path} -} -\description{ -Get the SHA of the files at the HEAD -} diff --git a/man/is_git_repo.Rd b/man/is_git_repo.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 3b11971..0000000 --- a/man/is_git_repo.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/is_git_repo.R -\name{is_git_repo} -\alias{is_git_repo} -\title{It the path a git repository -Checks is a '.git' subdirectory exists in 'path'} -\usage{ -is_git_repo(path) -} -\arguments{ -\item{path}{the path to check} -} -\value{ -A logical vector wit the same length as path -} -\description{ -It the path a git repository -Checks is a '.git' subdirectory exists in 'path' -} diff --git a/man/list_files_git.Rd b/man/list_files_git.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 33e9867..0000000 --- a/man/list_files_git.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/list_files_git.R -\docType{methods} -\name{list_files_git} -\alias{list_files_git} -\alias{list_files_git,ANY-method} -\alias{list_files_git,git_connection-methods} -\alias{list_files_git,gitConnection-method} -\alias{list_files_git,git_connection-methods} -\title{List the files in a path of a git repository} -\usage{ -list_files_git(connection, pattern = NULL, full.names = FALSE, ...) - -\S4method{list_files_git}{ANY}(connection, pattern = NULL, - full.names = FALSE, ...) - -\S4method{list_files_git}{gitConnection}(connection, pattern = NULL, - full.names = FALSE, ...) -} -\arguments{ -\item{connection}{The path of a git repository or a \code{gitConnection} -object} - -\item{pattern}{an optional \link{regular expression}. Only file names - which match the regular expression will be returned.} - -\item{full.names}{a logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the directory - path is prepended to the file names to give a relative file path. - If \code{FALSE}, the file names (rather than paths) are returned.} - -\item{...}{parameters passed to \code{git_connection()} when -\code{connection} is a path} -} -\description{ -List the files in a path of a git repository -} diff --git a/man/read_delim_git.Rd b/man/read_delim_git.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 2d6bba5..0000000 --- a/man/read_delim_git.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/read_delim_git.R -\docType{methods} -\name{read_delim_git} -\alias{read_delim_git} -\alias{read_delim_git,ANY,ANY-method} -\alias{read_delim_git,git_connection-methods} -\alias{read_delim_git,ANY,gitConnection-method} -\alias{read_delim_git,git_connection-methods} -\title{Read a tab delimited file from a git repository} -\usage{ -read_delim_git(file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{read_delim_git}{ANY,ANY}(file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{read_delim_git}{ANY,gitConnection}(file, connection, ...) -} -\arguments{ -\item{file}{the name of the file} - -\item{connection}{The path of a git repository or a \code{gitConnection} -object} - -\item{...}{parameters passed to \code{git_connection()} when -\code{connection} is a path} -} -\description{ -Read a tab delimited file from a git repository -} diff --git a/man/remove_files_git.Rd b/man/remove_files_git.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 22f818b..0000000 --- a/man/remove_files_git.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/remove_files_git.R -\docType{methods} -\name{remove_files_git} -\alias{remove_files_git} -\alias{remove_files_git,ANY-method} -\alias{remove_files_git,git_connection-methods} -\alias{remove_files_git,gitConnection-method} -\alias{remove_files_git,git_connection-methods} -\title{Remove all the files in a path of a git repository} -\usage{ -remove_files_git(connection, pattern = NULL, ...) - -\S4method{remove_files_git}{ANY}(connection, pattern = NULL, ...) - -\S4method{remove_files_git}{gitConnection}(connection, pattern = NULL, ...) -} -\arguments{ -\item{connection}{The path of a git repository or a \code{gitConnection} -object} - -\item{pattern}{an optional \link{regular expression}. Only file names - which match the regular expression will be returned.} - -\item{...}{parameters passed to \code{git_connection()} when -\code{connection} is a path} -} -\description{ -Remove all the files in a path of a git repository -} diff --git a/man/write_delim_git.Rd b/man/write_delim_git.Rd deleted file mode 100644 index 697b92b..0000000 --- a/man/write_delim_git.Rd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/write_delim_git.R -\docType{methods} -\name{write_delim_git} -\alias{write_delim_git} -\alias{write_delim_git,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} -\alias{write_delim_git,git_connection-methods} -\alias{write_delim_git,ANY,ANY,gitConnection-method} -\alias{write_delim_git,git_connection-methods} -\title{Write a dataframe as a tab delimited file to a git repository and stage it} -\usage{ -write_delim_git(x, file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{write_delim_git}{ANY,ANY,ANY}(x, file, connection, ...) - -\S4method{write_delim_git}{ANY,ANY,gitConnection}(x, file, connection, ...) -} -\arguments{ -\item{x}{the data.frame} - -\item{file}{the name of the file} - -\item{connection}{The path of a git repository or a \code{gitConnection} -object} - -\item{...}{parameters passed to \code{git_connection()} when -\code{connection} is a path} -} -\value{ -the SHA1 of the file -} -\description{ -The existing file will be overwritten. -} diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_auto_commit.R b/tests/testthat/test_auto_commit.R deleted file mode 100644 index 5933982..0000000 --- a/tests/testthat/test_auto_commit.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -context("autocommit changes") -describe("auto_commit()", { - package <- "test" - user <- "test" - pwd <- "test" - commit.user <- "me" - commit.email <- "me@me.com" - - # function to create and stage a file - dummy_add <- function(connection){ - content <- paste(sample(letters, 8, replace = TRUE), collapse = "") - writeLines(content, paste(connection, content, sep = "/")) - git2r::add(git2r::repository(connection), content) - } - - # create test repository - origin.path <- tempfile(pattern = "git2r-") - connection <- tempfile(pattern = "git2rclone-") - dir.create(origin.path) - dir.create(connection) - repo_bare <- git2r::init(origin.path, bare = TRUE) - repo <- git2r::clone(origin.path, connection) - git2r::config(repo, user.name = commit.user, user.email = commit.email) - dummy_add(connection) - git2r::commit(repo, "inital") - git2r::push(repo, "origin", "refs/heads/master") - - it("gives a warning when no username and password are provided and returns - TRUE", { - dummy_add(connection = connection) - expect_that( - auto_commit( - package = package, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - gives_warning("changes committed but not pushed") - ) - dummy_add(connection = connection) - expect_that( - auto_commit( - package = package, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_true() - ) - }) - it("returns TRUE when nothing to commit", { - expect_that( - auto_commit( - package = package, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_true() - ) - }) - it("returns TRUE when changes are pushed", { - dummy_add(connection = connection) - expect_that( - auto_commit( - package = package, - connection = connection, - username = user, - password = pwd, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_true() - ) - }) - it("writes a correct message title", { - dummy_add(connection = connection) - auto_commit( - package = package, - connection = connection, - username = user, - password = pwd, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ) - expect_that( - git2r::reflog(repo)[[1]]@message, - is_identical_to(paste("commit: Automatic commit from", package)) - ) - }) -}) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_covariate.R b/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_covariate.R index 528b84f..ff1f5cd 100644 --- a/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_covariate.R +++ b/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_covariate.R @@ -42,11 +42,13 @@ describe("check_dataframe_covariate()", { dataframe", { for (covariate in covariates.one) { expect_that( - check_dataframe_covariate( - df = df[, c("Count", "B", "C")], - covariate = covariate, - response = response, - error = FALSE + suppressWarnings( + check_dataframe_covariate( + df = df[, c("Count", "B", "C")], + covariate = covariate, + response = response, + error = FALSE + ) ), is_false() ) @@ -60,11 +62,13 @@ describe("check_dataframe_covariate()", { gives_warning("Variables missing in df: A") ) expect_that( - check_dataframe_covariate( - df = df, - covariate = covariate, - response = missing.response, - error = FALSE + suppressWarnings( + check_dataframe_covariate( + df = df, + covariate = covariate, + response = missing.response, + error = FALSE + ) ), is_false() ) @@ -80,11 +84,13 @@ describe("check_dataframe_covariate()", { } for (covariate in covariates.two) { expect_that( - check_dataframe_covariate( - df = df[, c("Count", "C")], - covariate = covariate, - response = response, - error = FALSE + suppressWarnings( + check_dataframe_covariate( + df = df[, c("Count", "C")], + covariate = covariate, + response = response, + error = FALSE + ) ), is_false() ) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_variable.R b/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_variable.R index 92c7dc0..dd111ee 100644 --- a/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_variable.R +++ b/tests/testthat/test_check_dataframe_variable.R @@ -138,17 +138,24 @@ describe("check_dataframe_variable()", { ) ) expect_that( - check_dataframe_variable( - df = df, variable = c(variable, missing.var), name = name, error = FALSE + suppressWarnings( + check_dataframe_variable( + df = df, + variable = c(variable, missing.var), + name = name, + error = FALSE + ) ), is_false() ) expect_that( - check_dataframe_variable( - df = df.matrix, - variable = c(variable, missing.var), - name = name, - error = FALSE + suppressWarnings( + check_dataframe_variable( + df = df.matrix, + variable = c(variable, missing.var), + name = name, + error = FALSE + ) ), is_false() ) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_check_dbtable_variable.R b/tests/testthat/test_check_dbtable_variable.R index 54cedfe..f8eb59e 100644 --- a/tests/testthat/test_check_dbtable_variable.R +++ b/tests/testthat/test_check_dbtable_variable.R @@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ describe("check_dbtable_variable()", { error <- TRUE it("checks if table is a single character", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() expect_that( check_dbtable_variable( table = integer(0), @@ -46,14 +43,12 @@ describe("check_dbtable_variable()", { ), throws_error("table must be a single character") ) + DBI::dbDisconnect(channel$con) }) it("checks if table exists", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() expect_that( check_dbtable_variable( table = junk, @@ -63,7 +58,7 @@ describe("check_dbtable_variable()", { ), throws_error( sprintf( - "Table\\(s\\) junk not found in schema public on database n2kresult", + "Table\\(s\\) %s not found in schema public on database", junk ) ) @@ -72,10 +67,7 @@ describe("check_dbtable_variable()", { it("checks if channel is on ODBC connection", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() expect_that( check_dbtable_variable( table = table, @@ -85,14 +77,12 @@ describe("check_dbtable_variable()", { ), throws_error("channel does not inherit from class DBIConnection") ) + DBI::dbDisconnect(channel$con) }) it("checks if variable is a non-empty character without missing values", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() expect_that( check_dbtable_variable( table = table, @@ -122,14 +112,12 @@ describe("check_dbtable_variable()", { ), throws_error("'variable' must contain at least one value") ) + DBI::dbDisconnect(channel$con) }) it("gives correct output", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() expect_that( check_dbtable_variable( table = table, @@ -171,6 +159,7 @@ describe("check_dbtable_variable()", { ) ) ) + DBI::dbDisconnect(channel$con) }) }) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_check_id.R b/tests/testthat/test_check_id.R index 0f807c2..ed2f904 100644 --- a/tests/testthat/test_check_id.R +++ b/tests/testthat/test_check_id.R @@ -24,10 +24,7 @@ describe("check_id()", { }) it("tests if the table exists in the ODBC connection", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() expect_that( check_id( value = value, @@ -37,33 +34,16 @@ describe("check_id()", { ), throws_error( sprintf( - "Table\\(s\\) %s not found in schema public on database n2kresult", + "Table\\(s\\) %s not found in schema public on database", junk ) ) ) - }) - it("tests if data type is correct", { - skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) - expect_error( - check_id( - value = 999999999, - variable = variable.text, - table = table, - channel = channel - ) - ) + DBI::dbDisconnect(channel$con) }) it("tests if the variable table exists in the table", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() value <- 1 expect_that( check_id( @@ -74,21 +54,20 @@ describe("check_id()", { ), throws_error(paste0("Variable\\(s\\) missing from '", table, "': ", junk)) ) + DBI::dbDisconnect(channel$con) }) it("tests if the id exists in the table", { skip_on_cran() - channel <- connect_result( - username = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_USERNAME"), - password = Sys.getenv("N2KRESULT_PASSWORD") - ) + channel <- connect_ut_db() expect_that( check_id( - value = 999999999, + value = 99999999, variable = variable, table = table, channel = channel ), is_false() ) + DBI::dbDisconnect(channel$con) }) }) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_git_connection.R b/tests/testthat/test_git_connection.R index 6aa4529..0efb334 100644 --- a/tests/testthat/test_git_connection.R +++ b/tests/testthat/test_git_connection.R @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ expect_error( commit.user = commit.user, commit.email = commit.email ), - "is not a directory" + "is not a git repository" ) dir.create(connection) expect_error( diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_list_files_git.R b/tests/testthat/test_list_files_git.R deleted file mode 100644 index 45c3d0b..0000000 --- a/tests/testthat/test_list_files_git.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -context("list files for a git repository") -describe("list_files_git()", { - files <- sort(c("test.txt", "0123456.txt", "test", "0123456")) - local.path <- "test" - connection <- tempfile(pattern = "git2r-") - connection <- normalizePath(connection, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) - commit.user <- "me" - commit.email <- "me@me.com" - - - it("stops is connection is not a git repository", { - expect_that( - list_files_git( - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - throws_error(paste0("'", connection, "' is not a directory")) - ) - }) - - dir.create(connection) - repo <- git2r::init(connection) - connection <- normalizePath(connection, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) - full.path <- paste(connection, local.path, sep = "/") - full.path <- normalizePath(full.path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) - it("stops is the local.path doesn't exist", { - expect_that( - list_files_git( - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - throws_error( - paste0("'", connection, "/", local.path, "' is not a directory") - ) - ) - }) - - dir.create(paste(connection, local.path, sep = "/")) - file.create(paste(full.path, files, sep = "/")) - it("list the files according to the pattern", { - expect_that( - list_files_git( - local.path = local.path, - pattern = "^[0123456789].*\\.txt$", - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_identical_to(files[grep("^[0123456789].*\\.txt$", files)]) - ) - expect_that( - list_files_git( - local.path = local.path, - pattern = "\\.txt$", - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_identical_to(files[grep("\\.txt$", files)]) - ) - expect_that( - list_files_git( - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_identical_to(files) - ) - expect_that( - list_files_git( - local.path = local.path, - pattern = ".exe", - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_identical_to(character(0)) - ) - }) -}) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_read_delim_git.R b/tests/testthat/test_read_delim_git.R deleted file mode 100644 index c7cdcb8..0000000 --- a/tests/testthat/test_read_delim_git.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -context("read data.frame from git") -describe("read_delim_git()", { - file <- "test.txt" - local.path <- "test" - connection <- normalizePath( - tempfile(pattern = "git2r-"), - winslash = "/", - mustWork = FALSE - ) - df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 1:10) - - - it("stops is connection is not a git repository", { - expect_that( - read_delim_git( - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = "me", - commit.email = "me@me.com" - ), - throws_error(paste0("'", connection, "' is not a directory")) - ) - }) - - dir.create(paste(connection, local.path, sep = "/"), recursive = TRUE) - repo <- git2r::init(connection) - - it("returns FALSE when the file doesn't exists", { - expect_that( - read_delim_git( - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = "me", - commit.email = "me@me.com" - ), - throws_error( - paste0("'", repo@path, "/", local.path, "/", file, "' is not a file") - ) - ) - }) - write_delim_git( - x = df, - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = "me", - commit.email = "me@me.com" - ) - it("read the tab-delimited file", { - expect_that( - read_delim_git( - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = "me", - commit.email = "me@me.com" - ), - is_equivalent_to(df) - ) - }) -}) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_read_object_environment.R b/tests/testthat/test_read_object_environment.R index 10e18af..cef600b 100644 --- a/tests/testthat/test_read_object_environment.R +++ b/tests/testthat/test_read_object_environment.R @@ -7,19 +7,20 @@ describe("read_object_environment()", { assign(x = object, value = value, envir = env) it("checks if env is an environment", { - expect_that( + expect_error( read_object_environment(object = object, env = object), - throws_error("env is not an environment") + "env is not an environment" ) }) it("returns the object or NULL if the object doesn't exists", { - expect_that( + expect_identical( read_object_environment(object = object, env = env), - is_identical_to(value) + value ) - expect_that( - read_object_environment(object = missing.object, env = env), - is_null() + expect_null( + suppressWarnings( + read_object_environment(object = missing.object, env = env) + ) ) }) it("returns a warning when the object is missing", { @@ -31,9 +32,8 @@ describe("read_object_environment()", { read_object_environment(object = missing.object, env = env, warn = TRUE), gives_warning(paste(missing.object, "doesn't exists in env")) ) - expect_that( - read_object_environment(object = missing.object, env = env, warn = FALSE), - testthat::not(gives_warning()) + expect_silent( + read_object_environment(object = missing.object, env = env, warn = FALSE) ) }) }) diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_write_delim_git.R b/tests/testthat/test_write_delim_git.R deleted file mode 100644 index 7a5a1ad..0000000 --- a/tests/testthat/test_write_delim_git.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -context("write data.frame to git") -describe("write_delim_git()", { - commit.user <- "me" - commit.email <- "me@me.com" - x <- data.frame(0) - x1 <- data.frame(1) - file <- "test.txt" - local.path <- "test/subdir" - connection <- normalizePath( - tempfile(pattern = "git2r-"), - winslash = "/", - mustWork = FALSE - ) - - it("stops if connection is not a git repository", { - expect_that( - write_delim_git( - x = x, - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - throws_error(paste0("'", connection, "' is not a directory")) - ) - }) - - dir.create(connection) - repo <- git2r::init(connection) - git2r::config(repo, user.name = "me", user.email = "me@me.com") - it("stops if the path doesn't exist", { - expect_that( - write_delim_git( - x = x, - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - throws_error(paste0( - "'", - paste( - normalizePath(connection, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE), - local.path, - sep = "/" - ), - "' is not a directory" - )) - ) - }) - full.path <- paste(connection, local.path, sep = "/") - dir.create(full.path, recursive = TRUE) - it("stops if x is not a data.frame", { - expect_that( - write_delim_git( - x = matrix(0), - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - throws_error("x is not a data.frame") - ) - }) - - full.file.path <- paste(connection, local.path, file, sep = "/") - it("returns the sha1 of the file", { - expect_that( - write_delim_git( - x = x, - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_identical_to(git2r::hashfile(full.file.path)) - ) - }) - it("can handle tbl_df", { - expect_that( - write_delim_git( - x = dplyr::as.tbl(x), - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ), - is_identical_to(git2r::hashfile(full.file.path)) - ) - }) - - it("stages the file", { - expect_that( - git2r::status(repo)$staged$new, - is_identical_to(paste(local.path, file, sep = "/")) - ) - junk <- git2r::commit(repo, "a") - write_delim_git( - x = x1, - file = file, - local.path = local.path, - connection = connection, - commit.user = commit.user, - commit.email = commit.email - ) - expect_that( - git2r::status(repo)$staged$modified, - is_identical_to(paste(local.path, file, sep = "/")) - ) - }) -})